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On new critical point theorems without the Palais–Smale condition

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Pages 68-70 | Received 20 May 2015, Accepted 04 Sep 2015, Published online: 08 Mar 2019


In this paper we prove new theorems on critical point theory based on the weak Ekeland's variational principle.

1 Introduction

The weak Ekeland variational principle is an important tool in critical point theory and nonlinear analysis, and in this paper we will use this principle to establish some new results in critical point theory.

2 Preliminaries

We need the following weak Ekeland variational principle which can be found for example in Ref. Citation1.

Lemma 1 (Weak Ekeland variational principle)

Let (E, d) be a complete metric space and let φ:E be a lower semicontinuous functional, bounded from below. Then for every ε > 0, there exists a point u*E such that

φ(u*)<φ(v)+εd(u*, v),vE such thatvu*.

Definition 1

We say that a functional φC1(E, ) has a sequence of almost critical points if there exists a sequence (vn)n in E such that φ′(vn) → 0 in E* as n → ∞.

Lemma 2 (Minimization principle)

( Citation[2]) Let E be a Banach space and φ:E a functional, bounded from below and Gâteaux differentiable. Then, there exists a minimizing sequence (vn)n of almost critical points of φ in the sense that


A slight modification of Theorem 1.26 in CitationRef. 3 (see also Corollary 4 in this paper) gives the following lemma with a dilatation type condition.

Lemma 3

Let (E, .1) be a Banach space and (F, .2) be a normed space. If A is a closed set in E, f : A → F is continuous, andk>0:θ>0,f(x)f(y)2kxy1θx, yA,then f(A) is closed.

3 Main results

Theorem 1

Let E be a reflexive Banach space, Ω be a bounded and weakly closed set of E with JC1(E, ), and let J′ be strongly continuous on Ω. Suppose also that J satisfies J(φ(u))E*kJ(u)E* for all u ∈ Ω, where φ : Ω → Ω is a function such that φ(u) ≠ u for all u ∈ Ω, and 0 < k < 1 is a constant . Then J has at least one critical point in Ω.


We first show J′(Ω) is closed. Let gJ(Ω)¯. There exist a sequence gnJ(Ω), such that limn+gn=g, and so there exist (un) ⊂ Ω with limn+J(un)=g. Since Ω is bounded and E is reflexive, there exist (unk)(un) such that unkuΩ. Since J′ is strongly continuous then


We consider the complete metric space J′(Ω), and define the functional ψ on J′(Ω) byψ:J(Ω)J(u)ψ(J(u))=J(u)E*.

Then ψ is lower semicontinuous and bounded from below on J′(Ω). Let ε=1k1+k(0, 1). From the weak Ekeland variational principle, there exists u* in Ω such thatJ(u*)E*<J(v)E*+εJ(u*)J(v)E*,vΩ such thatvu*.

We claim that u* is a critical point of J. If this is not true then J(u*)0. NowJ(u*)E*<1+ε1εJ(v)E*,vΩ, such thatvu*,and in particular for v=φ(u*), we haveJ(u*)E*<1+ε1εJ(φ(u*))E*,i.e.,J(φ(u*))E*>kJ(u*)E*.

This contradicts the hypothesis J(φ(u))E*kJ(u)E*. ■

Theorem 2

Let E be a Banach space and let the functional JC1(E, ) with J′(E) a closed set in E*. Suppose also that J admits a sequence of almost critical points. Then J has at least one critical point in E.


We consider the complete metric space J′(E) of E* and define the functional φ on J′(E) by


Then φ is lower semicontinuous and bounded from below on J′(E). Let ε ∈ (0, 1). From the weak Ekeland variational principle, there exists u* in E such thatJ(u*)E*J(v)E*+εJ(u*)J(v)E*,vE.

We deduce that u* is a critical point of J. If this is not true then J(u*)0. Let (vn) the sequence of almost critical point of J. Then we obtain thatJ(u*)E*J(vn)E*+εJ(u*)J(vn)E*,n.

Because J′(vn) → 0 as n, by passing to the limit, we obtain thatJ(u*)E*εJ(u*)E*,which is a contradiction. ■

As a consequence of the last theorem, we obtain the following corollary.

Remark 1

The two geometric conditions in the Mountain pass theorem suffice to get a sequence of almost critical points (see CitationRef. 2).

Corollary 1

Let E be a Banach space, and let JC1(E, ) satisfy J(0) = 0. Assume that J′(E) is a closed set in E* and there exist positive numbers ρ and α such that


J(u) ≥ α if u=ρ,


there exists eE such that e>ρ and J(e) < α.

Then J admits at least one critical point u. It is characterized byJ(u)=0,J(u)=infγΓmaxt[0,1]J(γ(t))whereΓ={γC([0, 1], E)|γ(0)=0, γ(1)=e}.

Corollary 2

Let E be a Banach space and let the functional JC1(E, ) satisfy(1) k>0:θ>0, J(u)J(v)E*kuvEθu, vE.(1)

Suppose also that J admits a sequence of almost critical points. Then J has at least one critical point in E.


This is a direct consequence of Theorem 2 using Lemma 3. ■

Corollary 3

Let E be a Banach space, and let JC1(E, ) with J′(E) a closed set in E*. Suppose that J is bounded from below. Then J has at least one critical point.


The minimization principle ensures the existence of almost critical points. The conclusion follows from Theorem 2. ■

Corollary 4

Let E be a reflexive Banach space, let Ω a bounded and weakly closed subset of E with JC1(E, ), and let J′ be strongly continuous on Ω. Suppose also that J admits a sequence of almost critical point in Ω. Then J has at least one critical point in Ω.


We show J′(Ω) is closed. Indeed let gJ(Ω)¯. There exists (gn)J(Ω) such that limn+gn=g, and there exists (un) ⊂ Ω with limn+J(un)=g. Since Ω is bounded and E is reflexive, there exists (unk)(un) such that unkuΩ. Since J′ is strongly continuous then


Following the same steps in the proof of Theorem 2, we obtain the result. ■

4 Application

We consider the functional J defined on E=H1(0, 1) byJ(u)=01(0u(t)f(t, ξ)dξ)dt,where fC([0, 1]×, ) is a continuous function. Suppose that there exist a function ϕ: and k ∈ ]0, 1[ such that(f1)|01f(t, ϕ(u(t)))h(t)dt|k|01f(t, u(t))h(t)dt|,for all u, hH1(0, 1).

One may take as examples of f and ϕ,f(t, u)=q(t)(u+k)2,ϕ(s)=ks+k2k,t[0, 1], k]0, 1[where q is a positive function defined on [0, 1].

Theorem 3

Suppose that f satisfies (f1). Then J has at least one critical point.


Note that J is well defined and JC1(H1(0, 1), ) with

J(u).h=01f(t, u(t))h(t)dt,for allu, hH1(0, 1).

We now show J′ is strongly continuous on Ω=B¯(0, ρ)H1(0, 1).

Let (un) a sequence with (un) ⊂ Ω and unu (Ω is bounded in H1(0, 1)) and note it converges uniformly to u on [0, 1]. Since Ω is weakly closed, u ∈ Ω. Let C be the constant of the continuous embedding of H1(0, 1) in L2(0, 1). We haveJ(un)J(u)E=suphH11|J(un)hJ(u)h|=suphH11|01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t)))h(t)dt|suphH11(01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))dt)2)12 (01h2(t)dt)12=suphH11(01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))dt)2)12hL2(0,1)CsuphH11(01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))dt)2)12hH1C(01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))dt)2)12.

Let K be the constant of the continuous embedding of H1(0, 1) in C[0, 1], and note that|f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))|2sup(t,y)[0,1]×[Kρ,Kρ]|f(t, y)|,limn+f(t, un(t))=f(t, u(t)).

From the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we obtainlimn+01(f(t, un(t))f(t, u(t))dt)2)12=0,and solimn+J(un)J(u)E=0.

Finally we show J′ satisfies J(φ(u))E*kJ(u)E* for all u ∈ Ω, where φ is the Nemytskii's operator associated with ϕ. Now from (f1) we haveJ(φ(u))E=suphH11|01f(t, ϕ(u(t)))h(t)dt|ksuphH11|01f(t, u(t))h(t)dt|=kJ(u)E.

From Theorem 1, J has at least one critical point in Ω.


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