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Original Article

An extension of certain integral transform to a space of BoehmiansFootnote

Pages 36-42 | Received 26 Aug 2013, Accepted 11 Feb 2014, Published online: 27 Mar 2018


This paper investigates the transform on a certain space of generalized functions. Two spaces of Boehmians have been constructed. The transform is extended and some of its properties are also obtained.

1 Introduction

Integral transforms are widely used to solve various problems in calculus, mechanics, mathematical physics, and some problems appear in computational mathematics as well.

In the sequence of these integral transforms, the Laplace - type integral transform, so-called transform, is defined for a squared and an exponential function by David et al. (Citation2007), as(1) The transform is related to the classical Laplace transform by means of the following relationships :(2) and(3) Let f and g be Lebesgue integrable functions; then the operation between f and g is defined byThe operation is commutative, associative and satisfies the equation .

Some facts about the transform are given as follows:




being the heaviside unit function.


being the gamma function.

More properties, applications and the inversion formula of transform are given by Yürekli (Citation1999a,Citationb)".

2 Abstract construction of Boehmians

The minimal structure necessary for the construction of Boehmians consists of the following elements :


A set ;


A commutative semigroup ;


An operation such that for each and ,


A collection satisfying :


If for all n, then ;


If , then . is the set of all delta sequences.

ConsiderIf , then we say . The relation is an equivalence relation in . The space of equivalence classes in is denoted by . Elements of are called Boehmians.

Between and there is a canonical embedding expressed asThe operation can be extended to byThe sum of two Boehmians and multiplication by a scalar can be defined in a natural wayandThe operation and the differentiation are defined byandIn particular, if and is any fixed element, then the product , defined byis in .

Many a time is also equipped with a notion of convergence. The intrinsic relationship between the notion of convergence and the product is given by:

  • If as in and is any fixed element, then as in .

  • If as in and , then as in .

In , two types of convergence are:


A sequence in is said to be -convergent to h in , denoted by as , if there exists a delta sequence such that , and as , in , for every .


A sequence in is said to be - convergent to h in , denoted by as , if there exists a such that , and as in .

The following theorem is equivalent to the statement of - convergence :

Preposition 1

in if and only if there is and such that and for each as in .

For further discussion of Boehmian spaces and their construction; see Ganesan (Citation2010), Karunakaran and Ganesan (Citation2009), Al-Omari (Citation2012, Citation2013a,Citationb,Citationc,Citationd), Al-Omari and Kilicman (Citation2011, Citation2012a,Citationb, Citation2013a,Citationb), Boehme (Citation1973), Bhuvaneswari and Karunakaran (Citation2010), Ganesan (Citation2010), Karunakaran and Angeline (Citation2011), Karunakaran and Devi (Citation2010), Mikusinski (Citation1983, Citation1987, Citation1995)", Nemzer (Citation2006, Citation2007, Citation2008, Citation2009, Citation2010)" and Roopkumar (Citation2009).

3 The Boehmian space

denotes the space of rapidly decreasing functions defined on . That is, if is a complex-valued and infinitely smooth function defined on and is such that, as and its partial derivatives decrease to zero faster than every power of .

In more details, iff it is infinitely smooth and is such that(4) m and k run through all non-negative integers; see Pathak (Citation1997).

denotes the Schwartz space of test functions of bounded support defined on .

denotes the Mellin-type convolution product offirst kind defined by Zemanian (Citation1987), as(5) To construct the first Boehmian space , we need to establish the following necessary theorems.

Theorem 2

Let and ; then we have .


Let be a compact subset in containing the support of . Then, for all and , we, by Equation(4) and Equation(5), get thatHence, by considering the supremum over all , we obtain that .

This completes the proof of the theorem. □

Theorem 3

Let ; then we have







Proof of (1) and (3) follows from the Reference (Pathak, Citation1997). Proof of (2) is straightforward from the properties of integration. Therefore, we prefer to omit the details.

Hence the theorem is completely proved.

Theorem 4

Let in as and ; then as .

Proof of this theorem is straightforward from simple integration.

Definition 5

Denoted by the set of all sequences that satisfying:



as .

Each is called a delta sequence or an approximating identity which corresponds to the Dirac delta distribution.

Theorem 6

Let and ; then as .


By Axiom of Definition 5, we write(6) The mapping is uniformly continuous for each . Therefore, it follows thatas .

Hence, we have established that as .

Hence the theorem has been proved. □

Now, we assert that the product of delta sequences is a delta sequence. Detailed proof is as follows.

Let . Then, we haveNext, let be constants such that and ; thenOnce again, change of variables, impliesFinally, the inequalityestablishes our assertion.

The space is therefore considered as a space of Boehmians.

Definition 7

Let and . Between and define a product as in the integral equation(7) We establish the second Boehmian space .

Theorem 8

Let and then we have .


By Equation(7), we write(8) Since , we, from Equation(8), find that(9) where is a compact set in containing the support of .

Hence, Equation(9) leads to the conclusion that .

This completes the proof of the theorem. □

Theorem 9

Let and then .


Let the hypothesis of the theorem satisfies for and Then, using Equation(5) and Equation(7) yield(10) The change of variables implies .

Hence, from Equation(10), we obtainThis completes the proof of the theorem. □

Theorem 10

Let and then we have



Proof of this theorem follows from the general properties of integration. Details are thus omitted. The theorem is therefore proved.

Theorem 11

Let in as ; then as , for each .

Proof of this theorem follows from Theorem 9.

Theorem 12

Let and ; then as .


Utilizing Definition 5 and Axiom yield(11) Since it followsHence, fromEquation(11) and Definition , we getHence the theorem is therefore completely proved. □

The Boehmian space has been constructed.

Theorem 13

Let and then we have


Let and ; then we haveThe substitution impliesHence the theorem is proved. □

In view of above, we define the extended transform of a Boehmian in as(12)

Theorem 14

is well-defined.


Let in . Then, by the concept of quotient of sequences in , we writeEmploying on both sides of the above equation impliesThat is,Therefore, we getThis completes the proof of the theorem. □

It is also interesting to know that the transform is a linear mapping from into .

Detailed proof can be given as follows : If thenHence,Also, if , the field of complex numbers, then we see thatHence,This completes the proof of the theorem.

Definition 15

Let ; then we define the inverse transform of as(13) for each .

Theorem 16

is an isomorphism.


Assume . Using Equation(12) and the concept of quotients we get . Therefore, Theorem 13 impliesProperties of implies . Therefore, from the concept of qoutients of equivalent classes of , we getTo establish that is surjective, let . Then for every . Once again, Theorem 13 implies . Hence is a Boehmian satisfying the equationThis completes the proof of the theorem. □

Theorem 17

Let and then we have

Detailed proof of the first part is as follows : Applying Equation(13) yieldsBy using Equation(12), we obtainThe proof of the second part is similar.

This completes the proof of the theorem.

Theorem 18

and are continuous with respect to and -convergence.


First of all, we show that and are continuous with respect to -convergence.

Let in as ; then we show that as . By virtue of Preposition 1 we can find and in such thatand as for every . Hence, as in the space . Thus,as in .

To prove the second part, let in as . Then, once again, by Preposition 1, and and as . Hence in as . Or, as . Using Equation(13) we getNow, we establish continuity of and with respect to -convergence.

Let in as . Then, there exist and such that and as .

Employing Equation(12) givesHence, we haveas in .

ThereforeHence, as .

Finally, let in as ; then we find such that and as for some .

Now, using Equation(13), we obtainTheorem 13 impliesThusFrom this we find that as in .

This completes the proof of the theorem. □

Theorem 19

The extended transform is consistent with .


For every , let be its representative in ; then , where . Its clear that is independent from the representative, . Thereforewhich is the representative of in .

Hence the proof is completed. □

Theorem 20

Let ; then the necessary and sufficient condition that to be in the range of is that belongs to range of for every .


Let be in the range of ; then of course belongs to the range of .

To establish the converse, let be in the range of . Then there is such that .

Since, , . Therefore,where and .

The fact that is injective, implies that .

Thus, is qoutient of sequences in . Hence,Hence the theorem is proved. □

Theorem 21

Let and ; then


Assume the requirements of the theorem are satisfied for some and . ThenTherefore,This completes the proof of the theorem. □


Peer review under responsibility of University of Bahrain.


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