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Derivations and Jordan ideals in prime ringsFootnote

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The purpose of this paper is to study derivations satisfying certain differential identities on Jordan ideals of prime rings. Some well known results characterizing commutativity of prime rings by derivations have been generalized by using Jordan ideals. Moreover, we provide examples to show that our results cannot be extended to semi-prime rings.

1 Introduction

The recent literature contains numerous results indicating how the global structure of a ring is often tightly connected to the behavior of special mappings defined on the ring. A well known result of Posner [Citation1] states that a prime ring must be commutative if it admits a nonzero centralizing derivation. This theorem has been generalized by a several authors in various directions. Moreover, Posner theorem has been extremely influential and at least indirectly it initiate the study of various notions. The most general and important one among them is the notion of a functional identity.

Recently, many authors have studied the commutativity of prime and semiprime rings admitting suitably constrained additive mappings, as automorphisms, derivations, skew derivations, and generalized derivations acting on appropriate subsets of the rings. Furthermore, obtained results are in general extensions of other ones previously proven just for the action of the considered mapping on the whole ring.

In the present paper we will study the structure of a prime ring R having derivations which satisfy suitable algebraic properties on a Jordan ideal J. More precisely, we will prove the following theorems:

Theorem 1

If R admits two derivations d1 and d2 such that

[d1(x),d2(y)]=[x,y]for allx,yJ,then R is commutative.

Theorem 2

Let d1, d2 and d3 be nonzero derivations of R. If either

d3(y)d1(x)d2(x)d3(y)=0ord3(y)d1(x)d2(x)d3(y)=[x,y]for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative and d1 = d2.

Theorem 3

Let d1 and d2 be derivations of R with d1 is nonzero. If[d2(x),d1(y)]=d1[x,y]for allx,yJ,then R is commutative.

Theorem 4

Let d2 be a derivation of R. Then there exists no nonzero derivation d1 such that

d2(x)d1(y)=d1(xy)for allx,yJ.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper N will be an associative ring with center Z(R). Recall that R is prime (resp. semi-prime) it has the property that xRy = 0 (resp. xRx = 0) for x, y ∈ R implies x = 0 or y = 0 (resp. x = 0). An additive mapping d : R → R is called a derivation if d(xy) = d(x)y + xd(y) holds for all pairs x, y ∈ R. A mapping f : R → R is said to be strong commutativity preserving on a subset S of R if [f(x), f(y)] = [x, y] for all x, y ∈ S. As usual [x, y] = xy − yx and x ∘ y = xy + yx will denote the well-known Lie and Jordan products, respectively. Recalling that R is called 2-torsion free if 2x = 0 implies x = 0 for all x ∈ R. An additive subgroup J of R is a Jordan ideal if x ∘ r ∈ J for all x ∈ J and r ∈ R.

Remark 2.1

We shall use without explicit mention the fact that if J is a Jordan ideal of R, then 2[R, R]J ⊆ J and 2J[R, R] ⊆ J (see [2, Lemma 1]). Moreover, From [Citation3] we have 4jRj ⊂ J, 4j2R ⊂ J and 4Rj2 ⊂ J for all j ∈ J.

In all that follows R will be a 2-torsion free prime ring and J a nonzero Jordan ideal of R. We leave the proofs of the following easy facts to the reader.

Fact 1.=

If [a, x2] = 0 for all x ∈ J, then a ∈ Z(R).

Fact 2.=

If J ⊂ Z(R), then R is commutative.

Fact 3.=

If R is noncommutative such thata[r,xy]b=0for allx,yJ,andrR,then a = 0 or b = 0.

Lemma 2.2

If d is a derivation of R such that d(x2) = 0 for all x ∈ J, then d = 0.


Let us consider R=R×R0 where R0 denotes the opposite ring of R. It is known that R equipped with the exchange involution *ex, defined by *ex(x, y) = (y, x), is a *ex-prime ring (see [Citation4]). Moreover, if we set J=J×J, then J is a *ex-Jordan ideal of R. Now let D be the additive mapping defined on R by D(x,y)=(d(x),0). Clearly, D is a nonzero derivation satisfying D(u2)=0 for all uJ. Applying [5, Lemma 3] we conclude that D=0 and therefore d = 0. □

Proposition 2.3

If R admits derivations d1 and d2 such that d1d2(x) = 0 for all x ∈ J, then d1 or d2 is zero.


Assume that d2 ≠ 0. We have

(1) d1d2(x)=0for allxJ.(1)

Replacing x by 4x2y in Equation(1), where y ∈ J, we obtain

(2) d2(x2)d1(y)+d1(x2)d2(y)=0for allx,yJ.(2)

Substituting 2[r, uv]y for y in Equation(2), where u,vJ,rR, we get

(3) d2(x2)[r,uv]d1(y)+d1(x2)[r,uv]d2(y)=0for allu,v,x,yJ,rR.(3)

Putting 4y2t instead of y in Equation(3), where t ∈ R, we find that

(4) d2(x2)[r,uv]y2d1(t)+d1(x2)[r,uv]y2d2(t)=0for allu,v,x,yJ,rR.(4)

Writing d2(z) instead of t in Equation(4), where z ∈ J, we obtain

(5) d1(x2)[r,uv]y2d22(z)=0for allu,v,x,yJ1,rR.(5)

Using Fact 3, because of d2 ≠ 0, either R is commutative or d1(x2) = 0 for all x ∈ J in which case d1 = 0 by Lemma 2.2.

Assume that R is commutative; replacing x by 2x2 in Equation(1), we get

(6) 2d2(x)d1(x)=0for allxJ.(6)

Hence for all x ∈ J we have d1(x) = 0 or d2(x) = 0 by using Brauer’s trick, we obtain d1(J) = {0} or d2(J) = {0}. Since d2 ≠ 0, then d1(J) = 0 and thus d1 = 0. □

Proposition 2.4

If R admits derivations d1 and d2 such that d1(d2(x) − x) = 0 for all x ∈ J, then d1 is zero.


We have

(7) d1(d2(x)x)=0for allxJ.(7)

If R is commutative, replacing x by 2x2 in Equation(7) we get

(8) d1(x)d2(x)=0for allxJ.(8)

Since a commutative prime ring is an integral domain, then Eq. Equation(8) forces d1 = 0 or d2 = 0.

If d2 = 0, then d1(J) = {0} so that d1 = 0.

Assume that R is noncommutative and d2 ≠ 0.

Replacing x by 4x2y in Equation(7), where y ∈ J, we obtain

(9) d2(x2)d1(y)+d1(x2)d2(y)=0for allx,yJ.(9)

Substituting 2[r, uv]y for y in Equation(9), where u,vJ,rR, we get

(10) d2(x2)[r,uv]d1(y)+d1(x2)[r,uv]d2(y)=0for allu,v,x,yJ,rR.(10)

Replacing y by 4y2t, with t ∈ R in Equation(10) we obtain

(11) d2(x2)[r,uv]y2d1(t)+d1(x2)[r,uv]y2d2(t)=0for allu,v,x,yJ,r,tR.(11)

Putting t(d2(z) − z) instead of t with z ∈ J in Equation(11), we find that

(12) d1(x2)[r,uv]y2td2(d2(z)z)=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,r,tR.(12)

In light of Fact 3, either d22(z)=d2(z) for all z ∈ J or d1(x2) = 0 for all x ∈ J.

If d22(z)=d2(z) for all z ∈ J, then replacing z by 4z2u, with u ∈ J, we obtain d2(z2)d2(u) = 0 and replacing again u by 4uz2 we get d2(z2)Jd2(z2) = 0 for all z ∈ J.

In view of [2, Lemma 2.6], the above relation yields that d2(z2) = 0 for all z ∈ J, but in light of Lemma 2.2, this is impossible. Accordingly, d2 = 0 and our hypothesis reduce to d1(J) = {0} so that d1 = 0. □

Proposition 2.5

If R admits derivations d1 and d2 such that d1(x)d2(y) = [x, y] for all x, y ∈ J, then either d1 = 0 or d2 = 0 and thus R is commutative.


Assume that d2 ≠ 0, we have

(13) d1(x)d2(y)=[x,y]for allx,yJ.(13)

Replacing y by 4yz2 in Equation(13), where z ∈ J, we obtain

(14) d1(x)yd2(z2)=y[x,z2]for allx,y,zJ.(14)

Replacing y by 2[r, s]y in Equation(14) we get

(15) d1(x)[r,s]yd2(z2)=[r,s]y[x,z2]for allx,y,zJ,r,sR.(15)

Left multiplication of Equation(14) by [r, s] get

(16) [r,s]d1(x)yd2(z2)=[r,s]y[x,z2]for allx,y,zJ,r,sR.(16)

From Eqs. Equation(15) and Equation(16) we obtain [d1(x), [r, s]]yd2(z2) = 0 so that

(17) [d1(x),[r,s]]Jd2(z2)=0for allx,zJ,r,sR.(17)

Since d2 is nonzero, the primeness of R forces

(18) [d1(x),[r,s]]=0for allxJ,r,sR.(18) so that d1 is commuting, then [4, Theorem 2], forces that R is commutative and Eq. Equation(13) becomes

(19) d1(x)d2(y)=0for allx,yJ,(19)

which, because of d2 ≠ 0, leads to d1 = 0 so that [x, y] = 0 for all x, y ∈ J which implies that R is commutative. □

3 Main results

It is known that a 2-torsion free prime ring must be commutative if it admits a strong commutativity preserving derivation d, that is a derivation satisfying

[d(x),d(y)]=[x,y]for allx,yR.

Our aim in the following theorem is to generalize this result of Bell and Daif in two directions. First of all we will only assume that the commutativity condition is imposed on a Jordan ideal of R rather than on R. Secondly we will treat the case of two derivations instead of one derivation.

Theorem 3.1

If R admits derivations d1 and d2 such that [d1(x), d2(y)] = [x, y] for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative.


If d1 = 0 or d2 = 0, then our hypothesis becomes [x, y] = 0 for all x, y ∈ J, so that R is commutative by [2, Lemma 2.7] together with Fact 2.

Now assume that d1 and d2 are nonzero derivations such that

(20) [d1(x),d2(y)]=[x,y]for allx,yJ.(20)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(20), where z ∈ J, we get

(21) d1(x)[z2,d2(y)]+[x,d2(y)]d1(z2)=0for allx,y,zJ.(21)

Again, replacing x by 2x[r, uv] in Equation(21), where u,vJ,rR, we obtain

(22) d1(x)[r,uv][z2,d2(y)]+[x,d2(y)][r,uv]d1(z2)=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rR.(22)

Putting 4tx2 for x in Equation(22), where t ∈ R, we find that

(23) d1(t)x2[r,uv][z2,d2(y)]+[t,d2(y)]x2[r,uv]d1(z2)=0(23) for all u,v,x,y,zJ and r, t ∈ R.

Substituting d2(y)t for t in Equation(23), we get d1d2(y)tx2[r, uv][z2, d2(y)] = 0 and therefore

(24) d1d2(y)Rx2[r,uv][z2,d2(y)]=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rR.(24)

Since R is a prime ring, we obtain d1d2(y) = 0 or x2[r, uv][z2, d2(y)] = 0 for all u,v,x,y,zJ,rR. By using Brauer’s trick, we obtain d1d2(y) = 0 for all y ∈ J or x2[r, uv][z2, d2(y)] = 0 for all u,v,x,y,zJ,rR.

Since d1 and d2 are nonzero, hence Proposition 2.3 forces

(25) x2[r,uv][z2,d2(y)]=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rR.(25)

In view of Fact 3, Eq. Equation(25) together with J ≠ {0}, yield R is commutative or [z2, d2(y)] = 0 for all y, z ∈ J, in which case, Fact 1 forces d2(J) ⊆ Z(R). Hence, d2 is centralizing on J and [4, Theorem 2], assures that R is commutative. □

In [Citation6] Herstein proved that a 2-torsion free prime ring must be commutative if it admits a nonzero derivation d which satisfies [d(x), d(y)] = 0 for all x, y ∈ R. Using the proof of Theorem 1, the following corollary gives a more general version of Herstein’s result.

Corollary 3.2

If R admits nonzero derivations d1 and d2 such that [d1(x), d2(y)] = 0 for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative.


Assume that

(26) [d1(x),d2(y)]=0for allx,yJ.(26)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(26), where z ∈ J, we get

(27) d1(x)[z2,d2(y)]+[x,d2(y)]d1(z2)=0for allx,y,zJ.(27)

Since Eq. Equation(27) is the same as Eq. Equation(21), reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we conclude that R is commutative. □

Motivating by Herstein’s result [Citation6], F.W. Niu in [Citation7] proved that a 2-torsion free prime ring R admitting nonzero derivations d1, d2 and d3 such that ″d3(y)d1(x) = d2(x)d3(y) for all x, y ∈ R″ must be commutative. However, this result is less precise because in this case necessarily d1 = d2. Our aim in the following theorem is to extend this result to Jordan ideals in a more general form.

Theorem 3.3

Let d1, d2 and d3 be nonzero derivations of R. If either d3(y)d1(x) = d2(x)d3(y) or d3(y)d1(x) − d2(x)d3(y) = [x, y] for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative and d1 = d2.


(i) Assume that

(28) d3(y)d1(x)d2(x)d3(y)=0for allx,yJ.(28)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(28), where z ∈ J, we get

(29) d2(x)[d3(y),z2]+[d3(y),x]d1(z2)=0for allx,y,zJ.(29)

Substituting 2x[r, uv] for x in Equation(29), where u,vJ,rR, we obtain

(30) d2(x)[r,uv][d3(y),z2]+[d3(y),x][r,uv]d1(z2)=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rR.(30)

Replacing x by 4tx2 in Equation(30), where t ∈ R, we find that

(31) d2(t)x2[r,uv][d3(y),z2]+[d3(y),t]x2[r,uv]d1(z2)=0(31) for all u,v,x,y,zJ and r, t ∈ R.

Substituting d3(y)t for t in Equation(31), then we have d2d3(y)tx2[r, uv][d3(y), z2] = 0 and therefore

(32) d2d3(y)Rx2[r,uv][d3(y),z2]=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rR.(32)

As Eq. Equation(32) is the same as Eq. Equation(24) then we conclude that R is commutative. Thus Equation(28) becomes d3(y)(d1(x) − d2(x)) = 0 so that

(33) d3(y)R(d1(x)d2(x))=0for allx,yJ.(33)

Since d3 is nonzero we get d2 = d1.

(ii) Assume that d3(y)d1(x) − d2(x)d3(y) = [x, y] for all x, y ∈ J If d3 = 0 then our theorem is trivial by [2, Lemma 2.7] together with Fact 2.

Hence one can suppose that d3 ≠ 0.

Assume that d1 and d2 are nonzero derivations such that

(34) d3(y)d1(x)d2(x)d3(y)=[x,y]for allx,yJ.(34)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(34), where z ∈ J, we get

(35) d2(x)[d3(y),z2]+[d3(y),x]d1(z2)=0for allx,y,zJ.(35)

Since Eq. Equation(35) is the same as Eq. Equation(29), reasoning as in (i), we conclude that R is commutative. Moreover, our hypothesis becomes

(36) d3(y)R(d1(x)d2(x))=0for allx,yJ(36)

which, in light of d3 ≠ 0, leads to d1 = d2. □

M.N. Daif in [Citation8] proved that if R a semiprime ring, U a nonzero right ideal of R and d a nonzero U*-derivation (i.e. [d(y), d(x)] = d[x, y] for all x, y ∈ U), then d(U) centralizes [U, U].

Our next aim is to consider a more general situation as follows.[d2(y),d1(x)]=d1[y,x]for all x, y in a subset S of R. In fact, the following theorem proves that if R is prime and J a Jordan ideal, then the above condition constitute a commutativity criterion. However, this result cannot be extended to semiprime rings (see our example).

Theorem 3.4

Let d1 and d2 be derivations of R with d1 is nonzero. If [d2(y), d1(x)] = d1[y, x] for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative.


If d2 = 0, then our hypothesis becomes d1[y, x] = 0 for all x, y ∈ J. Hence R is commutative by [9, Theorem 2.10]. Now assume that d2 is a nonzero derivation such that

(37) d2(y)d1(x)d1(x)d2(y)=d1[y,x]for allx,yJ.(37)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(37), where z ∈ J, we get

(38) d1(x)[d2(y)y,z2]+[d2(y)y,x]d1(z2)=0for allx,y,zJ.(38)

Again, replacing x by 2x[r, uv] in Equation(38), where u,vJ and r ∈ R, we obtain

(39) d1(x)[r,uv][d2(y)y,z2]+[d2(y)y,x][r,uv]d1(z2)=0,(39) for all u,v,x,y,zJ and r ∈ R. Putting 4tx2 for x in Equation(39), where t ∈ R, we find that

(40) d1(t)x2[r,uv][d2(y)y,z2]+[d2(y)y,t]x2[r,uv]d1(z2)=0(40) for all u,v,x,y,zJ and r, t ∈ R. Substituting (d2(y) − y)t for t in Equation(40), then we have

d1(d2(y)y)tx2[r,uv][d2(y)y,z2]=0and therefore

d1(d2(y)y)Rx2[r,uv][d2(y)y,z2]=0for allu,v,x,y,zJ,rRwhich leads to d1(d2(y) − y) = 0 or [d2(y) − y, z2] = 0. Since d1 ≠ 0 Lemma 2.4 forces [d2(y) − y, z2] = 0 and Fact 3 implies that d2(y) − y ∈ Z(R) for all y ∈ J. Hence d2 is centralizing on J and [4, Theorem 2] assures that R is commutative. □

As an application of Theorem 4, if we take d2 = 0 we obtain Theorem 2.10 of [Citation9] as follows:

Corollary 3.5

If R admits a nonzero derivation d such that d([x, y]) = 0 for all x, y ∈ J, then R is commutative.

We now consider differential identities involving anti-commutators instead of commutators. Our result is of a different kind.

Theorem 3.6

Let d2 be a derivation of R. Then there exists no nonzero derivation d1 such that d2(y) ∘ d1(x) = d1(y ∘ x) for all x, y ∈ J.


Suppose there exists a nonzero derivation d1 such that

(41) d2(y)d1(x)+d1(x)d2(y)d1(xy)=0for allx,yJ.(41)

Replacing x by 4xz2 in Equation(41) we get

(42) d1(x)[z2,d2(y)+y][x,d2(y)]d1(z2)+xd1(yz2)(xy)d1(z2)xd1[y,z2]=0,(42) for all x, y, z ∈ J. Substituting 2x[r, uv] for x in Equation(42) we obtain

(43) d1(x)[r,uv][z2,d2(y)+y][x,d2(y)+y][r,uv]d1(z2)=0,(43) for all u,v,x,y,zJ and r ∈ R. Reasoning as in Eq. Equation(39), we arrive at R is commutative and our hypothesis becomes

(44) d1(x)d2(y)d1(x)yxd1(y)=0for allx,yJ.(44)

Replacing x by 2xz where z ∈ J we obtain

(45) d1(x)zd2(y)d1(z)xy=0for allx,y,zJ.(45)

Writing 2yu instead of y where u ∈ J, we obtain

(46) d1(x)zyd2(u)=0for allu,x,y,zJ.(46)

Which because of d1 ≠ 0 yields d2 = 0. Therefore our hypothesis becomes d1(x ∘ y) = 0 for all x, y ∈ J and thus

(47) d1(x2)=0for allxJ.(47)

Applying Lemma 2.2 the last equation implies that d1 = 0 which contradicts our hypothesis. Consequently, d1 = 0. □

The following example proves that, Theorems 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4 cannot be extended to semiprime ring.

Example 3.7

Let R be a noncommutative prime ring and consider de semiprime ring R=R×Q[X]. It is straightforward to verify that J = {0} × Q[X] is a nonzero Jordan ideal of R and d1(r, P(X)) = d2(r, P(X)) = d3(r, P(X)) = (0, P′(X)) are nonzero derivations of R such that

[d1(x),d2(y)]=[x,y],d3(y)d1(x)=d2(x)d3(y),d3(y)d1(x)d2(x)d3(y)=[x,y],[d2(y),d1(x)]=d1[y,x]for all x, y ∈ J but R is not commutative.


The first and the third authors are deeply indebted to the team work at the Deanship of the Scientific Research, Taibah University, for their valuable help and critical guidance and for facilitating administrative procedures. This research work was supported by a grant No. (6051/1435).


Peer review under responsibility of Taibah University.


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