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Facial talon cusp in primary maxillary lateral incisor: A report of two unusual cases

, &
Pages 74-78 | Received 04 Jul 2005, Published online: 02 Jul 2009


Talon cusp is an uncommon dental anomaly in which an accessory cusp-like structure projects from the cingulum area or cemento-enamel junction of the maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth. This anomalous cusp resembles an eagle's talon. It occurs in both the primary and the permanent dentition. A comprehensive literature review shows that only 37 cases of talon cusps have been reported in the primary dentition, of which only 4 cases report this anomaly on the primary maxillary lateral incisor. Though labial/facial talon cusps have been reported in the permanent dentition, no case of a labial talon has been reported in the primary dentition. We report two females with cleft lip and palate with facial talon cusps on the primary lateral incisor and believe that these are the first cases to be reported. Clinical considerations and debate on the etiology of this anomaly are discussed.

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