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Review Article

Path integrals and stochastic calculus

, , &
Pages 1-85 | Published online: 19 Apr 2023


Path integrals are a ubiquitous tool in theoretical physics. However, their use is sometimes hindered by the lack of control on various manipulations–such as performing a change of the integration path–one would like to carry out in the light-hearted fashion that physicists enjoy. Similar issues arise in the field of stochastic calculus, which we review to prepare the ground for a proper construction of path integrals. At the level of path integration, and in arbitrary space dimension, we not only report on existing Riemannian geometry-based approaches that render path integrals amenable to the standard rules of calculus, but also bring forth new routes, based on a fully time-discretized approach, that achieve the same goal. We illustrate these various definitions of path integration on simple examples such as the diffusion of a particle on a sphere.


We thank C. Aron, D. Barci, R. Chetrite, R. Cont, P.-M. Déjardin, H. W. Diehl, P. Drummond, Z. González-Arenas, H. J. Hilhorst, H. K. Janssen, G. S. Lozano, A. Rançon, S. Renaux-Petel, and F. A. Schaposnik for very helpful discussions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1 This is a classical fact of stochastic calculus which, for completeness, is explained in Section 2.1.3. The equivalence in Equation (Equation3) means that the distribution of the two processes is the same at all times–when starting from the same initial condition.

2 Importantly, when writing the time-discretized version of the integrals [Citation39], we see that the difference between the left- and right-hand-side of Equation (Equation100) is of order Δt, validating the use of Equation (Equation100) in the exponential of (Equation99).

3 Indeed, denoting Gμi and Ω the noise amplitude and the volume measure of the process u(t), we have Gμi=Uμxνgνi and thus ω(xf)=|detUμxν(xf)|Ω(uf).

4 The prefactor (2πΔt)d2 in (Equation115) allows one to eliminate a constant pre-exponential factor in KΔt.

5  In Equation (Equation117), the convention we use is to have a prefactor ω(xf) that encodes the fact that the propagator K of Equation (Equation110) transforms like a scalar, and that both the measure Dx and the action possess this same property, see Equations (Equation119) and (Equation120). Equivalently to (Equation117), one can also write that the probability that xf belongs to a domain X at time tf is Prob(xfX,tf|x0,t0)=dx(t0)=x0x(tf)XDx exp{t0tfdt Ldx[x(t),x˙(t)]}.

6 Note that, as will be discussed at the end of Section 4.2, choosing a different convention for the discretization of the path-integral measure, one can arrive at a different expression of the Lagrangian in which applying the stochastic chain rule in the Itō and in the Hänggi–Klimontovich case leads to a correct computation, as recently shown in Ref. [Citation52].

7 See Sec. 4 of Ref. [Citation32] (in which D=14), where due to typos, one reads 112r4ϕ˙4dt instead of the correct expression 16r2ϕ˙4dt2.

8 For a function X(u) of the variable u, we denote by uμXα the partial derivative with respect to uμ, while we keep μUα for the derivative with respect to xμ of a function U(x). The notations Xαuμ and Uαxμ will also be used in some cases for readability purposes.

9 Note that in prefactor of the exponential of the propagator, the cubic substitution rule is independent of its prefactor and takes the general form ΔxμΔxνΔxρΔtωμνΔxρ+ωμρΔxν+ωνρΔxμ (in the spirit of Refs. [Citation33,Citation85]). The rule (Equation176) can also be formally inferred by expanding the exponential of its l.h.s., using the above substitution rule (valid in prefactor) and re-exponentiating; but the complete justification of Equation (Equation176) is the one provided in the present section.

10 In Ref. [Citation39] Equation (Equation74) has a typo and should read: A(3)Δx3Δt13A(3)2Dg(x)2Δx+3[A[3)2Dg(x)2Δx]2.

11 In dimension one, this becomes: 12g(x+αΔx)2Δx2ΔtMCR(12α)X(u)X(u)Δu+(12α)22G(u)2X(u)2X(u)2Δt13α(1α)2G(u)2X(u)X(u)Δt+3α(1α)2G(u)X(u)+G(u)X(u)X(u)2G(u)X(u)Δtwhich corrects Equation (88) of Ref. [Citation39] which had a calculation mistake.

12 We recall that the relation between the scalar invariant propagator K and the actual propagator P of the process is K(xf,tf|x0,t0)=P(xf,tf|x0,t0)/ω(x), see Equation (Equation110).

13 We recall that Gμi=Uμxνgνi is read as Gμi(u)=Uμxν(U1(u))gνi(U1(u)), see e.g. Equation (Equation64) in one dimension.

14 For an operator O, the fraction eO1O appearing e.g. in (Equation279) is understood as a series k11n!On1.

15 The quantity δL of Equation (Equation328) corresponds, in the arXiv v1 Ref. [Citation117], to the integrand of the last line of Equation (E.22) multiplied by D (with D=12 in our settings), which gives g2(u/u)2/2ggu/u. This is the same result above but when changing variables from u to x.

Additional information


LFC & FvW acknowledge financial support from the ANR-20-CE30-0031 grant THEMA and VL from the ANR-18-CE30-0028-01 grant LABS.

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