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Bounded Hanoi

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Pages 303-319 | Received 01 Jul 2020, Accepted 05 May 2021, Published online: 29 Mar 2022


The classic Tower of Hanoi puzzle involves moving a set of disks on three pegs. The number of moves required for a given number of disks is easy to determine, but when the number of pegs is increased to four or more, this becomes more challenging. After 75 years, the answer for four pegs was resolved only recently, and this time complexity question remains open for five or more pegs. In this article, the space complexity, i.e., how many disks need to be accommodated on the pegs involved in the transfer, is considered for the first time. Suppose m disks are to be transferred from some peg L to another peg R using k intermediate work pegs of heights j1,,jk, then how large can m be? We denote this value by H(j1,,jk). If k = 1, as in the classic problem, the answer is easy: H(j)=j+1. We have the exact value for two work pegs, but so far only very partial results for three or more pegs. For example, H(10!,10!)=26336386137601 and H(0!,1!,2!,,10!)=16304749471397, but we still do not know the value for H(1,3,3).

1 Introduction

It is often extremely hard to formally prove the optimality of an algorithm, even if it looks beyond doubt. A good example is the 4-peg Tower of Hanoi problem. The Tower of Hanoi (TOH) is a popular puzzle whose origin dates back to 1883, due to French mathematician Édouard Lucas [Citation6]. In its original version, there are three pegs on a board and m disks of different sizes are stacked on one peg in descending order of size. The puzzle requires us to move all the disks to another peg, while moving just one disk at a time, and never placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one. A simple recursive algorithm which runs in 2m1 steps is well known. Proving its optimality is not difficult, due to the obvious fact that when the largest disk moves from one peg to another, all the other m – 1 disks must be on the third peg.

A natural extension of TOH is to increase the number of pegs from three to four or more, whereupon the situation changes drastically. Its time complexity, certainly smaller than the above 2m1 steps, was first asked in the literature by Stewart [Citation8] in 1939, and two years later, Stewart and Frame independently proposed what they call “optimal” algorithms without proof. The two algorithms turned out to be equivalent [Citation9] and since then they have been known as the Frame–Stewart algorithm, and its optimality presented as a challenging open question. Indeed, as reported in [Citation7], Donald Knuth wrote in a letter to Martin Gardner in 1979 that he doubted “if anyone will ever resolve the conjecture; it is truly difficult.”

After some partial solutions (e.g., [Citation4]) and exhaustive checks up to some number of disks by computer [Citation3], the optimality was proved by Bousch [Citation1] in 2014 for four pegs. The solution for more pegs still remains open [Citation2]. Thus the time complexity of TOH has been a popular topic, but there has been no literature about its space complexity. Judging by the history of the time complexity, the space complexity could be equally nontrivial. In this article, we provide some preliminary results and give an exact solution for the case of four pegs. By convention, disks are initially located on the leftmost peg (denoted by L) and they have to move to the rightmost one (denoted by R). The other pegs between L and R we call the work pegs, and use k for the number of them. The height of a peg is the maximum number of disks that can be held on the peg. Pegs L and R have unbounded height. We regard the finite heights of the work pegs as the space complexity of the problem. For k = 1, i.e., for the standard 3-peg model, it is easily seen that a work peg of height m – 1 suffices to execute the optimal algorithm and it is also necessary for any algorithm. For k = 2, Frame–Stewart needs a height of approximately m2m for one work peg and 2m for the other, but this is not necessary in general.

This article shows we can indeed use substantially shorter pegs for k = 2, the heights of which can be described exactly by a simple formula. Let H(i, j) denote the maximum number of disks that can be moved from L to R using two work pegs of height i0 and j0. Our main contribution is to proveH(i,j)=2ij+i+j+1.

So for m disks, it is sufficient to take i and j equal to a rounded value of m/2, much smaller than the height needed for the Frame–Stewart algorithm. The lower bound proof is relatively easy, just by giving a recursive algorithm. Its optimality (the upper bound part), however, needs a lot more work. As in the standard model with one work peg, a key step in the analysis is when the largest disk leaves L and goes to one of the work pegs or to R. The other work peg can hold several disks, so there are many possible subsequent moves.

For general k, we give a recursive formula for a seemingly close lower bound for H(j1,j2,,jk). However, it is not likely that it can be presented as a closed-form formula, or that we can easily extend the upper bound proof for k = 2 to this general case. Surprisingly, if the successive work peg heights grow relatively slowly, satisfying j1=1 and ji+1(j1++ji1)2+1 for 1i<k, then the tight bound can be given as a simple formula, namely we can prove H(j1,j2,,jk)=(j1++jk)2+1.

2 Preliminaries

All the problems we will consider involve transferring the set of disks 1,2,,m from an unbounded initial peg L, via a set of bounded work pegs W, to an unbounded final peg R. In this article, W consists of some number k of pegs of heights j1,,jk and we denote this storage structure as W(j1,,jk).

We define H(j1,,jk) to be the maximum number of disks that can be moved from L to R using W(j1,,jk), e.g., H(1)=2.

A stack is any legal pile of disks, usually listed top-down, i.e., in order of increasing size. A disk move removes a disk from the top of the stack on one peg and places it on the top of the stack on another peg provided that it is smaller than the current top disk on that peg and the move does not produce a stack exceeding the height of that peg. The r-cone Cr is the stack of disks (1,,r) and, for 1rs, the (r, s)-frustum Fsr is the stack (or set) (r,r+1,,s). We will find it convenient to extend these definitions such that Cr is the empty set when r0, and Fsr={t|t>0andrts} is empty when r > s.

A configuration gives the contents of each peg. We denote a configuration C with the contents of L, R, and W being X, Y, and U, respectively, as X|U|Y. When the contents of W(j1,j2), say, are given in more detail as U1, U2, we write X|U1:U2|Y. An empty set is denoted by “–”.

If a sequence σ of disk moves changes configuration C1 to C2, we write C1σC2 or just C1C2 when σ is unspecified. Since any sequence of disk moves is reversible, if C1C2 then C2C1. So we may write C1C2 when C1C2 and we want to emphasise that this is an equivalence relation.

We make precise an obvious “monotonicity” property: if some sequence of disk moves is feasible, then so is the subsequence obtained by eliminating some of the disks.

Lemma 1

(Monotonicity Lemma). Let S be the subset of disks that remains after some eliminations. Let C1 and C2 be two configurations and C1=C1S and C2=C2S be the configurations corresponding to C1 and C2 but restricted to the disks in S. If C1C2 then C1C2.


For any sequence of moves σ, let σ be the sequence formed as follows: for any move γσ of disk d, if dS then let γ=γ, and if dS then γ is the null move. Clearly, if C1σC2 then C1σC2. □

3 Single work peg

When there is just one work peg of bounded height, determining H(j) is fairly easy. The proof methods we introduce here will be used in later sections.

Theorem 2.

For all j0,H(j)=j+1.


We first prove that H(j)j+1. We show by induction on j and m that, for mj+1, Cm can be transferred from L to R using a single work peg of height j. This holds trivially for m = 0, and also for j = 0 since one disk can be transferred directly from L to R. Suppose now that j > 0, H(j1)j, and Cm1 can be transferred from L to R. We want to show that if mj+1 then Cm||||Cm. The sequence we use below is not optimal in the number of moves, but is a better introduction to the more complicated transfers required later.

  1. Cm||m||Cm1

    Using the inductive hypothesis, move Cm1 from L to R leaving disk m on L.

  2. m||Cm1|m|Cm1

    Move disk m to W.

  3. |m|Cm1Cm1|m|

    With space j – 1 remaining on W, by induction Cm1 can be moved back to L.

  4. Cm1|m|||Cm

    Moving disk m to R, then Cm1 from L to R, finishes the transfer.

For the upper bound, we want to prove that if Cm||||Cm when W is a single peg of height j then mj+1. Again we proceed by induction on j. The result holds for j = 0, since C2 cannot be transferred from L to R without W. We assume as inductive hypothesis that H(j1)j, and consider a supposed transfer Cm||||Cm, where W is a peg of height j.

If disk m moves directly from L to R, then the other m – 1 disks must all be on W, so mj+1 as required. Supposing that m never moves directly between L and R, consider the configuration A immediately after disk m moves from L to W for the last time, so A=|m|Cm1. Let B be the configuration immediately before the next time that m moves from W to R. So B=Cm1|m| and m remains in W all the time between A and B. During this period Cm1 is transferred from R to L using only the remaining j – 1 positions on the work peg. This implies that m1H(j1), and H(j1)j by induction. Hence mj+1, completing the proof. ■

4 Unit work pegs

Define HU(k)=H(1,,1) where there are k work pegs each of height one. As seen above, HU(1)=2. To help the reader become familiar with the notation, we show the transfer of five disks in 25 moves using two unit work pegs. Here we merely use a superscript on the “” to give the number of disk moves involved, leaving the reader to determine the sequence in detail. A concatenation of stacks on one peg is separated by commas, e.g., C2,4 represents the cone {1, 2} on top of the disk 4. It should be noted that a cone on top of a suitably sized frustum will result in a larger cone, so Cr,Fsr+1=Cs.C5|:|5F54|:|C334|:5|C33C2,4|:5|33C2,4|:|3,524|1:|F32,522|1:4|3,52C2|3:4|52C2|:|F533|:|C5

Lemma 4 shows that five is the maximum number of disks that can be transferred using two unit work pegs, but we do not know whether the number of moves used above can be reduced.

Since W contains only unit pegs, there is no point in disk moves between pegs in W and a configuration needs only define the set of at most k disks in W without specifying their positions. In this case of unit pegs, a frustum Fsr in W just refers to the set of disks {r,r+1,,s} on rs+1 pegs without regard to their order.

The lower bound is provided by Lemma 3.

Lemma 3.

HU(k)k2+1 for k0.


To prove the result, we show by induction on m and k that, for all mk2+1, Cm can be transferred from L to R using the set W of k unit work pegs. The result is true for m1, for any k0, since C1 can be transferred without using W.

We assume the inductive hypothesis for 0k<k and for all m<m, and consider the transfer of Cm from L to R using k unit work pegs where 1<mk2+1.

  1. Cm||Fmmk+1||Cmk

Move Cmk from L to R. This is feasible, by induction on m since k > 0.

  1. Fmmk+1||Cmk|Fmmk+1|Cmk

Move the (at most) k disks in the frustum Fmmk+1 to the work pegs W.

  1. |Fmmk+1|CmkFm1mk+1|m|Cmk

Move Fm1mk+1 back to L, leaving disk m occupying one of the work pegs.

  1. Fm1mk+1|m|CmkCm2k+1,Fm1mk+1|m|Fmkm2k+2

Move Cm2k+1 from the top of R back to L using the k – 1 empty work pegs, by induction on k, since m2k+1k2+12k+1=(k1)2+1.

  1. Cm2k+1,Fm1mk+1|m|Fmkm2k+2Cm2k+1,Fm1mk+1|Fmkm2k+2,m|

Move the remaining k – 1 disks from R to the k – 1 empty work pegs.

  1. Cm2k+1,Fm1mk+1|Fmkm2k+2,m|Cm2k+1,Fm1mk+1||Fmkm2k+2,m

Move disk m to R and place Fmkm2k+2 on top of this on R.

  1. Cm2k+1,Fm1mk+1||Fmkm2k+2,mFm1mk+1||Cm2k+1,Fmkm2k+2,m=Fm1mk+1||Cmk,m

Move Cm2k+1 from the top of L to R, resulting in the cone Cmk. This is feasible using the k work pegs by induction on m.

  1. Fm1mk+1||Cmk,mCm1||m

Move Cmk from the top of R back to L. This is feasible using the k work pegs by induction on m.

  1. Cm1||m||Cm

Move Cm1 from L to R to complete the task. ■

For the upper bound:

Lemma 4.

HU(k)k2+1 for k0.


The result is true for k = 0 since HU(0)=1. To prove the result by induction on k, we assume that HU(k1)(k1)2+1, where k1, and prove that HU(k)k2+1.

Suppose the number of disks is m. We want to prove that if Cm||||Cm then mk2+1. If m can move directly from L to R, then mk+1k2+1, as required.

Otherwise, as in the proof of Theorem 2, we focus on two critical stages in the sequence of moves. Let A be the configuration just after the last time that disk m moves from L to W, and B the configuration after which m moves from W to R the next time after A. Suppose A=|U1,m|Y and B=X|U2,m|. Let Z=XY, so |Z|=|XY|=|X|+|Y||XY|2(mk)(m1)=m2k+1, since |X|mk, |Y|mk, and |XY|m1. The monotonicity lemma (Lemma 1) shows that the set of disks Z can be transferred from R to L using only k – 1 pegs in W. By the inductive hypothesis, m2k+1HU(k1)(k1)2+1, and so mk2+1, completing the proof. ■

Together, Lemmas 3 and 4 establish the precise value for HU.

Theorem 5.

HU(k)=k2+1 for k0.

We conclude this section with a simple consequence of this theorem.

Theorem 6.



It is easy to show that any work peg P of height a + b can be simulated by the pair of work pegs P and P of heights a and b, respectively. If there are b or fewer disks on P, then they are stored on P, otherwise the largest b disks are on P and the rest on P.

Thence, W(j1,,jk) can be simulated by i=1kji unit pegs, and the result follows from Theorem 5. ■

5 Two work pegs

We show matching upper and lower bounds for H(i, j), the maximum number of disks that can be transferred from L to R using two work pegs P1 and P2 of heights i and j, respectively. A major difference from the case of unit pegs is that it might be advantageous to move the largest disk within W. This turns out not to be the case with just two pegs, but the possibility complicates the proof of the upper bound. We begin with the lower bound.

Lemma 7.

For all i,j0,H(i,j)2ij+i+j+1.


The proof is by induction on i and j. The result holds when either i = 0 or j = 0 since this corresponds to a single work peg and it is known that H(i)=i+1. To show the bound for H(i, j), we assume as inductive hypothesis that the result holds for all (i,j) with i+j<i+j. We may also assume that i1,j1 and consider the transfer of the cone Cm from L to R, where m2ij+i+j+1. For this we again use induction, this time on m. If m2iji+j, then Cm can be transferred, since mH(i,j1) by induction on i + j. So we now assume that 2iji+j<m2ij+i+j+1 and that H(i,j)m1.

We show how Cm is transferred from L to R. Here we assume without loss of generality that ij. If j < i, then the same algorithm is used with the roles of P1 and P2 reversed.

  1. Cm|:|Fmmi|:|Cmi1

Transfer Cmi1 from L to R. This is feasible by the inductive hypothesis on m.

  1. Fmmi|:|Cmi1|Fm1mi:m|Cmi1

Move the frustum Fm1mi to the work peg P1, using work peg P2, since ij+1, and then move disk m to P2.

  1. |Fm1mi:m|Cmi1Fm1mi|:m|Cmi1

Move Fm1mi back to L, using the remaining capacity j – 1 of P2 since ij.

  1. Fm1mi|:m|Cmi1Cm2i1,Fm1mi|:m|Fmi1m2i

Move Cm2i1 from the top of Cmi1 on R back to L. This is feasible using the remaining capacity (i,j1) of work pegs, since m2i12ij+i+j+12i1=2i(j1)+i+jH(i,j1), by the inductive hypothesis.

  1. Cm2i1,Fm1mi|:m|Fmi1m2iCm2i1,Fm1mi|:|Fmi1m2i,m

Disk m is inserted underneath a frustum of size i, just like a reversal of steps 2 and 3 above.

  1. Cm2i1,Fm1mi|:|Fmi1m2i,mCm1|:|m

Move Cm2i1 from the top of L to R and then move the resulting Cmi1 from the top of R back to L. These operations are feasible using the now-empty work pegs, by induction on m.

  1. Cm1|:|m|:|Cm

Move Cm1 from L to R to complete the task. ■

In the algorithm that provided the lower bound, the largest disk moved from L to W, then remained on the same peg in W and finally moved from W to R. We now have to deal with the possibility that the largest disk may move between pegs in W. In preparation, we prove two lemmas which establish useful properties of sequences that satisfy a requirement, such as moving some set of disks from one peg to another during some interval.

The first lemma shows, under some conditions, that if a disk d can move from W to R, then there is a sequence whose net effect is only to remove d from W and to insert it into the present stack on R. In the rest of this section, we often consider sequences of moves such that the largest disk m remains in W throughout. We write “-” for the operation of such a sequence.

For a configuration C=|U1:U2|V where m is in W, we say disk dU1U2 can reach R if C-T|U1:U2|V where dV. Furthermore, disk d in U1 can shift to R if C-|U1{d}:U2|V{d}, i.e., the only difference made by the sequence is to remove disk d from its work peg and insert it into place on R. The definition for dU2 is similar.

Lemma 8.

While m remains in W throughout, for any configuration with L empty, if d is the largest (other than m) of the set of disks in W that can reach R, then d can shift to R.

Before the proof, let us see an example to illustrate the lemma. Let W=(3,3) and C=|3,4,5:7|1,2,6. To help the reader, we use hyphens to represent the spare capacity on work pegs. Here, m = 7, and d = 5 is the disk of interest. Using the spare capacity in P2, stacks of height three can be moved from one peg to another. So|3,4,5:7|1,2,6-1,2,6|3,4,5:7|-1,2,6|:7|3,4,5 .

We see that d can indeed reach R. The lemma constructs a sequence of moves from C which can shift d to R. For example,|3,4,5:7|1,2,6-1,2|3,4,5:7|6-1,2|:3,4,7|5,6-1,2|3,4:7|5,6-|3,4:7|1,2,5,6 .


Let C=|U1:U2|V where mW, and suppose that dU1 is the largest disk (other than m) in W that can reach R. (There may be larger disks in W that cannot reach R.) Suppose that σ is a sequence of moves starting from C up to but not including the first move in which d reaches R. We assume that m remains in W throughout σ.

Let Z be the subset of disks in V that are larger than d. It may be that during σ some disks in Z move out of R. We show that such moves can be eliminated. Consider the sequence σ1 that is σ but omitting all moves of disks in Z. By the monotonicity lemma, σ1 is well-defined: all moves in σ1 are possible because they are between configurations in which L and W hold subsets of their contents at the corresponding step of σ. Disks in Z remain on R and cannot obstruct any other disks or the move of d to R. Let σ2 be the sequence consisting of σ1 followed by the move of d to R, followed by the reversal of σ1 also omitting any moves of d. By monotonicity again (disk d has been omitted), this reversal is valid, and σ2 has the required property of returning all disks to their position in C except for d, which has been inserted in R. The case with d initially in U2 is similar. ■

A simple, but useful, lemma finally prepares us for our upper bound result.

Lemma 9.

If Cm||||Cm, then U1||V1U2||V2 for any U1,V1,U2,V2 with disjoint unions U1̇V1=U2̇V2=Cm.


By monotonicity, for any rm, cone Cr can be moved between L and R. The stacks U1 and V1 can be merged into Cm by forming C1,,Cm successively. This increasing set of cones is made by shuttling partial cones between L and R, collecting the disks from U1 and V1 in increasing order. The same holds for U2 and V2. ■

Now we can prove our upper bound for two work pegs.

Lemma 10.

For all i,j0,H(i,j)2ij+i+j+1.


As in Lemma 7, the proof is by induction on i and j, and then on m. The result holds when either i = 0 or j = 0, since this corresponds to a single work peg and H(i)=i+1. To show the bound for H(i, j), we assume as inductive hypothesis that the result holds for all (i,j) with i+j<i+j. We may also assume that i1 and j1.

For our inductive proof, let m=H(i,j). By the definition of H(i, j),Cm||σ||Cm,for some sequence of moves σ. We focus on one particular segment σ of σ during which the largest disk m remains in W. Let σ begin at configuration A=|m:X1|Y1, when m has just moved for the last time from L to W, onto P1 say, and finish at B=Y2|m:X2| or Y2|X2:m|, the next time that m is about to move from W to R.

Disk m is on L just before the start of σ and on R just after the end of σ, and by Lemma 7, m=H(i,j)2ij+i+j+1>i+j+1 since i > 0 and j > 0. Hence disk m cannot move directly from L to R, since the other m – 1 disks exceed the total capacity of W which is i + j. Therefore σ is well-defined.

Recall that - is used for a sequence where the largest disk m remains in W throughout.

We first consider the case where disk m remains on P1 throughout σ, soA=|m:X1|Y1-σB=Y2|m:X2|.

Since each of X1 and X2 are on P2 at some time, |X1X2||X1|+|X2|2j. Let Z={1,,m1}(X1X2). Then, by the monotonicity lemma, we may ignore disks in X1X2 to show that|m:|Z-σZ|m:|,

for some sequence σ, and where |Z|m12j. Since disk m remains on P1 throughout σ, we have m12jH(i1,j). Hence by induction,H(i,j)=mH(i1,j)+1+2j(2(i1)j+(i1)+j+1)+1+2j=2ij+i+j+1,as required for this case. The case where m moves to P2 at time A, and remains there throughout σ, is similar.

Now we consider the case where disk m does move between work pegs during σ. The above argument fails because a set Z of size H(i,j1) might be transferred if disk m can be moved to P2, and H(i,j1)>H(i1,j) if i < j. We used the fact that |X1|j, while for the general case we want to have |X1|min(i,j).

For disk m to move from P1 to P2, each disk on P2 in configuration A has to be removed from W, either to L directly or else via R. For the latter, any such disk can reach R and so we need Lemma 8.

Suppose that D=(d1,,dr) is the set of disks in decreasing order of size that are on P2 and can reach R. By Lemma 8, d1 can be shifted to R, resulting in configuration C. Now d2 can still reach R starting from C (by first reversing the sequence shifting d1 if necessary), and is now the largest disk on P2 that can reach R. By Lemma 8, d2 can be shifted to R, and so on, until all of D has been shifted. The result is a configuration A=|m:X1|Y1 where no disk in X1 can reach R.

Suppose A=U1|m:|V1 is the configuration before the first move of m from P1 to P2 during σ. ThenA=|m:X1|Y1-A-A=U1|m:|V1,where X1U1, since no disk in X1 can reach R.

By monotonicity, if we consider only disks in X1{m} and only moves between L and W and within W, we may ignore peg R completely and derive|m:X1|-X1|m:|.

Therefore, |X1|H(i1)=i and so |X1|min(i,j).

By a symmetric argument, if B=Y2|m:X2| then B=Y2|m:X2|-B for some X2,Y2 where |X2|min(i,j), and similarly if m is on P2 in B.

As in the cases where m never switches work pegs, we define Z={1,,m1}(X1X2), but now we have the stronger inequality |Z|m12min(i,j). Again by the monotonicity lemma, we may ignore disks in X1X2, and so|m:|Z-σZ|m:|,for some sequence σ, and where |Z|m12min(i,j).

What remains to be proved is that moving m between P1 and P2 cannot achieve the transfer of more than max(H(i1,j),H(i,j1)) disks.

Let r=1+max(H(i1,j),H(i,j1)). It is sufficient to show that there can be no sequence τ such that|m:|Cr-τCr|m:|.

It is not relevant here whether m is on P1 or P2 in these configurations. Any such sequence τ consists of segments where m remains on the same work peg, separated by moves of m between pegs. We focus on the positions of disk r at each such move of m. Clearly r is on L or R at these moves. Suppose r switches between L and R during one of these segments τ, soF=U|m:|V-τV|m:|U=G,where rU and rU, or similarly with rV and rV.

Since r1=max(H(i1,j),H(i,j1)), we may use the method in Lemma 9 to collect U{r} and V into Cr1 on L, and U{r} and V into Cr1 on R. HenceF-Cr1,r|m:|=Cr|m:|-|m:|Cr=|m:|Cr1,r-G.

This gives a contradiction since at most H(i1,j) disks can be transferred from L to R while m remains on P1, and r>H(i1,j), and similarly where m is on P2 and r>H(i,j1). So cone Cr cannot be transferred from L to R while m remains on P1 nor while m remains on P2 and, for any move of m between P1 and P2, r is either on L or on R.

Therefore |Z|max(H(i1,j),H(i,j1)), and hence, by induction,H(i,j)=m|Z|+2min(i,j)+1max(H(i1,j),H(i,j1))+2min(i,j)+1max(2(i1)j,2i(j1))+i+j+2min(i,j)+1=2ij+i+j+1+2max(i,j)+2min(i,j)=2ij+i+j+1.

Together, Lemmas 7 and 10 establish

Theorem 11.

For all i,j0,H(i,j)=2ij+i+j+1.

6 More work pegs

When there are three or more work pegs, we have some partial results. Theorem 12 gives a simple formula similar to that in Theorem 11. Theorem 14 gives an improved lower bound in the form of a recursive formula, but there does not seem to be an equivalent explicit formula. Theorem 15 gives an exact result when work peg heights are sufficiently slowly growing. Finally, when we restrict our attention to the case of three work pegs, we have an improved algorithm in Theorem 17 which could even be optimal.

We begin with the easy lower bound which is an explicit polynomial formula proved in much the same way as Lemma 7.

Theorem 12.

For all k0 and nonnegative j1,,jk, H(j1,,jk)2u<vjujv+w=1kjw+1.


For any k0, the proof by induction on j1,,jk is analogous to that in Lemma 7. The base of the induction holds when jw = 0 for 1wk, and a single disk can be transferred directly from L to R. Suppose without loss of generality that jk is the height of a largest work peg. Letm=2u<vjujv+w=1kjw+1ands=w=1k1jw.

For ease of notation we define the frusta, F(i), where (F(1),,F(k1))=Fm1ms and |F(i)|=ji, so F(1)=Fms+j11ms, etc.

Following a similar sequence to that used in the proof of Lemma 7, we show that Cm can be transferred from L to R using W(j1,,jk), establishing that H(j1,,jk)m as required.

  1. Cm|::|Fmms|::|Cms1

    The cone Cms1 is transferred from L to R.

  2. Fmms|::|Cms1|F(1)::F(k1):m|Cms1

    Using Pk, the s disks in Fm1ms are transferred to fill P1,,Pk1 with F(1),,F(k1), respectively, and disk m is moved from L to Pk.

  3. |F(1)::F(k1):m|Cms1Fm1ms|:::m|Cms1

    The remaining capacity jk1 of Pk is sufficient to transfer the contents of all the other work pegs back to L.

  4. Fm1ms|:::m|Cms1Cm2s1,Fm1ms|:::m|Fms1m2s

    Cm2s1 is transferred back from the top of R to L, since, as verified below, m2s1H(j1,,jk1,jk1).

  5. Cm2s1,Fm1ms|:::m|Fms1m2s    Cm2s1,Fm1ms|::|Fms1m2s,m

    Disk m is inserted beneath the frustum of size s on R, just like a reversal of the procedure in steps 2 and 3 which extracted m from beneath Fm1ms on L.

  6. Cm2s1,Fm1ms|::|Fms1m2s,m|::|Cm

    The final stages are as in the proof of Lemma 7. The cone Cm2s1 is transferred from L to R, producing Cms1. This is then transferred back to L, producing Cm1, which is finally moved to R, finishing the process.

Finally we check that m2s1H(j1,,jk1,jk1):m2s1=21u<vkjujv+w=1kjw+12s1=21u<vk1jujv+2(jk1)s+w=1k1jw+(jk1)+1H(j1,,jk1,jk1),by induction. ■

The corollary gives a polynomial formula when the work pegs are of equal height.

Corollary 13.

If j1==jk=j, then H(j1,,jk)k(k1)j2+kj+1.

For two work pegs, we showed in the proof of Lemma 10 that no move within W of the largest disk could be useful. This is not the case when there are more than two pegs. Theorem 12 gives H(1,1,2)15, but, as we will see in Theorem 14, this bound can be improved to 17. The reader may wish to explore this case now, starting with a transfer of C13 from L to R.

Improved multipeg algorithm

We outline the transfer of m disks with work space W(j1,,jk). In the course of our recursive algorithms, we will encounter the work spaces W(0) and W( ), where there is either a single work peg with zero height or no work peg at all. In these cases, just a single disk can be transferred, i.e., H(0)=H( )=1.

The work pegs should be sorted in order of height, so we assume j1jk. In the first stage of the algorithm, an appropriately sized cone Cs is transferred from L to R recursively.Cm|::|Fms+1|::|Cs.

In the second stage, the longest work peg Pk is loaded with mk disks by using all the other work pegs. We continue in this way loading mk1,,m1 disks on each of Pk1,,P1 in turn, using all the currently empty work pegs. We will choose each miH(j1,,ji1), and choose s so that ms=i=1kmi. We define frusta F(1),,F(k) as in Theorem 12, but now with |F(i)|=mi, and (F(k),,F(1))=Fms+1. The effect of this second stage is thereforeFms+1|::|Cs|F(1)::F(k)|Cs,and L is empty after these transfers. The transfer of disks from L to P1 has no other work peg to help. Therefore m1=H( )=1 and m is the only disk on P1.

In the third stage of the algorithm, disk m remains in W but all other disks in W are returned to L, clearing pegs P2,P3,,Pk in succession. At most j1 disks can be moved back from P2 since there is only free space j11 on P1. We choose therefore, m2=min(j2,j1). From now on there is more than one work peg to assist the transfer of disks from Pi to L, but one of these must contain disk m. It might seem best for disk m to be on a longest peg Pi1 at this time, giving total work space W(j1,,ji2,ji11) for this transfer. This is true when only two work pegs are used, but we know, for example, that H(1,2,3)>H(2,2,2), so with work space W(2,2,3) it would be better to put m on P1. To account for this, it is convenient to define the function K.( ∗ ) K(j1,,jk)=max(H(j11,j2,,jk),H(j1,j21,,jk),,H(j1,j2,,jk11,jk),H(j1,j2,,jk1,jk1)).    ( ∗ )

We use our multipeg algorithm recursively and so can move up to K(j1,,ji1) disks back from Pi to L, since at this time disk m is the only disk in W(j1,,ji1) and can be moved freely to any work peg. We choose mi=min(ji,K(j1,,ji1)) for 1ik. Remember here that the parameters for K and H may need sorting again. After these transfers back to L from pegs P2,,Pk, we have the configuration Fm1s+1|:::m|Cs, where s=mi=1kmi.

In the fourth stage, we transfer the top K(ji,,jk1,jk)=m disks from R to L reaching configuration Cm,Fm1s+1|:::m|Fsm+1 using the same method.

Note that the second and third stages taken together achieve the following,Fms+1|::|CsFm1s+1|:::m|Cs,extracting disk m from under a stack of ms1 disks on L. The fifth stage of the algorithm reverses such a sequence in order to insert disk m under the Fsm+1 on R. This is possible if smms1, i.e., mi=1kmimi=1kmi1. We choose m=2i=1kmi+m1. ThenCm,Fm1s+1|:::m|Fsm+1Cm,Fm1s+1|::|Fsm+1,m.

The final stages of the algorithm are smaller versions of previous transfers.Cm,Fm1s+1|::|Fsm+1,mFm1s+1|::|Cs,mCm1|::|m|::|Cm.

The last transition is by induction on m.

This algorithm yields the following lower bound for multipeg Hanoi. Recall that if we choose m=2i=1kmi+m1, then m disks can be transferred.

Theorem 14

. For 0<j1j2jk, and K as defined above in ( *), H(j1,,jk)2i=1kmi+K(j1,,jk)1,where mi=min(ji,K(j1,,ji1) for 1ik.

For a general set of work pegs an explicit exact formula seems unlikely, but we can give a special case for which this can be shown.

In Theorem 14 we define mi=min(ji,K(j1,,ji1)) for 1ik. For W(j1,,jk) we say that( ∗∗ ) peg Pi is tight if mi=ji.    ( ∗∗ )

For example, in W(1,1,2), P3 is tight because 2H(0,1)K(1,1), P2 is tight because 1H(0)=K(1), and P1 is tight because 1H( )=1.

For the case where all pegs are tight the recursion becomesH(j1,,jk)2i=1kji+K(j1,,jk)1.

Recall that the function K is designed to optimize the position in W of the largest element during a major transfer from L to R. We will see that placing this on Pk achieves optimality when all pegs are tight, so K(j1,,jk)=H(j1,,jk1). It is then easy to check that all pegs are tight in W(j1,,jk1), even after any necessary re-sorting.

Now we can verify the lower bound H(j1,,jk)(i=1kji)2+1, sinceH(j1,,jk)2i=1kji+H(j1,,jk1,jk1)12i=1kji+(1+i=1kji)2+11=(i=1kji)2+1.

Theorem 6 provides the matching upper bound, giving the following result.

Theorem 15.

If all pegs are tight in W(j1,,jk), i.e., jiK(j1,,ji1) for 1ik, then H(j1,,jk)=(i=1kji)2+1.

The example H(0!,1!,,10!), mentioned in our abstract, illustrates this theorem. Here, when ji=(i1)!, all pegs are tight. As in the example W(1,1,2) above, P1, P2, P3 of heights 0!,1!,2!, respectively, are tight. So P4, of height 3!=6, is also tight, as H(0!,1!,2!1)=(0!+1!+2!1)2+1=10. (Since 2! for P3 is tight, so is 2!1.) It is easily seen that this continues for subsequent work pegs.

There is more work to be done for the general case, as the following example shows.

Example 16.

For W(1,2,3), Theorem 14 gives m1=m2=1 and m3=3, and H(1,2,3)10+H(1,2,2)1=35. (We assume here that H(1,2,2)=26 and will return to this later.) However,the following sequence shows that H(1,2,3)37.C37|::|F3732|::|C31seebelowF3632|::37|C31C26,F3632|::37|F3127similarlyC26,F3632|::|F3127,37F3632|::|C31,37C36|::|37|::|C37.

We have found some sequences of moves much easier to follow using a reduced notation. The sequence labeled “see below” moves the largest disk to P3 from under a stack of five disks on L. Peg R is not involved. We denote the initial configuration before this sequence as abcdef|::|, where, as in the proof of Lemma 10, peg R is ignored. The required sequence is thenabcdef|::||f:de:abc|d|f:e:abc|abd|f:e:c|abd|:ce:f|d|:ce:abf|c|d:e:abf|abc|d:e:f|abc|e:d:f||e:cd:abf|cde|::abf|abcde|::f|.

The sequence labeled “similarly” moves disk 37 from P3 to below F3127 on R. This is just like the reverse of the sequence that moves 37 from the bottom of F3732 to P3, which we gave in detail above.

In Theorem 14, the biggest disk m moves from P1 to P2, then from P2 and P3 and so on, one by one, but in the above example m moves from P1 to P3 directly. Such a “jump” of the biggest disk also allows us to show that H(1,2,2)26. We can generalize this jumping strategy in the form of an algorithm, but there is unlikely to be a succinct specification of m1 through mk based on that. We restrict ourselves therefore to the case of three work pegs and present an algorithm which may be optimal.

Jump algorithm

This algorithm follows a similar scheme to that in Theorem 14 but makes use of the tactic introduced in Example 16 where the largest disk may jump directly from P1 to P3. The heart of the algorithm lies in the choice of the values for m2 and m3.

The heights of pegs P1,P2,P3 are j1,j2,j3, where j1j2j3, and we describe the transfer of Cm from L to R. As in the algorithm for Theorem 14, in the first stage some suitable cone Cs is transferred recursively from L to R. In the second stage, frusta of sizes m3, m2 and m1 are loaded successively from L onto pegs P3, P2, and P1. We choose m1=1 with two alternatives plans for m2 and m3 eitherPlan (A),m2=j1,m3=min(j3,H(j1,j21)+j1)orPlan (B),m2=j1+1,m3=min(j3,H(j11,j21)+j1).

We will use the plan that gives the larger value for m2+m3, though note that Plan (B) is only feasible when j2>j1. We can verify in this case that the two plans have equal performance if j3=2j1j2+j2, while Plan (A) is better when j3 is greater than this, and worse when less. The parameter s in the first stage is chosen so that s+m1+m2+m3=m, and therefore peg L is emptied in the second stage.

Stage 3 now begins to return all disks except for the largest to L. The sequences now become more intricate and we rely on the growing expertise of the reader to interpolate the details. We extend the alphabetic notation introduced in Example 16 to a more advanced level in which lower case letters denote single disks, while upper case letters denote frusta of given sizes.

Plan (A): with m1=1, m2 = j1, m3=min(j3,H(j1,j21)+j1).

In the first stage,ABCDeFg|::|CDeFg|::|AB,where |A|=K(j1,j2,j3) and B=m2+m3. Now AB remains on R and the second stage is to move g to W from below C,D,e,F on L. Here, |C|=min(H(j1,j21),j3j1),|D|=j11, and |F|=j1. We see that |CDe|=m3 as required.

As in Example 16, we will just show the contents of L and the work pegs. Note that in the second sequence F is transferred from P2 to L using the space j11 on P1, and in the third sequence the transfer of C from P3 to L is possible since |C|H(j1,j21).CDeFg|::||g:F:CDe|F|:g:CDe|CF|:g:De|CF|De::g|CF|:e:Dg|F|:e:CDg|eF|::CDg|CDeF|::g|.

The third stage is to achieveCDeF|::g|ABACDeF|::g|BACDeF|::|Bg,i.e., to transfer A back to L, and then to insert g below B on R. Note that |A|=K(j1,j2,j3), so the transfer of A to L is possible with an appropriate positioning of disk g in W. Since |B|=m2+m3, the insertion of g below B has the same pattern as the reversal of the second stage, extracting g from below CDeF. The final stages are just as in the algorithm for Theorem 14, so A moves to R, then AB moves back to L, and the rest is recursion.

Plan (B): with m1=1,m2=j1+1,m3=min(j3,H(j11,j21)+j1).

This alternative is only available when j2>j1 and proceeds in a similar way, but with a few more steps.ABCDeFghi|::|CDeFghi|::|AB,where |A|=K(j1,j2,j3),B=m2+m3,|C|=min(H(j11,j21),j3j1), and |D|=|F|=j11. The size of C is chosen to allow it to be transferred between L and P3 when P1 and P2 each hold a single disk. NowCDeFghi|::|    |i:Fgh:CDe|CFg|i:h:De|CFg|:Deh:i|CFg|e:h:Di|Fg|e:h:CDi|g|e:Fh:CDi||g:eFh:CDi|CeF|g:h:Di|CeF|:h:Dgi|CeF|h:g:Di|eF|h:g:CDi|h|:eFg:CDi|CDeFgh|::i|.

The last stages are the same as for Plan (A).

Theorem 17.

For j1j2j3, let mA=1+j1+min(j3,H(j1,j21)+j1)andmB=1+min(j2,j1+1)+min(j3,H(j11,j21)+j1).

Then H(j1,j2,j3)2max(mA,mB)+K(j1,j2,j3)1.


In Plan (A), m2 = j1 and m3=min(j3,H(j1,j21)+j1), so m1+m2+m3=mA, and Cm is transferred from L to R wherem=|ABCDeFg|=K(j1,j2,j3)+(mA1)+mA,as required.

In Plan (B), m2=j1+1=min(j2,j1+1) and m3=min(j3,H(j11,j21)+j1), so m1+m2+m3=mB, andm=|ABCDeFghi|=K(j1,j2,j3)+(mB1)+mB.

Theorem 17 yields the promised bound of H(1,2,2)=26, the example illustrated in . The upper bound is given by Theorem 6. Plan (B) uses (m1,m2,m3)=(1,2,2) for a matching lower bound of 10+K(1,2,2)1=26, since K(1,2,2)=H(1,1,2)=17.

Fig. 1 A tower of 26 disks being transferred using work pegs of heights 2, 1, and 2.

Fig. 1 A tower of 26 disks being transferred using work pegs of heights 2, 1, and 2.

Theorems 12, 14, and 17 give successive improvements to the lower bounds, but at the cost of more complicated algorithms. How much do these extra complications buy for us? As a rough indication, we show below a comparison of H1(j,j,j),H2(j,j,j), and H3(j,j,j), for the results of Theorems 12, 14, and 17, respectively.

7 Conclusion

We have begun an investigation into the space complexity of the generalized Tower of Hanoi problem, where the number of work pegs provided to transfer a set of disks from the initial peg to the final peg is increased from the single peg used in the classic problem.

We pay little attention to the time complexity, the number of moves, in our algorithms. As may be expected from even our first example, transferring five disks using two unit pegs and 25 moves, the time complexity is large compared with that for unbounded pegs, where only 13 moves are needed. Lemma 7 shows that 25 disks can be transferred using two work pegs of height three. With unbounded pegs this requires precisely 577 moves [Citation5], but our algorithm takes over 2,000,000 moves, as estimated by a simple Mathematica program. It remains to be seen whether there are interesting trade-offs between time complexity and space complexity results for Hanoi problems.

We have exact results for H(j1,,jk) when k2, for HU(k), i.e., k pegs of height 1, and for the case where all the pegs are tight (defined in (**) in the previous section). Theorem 14 gives a fairly close bound for H(j1,,jk), but we know this is not exact. Indeed, Theorem 17 gives better lower bounds in the case of k = 3, and the algorithm given there could even be optimal.

There are some very small cases for the general problem where gaps remain. By ad hoc methods, we know exact values for all cases where the total work space is at most six. However, Theorem 17 shows only that H(1,3,3)48, while our best upper bound so far invokes Theorem 6 to prove that H(1,3,3)HU(7)=50. Surely this gap can be closed!

Table 1 Lower bounds for H(j,j,j) from Theorems 12, 14, and 17.


We thank the reviewers for their valuable suggestions. The research of Kazuo Iwama is supported by KAKENHI, Ministry of Education, Japan. The research of Mike Paterson is supported by the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP).

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Kazuo Iwama

KAZUO IWAMA received his B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University. After retirement from the School of Informatics at Kyoto, he was with the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences and the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University, and is currently with NTHU in Taiwan. Most of this work was done when he was with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, from February to June 2020.

Mike Paterson

MIKE PATERSON (Ph.D., FRS) took degrees in mathematics at Cambridge and rose to fame as the co-inventor of Sprouts with John Conway. He evolved from president of the Trinity Mathematical Society to president of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, and migrated from MIT to the University of Warwick, where he has been in the Computer Science department for 50 years.


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