Publication Cover
Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 98, 2019 - Issue 16
CrossRef citations to date

An alternative technique for solving a coupled PDE system in interphase heat transfer

, &
Pages 2827-2847 | Received 22 Oct 2016, Accepted 09 May 2018, Published online: 01 Jun 2018


Recently an accelerated iterative procedure was studied for solving a coupled partial differential equation system in interphase heat transfer to improve some existing iterative procedures in the literature. In that procedure, at each step of the iteration one has to evaluate the derivative of a well-known function at a new point. In this paper, an alternative approach is proposed in which one has to evaluate the derivative only once throughout the procedure. The proposed new iterative scheme also has the same order of convergence and takes lesser number of iterations for certain benchmark problems. An interesting theoretical study on the monotone convergence as well as error estimate of the proposed iterative procedure are provided for continuous as well as discretized problems. The proposed iterative procedure also supplements the existence and uniqueness of the solution in both the cases. A comparative numerical study is also done to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme.


Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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