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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 102, 2023 - Issue 4
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Research Article

Constant sign and nodal solutions for parametric anisotropic (p, 2) -equations

Pages 1059-1076 | Received 13 Dec 2020, Accepted 12 Aug 2021, Published online: 09 Sep 2021


We consider an anisotropic (p,2)-equation, with a parametric and superlinear reaction term. We show that for all small values of the parameter the problem has at least five nontrivial smooth solutions, four with constant sign and the fifth nodal (sign-changing). The proofs use tools from critical point theory, truncation and comparison techniques, and critical groups.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Let ΩRN be a bounded domain with a C2-boundary Ω. In this paper, we study the following anisotropic (p,2)-equation Δp(z)u(z)Δu(z)=λf(z,u(z))in  Ω,u|Ω=0,λ>0.Pλ In this problem, the exponent p:Ω¯(1,+) is Lipschitz continuous and 2<p=minΩ¯p. By Δp(z), we denote the variable exponent (anisotropic) p-Laplacian, defined by Δp(z)u=div (|u|p(z)2u)for all uW01,p(z)(Ω). The reaction of the problem is parametric, with λ>0 being the parameter. The function f(z,x) is measurable in zΩ, continuous in xR. We assume that f(z,) is (p+1)-superlinear as x± (p+=maxΩ¯p) but without satisfying the usual in such cases Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition (the AR-condition for short). Our goal is to prove a multiplicity theorem for problem (Pλ) providing sign information for all the solutions produced. Using variational tools from the critical point theory, together with suitable truncation and comparison techniques and also Morse Theory (critical groups), we show that for all small values of the parameter λ>0 the problem has at least five nontrivial smooth solutions (four of constant sign and the fifth nodal (sign-changing)).

Theorem 1.1

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold, then there exists λ>0 such that for all λ(0,λ) problem (Pλ) has at least five nontrivial smooth solutions u0,uˆintC+, v0,vˆintC+, y0C01(Ω¯) nodal.

Remark 1.1

The hypotheses H0,H1 and spaces C+,C01(Ω¯) are defined in the next section. We stress that the above multiplicity theorem provides sign information for all the solutions.

Anisotropic equations arise in a variety of models of physical processes. We mention the works of Bahrouni-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation1] (transonic flow problems), Ržička [Citation2] (electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids), Zhikov [Citation3] (nonlinear elasticity theory), and Agarwal-Alghamdi-Gala-Ragusa [Citation4], Ragusa-Tachikawa [Citation5] (double phase problems). Recently there have been some existence and multiplicity results for various types of (p,q)-equations with nonstandard growth. We refer to the works of Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation6], Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation7], Rădulescu [Citation8], Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation9], Papageorgiou-Scapellato [Citation10], Papageorgiou-Vetro [Citation11], Zhang-Rădulescu [Citation12]. They produce at most three nontrivial solutions, but no nodal solutions. We also mention the recent isotropic works of Li-Rong-Liang [Citation13], Papageorgiou-Vetro-Vetro [Citation14] producing two positive solutions for (p,2)- and (p,q)-equations, respectively, and the recent work of Papageorgiou-Scapellato [Citation15] who consider a different class of parametric equations (superlinear perturbations of the standard eigenvalue problem) and produce seven solutions, all with sign information.

2. Mathematical background – hypotheses

The analysis of problem (Pλ) requires the use of Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. A comprehensive treatment of such spaces can be found in the book of Diening-Hajulehto-Hästö-Ržička [Citation16].

Given qC(Ω¯), we define q=minΩ¯qandq+=maxΩ¯q. Let E1={qC(Ω¯):1<q} and M(Ω)={u:ΩR measurable} (as usual we identify two measurable functions which differ only on a Lebesgue null set). Given qE1, we define the variable exponent Lebesgue space Lq(z)(Ω) as follows Lq(z)(Ω)=uM(Ω):Ω|u(z)|q(z)dz<. This vector space is equipped with the so-called ‘Luxemburg norm’ q(z) defined by uq(z)=infλ>0:Ωu(z)λq(z)dz1. Then Lq(z)(Ω) becomes a separable, uniformly convex (hence also reflexive) Banach space. The reflexivity of these spaces leads to the reflexivity of the corresponding Sobolev spaces, which we introduce below. In reflexive Banach spaces bounded sequences have w-convergent subsequences (Eberlein-Šmulian theorem). We will be using this fact repeatedly. The dual Lq(z)(Ω) is given by Lq(z)(Ω) with qE1 defined by q(z)=q(z)q(z)1 for all zΩ¯ (that is, 1q(z)+1q(z)=1 for all zΩ¯). Also we have the following version of Hölder's inequality Ω|u(z)h(z)|dz1q+1quq(z)hq(z)for\ all uLq(z)(Ω),all hLq(z)(Ω). If q1,q2E1 and q1(z)q2(z) for all zΩ¯, then Lq2(z)(Ω)Lq1(z)(Ω) continuously.

Now that we have variable exponent Lebesgue spaces, we can define variable exponent Sobolev spaces. So, if qE1, then we define W1,q(z)(Ω)=uLq(z)(Ω):|u|Lq(z)(Ω), with u being the weak gradient of u. This Sobolev space is equipped with the norm u1,q(z)=uq(z)+uq(z)for all  uW1,q(z)(Ω). When qE1 is Lipschitz continuous (that is, qE1C0,1(Ω¯)), then we define the Dirichlet anisotropic Sobolev space W01,q(z)(Ω) by W01,q(z)(Ω)=Cc(Ω)¯1,q(z). Both spaces W1,q(z)(Ω) and W01,q(z)(Ω) are separable and uniformly convex (hence reflexive) Banach spaces.

If qE1, then we define the critical Sobolev exponent corresponding to q() by setting q(z)=Nq(z)Nq(z)if  q(z)<N,+if  Nq(z). Suppose that q,rC(Ω¯), 1<q,r+<N and 1r(z)q(z) for all zΩ¯ (resp. 1r(z)<q(z) for all zΩ¯). Then the anisotropic Sobolev embedding theorem says that W1,q(z)(Ω)Lr(z)(Ω) continuously(resp. W1,q(z)(Ω)Lr(z)(Ω) compactly). The same embedding theorem remains true also for W01,q(z)(Ω) provided qE1C0,1(Ω¯). Moreover, in this case the Poincaré inequality is true, namely, we can find  cˆ>0 such that uq(z)cˆuq(z)for all  uW01,q(z)(Ω). This means that on the anisotropic Sobolev space W01,q(z)(Ω) we can consider the equivalent norm u1,q(z)=uq(z)for all  uW01,q(z)(Ω). The following modular function is very helpful in the study of the anisotropic Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces. So, let qE1. We define ρq(u)=Ω|u(z)|q(z)dzfor all uLq(z)(Ω). For uW1,q(z)(Ω), we define ρq(u)=ρq(|u|).

The modular function ρq() and the Luxemburg q(z) are closely related.

Proposition 2.1

If qE1 and {un,u}nNLq(z)(Ω), then


for all λ>0 we have uq(z)=λ if and only if ρquλ=1;


uq(z)<1uq(z)q+ρq(u)uq(z)q, uq(z)>1uq(z)qρq(u)uq(z)q+;





Suppose that qE1C0,1(Ω¯). We have W01,q(z)(Ω)=W1,q(z)(Ω). Then we introduce the operator Aq(z):W01,q(z)(Ω)W1,q(z)(Ω) defined by Aq(z)(u),h=Ω|u(z)|q(z)2(u,h)RNdz for all u,hW01,q(z)(Ω). The next proposition summarizes the main properties of this operator (see Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation17], Proposition 2.5, and Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation7], p. 40).

Proposition 2.2

If qE1C0,1(Ω¯) and Aq(z):W01,q(z)(Ω)W1,q(z)(Ω) is defined as above, then Aq(z)() is bounded (maps bounded sets to bounded sets), continuous, strictly monotone (hence also maximal monotone) and of type (S)+ (that is, if unwu in W01,q(z)(Ω) and lim supnAq(z)(un),unu0, then unu in W01,q(z)(Ω)).

Given xR, we set x±=max{±x,0}. Then for uW01,q(z)(Ω), we define u±(z)=u(z)± for all zΩ. We know that u±W01,q(z)(Ω),u=u+u,|u|=u++u. If u,v:ΩR are measurable functions such that u(z)v(z) for a.a. zΩ, then we define [u,v]={yW01,q(z)(Ω):u(z)y(z)v(z) for a.a. zΩ} and [u)={yW01,q(z)(Ω):u(z)y(z) for a.a. zΩ}.

We write uv if and only if for every compact KΩ, we have 0<cKv(z)u(z) for a.a. zK. Evidently, if u,vC(Ω) and u(z)<v(z) for all zΩ, then uv.

Besides the anisotropic Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces, we will also use the ordered Banach space C01(Ω¯)={uC1(Ω¯):u|Ω=0}. The positive (order) cone of C01(Ω¯) is C+={uC01(Ω¯):u(z)0 for all zΩ¯}. This cone has a nonempty interior given by int C+=uC+:u(z)>0 for\ all zΩ,un|Ω<0, with n() being the outward unit normal on Ω.

Suppose X is a Banach space and φC1(X). We set Kφ={uX:φ(u)=0}(the critical set of φ). We say that φ() satisfies the ‘C-condition’, if it has the following property:

‘Every sequence {un}nNX such that {φ(un)}nNR is bounded, and(1+unX)φ(un)0 in Xas  n, admits a strongly convergent subsequence’.

Given cR, we set φc={uX:φ(u)c}.

Suppose Y2Y1X. For every kN0=N{0}, by Hk(Y1,Y2) we denote the kth-singular homology group with integer coefficients for the pair (Y1,Y2). Let uKφ be isolated and c=φ(u). Then the critical groups of φ at u are defined by Ck(φ,u)=Hk(φcU,φcU{u})for all kN0, where U is an open neighborhood of u such that KφφcU={u}. The excision property of singular homology implies that this definition is independent of the choice of the isolating neighborhood U.

In the sequel, for economy in the notation, by we will denote the norm of the Sobolev space W01,p(z)(Ω) (pE1C0,1(Ω¯)). On account of the Poincaré inequality mentioned earlier, we have u=up(z)for all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Now we are ready to introduce our hypotheses on the data of problem (Pλ).

H0: pC0,1(Ω¯) and 2<p(z)<N for all zΩ¯.

H1: f:Ω×RR is a Carathéodory function such that f(z,0)=0 for a.a. zΩ, and

  1. |f(z,x)|a(z)[1+|x|r(z)1] for a.a. zΩ, all xR, with aL(Ω), rC(Ω¯) with p(z)<r(z)<p for all zΩ¯;

  2. if F(z,x)=0xf(z,s)ds, then limx±F(z,x)xp+=+ uniformly for a.a. zΩ;

  3. there exists μC(Ω¯) such that μ(z)(r+p)Np,p(z)for all zΩ¯,0<ηˆ0lim infx±f(z,x)xp+F(z,x)xμ(z) uniformly for a.a. zΩ;

  4. there exists τ(1,2) such that limx0f(z,x)x=+ uniformly for a.a. zΩ,limx0f(z,x)|x|τ2x=0 uniformly for a.a. zΩ,0lim infx0τF(z,x)f(z,x)x|x|p+ uniformly for a.a. zΩ;

  5. for every ρ>0, there exists ξˆρ>0 such that for a.a. zΩ, the function xf(z,x)+ξˆρ|x|p(z)2x is nondecreasing on [ρ,ρ] and for every s>0, we have 0<msf(z,x)x for a.a. zΩ, all |x|s.

Remark 2.1

Hypotheses H1(ii),(iii) imply that for a.a. zΩ, f(z,) is (p+1)-superlinear. However, this superlinearity condition on f(z,) is not formulated using the AR-condition which is common in the literature when dealing with superlinear problems (see, for example, Fan-Deng [Citation18], Theorem 1.3). Instead we use condition H1(iii) which incorporates in our framework superlinear nonlinearities with slower growth as x±, which fail to satisfy the AR-condition. Consider for example the function f(z,x)=|x|θ2xxif  |x|1,|x|p+2xln|x|+[|x|p(z)21]xif  1<|x|, with θ(1,2). This function satisfies hypotheses H1, but fails to satisfy the AR-condition. Hypothesis H1(iv) implies the presence of a concave term near zero.

3. Constant sign solutions - multiplicity

In this section, we show that for λ>0 small, problem (Pλ) has solutions of constant sign (positive and negative solutions). First we look for positive solutions. To this end, we introduce the C1-functional φλ+:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by φλ+(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩF(z,u+)dzfor all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Working with φλ+(), we can produce multiple positive smooth solutions when λ>0 is small.

Proposition 3.1

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold, then there exists λ+>0 such that for all λ(0,λ+) problem (Pλ) has at least two positive solutions u0,uˆint\,C+, u0uˆ.


On account of hypotheses H1(i),(iv), we have (1) F(z,x)c1[|x|τ+|x|θ]for a.a. zΩ,  all  xR, with c1>0,p+<θ<p.(1) Then for every uW01,p(z)(Ω), we have φλ+(u)1p+ρp(u)λc1[uττ+uθθ](see (1)). If u1, then by Proposition 2.1 and the Poincaré inequality, we have ρp(u)up+. Also recall that W01,p(z)(Ω)Lτ(Ω) and W01,p(z)(Ω)Lθ(Ω) continuously. Therefore, for uW01,p(z)(Ω) with u1, we have (2) φλ+(u)1p+up+λc2[uτ+uθ]for some c2>0.(2) Let α(0,1p+τ) and consider u=λα with 0<λ1. Then from (Equation2) we have (3) φλ+(u)1p+λαp+c2[λ1+ατ+λ1+αθ]=1p+c2λ1α(p+τ)+λ1+α(θp+)λαp+.(3) The choice of α>0 and since θ>p+, imply that ξ(λ)=c2λ1α(p+τ)+λ1+α(θp+)0+as  λ0+. Hence we can find λ+(0,1] such that ξ(λ)<1p+for all 0<λ<λ+. Then from (Equation3) we see that (4) φλ+(u)mλ>0for all u=λα, all λ(0,λ+).(4) Let λˆ1(2)>0 denote the principal eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian and uˆ1(2) the corresponding positive, L2-normalized (that is, uˆ1(2)2=1) eigenfunction. We know that uˆ1(2)intC+ (see for example, Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation19], p. 739). On account of hypothesis H1(iv), given η>λˆ1(2)λ, we can find δ>0 such that (5) F(z,x)η2x2for a.a. zΩ, all |x|δ.(5) Since uˆ1(2)intC+, we can find t(0,1) small such that 0tuˆ1(2)(z)δ for all zΩ¯. Then (6) φλ+(tuˆ1(2))tppρp(uˆ1(2))+t22[λˆ1(2)λη](see (5) and recall that  uˆ1(2)2=1).(6) Note that Ω[ληλˆ1(2)]uˆ1(2)2dz>0. Therefore from (Equation6), we have φλ+(tuˆ1(2))c3tpc4t2for some c3,c4>0. Since 2<p (see hypothesis H0), choosing t(0,1) even smaller if necessary, we have (7) φλ+(tuˆ1(2))<0 and tuˆ1(2)λα.(7) Using the anisotropic Sobolev embedding theorem (see Section 2), we infer that φλ+() is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. The ball B¯λα={uW01,p(z)(Ω):uλα} is sequentially weakly compact (recall that W01,p(z)(Ω) is a reflexive Banach space and use the Eberlein-Šmulian theorem). So, by the Weierstrass-Tonelli theorem, we can find u0B¯λα such that (8) φλ+(u0)=minφλ+(u):uB¯λα.(8) From (Equation7) and (Equation8), it follows that φλ+(u0)<0=φλ+(0),u00. Moreover, from (Equation4) and (Equation8), we infer that (9) 0<u0<λα.(9) From (Equation9) we see that u0 is an interior point in B¯λα and a minimizer of φλ+. Hence (10) (φλ+)(u0)=0,Ap(z)(u0),h+A2(u0),h=λΩf(z,u0+)hdzfor all hW01,p(z)(Ω).(10) In (Equation10) we choose h=u0W01,p(z)(Ω) and obtain ρp(u0)+u022=0,u00,u00. From (Equation10), we have that u0 is a positive solution of problem (Pλ) with 0<λ<λ+. From Fan-Zhao [Citation20, Theorem 4.1] (see also Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation6, Proposition 3.1]), we have that u0L(Ω). Then from Tan-Fang [Citation21, Corollary 3.1] (see also Fukagai-Narukawa [Citation22, Lemma 3.3]), we have that u0C+{0}. Finally, the anisotropic maximum principle of Zhang [Citation23] implies that u0intC+.

Now let λ(0,λ+) and consider 0<γ<λ. From the previous analysis, we know that problem (Pγ) has a positive solution uγintC+. We will show that we can have (11) u0uγintC+.(11) First we will show that we can have a solution uγ of (Pγ) such that uγu0. To this end let (12) g+(z,x)=f(z,x+)if  xu0(z),f(z,u0(z))if  u0(z)<x.(12) This is a Carathéodory function. We set G+(z,x)=0xg+(z,s)ds and consider the C1-functional ψγ+:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by ψγ+(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22γΩG+(z,u)dz1p+ρp(u)+12u22γΩG+(z,u)dzfor all uW01,p(z)(Ω). From Proposition 2.1 and (Equation12), we see that ψγ+() is coercive. Also, it is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. So, we can find uγW01,p(z)(Ω) such that (13) ψγ+(uγ)=minψγ+(u):uW01,p(z)(Ω).(13) As before, using hypothesis H1(iv) and choosing t(0,1) small so that we also have 0tuˆ1(2)u0 (see Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], Proposition 4.1.22, p. 274 and recall that u0intC+), we will have ψγ+(tuˆ1(2))<0,ψγ+(uγ)<0=ψγ+(0)(see (13)),uγ0. From (Equation13) we have (14) (ψγ+)(uγ)=0,Ap(z)(uγ),h+A2(uγ),h=γΩg+(z,uγ)hdzfor all hW01,p(z)(Ω).(14) In (Equation14), we choose h=uγW01,p(z)(Ω) and have ρp(uγ)+uγ22=0,uγ0,uγ0. Next in (Equation14) we choose h=(uγu0)+W01,p(z)(Ω). We have Ap(z)(uγ),(uγu0)++A2(uγ),(uγu0)+λΩf(z,u0)(uγu0)+dz(since γ<λ)=Ap(z)(u0),(uγu0)++A2(u0),(uγu0)+,uγu0. So, we have proved that (15) uγ[0,u0],uγ0.(15) As before, from the anisotropic regularity theory and the anisotropic maximum principle, imply that uγintC+. So, we have produced a solution uγintC+ of (Pγ) such that uγu0 (see (Equation15)).

Now, let ρ=u0 and let ξˆρ>0 be as postulated by hypothesis H1(v). We have (16) Δp(z)uγΔuγ+γξˆρuγp(z)1=γf(z,uγ)+ξˆρuγp(z)1γf(z,u0)+ξˆρu0p(z)1(see (15) and hypothesis  H1(v))=λf(z,u0)+γξˆρu0p(z)1(λγ)f(z,u0)Δp(z)u0Δu0+γξˆρu0p(z)1(since γ<λ).(16) Recall that u0intC+. So, on account of hypothesis H1(v), we have 0(λγ)f(,u0()). Then from (Equation16) and Proposition 2.4 of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation9], we infer that (Equation11) is true.

Using uγintC+, we introduce the following truncation of f(z,) (17) k+(z,x)=f(z,uγ(z))if   xuγ(z),f(z,x)if   uγ(z)<x.(17) We set K+(z,x)=0xk+(z,s)ds and consider the C1-functional φˆλ+:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by φˆλ+(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩK+(z,u)dzfor all uW01,p(z)(Ω). From (Equation17), we see that (18) φλ+|[uγ)=φˆλ+|[uγ)+βˆλwith βˆλR.(18) From the first part of the proof, we know that u0intC+ is a local minimizer of φλ+. Then (Equation11) and (Equation18) imply that (19) u0 is a local C01(Ω¯)-minimizer of φˆλ+(),u0 is a local W01,p(z)(Ω)-minimizer of φˆλ+()(19) (see Tan-Fang [Citation21], Theorem 3.2 and Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation6], Proposition 3.3). Using (Equation17), we can easily check that (20) Kφˆλ+[uγ)intC+.(20) This implies that we may assume that (21) Kφˆλ+ is finite(21) (otherwise we already have a whole sequence of distinct positive smooth solutions of (Pλ) and so we are done). Then (Equation21), (Equation19) and Theorem 5.7.6, p. 449, of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], imply that we can find ρ(0,1) small such that (22) φˆλ+(u0)<infφˆλ+(u):uu0=ρ=mλ+.(22) If uintC+, then from hypothesis H1(ii) we have (23) φˆλ+(tu)as  t+.(23) Moreover, (Equation18) and Proposition 4.1 of Gasiński-Papageorgiou [Citation6], implies that (24) φˆλ+() satisfies the C-condition (see hypothesis H1 (iii)).(24) From (Equation22)–(Equation24), we see that we can use the mountain pass theorem and obtain uˆW01,p(z)(Ω) such that (25) uˆKφˆλ+[uγ)intC+(see (20)),φˆλ+(u0)<mλ+φˆλ+(uˆ)(see (22)).(25) From (Equation25) and (Equation17), it follows that uˆintC+ is a positive solution of problem (Pλ) (λ(0,λ+)), uˆu0.

In a similar fashion, we can generate two negative smooth solutions when λ>0 is small. In this case, we start with the C1-functional φλ:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by φλ(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩF(z,u)dzfor all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Using this functional and reasoning as in the ‘positive’ case, we have the following multiplicity result.

Proposition 3.2

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold, then there exists λ>0 such that for all λ(0,λ) problem (Pλ) has at least two negative solutions v0,vˆintC+, v0vˆ.

4. Extremal constant sign solutions

Let Sλ+ be the set of positive solutions of (Pλ) and Sλ be the set of negative solutions of (Pλ). We know that: setSλ+intC+for all λ(0,λ+) (see Proposition 3.1),setSλintC+for all λ(0,λ) (see Proposition 3.2). In this section, we show that Sλ+ has a smallest element u¯λintC+, that is, u¯λu for all uSλ+ and Sλ has a biggest element v¯λintC+, that is, vv¯λ for all vSλ. We call u¯λ and v¯λ the ‘extremal’ constant sign solutions of (Pλ). In Section 5 these solutions will be used to produce a nodal (sign-changing) solution of (Pλ). Indeed, if we can produce a nontrivial solution of (Pλ) in the order interval [v¯λ,u¯λ] distinct from u¯λ and v¯λ, on account of the extremality of u¯λ and v¯λ, this solution will be nodal.

To produce the extremal constant sign solutions, we need some preparation. Let λ(0,λ+) and let η>λˆ1(2)λ. On account of hypotheses H1(i),(iv), we can find c5>0 such that (26) f(z,x)xηx2c5|x|r+for a.a. zΩ, all xR.(26) This unilateral growth restriction on f(z,), leads to the following auxiliary anisotropic (p,2)-problem Δp(z)u(z)Δu(z)=ληu(z)c5|u(z)|r+2u(z)in Ω,u|Ω=0,λ>0,u>0.Qλ For this problem, we have the following result

Proposition 4.1

If hypotheses H0 hold, then for every λ>0 problem (Qλ) has a unique positive solution uλintC+, and since problem (Qλ) is odd, vλ=uλintC+ is the unique negative solution.


Consider the C1-functional σλ+:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by σλ+(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22+λc5r+u+r+r+λ2ηu+221p+ρp(u)+12u22+λc5r+u+r+r+λ2ηu+22for all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Since p>2, from this last inequality, we infer that σλ+() is coercive. Also, it is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. So, we can find uλW01,p(z)(Ω) such that (27) σλ+(uλ)=minσλ+(u):uW01,p(z)(Ω).(27) Let t(0,1). We have σλ+(tuˆ1(2))tppρp(uˆ1(2))+t22Ωλˆ1(2)ληuˆ1(2)2dz+λtr+r+uˆ1(2)r+r+. From the choice of η, we see that β0=Ω(ληλˆ1(2))uˆ1(2)2dz>0. Therefore, we can write that σλ+(tuˆ1(2))c6tpc7t2for some c6,c7>0 (recall that p<r+). Since 2<p, taking t(0,1) even smaller if necessary, we have σλ+(tuˆ1(2))<0,σλ+(uλ)<0=σλ+(0)(see (27)),uλ0. From (Equation27) we have (28) (σλ+)(uλ)=0,Ap(z)(uλ),h+A2(uλ),h=λΩη(uλ)+c5((uλ)+)r+1hdzfor all  hW01,p(z)(Ω).(28) In (Equation28), we choose h=(uλ)W01,p(z)(Ω) and obtain ρp((uλ))+(uλ)22=0,uλ0,uλ0. Then from (Equation27), we see that uλ is a positive solution of (Qλ). As before (see the proof of Proposition 3.1), the anisotropic regularity theory and the anisotropic maximum principle, imply that uλintC+. Next we show the uniqueness of this positive solution. To this end, we consider the integral functional j:L1(Ω)R¯=R{+} defined by j(u)=Ω1p(z)|u1/2|p(z)dz+12u1/222if u0,u1/2W01,p(z)(Ω),+otherwise. From Theorem 2.2 Taká-Giacomoni [Citation25], we know that j() is convex. Let domj={uL1(Ω):j(u)<} (the effective domain of j()) and suppose uˆλ is another positive solution of (Qλ). Again we have that uˆλintC+. Hence using Proposition 4.1.22, p. 274, of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], we have uˆλuλL(Ω)anduλuˆλL(Ω). Let h=(uλ)2(uˆλ)2. Then for |t|<1 small, we have (uλ)2+thdomj,(uˆλ)2+thdomj. Thus the convexity of j() implies the Gateaux differentiability of j() at (uλ)2 and at (uˆλ)2 in the direction h. Moreover, a direct calculation using Green's identity (see also [Citation25], Theorem 2.5), gives j((uλ)2)(h)=12ΩΔp(z)uλΔuλuλhdz=λ2Ω[ηc5(uλ)r+2]hdz,j((uˆλ)2)(h)=12ΩΔp(z)uˆλΔuˆλuˆλhdz=λ2Ω[ηc5(uˆλ)r+2]hdz. The convexity of j() implies the monotonicity of j(). Hence 0c5Ω(uˆλ)r+2(uλ)r+2((uλ)2(uˆλ)2)dz0,uλ=uˆλ. This proves the uniqueness of the positive solution uλintC+ of (Qλ). Since the equation is odd, it follows that vλ=uλintC+ is the unique negative solution of (Qλ), λ>0.

The solution uλ (resp. vλ), will provide a lower bound (resp. an upper bound) for the solution set Sλ+ (resp. Sλ). These bounds are important in generating the extremal constant sign solutions.

Proposition 4.2

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold, then uλu for all uSλ+ and vvλ for all vSλ.


Let uSλ+intC+ and consider the Carathéodory function e:Ω×RR defined by (29) e(z,x)=ηx+c5(x+)r+1if  xu(z),ηu(z)c5u(z)r+1if  u(z)<x.(29) We set E(z,x)=0xe(z,s)ds and consider the C1-functional σˆλ+:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by σˆλ+(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩE(z,u)dz1p+ρp(u)+12u22c8for some c8>0 (see (29)), all uW01,p(z)(Ω). It follows that σˆλ+() is coercive. Also, it is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. So, we can find u~λW01,p(z)(Ω) such that (30) σˆλ+(u~λ)=minσˆλ+(u):uW01,p(z)(Ω).(30) As before (see the proof of Proposition 4.1), for t(0,1) small, we will have 0tuˆ1(2)u and σˆλ+(tuˆ1(2))<0(recall that  uintC+, see (29) and recall 2<p<r+)σˆλ+(u~λ)<0=σˆλ+(0)(see (30)),u~λ0. From (Equation30), we have (31) (σˆλ+)(u~λ)=0,Ap(z)(u~λ),h+A2(u~λ),h=λΩe(z,u~λ)hdzfor all hW01,p(z)(Ω).(31) In (Equation31), first we choose h=(u~λ)W01,p(z)(Ω). We obtain ρp((u~λ))+(u~λ)22=0(see (29)),u~λ0,u~λ0. Next in (Equation31), we choose h=(u~λu)+W01,p(z)(Ω). We have Ap(z)(u~λ),(u~λu)++A2(u~λ),(u~λu)+=λΩηuc5ur+1(u~λu)+dz(see (29))λΩf(z,u)(u~λu)+dz(see (26))=Ap(z)(u),(u~λu)++A2(u),(u~λu)+,u~λu. So, we have proved that (32) u~λ[0,u],u~λ0.(32) From (Equation32), (Equation29) and (Equation31), we see that u~λ is a positive solution of (Qλ). Then Proposition 4.1 implies that u~λ=uλ,uλufor all uSλ+. Similarly we show that vv~λ for all vSλ.

Now we are ready to produce the extremal constant sign solutions for problem (Pλ). Let λ=min{λ+,λ}.

Proposition 4.3

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold and λ(0,λ), then problem (Pλ) has a smallest positive solution u¯λSλ+intC+ and a biggest negative solution v¯λSλintC+.


From Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation26] (see the proof of Proposition  4.3), we have that Sλ+ is downward directed (that is, if u1,u2Sλ+, then we can find uSλ+ such that uu1, uu2). Therefore using Lemma 3.10, p. 178, of Hu-Papageorgiou [Citation17], we can find {un}nNSλ+ decreasing such that infSλ+=infnNun. We have (33) Ap(z)(un),h+A2(un),h=λΩf(z,un)hdzfor all hW01,p(z)(Ω),all nN,(33) (34) uλunu1for all nN.(34) In (Equation33) we choose h=unW01,p(z)(Ω) and obtain (35) ρp(un)+un22=λΩf(z,un)undzfor all nN.(35) From (Equation34), (Equation35) and hypothesis H1(i), we infer that {un}nNW01,p(z)(Ω) is bounded. So, we may assume that (36) unwu¯λ in W01,p(z)(Ω) and unu¯λ in Lr(z)(Ω).(36) In (Equation33) we choose h=unu¯λW01,p(z)(Ω), pass to the limit as n and use (Equation36). We obtain (37) limnAp(z)(un),unu¯λ+A2(un),unu¯λ=0,lim supnAp(z)(un),unu¯λ+A2(u¯λ),unu¯λ0,(from the monotonicity of  A2()),lim supnAp(z)(un),unu¯λ0(see (36)),unu¯λin W01,p(z)(Ω) (see Proposition 2.2).(37) Therefore, if in (Equation33), we pass to the limit as n and use (Equation37), we obtain Ap(z)(u¯λ),h+A2(u¯λ),h=λΩf(z,u¯λ)hdzfor all hW01,p(z)(Ω),uλu¯λ,u¯λSλ+ and u¯λ=infSλ+. For the negative solutions, we know that Sλ is upward directed (that is, if v1,v2Sλ, then we can find vSλ such that v1v, v2v). Reasoning as above, we produce v¯λSλintC+ such that vv¯λ for all vSλ.

5. Nodal solutions

In this section using the extremal constant sign solutions and following the approach outlined in the beginning of Section 4, we will produce a nodal (sign-changing) solution for problem (Pλ), λ(0,λ).

Let u¯λintC+ and v¯λintC+ be the two extremal constant sign solutions produced in Proposition 4.3. We introduce the Carathéodory function f¯:Ω×RR defined by (38) f¯(z,x)=f(z,v¯λ(z))if   x<v¯λ(z),f(z,x)if   v¯λ(z)xu¯λ(z),f(z,u¯λ(z))if   u¯λ(z)<x.(38) We also consider the positive and negative truncations of f¯(z,), namely, the Carathéodory functions (39) f¯±(z,x)=f¯(z,±x±).(39) We set F¯(z,x)=0xf¯(z,s)ds and F¯±(z,x)=0xf¯±(z,s)ds, and then introduce the C1-functionals φ¯λ,φ¯λ±:W01,p(z)(Ω)R defined by φ¯λ(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩF¯(z,u)dz,φ¯λ±(u)=Ω1p(z)|u(z)|p(z)dz+12u22λΩF¯±(z,u)dz,  for all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Using (Equation38) and (Equation39) and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 4.2, since u¯λ,v¯λ are the extremal constant sign solutions, we obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold and λ(0,λ), then Kφ¯λ[v¯λ,u¯λ]C01(Ω¯), Kφ¯λ+={0,u¯λ}, Kφ¯λ={0,v¯λ}.

The next result will allow the use of the mountain pass theorem.

Proposition 5.2

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold and λ(0,λ), then the two extremal constant sign solutions u¯λintC+ and  v¯λintC+ are local minimizers of  φ¯λ().


From (Equation38), (Equation39) and hypothesis H1(i), we have ΩF¯(z,u)dzc~for some c~>0,all uW01,p(z)(Ω). Therefore φ¯λ+(u)1p+ρp(u)λc~for all uW01,p(z)(Ω),φ¯λ+() is coercive (see Proposition 2.1). Also, it is sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. So, we can find w¯λW01,p(z)(Ω) such that φ¯λ+(w¯λ)=minφ¯λ+(u):uW01,p(z)(Ω)<0=φ¯λ+(0)(see the proof of Proposition 4.2),w¯λ0. Since w¯λKφ¯λ+{0}, from Proposition 5.1, we infer that w¯λ=u¯λintC+. But from (Equation38) and (Equation39), it is clear that φ¯λ|C+=φ¯λ+|C+. It follows that u¯λintC+ is a local C01(Ω¯)-minimizer of φ¯λ(),u¯λintC+ is a local W01,p(z)(Ω)-minimizer of φ¯λ() (see [8,24]). Similarly using this time φ¯λ(), we show that v¯λintC+ is a local minimizer of φ¯λ().

It is clear from Proposition  5.1, that we may assume that (40) Kφ¯λ is finite.(40) Otherwise, we already have a sequence of distinct smooth nodal solutions of (Pλ) and so we are done.

Also, we may assume that (41) φ¯λ(v¯λ)φ¯λ(u¯λ).(41) The reasoning is similar if the opposite inequality holds.

Proposition 5.3

If hypotheses H0, H1 hold and λ(0,λ), then the problem (Pλ) has a nodal solution y0C01(Ω¯).


From (Equation40), (Equation41) and Theorem 5.7.6, p. 449, of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], we can find ρ(0,1) small such that (42) φ¯λ(v¯λ)φ¯λ(u¯λ)<infφ¯λ(u):uu¯λ=ρ=mλ,v¯λu¯λ>ρ.(42) Also φ¯λ() is coercive (see (Equation38)). Hence Proposition 5.1.15, p. 369, of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], implies that (43) φ¯λ() satisfies the C-condition.(43) Then (Equation42) and (Equation43) permit the use of the mountain pass theorem. So, we can find y0W01,p(z)(Ω) such that (44) y0Kφ¯λ[v¯λ,u¯λ]C01(Ω¯),mλφ¯λ(y0).(44) From (Equation44), (Equation38) and (Equation42), we infer that y0C01(Ω¯) is a solution of (Pλ),y0{u¯λ,v¯λ}. From Theorem 6.5.8, p. 527, of Papageorgiou-Rădulescu-Repovš [Citation24], we know that (45) C1(φ¯λ,y0)0.(45) On the other hand, hypothesis H1(iv) and Proposition 4.2 of Leonardi-Papageorgiou [Citation27] imply that (46) Ck(φ¯λ,0)=0for all kN0.(46) Comparing (Equation45) and (Equation46), we conclude that y00 and so y0C01(Ω¯) is a nodal solution of (Pλ).

This also proves Theorem 1.1.  


The authors wish to thank a knowledgeable referee for his/her constructive remarks and criticisms.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The second author was supported by Slovenian Research Agency [grant numbers P1-0292, N1-0114, N1-0083, N1-0064, and J1-8131].


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