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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 103, 2024 - Issue 1
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Research Article

Globally proper efficiency of set optimization problems based on the certainly set less order relation

, &
Pages 184-197 | Received 11 Jul 2022, Accepted 09 Feb 2023, Published online: 25 Feb 2023


In this paper, we investigate the globally proper efficiency of set optimization problems. Firstly, we use the so-called certainly set less order relation to define a new kind of set order relation. Based on the new set order relation, we introduce the notion of the globally proper efficient solution of the set optimization problem. Secondly, we establish Lagrange multiplier rule of the set optimization problem. Finally, we obtain Lagrangian duality theorems and saddle point theorems. We also give some examples to illustrate our results.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Vector optimization is an important topic in optimization theory and has been investigated by many scholars. The model of the vector optimization problem is formed as follows: (VOP)Minf(x),xX,where f:XY is a vector-valued map, and X and Y are a linear space and a locally convex space, respectively. Many scholars studied different kinds of solutions of (VOP) (see [Citation1–4] and the references therein), for example, properly minimal solutions, weakly minimal solutions, or approximately minimal solutions, see [Citation2].

With the development of set-valued analysis, several scholars have been paying attention to the following set-valued optimization problem: (SVOP)MinF(x),xX,where F:XY is a set-valued map. When F(x) is a singleton set for any xX, (SVOP) reduces to (VOP). Among the introduced minimality notions of (SVOP) are Benson properly efficient solution [Citation5], Henig properly efficient solution [Citation6] and super efficient solution [Citation7]. Not only the topological properties of these solutions such as the connectedness of the solution set have been investigated [Citation8], but also optimality conditions of (SVOP) in the sense of proper efficiency have been established.

In order to define the solution x0 of (VOP), we only need to compare f(x0) with every element in f(X), where x0X. However, when we define the solution x0 of (SVOP), we need to compare y0F(x0) with every element in F(X). This described the so-called vector approach to a set-valued optimization problem. Note that when defining the solutions of (VOP) and (SVOP), we usually make some comparisons between two vectors. Recently, several scholars have been using the ordered convex cone to make comparisons between two sets and formed the following set optimization problem (SOP): (SOP)Min{F(x)|xX}.When we define the solution x0 of (SOP), we need to compare F(x0) with every element in {F(x)|xX}. This is the so-called set approach, see [Citation9]. The set approach to a set-valued optimization problem has gained tremendous interest in the last years. Very recently, Ansari et al. [Citation10] have studied the convergence of the solution set of set optimization problems. Moreover, it is interesting to mention that there exist several publications that deal with a vectorization approach of (SOP), see, for example, [Citation11–13]. The extremal value functions used in vectorization have been intensely studied in Gerlach and Rocktäschel [Citation14].

To generalize the cone convexity of set-valued maps, Kuroiwa et al. [Citation15] introduced six kinds of set-relations based on cone ordering. Hernández and Rodríguez-Marín [Citation16] introduced the efficient solution and the weakly efficient solution of (SOP) and investigated duality, Lagrangian multiplier rule and saddle points of (SOP). Dhingra and Lalitha [Citation17] investigated the set optimization involving improvement sets [Citation18]. Very recently, the existence of solutions [Citation19,Citation20], scalarizations [Citation21,Citation22] and the connectedness [Citation23,Citation24] of the solutions set for (SOP) have been studied.

In the theory of vector optimization, we always consider a partial order relation to compare two vectors or sets. However, the set order relation induced by the improvement set in [Citation17] is not a partial order relation. On the other hand, it is well-known that the set of (weakly) efficient solutions for (VOP) or (SVOP) is usually too big, which poses difficulties for the decision maker. To overcome this defect, the notion of properly efficient solution of (VOP) and (SVOP) has been introduced. Therefore, using the partial order relation to introduce the notion of proper efficiency of (SOP) is an interesting point that we are tackling in this work. To the best of our knowledge, there are no publications introducing the notions of properly efficient solutions of (SOP). The purpose of this paper is to use the certainly set less order relation [Citation25,Citation26] to introduce a globally proper efficient solution of (SOP).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give some notations and preliminaries. In Section 3, we obtain a Lagrange multiplier rule of (SOP). In Section 4, we establish duality theorems of (SOP) and finally, in Section 5, we give saddle point theorems of (SOP).

2. Notations and preliminaries

Let Y and Z be two real locally convex spaces. Y and Z are dual spaces of Y and Z, respectively. The zero element of every space is denoted by 0. Write P(Y):={AY|A}. CP(Y) is called a convex set iff λx1+(1λ)x2C,x1,x2C,λ[0,1].CP(Y) is called a cone iff λxC,xC,λ0.CP(Y) is pointed iff C(C)={0}. CP(Y) is nontrivial iff C{0} and CY. The interior and the closure of C are denoted by intC and clC, respectively. Unless otherwise specified, we suppose that C and D are two nontrivial point convex cones of Y and Z with intC and intD, respectively.

Definition 2.1


Let AP(Y). yA is called a minimal element of A (denoted by yMinA) iff (Ay)(C{0})=.

We denote the set HC:={HP(Y)|HisapointedconvexconewithC{0}intH}.

Definition 2.2


Let AP(Y). yA is called a globally minimal element of A (denoted by yGMinA) iff there exists HHC such that (Ay)(H{0})=.

Remark 2.1

It is clear that GMinAMinA. However, the following example shows that MinAGMinA. Hence, Definition 2.1 generalizes Definition 2.2.

Example 2.1

Let C:={(x,y)x0,y0,(x,y)R2}, A:={(x,y)1<x<0,1<y<3,(x,y)R2}{(0,1)}. Let a=(0,1). It is easy to check aMinA and aGMinA. Therefore, MinAGMinA.

To compare two elements of P(Y), we establish the following the set order relation defined between two nonempty sets.

Definition 2.3


Let A,BP(Y). We define the following set order relation: ACcBA=BorBACwheneverAB.

Remark 2.2

According to Proposition 6.2 in Ansari [Citation25], the set order relation Cc is a partial order relation since C is a nontrivial point convex cone.

Let C be replaced by C+H{0} in the set order relation Cc, we can introduce a new set order relation C+H{0}c as follows: AC+H{0}cBA=BorBAC+H{0}wheneverAB.

Remark 2.3

The set order relation C+H{0}c is transitive. Indeed, let A1C+H{0}cA2 and A2C+H{0}cA3. If A1A2 we have baC+H{0},bA2,aA1and cbC+H{0},cA3,bA2.Thus, we have ca=(cb)+(ba)C+H{0}+C+H{0}C+H{0},cA3,aA1,which implies A3A1C+H{0}, i.e. A1C+H{0}cA3. Clearly, A1C+H{0}cA3 holds when A1=A2. Hence, the set order relation C+H{0}c is transitive. Clearly, the set order relation C+H{0}c is reflexive. We claim that the set order relation C+H{0}c is antisymmetric. Let B1C+H{0}cB2 and B2C+H{0}cB1. If B1B2, then we have B2B1C+H{0} and B1B2C+H{0}. Thus, B2B1(C+H{0})((C+H{0}))=, which is a contradiction. Therefore, B1=B2. Thus, the set order relation C+H{0}c is a partial order relation.

Next, based on the above set order relation, we define the globally proper minimal element of SP(Y).

Definition 2.4

Let SP(Y).

  1. AS is a c-globally minimal element of S (denoted by Ac-GMinS) iff there exists HHC such that BS and BC+H{0}cA imply AC+H{0}cB.

  2. AS is a c-globally maximal element of S (denoted by Ac-GMaxS) iff there exists HHC such that BS and AC+H{0}cB imply BC+H{0}cA.

Remark 2.4

When SP(Y) becomes SP(Y), Definition 2.4(i) reduces to Definition 2.2.

The following proposition shows a relationship between a c-globally minimal element of S and the set order relation BC+H{0}cA for all BS.

Proposition 2.1

Let SP(Y) and AS. We have Ac-GMinS iff there exists HHC such that BC+H{0}cA,BS.


The sufficiency is clear. Now, we prove the necessity. We suppose that, for any HHC, there exists BS such that (1) BC+H{0}cA.(1) If A = B, then 0ABC+H{0} which contradicts with 0C+H{0}. If AB, it follows from Definition 2.4 that AC+H{0}cB. Thus, we obtain (2) BAC+H{0}.(2) By (Equation1), we have (3) ABC+H{0}.(3) It follows from (Equation2) and (Equation3) that (4) AB(C+H{0})((C+H{0})).(4) Since (H{0})((H{0}))=, (C+H{0})((C+H{0}))=, which contradicts (Equation4).

3. Lagrangian multiplier

In this section, we will establish a Lagrange multiplier rule of the set optimization problem. From now on, we suppose that X is a linear space and A is a nonempty subset of X.

Definition 3.1


The set-valued map F:XY is said to be C-convexlike on A iff λF(x1)+(1λ)F(x2)F(A)+C,x1,x2A,λ[0,1].

Remark 3.1


F is C-convexlike on A iff F(A)+C is a convex set of Y.

Definition 3.2


Let B be a nonempty subset of Y. B is said to be C-bounded iff, for any neighborhood U of zero in Y, there exists t>0 such that BtU+C.

Lemma 3.1

Let BY be an C-bounded set and HHC. Then, bB(bintH).


Let hintH. Write U:=h+intH. It is clear that U is a neighborhood of zero. Since BY is C-bounded, there exists t>0 such that BtU+C=t(h+intH)+Cth+C+intHth+H{0},which shows that thbB(bintH). Hence, bB(bintH).

Let F:XY and G:XZ be two set-valued maps on A. Now, we consider the following set optimization problem: (SOP)Min{F(x)|xΩ},where Ω:={xA|G(x)(D)}.

Let L(Z,Y) denote the set of all continuous linear maps from Z to Y. Write L+(Z,Y):={TL(Z,Y)|T(D)C} and Λ(Z,Y):={h|h()=T()+m,TL+(Z,Y),mC}.

Definition 3.3


(SOP) satisfies the generalized Slater constraint qualification iff there exists xA such that G(x)(intD).

Definition 3.4

x0Ω is called a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP) iff F(x0)c-GMin{F(x)|xΩ}.

Theorem 3.1

Let HHC and x0A. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied.

  1. (SOP) satisfies generalized Slater constraint qualification;

  2. F(x0) is C-bounded;

  3. The set-valued map (F,G):XY×Z is (H{0})×D-convexlike on A;

  4. Let B:=y0F(x0)(y0H{0}) and M:={(y,z)((H{0})+{0})×D+|(y,z) separates (F,G)(A) and B×(D)}. If M, there exist (y0,z0)M and (y0,z0)F(x0)×G(x0) such that (5) inf{y,y0+z,z0|(y,z)F(A)×G(A)}=y0,y0+z0,z0.(5)

  5. There does not exist xA such that (F(x0)F(x))(H{0}).Then, there exists TL+(Z,Y) such that (6) T(G(x0)(D))intC{0}(6) and x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of the following unconstrained set optimization problem: (USOP)Min{F(x)+(TG)(x)|xA}.


Clearly, B is a convex set in Y. Since F(x0) is C-bounded, it follows from Lemma 3.1 that intB=y0F(x0)(y0intH). Thus, B×(D) is a convex set with int(B×(D)) in Y×Z. According to Condition (iii), (F,G)(A)+(H{0})×D is a convex set in Y×Z.

We assert that (7) ((F,G)(A)+(H{0})×D)int(B×(D))=.(7) Otherwise, there exists (y¯,z¯)(F,G)(A)+H{0}×D such that (y¯,z¯)int(B×(D)). Thus, there exists x¯A such that (8) y¯(F(x¯)+H{0})intB(8) and (9) z¯(G(x¯)+D)int(D).(9) (Equation9) implies x¯Ω. By (Equation8), there exist yF(x¯) and hH{0} such that (10) y¯=y+hintB.(10) Clearly, BH{0}B. Therefore, we have (11) intBH{0}intB.(11) It follows from (Equation10) and (Equation11) that (12) y=y¯hintB=y0F(x0)(y0intH)y0F(x0)(y0H{0}).(12) (Equation12) shows that yy0H{0},y0F(x0),i.e. F(x0)yH{0},which implies that (F(x0)F(x¯))(H{0}),which contradicts Condition (v). Therefore, (Equation7) holds.

By the separation theorem of convex sets, there exists (y,z)(Y×Z){(0,0)} such that (13) y,y+z,zb,y+d,z,(y,z)(F,G)(A)+(H{0})×D,bB,dD.(13) According to (Equation13), (y,z)(H{0})+×D+. We assert that y0. Otherwise, z0. By (Equation13), we have (14) z,z0,zG(A).(14) On the other hand, it follows from Condition (i) that there exists xA such that zG(x)(intD). Since zD+, we have z,z<0,which contradicts (Equation14). Therefore, y0. According to (Equation13), we have (15) y,y+z,zb,y+d,z,(y,z)(F,G)(A),bB,dD.(15) Since (y,z)((H{0})+{0})×D+, it follows from (Equation15) that M. By Condition (iv), there exist (y0,z0)M and (y0,z0)F(x0)×G(x0) such that (Equation5) holds. By (Equation5), we have (16) y,y0+z,z0y0,y0+z0,z0,xA,(y,z)(F,G)(x).(16) Let c0intC be fixed. Since intCintH and y0(H{0})+, c0,y0>0. We define the map T:ZY as follows (17) T(z)=z,z0c0,y0c0,zZ.(17) Clearly, TL+(Z,Y). It follows from z0D+ that (18) z,z00,zG(x0)(D).(18) By (Equation17) and (Equation18), (Equation6) holds.

We assert (19) F(x)+(TG)(x)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(TG)(x0),xA.(19) Otherwise, there exists x~A such that F(x~)+(TG)(x~)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(TG)(x0).Hence, we have F(x0)+(TG)(x0)(F(x~)+(TG)(x~))C+H{0}.Let y0F(x0) and z0G(x0). Then, there exist y~F(x~),z~G(x~),c~C and h~H{0} such that (20) y0+z0,z0c0,y0c0=y~+z~,z0c0,y0c0+c~+h~.(20) It follows from (Equation20) that (21) y0,y0+z0,z0y~,y0z~,z0=c~+h~,y0.(21) Since y0(H{0})+, we have (22) c~+h~,y0>0.(22) Using (Equation21) and (Equation22), we obtain y0,y0+z0,z0>y~,y0+z~,z0,which contradicts (Equation16). Therefore, (Equation19) holds. Thus, by Proposition 2.1, x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (USOP).

The following example is used to illustrate Theorem 3.1.

Example 3.1

Let Y:=R2, Z:=R, C:={(x,y)y3x,y13x,(x,y)R2}, D:=R+, A:=[0,2] and H:=R+2. The set-valued maps F:XY and G:XZ on A are defined as: F(x)={[(0,x+1),(x+1,0)],x[0,1)[(0,1),(1,0)],x=1[(0,x),(x,0)],x(1,2)[(0,2),(2,0)],x=2and G(x)={[x,0],x[0,1)[1,0],x=1[x+1,0],x(1,2)(0,1],x=2.It is clear that HHC and Ω=[0,2). Let x0=1A. It is easy to check that Conditions (i)–(v) hold. Hence, there exists T defined as follows: T(z)=z,z0c0,y0c0,zZ,where (y0,z0)=((1,1),1)M and c0=(12,12)intC. For the above T, (6) holds and x0=1 is a c-globally minimal solution of (USOP).

4. Duality

Let hΛ(Z,Y) with h(.)=T(.)+m and mC. The set-valued map hG:XY is defined as follows (hG)(x)=zG(x)T(z)+m,xA.We define the Lagrangian set-valued map L:X×Λ(Z,Y)Y as follows L(x,h)=F(x)+(hG)(x),(x,h)A×Λ(Z,Y).The dual set-valued map ΦG:Λ(Z,Y)Y is write as ΦG(h)=c-GMin{L(x,h)|xA},hΛ(Z,Y).The dual problem associated to (SOP) is the following optimization problem: (DSOP)Max{ΦG(h)|hΛ(Z,Y)}.

Definition 4.1

h0Λ(Z,Y) is called a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP) iff there exists x0A such that L(x0,h0)ΦG(h0) and L(x0,h0)c-GMax{ΦG(h)|hΛ(Z,Y)}.

Definition 4.2

(x0,h0)X×Λ(Z,Y) is called a feasible pair of (DSOP) iff h0Λ(Z,Y) and F(x0)+(h0G)(x0)ΦG(h0).

Theorem 4.1

Weak Duality

Let (hG)(x0)C and (x,h) be a feasible pair of (DSOP). If there exists HHC such that (23) F(x0)C+H{0}cF(x)+(hG)(x),(23) then F(x)+(hG)(x)C+H{0}cF(x0).


By (Equation23), the conclusion holds when F(x0)=F(x)+(hG)(x). When F(x0)F(x)+(hG)(x), we obtain (24) F(x)+(hG)(x)F(x0)C+H{0}.(24) According to (hG)(x0)C and (Equation24), we obtain F(x)+(hG)(x)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0))C+H{0},which implies (25) F(x0)+(hG)(x0)C+H{0}cF(x)+(hG)(x).(25) Because (x,h) is a feasible pair of (DSOP), it follows from Definition 4.2 that (26) F(x)+(hG)(x)ΦG(h).(26) According to (Equation25), (Equation26) and Definition 2.4, we have F(x)+(hG)(x)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(hG)(x0),which implies (27) F(x0)+(hG)(x0)(F(x)+(hG)(x))C+H{0}.(27) By (Equation27), we have (28) F(x0)(F(x)+(hG)(x))a+C+H{0},a(hG)(x0).(28) Since (hG)(x0)C, it follows from (Equation28) that F(x0)(F(x)+(hG)(x))C+H{0},which implies F(x)+(hG)(x)C+H{0}cF(x0).

Corollary 4.1

Let (x1,h1)X×Λ(Z,Y) and (hG)(x)C with xΩ and hΛ(Z,Y). If there exists HHC such that (x1,h1) is a feasible pair of (DSOP) and (29) F(x0)C+H{0}cF(x1)+(h1G)(x1),(29) then x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP) and h1 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP).


Let xΩ and F(x)C+H{0}cF(x0). x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP) when F(x)=F(x0). When F(x)F(x0), we have (30) F(x0)F(x)C+H{0}.(30) We assert that x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP).

Case 1. F(x0)=F(x1)+(h1G)(x1). Since F(x)C+H{0}cF(x0), it follows from (Equation29) that (31) F(x)C+H{0}cF(x1)+(h1G)(x1).(31) By (Equation31) and Theorem 4.1, we have F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)C+H{0}cF(x). Hence, F(x0)C+H{0}cF(x), which shows x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP).

Case 2. F(x0)F(x1)+(h1G)(x1). By (Equation29), there is (32) F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)F(x0)C+H{0}(32) It follows from (Equation30) and (Equation32) that F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)F(x)F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)F(x0)+C+H{0}C+H{0}+C+H{0}C+H{0},which implies F(x)C+H{0}cF(x1)+(h1G)(x1).Combining with Theorem 4.1, we obtain (33) F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)C+H{0}cF(x).(33) Using (Equation29) and (Equation33), we have F(x0)C+H{0}cF(x),which shows that x0 is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP).

Next, we prove that h1 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP). Since (x1,h1) is a feasible pair of (DSOP), F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)ΦG(h1). Let (x2,h2)X×Λ(Z,Y) be a feasible pair of (DSOP) such that (34) F(x1)+(h1G)(x1)C+H{0}cF(x2)+(h2G)(x2).(34) It follows from (Equation29) and (Equation34) that (35) F(x0)C+H{0}cF(x2)+(h2G)(x2).(35) Because (x2,h2) is a feasible pair of (DSOP), it follows from (Equation35) and Theorem 4.1 that (36) F(x2)+(h2G)(x2)C+H{0}cF(x0).(36) By (Equation29) and (Equation36), we have (37) F(x2)+(h2G)(x2)C+H{0}cF(x1)+(h1G)(x1).(37) According to (Equation34), (Equation37) and Definition 2.4, we obtain L(x1,h1)c-GMax{ΦG(h)|hΛ(Z,Y)}. Hence, h1 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP).

Theorem 4.2

Let x0Ω be a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP) and HHC. There exists u0L+(Z,Y) such that (u0G)(x)C with xΩ and x0 is a solution of c-GMin{F(x)+(u0G)(x)|xA}. If there exists xΩ such that (38) F(x)+(u0G)(x)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(u0G)(x0),(38) then u0 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP).


Since x0 is a solution of c-GMin{F(x)+(u0G)(x)|xA}, (x0,u0) is a feasible pair of (DSOP). Therefore, (39) F(x0)+(u0G)(x0)ΦG(u0).(39) By (Equation38), u0 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP) when F(x)+(u0G)(x)=F(x0)+(u0G)(x0). When F(x)+(u0G)(x)F(x0)+(u0G)(x0), we have (40) F(x0)+(u0G)(x0)(F(x)+(u0G)(x))C+H{0}.(40) It follows from (Equation40) that (41) F(x0)+(u0G)(x0)F(x)a+C+H{0},a(u0G)(x).(41) According to (u0G)(x)C and (Equation41), we obtain F(x0)+(u0G)(x0)F(x)C+H{0}which implies (42) F(x)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(u0G)(x0).(42) According to (Equation39), (Equation42) and Corollary 4.1, u0 is a c-globally maximal solution of (DSOP).

5. Proper saddle points

In this section, we introduce and study the notion of proper saddle points of the Lagrangian map L.

Definition 5.1

The pair (x0,h0)X×Λ(Z,Y) is called proper saddle point of Lagrangian map L iff the following conditions hold:

  1. L(x0,h0)c-GMin{F(x)+(h0G)(x)|xA};

  2. L(x0,h0)c-GMax{F(x0)+(hG)(x0)|hΛ(Z,Y)}.

Let AP(Y) and ΘZ. Write WMaxA:={aA|(Aa)intC=}. From now on, we suppose that (43) D:={zZ|z,φ0,φΘ}.(43) It is clear that D is a closed convex cone in Z.

Theorem 5.1

Let (x0,h0)A×Λ(Z,Y) and HHC. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. (x0,h0) is a proper saddle point of L;

  2. WMaxhΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0));

  3. There exists xΩ such that (44) (h0G)(x)C(44) and (45) F(x0)+(h0G)(x0)(F(x)+(h0G)(x))C+H{0}.(45) Then, G(x0)D. Moreover, x is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP) and (x0,h0) is a feasible pair of (DSOP).


Firstly, we prove G(x0)D. Let z0G(x0). Suppose that z0D. According to (Equation43), there exists φΘ such that (46) z0,φ>0.(46) Let e0intC. For any nN, we define the map Tn:ZY as follows (47) Tn(z)=ne0z,φ,zZ.(47) It follows from (Equation43) that TnΛ(Z,Y) for any nN. By (Equation46) and (Equation47), we have Tn(z0)intC for any nN. Since WMaxhΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0)), we let (48) y0WMaxhΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0)).(48) Using (Equation48), we obtain (49) y0hΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0))(49) and (50) (hΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0))y0)intC=.(50) By (Equation49), there exists hΛ(Z,Y) such that y0F(x0)+(hG)(x0). Therefore, there exist y0F(x0),zG(x0),TL+(Z,Y) and mC such that (51) y0=y0+T(z)+m.(51) Let (52) U:=e0intC.(52) Clearly, U is a neighborhood of 0 in Y. Because U is absorbent, there exists n0N such that (53) 1n0z0,φ(T(z)T(z0))U.(53) By (Equation52) and (Equation53), we have (54) T(z)T(z0)n0z0,φe0n0z0,φintCn0z0,φe0intC.(54) According to (Equation54), there exists mintC such that (55) T(z)T(z0)=n0z0,φe0+m.(55) Let (56) n:=n0+1(56) and (57) β:=y0+(T+Tn)(z0)+m+m.(57) We define the map h:ZY as follows (58) h(z)=(T+Tn)(z)+m+m,zZ.(58) Clearly, hΛ(Z,Y). By (Equation57) and (Equation58), we obtain (59) β=y0+h(z0)F(x0)+(hG)(x0)hΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0)).(59) By (Equation47), (Equation51), (Equation55), (Equation56) and (Equation57), we have (60) βy0=z0,φe0intC.(60) It follows from (Equation59) and (Equation60) that (hΛ(Z,Y)(F(x0)+(hG)(x0))y0)intC,which contradicts (Equation50). Hence, G(x0)D.

By Condition (i) and Definition 4.2, (x0,h0) is a feasible pair of (DSOP). It follows from (Equation45) that (61) F(x0)+(h0G)(x0)F(x)a+C+H{0},a(h0G)(x).(61) Using (Equation61) and (Equation44), we have F(x0)+(h0G)(x0)F(x)C+H{0}which implies (62) F(x)C+H{0}cF(x0)+(h0G)(x0).(62) According to (Equation62) and Corollary 4.1, x is a c-globally minimal solution of (SOP).

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we investigate set optimization problems. The notion of the globally proper efficient element of the power set is introduced. Some properties of the globally proper efficient element are characterized. Under the assumption of the cone convexlikeness of the set-valued map, a Lagrange multiplier rule of the set optimization problem is presented. Lagrangian duality theorems, including a weak duality theorem and a strong duality theorem, are established. Optimality conditions involving saddle points are obtained. It will be interesting to establish optimality conditions in the sense of new proper efficiency of set optimization problems, such as Benson proper efficiency, Henig proper efficiency and super efficiency.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This research was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (12171061 and 12071379), the Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing Education Commission (KJZD-K202001104) and the Graduate Innovation Project of Chongqing (CYS21473).


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