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United Kingdom National Report to the ICA 2019–2023


This report provides a summary of cartographic activities within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 2019 to 2023 and a directory of higher education courses, institutions, organizations and companies associated with cartography and the mapping industry. It is presented by the UK Cartography Committee to the 19th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) at the 31st International Cartographic Conference, held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 13th to 18th August 2023.

The UK National Report to the ICA 2019–2023 comprises three sections, as follows, within which all entries are listed alphabetically:

Section 1: Full Entries

Progress reports on the cartographic activities undertaken by institutions, organizations and companies in the UK, 2019–2023.

Section 2: Higher Education Courses

A directory of higher education courses in the UK in which aspects of mapping and cartography form part of the taught programme.

Section 3: Summary Entries

A directory of institutions, organizations and companies that are actively engaged in mapping and cartography in the United Kingdom.

These sections are accompanied by two indices: a general alphabetical index and a thematic index to facilitate searching for individual entries, each of which has a unique reference number.


Number: F1

Organization name: AccuCities

Category: Commercial – 3D Mapping Services

Website: https://www.accucities.com/


71–75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden



Description of activities

AccuCities® is a specialist 3D city modelling agency that captures photogrammetric 3D city models of the as-built environment, both in CAD solid and textured formats, providing accurate and detailed 3D Models of London and other UK cities for architects and planners. Accurate and affordable, our context 3D City models can be purchased in a variety of levels of detail in AutoCad, SketchUp or FBX formats ().

Figure 1. City of London Future Developments 3D Model

Figure 1. City of London Future Developments 3D Model

Figure 2. City of London Future Skyscrapers 3D Model

Figure 2. City of London Future Skyscrapers 3D Model

Figure 3. London 3D Model 2029 overview

Figure 3. London 3D Model 2029 overview

Number: F2

Organization name: Association for Geographic Information (AGI)

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.agi.org.uk

Email: [email protected]


Lancaster Court

8 Barnes Wallis Road


PO15 5TU

Description of Activities

The Association for Geographic Information (AGI) is a diverse and passionate membership organization delivering the needs of its members working in the GI and geospatial world. The AGI works in collaboration with industry bodies, member organizations and sponsors, to realize its mission and has a vital role to play in supporting the future development of the UK geospatial sector.

The AGI bases all its activities on three pillars:

  • Nurturing and connecting active GI communities

  • Supporting career and skills development for GI professionals; and

  • Providing thought leadership to inspire future generations.

Motivated to make a difference as an independent and impartial organization, the AGI works closely on behalf of its members, successfully influencing government policy, delivering the highest quality of education, leading in industry best practices and helping members to:

  • build their professional networks;

  • learn new professional skills and access training opportunities;

  • focus on their career and personal development.

Established in 1990, the organization is filled with expertise, whilst attracting many young professionals who bring innovative ideas and insight.

Featured in the UK’s Geospatial Strategy, the AGI Early Careers Network (ECN) facilitates communication and collaboration. The ECN aims to enable the development of productive and sustainable connections between early career professionals, giving traction to the fresh, innovative and disruptive ideas of the future leaders of the geospatial industry.

The AGI also runs the largest independent event in the UK GI calendar run by geospatial professionals for geospatial professionals. GeoCom is open to members and non-members alike and brings together the geo community with networking sessions, panel discussions, industry expert presentations and thought leadership addresses from some of the nation’s biggest names in geospatial ().

Figure 4. GeoCom - AGI’s flagship event, and the largest independent event in the UK

Figure 4. GeoCom - AGI’s flagship event, and the largest independent event in the UK

Number: F3

Organization name: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Bodleian Libraries

Broad Street



Description of Activities

The Bodleian Map Room hosts the University of Oxford’s map collection of almost 2,000,000 maps and 20,000 atlases.

During the reporting period, the Bodleian’s Weston Library has been used to host numerous cartographic events:

  • To celebrate the conclusion of our 6-year partnership with the National Trust tapestry restoration team, we held a one-day symposium (October 2019) ‘From Weston House to the Weston Library: the Sheldon Tapestry Maps at the Bodleian’

  • A Library Late, where over 250 members of the public attended an evening of map-related events including: tours of ‘Talking Maps’; lectures by map artists Layla Curtis and Stephen Walter; eight researchers who could be ‘borrowed’ by visitors for 5 minutes at a time to discuss their map-related work; flooding a Lego model of Oxford; and lots more (February 2020)

  • An interactive online ‘Meet the Maps’ session focusing on four maps of Oxford (April 2022).

The restored Sheldon Tapestry Map of Oxfordshire (c. 1590) has been on public display since mid-2019, prominently located in the Weston’s Blackwell Hall. We have launched a new eight-minute film on the map (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU4X9rIkNKs).

Map-related exhibitions included:

  • Talking Maps – the first purely maps-focused exhibition staged by the Bodleian since 2003;

  • Alice in Typhoidland included disease maps of Oxford;

  • North Sea Crossings told the story of Anglo-Dutch exchanges through medieval manuscripts, early prints, numerous maps, animal stories and other treasures from the Bodleian’s collections.

The major public engagement focus for this report was the Talking Maps exhibition from July 2019 to March 2020, co-curated by Nick Millea and Jerry Brotton, attracting almost 100,000 visitors to the Library.

A companion for ‘Talking Maps’ featured in November 2019’s Oxford Christmas Light Festival with a son et lumière performance by Luxmuralis beamed onto the walls of the Old Schools Quadrangle (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N89OmcJITwo).

More map images were beamed directly onto the Radcliffe Camera.

The Oxford Seminars in Cartography (TOSCA) continue to provide presentations on a variety of cartographic subjects, with multiple seminars and one field trip per annum, entering its 30th season in late 2022. TOSCA benefitted from the pandemic by increasing the number of seminars, and ambitiously targeting overseas speakers to deliver online talks. In March 2021, TOSCA was also able to host a virtual 1-day Women and Maps conference, and going online allowed us to bring in speakers from six different time zones, and attract around 200 attenders.

Outreach activities have seen staff giving presentations to organizations such as BCS, as well as Art Friends Suffolk, the British Art Network, Charlbury Beer Festival, Charlbury Festival, the Charlbury Society, Edith Moorhouse Primary School, Florence Park Community Centre, Friends of Oxfordshire Museum, Friends of the Bodleian, the Henley Society, the International Map Collectors’ Society, Manchester Geographical Society, Oxford Alumni Weekend, Oxford Beer Festival, Oxford Open Doors, The Oxford Seminars in Cartography, Oxford University Heritage Network, Oxfordshire County Libraries and Archives, Oxfordshire Family History Society, Radley History Club, St Helen and St Katharine School – Abingdon, St Luke’s Hospital – Oxford, Shropshire Family History Society, University of Leicester Medieval Research Centre, Wood Festival and Wychwood School.

We have also judged two mapmaking competitions run by Oxford City Council which were designed to convey citizens’ cartographic perceptions of lockdown during the pandemic.

New acquisitions included Layla Curtis’ ‘The Thames (from London Bridge, Arizona to Sheerness, Canada)’, a direct result of the Bodleian’s collaboration with the artist as part of ‘Talking Maps’.

New titles from Bodleian Library Publishing which have appeared over the duration of this report have included:

  • Ackland, Stuart: Drink Map of Oxford (2019)

  • Ashworth, Mick: Why North is Up: Map Conventions and Where They Came From (2019)

  • Brotton, Jerry & Millea, Nick: Fifty Maps and the Stories They Tell (2019)

  • Brotton, Jerry & Millea, Nick: Talking Maps (2019)

  • Nie, Hongping Annie: The Selden Map of China: A New Understanding of the Ming Dynasty (2019)

  • Rapoport, Yossef: Islamic Maps (2020).

The Library’s Leverhulme Trust-funded ‘Understanding the medieval Gough Map through Physics, Chemistry and History’ project was awarded of £112,242, beginning on 1st June 2019 and scheduled to continue until 31st May 2023. We have signed a contract with Brill to publish a hefty volume in their Mapping the Past series which will outline the findings of the project’s endeavours.

We have also participated in the ‘Unlocking historical maps of Southeast Asia’ project to commemorate Singapore’s bicentenary, partnering with Yale-National University of Singapore, Leiden University Libraries, the Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, and the National Library Board of Singapore to create an online platform to deliver pre-1900 mapping of Southeast Asia. This went live on 30th August 2022 at: https://historicalmaps.yale-nus.edu.sg.

We have finally launched our series of ten StoryMaps online – they can be found at: https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/maps/storymaps/. Subjects are: the Gough Map; Imaginary lands; Islamic maps; the Laxton Map; Layla Curtis’ ‘The Thames … ’; Oxford; the Oxford Drink Map; Oxfordshire; Tudor tapestry maps; and World War I trench maps.

Our volunteers have continued to focus their attention on the BCS Awards submissions, gathering them from disparate UK locations for storage and cataloguing as a new ‘special collection’ ().

Figure 5. The Radcliffe Camera

Figure 5. The Radcliffe Camera

Figure 6. Talking Maps Exhibition

Figure 6. Talking Maps Exhibition

Number: F4

Organization name: British Antarctic Survey

Category: Research Organization

Website: https://www.bas.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


High Cross

Madingley Road



Description of Activities

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) delivers and enables world-leading interdisciplinary research in the Polar Regions. The BAS Mapping and Geographic Information Centre provides geospatial information support to BAS science and operations programmes. It also takes a leading role in international projects to improve geospatial information resources for Antarctica through new techniques and data sources.

The BAS mapping group compiles, manages and distributes the Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) datasets on behalf of Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The ADD is a seamless compilation of topographic data for Antarctica. Data updates are released every 6 months. Recent improvements to the ADD include a brand-new contour dataset for the entire continent and the publishing of ISO-compliant metadata records for the datasets. The ADD coastline and contour datasets were also added to the ArcGIS Living Atlas in 2022.

In addition to bespoke mapping to support BAS science and operations activities, we publish a series of topographic maps for the Antarctic and Arctic, primarily focusing on the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Sea. Seven of our published maps have been updated in the last 5 years and two new maps have been produced, one covering Greenland and the European Arctic and the other The South Orkney Islands. The maps continue to be sold worldwide and used by scientists, operational workers and tourists.

We provide secretariat support to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) for the UK Antarctic Place-names Committee. 147 new names were added to British Antarctic Territory gazetteer in the last five years, and all approved names are added to the UK and international, composite gazetteers.

The group also maintains online web-mapping services including the Antarctic Peninsula Information Portal (collates environmental management information for British Antarctic Territory) and the Polar View sea ice information service (delivering current sea ice information to ships in the polar regions) ().

Figure 7. Antarctic Peninsula and Weddell Sea

Figure 7. Antarctic Peninsula and Weddell Sea

Number: F5

Organization name: British Geological Survey

Category: Research Organization

Website: http://www.bgs.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Nicker Hill



NG12 5GG

Description of Activities

Since the British Geological Survey’s inception in 1835, it has been providing information about the diverse geological landscape and the processes that have shaped it. Historically this has been the creation and publication of information via maps, logs and diagrams to help facilitate the understanding of this complex environment by other geologists and specialists. However, our users are changing, not everyone is a geologist, and as such they should not be expected to interpret geological terms and scientific understanding in its raw format. The data created behind our traditional publications has been instrumental in reaching a much wider audience, with the development of 2D and 3D digital frameworks evolving into ‘digital twins’ of our landscape, we are more likely to be providing information to a Data Scientist, than an Environmental Scientist. User requirements have also changed in how data should be delivered, with significant growth in data to flow between systems, providing easier access across more digital services and platforms. We have established a broad range of data products that draw on our scientific research and aligned to stakeholder needs as environmental challenges evolve and societal response changes. Traditional market research and innovation workshops with users have developed into co-design and beta-testing as digital skills and access enable more collaborative conversations.

Integration of our data with other sources of information is now more widespread. For example, our GeoCoast product integrates geology, terrain and climate data from multiple sources and provides information on the potential for coastal geohazards, especially coastal erosion, flooding, and subsidence. Similarly, the recent development of GeoClimate, which provides information on the potential for the ground to shrink and swell (causing subsidence) under different climatic conditions, exemplifies how a temporal component can be integrated into a traditionally ‘static’ dataset on a national scale.

As a data-rich organization, BGS is keen to make many of our datasets available through a variety of routes and continue to release open-source datasets as part of its remit. The BGS Geology 625 K map data is the latest to have been added to the ArcGIS Living Atlas making it discoverable to a global audience and encouraging innovation – augmenting BGS Earthquake, Borehole and GeoClimate datasets that already exist on this platform. Many more openly available datasets and products are available through BGS’s GeoIndex.

We continue to provide geological expertise internationally with ongoing surveys for the island of Singapore, and the Maltese Islands. Here too, traditional map outputs are complimented with underpinning digital models and new formats for information delivery and user engagement.

The BGS is also part of the Geospatial Commission (GC), comprising of six core partner bodies to maximize accessibility to geospatial data. We work with the GC to improve the quality of key, publicly held data along with making it easier to access and use ().

Figure 8. GeoClimate graphics

Figure 8. GeoClimate graphics

Number: F6

Organization name: Cambridge University Library Map Department

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/departments/maps

Email: [email protected]


Map Department

Cambridge University Library

West Road



Description of Activities

Cambridge University Library Map Department holds approximately 1.3 million printed and manuscript maps, plus 50,000 atlases and books on cartography. Items date from the fifteenth century to the present. Coverage is worldwide, though since Cambridge University Library is a Legal Deposit Library the coverage of British publishers, including the Ordnance Survey, is one of its particular strengths.

Activity during the last 4 years has inevitably been dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, in spite of the speed with which we all had to react initially and the many restrictions and limitations imposed upon us (which resulted in us having very sporadic access to the collections), we managed to maintain an enquiry service and to do some other useful work. A blog post written for the Cambridge Library Group describes many of these achievements (see https://tinyurl.com/2p9bchme).

One of these new projects for which time was unexpectedly available was the compilation of a Cartographic Resources LibGuide (https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/cartographic_resources). Another was the editing of data for ingestion into the University’s new archive catalogue ArchiveSearch (the Map Department’s section of which can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/6sta5sww). In addition, many more of our manuscript maps (mostly of Cambridge) have been added to Cambridge Digital Library (CUDL at https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/maps/1), as have Richard Relhan’s (1782–1844) drawings of Cambridgeshire buildings and landscapes (https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/relhan/4).

The Library has now returned to working more or less as normal and we have been pleased to welcome back to the Map Room readers as well as groups of students of all ages, from Cambridge and further afield, to look at displays and learn about the collections.

The Map Department continues to assist with the organization of the Cambridge Seminars in the History of Cartography, which delivers three talks a year. These became, and remain, online presentations, attracting a world-wide audience (see www.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/departments/maps/cartographic-events/camsem).

Number: F7

Organization name: CDR Group

Category: Commercial – Software Supplier

Website: https://www.cdrgroup.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Eccles House

Eccles Lane


Hope Valley

S33 6RW

Description of Activities

We provide activities around the supply of MapInfo Pro software and related geospatial data to any and all industries. We also provide training, support, consultancy and data capture, as well as provision of Spectrum Spatial for Web mapping ().

Figure 9. MapInfo Pro - LiDAR

Figure 9. MapInfo Pro - LiDAR

Number: F8

Organization name: Cosmographics

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.cosmographics.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Monaco House

Unit 1 Monaco Works

Station Road

Kings Langley



Description of Activities

Cosmographics, formed in 1987, provides customer-focused cartographic services and undertakes mapping projects no matter how big or small. We can project manage a project from concept to design, editorial and production through to printing.

Our main projects are for publishers, providing maps for atlases, reference books and wall maps. Cosmographics also produce maps for the wine and tourist industry, for the education sector and many others. We produce and design maps using Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign, using MAPublisher as our way to access and work with georeferenced data.

One particular focus in recent years has been to ensure that our maps are fully inclusive, especially those for the education sector and in the public domain. Our colour-blind friendly wall maps are now sold in map shops around the world and we have a map shop on our website selling our products print on demand.

Number: F9

Organization name: Coventry City Council

Category: Government – Local

Website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk

Email: [email protected]


One Friargate



Number: F10

Organization name: Defence Geographic Centre

Category: Defence


Elmwood Avenue


TW13 7AH

Description of Activities


Defence Geographic Centre (DGC) is a unit within the Foundation GEOINT pillar of the UK National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence (NCGI). It works in partnership with the UK providers of aeronautical, hydrographic, oceanographic and meteorological data, products and services to fulfil NCGI-Foundation's mission to deliver comprehensive global geospatial support to the UK Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in support of operations, planning and training. It also supports other government departments, including the wider UK Security and Intelligence community, and works with a wide range of international partners both bilaterally and in multinational programmes.


DGC produces and provides a wide range of data and products including maps, charts, documents, interactive tools and datasets, which are disseminated in both hardcopy and softcopy formats and increasingly through web-services across Defence CIS networks. As the centre of geographic expertise and advice to MOD, DGC has specialist knowledge and skills in the fields of geodesy, place names, international boundaries and human geography, and maintains one of the world's leading and finest global collections of current geospatial information, readily available to meet Defence requirements.

Recent Activities

The last 4 years have been particularly challenging; whilst implementing new ways of working due to the Covid-19 pandemic, DGC has continued to invest significant resource in implementing new capabilities, maintaining its skills, expertise and influence in key specialisms, and in preparations for moving from its current site in Feltham to join the majority of the NCGI assets at RAF Wyton as part of wider Defence Estate rationalization. Despite the challenges, DGC has provided critical geospatial support to Defence including a range of military operations and exercises such as the Carrier Strike Group, and to NATO contingencies and deployments.

Number: F11

Organization name: Dennis Maps

Category: Commercial – Printing

Website: https://www.dennismaps.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Unit 2

Grove Lane



BA11 4AT

Description of Activities

Dennis Maps Ltd is the largest printer of paper maps and charts in the UK, operating from a dedicated production facility in the southwest of England.

Dennis Maps Ltd works with a variety of clients, with these ranging from government agencies, through commercial map publishers, to individuals who are looking to publish a map for the first time.

Dennis Maps Ltd is the trusted print partner of Ordnance Survey, producing a large range of Ordnance Survey map products, including the iconic Explorer and Landranger Series.

The Company has a range of specialized equipment, including large format printers, using both lithographic and digital print technologies, as well as a range of map finishing equipment.

In total, Dennis Maps Ltd produces in excess of 2 million paper maps and charts each year.

Number: F12

Organization name: DVDMaps

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.dvdmaps.co.uk

Email: [email protected]

Description of Activities

Producing maps for published travel guides, books by academic historians and design agencies ().

Figure 10. Survey map of Zaragoza

Figure 10. Survey map of Zaragoza

Number: F13

Organization name: Edward Stanford

Category: Commercial – Retail

Website: https://www.stanfords.co.uk and www.bookharbour.com

Email: [email protected]


7 Mercer Walk

Covent Garden



Description of Activities

Stanfords is a specialist retailer of maps and nautical charts. We aim to keep in stock or be able to source a very wide variety of paper maps and charts for customers worldwide. In the past few years, we have grown the range of Print On Demand maps and charts that we offer. We sell to our customers in our London, Bristol and Southampton shops and on our websites and by handling telephone and email enquiries. Our customers value the opportunity to speak to our knowledgeable sales advisors and get the benefit of their experience when selecting maps. The majority of our sales are paper maps and charts, but we do also supply digital products. There has been a growth in demand for digital products, but this does not seem to have reduced the demand for the paper products that we sell. There has also been a growth in demand for reproductions of historic maps which we offer.

Number: F14

Organization name: Esri UK

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.esriuk.com/en-gb/home

Email: [email protected]


Millennium House

65 Walton Street



HP21 7QG

Description of Activities

The greatest challenges of our time – including climate change, sustainability, and social and economic inequality – are interrelated and inherently tied to issues of geography. A science-based, geographic approach can help us understand these interconnected problems holistically by integrating all kinds of information.

At Esri UK, we envision empowering all organizations to embrace this approach. By collectively creating and sharing multidisciplinary knowledge, we can make smarter decisions about managing our world – building a collaborative digital geospatial system for our entire planet. Together, we have the power to transform society and design a better, more sustainable future.

Today, our software, ArcGIS, is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations around the world. In the UK, we support thousands of organizations including the Environment Agency, Met Office, MOD, City of London Police, Balfour Beatty and Public Health Scotland.

Number: F15

Organization name: GeoHistoric

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.geohistoric.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


112 High Street



CB21 4EP

Description of Activities

At GeoHistoric, we search out data sources, new and old, develop databases that meet a wide range of needs and undertake customized data collection, modelling and staff training. With over 60 years of combined experience in the geospatial industry, the directors are renown leaders in their respective fields having created award winning solutions for many different market sectors ().

Figure 11. GeoHistoric map examples

Figure 11. GeoHistoric map examples

Number: F16

Organization name: Geospatial Commission

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/geospatial-commission

Email: [email protected]


10 South Colonnade


E14 4PU

Description of Activities

Since its inception in 2018, the Geospatial Commission has:

  • Published the UK’s Geospatial Strategy, setting out a coordinated approach to unlock the economic, social and environmental value from geospatial data

  • Commenced rollout of the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR), a digital map of underground pipes and cables that will revolutionize construction and development in the UK

  • Established the National Land Data Programme, focusing on making the case for how enhanced spatial modelling capability can lead to better, joined-up strategic decisions on land use

  • Assisted in making geospatial data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable via our Q-FAIR programme

  • Published a report on the demand for geospatial skills

  • Announced a new 10-year Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA) with Ordnance Survey, increasing the amount of location data available to the public sector across England and Wales

  • Ran a Transport Location Data Competition, stimulating the rapid prototyping of many innovative geospatial solutions developed by the companies that participated

  • Published a report on the UK public sector demand for Earth Observation technology which has now developed into a pilot programme

  • Showcased the UK’s capability at international forums in partnership with key UK agencies at COP26, the Cambridge Conference (the international conference for national mapping agencies) and the Geospatial World Forum

  • Published a policy paper on location data ethics proposing shared values to build public trust in the use of location data

  • Developed the Electric Vehicle Chargepoint Programme, looking to test the feasibility and value of a standardized approach to geospatial data to help local authorities plan and provide electric vehicle chargepoint infrastructure and the government to meet its 2030 target for ending the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles.

Number: F17

Organization name: Government Geography Profession

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/government-geography-profession & https://members.geography.gov.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Contact through Geospatial Commission (F46)

Description of Activities

In 2018, the Government Geography Profession (GGP) was established to support geographical expertise across the public sector. We are now a community of over 1,500 members across various Government Departments, Local Government and other public sector organizations. Our members are located across the UK in roles across the full breadth of the geography discipline.

The GGP is based at the Cabinet Office with our departmental sponsor, the Geospatial Commission. We are also one of the seven analytical professions in Government that have come together to form the Analysis Function, using a multidisciplinary approach to inform the design and delivery of policy and support our members with training, advice and guidance.

Our members participate and present at monthly knowledge sharing webinars and receive our monthly newsletter. We have developed our members site which has free resources to aid in learning and development in the geographic sector. It hosts our member directory which allows our members to connect with each other.

We hold an annual conference for members which has been in person twice and held online during the pandemic. We have also hosted our annual Geography in Government Awards which recognizes and celebrates the work of our members across the public sector.

We have engaged with organizations across the geo community and have working relationships with those whom we can collaborate with to achieve our shared objectives and benefit our members. These include the British Cartographic Society, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and Geoplace.

The GGP will continue to be an inclusive and welcoming profession for those in the public sector who consider themselves geographers, recognizing that whilst a lot of our members are in technical geo roles that align to the Analysis Function, there will be other geographers in wider roles across the public sector who the profession will continue to support.

Number: F18

Organization name: HarperCollins Publishers UK

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: http://www.harpercollins.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


103 Westerhill Road



G64 2QT

Description of Activities

Collins Bartholomew, the cartographic operation within HarperCollins publishers, creates and maintains all the mapping published under the Times and Collins brands as well as the authoritative cartographic databases that underpin it. A suite of licensable digital map data products is also created from these databases and is used and trusted worldwide by customers in government, defence, media, humanitarian and other sectors.

Print products include the prestigious Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World, a range of Collins World Reference atlases and Road Atlases for the UK and Europe; and a growing list of leisure titles, including pocket street maps and walk guides.

In January 2020, Collins Bartholomew acquired the mapping operation of the Geographers’ A–Z Map Company and continues to revise the detailed A–Z base maps, publish print titles and licence digital versions of A–Z branded maps in the iconic A–Z style.

Since 2010, Collins Bartholomew has been the official mapping partner of the GSM Association, the umbrella body for mobile network operators around the world. We create individual interactive coverage maps for each operator’s networks for display on the GSM Association website and (optionally) on the operator’s own website. Aggregated global coverage data is also licensed to a variety of customers, primarily in the academic and humanitarian sectors.

Collins Bartholomew also offers a custom mapping service, built around flexible delivery of bespoke maps created from our diverse and comprehensive suite of cartographic assets, knowledge and experience ().

Figure 12. Yorkshire Dales National Park Pocket Map

Figure 12. Yorkshire Dales National Park Pocket Map

Number: F19

Organization Name: Latitude Cartography

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.latitudecartography.co.uk

Email: [email protected]




Carradale East


PA28 6SG

Description of Activities

We produce new copyright-free GIS/hand-drawn topographic base maps and implement user-friendly mapping systems (GIS) for estates and companies. We provide training courses and produce management plans for those managing landscapes. Naturally we produce any type of map on request (e.g. for authors) ().

Figure 13. Latitude Cartography mapping examples

Figure 13. Latitude Cartography mapping examples

Number: F20

Organization name: Lovell Johns

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.lovelljohns.com

Email: [email protected]


10 Hanborough Business Park

Long Hanborough



OX29 8RU

Description of Activities

Lovell Johns is both the largest independent cartographic services company in the UK and also a provider of independent GIS services and solutions through the gi Perspective division. Celebrating its 50th year anniversary in 2015, the business has 20 full-time staff serving an international client base. The culture of the business is one of flexibility and professionalism with a passion for quality in every map-making activity undertaken. The business has four closely linked business streams:

  • End-to-end cartographic design services based on the processing of spatial data in the cartographic and GIS environments to support a wide range of custom map commissions and data visualizations

  • GIS services and Web mapping through gi Perspective encompassing data capture, data processing, software and application development to support our map-making activities

  • Printed wall-maps and map data production, including an extensive range of reference and thematic maps for the consumer market

Lovell Johns has an unrivalled reputation for its expertise in bespoke cartographic production and we have worked for many years on large-scale reference, thematic and infographic mapping projects for public sector clients such as Ordnance Survey, Environment Agency, European Commission and for international reference map publishers including National Geographic, Philip’s, AA and Michelin. The GIS and Web mapping side of the business, rebranded as gi Perspective in 2019, provides a wide range of spatial analysis, data processing and visualization and web-mapping solutions to a varied client base including Welsh Government, European Commission and many local authorities ().

Figure 14. Map of Telford

Figure 14. Map of Telford

Number: F21

Organization name: Making Maps Work Ltd trading as ML Design

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: http://www.facebook.com/MakingMapsWork

Email: [email protected]


53 Doctors Lane




Description of Activities

ML Design has been offering mapping services for over 30 years. We work for a wide range of clients offering a design-based approach to mapping. The emphasis on information design and mapping indicates that our interest is the successful transmission and navigation through complex information. Our primary client base comprises publishers, designers, museums and museum designers, heritage and cultural organizations, and Local and Central Government ().

Figure 15. Map of Sindh

Figure 15. Map of Sindh

Figure 16. ML Design map examples

Figure 16. ML Design map examples

Number: F22

Organization name: National Library of Scotland

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.nls.uk/

Email: [email protected]


92 Cowgate



Description of Activities

The National Library of Scotland's map collections have continued to grow through legal deposit, purchase and donation. With a physical collection of more than 2.25 million items, the digital collection is also growing rapidly. Digitization projects mean that almost a quarter of our collection is now available online (https://maps.nls.uk/). Following a project to scan and put online all our single-sheet maps of Scotland (131,000 maps in total), our online coverage of maps of Scotland now spans more than 400 years. The team is now working on scanning and making publicly available Ordnance Survey sheets at all scales for England and Wales, including the large-scale town plans, which will include more than 10,000 maps covering 400 towns.

A new reading room, in our Causewayside building in Edinburgh, has meant that physical map consultation is by appointment only, freeing the Map team up for other map enquiry, collection and outreach tasks. Outreach includes workshops and talks about using maps as historical sources, particularly for family, house and local history, as well as bespoke sessions for academic and special interest groups, such as garden history. An overhead visualizer has recently been installed in the reading room which will enable remote consultation of maps and atlases for readers.

During 2021–2022, several hundred enthusiastic volunteers worked with us to transcribe names and features from our historic maps. More than 60,000 place names from the Roy Military Survey of Scotland (1747–1755) were recorded. Working with the Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society, 50,000 footpaths and tracks were successfully found and mapped. The transcription projects also created a detailed gazetteer of Edinburgh streets and urban features derived from the 1890s Ordnance Survey town plans. These successful collaborative projects show us a way forward for future community engagement.

Number: F23

Organization name: National Library of Wales

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.library.wales

Email: [email protected]


The National Library of Wales



SY23 3BU

Description of Activities

The Library collects maps through various means, including Legal Deposit, purchase and donation. The collections are made available to the public through visiting our reading rooms and increasingly online through digital surrogates. The Library promotes the collection through the use of social media, blogs and our annual maps symposium Carto-Cymru.

Over the last 2 years, we have increased the number of staff working with the map collection, by appointing a trainee assistant map curator and also by adding another curatorial assistant to the team.

While most of the collection consists of paper mapping, we have also started to receive a number of born-digital cartographic items which we are making available online.

Number: F24

Organization name: School of Engineering, Newcastle University

Category: Education

Website: http://www.ncl.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


Description of Activities

During the 2019–2023 period, the presence of cartography as a discipline of study has changed at Newcastle University. In teaching programmes, its most notable contribution is still to degree courses in geospatial engineering. The 3-year undergraduate BSc degree in Geographic Information Science and the BEng degree in Geospatial Surveying and Mapping (and corresponding 4-year Masters programmes) incorporate cartographic foundations and practice in all modules which deal with the handling of geospatial data. Thus cartography is incorporated into geodesy, surveying, image handling, geo-analytics, visualization and geospatial data management, covering topics including map design, open-source systems, web services, story-telling and map presentation, generalization. Other associated disciplines within the School of Engineering also cover map production. Due to retirement, however, there is no longer dedicated cartographic teaching in separate modules at Newcastle. On the other hand, cartography now contributes to other Schools with degree courses in Geography, in Planning and in Archaeology incorporating material relating to visualization, ethical and social perspectives for geospatial data, and geomatics aspects of fieldwork and mapping.

Final-year undergraduate thesis projects allow for student choice from across the range of geomatics, including cartographic issues; whilst research has addressed user interaction with maps, both from a practical viewpoint (e.g. eye-tracking to assess decision-making in environmental impact analysis) and a more theoretical basis (e.g. looking at paradigm shifts in cartography, and how cartography is defined and impactful on human society). Engagement with more historical aspects, including postgraduate research work related to contour lines, and attention to Charles Close Society activities, has also occurred.

Integrated national research programmes and projects at Newcastle which demonstrate the importance of effective geospatial data management, mapping and visualization include the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geospatial Systems (https://research.ncl.ac.uk/geospatial-systems/) and the Urban Observatory (https://urbanobservatory.ac.uk/).

Number: F25

Organization name: Nicolson Digital

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.nicolsondigital.com

Email: [email protected]


3 Frazer Street


North Ayrshire

KA30 9HP

Description of Activities

Publishing street, tourist and other small-scale mapping. In addition, more of our business has involved using Large Scale OS Data (MasterMap) for planning applications and general land transactions.

Number: F26

Organization name: Open Geospatial Consortium

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.ogc.org

Email: [email protected]


2300 Wilson Blvd. Ste 700

#1026 Arlington

Virginia 22201

Description of Activities

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international consortium of more than 500 businesses, government agencies, research organizations, and universities driven to make geospatial (location) information and services that are FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). OGC's member-driven consensus process creates royalty free, publicly available, open geospatial standards. Existing at the cutting edge, OGC actively analyses and anticipates emerging technology trends, and runs an agile, collaborative Research and Development (R&D) lab – the OGC Innovation Program – that builds and tests innovative prototype solutions to members’ use cases.

Over the last 4–5 years, OGC has embarked on a programme of work to develop a suite of Application Programming Interface (API) standards that spatially enable applications on the Web. The standards are collectively known as the OGC API Standards, and they address many of the needs that have historically been addressed by OGC Web Service Standards. The standards will enable access to vector feature data, coverage data, cartographic maps, charts, geospatial processing, vector tiles, map tiles, Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS), moving feature data, sensors, 3D GeoVolumes, and other resources.

An example of an OGC activity that has directly impacted geospatial policy in the United Kingdom (UK) is the development of the OGC Model for Underground Data Definition and Integration (MUDDI) standard. The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) initiative of the Geospatial Commission is making use of aspects of MUDDI and contributing lessons learnt back into the development of the MUDDI standard. The global membership of the OGC makes it possible for best practices relating to underground data to be identified across initiatives in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.

Number: F27

Organization name: Ordnance Survey

Category: Government – National Mapping Agency

Website: https://www.os.uk

Email: [email protected]


Explorer House

Adanac Drive



SO16 0AS

Description of Activities

Ordnance Survey's (OS) vision is to be recognized as world leaders in geospatial services; creating location insight for positive impact.

As a Government-owned company, OS delivers the national mapping service for Great Britain, collecting and managing over 500 million geospatial features in the national geographic database of GB, applying 20,000 updates every day and working with GeoPlace to maintain the national address gazetteer.

OS data and services support government, business and individuals across the globe. Across GB, OS data underpins critical national infrastructures, including the land registers of England, Wales and Scotland; water, electricity, gas and telco systems; and numerous private asset registers. OS underpins a wide variety of public services, supporting the UK Government to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society, including climate change, national security and resilience. OS showcases how geospatial data can improve national outcomes on global platforms, such as at COP26 and through the Cambridge Conference of global geospatial leaders, and continues to demonstrate leadership at the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management.

Through the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement, OS offers over 5,800 organizations access to OS data, supporting vital public services, including emergency responders. The OS Data Hub has transformed accessibility for customers and commercial partners; in 2021/22, there were 1.1 billion transactions across the Hub's APIs. OS supports a community of 400 licensed data partners and growing networks of several thousand developers.

OS's leisure business encourages people to get outside more often, with two national series of paper mapping and an award-winning OS Maps app, which has now launched internationally to customers in Australia, New Zealand and North America.

OS offers international governments and partners solutions in sustainability, land management, basemap creation and urban monitoring; and is developing geospatial services as a platform provider and partner in collaboration with utility and telecoms customers ().

Figure 17. Mapping supporting Devon and Cornwall police during G7 summit

Figure 17. Mapping supporting Devon and Cornwall police during G7 summit

Figure 18. Mapping Lusaka to help tackle urbanization

Figure 18. Mapping Lusaka to help tackle urbanization

Figure 19. Get outside with OS Maps

Figure 19. Get outside with OS Maps

Number: F28

Organization name: Permanent Committee on Geographical Names

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/pcgn

Email: [email protected]


c/o The Royal Geographical Society

1 Kensington Gore

London SW7 2AR

Description of Activities

Geographical names help us to understand our world, and British explorations of the world inspired an interest in the systematic writing of foreign geographical names.

A note was published in The Geographical Journal in 1919 describing the inconvenience that had arisen during World War I due to the variety of spellings of foreign geographical names. As a result, the Royal Geographical Society formed a permanent committee to deal with questions of the orthography and transliteration of foreign place names.

It was the 100th anniversary of the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (PCGN) in 2019, and its fundamental purpose today remains the same: to advise across HM Government, in order that there may be widespread access to accurate, standardized foreign geographical names, to avoid ambiguity and significant diplomatic issues.

Over the past few years, PCGN has provided a wide variety of advice on geographical names across government, in line with UK foreign policy. One notable example, following the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia, was PCGN’s consultation with FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office) on the capital city’s name. FCDO has agreed that Kyiv is the form that should be used by HMG, replacing any use of the formerly used conventional name, Kiev (this latter form is close to the Russian (Киев, romanized Kiyev), and therefore may present ambiguity and indeed a misleading connotation). We have also checked many UK government maps of Ukraine to ensure that accurate and up-to-date Ukrainian names, rather than Russian names, or older Ukrainian names (the country having been through a wide ‘decommunization’ programme in recent years), are shown throughout the sovereign state of Ukraine (including Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk).

Information Papers, Toponymic Factfiles and Romanization Systems written by PCGN can be found on the PCGN website and give a representative flavour of the current work of PCGN.

Number: F29

Organization name: Philip's, a division of Octopus Publishing Group

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.octopusbooks.co.uk/landing-page/philips-octopus/

Email: [email protected]


Carmelite House

50 Victoria Embankment



Description of Activities

Philip’s has continued its long history of cartographic publishing through the publication of a wide range of road atlases, sheet maps, world and school atlases, and a smaller list of astronomy and general reference titles. Founded in 1834, Philip’s is today, one of the world’s best-known map, atlas and reference book publishers. Working with a small in-house team, Philip’s maintains its publishing programme by working with an extensive network of the best cartographic suppliers, designers, freelance editors and consultants.

Most of Philip’s extensive range of UK road and street atlases are based on Ordnance Survey data. There has been an increased use of open-source mapping data in recent years which has been instrumental in creating new products. The large-scale Navigator series of UK road atlases are the best sellers in their category. Despite the ubiquity of in-car satellite navigation systems, there is still a market for paper products, although it is much smaller than in the past.

As part of the Octopus Publishing Group, there are opportunities to form partnerships with publishing companies around the world to supply tailor-made foreign language atlases. This thread is especially strong in the field of school atlases and translated editions have appeared in languages from Danish to Sinhala. The school and world atlas ranges are published in association with the Royal Geographical Society. The world atlas programme is particularly strong in the US market and the flagship Atlas of the World is published in conjunction with Oxford University Press ().

Figure 20. Sample Map of Madagascar

Figure 20. Sample Map of Madagascar

Number: F30

Organization name: Pindar Creative

Category: Commercial – Travel Mapping

Website: https://www.pindarcreative.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


2–10 Plantation Road




Description of Activities

Pindar Creative is a leading expert in promoting active and sustainable travel and we have been producing accurate, high-quality and time-sensitive mapping and travel information for many years. We work in partnership with a wide range of clients including local authorities, combined authorities, bus and rail operators, universities and colleges, the NHS and corporate businesses.

Our highly trained cartographers have extensive experience of working with Ordnance Survey and OpenStreetMap datasets to produce legible mapping products with a clear visual hierarchy. With expertise in both GIS (ArcGIS and QGIS) and Adobe Illustrator, we produce a wide range of mapping styles from schematic to geographic maps for print and online solutions.

Some recent projects include:

  • Wayfinding/Visitor maps for Transport for London, South Downs National Park Authority, City and County of Swansea, and Living Streets Cymru

  • Active travel solutions, including cycling and walking maps for Living Streets, Leicestershire County Council, Lancashire County Council, London Borough of Ealing and Transport for Greater Manchester

  • Maps for bus operators, including First Group, Stagecoach, Transport for Wales and West Midlands Combined Authority

  • Onward travel information for Transport for London, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, City of York Council and National Transport Authority

  • Bus and rail timetables with network and individual route maps for LNER, First Group and Ipswich Bus

  • Bus stop displays including linear maps for Stagecoach, Metrobus and Go-Coach

  • Interactive mapping solutions for Transport for Greater Manchester, Transport for Wales and Dorset Council

  • E-paper digital bus stops for Aberdeenshire Council, East Lothian Council and Milton Keynes Council.

We understand that each person has their unique, journey-planning requirements. By presenting mapping and travel information in an accessible, legible and intuitive way, active and sustainable travel can become a viable option for a wider audience, including those with visual impairments, and neuro-diverse conditions, and to those unfamiliar with the area ().

Figure 21. Stubaital Valley map 2022

Figure 21. Stubaital Valley map 2022

Number: F31

Organization name: Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Wales

Category: Government

Website: https://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Ffordd Penglais


SY23 3BU

Description of Activities

The Royal Commission plays a leading role in the heritage sector with regard to spatial mapping of the historic environment. Since its inception in 1908, the Commission has sought to record the historic environment in both its historical and geographical context. For the past 20 years, the Commission has created, maintained and made publicly available Coflien, the online database for the National Monuments Record of Wales (NMRW); a collection of thousands of archaeological sites, monuments, buildings and maritime sites in Wales, all of which have been plotted spatially. The commission also uses its expertise in spatial mapping to enhance access to the NMRW archive, a vast collection of 1.25 million photographs including the largest collection of historic aerial photography for Wales, 70,000 plans and drawings and 50,000 historic maps.

The Commission also plays a leading role in promoting innovate new ways of spatial mapping within the historic environment sector. More recently the Commission has been involved with an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded pilot project entitled ‘Deep Mapping Estate Archives’, which has sought to digitize, georeference and vectorize a range of historical cartographic sources such as the First Edition Ordnance Survey, Tithe Maps, Enclosure Maps and Estate Maps from 1600 to 1900. Effectively, this project demonstrates how a MasterMap for the historic environment can be created providing a spatial temporal framework that can be explored by the user to see how the landscape has been created and has changed over the past 400 years. Future projects will involve Commission staff advising on the ‘Medieval March of Wales c. 1282–1550: Mapping Literary Geography in a British Border Region’ project and will continue to develop its expertise in vectorizing and making freely available historical cartographic sources of Wales ().

Figure 22. Historic Ordnance Survey Mapping (1869–1874)

Figure 22. Historic Ordnance Survey Mapping (1869–1874)

Number: F32

Organization name: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Category: Society

Website: https://www.rgs.org

Email: [email protected]


1 Kensington Gore



Description of Activities

As the UK’s learned society and professional body for geography, we advocate for geospatial and its value for the environment, economy and society. We support the development of the professional geospatial community – from schools to universities and into professional practice, through setting of standards, provision of training and programmes of professional development. We accredit geospatial practitioners and programmes.

In partnership with Esri UK, we offer regular Continuing Professional Development sessions for teachers who are looking to enhance their geospatial work in the classroom and use ArcGIS for fieldwork. We also offer sessions on Digimap for Schools.

We contribute to a broad range of education and skills consultations, highlighting the importance of geospatial data and its applications – including responses on the National Data Strategy (2020), UNGGIM GI Framework (2020) and Subject content for digital Functional Skills qualifications (2019).

We offer advice on careers and pathways for progression, supporting and signposting work experience, placements and internships to attract new talent into the industry, with a particular focus on underrepresented groups. We are actively developing new routes through apprenticeships and mapping the landscape of existing opportunities.

We set standards of professional practice, notably on ethics and the Locus Charter (Ethics in Geospatial Data webinars and blog series).

We have an active GI Science Research Group and Professional Practice Groups expert in geospatial. These groups host numerous events and conferences.

We accredit geospatial professionals through the Chartered Geographer scheme, i.e. CGeog (GI) and CGeog (GIS), recognizing expertise and commitment to professional development. We support industry professionals with networking, knowledge exchange, mentoring and resources.

We also celebrate geospatial impact and excellence, through case studies, geovisualizations, and Medals and Awards.

Number: F33

Organization name: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.rics.org

Email: [email protected]


12 Great George Street



Description of Activities

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has concentrated primarily on geospatial practice standards and industry collaboration and policy liaison. We published a new imagery guidance note in late 2021 (Earth Observation and Aerial Surveys (6th edition) Global Guidance Note – see www.rics.org), Boundaries (4th edition) guidance in 2021, a new Drones insight, Land Admin insight and worked closely with colleagues in the geospatial commission on digital date, underground utilities and land planning data policy, and most recently on a post Brexit UK return to the GNSS EGNOS service. We are in the process of updating our 4th edition GNSS guidance note for a 2023 release. We have also collaborated with our geospatial kin in CICES (Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors), AGI (Association for Geographic Information), TSA (The Survey Association) and ICE (institute of Civil Engineers) on GeoBusiness and cross endorsed each other’s output through the geospatial industry liaison group, and with FIG (International Federation of Surveyors)/CLGE (Council of European Geodetic Surveyors)/UN-GGIM (United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management). RICS has also supported the development and launch of the Level 3 and 6 geospatial apprenticeship qualifications, and we are working with others (e.g. the Royal Geographical Society with IBG) on a Level 7 Geospatial Apprenticeship qualification.

Number: F34

Organization name: Steer

Category: Commercial – Transport Consultancy

Website: https://www.steergroup.com

Email: [email protected]


14–21 Rushworth Street



Description of Activities

Working across cities, infrastructure and transport, Steer is a global business consultancy providing clients with a commercial and competitive edge.

At Steer, geospatial data informs everything we do  –  from analysing commuter patterns, to planning transit networks, to delivering user-centred wayfinding and information systems.

Key to our analysis is the importance we put on the outputs of our work. Our analytical techniques find the truth behind the data, and our analysts work closely with our cartography and design experts within our Design for Movement team to ensure deliverables are suitable to the audience and at the forefront of cartographic design.

Our strength lies in understanding how to translate millions of geospatial data points into focused, user-friendly mapping. When the available information becomes overwhelming, our consultants understand how to filter the important features to create bespoke solutions that work world-wide and communicate the story effectively.

Our award-winning team offer our services to both public and private sector clients ranging from local authorities, government and transport agencies to event organizers, stadia, universities, hospitals and retail. We have an excellent working relationship with technology and data providers, enabling us to advise our clients on new data and technology as well as spatial analytics and insights.

Over the last few years, the Design for Movement team have worked on hugely varied projects such as Panama City new addressing systems, Indian toll roads, Legible London wayfinding, Bay Area transit, Ontario rail network, Wembley access mapping, Mexico City Nightbus, Brick Lane connectivity strategy, and hundreds more. They also hosted the British Cartographic Society Annual Conference in September 2022 ().

Figure 23. The Islands Centre Island – Toronto Island Park

Figure 23. The Islands Centre Island – Toronto Island Park

Number: F35

Organization name: Survey Solutions

Category: Commercial – Survey and Mapping

Website: https://www.survey-solutions.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


6 Riverside Mews

Paper Mill Lane





Description of Activities

Survey Solutions is a leading engineering surveyor with a network of UK offices. We offer a comprehensive range of services across land, measured buildings, underground and utilities as well as site engineering and monitoring schemes. We work across all UK construction sectors from residential new build to retail, energy to education and transport to healthcare. Plus, our breadth of offer means we can support throughout the project lifecycle – from initial enquiry to final delivery and beyond. Established for 20 years, our team of specialist surveyors and engineers is matched by a rapidly expanding client portfolio, with high rates of repeat business and very positive feedback on the experience of working with us.

Our clients appreciate our ‘thinking’ approach where we advise on the best way to tackle each project before starting work. That may mean using the latest technology to provide you with the data you need, bringing in a specialist from one of our other cross-disciplinary teams or suggesting an alternative strategy to achieve your objectives.

Whatever the approach, the sector or the project, we will work in close partnership with you to provide survey solutions that not only meet your brief – but surpass expectations too.

Number: F36

Organization name: Tania Willis Illustration & Design

Category: Commercial – Freelance Design

Website: https://www.taniawillis.com

Email: [email protected]

I am a map illustrator concerned with visualizing geographic data in a form that is elegant, edited and engaging. I have a global client base that covers a variety of sectors of tourism, retail, travel media, property developers, design groups, place-makers, private estates, heritage, charities, civic bodies and so on. In the last 4 years, I have designed a map for English Heritage, a flexible re-usable map for Berwick Town Council rebranding, a map for a large new development in Thames Barrier Park, London, and a series of 10 destination maps for a US fashion brand ().

Figure 24. Map of Berwick-upon-Tweed for English Heritage

Figure 24. Map of Berwick-upon-Tweed for English Heritage

Number: F37

Organization name: The British Library

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.bl.uk

Email: [email protected]


96 Euston Road



Description of Activities

The British Library Map Library is the national map collection of the United Kingdom, containing over 4 million maps and related cartographic and topographical materials.

The work of the Map Library during the period 2019–2022 was hampered by the effects of the Covid pandemic. British Library premises were closed between March and August 2020, and again between November 2020 and April 2021.

During this time, all efforts were put into delivering content to an online audience. Existing digitized content was fast-tracked for online release. For example, 50,000 images from the George III Topographical Collection were released on the image sharing site Flickr in 2020 and 2021. These were also added to the Library’s Georeferencer crowdsourcing tool alongside other digitized maps from the British War Office and India Office Map collections. 3D interactive digital models of the Library’s early globes were created and placed online in March 2020.

Despite the pausing of onsite operations in 2020 and 2021, processing work progressed strongly. This included the addition of 97,297 items to the collection since the beginning of the modern map cataloguing project in 2016. Collaborative research projects of various types and sizes were able to continue, including the UKRI-funded Turing Institute ‘Living with Machines’ for which were digitized 22,000 early Ordnance Survey 25-inch sheets, and the AHRC-funded ‘Locating a National Collection’.

Printed and born-digital maps continued to be received through Legal Deposit, the latter including deposits from Ordnance Survey and other private and public sector publishers all made available through the Legal Deposit map viewer. Early map acquisitions included a unique proof state of John Speed’s engraved 1611–1612 map of Kent.

British Library maps made a cultural impact through publications, media, loans and exhibitions. For example, Tudor maps were displayed in ‘Elizabeth and Mary: Royal Cousins, Rival Queens’ (October 2021 to February 2022), and celestial maps formed part of the touring exhibition ‘Harry Potter: A History of Magic’ (New York and Tokyo, various venues, 2018–2022).

Number: F38

Organization name: The Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps

Category: Society

Website: https://www.charlesclosesociety.org

Email: [email protected]


c/o The Map Library

The British Library

96 Euston Road



Description of Activities

The Charles Close Society is for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. Founded in 1981, it regularly publishes research works and reproduction maps of the various Ordnance Surveys. It also publishes a regular magazine, Sheetlines, with news, views and research into historic mapping of these surveys. Regular meetings and visits to places of map interest are normally held throughout the British Isles.

During pandemic lockdowns, CCS concentrated on presenting online talks and meetings which welcomed non-members too, some jointly with BCS. This helped growth in paid membership, which reached over 700 a year ago. Many previous talks are now available online on the Society's YouTube channel (see https://www.charlesclosesociety.org/latest).

Over the past 4 years, preparations continued for several new CCS publications. The first of these, Ordnance Survey Intermediate Scale Maps by Roger Hellyer and Richard Oliver, is published this summer, and covers the history and listings of all 1:25,000, 1:20,000 and 1:25,344 scale OS maps, as well as War Office series GSGS (Geographical Section, General Staff) 2748 and 3906. The same team has prepared a study of OS smaller-scale maps (1:100,000 through to 1:1,584,000), incorporating work begun by Chris Board and the late Peter Clark on OS 1:253,440 and 1:126,720 maps, also expanding previous knowledge of inter-war aviation maps. In 2023, the latest ‘Map from the past’, a high-quality reproduction of a significant OS map of importance, is The General Strike Map (of London, 1926). This map is free to members, but all CCS publications are also available to non-members.

As part of an endowment received from the Society's late founder chairman, a new fund, the Peter Clark Research Award, is offered for providing assistance with expenses in conducting original research into the Ordnance Surveys. This award is also open to non-members.

Membership is open to all and starts from only £15 per year ().

Figure 25. Ordnance Survey Intermediate Scale Maps by Roger Hellyer and Richard Oliver

Figure 25. Ordnance Survey Intermediate Scale Maps by Roger Hellyer and Richard Oliver

Figure 26. Sheetlines, the journal of The Charles Close Society

Figure 26. Sheetlines, the journal of The Charles Close Society

Figure 27. The General Strike Map, the latest in the ‘Map from the past’ series, produced by Alexander J. Kent

Figure 27. The General Strike Map, the latest in the ‘Map from the past’ series, produced by Alexander J. Kent

Number: F39

Organization name: The Historic Towns Trust

Category: Charity

Website: https://www.historictownstrust.uk

Email: [email protected]


4 Ferry Road




Description of Activities

The Historic Towns Trust has continued with an active publishing programme over the past 4 years, with a number of projects reported on in 2019 come to fruition and many more either under way or planned. The principal outputs of the Trust are volumes of the British Historic Towns Atlas (BHTA) and historical sheet maps.

The BHTA is part of a European series of atlases mapping historic towns at consistent and comparable scales, based on a principal map at 1:2,500 with additional maps showing the towns’ built-up areas and buildings at key points in their topographic development. The year 2020 saw the publication of Volume VII, on Oxford, after many years’ work. The Trust will produce further volumes, and projects are in planning for Canterbury, Perth, and Ripon, along with an atlas of London in 1666, just before the Great Fire.

The sheet maps we publish are complementary to the atlas volumes; all are at 1:2,500 scale. In the last 4 years, we have published historical maps of Medieval London (London c. 1270–1300), Bristol in 1480, Canterbury, Coventry, Alnwick & Alnmouth, and Beverley, and new editions of the historical map of Oxford and the map of Tudor London (London c. 1520). Maps in preparation and planning include Swansea & Mumbles (English and Welsh editions), Cambridge, Perth, Bath and Ripon.

The Trust undertakes most of the cartography itself, although almost all projects are run in partnership with local organizations who provide the historical information.

The Trust has reviewed its output and plans a considerable expansion, and is embarking on fundraising to do so. The Trust has also presented online lectures to bring its historical maps to a wider public and has redesigned its website. It is also developing educational resources, initially for primary school teachers, using historical and historic maps to enhance the geography and history curricula ().

Figure 28. Detail from An Historical Map of Coventry: From Medieval to Industrial City

Figure 28. Detail from An Historical Map of Coventry: From Medieval to Industrial City

Number: F40

Organization name: The National Archives

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/


The National Archives




Description of Activities

There are estimated to be at least 6 million maps and plans at The National Archives of the United Kingdom, which range in date from a fourteenth-century portolan chart to modern maps of recent decades, for places round the world. It holds records of Central Government and the higher law courts; its holdings increase by accessions from these sources. Recent accessions include the Foreign Office Cartographers’ maps: 2,354 bespoke maps made to illustrate foreign policy concerns 1875–2003 in record series FCO 18; and maps on files within the Ordnance Survey International Library: International Boundary Archive in OS 62, which includes earlier material from the Colonial Office’s Directorate of Colonial Surveys. The National Archives welcomes researchers to look at maps, as other documents.

Many blog posts and activities for education range from a short video with curriculum-based material on a seventeenth-century Wiltshire manuscript map, to postgraduate archival skills: teaching on early modern, overseas and military subjects. Talks, articles and book chapters in the last 4 years range from early modern to international boundary maps, as well as architectural drawings.

Scientific investigation has contributed findings on pigments used in making early Irish maps (Irish map talk video available on YouTube) and on the materiality of Chinese maps among Foreign Office records as part of the AHRC-funded Lima to Canton project using AI to aid the study of globalization through heritage materials.

Number: F41

Organization name: Transport for the North

Category: Government – Local

Website: https://www.transportforthenorth.com/

Email: [email protected]


2nd Floor

4 Piccadilly Place


M1 3BN

Description of Activities

Transport is geospatial. We advise local and national government decision-makers on transport planning and investment.

Our activities include the development of strategies and recommendations. To do this, we need to analyse options or planned transport interventions. This involves geospatial activities and geospatial data analyses and modelling. Transport modelling involves geospatial data, and communicating analyses may require both geospatially summarized data or cartographic outputs.

Number: F42

Organization name: UCL SpaceTimeLab

Category: Academic Research Unit

Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/spacetimelab/

Email: [email protected]


Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

University College London

Gower Street



Description of Activities

SpaceTimeLab’s mission is to generate actionable insights from geo-located and time-stamped data for government, business and society. Working with the private and public sectors, SpaceTimeLab uses integrated space–time thinking and a multidisciplinary approach to develop theories, algorithms and platforms to gain insight and foresights from geo-located and time-stamped data, to engineer solutions to improve the mobility, security, health and resilience of urban living ().

Figure 29. Raw space-time trajectory of Police movement in Camden, London

Figure 29. Raw space-time trajectory of Police movement in Camden, London

Number: F43

Organization name: UK Hydrographic Office

Category: Government – Defence

Website: https://www.admiralty.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Admiralty Way



Description of Activities

The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) is a world-leading centre for hydrography, specializing in marine geospatial data that help others to unlock a deeper understanding of the world’s oceans for safety, trade and sustainability.

Supporting Safe Navigation Across the Globe – SOLAS

We provide the most comprehensive global portfolio of SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) compliant charts, publications and digital services. Our portfolio of ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions is carried by over 90% of the world’s ships trading internationally.

Seabed to Surface

We are a global centre of hydrographic understanding and strive to set and raise global standards of excellence for hydrography and bathymetry. We advocate for the importance of seabed mapping and marine data, which underpins nearly every activity in the ocean space.


We fulfil the navigation and operational needs of the Royal Navy and all UK Defence vessels for the safety and security of UK waters. We support the UK’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy and the operations of UK maritime forces and our allies around the globe.

Maritime Ecosystem

We are helping to shape the next generation of navigation solutions. By working together across industry and the latest innovations in digitalization and data science, including the S-100 framework, we can unlock new possibilities for ocean users and help meet their priorities, including decarbonization and voyage optimization.

UK Centre for Seabed Mapping (UK CSM)

In support of a more integrated Marine Geospatial Sector for the UK, both nationally and internationally, we have recently created the UK CSM, with a core focus on bathymetry and its associated data. Through increased coverage, quality and access of seabed mapping data collected from public money or in collaboration with industry, the UK CSM aims to enable a more unified voice to promote seabed mapping, and the resultant data, as a key part of UK national infrastructure ().

Figure 30. Examples of UKHO Data

Figure 30. Examples of UKHO Data

Figure 31. Examples of UKHO Data

Figure 31. Examples of UKHO Data

Figure 32. Examples of UKHO Data

Figure 32. Examples of UKHO Data

Number: F44

Organization name: University of Aberdeen

Category: Education

Website: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/geography

Email: [email protected]


University of Aberdeen

King's College


AB24 3FX

Description of Activities

Geospatial technologies (School of Geosciences) are a key component of our undergraduate degrees and also a number of postgraduate taught (PGT) degree programmes, most notably the MSc in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) programme, where maps are often the major output from geospatial analyses.

The Geographical Information Systems degree programme, which began in 1987, covers the fundamentals of techniques and tools for acquiring, storing, processing, classifying, analysing, and visualizing spatially referenced data, and their application to the study of the Earth. This includes:

  • Spatial databases

  • Programming

  • Simulation and modelling

  • Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

  • Digital mapping and cartography

  • Airborne, satellite and UAV remote sensing

  • Digital image processing

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

  • WebGIS and Internet atlases

  • Field data capture

  • Mobile GIS.

Many of our academic and research staff in the School of Geosciences – Geography, Geology and Archaeology – continue to make widespread use of GIS, remote sensing (including unmanned aerial vehicles or drones) and field mapping as the basis for creating both digital and hardcopy maps and geovisualizations as part of their teaching, research and consultancy work.

Cartography is taught as part of the Introduction to GIS module, including coverage of the fundamentals of map design for traditional cartography, GIS and WebGIS.

The School also has two Cartography Technicians who provide support for academic staff where professional maps are required for journal and book publications.

In association with the East Grampian Coastal Partnership (EGCP Ltd), we have recently created a series of four maps – the Discover Maps Project (see www.egcp.scot/discover-maps). We have developed a new and unique series of graphical maps covering the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire coast. These maps contain a wealth of interesting information about the coast, including the people, history, environment and activities that make the north east of Scotland coastline special ().

Figure 33. Discover Maps – Exploring the Mearns Coast

Figure 33. Discover Maps – Exploring the Mearns Coast

Number: F45

Organization name: University of Portsmouth Library

Category: Map Library

Website: https://library.port.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


University Library

Cambridge Road


Description of Activities

The Map Library at the University of Portsmouth holds a collection of approximately 20,000 maps, stored in 172 map drawers and 9 vertical plan chests. The collection was originally created in the 1960s and moved to a purpose-built Map Library in the Department of Geography in 1973. The whole collection relocated to a brand-new Resources Centre in 1996, where it served the Faculty of the Environment. A change to the University’s faculty structure in 2007 meant that the Map Library had to find a new home and, after reducing the collection size by half, it was transferred to the University Library, where it now forms part of the Special Collections. The majority of users come from the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries (Architecture, Illustration), the School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences, and the Faculty of Technology (Civil Engineering, Property Development).

The Map Library holds an extensive collection of topographic and thematic mapping for the UK, together with mid to late twentieth century mapping for parts of Europe. However, the focus of collection management is now almost entirely devoted to historic mapping of Portsmouth and the surrounding area. This includes an almost complete collection of Ordnance Survey County Series 1:2,500 and 1:10,560 maps of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, plus 1:500 OS Town Plans of Portsmouth. Since the onset of the pandemic, more time is being devoted to the disposal of unused maps and sourcing good-quality mapping that can be accessed online.

The Map Library is equipped with a large format scanner that provides digital copies for both students and, by appointment, external users. The scanner has also been used since 2015 in an ongoing project to digitize our growing collection of nineteenth and early twentieth century US railroad maps ().

Figure 34. Map collection example – North America

Figure 34. Map collection example – North America

Number: F46

Organization name: School of Geography, University of Nottingham

Category: Education

Website: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/geography

Email: [email protected]


School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building

University of Nottingham

University Park



Description of Activities

Cartographic principles form part of the core undergraduate ‘Introduction to GIS’ module in the School of Geography, reinforced by practical exercises using ArcGIS Online. Cartographic design is a criterion used to assess the interactive wellbeing maps of campus created by students as part of this module. The second-year ‘Dissertation Preparation’ module includes a section on cartographic principles, including input from the School Cartographer. The ‘Spatial Decision Making’ module in year 2 includes content related to the effective graphical communication of GIS outputs and this forms part of a group assessment focusing on a site suitability exercise. In the final year, the ‘Geospatial Technologies’ module looks at geovisualizations beyond desktop GIS including mobile mapping and augmented reality. GIS is also used on several fieldtrips and techniques modules both in physical and human geography.

Examples of the use of geospatial technology elsewhere in the University are the School of Architecture and the Built Environment which makes great use of large-scale mapping through the Edina Digimap Service. Also, there is an increasing interest in the use of geospatial technologies in the humanities both in teaching and to support research.

An example of the use of geospatial technologies in a research context is the ‘Rights Lab’ where a combination of satellite data, image analysis and artificial intelligence is mapping the risk and prevalence of modern slavery. The Nottingham Geospatial Institute has partnered with Newcastle University to form the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Geospatial Systems.

Within the School of Geography research includes the historical and cultural aspects of cartography along with some new innovations such as the Projection Augmented Relief Model (PARM) technique. PARM explores the ways 3D printed landscape models can be dynamically textured through maps and imagery in a range of public contexts ().

Figure 35. PARM display

Figure 35. PARM display

Figure 36. Map collection gallery of examples

Figure 36. Map collection gallery of examples

Number: F47

Organization name: XYZ Maps

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.xyzmaps.com

Email: [email protected]


32/9 Hardengreen Business Park

Dalhousie Road



EH22 3NX

Description of Activities

Publishers of a large range of retail and business maps covering the UK and other parts of the world, XYZ Maps are also the UK distributors for the Avenza Systems map-making software and Precisely MapInfo Pro ().

Figure 37. Map of Germany, May 2021

Figure 37. Map of Germany, May 2021


Number: E1

Organization name: Aberystwyth University

Course: MSc Remote Sensing and GIS FT/PT

Website: https://www.aber.ac.uk/





SY23 3FL

Number: E2

Organization name: Birkbeck College, University of London

Course: MSc Geographic Information Science (Geographic Data Science) FT/PT

Website: https://www.bbk.ac.uk/


Malet Street




Number: E3

Organization name: Cranfield University

Course: MSc Geographical Information Management FT/PT

Website: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/


College Road


MK43 0AL

Number: E4

Organization name: Liverpool John Moores University

Course: MSc Climate change and sustainability FT

Website: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Copperas Hill


L3 5GE


James Parson Building


L3 3AF

Number: E5

Organization name: Newcastle University, School of Engineering

Courses: BSc Geographic Information Science FT

BSc Geospatial Surveying and Mapping FT

Website: http://www.ncl.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


Number: E6

Organization name: Sheffield Hallam University

Course: MSc Geographical Information Systems FT/PT

Website: https://www.shu.ac.uk/


City Campus

Howard Street


S1 1WB

Number: E7

Organization name: Swansea University

Course: MSc Geographic Information Systems and Climate Change FT/PT

Website: https://www.swansea.ac.uk


Singleton Park




Bay Campus

Fabian Way

Crymlyn Burrows



Number: E8

Organization name: The University of Edinburgh

Courses: MSc Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management FT/PT

MSc Geographical Information Science FT/PT

Website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/


Institute of Geography

Drummond Street

Central Campus



Number: E9

Organization name: The University of Manchester

Course: MSc Geographical Information Science FT/PT

Website: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/


Oxford Road


M13 9PL

Number: E10

Organization name: Ulster University

Courses: PgDip and MSc in Geographic Information Systems FT/PT Online only

PgDip and MSc in Remote Sensing Geographical Information Systems PT Online only

Website: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/


2–24 York Street


BT15 1AP


Cromore Road


BT52 1SA

Number: E11

Organization name: University College London (UCL)

Courses: MSc Geographic Information Science FT/PT

MSc Geospatial Analysis/Social and Geographic Data Science FT/PT

MSc Geospatial Sciences FT/PT

MSc Geospatial Sciences (Building Information Modelling) FT/PT

Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk


Gower Street



Number: E12

Organization name: University of Aberdeen

Course: MSc Geographical Information Systems FT/PT/E-learning

Website: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/geography

Email: [email protected]


University of Aberdeen

King's College


AB24 3FX

Number: E13

Organization name: University of Brighton

Course: MSc and PG Diploma in GIS and Environmental Management FT/PT

Website: https://www.brighton.ac.uk


Mithras House

Lewes Road



Number: E14

Organization name: University of East London

Course: BSc Surveying and Mapping Sciences FT/PT

Website: https://www.uel.ac.uk/


University Way


E16 2RD

Number: E15

Organization name: University of Glasgow

Courses: MSc and PgDip Geoinformation Technology and Cartography FT/PT

MSc Geomatics and Management FT

Website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/


University of Glasgow


G12 8QQ

Number: E16

Organization name: University of Leeds

Courses: MSc Geographical Information Systems FT/PT

MSc Geographical Information Science E-learning only

Website: https://www.leeds.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University of Leeds



Number: E17

Organization name: University of Leicester

Course: MSc Geographical Information Science FT/PT

Website: https://le.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


University Road



Number: E18

Organization name: University of Liverpool

Course: MSc in Geographic Data Science FT

Website: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Foundation Building

Brownlow Hill


L69 7ZX

Number: E19

Organization name: University of Portsmouth

Course: MSc Geographical Information Systems FT/PT

Website: https://www.port.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University House

Winston Churchill Avenue




Number: E20

Organization name: University of Sheffield

Course: MSc Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS) FT

Website: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/


The University of Sheffield

Western Bank


S10 2TN

Number: E21

Organization name: University of Southampton

Course: MSc Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing FT

Website: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University Road


SO17 1BJ


Number: S1

Organization name: 135 Geographic Squadron

Category: Defence

Website: https://www.facebook.com/135GeoSqn

Email: [email protected]


Mercator House

Welbeck Close

London Road



KT17 2BG

Number: S2

Organization name: 1spatial

Category: Commercial – Mapping Solutions

Website: https://1spatial.com/

Email: via website https://1spatial.com/contact-us/


Tennyson House

Cambridge Business Park



Number: S3

Organization name: 3D Laser Scanning

Category: Commercial – 3D Data Solutions

Website: https://www.3dlasermapping.com/

Email: [email protected]


Innovation House

Mere Way

Ruddington Fields Business Park


NG11 6JS

Number: S4

Organization name: 4 Earth Intelligence

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://www.4earthintelligence.com/

Email: [email protected]


4 Earth Intelligence

Unit 1

Kings Court

Little King St

Bristol BS1 4HW

Number: S5

Organization name: 42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic)

Category: Defence




42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic)

RAF Wyton



PE28 2EA

Number: S6

Organization name: Aberystwyth University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.aber.ac.uk/





SY23 3FL

Number: S7

Organization name: AccuCities

Category: Commercial – 3D Data Supplier

Website: https://www.accucities.com/


71–75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden



Number: S8

Organization name: AddressCloud

Category: Commercial – Addressing

Website: https://addresscloud.com/

Email: [email protected]


50–60 Station Road



Number: S9

Organization name: Airbus

Category: Commercial – Defence and Space

Website: http://www.intelligence-airbusds.com/

Email: Via website


Wellington House

125–130 Strand



Number: S10

Organization name: Amberg Technologies

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://ambergtechnologies.com/

Email: http://www.sccssurvey.co.uk/


Alpha House

Alpha Park

Eaton Socon

St Neots


PE19 8JJ

Number: S11

Organization name: Applications in CADD

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://appsincadd.co.uk/


21 Britannia Street



LE12 9AE

Number: S12

Organization name: Argans

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://argans.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Chamberlain House

1 Research Way



Number: S13

Organization name: Arpas-UK

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.arpas.uk/

Email: [email protected]


71–75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden



Number: S14

Organization name: Ashworth Maps and Interpretation

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: http://www.ashworthmaps.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Ashworth Maps and Interpretation Ltd

68 St Mary’s Road



G64 2EF

Number: S15

Organization name: The Association for Geographic Information (AGI)

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.agi.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S16

Organization name: Astun Technology

Category: Commercial – Solutions Provider

Website: https://www.astuntechnology.com/

Email: Via website


120 Manor Green Road



KT19 8LN

Number: S17

Organization name: Autodesk

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.autodesk.co.uk/

Number: S18

Organization name: Avineon

Category: Commercial – Service Provider

Website: https://www.avineon.com/

Email: [email protected]


2 Minton Place

Victoria Road



OW26 6QB

Number: S19

Organization name: AVUXI

Category: Commercial – Location Services

Website: https://www.avuxi.com/

Email: Via website


Unit 6 Queens Yard

White Post Lane


E9 5EN

Number: S20

Organization name: BAE Systems

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.baesystems.com/gxp

Email: [email protected]

Number: S21

Organization name: Bing

Category: Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions

Website: https://www.bing.com/


Microsoft UK Head Office

2 Kingdom Street



W2 6BD

Number: S22

Organization name: Birkbeck College, University of London

Category: Education

Website: https://www.bbk.ac.uk/


Malet Street




Number: S23

Organization name: Bluesky International

Category: Commercial – Aerial Survey

Website: https://www.bluesky-world.com/

Email: [email protected]


The Station

Station Road



LE65 2AS

Number: S24

Organization name: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Bodleian Libraries

Broad Street



Number: S25

Organization name: British Antarctic Survey

Category: Research Organization

Website: https://www.bas.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


British Antarctic Survey

High Cross

Madingley Road



Number: S26

Organization name: British Geological Survey

Category: Research Organization

Website: http://www.bgs.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Nicker Hill



NG12 5GG

Number: S27

Organization name: British Association of Remote Sensing Companies (BARSC)

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.barsc.org.uk/

Number: S28

Organization name: Cadcorp

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.cadcorp.com/

Email: [email protected]


Sterling Court

Norton Road




Number: S29

Organization name: Cadline

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://cadline.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S30

Organization name: Carlson

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.carlsonsw.com/

Email: [email protected]


Halifax House/Unit 2



YO26 7QP

Number: S31

Organization name: Cambridge University Library Map Department

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/departments/maps

Email: [email protected]


Map Department

Cambridge University Library

West Road



Number: S32

Organization name: CDR Group

Category: Commercial – Software Supplier

Website: https://www.cdrgroup.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Eccles House

Eccles Lane


Hope Valley

S33 6RW

Number: S33

Organization name: Carto

Category: Commercial – Online Mapping Solution

Website: https://carto.com/

Number: S34

Organization name: Cartopicts

Category: Commercial – Freelance Cartographer/Designer

Website: https://www.cartopicts.com/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S35

Organization name: CGG

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions

Website: https://www.cgg.com/

Email: Via website


Crompton Way

Manor Royal Estate


East Sussex

Number: S36

Organization name: Communicarta

Category: Commercial – Transport Mapping

Website: https://www.communicarta.com/

Email: [email protected]


Chancery Court

Lincolns Inn

Lincoln Road


HP12 3RE

Number: S37

Organization name: COPTRZ

Category: Commercial – Drone Survey

Website: https://coptrz.com/


1st Floor Phoenix House

3 South Parade



Number: S38

Organization name: Correvate

Category: Commercial – Online Solution

Website: https://vercator.com/

Email: [email protected]


Correvate Ltd.

190 Clarence Gate Gardens



Number: S39

Organization name: Cosmographics

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.cosmographics.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Monaco House

Unit 1 Monaco Works

Station Road

Kings Langley



Number: S40

Organization name: Coventry City Council

Category: Government – Local

Website: https://www.coventry.gov.uk

Email: [email protected]

Number: S41

Organization name: Cranfield University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/


College Road


MK43 0AL

Number: S42

Organization name: Cyclomedia

Category: Commercial – Data Collection

Website: https://www.cyclomedia.com/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S43

Organization name: Dartcom

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Hardware

Website: https://www.dartcom.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]






PL20 6SP

Number: S44

Organization name: David Locke Associates

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.davidlock.com

Email: [email protected]


50 North Thirteenth Street

Central Milton Keynes



Number: S45

Organization name: Defence Geographic Centre

Category: Defence


Elmwood Avenue


TW13 7AH

Number: S46

Organization name: Dennis Maps

Category: Commercial – Printing

Website: https://www.dennismaps.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Unit 2

Grove Lane



BA11 4AT

Number: S47

Organization name: Digimap

Category: Education – Map Service

Website: https://digimap.edina.ac.uk/


Service provided by The University of Edinburgh

Number: S48

Organization name: Dorset Land Surveying

Category: Commercial – Surveying

Website: http://www.dorsetland.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Dorset Land Surveying

Rosemary Cottage

419 Wimborne Road East



BH22 9LZ

Number: S49

Organization name: DVDMaps

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.dvdmaps.co.uk

Email: [email protected]

Number: S50

Organization name: earthi

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://earthi.space/

Email: [email protected]


Earth-i Ltd

40 Occam Road

Surrey Research Park




Number: S51

Organization name: Edward Stanford

Category: Commercial – Retail

Website: https://www.stanfords.co.uk and www.bookharbour.com

Email: [email protected]


7 Mercer Walk

Covent Garden



Number: S52

Organization name: EIVA

Category: Commercial – Off-shore Surveying

Website: https://www.eiva.com/

Email: [email protected]


173 North Deeside Road



AB14 0UJ

Number: S53

Organization name: Emapsite

Category: Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions

Website: https://www.emapsite.com/

Email: [email protected]


Building A2 (Office 1052)

Cody Technology Park

Old Ively Road


GU14 0LX

Number: S54

Organization name: Environment Systems

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.envsys.co.uk/

Email: Via website


9 Cefn Llan Science Park



SY23 3AH

Number: S55

Organization name: eosphere

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: http://eosphere.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S56

Organization name: ESPRC

Category: Graduate Training

Website: https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


Number: S57

Organization name: Esri UK

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.esriuk.com/en-gb/home

Email: [email protected]


Millennium House

65 Walton Street



HP21 7QG

Number: S58

Organization name: Europa Technologies

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Solutions

Website: https://www.europa.uk.com/

Email: [email protected]


Coveham House

Downside Bridge Road



KT11 3EP

Number: S59

Organization name: ESA

Category: Commercial – Space Solutions

Website: https://www.esa.int/

ECSAT United Kingdom contact:

 + 44 (0)1235 444 200

Number: S60

Organization name: Faro

Category: Commercial – Surveying

Website: https://www.faro.com/en

Email: [email protected]


Unit A

Parcel X Change House

1 Great Central Way



CV21 3XH

Number: S61

Organization name: Fischer German

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.fishergerman.co.uk/


Ivanhoe Office Park

Ivanhoe Park Way

Ashby de la Zouch


LE65 2AB

Number: S62

Organization name: Friendly Guides

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: https://www.friendly-guides.uk/

Email: Via website


1 St Mary's Terrace



TR18 4DZ

Number: S63

Organization name: Fugro

Category: Commercial – Surveying Equipment

Website: https://www.fugro.com/


Fugro House

Hithercroft Road


OX10 9RB

Number: S64

Organization name: G2 Survey

Category: Commercial – Surveying Equipment

Website: https://g2survey.com/

Email: [email protected]


Unit 7

Theale Lakes Business Park

Moulden Way




Number: S65

Organization name: Garsdale Design

Category: Commercial – 3D Design

Website: https://www.garsdaledesign.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


High Branthwaites

Garsdale Road



LA10 5JR

Number: S66

Organization name: Geo Smart Decisions

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Solutions

Website: https://geosmartdecisions.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Crud yr Awel




LL36 9UT

Number: S67

Organization name: GEOCENTO

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Imagery Supplier

Website: https://geocento.com/

Email: Via website


R103 Building

Harwell Campus



OX11 0QX

Number: S68

Organization name: Geoconnexion

Category: Commercial – Magazine Publisher

Website: https://www.geoconnexion.com/

Email: [email protected]


PO Box 282




Number: S69

Organization name: GeoDirectory

Category: Commercial – Data Supply Solution

Website: https://wpgeodirectory.com/

Number: S70

Organization name: GeoHistoric

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.geohistoric.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


112 High Street



CB21 4EP

Number: S71

Organization name: Geomatrix

Category: Commercial – Geophysical Solutions

Website: https://www.geomatrix.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


20 Eden Way

Pages Industrial Park

Leighton Buzzard



Number: S72

Organization name: GEO.ME

Category: Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions

Website: https://www.geo.me/

Email: Via website


30 Stamford Street



Number: S73

Organization name: GeoSLAM

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Data Solutions

Website: https://geoslam.com/

Email: [email protected]


Innovation House

Mere Way



NG11 6JS

Number: S74

Organization name: Geospatial Commission

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/geospatial-commission

Email: [email protected]


10 South Colonnade


E14 4PU

Number: S75

Organization name: Geovation

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Innovation Hub

Website: https://geovation.uk/


Sutton Yard

4th Floor

65 Goswell Road



Number: S76

Organization name: Get Kids into Survey

Category: Charity

Website: https://www.getkidsintosurvey.com/

Number: S77

Organization name: Getmapping

Category: Commercial – Aerial Imagery

Website: https://www.getmapping.com/

Email: [email protected]



Rye Close



GU51 2UH

Number: S78

Organization name: GIS247

Category: Commercial – Training

Website: https://www.gis247.com/

Email: Via website

Number: S79

Organization name: GIS Cloud

Category: Commercial – Online Data Solution

Website: https://www.giscloud.com/

Email: [email protected]


107 Cheapside



Number: S80

Organization name: Global Surface Intelligence

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://www.surfaceintelligence.com/

Email: [email protected]


Suite 2

Ground Floor

Orchard Brae House

30 Queensferry Road



Number: S81

Organization name: Government Geography Profession

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/government-geography-profession and https://members.geography.gov.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Contact through Geospatial Commission (F16)

Number: S82

Organization name: Handheld UK

Category: Commercial – Hardware Supplier

Website: https://www.handheldgroup.com/


Althorpe Enterprise Hub

Althorpe Street

Royal Leamington Spa


CV31 2GB

Number: S83

Organization name: HarperCollins Publishers UK

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: http://www.harpercollins.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


103 Westerhill Road



G64 2QT

Number: S84

Organization name: Harvey Map Services

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: https://www.harveymaps.co.uk/

Email: Via website


12–22 Main Street



FK16 6BJ

Number: S85

Organization name: Heliguy

Category: Commercial – Drone Survey

Website: https://www.heliguy.com/

Number: S86

Organization name: Helyx

Category: Commercial – Information Services

Website: http://www.helyx.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Unit 2 Hanley Court

Brockeridge Business Park




GL20 6FE

Number: S87

Organization name: Here

Category: Commercial – Mapping and Location Data

Website: http://www.here.com/

Email: Via Website


4 Kingdom Street



W2 6BD

Number: S88

Organization name: Hexagon

Category: Commercial – Software and Solutions

Website: https://hexagon.com/

Number: S89

Organization name: Historic England

Category: Government

Website: https://historicengland.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]


4th Floor

Cannon Bridge House

25 Dowgate Hill



Number: S90

Organization name: Imray

Category: Commercial – Nautical Charts

Website: https://www.imray.com/

Email: Via website


Wych House

The Broadway

St Ives


PE27 5BT

Number: S91

Organization name: isardSAT

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions

Website: https://www.isardsat.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


40 Occam Road

The Surrey Research Park




Number: S92

Organization name: Isle of Man Survey Mapping Service

Category: Government

Website: https://categories/planning-and-building-control/mapping/

Email: [email protected]


Department of Infrastructure

Highway Services

Sea Terminal Building


Isle of Man

Number: S93

Organization name: John Rylands Map Library, University of Manchester

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/rylands

Email: [email protected].


John Rylands Research Institute and Library

150 Deansgate


M3 3EH

Number: S94

Organization name: KOREC

Category: Commercial – Survey Equipment

Website: https://www.korecgroup.com/

Email: Via website


Mensura House

Blackstone Road



PE29 6EH

Number: S95

Organization name: L3Harris

Category: Commercial – Software Solutions

Website: https://www.l3harrisgeospatial.com/

Email: [email protected]


Venture House

2 Arlington Square

Downshire Way



RG12 1WA

Number: S96

Organization name: Landmark Information Group

Category: Commercial – Data Supplier

Website: https://www.landmark.co.uk/

Email: Via website


7 Abbey Court

Eagle Way

Sowton Industrial Estate



Number: S97

Organization name: Land Registry

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/land-registry


HM Land Registry Citizen Centre

PO Box 74


GL14 9BB

Number: S98

Organization name: Latitude Cartography

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: https://www.latitudecartography.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]




Carradale East


PA28 6SG

Number: S99

Organization name: Liverpool John Moores University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Copperas Hill


L3 5GE


James Parson Building


L3 3AF

Number: S100

Organization name: Lovell Johns

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.lovelljohns.com

Email: [email protected]


10 Hanborough Business Park

Long Hanborough



OX29 8RU

Number: S101

Organization name: Lynx Information Systems

Category: Commercial – Geophysical and GIS Services

Website: https://www.lynxinfo.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


84 Coombe Road

New Malden



Number: S102

Organization name: Making Maps Work Ltd t/a ML Design

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: http://www.facebook.com/MakingMapsWork

Email: [email protected]


53 Doctors Lane



Number: S103

Organization name: Map Action

Category: Charity

Website: https://mapaction.org/

Email: [email protected]


Douglas Court

1–2 Seymour Business Park



OX39 4HA

Number: S104

Organization name: MapInfo

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://www.precisely.com/product/precisely-mapinfo/mapinfo-pro

Number: S105

Organization name: MAXAR

Category: Commercial – Space Solutions

Website: https://www.maxar.com/

Email: [email protected]


578–586 Chiswick High Road


W4 5RP

Number: S106

Organization name: MD3D

Category: Commercial – 3D Scanning

Website: http://www.md3d.uk.com/

Email: [email protected]


4 Reading Road




Number: S107

Organization name: Met Office

Category: Commercial – Government

Website: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/

Email: [email protected]


FitzRoy Road




Number: S108

Organization name: Momentum Wayshowing

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: http://www.wayshowing.com/

Email: Via website


Bellefield House

104 New London Road

Chelmsford, Essex


Number: S109

Organization name: National Assembly for Wales

Category: Government

Website: https://senedd.wales/

Email: [email protected]


Welsh Parliament

Cardiff Bay


CF99 1SN

Number: S110

Organization name: National Centre for Earth Observation

Category: Government – Research Organization

Website: https://www.nceo.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Space Park Leicester

Corporation Road



Number: S111

Organization name: National Library of Scotland

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.nls.uk/

Email: [email protected]


92 Cowgate



Number: S112

Organization name: National Library of Wales

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.library.wales

Email: [email protected]


The National Library of Wales



SY23 3BU

Number: S113

Organization name: Newcastle University School of Engineering

Category: Education

Website: http://www.ncl.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne


Number: S114

Organization name: Nicolson Digital

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.nicolsondigital.com

Email: [email protected]


3 Frazer St


KA30 9HP

Number: S115

Organization name: OceanWise

Category: Commercial – Hydrographic Solutions

Website: https://www.oceanwise.eu/

Email: [email protected]


Dovedale House

16 Butts Road



GU34 1NB

Number: S116

Organization name: Open Geospatial Consortium

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.ogc.org/

Email: [email protected]


2300 Wilson Blvd. Ste 700

#1026 Arlington

Virginia 22201

Number: S117

Organization name: OpenStreetMap

Category: Social Community – Mapping

Website: https://www.openstreetmap.org/

Number: S118

Organization name: Orbital Insight

Category: Commercial – Solutions

Website: https://orbitalinsight.com/

Email: [email protected]


10 Bloomsbury Way



Number: S119

Organization name: Ordnance Survey

Category: Government – National Mapping Agency

Website: https://www.os.uk

Email: [email protected]


Explorer House

Adanac Drive



SO16 0AS

Number: S120

Organization name: Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland/Land and Property Services

Category: Government

Website: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/ordnance-survey-of-northern-ireland

Number: S121

Organization name: Oxford Technical Solutions

Category: Commercial – GPS Supplier

Website: https://www.oxts.com/

Email: [email protected]


Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd

Park Farm Business Centre

Middleton Stoney


OX25 4AL

Number: S122

Organization name: Permanent Committee on Geographical Names

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/pcgn

Email: [email protected]


c/o The Royal Geographical Society

1 Kensington Gore

London SW7 2AR

Number: S123

Organization name: Philip's, a division of Octopus Publishing Group

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.octopusbooks.co.uk/landing-page/philips-octopus/

Email: [email protected]


Carmelite House

50 Victoria Embankment



Number: S124

Organization name: Phoenix Mapping

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: https://www.phoenixmap.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


The Myrtles

Brockweir Common


NP16 7NS

Number: S125

Organization name: Photoarc Surveys – IIC Technologies

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Solutions

Website: https://www.iictechnologies.com/

Email: [email protected]


The Catalyst

York Science Park


YO10 5GA

Number: S126

Organization name: Pindar Creative

Category: Commercial – Mapping and Design

Website: https://www.pindarcreative.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


2–10 Plantation Road




Number: S127

Organization name: Pixalytics

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.pixalytics.com/

Email: [email protected]


1 Davy Road

Plymouth Science Park




Number: S128

Organization name: Planet

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://www.planet.com/

Email: Via website

Number: S129

Organization name: Pointr

Category: Commercial – Location Services

Website: https://www.pointr.tech/

Email: [email protected]


4th Floor

4 Golden Square Soho



Number: S130

Organization name: Quarry One Eleven

Category: Commercial – Geospatial Marketing

Website: https://www.quarry-one-eleven.com/

Email: Via website


Surrey Technology Centre




Number: S131

Organization name: Radiodetection

Category: Commercial – Underground Surveying

Website: https://www.radiodetection.com

Email: [email protected]


Western Drive


BS14 0AF

Number: S132

Organization name: Remote Sensing Applications Consultants

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Consultancy

Website: http://www.rsacl.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


The Long Barn

Sutton Manor

Bishop's Sutton



SO24 0AA

Number: S133

Organization name: RIEGL

Category: Commercial – Laser Scanning Supplier

Website: http://www.riegl.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Innovation Way

York Science Park


YO10 5NP

Number: S134

Organization name: RobinWorldWide

Category: Commercial – Transport Consultancy and Mapping

Website: https://www.robinworldwide.com/

Email: [email protected]


15 Rockstone Place


SO15 2EP

Number: S135

Organization name: Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Wales

Category: Government

Website: https://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Ffordd Penglais


SY23 3BU

Number: S136

Organization name: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Category: Society

Website: https://www.rgs.org

Email: [email protected]


1 Kensington Gore



Number: S137

Organization name: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.rics.org

Email: [email protected]


12 Great George Street



Number: S138

Organization name: Saderet

Category: Commercial – Surveying Equipment

Website: http://www.saderet.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Unit C1

Eden Business Park

Cooil Road


Isle of Man


Number: S139

Organization name: Satellite Applications Catapult

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://sa.catapult.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Electron Building

Fermi Avenue

Harwell Campus



OX11 0QR

Number: S140

Organization name: SatelliteVu

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://www.satellitevu.com/

Email: [email protected]


16 High Holborn



Number: S141

Organization name: SatOC

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.satoc.eu/

Email: [email protected]


Coach House Farm

Castle Edge Road

New Mills


SK22 4QF

Number: S142

Organization name: SatSense

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: https://satsense.com/

Email: [email protected]


Nexus Leeds

Nexus Building

Discovery Way



Number: S143

Organization name: Scott Polar Research Institute

Category: Educational Research Institute

Website: www.spri.cam.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]–general enquiries


Scott Polar Research Institute

University of Cambridge

Lensfield Road



Number: S144

Organization name: Screening Eagle UK

Category: Commercial – Surveying

Website: https://www.screeningeagle.com/

Email: Via website


Screening Eagle UK Limited

The Bradfield Centre

184 Cambridge Science Park Road



Number: S145

Organization name: Sheffield Hallam University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.shu.ac.uk/


City Campus

Howard Street


S1 1WB

Number: S146

Organization name: Site Vision Surveys

Category: Commercial – Surveying

Website: https://www.svsltd.net/

Email: [email protected]


19 Warwick Street



CV21 3DH

Number: S147

Organization name: Skynet Vision

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing

Website: http://www.skynet.vision/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S148

Organization name: South Survey

Category: Commercial – Surveying

Website: https://www.surveyorsequipment.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


21 Deanfield Court




Number: S149

Organization name: Space ConneXion

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://www.spaceconnexions.com/

Email: [email protected]


15 Rectory Close




Number: S150

Organization name: Spacemetric

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Software

Website: http://spacemetric.com/

Email: [email protected]


PO Box 1575




Number: S151

Organization name: SpatiallyAware

Category: Commercial – Promotion

Website: https://spatiallyaware.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Hay Loft




SN16 0BL

Number: S152

Organization name: Specto Natura

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: http://www.specto-natura.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


9 College Road



CB24 9PL

Number: S153

Organization name: Spottitt

Category: Commercial – Remote Sensing Data

Website: https://spottitt.com/

Email: [email protected]


Electron Building

Fermi Ave


OX11 0QR

Number: S154

Organization name: Spyrosoft

Category: Commercial – Software

Website: https://spyro-soft.com/

Email: [email protected]



Target Road

Aviation Park West



BH23 6NW

Number: S155

Organization name: Steer

Category: Commercial – Transport Consultancy

Website: https://www.steergroup.com

Email: [email protected]


14–21 Rushworth Street



Number: S156

Organization name: Survey Solutions

Category: Commercial – Survey and Mapping

Website: https://www.survey-solutions.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


6 Riverside Mews

Paper Mill Lane



Suffolk IP8 4DE

Number: S157

Organization name: Swansea University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.swansea.ac.uk


Singleton Park




Bay Campus

Fabian Way

Crymlyn Burrows



Number: S158

Organization name: Tamoco

Category: Commercial – Data Solutions

Website: https://www.tamoco.com/

Email: [email protected]


4 Bloomsbury Place



Number: S159

Organization name: Tania Willis Illustration & Design

Category: Commercial – Freelance Design

Website: https://www.taniawillis.com

Email: [email protected]

Number: S160

Organization name: Telespazio UK

Category: Commercial – Consultancy

Website: https://telespazio.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


350 Capability Green




Number: S161

Organization name: The British Library

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.bl.uk

Email: [email protected]


96 Euston Road



Number: S162

Organization name: The Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps

Category: Society

Website: https://www.charlesclosesociety.org

Email: [email protected]


c/o The Map Library

The British Library

96 Euston Road



Number: S163

Organization name: The Coal Authority

Category: Government

Website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organizations/the-coal-authority

Email: [email protected]


200 Lichfield Lane



NG18 4RG

Number: S164

Organization name: The Geographical Association

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.geography.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]


160 Solly Street


S1 4BF

Number: S165

Organization name: The Historic Towns Trust

Category: Charity

Website: https://www.historictownstrust.uk

Email: [email protected]


4 Ferry Road




Number: S166

Organization name: The Little Map Company

Category: Commercial – Mapping

Website: https://www.littlemapco.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


36 Thistlebarrow Road




Number: S167

Organization name: The National Archives

Category: Map Library

Website: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/


The National Archives




Number: S168

Organization name: The Survey Association

Category: Professional Association

Website: https://www.tsa-uk.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Northgate Business Centre

38 Northgate



NG24 1EZ

Number: S169

Organization name: The Survey School

Category: Training

Website: https://www.surveyschool.org.uk/

Email: [email protected]


Waterworks Road



Number: S170

Organization name: The University of Edinburgh

Category: Education

Website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/


Institute of Geography

Drummond Street

Central Campus



Number: S171

Organization name: The University of Manchester

Category: Education

Website: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/


Oxford Road


M13 9PL

Number: S172

Organization name: thinkWhere

Category: Commercial – Location Services

Website: https://www.thinkwhere.com/

Email: Via website


First Floor

The Grosvenor Building

72 Gordon Street


G1 3RS

Number: S173

Organization name: Topcon

Category: Commercial – Surveying Solutions

Website: https://www.topconpositioning.com/

Email: [email protected]


Sandy Hill Business Park

Sandy Way




B77 4DU

Number: S174

Organization name: Transport for the North

Category: Government – Local

Website: https://www.transportforthenorth.com

Email: [email protected]


2nd Floor

4 Piccadilly Place


M1 3BN

Number: S175

Organization name: Trimble

Category: Commercial – Surveying Solutions

Website: https://www.trimble.com/

Email: Via website


Trimble House

Gelderd Road



LS27 7JP

Number: S176

Organization name: UCL SpaceTimeLab

Category: Academic Research Unit

Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/spacetimelab

Email: [email protected]


Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

University College London

Gower Street



Number: S177

Organization name: UK Hydrographic Office

Category: Government – Defence

Website: https://www.admiralty.co.uk

Email: [email protected]


Admiralty Way



Number: S178

Organization name: Ulster University

Category: Education

Website: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/


2–24 York Street


BT15 1AP


Cromore Road


BT52 1SA

Number: S179

Organization name: University College London (UCL)

Category: Education

Website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk


Gower Street



Number: S180

Organization name: University of Aberdeen

Category: Education

Website: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/geography

Email: [email protected]


University of Aberdeen

King's College


AB24 3FX

Number: S181

Organization name: University of Brighton

Category: Education

Website: https://www.brighton.ac.uk


Mithras House

Lewes Road



Number: S182

Organization name: University of East London

Category: Education

Website: https://www.uel.ac.uk/


University Way


E16 2RD

Number: S183

Organization name: University of Glasgow

Category: Education

Website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/


University of Glasgow


G12 8QQ

Number: S184

Organization name: University of Leeds

Category: Education

Website: https://www.leeds.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University of Leeds



Number: S185

Organization name: University of Leicester

Category: Education

Website: https://le.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


University Road



Number: S186

Organization name: University of Liverpool

Category: Education

Website: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


Foundation Building

Brownlow Hill


L69 7ZX

Number: S187

Organization name: University of Nottingham, School of Geography

Category: Education

Website: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/geography

Email: [email protected]


School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building

University of Nottingham

University Park



Number: S188

Organization name: University of Portsmouth

Category: Education

Website: https://www.port.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University House

Winston Churchill Avenue




Number: S189

Organization name: University of Portsmouth Library

Category: Map Library

Website: https://library.port.ac.uk

Email: [email protected]


University Library

Cambridge Road


Number: S190

Organization name: University of Plymouth GeoMapping Unit

Category: Education

Website: https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/schools/school-of-geography-earth-and-environmental-sciences/geomapping-unit





Number: S191

Organization name: University of Sheffield

Category: Education

Website: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/


The University of Sheffield

Western Bank


S10 2TN

Number: S192

Organization name: University of Southampton

Category: Education

Website: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/

Email: [email protected]


University Road


SO17 1BJ

Number: S193

Organization name: Urban Hawk

Category: Commercial – Data Solutions

Website: https://urbanhawk.space/

Email: [email protected]


15 Honeywick Close



Number: S194

Organization name: UseGIS

Category: Commercial – Software Development

Website: http://www.usegis.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


The Old Rectory




EX14 4RE

Number: S195

Organization name: UTEC

Category: Commercial – Surveying Equipment

Website: https://acteon.com/

Email: [email protected]


Tern Place House

Tern Place

Bridge of Don


AB23 8JX

Number: S196

Organization name: Vantage UAV

Category: Commercial – Drone Survey

Website: https://vantageuav.com/

Email: [email protected]


86–90 Paul Street



Number: S197

Organization name: Vercator

Category: Commercial – Online Solution

Website: https://vercator.com/

Email: [email protected]


190 Clarence Gate Gardens



Number: S198

Organization name: Verisk 3DI

Category: Commercial – Data Supplier

Website: https://www.verisk.com/en-gb/3d-visual-intelligence/

Email: Online form


Station House

Station Road



CB21 4NW

Number: S199

Organization name: Vexcel Imaging

Category: Commercial – Aerial Survey

Website: https://www.vexcel-imaging.com/

Email: [email protected]

Number: S200

Organization what3words

Category: Commercial – Geo-referencing

Website: https://what3words.com/

Email: Via website

Number: S201

Organization name: XYZ Maps

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.xyzmaps.com

Email: [email protected]


32/9 Hardengreen Business Park

Dalhousie Road



EH22 3NX

Number: S202

Organization name: Yellowfields

Category: Commercial – Mapping Services

Website: https://www.yellowfields.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]


F – Full Entries

E – Higher Education Courses

S – Short Entries

135 Geographic Squadron Defence S1

1spatial Commercial – Mapping Solutions S2

3D Laser Scanning Commercial – 3D Data Solutions S3

4 Earth Intelligence Commercial – Remote Sensing S4

42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) Defence S5

Abersystwyth University Education E1, S6

AccuCities Commercial – 3D Mapping F1, S7

AddressCloud Commercial – Addressing S8

Airbus Commercial – Defence and Space S9

Amberg Technologies Commercial – Consultancy S10

Applications in CADD Commercial – Software S11

Argans Commercial – Remote Sensing S12

Arpas-UK Professional Association S13

Ashworth Maps and Interpretation Commercial – Mapping S14

Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Professional Association F2, S15

Astun Technology Commercial – Solutions Provider S16

Autodesk Commercial – Software S17

Avineon Commercial – Service Provider S18

AVUXI Commercial – Location Services S19

BAE Systems Commercial – Software S20

Bing Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S21

Birkbeck College, University of London Education E2, S22

Bluesky International Commercial – Aerial Survey S23

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford Map Library F3, S24

British Antarctic Survey Research Organization F4, S25

British Geological Survey Research Organization F5, S26

British Association of Remote Sensing Companies (BARSC) Professional Association S27

Cadcorp Commercial – Software S28

Cadline Commercial – Software S29

Carlson Commercial – Software S30

Cambridge University Library Map Department Map Library F6, S31

CDR Group Commercial – Software Supplier F7, S32

Carto Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S33

Cartopicts Commercial – Freelance Cartographer/Designer S34

CGG Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions S35

Communicarta Commercial – Transport Mapping S36

COPTRZ Commercial – Drone Survey S37

Correvate Commercial – Software Solutions S38

Cosmographics Commercial – Mapping F8, S39

Coventry City Council Government – Local F9, S40

Cranfield University Education E3, S41

Cyclomedia Commercial – Data Collection S42

Dartcom Commercial – Remote Sensing Hardware S43

David Locke Associates Commercial – Consultancy S44

Defence Geographic Centre Defence F10, S45

Dennis Maps Commercial – Printing F11, S46

Digimap Education – Map Service S47

Dorset Land Surveying Commercial – Surveying S48

DVDMaps Commercial – Mapping F12, S49

Earthi Commercial – Remote Sensing S50

Edward Stanford Commercial – Retail F13, S51

EIVA Commercial – Off-shore Surveying S52

Emapsite Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S53

Environment Systems Commercial – Consultancy S54

Eosphere Commercial – Remote Sensing S55

ESPRC Graduate Training S56

Esri UK Commercial – Software F14, S57

Europa Technologies Commercial – Geospatial Solutions S58

ESA Commercial – Space Solutions S59

Faro Commercial – Surveying S60

Fischer German Commercial – Consultancy S61

Friendly Guides Commercial – Mapping S62

Fugro Commercial – Surveying Equipment S63

G2 Survey Commercial – Surveying Equipment S64

Garsdale Design Commercial – 3D Design S65

Geo Smart Decisions Commercial – Geospatial Solutions S66

GEOCENTO Commercial – Remote Sensing Imagery Supplier S67

Geoconnexion Commercial – Magazine Publisher S68

GeoDirectory Commercial – Data Supply Solutions S69

GeoHistoric Commercial – Consultancy F15, S70

Geomatrix Commercial – Geophysical Solutions S71

GEO.ME Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S72

GeoSLAM Commercial – Geospatial Data Solutions S73

Geospatial Commission Government F16, S74

Geovation Commercial – Geospatial Innovation Hub S75

Get Kids into Survey Charity S76

Getmapping Commercial – Aerial Imagery S77

GIS247 Commercial – Training S78

GIS Cloud Commercial – Online Data Solution S79

Global Surface Intelligence Commercial – Remote Sensing S80

Government Geography Profession Government F17, S81

Handheld UK Commercial – Hardware Supplier S82

HarperCollins Publishers UK Commercial – Mapping F18, S83

Harvey Map Services Commercial – Mapping S84

Heliguy Commercial – Drone Survey S85

Helyx Commercial – Information Services S86

Here Commercial – Mapping and Location Data S86

Hexagon Commercial – Software and Solutions S88

Historic England Government S89

Imray Commercial – Nautical Charts S90

isardSAT Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions S91

Isle of Man Survey Mapping Service Government S92

John Rylands Map Library, University of Manchester Map Library S93

KOREC Commercial – Survey Equipment S94

L3Harris Commercial – Software Solutions S95

Landmark Information Group Commercial – Data Supplier S96

Land Registry Government S97

Latitude Cartography Commercial – Mapping F19, S98

Liverpool John Moores University Education E4, S99

Lovell Johns Commercial – Mapping F20, S100

Lynx Information Systems Commercial – Geophysical and GIS Services S101

Making Maps Work Ltd t/a ML Design Commercial – Mapping F21, S102

Map Action Charity S103

MapInfo Commercial – Software S104

MAXAR Commercial – Space Solutions S105

MD3D Commercial – 3D Scanning S106

Met Office Government S107

Momentum Wayshowing Commercial – Mapping S108

National Assembly for Wales Government S109

National Centre for Earth Observation Government – Research S110

National Library of Scotland Map Library F22, S111

National Library of Wales Map Library F23, S112

Newcastle University, School of Engineering Education E5, F24, S113

Nicolson Digital Commercial – Mapping F25, S114

OceanWise Commercial – Hydrographic Solutions S115

Open Geospatial Consortium Professional Association F26, S116

OpenStreetMap Social Community – Mapping S117

Orbital Insight Commercial – Solutions S118

Ordnance Survey Government – National Mapping Agency F27, S119

Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland/Land and Property Services Government S120

Oxford Technical Solutions Commercial – GPS Supplier S121

Permanent Committee on Geographical Names Government F28, S122

Philip's, a division of Octopus Publishing Group Commercial – Mapping F29, S123

Phoenix Mapping Commercial – Mapping S124

Photoarc Surveys – IIC Technologies Commercial – Geospatial Solutions S125

Pindar Creative Commercial – Travel Mapping F30, S126

Pixalytics Commercial – Consultancy S127

Planet Commercial – Remote Sensing S128

Pointr Commercial – Location Services S129

Quarry One Eleven Commercial – Geospatial Marketing S130

Radiodetection Commercial – Underground Surveying S131

Remote Sensing Applications Consultants Commercial – Remote Sensing Consultancy S132

RIEGL Commercial – Laser Scanning Supplier S133

RobinWorldWide Commercial – Transport Consultancy and Mapping S134

Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Wales Government F31, S135

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Society F32, S136

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Professional Association F33, S137

Saderet Commercial – Surveying Equipment S138

Satellite Applications Catapult Commercial – Remote Sensing S139

SatelliteVu Commercial – Remote Sensing S140

SatOC Commercial – Consultants S141

SatSense Commercial – Remote Sensing S142

Scott Polar Research Institute Educational Research Institute S143

Screening Eagle UK Commercial – Surveying S144

Sheffield Hallam University Education E6, S145

Site Vision Surveys Commercial – Surveying S146

Skynet Vision Commercial – Remote Sensing S147

South Survey Commercial – Surveying S148

Space ConneXion Commercial – Consultancy S149

Spacemetric Commercial – Remote Sensing Software S150

SpatiallyAware Commercial – Promotion S151

Specto Natura Commercial – Consultancy S152

Spottitt Commercial – Remote Sensing Data S153

Spyrosoft Commercial – Software S154

Steer Commercial – Transport Consultancy F34, S!55

Survey Solutions Commercial – Survey and Mapping F35, S156

Swansea University Education E7, S157

Tamoco Commercial – Data Solutions S158

Tania Willis Illustration & Design Commercial – Freelance Design F36, S159

Telespazio UK Commercial – Consulting S160

The British Library Map Library F37, S161

The Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps Society F38, F162

The Coal Authority Government S163

The Geographical Association Professional Association S164

The Historic Towns Trust Charity F39, S165

The Little Map Company Commercial – Mapping S166

The National Archives Map Library F40, S167

The Survey Association Professional Association S168

The Survey School Training S169

The University of Edinburgh Education E8, S170

The University of Manchester Education E9, S171

thinkWhere Commercial – Location Services S172

Topcon Commercial – Surveying Solutions S173

Transport for the North Government – Local F41, S174

Trimble Commercial – Surveying Solutions S175

UCL SpaceTimeLab Academic Research F42, S176

UK Hydrographic Office Government – Defence F43, S177

Ulster University Education E10, S178

University College London (UCL) Education E11, S179

University of Aberdeen Education E12, F44, S180

University of Brighton Education E13, S181

University of East London Education E14, S182

University of Glasgow Education E15, S183

University of Leeds Education E16, S184

University of Leicester Education E17, S185

University of Liverpool Education E18, S186

University of Nottingham, School of Geography Education F46, S187

University of Portsmouth Education E19, S188

University of Portsmouth Library Map Library F45, S189

University of Plymouth GeoMapping Unit Education S190

University of Sheffield Education E20, S191

University of Southampton Education E21, S192

Urban Hawk Commercial – Data Solutions S193

UseGIS Commercial – Software Development S194

UTEC Commercial – Surveying Equipment S195

Vantage UAV Commercial – Drone Survey S196

Vercator Commercial – Online Solution S197

Verisk 3DI Commercial – Data Supplier S198

Vexcel Imaging Commercial – Aerial Survey S199

what3words Commercial – Georeferencing S200

XYZ Maps Commercial – Mapping F47, S201

Yellowfields Commercial – Mapping S202


F – Full Entries

E – Higher Education courses

S – Short Entries

Charities, Societies and Professional Solutions

Arpas-UK Professional Association S12

Association for Geographic Information (AGI) Professional Association F2, S15

British Association of Remote Sensing Companies (BARSC) Professional Association S27

Get Kids into Survey Charity S77

Map Action Charity S103

Open Geospatial Consortium Professional Association F26, S116

OpenStreetMap Social Community – Mapping S117

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Society F32, S136

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Professional Association F33, S137

The Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps Society F38, S162

The Geographical Association Professional Association S164

The Historic Towns Trust Charity F39, S165

The Survey Association Professional Association S168

Commercial Companies

Addressing Services

AddressCloud Commercial – Addressing Services S8

Multinational Companies with UK Offices

Airbus Commercial – Defence and Space S9

Bing Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S21

Earthi Commercial – Remote Sensing S50

ESA Commercial – Space Solutions S59

Commercial Companies


Amberg Technologies Commercial – Consultancy S10

David Locke Associates Commercial – Consultancy S44

Environment Systems Commercial – Consultancy S54

Fischer German Commercial – Consultancy S61

GeoHistoric Commercial – Consultancy F15, S70

Pixalytics Commercial – Consultancy S127

RobinWorldWide Commercial – Transport Consultancy and Mapping S134

SatOC Commercial – Consultancy S141

Space ConneXion Commercial – Consultancy S149

Specto Natura Commercial – Consultancy S152

Steer Commercial – Transport Consultancy F34, S155

Telespazio UK Commercial – Consultancy S160

Data Suppliers

Cyclomedia Commercial – Data Collection S42

Landmark Information Group Commercial – Data Supplier S96

Verisk 3DI Commercial – Data Supplier S198

Georeferencing Services

what3words Commercial – Georeferencing S200

Hardware Suppliers

Handheld UK Commercial – Hardware Supplier S82

Oxford Technical Solutions Commercial – GPS Supplier S121

RIEGL Commercial – Laser Scanning Supplier S133

Imaging Services

Bluesky International Commercial – Aerial Survey S23

COPTRZ Commercial – Drone Survey S37

Getmapping Commercial – Aerial Imagery S77

HeliguyCommercial – Drone Survey S85

Vantage UAV Commercial – Drone Survey S196

Vexcel Imaging Commercial – Aerial Survey S199

Location Services

AVUXI Commercial – Location Services S19

Carto Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S33

EmapsiteCommercial – Online Mapping Solutions S53

thinkWhere Commercial – Location Services S172

Mapping and Cartographic Services

AccuCities Commercial – 3D Mapping Services F1, S7

Ashworth Maps and Interpretation Commercial – Mapping Services S14

Cartopicts Commercial – Freelance Cartographer/Designer S34

Communicarta Commercial – Transport Mapping Services S36

Cosmographics Commercial – Mapping Services F8, S39

DVDMaps Commercial – Mapping Services F12, S49

Friendly Guides Commercial – Mapping Services S62

Garsdale Design Commercial – 3D Design S65

HarperCollins Publishers UK Commercial – Mapping Services F18, S83

Harvey Map Services Commercial – Mapping Services S84

Here Commercial – Mapping and Location Data S86

Imray Commercial – Nautical Charts S90

Latitude Cartography Commercial – Mapping Services F19, S98

Lovell Johns Commercial – Mapping Services F20, S100

Making Maps Work Ltd t/a ML Design Commercial – Mapping Services F21, S102

Momentum Wayshowing Commercial – Mapping Services S108

Nicolson Digital Commercial – Mapping Services F25, S114

Philip's, a division of Octopus Publishing Group Commercial – Mapping Services F29, S123

Phoenix Mapping Commercial – Mapping Services S124

Pindar Creative Commercial – Travel Mapping Services F30, S126

Tania Willis Illustration & Design Commercial – Freelance Design F36, S159

The Little Map Company Commercial – Mapping Services S166

XYZ Maps Commercial – Mapping Services F201

Yellowfields Commercial – Mapping Services S202

Marketing and Promotion Services

Geoconnexion Commercial – Magazine Publisher S68

Quarry One Eleven Commercial – Geospatial Marketing S130

SpatiallyAware Commercial – Promotion S151

Printing Services

Dennis Maps Commercial – Printing F11, S46

Remote Sensing Services

4 Earth Intelligence Commercial – Remote Sensing S4

Argans Commercial – Remote Sensing S12

CGG Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions S35

Dartcom Commercial – Remote Sensing Hardware S43

Eosphere Commercial – Remote Sensing S55

GEOCENTO Commercial – Remote Sensing Imagery Supplier S67

Global Surface Intelligence Commercial – Remote Sensing S80

isardSAT Commercial – Remote Sensing Solutions S91

MAXAR Commercial – Space Solutions S105

Planet Commercial – Remote Sensing S128

Remote Sensing Applications Consultants Commercial – Remote Sensing Consultancy S132

Satellite Applications Catapult Commercial – Remote Sensing S139

SatelliteVu Commercial – Remote Sensing S140

SatSense Commercial – Remote Sensing S142

Skynet Vision Commercial – Remote Sensing S147

Spottitt Commercial – Remote Sensing Data S153

Retail Services

Edward Stanford Commercial – Retail F13, S51

Solution Providers

1spatial Commercial – Mapping Solutions S2

3D Laser Scanning Commercial – 3D Data Solutions S3

Astun Technology Commercial – Solutions Provider S16

Avineon Commercial – Service Provider S18

Europa Technologies Commercial – Geospatial Solutions 58

Geo Smart Decisions Commercial – Geospatial Solutions S66

GeoDirectory Commercial – Data Supply Solutions S69

Geomatrix Commercial – Geophysical Solutions S71

GEO.ME Commercial – Online Mapping Solutions S72

GeoSLAM Commercial – Geospatial Data Solutions S73

Geovation Commercial – Geospatial Innovation Hub S75

GIS Cloud Commercial – Online Data Solution S79

Helyx Commercial – Information Services S86

Lynx Information Systems Commercial – Geophysical and GIS Services S101

OceanWise Commercial – Hydrographic Solutions S115

Orbital Insight Commercial – Solutions S118

Photoarc Surveys – IIC Technologies Commercial – Geospatial Solutions S125

Pointr Commercial – Location Services S129

Tamoco Commercial – Data Solutions S158

Urban Hawk Commercial – Data Solutions S193

Vercator Commercial – Online Solution S197

Software Suppliers

Applications in CADD Commercial – Software S11

Autodesk Commercial – Software S17

BAE Systems Commercial – Software S20

Cadcorp Commercial – Software S28

Cadline Commercial – Software S29

Carlson Commercial – Software S30

CDR Group Commercial – Software Supplier F7, S32

Correvate Commercial – Software Solutions S38

Esri UK Commercial – Software F14, S57

Hexagon Commercial – Software Solutions S88

L3Harris Commercial – Software Solutions S95

MapInfo Commercial – Software S104

Spacemetric Commercial – Remote Sensing Software Supplier S150

Spyrosoft Commercial – Software S154

UseGIS Commercial – Software Development S194

Surveying Services

Dorset Land Surveying Commercial – Surveying S48

EIVA Commercial – Off-shore Surveying S52

Faro Commercial – Surveying S60

Fugro Commercial – Surveying Equipment S63

G2 Survey Commercial – Surveying Equipment S64

KOREC Commercial – Survey Equipment S94

MD3D Commercial – 3D Scanning S106

Radiodetection Commercial – Underground Surveying S131

Saderet Commercial – Surveying Equipment S138

Screening Eagle UK Commercial – Surveying S144

Site Vision Surveys Commercial – Surveying S146

South Survey Commercial – Surveying S148

Survey Solutions Commercial – Survey and Mapping F35, S156

Topcon Commercial – Surveying Solutions S173

Trimble Commercial – Surveying Solutions S175

UTEC Commercial – Surveying Equipment S195

Education and Training Providers

Aberystwyth University Educational Course E1, S6

Birkbeck College, University of London Educational Course E2, S22

Cranfield University Educational Course E3, S41

Digimap Education Service S47

ESPRC Graduate Training S56

GIS247 Commercial – Training S78

Liverpool John Moores University Educational Course E4, S99

Newcastle University, School of Engineering Educational Course E5, F24, S113

Sheffield Hallam University Educational Course E6, S145

Swansea University Educational Course E7, S157

The Survey School Training S169

The University of Edinburgh Educational Course E8, S170

The University of Manchester Educational Course E9, S171

Ulster University Educational Course E10, S178

University College London (UCL) Educational Course E11, S179

University of Aberdeen Educational Course E12, S180

University of Brighton Educational Course E13, S181

University of East London Educational Course E14, S182

University of Glasgow Educational Course E15, S183

University of Leeds Educational Course E16, S184

University of Leicester Educational Course E17, S185

University of Liverpool Educational Course E18, S186

University of Nottingham, School of Geography Education Service F46, S187

University of Portsmouth Educational Course E19, S188

University of Plymouth GeoMapping Unit Education Service S190

University of Sheffield Educational Course E20, S191

University of Southampton Educational Course E21, S192

Government and Defence

135 Geographic SquadronGovernment Defence S1

42 Engineer Regiment (Geographic) Government – Defence S5

Coventry City Council Local Government F9, S40

Defence Geographic Centre Government – Defence F10, S45

Geospatial Commission Central Government F16, S74

Government Geography Profession Central Government F17, S81

Historic England Central Government S89

Isle of Man Survey Mapping Service Government S92

Land Registry Central Government S97

Met Office Central Government S107

National Assembly for Wales Central Government S109

National Centre for Earth Observation Government – Research S110

Ordnance Survey Government – National Mapping Agency F27, S119

Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland/Land and Property Services Central Government S120

Permanent Committee on Geographical Names Central Government F28, S122

Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Wales Central Government F31, S135

The Coal Authority Central Government S163

Transport for the North Local Government F41, S174

UK Hydrographic Office Government – Defence F43, S177

Map Libraries

Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford Map Library F3, S24

Cambridge University Library Map Department Map Library F6, S31

John Rylands Map Library, University of Manchester Map Library S93

National Library of Scotland Map Library F22, S111

National Library of Wales Map Library F23, S112

Scott Polar Research Institute Research Organization and Map Library S143

The British Library Map Library F37, S161

The National Archives Map Library F40, S167

University of Portsmouth Library Map Library F45, S189

Research Organizations

British Antarctic Survey Research Organization F4, S25

British Geological Survey Research Organization F5, S26

Scott Polar Research Institute Research Organization and Map Library S143

UCL SpaceTimeLab Academic Research Unit F42, S176