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Editorial board contributions celebrating the 60th anniversary of IJPR: parts 1 and 2



The International Journal of Production Research with this issue starts its 60th volume after celebrating in 2021 its 60th Anniversary. This special issue is dedicated to these anniversaries and composed of invited articles by the members of the Editorial Board of the journal.

In 2021, the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) celebrated its 60th anniversary (the journal was established in 1961, the first papers were submitted in July, the first issue was published in autumn of 1961). In 2022, our journal continues the celebrations because of its 60th volume anniversary, indeed there is a 1-year difference between the age of the journal and volume number. For these 2 years, 2021 and 2022, many specific events have been planned (e.g. IFPR ICPR 26, IFIP APMS 2021, IFAC MIM 2022 conferences) and several special issues of IJPR were launched. The whole community of production research – leaders of our profession, senior scholars and young researchers – actively participates in these events: contributes to special issues and conferences, discusses perspectives of future development of the journal, new topics and research directions to explore.

IJPR is one of the oldest journals in our field, an elite journal on manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, operations research and management science. The policy of the journal is based on strong relations with real-life problems in design and management of production systems and logistics. Only major research results with innovative decision-aid models and managerial insights are published in our journal that represents 10% of the best research.

The announcements of special issues for the 60th anniversary and calls for papers are available on the website of the journal: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tprs20/special-issues#siProp

The list of papers published in IJPR since 1961 and cited at least 60 times is available directly on: www.journalpages.co.uk/ijpr-cited-60

At the 10th Triennial IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (IFAC MIM 2022), Nantes, France, June 22–24, 2022 (www.mim2022.com) special tracks will be proposed for IJPR, panels on the future of the journal will be organised and additional special issues will be announced and composed from extended versions of papers presented at the conference.

I invite you to celebrate with us the 60th anniversary and 60th volume anniversary of the journal and submit to IJPR innovative results on the most challenging problems in production systems and logistics. Please be a regular and an active reader of IJPR, the flagship journal of our profession.

Please note that for IJPR papers, as this is mentioned in the instructions to author on the website of the journal, the following elements are mandatory:

  • An exhaustive analysis of production research literature on related topics;

  • Novel decision aid models for design or management of production systems and logistics, the models should be explained for a large audience in production research;

  • Comparisons with the state of the art;

  • Discussion on real-life applications of the proposed approach in production systems and logistics;

  • Managerial insights for decision-makers in industry;

  • Research perspectives.

Please also search for all related articles already published in IJPR before any submission and read them at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tprs20/current

We start the 60th volume with this double-issue that represents two first parts of the special issue ‘Editorial Board contributions celebrating the 60th Anniversary of IJPR’. The last part, part 3, will appear later. In these three parts, readers will find invited reviews, contributed and position papers written by the members of IJPR Editorial Board. These papers were reviewed following the standards of IJPR even if they are considered as invited papers. The articles are placed in the double issue in the order of their reception by the production department of Taylor & Francis. Some members submitted several papers.

Part 1 (Issue 1, 2022)

In the article ‘A study on green supply chain under capital constraint considering time-varying salvage value’ by Song-Man Wu, Felix T.S. Chan & S.H. Chung, the authors propose innovative models via adapting buyer-supported purchase order financing and advance payment discount approaches to green supply chain, to help the suppliers with capital constraints to obtain financing to produce more green products.

The paper ‘Balancing collaborative human–robot assembly lines to optimise cycle time and ergonomic risk’ by Kathryn E. Stecke & Mahdi Mokhtarzadeh suggests mixed-integer linear programming and constraint programming models, as well as a Benders decomposition algorithm to analyse advantages of collaborative and mobile robots in assembly lines. Models are developed to decide how many robots to use and at which stations they should be placed in the line under the objective of minimising both the cycle time and ergonomic risks. The line balancing problem is integrated with operation assignment and scheduling problems. Operational advantages and scheduling constraints were studied when immobile and mobile robots are used.

Yue Wang, Joseph Geunes & Xiaofeng Nie in the article ‘Optimising inventory placement in a two-echelon distribution system with fulfillment-time-dependent demand’ propose a model for dimensioning, replenishment planning and pricing in two-echelon supply chain. Optimal safety stock placement strategies as well as network expansion strategy, inventory placement and pricing strategies for a single product under demand uncertainty are considered, taking into account potential market growth based on the addition of new facilities.

‘Zero-defect manufacturing the approach for higher manufacturing sustainability in the era of industry 4.0’ is a position paper by Foivos Psarommatis, João Sousa, João Pedro Mendonça & Dimitris Kiritsis to introduce zero-defect manufacturing approach. Many questions are answered and several new research directions are proposed.

Qingyun Zhu, Mahtab Kouhizadeh & Joseph Sarkis in their article ‘Formalising product deletion across the supply chain: blockchain technology as a relational governance mechanism’ study how blockchains can be used to improve product deletion decisions within a supply chain. This paper suggests both an innovative approach in product portfolio management and new applications for blockchains.

Arunmozhi Manimuthu, V. G. Venkatesh, Yangyan Shi, V. Raja Sreedharan & S. C. Lenny Koh in ‘Design and development of automobile assembly model using federated artificial intelligence with smart contract’ use federated learning-artificial intelligence for decision-making and smart contract policies for process execution and control in an automated automotive factory. A novel approach called trust threshold limit for data training is introduced. The proposed framework demonstrates an increasing decision accuracy for the development of smart contract-based assembly models.

Panos Kouvelis & Yunzhe Qiu in ‘Financing inventories with an investment efficiency objective: ROI-maximising newsvendor, bank loans and trade credit contracts’, use newsvendor buyer ordering and a trade credit-supported bilateral supply chain with a newsvendor buyer to obtain the ordering policies maximising return on investment on the buyer side, and managerial insights from this analytical study are given.

In ‘New challenges in supply chain management: cybersecurity across the supply chain’ by Steven A. Melnyk, Tobias Schoenherr, Cheri Speier-Pero, Chris Peters, Jeff F. Chang and Derek Friday, the authors show the importance of cybersecurity issues in supply chains. They have demonstrated impact of cyber breaches, thus there is urgency to supply chain cybersecurity. This is no longer a corporate initiative; industry and the government should address together this issue.

In ‘Design and management of assembly systems 4.0: systematic literature review and research agenda’, Alexandre Dolgui, Fabio Sgarbossa and Marco Simonetto give an exhaustive analysis of literature on assembly systems from industry 4.0 point of view and propose a research agenda to exploit the full potential of industry 4.0 in assembly environment.

The paper ‘Cleaning after solar panels: applying a circular outlook to clean energy research’ by A. Serasu Duran, Atalay Atasu & Luk N. Van Wassenhove presents a model of replacement behaviour for solar panels. The authors conclude that the levellised cost of energy for solar generation can increase very quickly and in such conditions, the cost competitiveness of solar panels can be questionable.

Stephen C. Graves in the article ‘How to think about planned lead times’, describes why the planned lead time is important and how it is used for planning of production activities. A review of literature is given and interesting insights are provided concerning the trade-offs to be considered in setting the planned lead times. A model is suggested to show a dependence of planned lead times on the variability of the resource requirements and on the flexibility of resources employed for the activity.

Jan Olhager & Andreas Feldmann in ‘Linking plant roles and operations strategy decision-making autonomy in international manufacturing networks’ study the relationship between plant roles and plant autonomy and their impact on plant performance. Data from 102 manufacturing plants are used and interesting conclusions are given.

Hubert Missbauer & Reha Uzsoy in ‘Order release in production planning and control systems: challenges and opportunities’ discuss the problem of integrating dynamic capacity modelling into planning and control of multi-stage production systems. Major challenges are pointed out, standard architectures of decision aid for the order release task are discussed, a review of literature is given and some research perspectives are highlighted.

Nan Chen, Ningjian Huang, Robert Radwin & Jingshan Li in the paper ‘Analysis of assembly-time performance (ATP) in manufacturing operations with collaborative robots: a systems approach’ investigate the probability to finish all the assembly operations in a station within a desired time interval, called assembly-time performance, for assembly systems with collaborative robots. Stochastic processes are used to model tasks. An approximate algorithm is developed to calculate assembly-time performance. A case study from automotive industry is presented.

Sezgi Tekil-Ergün, Erwin Pesch & Katarzyna Anna Kuzmicz in the paper ‘Solving a hybrid mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem in delay-sensitive container transportation’ investigate a variant of a mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem for a container truck routing problem. The goal is to minimise the total distance subject to matching the empty container demand and supply, necessary refuelling of the trucks and service time windows.

The article ‘Demand forecasting in supply chains: a review of aggregation and hierarchical approaches’ by M. Zied Babai, John E. Boylan & Bahman Rostami-Tabar proposes a comprehensive review of literature on aggregation and hierarchical forecasting in supply chains. Major research gaps are identified and an agenda for further research is suggested.

Andrew Kusiak in the paper ‘From digital to universal manufacturing’ presents some advanced ideas on universal manufacturing. Greater formalisation and standardisation of enterprise digital models are necessary to increase the presence of manufacturing enterprises in a cloud. A framework for forming enterprises in a cloud based on product and process specifications is suggested as well as algorithms illustrating its operations are presented.

Yaqiong Liu, Shudong Sun, Xi Vincent Wang & Lihui Wang in the article ‘An iterative combinatorial auction mechanism for multi-agent parallel machine scheduling’ describe their research on a multi-agent parallel machines scheduling problem. An iterative combinatorial auction is developed to create a collaborative scheduling technique. Numerical tests are given and demonstrate that the developed approach generates high-quality solutions.

In the paper on the most cited method published in IJPR ‘CONWIP Redux: reflections on 30 years of development and implementation’, the authors of the method Mark L. Spearman, David L. Woodruff & Wallace J. Hopp discuss the method and related literature. They offer a literature review, explain the origins of CONWIP and address many of the issues and misunderstandings that have appeared in literature since the publication of the method.

Josef Svoboda & Stefan Minner in the article ‘Tailoring inventory classification to industry applications: the benefits of understandable machine learning’ propose a new cost-based, multi-dimensional inventory classification approach based on machine learning and a genetic algorithm for allocating SKUs to replenishment policies. The approach is tested on three industry case studies.

Part 2 (Issue 2, 2022)

The article ‘Framework for incorporating human factors into production and logistics systems’, by Vivek Vijayakumar, Fabio Sgarbossa, W. Patrick Neumann & Ahmad Sobhani, presents a state-of-the-art framework to take into account human factor (HF) aspects when making production and logistics system design and management decisions. The authors note that ignoring HF leads to operator fatigue, discomfort, subsequent injuries and negative consequences for operator performance and for the corresponding production and logistics system.

Farhad Ameri, Dusan Sormaz, Foivos Psarommatis & Dimitris Kiritsis in the position paper ‘Industrial ontologies for interoperability in agile and resilient manufacturing’ support the important role of ontologies, and call for a more systematic and coordinated effort for their development. They promote a new ontology development process by introducing modular and reusable ontologies. Industrial examples are given.

Alexandre Dolgui & Dmitry Ivanov in the position paper ‘5G in digital supply chain and operations management: fostering flexibility, end-to-end connectivity and real-time visibility through internet-of-everything’ attract attention to the new possibilities and research directions in relation with development of 5G in industry. 5G can increase the flexibility and resilience of supply chain via increased intelligence, visibility, transparency, dynamic networking and connectivity. Many new research challenges are discussed.

The paper ‘Actionable cognitive twins for decision making in manufacturing’ by Jože M. Rožanec, Jinzhi Lu, Jan Rupnik, Maja Škrjanc, Dunja Mladenić, Blaž Fortuna, Xiaochen Zheng & Dimitris Kiritsis proposes a knowledge graph to construct actionable cognitive twins for capturing knowledge related to production planning and demand forecasting in a manufacturing plant. The approach was evaluated in two case studies from equipment manufacturer related to the automotive industry.

Michela Magas & Dimitris Kiritsis in the article ‘Industry commons: an ecosystem approach to horizontal enablers for sustainable cross-domain industrial innovation (a positioning paper)’ present the concept of the industry commons. The authors launch a discussion on the positioning of the industry commons ecosystem with respect to the current state of the art on advanced manufacturing, novel business models and research on innovation.

The article ‘Recent contributions to supply chain finance: towards a theoretical and practical research agenda’ by Chaorui Huang, Felix T. S. Chan & S. H. Chung study a crucial topic in the current production research dealing with optimisation of financial flows in supply chains. Novel results in this domain are reported via a systematic analysis of literature; nine research dimensions in the selected literature are underlined giving both theoretical foundation and practical suggestions.

Hakan Yildiz, Srinivas Talluri, Xiulin Xie, Jiho Yoon, Peihua Qiu & John M. Wassick in the article ‘Evaluating and monitoring distribution network efficiency with multivariate process control methods’ introduce a new methodology which utilise both nonparametric multivariate cumulative sum control charts and data envelopment analysis to design supply chain analytics for risk management based on real time and past data. A real-life application is presented.

The article ‘Production systems with cycle overrun: modelling, analysis, improvability and bottlenecks’ by Yongsoon Eun, Kang Liu & Semyon M. Meerkov suggests novel models for analysis of production lines with unreliable machines and cycle overrun. The analytical methods proposed allow improving serial lines in many sectors of industry. A case study based on an automotive machining line is presented.

Masoud Mirzaei, Nima Zaerpour & René B.M. de Koster in their article ‘How to benefit from order data: correlated dispersed storage assignment in robotic warehouses’ propose a new approach to estimate the joint effects of turnover frequency, product correlation and inventory dispersion storage strategies on the expected travel time for order picking in an automatic warehouse. A mixed-integer linear programme is developed. The approach is tested on a real-life case from a personal care products distributor.

Vishwas Dohale, Angappa Gunasekaran, Milind Madhukarro Akarte & Priyanka Verma in the paper ‘52 Years of manufacturing strategy: an evolutionary review of literature’ present a review over five decades on the manufacturing strategies. Publication trend and the prominent themes of related literature are analysed. Future research opportunities are identified.

Yao Cheng, Elsayed A. Elsayed & Zhiyi Huang in the article ‘Systems resilience assessments: a review, framework and metrics’ report a review of literature on system resilience under uncertainty. The approaches that quantitatively evaluate resilience are analysed, and their advantages and limitations are discussed. New resilience metrics are proposed. Some challenges for the future research are presented.

‘An iterated greedy matheuristic for scheduling in steelmaking-continuous casting process’ by Juntaek Hong, Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee, Kwansoo Lee & Michael L. Pinedo gives an extensive literature review of literature on scheduling problems in steelmaking industry. Major challenges in the steelmaking scheduling are introduced and existing solution methods are compared. A problem is modelled as a mixed-integer linear programme and a greedy algorithm is developed. Numerical tests are given.

Rosalin Sahoo, Ajit Kumar Pasayat, Bhaskar Bhowmick, Kiran Fernandes & Manoj Kumar Tiwari in their article ‘A hybrid ensemble learning-based prediction model to minimise delay in air cargo transport using bagging and stacking’ develop the techniques to analyse and predict transport delay using the data from international air cargo logistics. The delay is evaluated as the difference between the actual and the planned time of arrival of a shipment. The prediction of delay at the planning stage can reduce the risks in air cargo logistics.

Jafar Namdar, Jennifer Blackhurst & Arash Azadegan in the paper ‘On synergistic effects of resilience strategies: developing a layered defense approach’ propose simulation techniques to study the effect of different combinations of resilience strategies in a systematic way. Different disruption attributes, their effect and their origin are considered. A number of interesting observations are made.

The article ‘How social communications affect product line design in the platform economy’ by Xiang Ji, Guo Li & Suresh P. Sethi deals with a very important topic on the platform economy and social communications. The authors study how social communications affect an upstream firm’s product line design when an online platform makes strategic contract choices. Many managerial insights are given.

Shiquan Ling, Daqiang Guo, Yiming Rong & George Q. Huang in the article ‘Spatio-temporal synchronisation for human-cyber-physical assembly workstation 4.0 systems’ consider assembly workstations 4.0. An orchestration of the hyper objects with human integration as well as a human cyber-physical framework is proposed. A full-scale prototype is developed to realise their functionalities through I4.0 technologies and test them.

Win P. V. Nguyen, Puwadol Oak Dusadeerungsikul & Shimon Y. Nof in the article ‘Plant stress propagation detection and monitoring with disruption propagation network modelling and Bayesian network inference’ report a study on the problem of plant stress propagation. The network modelling is used, which enables better situate awareness and augments the development of advanced collaborative scanning protocols. Five protocols are designed. Numerical tests are given.

Paul-Arthur Dreyfus, Foivos Psarommatis, Gokan May & Dimitris Kiritsis in the paper ‘Virtual metrology as an approach for product quality estimation in Industry 4.0: a systematic review and integrative conceptual framework’ present a review of literature on Virtual metrology (VM) which involves estimating a product’s quality directly from production process data without physically measuring it. The product quality of each unit of production is analysed in real time, while preserving the process efficiency.

The article ‘Balancing cybersecurity in a supply chain under direct and indirect cyber risks’ by Tadeusz Sawik gives a stochastic programming formulation for optimisation of cybersecurity investment and selection of security controls to mitigate and balance the impact of direct and indirect cyber risks in a multi-tier supply chain. The results of the models as well as managerial insights are reported and discussed.

Christian Ruf, Jonathan F. Bard & Rainer Kolisch in the paper ‘Workforce capacity planning with hierarchical skills, long-term training, and random resignations’ consider a multi-stage capacity planning problem for a hierarchically skilled workforce in a production system. The problem is modelled as a Markov decision process for which several parameterised decision rules are proposed to find solutions. A large-scale neighbourhood search is developed to deal with ‘noisy’ cost function measurements.

Liping Zhou, Zhibin Jiang, Na Geng, Yimeng Niu, Feng Cui, Kefei Liu & Nanshan Qi in the paper ‘Production and operations management for intelligent manufacturing: a systematic literature review’ present the state of the art, current challenges and future directions of intelligent manufacturing. The discussions focus on the following five research themes: value creation mechanisms, resource configuration and capacity planning, production planning, scheduling and logistics.

References (part 1, i.e. issue 1, 2022)

  • Chen, Nan, Ningjian Huang, Robert Radwin, and Jingshan Li. 2021. “Analysis of Assembly-Time Performance (ATP) in Manufacturing Operations with Collaborative Robots: A Systems Approach.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2000060.

  • Dolgui, Alexandre, Fabio Sgarbossa, and Marco Simonetto. 2021. “Design and Management of Assembly Systems 4.0: Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1990433.

  • Graves, Stephen C. 2021. “How to Think About Planned Lead Times.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1991025.

  • Kouvelis, Panos, and Yunzhe Qiu. 2021. “Financing Inventories with an Investment Efficiency Objective: Roi-Maximising Newsvendor, Bank Loans and Trade Credit Contracts.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1987555.

  • Kusiak, Andrew. 2021. “From Digital to Universal Manufacturing.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1948137.

  • Liu, Yaqiong, Shudong Sun, Xi Vincent Wang, and Lihui Wang. 2021. “An Iterative Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Multi-Agent Parallel Machine Scheduling.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1950938.

  • Manimuthu, Arunmozhi, V. G. Venkatesh, Yangyan Shi, V. Raja Sreedharan, and S. C. Lenny Koh. 2021. “Design and Development of Automobile Assembly Model Using Federated Artificial Intelligence with Smart Contract.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1988750.

  • Melnyk, Steven A., Tobias Schoenherr, Cheri Speier-Pero, Chris Peters, Jeff F. Chang, and Derek Friday. 2021. “New Challenges in Supply Chain Management: Cybersecurity Across the Supply Chain.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1984606.

  • Missbauer, Hubert, and Reha Uzsoy. 2021. “Order Release in Production Planning and Control Systems: Challenges and Opportunities.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1994165.

  • Olhager, Jan, and Andreas Feldmann. 2021. “Linking Plant Roles and Operations Strategy Decision-Making Autonomy in International Manufacturing Networks.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1991026.

  • Psarommatis, Foivos, João Sousa, João Pedro Mendonça, and Dimitris Kiritsis. 2021. “Zero-defect Manufacturing the Approach for Higher Manufacturing Sustainability in the era of Industry 4.0: A Position Paper.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1987551.

  • Serasu Duran, A., Atalay Atasu, and Luk N. Van Wassenhove. 2021. “Cleaning After Solar Panels: Applying a Circular Outlook to Clean Energy Research.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1990434.

  • Spearman, Mark L., David L. Woodruff, and Wallace J. Hopp. 2021. “CONWIP Redux: Reflections on 30 Years of Development and Implementation.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1954713.

  • Stecke, Kathryn E., and Mahdi Mokhtarzadeh. 2021. “Balancing Collaborative Human–Robot Assembly Lines to Optimise Cycle Time and Ergonomic Risk.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1989077.

  • Svoboda, Josef, and Stefan Minner. 2021. “Tailoring Inventory Classification to Industry Applications: The Benefits of Understandable Machine Learning.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1959078.

  • Tekil-Ergün, Sezgi, Erwin Pesch, and Katarzyna Anna Kuzmicz. 2021. “Solving a Hybrid Mixed Fleet Heterogeneous Dial-a-Ride Problem in Delay-Sensitive Container Transportation.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2000658.

  • Wang, Yue, Joseph Geunes, and Xiaofeng Nie. 2021. “Optimising Inventory Placement in a two-Echelon Distribution System with Fulfillment-Time-Dependent Demand.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1985737.

  • Wu, Song-Man, Felix T.S. Chan, and S. H. Chung. 2021. “A Study on Green Supply Chain Under Capital Constraint Considering Time-Varying Salvage Value.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1982153.

  • Zhu, Qingyun, Mahtab Kouhizadeh, and Joseph Sarkis. 2021. “Formalising Product Deletion Across the Supply Chain: Blockchain Technology as a Relational Governance Mechanism.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1987552.

  • Zied Babai, M., John E. Boylan, and Bahman Rostami-Tabar. 2021. “Demand Forecasting in Supply Chains: A Review of Aggregation and Hierarchical Approaches.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2005268.

References (part 2, i.e. issue 2, 2022)

  • Ameri, Farhad, Dusan Sormaz, Foivos Psarommatis, and Dimitris Kiritsis. 2021. “Industrial Ontologies for Interoperability in Agile and Resilient Manufacturing.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1987553.

  • Cheng, Yao, Elsayed A. Elsayed, and Zhiyi Huang. 2021. “Systems Resilience Assessments: A Review, Framework and Metrics.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1971789.

  • Dohale, Vishwas, Angappa Gunasekaran, Milind Madhukarro Akarte, and Priyanka Verma. 2021. “52 Years of Manufacturing Strategy: An Evolutionary Review of Literature (1969–2021).” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1971788.

  • Dolgui, Alexandre, and Dmitry Ivanov. 2021. “5G in Digital Supply Chain and Operations Management: Fostering Flexibility, end-to-end Connectivity and Real-Time Visibility Through Internet-of-Everything.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2002969.

  • Dreyfus, Paul-Arthur, Foivos Psarommatis, Gokan May, and Dimitris Kiritsis. 2021. “Virtual Metrology as an Approach for Product Quality Estimation in Industry 4.0: A Systematic Review and Integrative Conceptual Framework.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1976433.

  • Eun, Yongsoon, Kang Liu, and Semyon M. Meerkov. 2021. “Production Systems with Cycle Overrun: Modelling, Analysis, Improvability and Bottlenecks.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1968528.

  • Hong, Juntaek, Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee, Kwansoo Lee, and Michael L. Pinedo. 2021. “An Iterated Greedy Matheuristic for Scheduling in Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1975839.

  • Huang, Chaorui, Felix T. S. Chan, and S. H. Chung. 2021. “Recent Contributions to Supply Chain Finance: Towards a Theoretical and Practical Research Agenda.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1964706.

  • Ji, Xiang, Guo Li, and Suresh P. Sethi. 2021. “How Social Communications Affect Product Line Design in the Platform Economy.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2013562.

  • Ling, Shiquan, Daqiang Guo, Yiming Rong, and George Q. Huang. 2021. “Spatio-temporal Synchronisation for Human-Cyber-Physical Assembly Workstation 4.0 Systems.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2010826.

  • Magas, Michela, and Dimitris Kiritsis. 2021. “Industry Commons: An Ecosystem Approach to Horizontal Enablers for Sustainable Cross-Domain Industrial Innovation (a positioning paper).” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1989514.

  • Mirzaei, Masoud, Nima Zaerpour, and René B.M. de Koster. 2021. “How to Benefit from Order Data: Correlated Dispersed Storage Assignment in Robotic Warehouses.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1971787.

  • Namdar, Jafar, Jennifer Blackhurst, and Arash Azadegan. 2021. “On Synergistic Effects of Resilience Strategies: Developing a Layered Defense Approach.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2013561.

  • Nguyen, Win P. V., Puwadol Oak Dusadeerungsikul, and Shimon Y. Nof. 2021. “Plant Stress Propagation Detection and Monitoring with Disruption Propagation Network Modelling and Bayesian Network Inference.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2009139.

  • Rožanec, Jože M., Jinzhi Lu, Jan Rupnik, Maja Škrjanc, Dunja Mladenić, Blaž Fortuna, Xiaochen Zheng & Dimitris Kiritsis. 2021. “Actionable Cognitive Twins for Decision Making in Manufacturing.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2002967.

  • Ruf, Christian, Jonathan F. Bard, and Rainer Kolisch. 2021. “Workforce Capacity Planning with Hierarchical Skills, Long-Term Training, and Random Resignations.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2017058.

  • Sahoo, Rosalin, Ajit Kumar Pasayat, Bhaskar Bhowmick, Kiran Fernandes, and Manoj Kumar Tiwari. 2021. “A Hybrid Ensemble Learning-Based Prediction Model to Minimise Delay in air Cargo Transport Using Bagging and Stacking.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2013563.

  • Sawik, Tadeusz. 2021. “Balancing Cybersecurity in a Supply Chain Under Direct and Indirect Cyber Risks.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1914356.

  • Vijayakumar, Vivek, Fabio Sgarbossa, W. Patrick Neumann, and Ahmad Sobhani. 2021. “Framework for Incorporating Human Factors into Production and Logistics Systems.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1983225.

  • Yildiz, Hakan, Srinivas Talluri, Xiulin Xie, Jiho Yoon, Peihua Qiu, and John M. Wassick. 2021. “Evaluating and Monitoring Distribution Network Efficiency with Multivariate Process Control Methods.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1964707.

  • Zhou, Liping, Zhibin Jiang, Na Geng, Yimeng Niu, Feng Cui, Kefei Liu, and Nanshan Qi. 2021. “Production and Operations Management for Intelligent Manufacturing: A Systematic Literature Review.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.2017055.

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