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Doctoral dissertations in Theology in the Nordic Countries 2022 and 2023

Aarhus University

Balle, Simon Nøddebo. The Reflections of Robots: Theological Studies on the Impact of Humanlike Robots on Human Existence. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2023.

Heldgaard, Louise. Børnebibler som traditionsformidling: En litterær og teologisk undersøgelse af fem populære danske børnebibler fra 2010’erne. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2022.

Lied, Laurel. The Freedom of a Christian: Enevold Ewald’s Ordo Salutis under the Microscope and Macroscope. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2022.

Skovsgaard, Steen. Mellem frygt og glæde: En samtidsteologisk undersøgelse og komparativ teologisk analyse af dommedagsforståelsen i islam og kristendom. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2022.

Toft, Lasse Løvlund. The Ḥimyarite Martyrs in Flux – Developing Forms of Syriac Memories. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2022.

Vrangbæk, Christian Houth. Ad fontes and Accommodatio: Erasmus' Portrayal of Church Fathers in His Patristic Prefaces. Aarhus: Aarhus University, 2023.

University of Copenhagen

Henriksen, Anni Haahr. The Private Mind in Elizabethan England: Representations of the Mind in Literary, Political, Religious, and Legal Discourse. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2022.

Jensen, Søren Frank. Nicolaus Selnecker's Psalterbuch, 1563–1623: Addressing the Public – Voicing the Private. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2023.

Nissen, Nanna Eva. Forensic Theology and the Evaluation of Blasphemy Offenses: The Prosecution of the Written Pact with the Devil in Denmark-Norway between 1634 and 1754. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2022.

Rasmussen, Esben Korsgaard. The Power of Ideas: Thomas Hobbes and the Struggle for Unitary Authority. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2022.

Wimmer, Kerstin. A Broken Hallelujah: A Theology of Martin Luther’s Liturgical Simul. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2022.

Vaucanson, Bastian Felter. La conversation éternelle: L’intimité spirituelle dans la correspondance Guyon-Fénelon. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen 2023.

Åbo Akademi University

Benyah, Francis Ethelbert Kwabena: Prayer Camps and Mental Health: A Study of the Religious, Human Rights and Media Dimensions of the Healing of Persons with Mental Illness in Ghana. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2023.

Kontro, Miia. Attitudes Towards Euthanasia among the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Clergy. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2023.

Meijer, Clara Marlijn: Sexuality, Stigma and Religion: The Negotiation of Sexuality and Religion among Sexual Minorities in Ghana. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2022.

Sörman, Anne: Mellan vinge och kropp: En undersökning av fem bibliska berättelser. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2022.

Swartz, Karen: Management Matters: Organizational Storytelling within the Anthroposophical Society in Sweden. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2022.

Tanskanen, Topias K. E. Jacob, the Torah, and the Abrahamic Promise: Studies on the Use and Interpretation of the Jacob Story in the Book of Jubilees. Åbo: Åbo Akademis förlag, 2023.

University of Helsinki

Abou-Taleb, Amira. The Concept of iḥsān (Beauty/Goodness) in the Qurʾānic Moral Worldview. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Ahola, Miika. Churches Growing in Koinonia: Unity and Communion in "The Church: Towards a Common Vision". Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Avneri Meir, Rotem. The Emergence of the Hasmonean Dynasty on the Margins of the Seleukid Empire. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Bergman, Andreas. The Certainty of Salvation in the Theology of Martin Chemnitz. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Giantzaklidis, Ioannis. The Fate of the Nations in the Book of Revelation. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Gillin, Joel. Post-secular Pluralism: Religion, Identity, and Ritual in the Public Sphere. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Haimila, Roosa. Beyond Scientific Worldviews: Belief in Science and "Supernatural" Explanations in Science-Oriented Individuals. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Haynes, Catherine. Ritualism, Children and Liturgical Change in the Late Nineteenth Century Church of England. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Heikkilä, Ida. Tradition as Testimony: The Meanings of Witness in German Evangelical-Catholic Dialogues from the 1980s to the 2020s. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Husgafvel, Ville. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Post-Buddhist Tradition of Meditation Practice. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Hyytiäinen, Pasi. Changing Text of Acts of the Apostles: Depicting Manuscript Histories Using Computer-Assisted Stemmatological Methods. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Jansson, Patrik. Enemies of My People: Gendered and Metaphorical Construction of Israelite Prophetic Groups in the Book of Ezekiel. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Kapanen, Timo. Unkarin vapauden äänet: Kotimaa ja Församlingsbladet madjaarien myötäeläjinä 1956 kansannousussa ja luterilaisen kirkon 1957–1958 uudelleenjärjestelyssä. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Kilpeläinen, Aino-Elina. "Lintu emon siiven alla": Kirkkotilassa toteutettava vauvamusiikkitoiminta Suomen ja Tanskan evankelisluterilaisissa kirkoissa. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Kokkonen, Laura. Negotiating with Branding: The Adoption of Marketing in Established Lutheran and Orthodox Churches in Finland. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Korhonen, Timi. Crucified and Glorified Art: Lutheran and Orthodox Theology of the Image by Six Prominent Theologians of the Twentieth Century. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Korpela, Sampsa. God, Time, and the Concept of Potentiality in Quantum Physics. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Kouvola, Karolina. Cunning Folk as Other: Vernacular Beliefs about Magic Users in Premodern Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnian Rural Community. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Lampinen, Erkki Olavi Ilmari. Avaa suusi, Herra puhuu! Vanhoillislestadiolaisen herätysliikkeen (SRK) suviseurasaarnojen 1960–1979 kielellinen, opillinen ja kirkollisyhteiskunnallinen sisältö. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Lapinoja-Pitkänen, Elina. Pauline Christ-Groups and Private Dionysian Associations: Mythical Narratives and Communal Rituals as Building Blocks of Social Identity. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Launonen, Lari. Natural Religion in Science and Theology: Philosophical and Theological Implications of Cognitive Science of Religion. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Manninen, Eetu. The Inner Journey from Cassiciacum to Hippo: The Development of the Relation between the Inner and the Outer in the Early Thought of Augustine. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Mikkola, Elisa. Naisten yhteistoiminnassa tuottama enkelihenkisyys: Naisten uudet toimijapositiot uushenkisyyden kentällä. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Myllys, Riikka. Silmukoihin kudottu hengellisyys: Käsitöiden tekeminen suomalaisten naisten arjen uskontona. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Pöykkö, Panu-Matti Johannes. The Ambivalent Other: A Transcendental Reading of Emmanuel Levinas. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Rantala, Hannu. Liittyä ja irtautua: Tutkimus uskonnollisen yhteisöllisyyden rajapinnoista. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Rautalahti, Heidi. “I Would Rather Contemplate Big Questions”: Imagining Contemporary Religion in Digital Games and among Gamers from Actor-centred and Game-immanent Perspectives. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

von Schöneman, Katja. The Creation of Woman in Muslim and Jewish Interpretive Traditions: Deconstructing Patriarchy through Feminist Discourse Analysis. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

Seppänen, Anna Martta. The Virtues of Corporate Volunteering: An Ethical-empirical Analysis of Relations of Recognition in Corporate Volunteering. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Seppänen, Hanneli. On the Edge of Power: Chivalric Christianity and Arthurian Women in Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Tyynelä-Haapamäki, Johanna. Constructing Episcopal Sainthood in Late Medieval Sweden: The Cases of Brynolphus Algoti and Nicolaus Hermanni. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2022.

Väisänen, Minttu. Advocating for Global Justice: Finn Church Aid's Efforts to Influence Political Decision-making 2004–2012. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 2023.

University of Eastern Finland

Huovinen, Harri. Images of Divine Participation: A Reappraisal of Fourth Century Views on Church Membership. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2022.

Keinänen, Martti. Esirukouksen merkitys sairaalle ihmiselle: Terveyden ja tuen tavoittelua hengellisellä selviytymiskeinolla. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2022.

Jurva, Saara-Maria. Affective Examples: Cognitive-Emotive Functions of Renarrated Biblical Stories in the Letter to the Hebrews. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Kola, Martti. Crux Christi - mysteriun voluntate Dei: Teoteleettisen metodin soveltaminen Osmo Tiililän sovitusopillisessa ajattelussa. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2022.

Liuski, Tiia. The Finnish Military Chaplaincy: A Double Bonded Profession in a Changing Operational Environment – A Multi-method Study. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Takala, Elsi. Kanonien katveessa: Naiset, lapset ja ihmisoikeudet ortodoksisessa kirkossa. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Toivio, Kati. Julkiseksi. Seksuaalisuutta koskeva keskustelu kirkollisessa lehdistössä vuosina 1966–1973. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Tourunen, Elina. Virrastani tuli meri: Polveileva traditio Sirakin kirjan kuolemaa ja tuonpuoleista käsittelevien tekstien valossa. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2023.

Tuomi, Marita. Rauhaa ja politiikkaa: Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon ja Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon käsitykset rauhasta kirkkojen oppineuvotteluissa 1970–1986 ja 1995. Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, 2022.

University of Oslo

Ansah, Anita Aba. Lord, Sit with Me a Little Longer: A Study of Women’s Leadership and Gender Empowerment in the Charismatic Renewal Groups of the Mainline Churches in Ghana. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Baldari, Serena Norlemann. Towards Relational Scripture Studies: A Case Study of Italian and Scandinavian Translations of the mā adrāka mā Passages in the Qur’an. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2022.

Baugerud, Tonje. Borderland Bodies: Being and Becoming Hijabi in Contemporary Oslo. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2022.

Christensen, Hans. Det Andet Vatikankoncil 1962 – 1965: Kampen om det katolske syn på åbenbaringen, religionsfrihed som vandt, en romersk hæresi der forsvandt, et Mariadogme der aldrig kom. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Furali, Sjur Atle. “Misgjerningenes orden”: Danske lovs Siette Bog som kongelig representasjonssymbol og formidler av Guds orden i det tidlige eneveldet. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2022.

Heesch, Jon Petter. The Spirituality of the “Sichtungszeit”, as Expressed in the Thirty-four Homilies on the Litany of the Wounds. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Reinertsen, Ellen Aasland. Props in the Parable Plots? The Significance of Intersectional Female Characters in Attested and Possible Parable Reception. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Schmidt, Helena. Eating No-Bodies – The Paradox of Disembodied Hospitality: Looking through the Meal Lens at Diaconal Hospitality and Embodied Citizenship in Oslo. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2022.

Selimović, Amina Siječić. Am I One of the People? Perception, Position and Role of Women Theologians within the Islamic Community of Bosnia–Herzegovina. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Shah, Farhan Akram. Muhammad Iqbal and the Openness of the Future: God, the Human Self and Eco-Theology in a Cosmos of Perpetual Becoming. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

Ulstein, Jan Ove. Oppbrotsteologi på det lange 70-talet: Frigjeringsteologi, marxisme, sosialetikk. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2023.

VID Specialized University

Aase, Silje Dragsund. Negotiating Church in China’s Red Province: A Lutheran Church in Hunan 1902–1951. Stavanger: VID Specialized University, 2022.

Brooke, Petra Kjellén. Soup, Soap, Salvation: Developing Faith Based Practices in Secularised Societies. Stavanger: VID Specialized University, 2023.

Endalew, Mirjam Syltebø. Struggle for Justice and the Right to Justification: A Constructivist Study of Ecumenical Diakonia in a Global Context of Power Relations. Stavanger: VID Specialized University, 2023.

Ewert, Per. Moving Reality Closer to the Ideal: The Process towards Autonomy and Secularism during the Social Democratic Hegemony in 20th Century Sweden. Stavanger: VID Specialized University, 2022.

Gudeta, Ebisse. Confirmation Ministry in the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus: A Critical Assessment. Stavanger: VID Specialized University, 2022.

MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society

Bonde, Line M. Challenging the Romanesque: Reconsidering Approaches to the Rural Parish Church of Twelfth-Century Denmark. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Gregersen, Andreas Melsom. ATMOSPHERING: A Study of Atmosphere and Religion in a Copenhagen Night Church. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Halstensen, Kari. Relational Processes. Addressing Depressive Conditions and the God Relation in Psychotherapy: A Dual Methods Approach. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Jansen, Trine-Lise. Moral Distress in Acute Psychiatric Nursing: An Insider Perspective of Sources, Responses, and Ways of Coping. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Ledstam, Maria. When Work Becomes Church and Religion Critizices Work: An Ethnographic Multiple-Case Study Exploring Negotiations of Purity and Impurity of Religion and Economy in Business Practices Related to the Christian Movements of Economy of Communion and Business as Mission. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Mørch, Michael A. Systematic Theology as Rationally Justified Public Discourse about God. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Nielsen, Emil B. Apologetics Beyond Arguments. An Analysis and Evaluation of the Apologetic Methods of Richard Swinburne, Alister McGrath, and Stanley Hauerwas. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Olstad, Kjersti. Mening i livet hos ungdom med utviklingstraumer: En kvalitativ studie av mening i livet som erfaring og som tema i terapi. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Ophoff, Jesse. Navigating the Gospel in Latin Late Antiquity: “Evangelium” through Three Centuries of Critical Development. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Prause, Daniel. Existential Care to Older Patients with Acquired Deafblindness: A Qualitative Study Exploring Patients’, Nurses’, and Chaplains’ Experiences. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Søberg, Ane Inger Bondahl. Eksistensielle temaer i samtaler med pasienter i selvmordsrisiko: Hvordan ivaretas eksistensielle temaer i samtaler med personer med selvmordsrisiko i spesialisthelsetjenesten – med særlig fokus på sykehuspresters rolle? Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2023.

Solberg, Johannes Hvaal. Analogy of being between univocity and equivocity: The Reconstruction of the Concept of Analogy in the Writings of Przywara, Balthasar, and Marion, from the Perspective of Theological Aesthetics. Oslo: MF Norwegian School of Theology, 2022.

Lund University

Bobrowicz, Ryszard. Keeping Religion in the Closet: How Legible Religion Shapes Multi-Faith Spaces. Lund: Lund University, 2022.

Brissman, Ive. Wild Enchantments in the Anthropocene: Exploring the Wild in Narratives, Practices and Place in Dark Green Spirituality. Lund: Lund University, 2022.

Cejvan, Olivia. Arts and Crafts Divine: Teaching and Learning Ritual Magic in Sodalitas Rosae Crucis. Lund: Lund University, 2023.

Dziaczkowska, Magdalena. The Memory of Meanings: The Images of Jewish-Catholic Relations in Interwar Lublin in Oral Histories. Lund: Lund University, 2023.

Egyptson, Sameh. Global politisk islam?: Muslimska brödraskapet & Islamiska förbundet i Sverige. Lund: Lund University, 2023.

Gammelin, Lotta. “We Are In-Between”: Health-seeking, Gender, and Authority in a Charismatic Church in Mbeya, Tanzania. Lund: Lund University, 2023.

Nord, Elisabet. Vindicating Vengeance and Violence?: Exegetical Approaches to Imprecatory Psalms and their Relevance for Liturgy. Lund: Lund University, 2022.

Steed, Helene T. Affirming Catholicism: The Formative Years of a Liberal Anglo-Catholic Organisation in the Church of England, circa 1985 to 2000. Lund: Lund University, 2023.

University of Gothenburg

Kottum, Sandra. Beastly Lessons: Natural Utopias and Animals as Teachers in Seventeenth-Century England. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, 2022.

Thorsén, Elin. In Search of the Self: A Study of the International Scene of Modern Advaitic Satsang in Present-Day Rishikesh. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, 2022.

Umeå University

Wiljebrand, David. The Green Shadow of Christ: A Reception-Exegetical Study of Jesus and Pan in the Gospel of Mark. Umeå: Umeå University, 2023.

Uppsala University

Andersson, Tobias. Kommentar till Sanusi: En systematisk studie i islamisk teologi. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Birger, Carl Sjösvärd. "Den katolicerande riktningen i vår kyrka": Högkyrklig rörelse och identitet i Svenska kyrkan 1909–1946. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Fiorucci, Anthony Jr. Guilty Pleasures: Kāma in Ancient India and the Pali Vinaya. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2023.

Forsell, Gustaf. Blodet och korset: Tankefigurer i kristen nationalsocialism i Sverige, 1925–1945. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2023.

Kroik, Åsa Virdi. Dihte gievrie – det vi möter i respekt: Berättelser om en sydsamisk trumma. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Kulin, Julia. Lived Pentecostalism in India: Middle Class Women and Their Everyday Religion. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Langby, Lina. God and the World: Pragmatic and Epistemic Arguments for Panentheistic and Pantheistic Conceptions of the God–World Relationship. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2023.

Lantz, Natalie. The Hypertemple in Mind: Experiencing Temple Space in Ezekiel, The Temple Scroll and Mishnah Middot. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Lebedeva, Alexandra. Justice and Politics: On the Depoliticization of Justice Claims in the Work of Truth Commissions. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Liljefors, Hanna. Hebreiska bibeln debatterad: En receptionskritisk studie av diskurser om "Gamla testamentet" i svenska dagstidningar 1987–2017. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Lundström, Tomas Poletti. Trons försvarare: Idéer om religion i svensk radikalnationalism 1988–2020. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Makkonen, Oulia Adzhoa Sika. They Will Call Me the Black God: Imaging Christianity and the Bible in African Film. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Mosbach, Vanja. Voices of Muslim Feminists: Navigating Tradition, Authority and the Debate about Islam. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Öberg, Michael. The Purpose of Romans. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Petersson, Andreas Mazetti. A Culture for the Christian Commonwealth: Antonio Possevino, Authority, History, and the Venetian Interdict. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Samuelsson, Cecilia. Sköra subjekt och apofatiska resor: En feministteologisk studie av svensk samtidslitteratur. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

Wejryd, Anders. Lutherhjälpen som försvann. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2022.

University College Stockholm

Appelfeldt, Joel. Dopet som hantverk: Gudstjänstkreativitet och liturgisk taktik i Svenska kyrkan och Equmeniakyrkan. Stockholm: University College Stockholm, 2023.

Gobena, Abate. Sanctity and Environment in Ethiopian Hagiography: The Case of Gedle Gebre Menfes Qiddus. Stockholm: University College Stockholm, 2023.

Lockneus, Elin. Kyrkbänksteologi: En studie av gudstjänstfirares liturgiska praktikers teologi. Stockholm: University College Stockholm, 2023.

Mannerfelt, Frida. Co-preaching: The Practice of Preaching in Digital Culture and Spaces. Stockholm: University College Stockholm, 2023.

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