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Spectral Clustering on Spherical Coordinates Under the Degree-Corrected Stochastic Blockmodel

, &
Pages 346-357 | Received 09 Nov 2020, Accepted 04 Nov 2021, Published online: 10 Jan 2022


Spectral clustering is a popular method for community detection in network graphs: starting from a matrix representation of the graph, the nodes are clustered on a low-dimensional projection obtained from a truncated spectral decomposition of the matrix. Estimating correctly the number of communities and the dimension of the reduced latent space is critical for good performance of spectral clustering algorithms. Furthermore, many real-world graphs, such as enterprise computer networks studied in cyber-security applications, often display heterogeneous within-community degree distributions. Such heterogeneous degree distributions are usually not well captured by standard spectral clustering algorithms. In this article, a novel spectral clustering algorithm is proposed for community detection under the degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel. The proposed method is based on a transformation of the spectral embedding to spherical coordinates, and a novel modeling assumption in the transformed space. The method allows for simultaneous and automated selection of the number of communities and the latent dimension for spectral embeddings of graphs with uneven node degrees. Results show improved performance over competing methods in representing computer networks.

1 Introduction

Network data are commonly observed in a variety of scientific fields, representing, for example, interactions between neurons in the brain in biology, or connections between computers in communication technologies. A fundamental problem in the statistical analysis of networks is the task of finding groups of similar nodes, known as community detection. Spectral clustering methods (Ng, Jordan, and Weiss Citation2001; von Luxburg Citation2007) provide one of the most popular approaches for the community detection task. Such techniques essentially consist of two steps: (i) spectrally embedding the graph adjacency matrix, or some transformation thereof, into a low-dimensional space, and (ii) apply a clustering algorithm, usually Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) or k-means, in the low-dimensional space.

Spectral clustering algorithms can be used to obtain estimates of the community structure under a variety of classical network models. The traditional model for community detection is the stochastic blockmodel (SBM, Holland, Laskey, and Leinhardt Citation1983), each node in the network is assigned to one of K communities, and the probability of a connection between two nodes only depends on their community memberships. Asymptotic theory suggests that embeddings arising from SBMs can be modeled using Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) (Rubin-Delanchy et al. Citation2017). This article mainly concerns the degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel (DCSBM, Karrer and Newman Citation2011), which extends the SBM, allowing for heterogeneity in the within-community degree-distribution. In DCSBMs, the probability of a connection depends on the community memberships, but is adjusted by node-specific degree-correction parameters. However, unlike the SBM, spectral embeddings under the DCSBM do not adhere to a GMM, since the communities are represented by rays.

In principle, DCSBMs appear to be particularly suitable for modeling graphs arising from cyber-security applications, and in particular computer network flow data representing summaries of connections between Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, since machines within the same organization tend to have different levels of activity depending on their purpose. Furthermore, in computer networks, the need for degree-correction seems most obvious when nodes are observed for different amounts of time, so that their connection probabilities scale with their “total time on test.” For example, if a new node enters the network, it would be beneficial to identify its community, despite having very few connections.

The suitability of DCSBMs for community detection in cyber-security, our application of interest, is demonstrated in , where the within-community out-degree distributions arising from two simulated bipartite SBM () and DCSBM (), are compared to the out-degree distribution of a real computer network (). A detailed description of the simulation is given in Section 6.2. The shape of the degree-distribution of the computer network resembles the simulated DCSBM much more closely than the SBM, suggesting that a degree-correction is required for correctly estimating the communities.

Fig. 1 Histogram of within-community degree distributions from three bipartite networks with size 439×60,635, obtained from (a) a simulation of a SBM, (b) a simulation of a DCSBM, and (c) a real-world computer network (ICL2, see Section 6.2).

Fig. 1 Histogram of within-community degree distributions from three bipartite networks with size 439×60,635, obtained from (a) a simulation of a SBM, (b) a simulation of a DCSBM, and (c) a real-world computer network (ICL2, see Section 6.2).

This article makes two main contributions. First, a novel spectral clustering algorithm for community detection under the DCSBM is proposed, based on a transformation of the embedding. Second, the proposed methodology is incorporated within a model selection framework for d, the embedding dimension, and K, the number of communities, providing a joint estimation method for those two parameters and the communities. The proposed method is shown to be competitive on simulated and real-world computer network data.

The article is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the research question and related literature, followed by a preliminary discussion of spectral embedding techniques. Our proposed model is presented in Section 3. Parameter estimation and model selection are then discussed in Section 4. The proposed model is validated in Section 5, and results on simulated and real world computer network data are presented in Section 6.

2 Background and Motivation

A network can be expressed as a graph G=(V,E), consisting of a set of nodes V of cardinality n, and a set of edges EV×V representing the pairs of nodes which have interacted. The graph is summarized by its adjacency matrix A{0,1}n×n, where Aij=1E{(i,j)} for 1i,jn, with Aii=0,1in. If (i,j)E(j,i)E, the graph is undirected, implying that A is symmetric; otherwise the graph is directed.

The degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel (DCSBM, Karrer and Newman Citation2011) is a popular model for community detection in graphs. For K communities, the nodes are divided into blocks by random assignment of community membership indicators z=(z1,,zn){1,,K}n, with community probabilities ψ=(ψ1,,ψK),j=1Kψj=1. Furthermore, each node is assigned a degree-correction parameter ρi[0,1]. Each entry of the adjacency matrix is then independently modeled as(1) AijBernoulli(ρiρjBzizj),(1) where B[0,1]K×K is a K × K matrix of probabilities such that Bkl is a baseline probability for a node from community k interacting with a node from community l.

Beyond DCSBMs, random dot product graphs (RDPG, Young and Scheinerman Citation2007) represent a wider and more flexible class of models for network data. Each node is assigned a d-dimensional latent position xiRd such that xixj[0,1] for i,j{1,,n}. The probability of a link between i and j is then determined as AijBernoulli(xixj). The latent positions can be arranged in a matrix X=[x1,,xn]Rn×d such that E(A)=XX. For a positive definite block connectivity probability matrix B, DCSBMs can be expressed as RDPGs. If each community is assigned an uncorrected position μkRd, such that Bkl=μkμl,k,l{1,,K}, the DCSBM is obtained by setting xi=ρiμzi,iV, conditional on the communities z and degree-correction parameters ρ=(ρ1,,ρn).

This article is primarily concerned with a novel technique for estimating the underlying node communities given an adjacency matrix, under a RDPG interpretation of the DCSBM. A joint estimation method is proposed for the community structure z, the number of communities K, and the latent dimension d of the latent positions.

2.1 Related Literature, Shortcomings, and Proposed Solutions

Community detection based on DCSBMs is an active field of research. Zhao, Levina, and Zhu (Citation2012) presented a theory for assessing consistency under the DCSBM. Amini et al. (Citation2013) used a pseudo-likelihood approach, providing consistency results for the estimators. Peng and Carvalho (Citation2016) frame the DCSBM in a Bayesian setting, using a logistic regression formulation with node correction terms. Chen, Li, and Xu (Citation2018) proposed a convexified modularity maximization approach. Gao et al. (Citation2018) obtained a minimax risk result for community detection in DCSBMs and propose a two-step clustering algorithm based on k-medians.

Spectral clustering methods have emerged as one of the most popular approaches for community detection under the DCSBM (Lei and Rinaldo Citation2015; Gulikers, Lelarge, and Massoulié Citation2017). A common technique uses k-means on the normalized rows of the embedding (Qin and Rohe Citation2013) obtained from the spectral decomposition of the regularized Laplacian matrix (Chaudhuri, Chung, and Tsiatas Citation2012). The row-normalization of the embedding is a well-established approach for spectral clustering (Ng, Jordan, and Weiss Citation2001) under the DCSBM, but the normalized rows live in a d – 1 dimensional manifold, so it is not fully appropriate to fit a model for d-dimensional clusters to such an embedding. Alternative methods include the SCORE algorithm of Jin (Citation2015), which proposes to use k-means on an embedding scaled by the leading eigenvector, showing that the effect of degree heterogeneity can be largely removed.

This article proposes a novel methodology for spectral clustering under the DCSBM, interpreted as a special case of RDPG: the d-dimensional spectral embedding is reduced to a set of d – 1 directions, or angles, changing from a Cartesian coordinate system to a spherical system. This choice of transformation is carefully motivated by asymptotic theoretical properties of the embeddings arising from DCSBMs.

Additionally, many estimation methods commonly require the number of communities K to be known. Furthermore, spectral clustering methods require the specification of the embedding dimension d, and clustering is usually carried out after selecting this parameter. This sequential approach is suboptimal, since the clustering configuration and the number of communities K would ideally be estimated jointly with d. In practice, selecting d and K is a difficult task. Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020) independently proposed an automatic model selection framework for both the number of communities K and the dimension d of the latent node positions in SBMs, interpreted as RDPGs. In this work, the methodology is extended to DCSBMs, providing an algorithm for practitioners.

2.2 Spectral Embedding

Given a network adjacency matrix, spectral embedding methods provide estimates X̂ of the latent positions X in RDPGs, from decompositions of the adjacency matrix or its Laplacian. This article will mainly discuss the adjacency spectral embedding, defined below.

Definition 1

(Adjacency spectral embedding). Consider a symmetric adjacency matrix A{0,1}n×n and a positive integer d{1,,n}. The adjacency spectral embedding (ASE) of A in Rd is X̂=Γ̂|Λ̂|1/2, where |Λ̂| is a diagonal d × d matrix containing on the main diagonal the absolute value of the top-d eigenvalues of A in magnitude, in decreasing order, and Γ̂ is a n × d matrix containing corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors.

For a directed graph, the RDPG model assumes each node iV has two latent positions xi,xiRd, such that AijBernoulli(xixj). The corresponding spectral embedding uses singular value decomposition. Bipartite graphs can be interpreted as a special case of directed graphs, and therefore are also spectrally embedded using the same procedure.

Definition 2

(Directed adjacency spectral embedding). Consider an adjacency matrix A{0,1}n×n, not necessarily symmetric, and a positive integer d{1,,n}. The directed adjacency spectral embedding (DASE) of A in Rd is jointly given by X̂=ÛŜ1/2 and X̂=V̂Ŝ1/2, where Ŝ is a diagonal d × d matrix containing on the main diagonal the top-d singular values of A in magnitude, in decreasing order, and Û and V̂ are n × d matrices containing corresponding orthonormal left and right singular vectors respectively.

2.3 Asymptotic Properties of Spectral Embedding of DCSBMs

An important result in the RDPG literature establishes the rows of the ASE as consistent estimators of the latent positions (Sussman, Tang, and Priebe Citation2014). Furthermore, central limit theorems (ASE-CLTs; Athreya et al. Citation2016; Rubin-Delanchy et al. Citation2017; Tang and Priebe Citation2018) provide strong justification for estimation of the latent positions via ASE.

When ASE is applied to DCSBMs, the asymptotic theory (see, e.g., Rubin-Delanchy et al. Citation2017) predicts that each community is represented as a ray from the origin in the embedding space. An example is given in , which shows the two-dimensional ASE for a simulated DCSBM with n = 1000 nodes and K = 4 communities.

Fig. 2 Scatterplots of the two-dimensional ASE of a simulated DCSBM with (a) K = 4, and (b) K = 2. also highlights the true and estimated latent position for six nodes, with the corresponding 50%, 75%, and 90% contours from the ASE-CLT, and the estimated latent positions x̂1,l for x1 from simulated DCSBM adjacency matrices Al,l=1,,1000.

Fig. 2 Scatterplots of the two-dimensional ASE of a simulated DCSBM with (a) K = 4, and (b) K = 2. Figure 2(b) also highlights the true and estimated latent position for six nodes, with the corresponding 50%, 75%, and 90% contours from the ASE-CLT, and the estimated latent positions x̂1,l for x1 from simulated DCSBM adjacency matrices Al, l=1,…,1000.

To describe each community, let x=ρμkRd be the underlying latent position for a node in community k. Further, let x̂(n) be the ASE estimator of x, obtained from a graph with n nodes. For d fixed and known, the ASE-CLT (e.g., Athreya et al. Citation2016), applied to DCSBMs, establishes that(2) limnP{n(Q(n)x̂(n)x)v|x=ρμk}Φd{v,Σk(ρ)},(2) where vRd, Q(n)Rd×d is an orthogonal matrix, Σk(ρ) is a d × d community-specific covariance matrix depending on ρ, and Φd{·,Σ} is the CDF of a d-dimensional Gaussian distribution with zero mean and covariance Σ. Jones and Rubin-Delanchy (Citation2020) extended the result (2) to the DASE (see Definition 2). In simpler terms, (2) implies that, for n large, the estimated latent position x̂i is normally distributed about ρiμzi, after a suitable orthogonal transformation has been applied to the embedding (accounting both for the ambiguity in the choice of eigenvectors or singular vectors within the spectral embedding procedure, and the latent position identifiability in the RDPG). The theorem is exemplified by , which displays the two-dimensional ASE of a simulated DCSBM with n = 1000 and K = 2 equally probable communities, with μ1=[1/4,3/4], μ2=[3/4,1/4], and ρiUniform(0,1). For 6 nodes, the plot highlights the true and estimated latent positions, and corresponding theoretical Gaussian contours from the ASE-CLT. Additionally, the simulation of the adjacency matrix is repeated 1000 times using the same true underlying latent positions as the first simulation. Then, the ASE-estimated latent position for the first node is plotted for each simulation, along with the Gaussian contours estimated from the 1000 estimates. The empirical contours (dashed lines) remarkably correspond to the theoretical ASE-CLT contours (solid lines) around the true latent position x1. Also, shows that, within the same community, the true latent positions all have the same spherical coordinates, or angle to the origin, whereas their corresponding ASE estimates are distributed around the line of the true latent positions, forming a community-specific ray. The ASE-CLT (2) also establishes that estimated latent positions tend to asymptotically concentrate increasingly tightly around the rays connecting the origin and the unnormalized latent positions μk,k{1,,K}. Therefore, intuitively motivates the novel modeling choice proposed in this article: estimating the node communities from the spherical coordinates, or angles, obtained from the ASE. The use of alternative coordinate systems for network analysis has been previously shown to have beneficial properties (see, e.g., Krioukov et al. Citation2010; Braun and Bonfrer Citation2011; McCormick and Zheng Citation2015; Alanis-Lobato, Mier, and Andrade-Navarro Citation2016). Furthermore, a central limit theorem for the spherical coordinates of the latent positions is proved for d = 2 in the supplementary material, further establishing the suitable properties of such a transformation of the embedding.

One of the main characteristics of the proposed methodology will be to allow for an initial misspecification of the parameter d, choosing an m-dimensional embedding with md, and then recovering the correct latent dimension by proposing a discriminative model for the extended embedding. In the remainder of the article, the notation X̂:d denotes the first d columns of X̂, and X̂d: denotes the md remaining columns. Similarly, x̂i,:d represents the first d components (x̂1,,x̂d) of the vector x̂i, and x̂i,d: the last md components (x̂d+1,,x̂m). Also, the row-normalized embedding is denoted as X˜=[x˜1,,x˜n], where x˜i=x̂i/||x̂i||. Importantly, the parameter m is always assumed to be fixed.

3 Modeling a Transformation of DCSBM Embeddings

Consider an m-dimensional vector xRm. The m Cartesian coordinates x=(x1,,xm) can be converted in m – 1 spherical coordinates θ=(θ1,,θm1) on the unit m-sphere using a mapping fm:Rm[0,2π)m1 such that fm:xθ, where:(3) θ1={arccos(x2/||x:2||)x10,2πarccos(x2/||x:2||)x1<0, (3) (4) θj=2arccos(xj+1/||x:j+1||),j=2,,m1,(4) where ||·|| is the Euclidean norm.

Consider an (m+1)-dimensional adjacency embedding X̂Rn×(m+1) and define its transformation Θ̂=[θ̂1,,θ̂n][0,2π)n×m, where θ̂i=fm+1(x̂i),i=1,,n. The symbols Θ̂:d and θ̂i,:d will denote respectively the first d columns of the matrix and d elements of the vector, and Θ̂d: and θ̂i,d: will represent the remaining md components.

In this article, a model is proposed for the transformed embeddings Θ̂. Suppose a latent space dimension d, K communities, and latent community assignments z=(z1,,zn). The transformed coordinates Θ̂ are assumed to be generated independently from community-specific m-dimensional multivariate normal distributions:(5) θ̂i|d,zi,ϑzi,Σzi,σzi2Nm([ϑziπ1md],[Σzi00σzi2Imd]).(5) where ϑk[0,2π)d, k=1,,K, represents a community-specific mean angle, 1m is a m-dimensional vector of ones, Σk is a d × d full covariance matrix, and σk2=(σk,d+12,,σk,m2) is a vector of positive variances. The model in (5) could be also completed in a Bayesian framework using the same prior distributions chosen in Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020). For fixed d and K, consider a set of mixing proportions ψ=(ψ1,,ψK) such that P(zi=k)=ψk, where ψk0,k=1,,K, and k=1Kψk=1. After marginalizing out z, the likelihood function is(6) L(Θ̂|d,K)=i=1n{j=1Kψjϕd(θ̂i,:d;ϑj,Σj)ϕmd(θ̂i,d:;π1md,σj2Imd)},(6) where ϕq(·;ϑ,Σ) is the density of a q-dimensional normal distribution with mean ϑ and variance Σ. Note that, normally, a wrapped normal distribution would be preferred for circular data. On the other hand, in the context of DCSBMs, it is known that Θ̂ arises from a transformation of the embedding X̂, and the form of the transformation can be used to inform the modeling decisions. The arccosine function is monotonically decreasing, and communities will tend to have similar values in x̂i,j/||x̂i,:j|| for j=1,,m1, see (4). If two points in Θ̂ reach the extremes 0 and 2π, then they are unlikely to belong to the same community. Therefore, wrapped distributions do not apply to this context.

The only case that could cause concern is θi,1, where the transformation (3) is not monotonic, but has a discontinuity at 0. The first column X̂1 of the ASE corresponds to the scaled leading eigenvector of the adjacency matrix, and therefore its elements have all the same sign by the Perron–Frobenius theorem for non-negative matrices (see, e.g., Meyer Citation2000). The theorem makes the transformation x:2θ1 in (3) monotonic, since one of the two conditions in the equation for θ1 is satisfied by all the values in X̂1.

The rationale behind the model assumptions in (5) is to use the method of normalization to the unit circle (Qin and Rohe Citation2013) but assume normality on the spherical coordinates, not on their Cartesian counterparts, as discussed in the comments to . The transformed initial components θ̂i,:d are assumed to have unconstrained mean vector ϑk[0,2π)d, and a positive-definite community-specific d × d covariance matrix Σk.

In contrast to the structured model for Θ̂:d, the remaining md dimension of the embedding are modeled as noise, using similar constraints on x̂i,d: to those imposed in Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020): the mean of the distribution is a (md)-dimensional vector centered at 2arccos(0)=π, and the covariance is a diagonal matrix σk2Imd with positive diagonal entries. The mean value of π reflects the assumption in Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020) of clusters centered at zero: for j > d, xi,j is expected to be near 0, which makes the transformed coordinate center fluctuate around π. Importantly, the assumption of cluster-specific variances on Θ̂d: implies that d does not have the simple interpretation of being the number of dimensions relevant for clustering. This fundamentally differentiates the proposed modeling framework from traditional variable selection methods within clustering (see, e.g., Raftery and Dean Citation2006). The parameter d + 1 in this model represents the dimension of the latent positions that generate the network, or the rank of the block connectivity matrix B.

It must be further remarked that the model (5) concerns the distribution of the spherical coordinates of the ASE estimator of the DCSBM latent positions, and it is not a generative model for DCSBMs. If used as a generative model, paired with a distributional assumption on the degree-correction parameters, the model (5) would generate a noisy DCSBM, where the underlying latent positions are scattered around the rays, and not perfectly on the rays as a traditional DCSBM (see ). Considering the ASE-CLT (2), the estimation procedure proposed in this work would still be applicable also to such a noisy DCSBM.

Finally, note that the method relies on an initial choice of the embedding dimension md. The parameter should be large enough to avoid potential issues with the case m < d. Choosing m is arguably easier than choosing d, and in principle one could pick m = n. As a rule of thumb, the parameter could be chosen as the third or fourth elbow based on the criterion of Zhu and Ghodsi (Citation2006). Note that, for md,Θ̂:d is invariant to the choice of m: embeddings Θ̂:d calculated from m-dimensional and m-dimensional embeddings, with mm, are identical. This is not the case for the row-normalized embedding: embeddings X˜:d obtained from m-dimensional and m-dimensional embeddings are in general not equal.

4 Model Selection and Parameter Estimation

For selection of the number of communities K and latent dimension d, a classical approach of model comparison via information criteria is adopted, already used by Yang et al. (Citation2020) in the context of simultaneous model selection in SBMs. Suppose that the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the model parameters for fixed d and K is {ϑ̂k,Σ̂k,σ̂k2,ψ̂k}k=1,,K. The Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is defined as follows:(7) BIC(d,K)=2i=1nlog{k=1Kψ̂jϕ(θ̂i,:d;ϑ̂k,Σ̂k)j=d+1mϕ(θ̂i,j;π,σ̂k,j2)}+Klog(n)(d2/2+d/2+m+1).(7)

The first term of the BIC (7) is the negative log-likelihood (6), whereas the second term is a penalty. The estimates of d and K will correspond to the pair that minimizes (7), obtained using grid search: (d̂,K̂)=argmin(d,K)BIC(d,K). The latent dimension d has range {1,,m}, whereas K{1,,n}. In practice, it is convenient to fix a maximum number of clusters K in the grid search procedure, such that K{1,,K}.

From (7), it follows that the MLE of the Gaussian model parameters is required for each pair (d, K). The expectation–maximization (EM, Dempster, Laird, and Rubin Citation1977) algorithm is typically used for problems involving likelihood maximization in model based clustering (e.g., Fraley and Raftery Citation2002). Finding the MLE for (6) only requires a simple modification of the standard algorithm for GMMs, adding constraints on the means and covariances of the last md components. Under the assumption that the model for the spherical coordinates is correctly specified, then the same framework described in Theorem 1 in Yang et al. (Citation2020) could be used to obtain theoretical guarantees on the estimates.

Given the maximum likelihood estimates for (d, K), the communities are estimated as(8) ẑi=argmaxj{1,,K̂}{ψ̂jϕd̂(θ̂i,:d̂;ϑ̂j,Σ̂j)},i=1,,n,(8) where a K̂-component GMM is fitted to the d̂-dimensional embedding, and the second Gaussian term in the likelihood (6), accounting for the last md components of the embedding, is removed to reduce the bias-variance tradeoff (Yang et al. Citation2020).

For a given pair (d, K), fast estimation and convergence can be achieved by initializing the EM algorithm with the MLE of a GMM fitted on the initial d components of the m-dimensional embedding. This approach for initialization will be followed in Section 6.2. The full procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1. It must be remarked that the grid search procedure for estimating (d, K) from (7) requires m×K EM-algorithms. This is computationally intensive, especially if the number of nodes is large, or m and K are large. Therefore, the methodology for estimation of (d, K) is not scalable to very large graphs.

Algorithm 1:

Estimation of the latent dimension d, number of communities K, and community allocations z, given a graph adjacency matrix A.

Input: adjacency matrix A{0,1}n×n, maximum number of communities K.

Result: estimated community allocations ẑ and estimated latent dimensionality d̂.

1 select m as the third or fourth elbow of the scree plot (Zhu and Ghodsi Citation2006),

2 calculate the m-dimensional ASE X̂Rn×m (or DASE for directed graphs),

3 transform the embedding X̂Rn×m into spherical coordinates Θ̂[0,2π)n×(m1),

4 for d=1,2,,m do

5  for K=1,,K do

6   calculate MLE {ψ̂j,ϑ̂j,Σ̂j,σ̂j2}k=1,,K of model (5) using the EM algorithm,

7   calculate BIC(d,K) using (7),

8  end

9 end

10 obtain the estimate (d̂,K̂)=argmin(d,K)BIC(d,K) for the pair (d, K),

11 fit a K̂-component GMM to Θ̂:d̂, and estimate the communities z using (8).

5 Empirical Model Validation

In order to validate the modeling approach in (5), a simulation study has been carried out. Additional results on model validation are also reported in the supplementary material.

5.1 Gaussian Mixture Modeling of DCSBM Embeddings

First, a simple simulation is used to show that k-means or Gaussian mixtures are not appropriate for modeling an embedding X̂ under the DCSBM, even when the row-normalized embedding X˜ is used. The ASE was obtained from a simulated DCSBM with n=1000 nodes, K = 2 and d = 2, with an equal number of nodes allocated to each group, and B11=0.1,B12=B21=0.05, and B22=0.15, corrected by parameters ρiBeta(2,1). Since the community allocations z are known a priori in the simulation, it is possible to evaluate the community-specific distributions. The results are plotted in , which shows the scatterplot and histograms of the marginal distributions for the two-dimensional adjacency spectral embedding X̂ and its normalized version X˜, and for its transformation to spherical coordinates Θ̂, all labelled by community. From , it is clear that applying k-means or Gaussian mixture modeling on X̂ is suboptimal, since the joint distribution or cluster-specific marginal distributions are not normally distributed, as predicted by the ASE-CLT (2). shows that row-normalization is beneficial, since the marginal distributions for X˜2 are normally distributed within each community, but it is not appropriate for modeling the joint distribution and for at least one of the two marginal distributions for X˜1. On the other hand, the transformation Θ̂ in visually meets the assumption of normality. This visual impression is confirmed in the Supplementary Material, which describes a CLT which strongly supports the normality in Θ̂ for the two-dimensional case.

Fig. 3 Plots of x̂i,x˜i=x̂i/||x̂i|| and θ̂i=f2(x̂i), obtained from the two-dimensional ASE of a simulated DCSBM. Joint (green) and community-specific (blue and red) marginal distributions with MLE Gaussian fit are also shown.

Fig. 3 Plots of x̂i, x˜i=x̂i/||x̂i|| and θ̂i=f2(x̂i), obtained from the two-dimensional ASE of a simulated DCSBM. Joint (green) and community-specific (blue and red) marginal distributions with MLE Gaussian fit are also shown.

5.2 Structure of the Likelihood

In order to validate the conjecture on the model likelihood proposed in (5), a simulation study has been carried out. N = 1000 DCSBMs with n = 2000 nodes have been simulated, fixing K = 3, and pre-allocating the nodes to equal-sized clusters. The community-specific latent positions used in the simulation are μ1=(0.7,0.4,0.1),μ2=(0.1,0.1,0.5), and μ3=(0.4,0.8,0.1), resulting in the block-probability matrix(9) B=[0.660.160.590.].(9)

The matrix is positive-definite and has full rank 3, implying that d = 2 in the embedding Θ̂. For each of the N simulations, the link probabilities are corrected using the degree-correction parameters ρi sampled from a Uniform(0,1) distribution, and the adjacency matrices A are obtained using (1). For each of the simulated graphs ASE is calculated for a large value of m. The results are summarized in .

Fig. 4 Boxplots for N=1000 simulations of a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel with n=2000 nodes, K = 3, equal number of nodes allocated to each group, and B described in (9), corrected by parameters ρi sampled from a Uniform(0,1) distribution.

Fig. 4 Boxplots for N=1000 simulations of a degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel with n=2000 nodes, K = 3, equal number of nodes allocated to each group, and B described in (9), corrected by parameters ρi sampled from a Uniform(0,1) distribution.

The true underlying cluster allocations are known in the simulation, and can be used to validate the model assumptions. In this section, the community-specific mean and covariance matrices obtained from the embedding Θ̂ of the sampled graph will be denoted as ϑ̂k and Σ̂k. shows the boxplots of the community-specific estimated means for the first two components of Θ̂. The mean values show minimal variation across the different simulations, and are clearly different from 0 and differ between clusters. In , boxplots for the community-specific estimated variances in Θ̂:d are plotted. Again, it seems that having cluster-specific variances is sensible, and at least one of the covariances is significantly different from 0, as expected from the theory. On the other hand, shows the boxplots for the community-specific estimated means in Θ̂d:, which are all centered at π. Hence, the assumption on the mean structure in (5) seems to be justified.

A potentially more controversial modeling choice is the community-specific variance for the last md components of the embedding. shows the estimated variances for each community on different dimensions exceeding 2. It is clear that the variance is different across different communities. This consideration is reinforced by , which shows the boxplots of Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) scores obtained from fitting community-specific Gaussian distributions on the dimensions exceeding d, compared to the KS score for a Gaussian fit on all the estimated latent positions for the corresponding dimension. Clearly, a correct modeling approach must use community-specific variances. This implies that residual cluster information is present also in the last md dimensions of the embedding. Finally, plots the boxplots of estimated covariances between Θ̂1 and Θ̂2:. Consistent with the model in (5), the correlations are scattered around 0, and the assumption of independence between those components seems reasonable. This is confirmed by the plot of the average estimated covariance matrix for the first community, in .

5.3 Normality of the Spherical Coordinates

The most important comparison is to establish whether the embedding Θ̂ is better suited to GMM than the row-normalized embedding X˜ traditionally used in the literature. To make this comparison, the p-values for the two Mardia tests for multivariate normality (Mardia Citation1970) have been calculated for each community-specific distribution, for each simulated graph. The tests are based on multivariate extensions of skewness and kurtosis: assume a sequence of random vectors x1,,xlRd, and define the sample mean and sample covariance as x¯=i=1lxi/l and S=i=1l(xix¯)(xix¯)/l, respectively. Mardia (Citation1970) defined two test statistics for multivariate skewness and kurtosis(10) TS=16li=1lj=1l[(xix¯)S1(xjx¯)]3,(10) (11) TK=l8d(d+2){1li=1l[(xix¯)S1(xix¯)]2(11) (12) d(d+2)(l1)l+1}.(12)

Under the null hypothesis of multivariate normality, TSχ2{d(d+1)(d+2)/6} and TKN(0,1) in distribution for l (Mardia Citation1970). Given observed values of TS and TK, p-values pS and pK can be calculated from the asymptotic distribution.

Under the same setup as the simulation in Section 5.2, p-values are calculated for the two Mardia tests applied for each community on the spherical embedding Θ̂:2 and the row-normalized embedding X˜:3. Then, binomial sign tests for paired observations are calculated on the differences between the p-values obtained from Θ̂:2, and those obtained from X˜:3, separately for pS and pK, under the null hypothesis that those are sampled from the same distribution. The alternative hypothesis is that the distribution of the p-values obtained from Θ̂:2 is stochastically larger than the corresponding distribution for X˜:3. The p-value of the sign test is <1010 for both skewness and kurtosis, confirming the impression in that the transformation (4) to Θ̂ tends to Gaussianize the embeddings X̂ and X˜.

6 Applications and Results

In this section, the model selection procedure is assessed on simulated DCSBMs and real-world bipartite graphs obtained from the network flow data collected at Imperial College London. The DCSBM for bipartite graphs is a simple extension of the undirected model, and has a similar RDPG-structure to the bipartite stochastic co-blockmodel (ScBM, Rohe, Qin, and Yu Citation2016). In bipartite graphs, the nodes are divided into two nonoverlapping groups V and V such that EV×V. Such networks are conveniently represented by rectangular adjacency matrices A{0,1}n×n, where n=|V| and n=|V|. Suppose the nodes in V and V respectively belong to K and K communities, with respective community allocations z{1,,K}n and z{1,,K}n. Also, suppose for each of the two sets of communities there are latent positions μkRd,k{1,,K}, and μlRd,l{1,,K}, such that μkμl[0,1]. This gives the link probability(13) AijBernoulli(ρiρjμziμzj),iV,jV,(13) where ρi[0,1] and ρj[0,1] are degree correction parameters for each of the nodes in V and V. From A, it is possible to obtain embeddings X̂ and X̂ using the DASE in Section 2.2, and cluster the two embeddings jointly or separately. In this work, the quality of the clustering is evaluated using the adjusted Rand index (ARI, Hubert and Arabie Citation1985). Higher values of the ARI correspond to better clustering performance, reaching a maximum of 1 for perfect agreement between the estimated clustering and the true labels.

6.1 Synthetic Networks

The performance of the model selection procedure described in Section 4 is evaluated on simulated DCSBMs. N = 250 undirected graphs with n = 1000 and K{2,3} were simulated, randomly selecting B from Uniform(0,1)K×K and sampling the degree correction parameters from Beta(2,1). The nodes were allocated to communities of equal size. For each of the graphs, the models of Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020) are applied to the ASE X̂ and its row-normalized version X˜ for m = 10, selecting the estimates of d and K using BIC. The value m = 10 is usually approximately equal in the simulations to the third elbow of the scree plot using the criterion of Zhu and Ghodsi (Citation2006), considering a total of 25 eigenvalues or singular values. Also, the model in (5) is fitted to Θ̂, estimating d and K using the selection procedure in Section 4, with K=6. The results of the simulations are reported in .

Table 1 Estimated performance for N = 250 simulated DCSBMs and bipartite DCScBMs.

A similar simulation has been repeated for bipartite DCScBMs. N = 250 graphs with n = 1000 and n=1500 were generated, setting K=2,K=3, communities of equal size, BUniform(0,1)K×K, and ρiBeta(2,1). The results are reported in .

The table shows that the transformed embedding sometimes has a slightly inferior performance when estimating the correct value of the latent dimension d (see ), but outperforms the alternative methodologies significantly in the ability to estimate the number of communities K. In particular, the Gaussian mixture model is not well suited to either the standard embedding X̂ nor the row-normalized X˜, and the distortion caused by the degree-corrections and row-normalization does not allow correct estimation of K. This problem is alleviated when the spherical coordinates estimator is used. The improvement is reflected in a significant difference in the clustering performance, demonstrated by the average ARI scores for the three different procedures. The table also shows that estimates of d based on the model of Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020) on X̂ and X̂ seem to be slightly more accurate than alternative methods on the DCScBM. It might be therefore tempting to construct a hybrid model that uses Θ̂:d for the top-d embeddings and X̂d: for the remaining components, and proceed to select the most appropriate d under such a joint model. Unfortunately, model comparison via BIC is not possible in that setting.

The simulation is also repeated for different values of n, evaluating the asymptotic behavior of the proposed community detection procedure. The results are plotted in , demonstrating that the performance of the spherical coordinates estimator improves when the number of nodes in the graph increases. This is consistent with the CLT presented in the Supplementary Material. On the other hand, the results obtained from the alternative estimators degrade with n, providing further evidence that the proposed model (5) appears to be more appropriate for community detection under the DCSBM.

Fig. 5 Estimated performance for N = 250 simulated DCSBMs and DCScBMs, for n{100,200,500,1000,2000}. For bipartite DCScBMs, n{150,300,750,1500,3000}.

Fig. 5 Estimated performance for N = 250 simulated DCSBMs and DCScBMs, for n∈{100,200,500,1000,2000}. For bipartite DCScBMs, n′∈{150,300,750,1500,3000}.

Also, the boxplots for the paired differences between ARIs are plotted in . The clustering based on Θ̂ consistently outperforms X̂ and X˜ (see ). The difference can be quantitatively evaluated using binomial sign tests for paired observations, similarly to Section 5.3. For both undirected and bipartite graphs, the p-values of the sign tests are <1010, overwhelmingly suggesting that the clustering based on Θ̂ is superior to the competing methodologies. Furthermore, the difference increases when the number of nodes increases (see ). Overall, the simulations suggest that the proposed spectral clustering procedure for estimation of the DCSBM, based on the spherical coordinates of the ASE estimator of the latent positions, appears to outperform competing estimators, including spectral clustering on the row-normalized ASE estimator.

Fig. 6 Boxplots of differences in ARI for N = 250 simulated DCSBMs and DCScBM.

Fig. 6 Boxplots of differences in ARI for N = 250 simulated DCSBMs and DCScBM.

6.2 Imperial College Network Flow Data

The model proposed in this work has been specifically developed for clustering networks obtained from the network flow data collected at Imperial College London (ICL). Finding communities of machines with similar behavior is important in network monitoring and intrusion detection (Neil et al. Citation2013). In this application, the edges relate to all the HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) connections observed from machines hosted in computer labs in different departments at ICL in January 2020. The source nodes V are computers hosted in college laboratories, and the destination nodes V are internet servers. Intuitively, computers in a laboratory tend to have a heterogeneous degree distribution of their web connections because they are not used uniformly: a computer located closed to the entrance of the laboratory might be used more than a machine at the back. Therefore, the total time of activity is different across machines in the same community, which suggests that the DCSBM is an appropriate modeling choice. This is confirmed by the within-community degree distributions in (Section 1), which compares one of the Imperial College networks (ICL2, see ) with a simulated SBM and DCSBM (see ). displays the within-community out-degree distribution of a simulated ScBM, see (13), with K=K=4, equal-sized communities, and block-community matrix B/2, with B11=0.35, B22=0.25,B33=0.15,B44=0.1, and Bkl=0.1 if kl. displays the same distribution for a simulated DCScBM with block-community matrix 2B, corrected sampling ρi,ρjBeta(3,5).

Three real-world computer networks are considered here, and corresponding summary statistics are presented in , where ZGl denotes the position of the lth elbow of the scree plot according to the method of Zhu and Ghodsi (Citation2006). For the source nodes, a known underlying community structure is given by the department to which each machine belongs. ICL1 corresponds to machines hosted in the departments of Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Earth Science, whereas computers in Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine are considered in ICL2. For ICL3, the departments are Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics. Students use the computer laboratories for tutorials and classes, and therefore some variation might be expected in the activities of different machines across different departments.

Table 2 Summary statistics for the Imperial College London computer networks.

shows the scatterplots of the leading two dimensions of the m-dimensional embeddings X̂, X˜ and Θ̂ for m = 30 for ICL2, showing that the clustering task is particularly difficult in this network, and there is not much separation between the communities. Despite this, the transformation to spherical coordinates (see ) appears to make the communities more Gaussian-shaped, as opposed to the standard and row-normalized DASE, where the within-community embeddings are curved (see ), and therefore not amenable to Gaussian mixture modeling. This impression is quantitatively confirmed by the Mardia tests for multivariate normality on each community (see Section 5.3): the difference of the log-p-values obtained from the spherical coordinates transformation and the standard DASE is on average 42 for the kurtosis and 82 for the skewness, further demonstrating that the proposed transformation tends to Gaussianize the embedding.

Fig. 7 ICL2: scatterplot of the leading two dimensions for X̂, X˜ and Θ̂.

Fig. 7 ICL2: scatterplot of the leading two dimensions for X̂, X˜ and Θ̂.

For each of the three ICL network graphs, the DASE has been calculated for m = 30 and m = 50, and the model in Sanna Passino and Heard (Citation2020) and Yang et al. (Citation2020) has been fitted on the source embeddings X̂ and the row-normalized version X˜, whereas the model (5) is used on the transformation Θ̂, setting K=20. The resulting estimated values of d and K, obtained using the minimum BIC, are reported in . In order to reduce the sensitivity to initialization, the model was fitted ten times for each pair (d, K), and the parameter estimates corresponding to the minimum BIC were retained. The choice of m{30,50} corresponds to values around the third and fourth elbows in the scree plot of singular values, according to the criterion of Zhu and Ghodsi (Citation2006) (see ).

Table 3 Estimates of (d, K) and ARIs for the embeddings X̂,X˜ and Θ̂ for m{30,50} and alternative methodologies.

Comparing for the two different values of m, it seems that the estimates of K based on Θ̂ are closer to the underlying true number of communities. In particular, K = 3 for ICL1, K = 4 for ICL2, and K = 5 for ICL3, based on the number of departments.

Based on the estimates in , the estimated community allocations zi were obtained using (8), and the adjusted Rand index was calculated using the department as labels. For further comparisons, the results were compared to other popular community detection methods: the Louvain algorithm (Blondel et al. Citation2008) adjusted for bipartite graphs (Dugué and Perez Citation2015), and the hierarchical Louvain (HLouvain) and Paris methods (Bonald et al. Citation2018), all in their default implementation for bipartite graphs in the python library scikit-network. The results are reported in . Clearly, clustering on the embedding Θ̂ outperforms the alternatives, including X̂ and X˜, in all the three networks. In some cases, the improvement is substantial, for example in ICL2, where the proposed method reaches the score 0.938, corresponding to only 9 misclassified nodes out of 439, particularly remarkable considering the lack of separation of the clusters in .

The results were confirmed by binomial paired sign tests on the difference between ARI scores for N = 25 iterations of the community detection algorithms, which returned p-values <104 in favour of the spherical coordinates estimator over the alternative methodologies.

In terms of network structure, the results could be interpreted as follows: the computers connect to a set of shared college-wide web servers (e.g., the virtual learning environment and the library services), and to services specific to the discipline carried out in each department. Furthermore, each machine has different levels of activity, which leads to heterogeneous within-community degree distributions. The SBM, corresponding to X̂, only clusters the nodes based on their degree, whereas the DCSBM is able to uncover the departmental structure, in particular when the spherical coordinates estimator Θ̂ is used. Under the assumption that the networks were generated under a DCSBM, the results confirm that the estimate based on spherical coordinates proposed in this work appears to produce superior results when compared to the standard or row-normalized ASE.

7 Conclusion

In this article, a novel method for spectral clustering under the degree-corrected stochastic blockmodel has been proposed. The model is based on a transformation to spherical coordinates of the commonly used adjacency spectral embedding. Such a transformation seems more suited to Gaussian mixture modeling than the row-normalized embedding, which is widely used in the literature for spectral clustering. The proposed methodology is then incorporated within a simultaneous model selection scheme that allows the model dimension d and the number of communities K to be determined. The optimal values of d and K are chosen using the popular Bayesian information criterion. The framework also extends simply to include directed and bipartite graphs. Results on synthetic data and real-world computer networks show superior performance over competing methods.

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The authors thank the editor, associate editor, and two referees for their valuable comments, that greatly improved the quality of the article. FSP acknowledges funding from EPSRC.

Supplementary Material

The supplementary material for this article describes a central limit theorem for the spherical coordinates of the latent positions for d = 2, and additional simulation studies for model validation. The first author’s Github page (https://github.com/fraspass/dcsbm) contains python code to reproduce the results and simulations presented in this article.

Additional information


The authors thank the editor, associate editor, and two referees for their valuable comments, that greatly improved the quality of the article. FSP acknowledges funding from EPSRC.
