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Malaysia’s democratic and political transformation

Pages 126-148 | Received 07 Sep 2019, Accepted 08 Jan 2020, Published online: 24 Jan 2020


In 2018, Malaysia saw a change of ruling parties for the first time since its independence. Malaysian democracy however, remains monopolized by the ruling elites and dominated by a strong state. This paper looks at the multidimensional relations between state, economy and society that characterize the Malaysian democracy and is divided into five thematic sections. Firstly, the key characteristics of Malaysia’s state, society and economy are discussed. Secondly, the paper looks at some of the main historical and transformative features of Malaysia’s modern statehood including the colonial experience under the British, which institutionalized race-based politics as well as the government’s overhaul of its economic and social policies in response to conflict in the late 1960s. The third section looks at some major factors that shape the politics of Malaysia, specifically the factors that contributed to BN’s long hold on power. Section four of the paper looks at the major shifts in the relations between state, society and economy and its impact on Malaysian democracy. Finally, the fifth section assesses the challenges and prospect of the country since the change in ruling parties.


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