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Research Article

The shifting identity of the Dayak in Indonesia

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Pages 1-27 | Received 17 Feb 2023, Accepted 06 Sep 2023, Published online: 28 Sep 2023


This study discusses the shift in ethnic identity politics during local elections in Indonesia, considering the prevalence of ethnicity and its several variants in the local political experience. The findings show that the changing power dynamics in Indonesia prompted the Dayak ethnic group to change their identity-based political features from sporadic, without a sovereign (primordialism) to structurally organized. The reason was to ensure its ethnic power (based on its values, existing ethnic polarization, and the predominance of Islam) is observed by other ethnic groups when making political decisions. Moreover, the development of Dayak customs to solve problems and fight for their interests has led to the survival of the Dayak identity and influenced Indonesian power dynamics. These are contrary to the opinions of several scholars and their supporters that Indonesia has a weak ethnic ideology.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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