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Amos Perlmutter Prize Essay

A matter of time: On the transitory nature of cyberweapons


This article examines the transitory nature of cyberweapons. Shedding light on this highly understudied facet is important both for grasping how cyberspace affects international security and policymakers’ efforts to make accurate decisions regarding the deployment of cyberweapons. First, laying out the life cycle of a cyberweapon, I argue that these offensive capabilities are both different in ‘degree’ and in ‘kind’ compared with other regarding their temporary ability to cause harm or damage. Second, I develop six propositions which indicate that not only technical features, inherent to the different types of cyber capabilities – that is, the type of exploited vulnerability, access and payload – but also offender and defender characteristics explain differences in transitoriness between cyberweapons. Finally, drawing out the implications, I reveal that the transitory nature of cyberweapons benefits great powers, changes the incentive structure for offensive cyber cooperation and induces a different funding structure for (military) cyber programs compared with conventional weapon programs. I also note that the time-dependent dynamic underlying cyberweapons potentially explains the limited deployment of cyberweapons compared to espionage capabilities.

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The Amos Perlmutter Prize

The impressive growth of cyberspace has brought a new type of weapon: the cyberweapon. A cyberweapon concerns a capability designed to access a computer system or network to damage or harm living or material entities.Footnote1 Whereas conventional weapons are generally characterised by their ‘multiple-use-ability’ or ‘permanent’ nature, cyberweapons are unique in that they are ‘transitory’ in nature, that is, they have a short-lived or temporary ability to effectively cause harm or damage to living or material entities.Footnote2 The nuclear bombs developed at the height of the Cold War could still vanish cities in one blow.Footnote3 Also the Kalashnikovs mass-produced in the early 1950s could still kill people. Even some of the earliest weapons used in conflict – including the socket axe, the chariot, the spear and the sickle-sword – could be lethal today. In contrast, the cyberweapons produced today are unlikely to have any impact in a few years’ – or even less – time.

Although this dimension of cyberweapons has been overlooked for a long time, there is a growing awareness of its consequences for international security. Recent efforts have focused on how the transitory nature of cyberweapons affects the incentive structure for deployment.Footnote4 Some scholars have also paid attention to how the transitory nature of cyberweapons changes the incentives for investing in these capabilities.Footnote5

Current research, however, fails to clarify what influences the temporary ability of cyberweapons to cause harm or damage. The central objective of this research is therefore to move towards a more well-considered understanding of the issue. I aim to address the question: in what sense are cyberweapons transitory?

The article has three main motivations. First, I aim to enhance the conceptual clarity of the cyber studies field. Just like mutual and shared understandings of values are considered to be the essential building blocks of any society, so are mutual and shared understandings of concepts considered to be the foundation of any academic discipline. Therefore, in unpacking the concept of transitoriness more is involved than mere logomachy; it permits more effective knowledge accumulation, and facilitates the security dialogue between and across academic communities undertaking cyber research, allowing to establish a common ground for discussion between those with disparate viewsFootnote6. Second, scholars who have aimed to understand the implications of the cyber danger for international society have repeatedly focused on certain attributes of cyberspace as their starting point of analysis. Topics discussed ad nauseam concern the notion that cyberspace radically increased the speed, volume and range of communications of both state and non-state actors, or that it leads to an obscurity of the identity and location of actors causing a problem of attribution. Although these works have (generally) provided enlightening accounts on the makeup and role of cyberspace, we should not continue to focus perpetually on the same narrow set of questions. Too many fundamental issues within this inchoate field of studies are still assumed or overlooked. Leaving out important factors in our understanding of the cyber issue makes it more likely the causal influence of dimensions already identified are under- or overestimated.Footnote7 The transitory nature of cyberweapons is a good starting point of this initiative as it is relevant for a number of fundamental debates within the field of International Relations.Footnote8 Third, states are gradually coming to terms with the cyber perils and are establishing guidelines, policies and institutions to deal with this (potentially) transformative technology. This research aims to ensure policymakers can enhance the accuracy of decisions regarding the deployment of cyberweapons. It also adds to our understanding to what degree cyberweapons require any extraordinary analysis or authority to which non-cyberspace military planners are not already accustomed. A better analytical understanding of the transitory nature of cyberweapons, can lead to better decision-making on deployment. And when you know why cyberweapons are transitory, you can also find better ways to prevent this from happening in an attempt to increase resource efficiency.

This article consists of three parts. Part I clarifies the meaning of the concept of transitoriness, and subsequently assesses to what degree the transitoriness of cyberweapons is a unique phenomenon. I argue that in principle any weapon can be put on a spectrum ranging from highly permanent to highly transitory as the effectiveness of a certain capability to cause harm or damage inherently reduces over time, with the catch up of the defence versus offense. It is the malleability of cyberspace, and the ‘window of exposure’ it creates, that causes cyberweapons to be on the far end of the transitoriness spectrum – creating a ‘difference of degree’.

Yet, the security patching process of software vulnerabilities indicates that these cyberweapons in particular are also ‘different in kind’ when it comes to their short-lived nature to cause harm or damage. The corrective process which takes place after a software vulnerability is exploited does not only prevent successful exploitation against one system but against any administrator which uploads the patch. The fact that advances in the cyber defence of one (vendor) can be relatively effortlessly adopted by others creates a defence for all.

Part II considers the follow up question, which is: why is there a difference in transitoriness between cyberweapons? The short-lived nature of cyberweapons to cause harm or damage is influenced by a number of technical properties. First, this research finds that cyberweapons exploiting software vulnerabilities are more transitory relative to capacities exploiting hardware and network vulnerabilities. Second, I aver that cyberweapons exploiting closed-access systems are more likely to be transitory than cyberweapons exploiting open access systems. Third, I aver that a cyberweapon causing a high level of visible harm and/or damage is more likely to be transitory. Yet, I find that the transitoriness of cyberweapons has a political dimension as well. This research finds that more capable offensive actors are able to significantly reduce the short-lived nature of cyberweapons. Certain offensive actors have a wider variety of zero-day exploits at their disposal, enabling more targeted attacks and thus reducing the chances of discovery. There are also asymmetries with respect to the ability to test and retest cyberweapons before actual deployment. The time consuming process of developing cyberweapons leads to constant attempts to reuse computer codes designed to exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, even though it significantly decreases the chances of successful penetration of the targeted system – particularly when a patch is already made available. Offensive actors will also have to make trade-offs in the deployment of a cyberweapon. The most principal consideration concerns the number of targets, demanding a balancing act between potential short-term gains and long(er) term effectiveness. Finally, cyber defence, inherently unable to escape the laws of marginal return, also effects the transitoriness of a deployed cyberweapon as it can cause delays in the discovery, disclosure and patching of a vulnerability.

Part III concludes and draws out the implications of thinking about cyberweapons in the way proposed in this article. It reveals that the transitory nature of cyberweapons benefits great powers, changes the incentive structure for offensive cyber cooperation and induces a different financial funding structure for cyber programs (compared with conventional weapon programs). It also provides a potential reason for the limited deployment of cyberweapons compared to espionage tools.

Part I: Is it old wine in a new bottle?

Scholars do not talk about cyberweapons being ‘transitory’, but use other terms instead to describe the time-dependent dynamics underlying cyberweapons. Two concepts have been used most prominently; ‘single use’ and ‘perishability’. Both concepts however unfittingly capture the scientific properties and practices of cyberweapons. The concept of ‘single use’ points out that with a cyberattack, once the zero-day vulnerability – it means an undisclosed vulnerability to the public – has been exploited and becomes known to the public, the weapon loses its utility (hence, the term single use).Footnote9 In reality, however, after a zero-day vulnerability is exploited, it takes on average 312 days before patches are installed and vulnerabilities closed.Footnote10 This means that the weapon can generally still be used after the first strike, only the likelihood of successfully penetrating the target system significantly decreases.Footnote11 In addition, the concept of ‘perishability’ lends its meaning from the marketing literature.Footnote12 In this case, perishability refers to services that cannot be produced and stockpiled (inventoried) before consumption: they exist only at the time of their production.Footnote13 Yet, a cyberweapon can be ‘stored’.Footnote14 After a zero-day vulnerability becomes known to a cyber-power and a code is developed, it can be said to be ‘on the shelf’.

Robert Axelrod and Rumen Iliev use two concepts to gauge the time-dependent dynamic of cyberweapons – these are stealth and persistence.Footnote15 Stealth concerns the probability that if you use a cyberweapon (or, a ‘resource’ in their more general terms) in t = 0, it will still be usable in the next time period, t = 1. Persistence denotes the probability that if you not use a cyberweapon in t = 0, it will still be usable in the next time period, t = 1. The distinction is useful insofar that they correctly appreciate that there are different time dynamics at play before and after use of the weapon (see discussion below on the window of vulnerability). The concept of ‘stealth’, however, requires reassessment – or at least a note of caution. In normal discussions on low observable technology, stealth refers to the ability to operate without discovery. Yet, in the context of the time dependence of cyberweapons it should refer to not only the time operates without being discovered but also the time it takes to develop a patch to close the exploited vulnerability.

The term ‘transitoriness’ is used here to capture the overall essence of this attribute of cyberweapons. Transitory derives from the Latin term transitōrius, which means having or allowing a passageway.Footnote16 In current meaning, the adjective refers to ‘[e]xisting or lasting only a short time; short-lived or temporary’.Footnote17 In line with its earlier meaning it can be said that the term in this context underlines the specific period of transition in which an adversary can successfully get through the defence passage of a target. The transitoriness of a weapon refers to the short-lived or temporary ability to effectively cause harm or damage. Hence, in relation to cyberweapons it refers to the temporary ability to access a computer system or network to cause harm or damage to living and material entities.

It seems there are grounds to question the extent to which the transitoriness of cyberweapons is actually a novel phenomenon. After all, we do not wage war anymore with the same weapons used in ancient times. Indeed, the chariots have been replaced (with many intermediate steps) by tanks, aircraft carriers and fighter planes. And the bows and arrows have been replaced by highly effective handguns, squad automatic weapons, rocket launchers and sniper rifles.

This observation on the ‘evolution’ in the use of arms in warfare is potentially deceiving. The reason why most weapons are replaced is because a more effective weapon was developed. Due to technological advancements, the new weapon might be easier to use, more cost-efficient or able to cause more harm or damage.Footnote18 Another reason might be because the weapon has lost its ability to cause harm or damage to an insignificant degree due to new defence mechanisms which have been put in place by the target. Although the latter occurs less frequently, it is this aspect to which the transitoriness of weapons refers to.

That said, it seems that the difference between cyberweapons and conventional weapons is mostly one of degree rather than kind as a time-dependent dynamic seems to underlie every weapon. Indeed, Bill Clinton remarked in San Francisco in 1999: ‘the whole history of conflict can be seen in part as the race of defensive measures to catch up with offensive capabilities. That is what, we’re doing in dealing with the computer challenges today […]. It is very important that the American people, without panic, be serious and deliberate about them, because it is the kind of challenge that we have faced repeatedly’.Footnote19

Theoretically, any weapon can be put on a spectrum ranging from highly permanent to highly transitory as the effectiveness of a certain tool to cause harm or damage inherently reduces over time. An example of a highly permanent weapon is the knife – a tool which any member of the Special Forces still wears today for the challenges of the battlefield. For nuclear weapons, states have established costly programs to maintain a reliable capability.Footnote20 In that sense, cyberweapons are exceptional in that they belong to the group which is the most transitory as its ability and effectiveness to cause harm declines relatively quickly. Cyberweapons from this perspective are merely unique in that there is the potential of a quick adaptation of defence measures in cyberspace rendering the specific weapon ineffective.Footnote21 The main question we thus have to address is: What is the main reason cyberweapons are so short lived?

The basic underlying cause for the rapid offense–defence cycle of cyberweapons is that cyberspace is more malleable. The term is often considered to be synonymous with the notion that cyberspace is ‘man-made’, mentioned in numerous cyber defence strategies and perpetuated by numerous scholars.Footnote22 Yet, the two concepts should not be conflated as one is meaningful for our understanding of cyberspace and the transitoriness of cyberweapons whereas the other is not. As General Michael Hayden, former director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), observes: ‘the other domains are natural, created by God and this one is the creation of man’.Footnote23 The problem with the ‘man-made’ notion is that also other domains of warfare are to some degree produced, formed or made by humans – like tunnels, roads and train tracks in the domain of land – and cyberspace does have natural components too – like its heavy reliance on electromagnetic waves.Footnote24 Instead, what is important to stress is that the man-made constructions in other domains are more difficult to change by its owners (to enhance defence systems) compared to cyberspace.Footnote25 Indeed, at least technically, cyberspace can more easily be changed to reduce the effects of a certain cyberweapon. Hence, as Libicki indicates, ‘the task in defending the network is [therefore] not so much to manoeuvre better or apply more firepower in cyberspace but to change the particular features of one’s own portion of cyberspace itself so that it is less tolerant of attack’.Footnote26

The malleability of cyberspace offers, in the words of Bruce Schneier, a unique 'window of exposure' for cyberattacks to be effective.Footnote27 Schneier’s conceptual framework offers a useful starting point for understanding the life cycle of cyberweapon’s ability to effectively cause harm or damage to a living or material entity.Footnote28 The discussion below therefore largely draws upon Schneier’s original conceptualisation. For analytical clarity, however, the framework provided here is slightly more specific – adding a number of additional events to the life cycle. I also shy away from using the Schneier’s term of ‘phases’ as the events described in the cycle do not always have to occur in this specific order.Footnote29

First, tvulnerability is the date the vulnerability is introduced, meaning that a bug is introduced in a program’s source code, design or in the operating systems used by such programs that is subsequently released and deployed. Robert Dacey estimates that there are as many as 20 flaws per thousand lines of Source Line of Code,Footnote30 making vulnerability introduction basically a daily occurrence. Second, tdiscovery is the earliest date of exploit discovery by state actors, actors in the underground economy, hacktivists or other actors.Footnote31 Depending on who discovered the exploit, news about it starts to spread (or it might be not disclosed at all). Third, texploit is the first time an exploit for the vulnerability is created which can be used to conduct cyberattacks. Fourth, tawareness is the earliest date that the vendor becomes aware of the vulnerability. The vendor can learn about the vulnerability either by discovering it through testing or through third-party reporting. Depending on the vendor’s risk assessment, it assigns a priority for developing a patch. Fifth, tdisclosure is the date that information on the vulnerability is reported on a public channel, published by a trusted and (independent) author.Footnote32 Unsurprisingly, research has provided empirical evidence that a vulnerability disclosure increases the number of attacks per host.Footnote33 Last, tpatch is the first date that a patch is released by the vendor or originator to fix, patch or workaround the exploitation of the vulnerability. Fixes and patches can range from being very simple – such as a straightforward instruction for certain configuration changes – to highly complex – such as the provision of signatures for intrusion prevention systems or antivirus tools.Footnote34 Timing the application of security patches is a difficult balancing act. As security researchers indicate,‘[p]atch too early, [without doing local patch testing in aid of immediate deployment], and one might be applying a broken patch that will actually cripple the system’s functionality.Footnote35 Patch too late, and one is at risk from penetration by an attacker exploiting a hole that is publicly known’.Footnote36 According to Shipley, ‘the time window between identification of a vulnerability and creation of an exploit has shrunk dramatically over the years’.Footnote37

From this point onwards, the hosts that have applied the patch are no longer susceptible to the exploit.Footnote38 Similar to the way normal technology spreads through society, we can distinguish between different types of path adopters. There are ‘early adopters’; those hosts which apply the patch immediately and are no longer susceptible to the exploit. Following, there is the ‘early majority’ and ‘late majority’ of hosts having an average adoption rate. And, finally, there are the ‘laggards’, last to adopt the patch. Laggards typically tend to take security far from seriously.Footnote39

Worms exploit the tendency that patches are generally not immediately applied – that is, that there are so few early adopters. The speedily written Witty worm, with a wiper payload, serves as an excellent illustration. eEye Digital Security, acquired in 2012 by BeyondTrust, discovered a vulnerability in software products made by Internet Security Systems (ISS) on 8 March 2004. The following day a patch version was released by ISS. On the 18 March, eEye Digital Security published a detailed description of the flaws in the software. Just 36 hours after public disclosure, on the evening of 19 March, the network attack worm Witty was released into the wild. Footnote40

summarises the life cycle of a cyberweapon.Footnote41 An attack taken place between texploit and tdisclosure is called a zero-day attack.Footnote42 Notice that the events shown in the figure each signify a specific point in time (i.e. earliest date of release, exploitation, etc.). ‘tpatch’, however, is the exception as the adaptation of the patch takes place over a (longer) period of time. The dotted line therefore attempts to indicate that follow on attacks could continue further depending on how quickly a certain host patches the exploit.

Figure 1. Life cycle of a cyberweapon’s effectiveness.

Figure 1. Life cycle of a cyberweapon’s effectiveness.

The life cycle described above, following Schneier’s earlier conception, has been specific to a cyberweapon exploiting software vulnerabilities. In principle, however, the framework can be applied to hardware and network vulnerabilities as well, with a few qualifications. In the case of hardware vulnerabilities, the first three events – tvulnerability, tdiscovery and texploit – are collapsed when a chip is purposefully manipulated to introduce a backdoor or kill switch.Footnote43 The patching process is also different as the vulnerability, hardwired into a certain device, is more difficult to eradicate. In the case of network and protocol vulnerabilities, the general framework can be applied – depending on both function and domain of use, however, the patching process can be a highly complex process.

Also, the security patching process of software vulnerabilities indicates that these cyberweapons in particular are also qualitatively different from conventional weapons in terms of their short-lived nature to cause harm or damage. Though patches can be distributed in a number of ways,Footnote44 the corrective process which takes place after a software vulnerability is exploited does not only prevent successful exploitation against one system but against any administrator which uploads the patch. Hence, the threat capability is mitigated for all targets; if a cyberweapon, exploiting a certain vulnerability, is used against one target it loses its effectiveness against other targets. In that respect, a cyberattack against one is perhaps not an attack against all, but a cyberattack against one does create a cyber-defence for all. This is fundamentally different compared to conventional weapons in which a similar dynamic does not exist. If a knight in the Middle Ages builds a strong castle with high curtain walls, ramparts, machicolations, flanking towers and special gateway defences, it might offer a safe retreat against invasions to his people. Yet, it does not mean that all other nobility in the region (and in the world) can subsequently ‘upgrade’ their fortification to similar standard without much effort.

indicates that the life cycle of vulnerabilities is subject to three delays; (i) the awareness delay, (ii) the patching delay and (iii) the adaptation delay.Footnote45 In the three periods it is expected that different actors or organisations are targeted. In the first period, before there is any awareness of the existence of the exploitable vulnerability, the adversary carefully choses a prime target in order to maximise the gain of its developed cyberweapon. In the second period, when the exploit becomes known to the public, a competitive, free-for-all situation arises involving various participants in which the selectivity of targets is reduced (as long as the attack offers favourable gains to the attacker). In the third period, in which certain actors have failed to adopt new security measures, a situation of ‘grab what you can grab’ emerges in which ‘laggards’ are attacked as the last vulnerable targets.

Finally, the patching dynamic discussed in the figure indicates that the type of decay function underlying cyberweapons differs from conventional weapons as well. Conventional weapons’ aging is generally modelled as a gradual (log-linear) deterioration. This typical type of function however does not hold up for cyberweapons. Instead, the ability to cause harm or damage remains constant for a certain period of time, but rapidly declines at tawareness.Footnote46

Part II: The determinants of transitoriness

Having identified what makes cyberweapons strongly transitory, we can now delve into the second order question: what makes one cyberweapon more transitory than another? In other words, what increases the likelihood of delays in the (i) awareness, (ii) patching and/or (iii) adaptation of a vulnerability?

Addressing this question requires first of all a diagnosis of the technical properties of cyberweapons. In Economics, there is something of a cottage industry of research identifying the permanent and transitory components of market indicators such as stock prices,Footnote47 macroeconomic fluctuationsFootnote48 or (even) overqualification.Footnote49 In the same way as these studies look at the perpetuity of a certain indicator, we can derive three propositions on the permanent and transitory technical components of cyberweapons.Footnote50

Second, an analysis of how actors’ actions affect the transitory nature of cyberweapons is required. We need to untangle to what degree the transitory nature of cyberweapons is first and foremost a technical attribute or whether it has a political dimension as well. International Relations scholars generally think of technology as a material, apolitical and exogenous influence on international society. Yet, as constructivist approaches to international relations have pointed out, technologies have both social origins and social effects, and should therefore be endogenised. Practices of actors might affect the transitoriness of cyberweapons as well.Footnote51 To elucidate which practices affect the overall dynamics of cyberweapons, the last three propositions are therefore pertain to offender and defender characteristics.

Proposition 1:

Cyberweapons exploiting software vulnerabilities are more transitory than capacities exploiting hardware and network vulnerabilities.

In most basic terms, vulnerability concerns a specific problem in a computer system or network that can be used by the attacker to compromise it. Jang-Jaccard and Nepal distinguish between three types of vulnerabilities: (i) hardware, (ii) software and (iii) network infrastructure and protocol vulnerabilities.Footnote52 First, a hardware-based cyberweapon alters the physical elements that comprise a computer system and/or network. The key source of hardware-based cyberweapons is derived from the unauthentic or illegal clones of hardware which can be found on the IT market.Footnote53 Second, a software-based cyberweapon exploits a certain weakness/defect in the code of a computer program.Footnote54 Currently, most cyberweapons utilise vulnerabilities in application or system software.Footnote55 Third, a network infrastructure and protocol-based cyberweapon concerns a capacity which exploit vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure and protocols. A network protocol is a set of rules and conventions that governs the communication between network devices.Footnote56 After all, computers can only communicate with each other if they speak the same language.Footnote57 There are a variety of layers of network protocols. The most frequent network attacks occur by exploiting the limitations of the commonly used network protocols such as Internet Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol or Domain Name System (DNS).Footnote58

The proposition is based on the notion that, ceteris paribus, software vulnerabilities have a higher chance of being detected (awareness delay), are easier to patch for the vendor (patching delay), as well as adopt by the target (adoption delay). On the awareness delay, for software level attacks many security patches, intrusion detection tools and antivirus scanners exist to detect malicious attacks periodically. Instead, many of the hardware-based attacks have the ability to escape such detection considering that only few hardware detection tools exist. As Adee also writes, ‘[a]lthough commercial chip makers routinely and exhaustively test chips with hundreds of millions of logic gates, they can’t afford to inspect everything’.Footnote59 The fact that network protocols are becoming increasingly complex raises similar issues. Song, Cadar and Pietzuch note that ‘[t]he complexity of network protocols makes errors difficult to detect, even for well-studied and mature protocols: errors may only manifest themselves after complex sequences of network packets. For example, DNS server implementations that are vulnerable to cache poisoning attacks only exhibit problems in specific scenarios’.Footnote60

On the patching and adoption delay, not only are hardware vulnerabilities more difficult to detect, it is also more difficult patch, other than replacing the hardware. Indeed, hardware after deployment generally cannot be updated, short of wholesale replacements, whereas software can be updated by uploading new code – even often remotely.Footnote61 Also it often takes a considerable amount of time for a network vulnerability to close. For example, when Steve Bellovin, then working for AT&T Bell Laboratories, found a number of important security flaws in the DNS system he delayed the publication of this vulnerability for a number of years until a fix was available.Footnote62 Also, the way network protocols are set up, requiring confirmation by both sender and receiver, means that it often is not a prompt process.

A fourth vulnerability, not mentioned by Jang-Jaccard and Nepal, is at least as important: the human vulnerability. The notion that the person holding the information is generally the weakest link in any computer system has been aptly described in various hacking accounts. Kevin Mitnick describes social engineering as a ‘craft’ using a mix of deception, influence and persuasion.Footnote63 The effectiveness of spear phishing is often astonishing, even for getting some of the most resilient computer systems.Footnote64 Little data are however available on the human susceptibility to cyberattacks, and how they gain awareness and learn, to further substantiate this claim.Footnote65

Proposition 2:

Cyberweapons exploiting closed-access systems are more likely to be transitory than cyberweapons exploiting open access systems.

The attack vector of a cyberweapon refers to the route used by attackers to get into the computer system. It is common to distinguish between two types of access paths. First, there are remote-access system attacks, in which the cyberweapon is launched at some distance from the adversary computer or network of interest. The canonical example of a remote-access attack is that of an adversary computer attacked through the access path provided by the Internet.Footnote66 Second, there are closed-access (i.e. air-gapped) system attacks in which, as Kello writes, the cyberweapon employed launches an attack against a computer system ‘not interdependent at logical or information layers’.Footnote67 In this case, the cyberweapon accesses an adversary computer or network through the local installation of hardware or software functionality by ‘friendly parties’ in close proximity to the computer or network of interest.Footnote68 It can of course also happen through exploiting the ignorant human element.

Herb Lin notes that anti-radiation missiles are often set up in such a way that they ‘home in on the emissions of adversary radar systems; once the radar shuts down, the missile aims at the last known position of the radar’.Footnote69 Similar considerations sometimes apply for the deployment of cyberweapons. As Lin states, ‘[u]nder such circumstances, a successful cyberattack on the adversary computer may require speed to establish an access path and use a vulnerability before the computer goes dark and makes establishing a path difficult or impossible’.Footnote70 Open systems usually have a broad availability set, meaning that they have more than just one entry point (even if this is unintentional). Hence, the chance that the access vector of an attacker is using to exploit the system is shut down is less likely to occur.

Proposition 3:

A cyberweapon causing a high level of visible damage and/or harm is more likely to be transitory.

The payload is the ‘raison d’etre’ of a cyber weapon, as Herr and Rosenzweig note.[70] It is the part of the capability which causes the harm or damage. Payloads greatly differ in nature and sophistication – they can also be programmed to conduct multiple actions.

Differences in payload primarily influences the likelihood of either extending or reducing the time period between the moment a vulnerability is exploited (texploit) and the earliest date a vendor becomes aware of the vulnerability (tawareness). Cyberweapon which visibly affects the target system is inherently more likely to be discovered than a weapon which affects are less visible. The notion of ‘visibility’ requires some unpacking, as it refers here to two aspects: first, the observable damage or harm caused to the target; second, the complexity of causal chain that ultimately results in the infliction of damage or harm to the target.Footnote71 Following this principle it is also expected that cyber espionage tools, holding all things equal, are more permanent in nature than cyberweapons. Furthermore, ironically, ‘bad’ cyberweapons – weapons designed to cause harm or damage but were not able to do so due to a bug in the code – are also less time dependent due to the lower chance of discovery.

Proposition 4:

The reduction of transitoriness requires significant material and other resources, which certain types of actors are likelier to have than others.

Actors significantly differ in their capacity to develop cyberweapons. Certain actors have a wider variety of zero-day exploits at their disposal, enabling more targeted attacks and thus reducing the chances of discovery. In fact, a series of reports have offered insights on how governments are buying up the market of zero-day vulnerabilities – which can sell for anywhere between thousands and millions or more – to gain a strategic advantage in this new area of contestation. In this ‘business of zero-days’, the United States is considered to be the main consumer.Footnote72 ‘Even as the U.S. government confronts rival powers over widespread Internet espionage’, as Joseph Menn writes, ‘it has become the biggest buyer in a burgeoning gray market where hackers and security firms sell tools for breaking into computers’.Footnote73

There are also asymmetries with respect to the ability to test and retest cyberweapons before actual deployment. Stuxnet provides, again, a good case in point given the resources and effort poured into the development of this capacity. The planning of the cyberweapon started during George W. Bush's first term, and was eventually developed with close collaboration of the NSA and secret Israeli 8200 unit.Footnote74 The complexity of the worm means that thorough testing was required to see whether the bug could do what it was intended to do. The United States therefore had to produce its own P-1s, perfect replicas of the variant used by the Iranians at Natanz. According to Sanger, at first, small-scale tests were conducted on borrowing centrifuges stored at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, which had been taken taken from Muammar Qaddafi in late 2003 when he gave up the program.Footnote75 The tests grew in size and sophistication – obtaining parts from various small factories in the world. As David Sanger reports, at some point the United States was ‘even testing the malware against mock-ups of the next generation of centrifuges the Iranians were expected to deploy, called IR-2s, and successor models, including some the Iranians still are struggling to construct’.Footnote76

The time consuming process of developing cyberweapons leads to constant attempts to reuse computer codes designed to exploit zero-day vulnerabilities, even though it significantly decreases the chances of successful penetration of the targeted system. Cyber commands make a constant trade-off between the skills and resources required to develop a new computer code, and the odds of successfully penetrating targeted systems. In that sense, great powers – with dedicated cyber organisations with a high number of personnel, both military and civilian – have a clear advantage. The need to ‘reuse’ old vulnerabilities – found at the later end of the window of exposure spectrum – is less urgent. For small and middle powers, it is difficult to have an assembly line of cyberweapon production running like a clockwork; ensuring a cycle that, when one cyberweapon becomes ineffective, the next weapon can be put to use if necessary.

Finally, attackers go to great pains to integrate various evasion and persistence techniques into their cyber capacity to stretch the discovery delay period.Footnote77 It is a feature actually particularly prominent in cyberespionage and surveillance capacities given the purpose of those tools – see, for example, Finspy (2011), Blue Termite (2013) and Black Energy (2013). Although not much is known about it, the spyware Turla is also an interesting case in this respect. The malware was discovered in 2014 and still active today, using satellite internet connection to hide its command and control servers.

Proposition 5:

The transitoriness of cyberweapons is affected by the way offensive actors deploy them.

Offensive actors will also have to make trade-offs in the deployment of a cyberweapon. The most basic consideration concerns the number of targets. Consider a cyberweapon which exploits a zero-day vulnerability found in 1000+ computer systems. The offender could use the cyberweapon to target all 1000+ computer systems.Footnote78

Another option would be to only employ the cyberweapon against the more important targets.Footnote79 An interesting case was reported by Dan Goodin a few years ago: ‘In 2009, one or more prestigious researchers received a CD by mail that contained pictures and other materials from a recent scientific conference they attended in Houston. The scientists didn’t know it then, but the disc also delivered a malicious payload developed by a highly advanced hacking operation that had been active since at least 2001. The CD, it seems, was tampered with on its way through the mail’; the package was intercepted in transit, its contents were booby-trapped and subsequently sent to its original destination.Footnote80 It turned out to be the work of the members of the so-called Equation Group, most likely part of the NSA. The group has the capability to rewrite firmware in a secret section within the drives which is considered to be resistant to even military grade wiping and reformatting, as David Gilbert reports.Footnote81 Despite of this powerful capability, Kaspersky writes that ‘[t]he Equation group’s HDD firmware reprogramming module is extremely rare. During our research, we’ve only identified a few victims who were targeted by this module. This indicates that it is probably only kept for the most valuable victims or for some very unusual circumstances’.Footnote82 The way Equation used their capability, combined with its technical dexterity, makes it one of the most persistent cyber resources in existence.

Again, Stuxnet would be a good example given its accuracy. Stuxnet searches for and affects only a particular model of programmable logic controller matching the characteristics of Natanz’ nuclear enrichment facilities. If a certain computer system does not match, Stuxnet removes itself from the particular machine after it has replicated itself to other vulnerable computer systems.Footnote83 General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and CIA, observes that the attack was ‘incredibly precise’. […] ‘Although it was widely propagated, it was designed to trigger only in very carefully defined, discreet circumstances’ – not acknowledging that the United States was behind the attack, but stating that it has been launched by a ‘responsible nation’.Footnote84 Clearly, the agog approach will likely reduce the window between texploit and tawareness more quickly compared to the more subtle application. Also, the vendor might see more urgency in developing a patch in the first scenario (reducing the time between texploit and tpatch). Hence, in the deployment offensive actors have to make trade-offs between potential short-term gains and long(er) term effectiveness.Footnote85

Next to the number of targets, inherently, the decision for the type of target matters as well. Duqu 2.0, an updated version of the infamous 2011 Duqu malware platform, illustrates this aspect. Duqu 2.0 is a highly sophisticated strain of malware which exists only in the memory of the computer to ensure persistence. The attackers, however, decided to use the capacity to intrude the internal network of Kaspersky Lab. The attackers gambled in attacking a world-class security company. And lost. Duqu 2.0 was discovered by the Lab while testing a new technology designed to detect advanced persistent threats. As experts from Kaspersky remarked on the bet; ‘[o]n one hand, it almost surely means the attack will be exposed – it’s very unlikely that the attack will go unnoticed. So the targeting of security companies indicates that either they are very confident they won’t get caught, or perhaps they don’t care much if they are discovered and exposed’.Footnote86

There is evidence that the NSA consiously makes these ‘bets’. A leaked top-secret presentation provided by Snowden has revealed ‘FoxAcid’, NSA’s codename for what it refers as an ‘exploit orchestrator’. FoxAcid is a system which matches target computer systems with different types of attack.Footnote87 What is especially remarkable about the system is that it saves the most valuable exploits for the most important targets. As Schneier observes, ‘Low-value exploits are run against technically sophisticated targets where the chance of detection is high. [NSA’s Office of Tailored Access Operations] maintains a library of exploits, each based on a different vulnerability in a system. Different exploits are authorised against different targets, depending on the value of the target, the target’s technical sophistication, the value of the exploit and other considerations’.Footnote88

Proposition 6:

The transitory nature of a cyberweapon is strongly influenced by the capability of the defensive actors.

Cyber defence is subject to the laws of marginal return. As David Baldwin famously put it, talking about security more generally; it ‘is only one of many policy objectives competing for scarce resources and subject to the law of diminishing returns’.Footnote89 Hence, the value of an increment of cybersecurity will vary from one actor to another. Resources will only be allocated to cybersecurity – to ensure that delays in awareness, patching and adaptation are minimised – as long as the marginal return is greater for it than for other uses of the resources.Footnote90 It is also subject to the organisational processes of institutions as existing institutional bureaucracy affects a target’s ability to effectively minimise the ‘window of exposure’ to a cyberattack.Footnote91 Comprehensive cybersecurity actions are not always taken due to the large resources and time it requires to set it up in (large) organisations.Footnote92

A discussion on the ‘defender’ characteristics of a cyberattack is however inherently complicated by the fact that, as Bruce Schneier observes, ‘for the most part, the size and shape of the window of exposure is not under the control of any central authority’. Indeed, with interconnectivity being the very essence of cyberspace, a complex overlapping structure exists consisting of various clusters of authority and responsibility. In most NCCS documents, cybersecurity is therefore presented as a ‘shared concern’ with numerous ‘stakeholders’, including local and federal authorities, private sector actors and society more generally. That said, as numerous studies on ‘cyber capacity’ and ‘cyber readiness’ indicate, some (national) security clusters are better able to defend itself against the cyber threat than others.Footnote93 A state actor, pouring significant resources in cyber defence, is more likely to discover an exploit and render the weapon’s effectiveness.


This article has revealed that the transitory nature of cyberweapons is both a technical as well as a social product. The technical dimensions of a cyber capability provokes a certain usage, creating incentives to either use it early or play the waiting game. As a product affected by social dynamics, the characteristics and actions of actors can affect the life cycle of a cyberweapon’s effectiveness to cause harm or damage. The ‘curse of transitoriness’ can be beaten following careful development and deployment, as the propositions developed in this article indicate.Footnote94

If my findings concerning the transitory nature of cyberweapons are correct it implies that, in contrast to the view of scholars that cyberspace empowers weaker actors in the international system, cyberweapons are actually for the strong. The transitoriness of cyberweapons means that a constant (re)investment is required for the development of a sustainable, constant offensive capability. Also, weak powers have great difficulties to ‘beat the curse of transitoriness’ with less resources to test and retest their capability. Finally, when offensive actors have invested significant resources in a cyberweapon, they are incentivised to not attack highly capable actors considering the chances of exploit discovery are higher.

The nature of cyberweapons’ transitoriness also reduces the incentives for offensive cyber cooperation. As the likelihood of a cyberweapon’s ineffectiveness after use significantly increases, the international sharing of offensive cyber capabilities is less likely to occur compared to other weapon systems. Mutual benefits only arise when states are similar in their view on the (i) timing, (ii) target (iii) and proportionality of the cyberattack. The paradox of cyberweapons is that, although technically they can be (relatively) effortlessly replicated, their transitoriness changes the incentive structure of actors and turns weapons into indivisible goods.Footnote95 This aspect also affects dynamic between allied great and small/middle powers as it has become more difficult for less-capable states to offer a specialised contribution to the larger coalition.

In addition, the unique decay function of cyberweapons, as laid out in this article, implies that offensive cyber programs potentially require a different funding set-up compared with conventional weapon programs. For conventional weapon programs, (government) institutions can come up a relatively good cost estimate as to what is required to maintain a certain capability; a typical budget proposal would say ‘in X years’ time, the following capability needs to be replaced/upgraded. Hence, we project to spent …’ As a cyberweapon’s decay function is characterised by ‘random crashes’, more flexible budgets (and hiring procedures) are recommended to cope with potentially prompt fluctuations in overall capability.

Finally, the number of cyber incidents we have witnessed to date is almost incomprehensible.Footnote96 Yet, very few of those incidents concern sophisticated cyberattacks with as aim to cause harm or damage. Indeed, most advanced persistent threats concern espionage capabilities rather than cyberweapons. Scholars tend to argue that this is the result of cyberweapons’ limited strategic usage. Following the propositions developed in this article, however, a different explanation comes to fore. Cyberweapons are generally part of a larger collection of capabilities – sharing vulnerability exploits, propagation techniques and/or other features. Stuxnet’s ‘father’, for example, is supposed to be USB worm Fanny and has also been linked to espionage platforms Duqu, Flame, Gauss and Duqu 2.0.Footnote97 Using a capability which is likely to be discovered early – that is, a cyberweapon causing visible harm or damage – runs the risk that other capabilities are soon exposed as well; not least because cybersecurity firm are establishing special detection tools in attempt to uncover the cluster of capabilities.Footnote98 In other words, costly multi-year cyber programs are susceptible to a low return of investment in case capabilities are used with a destructive payload. What this also means is that we can expect states to delink their intelligence capability from their warfare capability in the future to minimise losses in capability following detection.


For written comments on early drafts, the author is indebted to Graham Fairclough, Trey Herr, Lucas Kello, Joseph Nye Jr., Taylor Roberts, James Shires, and an anonymous reviewer. An earlier version of this paper was presented at ISA, Atlanta (2016), and the IR Colloquium at the University of Oxford (2016)

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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Notes on contributors

Max Smeets

Max Smeets is a lecturer in Politics at Keble College, University of Oxford, and a D.Phil Candidate in International Relations at St. John’s College, University of Oxford. He was previously a visiting research scholar at Columbia University SIPA and Sciences Po CERI. Max’ current research focuses on the proliferation of cyberweapons. More at: http://maxsmeets.com


1 As cyberweapons contains non-physical elements, it makes more sense to talk about cyberweapons as a capability rather than a tool or instrument.

2 One should not confuse the concept with the notion that the effects of the weapon are potentially temporary in nature.

3 Indeed, the latest developed nuclear weapons of the United States are about 25 years old.

4 According to Libicki, the transitory nature of cyberweapons leads to less trigger-happy actors: ‘like surprise, it is best saved for when it is most needed’. Krepinevich directly opposes this view arguing that it creates a “use-it-or-lose-it dynamic” and might encourage a cyber power to launch an attack before its advantage is lost.” Axelrod and Iliev reconcile the contrasting views and argue that the degree to which a cyberweapons incentivises a ‘use-it-or lose-it dynamic’ or a ‘waiting-for-the-right-moment dynamic’ depends on the type of capability and whether the stakes remain constant. See: Martin C. Libicki, Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007), 87; Andrew Krepinevich, ‘Cyber Warfare: a “nuclear option”?’, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2012, <http://www.csbaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/CSBA_Cyber_Warfare_For_Web_1.pdf>; Robert Axelrod and Rumen Iliev, ‘Timing of cyber conflict’, PNAS, 111/4 (2014), 1298–1303.

5 According to Gartzke, it means reduces the incentives to invest in ‘cyberwar assets’. Erik Gartzke, ‘The Myth of Cyberwar’, International Security, 38/2 (2013), 41–73, 59–60. Also see: James A. Lewis, ‘Conflict and Negotiation in Cyberspace’, The Technology and Public Policy Program, 2013, <http://csis.org/files/publication/130208_Lewis_ConflictCyberspace_Web.pdf>.

6 For a similar point see: David A. Baldwin, ‘The Concept of Security’, Review of International Studies 23 (1997), 5–26.

7 In statistics, it would called omitted-variable bias.

8 The work of the National Academy of Sciences is a good example of this trend. It states that weapons have three characteristics that differentiate them from traditional kinetic weapons. First, ‘they are easy to use with high degrees of anonymity and with plausible deniability, making them well suited for covert operations and for instigating conflict between other parties’. Second, they ‘are more uncertain in the outcomes they produce, making it difficult to estimate deliberate and collateral damage’. And, third, they ‘involve a much larger range of options and possible outcomes, and may operate on time scales ranging from tenths of a second to years, and at spatial scales anywhere from’ concentrated in a facility next door‘ to globally dispersed’. The study leaves out any discussion on the notion of transitoriness. See: William A. Owens, Kenneth W. Dam and Herbert S. Lin (eds.), ‘Excerpts from Technology, Policy, Law and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities’, National Research Council, 2009; S-1, Section 1.4 and 2.1.

9 Lewis, ‘Conflict and Negotiation in Cyberspace’; Krepinevich, Cyber Warfare

10 Leyla Bilge and Tudor Dumitras, ‘Before we knew it: an empirical study of zero-day attacks in the real world’, CSS’12, Oct. 2012; Ratinder Kaur and Maninder Singh, ‘A Survey on Zero-Day Polymorphic Worm Detection Techniques’, IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 16/3 (2014).

11 A more detailed discussion on this issue will be provided below.

12 Gartzke, ‘The Myth of Cyberwar’

13 Andrew Sweeting, ‘Equilibrium Price Dynamics in Perishable Goods Markets: The Case of Secondary Markets for Major League Baseball Tickets’, NBER, Working Paper 14505, (2008)

14 As a former U.S. executive at a defence contractor said to a reporter from Reuters: ‘My job was to have 25 zero-days on a USB stick, ready to go’. See: Joseph Menn, ‘Special Report: U.S. Cyber war Strategy Fear of Blowback’, Reuters, May 2013, <http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/10/us-usa-cyberweapons-specialreport-idUSBRE9490EL20130510>.

15 Axelrod and Iliev, ‘Timing of Cyber Conflict’; It follows model developed in: Robert Axelrod, ‘The Rational Timing of Surprise’, World Politics 31/2 (1979), 228–246.

16 Collins English Dictionary (online), ‘transitory’, <http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/English>.

17 Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary (online), ‘transitory’, <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/transitory>.

18 John Keegan, A History of Warfare (Random House: London 1994)

19 Philip E. Auerswald, Christian Duttweiler, and John Garofano, Clinton’s Foreign Policy: A Documentary Record (The Hague: Kluwer Law International 2003), 73.

20 The United States Department of Energy, for example, has set up the ‘Stockpile Stewardship and Management Program’ with as aim to maintain a reliable stockpile using various simulations and applications from the scientific community to deal with the particular issue of an aging capability.

21 The literature on International Relations and military history contains numerous references to the offensive or defensive balance of military technology. Yet, these discussions have focused on the degree to which the offense has an advantage over the defence – and the strategic implications of it. Scholars rarely focus on how specific defence measures catch up on offensive measures. For an overview see: Jack S. Levy, ‘The Offensive/Defensive Balance of Military Technology: A Theoretical and Historical Analysis’, International Studies Quarterly 28 (1984), 219–238.

22 According to Shachtman and Singer, ‘[c]yberspace is a man-made domain of technological commerce and communication, not a geographical chessboard of competing alliances’. Noah Shachtman and Peter W. Singer, ‘The Wrong War: The Insistence on Applying Cold War Metaphors to Cybersecurity Is Misplaced and Counterproductive’, Brookings Institute, Aug. 2011, <http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2011/08/15-cybersecurity-singer-shachtman>. For cyber strategies, so for example: Presidency of the Council of Ministers Italy, ‘National Strategic Framework for the Security of Cyberspace’, Dec. 2013, <http://www.sicurezzanazionale.gov.it/sisr.nsf/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/italian-national-strategic-framework-for-cyberspace-security.pdf>.

23 Michael V. Hayden, ‘The Future of Things Cyber’, Strategic Studies Quarterly 5/1 (2011)

24 See Dorothy E. Denning, ‘Rethinking the Cyber Domain and Deterrence’, JFQ 77 (2015).

25 As Robert Bartlett states, ‘[a]nyone who understands how to read and write code is capable of rewriting the instructions that define the possible’. Robert Bartlett, ‘Developments in the Law-The Law of Cyberspace’, Harvard Law Review 112/1574 (1999), 1635.

26 Martin C. Libicki, ‘Cyberspace Is Not a Warfighting Domain’, A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 8/2 (2012), 326; As the discussion below on the window of vulnerability indicates, these ‘corrections’ can take place both before and after a cyberattack.

27 Bruce Schneier, ‘Crypto-Gram’, Sep. 2000, <https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/2000/0915.html>.

28 Others have referred to the ‘window of exposure’ as the ‘lifecycle of a vulnerability’. I use these terms interchangeably (including the term the ‘life cycle of cyberweapons’ effectiveness’ as well). Stefan Frei, Bernhard Tellenbach, and Bernhard Plattner, ‘0-Day Patch: Exposing Vendors (In)security Performance’, BlackHat Europe, 2008, <https://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-europe-08/Frei/Whitepaper/bh-eu-08-frei-WP.pdf>; Adrian Pauna and Konstantinos Moulinos, ‘Window of exposure… a real problem for SCADA systems? Recommendations for Europe on SCADA patching’, European Union Agency for Network and Information Security Publication, Dec. 2013.

29 Yet, some ordering is determined. The introduction of the vulnerability always precedes (or equal to) the time of exploitation of it. And the release of a patch can only occur after the vendor has become aware of the vulnerability. For a more detailed discussion see the recent study of: Antonio Nappa, Richard Johnson, Leyla Bilge, Juan Caballero, Tudor Dumitras, ‘The Attack of the Clones: A Study of the Impact of Shared Code on Vulnerability Patching’, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2015.

30 Robert F. Dacey, ‘Information security progress made, but challenges remain to protect federal systems and the nation’s critical infrastructures’, Government Accountability Office, 2003, <http://world.std.com/~goldberg/daceysecurity.pdf>.

31 Sam Ransbotham, Sabyasachi Mitra, and Jon Ramsey, ‘Are Markets for Vulnerabilities Effective?’ ICIS, 2008, <http://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1192&context=icis2008>.

32 Frei, Tellenbach, and Plattner note that the disclosure of a vulnerability has been defined in a number of ways, ranging from ‘made public to wider audience’, ‘made public through forums or by vendor’, ‘made public by anyone before vendor releases a patch’. See Frei, Tellenbach, and Plattner. ‘0-Day Patch’.

33 Ashish Arora, Ramayya Krishnan, Anand Nandkumar, Rahul Telang and Yubao Yang, ‘Impact of Vulnerability Disclosure and Patch Availability – An Empirical Analysis’, Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, 2004; Hasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu, and Srinivasan Raghunathan, ‘Efficiency of Vulnerability Disclosure Mechanisms to Disseminate Vulnerability Knowledge’, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 33/3 (2007),171–185.

34 Frei and Plattner, ‘0-Day Patch’

35 The testing of patches is required before being applied to the production environment to make sure that it works properly and does not conflict with other applications in the system. Hasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu, and Jun Zhang, ‘Security Patch Management: Share the Burden or Share the Damage?’ Management Science 54/4 (2008), 657–670.

36 Steve Beattie, Seth Arnold, Crispin Cowan, Perry Wagle, and Chris Wright, ‘Timing the Application of Security Patches for Optimal Uptime’, LISA XVI, Nov. 2002; Also see: Ross Anderson and Tyler Moore, ‘The Economics of Information Security’, Science 314/5799 (2006), 610–613.

37 Greg Shipley, ‘Painless (well, almost) patch management procedures’, Network Computer 2004, <http://www. networkcomputing. com/showitem.jhtml?docid = 1506f1>.

38 In an average week, vendors and security organisations announce around 150 vulnerabilities along with information on how to fix them. Cavusoglu, Cavusoglu, and Zhang, ‘Security Patch Management’.

39 Gary Armstrong, Stewart Adam, Sara Denize, Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, (Pearson: Melbourne 2015).

40 The worm was also special in that it was first time a worm was released in the wild through a bot network of about 100 infected machines. It meant that every available host was very quickly infected. Bruce Schneier, ‘The Witty Worm a New Chapter in Malware’, Computer World, Jun. 2014, <http://www.computerworld.com/article/2565119/malware-vulnerabilities/the-witty-worm–a-new-chapter-in-malware.html>.

41 Most research assumes a linear model for the cyberweapon life cycle, which is critiqued in more recent scholarship. As the goal of this article is not to estimate the exploitation of a vulnerability or the average deployment of a patch, I do not make any unnecessary assumptions about this. William A. Arbaugh, William L. Fithen, and John McHugh, ‘Windows of vulnerability: A case study analysis’, IEEE Computer 33/12 (2000); Hamed Okhravi and David Nicol, ‘Evaluation of patch management strategies’, International Journal of Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice 3/2(2008), 109–117; Terry Ramos, ‘The Laws of Vulnerabilities’, RSA Conference, Feb. 2006.

42 Bilge and Dumitras, ‘Before We Knew It’.

43 The three events are not collapsed if the chipmaker itself has introduced the backdoor. Although still unconfirmed, this was likely the case with backdoor in a computer chip used in military systems and aircraft, discovered by two experts from Cambridge University. See: Charles Arthur, ‘Cyberattack concerns raised over Boeing 787 chip’s “back door”’, The Guardian, May 2012, <http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2012/may/29/cyber-attack-concerns-boeing-chip>.

44 Package management systems can offer various degrees of patch automation. Completely automatic updates are still rife with problems, so are not widely adopted. Cavusoglu, Cavusoglu and Zhang, ‘Security Patch Management’.

45 For a more detailed discussion on the degree to which the time between these different effects determines the security risk exposure, see: Frei and Plattner, ‘0-Day Patch’.

46 Hence, I would argue that a better way to model the transitory nature a cyberweapon is similar to the Black-Scholes model of options pricing in finance. A cyberweapon is analogous to what is called an ‘American option’. The value of usage could be modelled as a ‘Brownian Motion’ with random crashes representing the use of the weapon by others.

47 John H. Cochrane, ‘Permanent and Transitory Components of GNP and Stock Prices’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 109/1 (1994), 241–265.

48 John Y. Campbell, N. Gregory Mankiw, ‘Permanent and Transitory Components in Macroeconomic Fluctuations’, NBER, 2169 (1987).

49 Christa Frei and Alfonso Sousa-Poza, ‘Overqualification: permanent or transitory?’, Applied Economics 44/14 (2012).

50 In developing these propositions I follow Lin in asserting that a successful cyberattack requires three elements; (a) a vulnerability, (b) access to the vulnerability (i.e. access vector) and (c) a payload to be executed (i.e. malicious code). Herr’s application has usefully clarified that the three conditions for cyberattacks can be successfully translated into ‘cyberweapons’, using a variety of examples. Herbert S. Lin, ‘Escalation Dynamics and Conflict Termination in Cyberspace’, Strategic Studies Quarterly 6/3 (2012), 46–70; Herbert S. Lin, ‘Offensive Cyber Operations and the Use of Force’, Journal of National Security Law and Policy 4/63(2010), 63–86; Owens, Dam, and Lin, ‘Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities’; See: Trey Herr, ‘PrEP: A Framework for Malware & Cyber Weapons’, Cyber Security and Research Institute, (2014), 2.

51 Geoffrey L. Herrera, Technology and International Transformation: The Railroad, the Atom Bomb,and the Politics of Technological Change (Albany: State University of New York Press 2006).

52 Julian Jang-Jaccard and Surya Nepal, ‘A Survey of Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity’, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 80/5 (2014), 973–993.

53 Ramesh Karri, Jeyavijayan Rajendran, Kurt Rosenfeld, Mark Tehranipoor, ‘Trustworthy hardware: Identifying and classifying hardware Trojans’, Computer 43/10 (2010), 39–46; Also, as the authors indicate, IT companies often buy untrusted hardware from websites or resellers which may also contain malicious hardware-based Trojans.

54 Definition adopted from: Jaziar Radianti, and Jose. J. Gonzalez, ‘Understanding Hidden Information Security Threats: The Vulnerability Black Market’, Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2007.

55 Most common software vulnerabilities happen as a result of exploiting software bugs in (i) the memory, (ii) user input validation, (iii) race conditions and (iv) user access privileges. See: Katrina Tsipenyuk, Brian Chess, and Gary McGraw, ‘Seven pernicious kingdoms: A taxonomy of software security errors’, Security and Privacy 3/6 (2005), 81–84.

56 See JaeSeung Song, Cristian Cadar, and Peter Pietzuch, ‘SYMBEXNET: Testing Network Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution and Rule-Based Specifications’, IEEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 40/7 (2013), 695–709.

57 Florida Center for Instructional Technology, ‘Chapter 2: What is a Protocol?’, 2013, <http://fcit.usf.edu/network/chap2/chap2.htm>.

58 Jang-Jaccard and Nepal, ‘A survey of emerging threats in cybersecurity’.

59 Adee, ‘The Hunt for the Kill Switch’; It means that when the chips are tested the focus is on how well it performs the functions it is destined to use for. It is impossible to check for the infinite possible issues that are not specified. It is also an incredible laborious process to test every chip.

60 Song, Cadar, Pietzuch, ‘SYMBEXNET: Testing Network Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution and Rule-Based Specifications’.

61 Gedare Bloom, Eugen Leontie, Bhagirath Narahari, Rahul Simha, ‘Chapter 12: Hardware and Security: Vulnerabilities and Solutions’, in Sajal K. Das, Krishna Kant and Nan Zhang (eds.), Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure (Waltham: Morgan Kaufmann 2012).

62 Schneier, ‘Crypto-Gram’; The Economist, ‘It’s about time: Escalating cyber-attacks’, Feb. 2014, <http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2014/02/escalating-cyber-attacks>.

63 Kevin Mitnick, The Art of Deception (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons 2002), paraphrased from: introduction; also see: Kevin Mitnick and William L. Simon, The Art of Intrusion: The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders, & Deceivers (Ronald Madzima & Sons 2005).

64 As ‘the Grugq’, a well-known security researcher/hacker, writes: ‘Give a man an 0day and he’ll have access for a day, teach a man to phish and he’ll have access for life’. The Grugq, ‘Twitter’, 2016, <https://twitter.com/thegrugq>.

65 For an interesting recent analysis aiming to establish a rigorous data-driven approach see: V. S. Subrahmanian, Michael Ovelgönne, Tudor Dumitras, B. Aditya Prakash, ‘Chapter 4, The Global Cyber-Vulnerability Report’, in V.S. Subrahmanian, Michael Ovelgonne, Tudor Dumitras, B. Aditya Prakash (eds.), Terrorism, Security and Computation (Springer: New York City 2015).

66 Indeed, public websites are considered to be the low-hanging fruit as they generally run on generic server software and are connected to the Internet; even relatively unskilled individuals can launch a website defacement attack. See: Symantec Corporation, ‘Internet Security Threat Report 2014’, 2014, <http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/other_resources/b-istr_main_report_v19_21291018.en-us.pdf>.

67 Lucas Kello, ‘Cyber Disorders: Rivalry and Conflict in a Global Information Age’, Presentation, International Security Program Seminar Series, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, May 2012, <http://belfercenter.hks.harvard.edu/files/kello-isp-cyber-disorders.pdf>.

68 Owens, Dam, Lin, ‘Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities’.

69 Ibid.

70 Ibid.

71 After all, the indirect path might lead defending actors to confuse a kinetic attack for a cyberattack or accidental for purposeful harm. Part of the reason why the cyber revolution is a bone of contention is due to the indirect path in which a cyberweapon potentially causes harm or damage. As Rid writes ‘the actual use of cyber force is to be a far more complex and mediated sequence of causes and consequences that ultimately result in violence and casualties’. In those Cassandra-esque scenarios in which a cyberweapon inflicts a lot of material damage or people suffer serious injuries or be killed, ‘the causal chain that links somebody pushing a button to somebody else being hurt is mediated, delayed and permeated by chance and friction’. Thomas Rid, ‘Cyber War Will Not Take Place’, Journal of Strategic Studies 35/1 (2012), 5–32, 9.

72 Kim Zetter, ‘Hacking Team Leak shows How Secretive Zero-Day Exploit Sales Work’, Wired (Jul. 2015), <http://www.wired.com/2015/07/hacking-team-leak-shows-secretive-zero-day-exploit-sales-work/>; Andy Greenberg, ‘Shopping for Zero-Days: A Price List For Hackers’ Secret Software Exploits’, Forbes Magazine, Mar. 2012, <http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/03/23/shopping-for-zero-days-an-price-list-for-hackers-secret-software-exploits/>.

73 Joseph Menn, ‘Special Report: U.S. cyberwar strategy stokes fear of blowback’, Reuters, May 2013, <http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyberweapons-specialreport-idUSBRE9490EL20130510>.

74 David E. Sanger, ‘Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran’, The New York Times, Jun. 2012, <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/01/world/middleeast/obama-ordered-wave-of-cyberattacks-against-iran.html?_r = 0>.

75 David E. Sanger, Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret Wars and Surprising use of American Power (New York: Crown Publishing 2012), 197.

76 Ibid., 198.

77 One can, for example, think of polymorphic malware, binary archives or domain generation algorithm techniques. For more detailed discussion. see: Fortinet, Head-First into the Sandbox’, 2014, <https://www.fortinet.com/sites/default/files/whitepapers/Head_First_into_the_Sandbox.pdf>.

78 See, for example, Animal Farm targeted around 3001–5000 systems. Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & ‘Analysis Team, Animals in the APT Farm’, Securelist, Mar. 2015, <https://securelist.com/blog/research/69114/animals-in-the-apt-farm/>.

79 For sparingly used espionage capacities see CozyDuke, Wild Neutron, miniFlame, Regin, and SabPub.

80 Dan Goodin, ‘How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years – and were found at last’, Ars Tecnica, (16 Feb. 2015), <http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/02/how-omnipotent-hackers-tied-to-the-nsa-hid-for-14-years-and-were-found-at-last/>; Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team, ‘Houston, we have a problem’, SecureList, Feb. 2015, <https://securelist.com/blog/research/68750/equation-the-death-star-of-malware-galaxy>.

81 David Gilbert, ‘Equation Group: Meet the NSA “gods of cyber espionage”’, International Business Times, Feb. 2015, <http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/equation-group-meet-nsa-gods-cyber-espionage-1488327>.

82 Kaspersky Lab, ‘Equation Group, Questions and Answers’, Feb. 2015, <https://securelist.com/files/2015/02/Equation_group_questions_and_answers.pdf>; The exact number of victims is difficult to establish due to the self-destructive mechanism build into the capability.

83 Eric Byres, Andrew Ginter, and Joel Langill, ‘How Stuxnet Spreads – A Study of Infection Paths in Best Practice Systems’, Feb. 2011, <http://www.abterra.ca/papers/how-stuxnet-spreads.pdf>.

84 Ben Flanagan, ‘Former CIA chief speaks out on Iran Stuxnet attack’, The National, Dec. 2011, <http://www.thenational.ae/business/industry-insights/technology/former-cia-chief-speaks-out-on-iran-stuxnet-attack>.

85 A quote from an interview with a hacker illustrates the point. ‘The Grugq’ explains why he has no contracts with the Russian Government or other Russian actors: ‘Selling a bug to the Russian mafia guarantees it will be dead in no time, and they pay very little money’. He continues saying that: ‘Russia is flooded with criminals. They monetize exploits in the most brutal and mediocre way possible, and they cheat each other heavily’. See: Andy Greenberg, ‘Shopping For Zero-Days: A Price List For Hackers’ Secret Software Exploits’, Mar. 2012, <http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/03/23/shopping-for-zero-days-an-price-list-for-hackers-secret-software-exploits/>.

86 Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team, ‘The Mystery of Duqu 2.0: a sophisticated cyberespionage actor returns’, Jun. 2015, Securelist, <https://securelist.com/blog/research/70504/the-mystery-of-duqu-2–0-a-sophisticated-cyberespionage-actor-returns/>.

87 Bruce Schneier, ‘How the NSA Attacks Tor/Firefox Users With QUANTUM and FOXACID’, Schneier on Security, Oct. 2013, <https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/how_the_nsa_att.html>.

88 Ibid.

89 Baldwin, ‘The Concept of Security’,  20.

90 Ibid., 21.

91 Graham T. Allison and Philip Zelikow, Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (Pearson Education 1999); James G. March and Herbert A. Simon, Organisations, (New York: John Wiley and Sons 1958).

92 In recent years a shift has slowly occurred, however .A report from McKinsey indicates that cybersecurity has now become much more of a ‘CEO-level issue’. Tucker Bailey, James Kaplan, and Chris Rezek, ‘Why senior leaders are the front line against cyberattacks’, McKinsey Insights, Jun. 2014, <http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/business_technology/why_senior_leaders_are_the_front_line_against_cyberattacks>.

93 See, for example: RSA, ‘Cybersecurity Poverty Index’, 2015, <https://www.emc.com/collateral/ebook/rsa-cybersecurity-poverty-index-ebook.pdf>; Booz Allen Hamilton and The Economist Intelligence Unit, ‘Cyber Power Index: Findings and Methodology’, 2011, <http://www.boozallen.com/media/file/Cyber_Power_Index_Findings_and_Methodology.pdf>; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, ‘The Cyber Index: International Security Trends and Realities’, United Nations Publications, 2013, <http://www.unidir.org/files/publications/pdfs/cyber-index-2013-en-463.pdf>.

94 Inherently, what is a ‘curse’ to the offensive actor might be a ‘blessing’ to the defender.

95 This dynamic might even exist within a state as government institutions, with different organisational missions, might be developing separate offensive cyber capability programs.

96 According to Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report, more than 317 million new pieces of malicious software were created last year. That is about ten new pieces of malware each second of every day. Verizon, ‘Data Breach Investigations Report’, 2015, <http://www.verizonenterprise.com/DBIR/>.

97 Boldizsár Bencsáth, ‘Duqu, Flame, Gauss: Followers of Stuxnet’, RSA Conference Europe 2012, <http://www.rsaconference.com/writable/presentations/file_upload/br-208_bencsath.pdf>.

98 In the case of Fanny and Stuxnet see: Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team, ‘A Fanny Equation: “I am your father, Stuxnet”’, Securelist, Feb. 2015, <https://securelist.com/blog/research/68787/a-fanny-equation-i-am-your-father-stuxnet/>.


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