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Small states and autonomous systems - the Scandinavian case

Pages 594-612 | Published online: 02 Dec 2020


Small states are often described as weak, and unlikely to achieve their goals when confronted by great powers. However, technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution, especially autonomous weapon systems combined with artificial intelligence, may enable small states to enhance their security. Therefore, it should be rational for small states to develop strategies based on advances in technology. This article explores three small Scandinavian states – Denmark, Norway, and Sweden – in a comparative perspective of their capability and will to incorporate lethal autonomous weapon systems in their defence forces. Surprisingly, they reflect ambiguous adoption strategies and trajectories.


The author wants to thank Stefan Borg, Michael Mayer, Mats Olofsson, Michael Raska, Katarzyna Zysk, and the anonymous reviewers for excellent comments on earlier versions of this article.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflicts of interest.


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11 Boulanin & Maaike Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 51–53.

12 Boulanin & Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 5–6.

13 Boulanin & Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 5–6.

14 Gary Schaub, Jr. & Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen, In, on, or out of the loop: Denmark and autonomous weapon systems (Copenhagen: Centre for Military studies, 2017).

15 Boulanin & Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 6, 40.

16 Harang quoted in Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 235.

17 Boulanin & Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 61–63.

18 Schaub & Kristoffersen, In, on, or out of the loop, 22.

19 Stoltenberg quoted in Johan Falnes, ‘Krigsrobotarna inntar NATO’, VG, 24 February 2019.

20 Boulanin & Verbruggen, Mapping the Development of Autonomy in Weapon Systems, 73–77.

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23 Wilhelm Agrell, Svenska förintelsevapen: Utvecklingen av kemiska och nukleära stridsmedel 1928–1970 (Lund: Historiska media, 2002).

24 Magnus Petersson, ‘Defense Transformation and Legitimacy in Scandinavia after the Cold War: Theoretical and Practical implications’, Armed Forces & Society, 37/4 (2011), 701–724.

25 Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 237–238.

26 Hammes, 3.

27 Johannes Lang, Robin May Schott and Rens van Munster, Four reasons why Denmark should speak up about lethal autonomous weapons (Copenhagen: DIIS, 2018).

28 Bollmann, ‘Kunstig intelligens, autonome systemer og militærteknologisk acceleration – muligheter og udfordringer i et dansk perspektiv’.

29 Schaub & Kristoffersen, In, on, or out of the loop, 20, and Dag Mygind, ‘Forbud moddræberrobotter trækker ud’, Prosa, 2 November 2018, https://www.prosa.dk/artikel/forbud-mod-draeberrobotter-traekker-ud/(date accessed, 23 August 2019).

30 Thomas Larsen, ‘Claus Hjort: Brug for globale regler mod dræberrobotter’, Berlinske, 20 January 2019.

31 Schaub & Kristoffersen, In, on, or out of the loop, 17.

32 Schaub & Kristoffersen, In, on, or out of the loop, 23.

33 Anders Theis Bollmann, ‘Kunstig intelligens, autonome systemer og militærteknologisk acceleration – muligheter og udfordringer i et dansk perspektiv’, krigsvidenskap.dk, 15 June 2018, https://www.krigsvidenskab.dk/kunstig-intelligens-autonome-systemer-og-militaerteknologisk-acceleration-muligheder-og-udfordringer (date accessed, 23 August 2019).

34 Forsvarsministeriet, ‘Dansk droneindustri mødtes med Forsvaret’, 20 February 2019, http://www.fmi.dk/nyheder/Pages/dansk-droneindustri-modtes-med-forsvaret.aspx, date accessed, 26 April 2020.

35 Erik Reichborn-Kjennerud, Meningsfull, menneskelig, kontroll? (Oslo: NUPI, 2020).

36 John Olav Egeland, ‘Nå kommer de selvstyrte drapsrobotene’, Dagbladet, 10 July 2019.

37 Dyndal quoted in Lene Grimstad, ‘Norge er en sinke i arbeidet med å regulere autonome våpen’, Ny tid, 2 February 2019.

38 See, for example, Tor Arne S. Berntsen, Gjert Lage Dyndal and Sigrid R. Johansen (eds), Når dronene våkner: Autonome våpensystemer og robotisering av krig (Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2016).

39 Sigrid Moe, ‘Norske teknologer med opprop mot autonome våpen’, E24, 23 June 2019, http://min.e24.no/norske-teknologer-med-opprop-mot-autonome-vapen/a/EWKyr3, date accessed, 24 August 2019.

40 Ine Eriksen Søreide, ‘Svar på spørsmål om hel- og halvautonome våpensystemer’, Skriftlig spørsmål nr. 1900, 2017–2018 (Oslo: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2018). Translation from Norwegian by the author. All translations from Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish in this article is made by the author.

41 Torunn Aardal, ‘Forestill deg en verden med autonome Kalashnikover i hendene på terrorister’, Minerva, 19 June 2019, https://www.minervanett.no/forestill-deg-en-verden-med-autonome-kalashnikover-i-hendene-pa-terrorister/192044, date accesed, 24 August 2019.

42 Sveinung Bentzrød, ‘Ville neppe klart oss hvis vi ikke lar en maskin overta’, Aftenposten, 16 October 2018.

43 Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 226.

44 Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 235, 238.

45 Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 224–225, 233.

46 FFI, ’Autonom minerydding: Hvordan kan ubemannade farkostergjøre det tryggere å fjærne miner?’, https://www.ffi.no/forskning/prosjekter/autonom-minerydding, date accessed, 26 April 2020.

47 Det kongelige forsvarsdepartement, Prop. 62 S (2019–2020), Proposisjon til Stortinget (forslag til stortingsvedtak), Vilje til beredskap – evne til forsvar, Langtidsplant il forsvarssektoren (Oslo: Forsvarsdepartementet, 2020).

48 See, for example, Anders Sandberg et al, ‘Förbjud dödliga autonoma vapensystem’, Dagens samhälle, 11 Apri, 2018, https://www.dagenssamhalle.se/debatt/forbjud-dodliga-autonoma-vapensystem-21566, date accessed 13 August 2019.

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52 Margot Wallström, ’Anf 1ʹ and ’Anf. 3ʹ, Interpellation 2017/18:20 (Stockholm: Swedish Parliament, 2017).

53 Peter Hultqvist, ’Anf. 8ʹ, ’Anf. 10ʹ, ’Anf. 12ʹ, Interpellation 2017/18:20 (Stockholm: Swedish Parliament, 2017).

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55 Rasmus Ling, ’Förbud mot autonoma vapensystem’, Motion 2018/19:2747 av Rasmus Ling m.fl. (MP) (Stockholm: Swedish Parliament, 2018).

56 Johan Eklund and Gunnar Eliasson, ’Radikal upprustning kan bli självfinansierad’, Svenska dagbladet, 23 May 2018.

57 Micael Bydén, ’Ett stärkt militärt försvar’, Speech at Rikskonferensen folk och försvar, 15 January 2018 https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/siteassets/3-organisation-forband/overbefalhavaren/tal-och-debattartiklar/nuvarande-obs-tal-och-debattartiklar/180115_ob_salen.pdf, date accessed 3 February 2019.

58 Christian Catomeris, Alex Bolevin & Mikael Klintevall, ‘Militär kapprustning inom AI – FN:s generalsekreterare vill se förbud, SVT Nyheter, 7 April 2019, https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/militar-kapprustning-inom-ai-fn-s-generalsekreterare-vill-se-forbud, date accessed 12 August 2019.

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60 Mats Olofsson (ed), Det digitaliserade försvaret: Teknikutvecklingens påverkan på försvarsförmågan (Stockholm: Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademien, 2017).

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62 Michael Mayer, Dronerevolusjon (Oslo: Kolofon, 2019), 246.

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Notes on contributors

Magnus Petersson

Dr Magnus Petersson is Professor of Modern History at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo, Norway. He teaches and regularly supervises at the University of Oslo, and Stockholm University. He has been Lecturer, Director of Studies and Head of Research and Development at the Swedish Defence University; Visiting Scholar at Boston University, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. His publications include NATO: The Power of Partnerships (2011), NATO’s European Allies (2013), The US NATO Debate (2015), and NATO and the Crisis in the International Order (2019).

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