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Prioritizing collaborative scheduling practices based on their impact on project performance

Pages 618-637 | Received 01 Jul 2020, Accepted 21 Feb 2022, Published online: 14 Mar 2022


Collaborative scheduling (CS) and related practices impact the performance of construction projects which can be measured by key performance indicators (KPIs). However, little is known about which of these practices are implemented and how their combined implementation might impact KPIs. The objectives of this research are to identify perceptions of CS practices that drive project performance, define CS practices used by industry that impact KPIs, and establish practices that are more commonly implemented and have a higher potential to positively impact KPIs. The research team conducted a nationwide survey in the United States and obtained 241 usable responses. Utilizing an information theory approach to measure the uncertainty of implementation and impact of each practice, the research built a set of Chow–Liu tree models to determine the most efficient sequence of actions to improve CS. Results indicate that meeting owners’ expectation throughout the life-cycle of the project from design through construction and commissioning, using the schedule to support a strong project culture, and an effective communication plan were the top CS levers for overall KPI improvement. An innovative method was developed to help construction project managers discover the value of each CS practice, the relation between CS practices, and CS practices’ influence to project KPIs so that managers can improve KPIs efficiently by prioritizing their CS practices according to their own project needs.


The authors thank two graduate students, Vincent Schiavone and Dominique Hawkins, who assisted in developing the maturity model and drafting the survey questions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This work was supported by the Construction Industry Institute (RT-362).

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