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AI weapon systems in future war operations; strategy, operations and tactics

Pages 1-18 | Published online: 02 Feb 2022


In the future, at the strategic, operational and tactical level of warfare, the substitution of the human will and action by autonomous AI weapon systems appears quite probable. These systems are already being used and have the capability to successfully deal with threats faster than humans. The countering of AI weapon systems will pose a great challenge in a future war. In this article, the case is made that for the AI weapon systems to be defeated, unconventional cognition will be required.

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The opinion expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect positions of the Greek Government, or the Hellenic Army, and Sxoli Euelpidon.


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Notes on contributors

Michail Ploumis

Michail Ploumis ([email protected]) is an officer on active duty with the Greek Army. He graduated from the Hellenic Army Academy in 1990. He holds a PhD in the area of national Defense economics in Greece from the University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics (2017). He also holds a LL.B (1997), a LL.M (2005) from the Faculty of Law of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and a M.S.S. (2016) from the U.S. Army War College (USAWC), Class of 2016 (Distinguished Graduate). He currently serves in the Hellenic Army Academy (Stratiotiki Sxoli Evelpidon) as director of Military Studies

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