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Theory and Methods

Factor Modeling for Clustering High-Dimensional Time Series

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Pages 1252-1263 | Received 02 Oct 2021, Accepted 15 Feb 2023, Published online: 05 Apr 2023


We propose a new unsupervised learning method for clustering a large number of time series based on a latent factor structure. Each cluster is characterized by its own cluster-specific factors in addition to some common factors which impact on all the time series concerned. Our setting also offers the flexibility that some time series may not belong to any clusters. The consistency with explicit convergence rates is established for the estimation of the common factors, the cluster-specific factors, and the latent clusters. Numerical illustration with both simulated data as well as a real data example is also reported. As a spin-off, the proposed new approach also advances significantly the statistical inference for the factor model of Lam and Yao. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.

1 Introduction

One of the primary tasks of data mining is clustering. While most clustering methods are originally designed for independent observations, clustering a large number of time series gains increasing momentum (Esling and Agon, Citation2012), due to mining large and complex data recorded over time in business, finance, biology, medicine, climate, energy, environment, psychology, multimedia and other areas (Table 1 of Aghabozorgi, Shirkhorshid, and Wah, Citation2015). Consequently, the literature on time series clustering is large; see Liao (Citation2005), Aghabozorgi, Shirkhorshid, and Wah (Citation2015), Maharaj, D’Urso, and Caiado (Citation2019) and the references therein. The basic idea is to develop some relevant similarity or distance measures among time series first, and then to apply the standard clustering algorithms such as hierarchical clustering or k-means method. Most existing similarity/distances measures for time series may be loosely divided into two categories: data-based and feature-based. The data-based approaches define the measures directly based on observed time series using, for example, L2- or, more general, Minkowski’s distance, or various correlation measures. Alonso and Peña (Citation2019) proposed a generalized cross-correlation as a similarity measure, which takes into account cross-correlation over different time lags. Dynamic time warping can be applied beforehand to cope with time deformation due to, for example, shifting holidays over different years (Keogh and Ratanamahatana, Citation2005). The feature-based approaches extract relevant features from observed time series data first, and then define similarity/distance measures based on the extracted features. The feature extraction can be carried out by various transformations such as Fourier, wavelet or principal component analysis (sec. 2.3 of Roelofsen, Citation2018). The features from fitted time series models can also be used to define similarity/distance measures (Yao et al., Citation2000; Frühwirth-Schnatter and Kaufmann, Citation2008). Attempts have also been made to define the similarity between two time series by measuring the discrepancy between the two underlying stochastic processes (Kakizawa, Shumway, and Taniguchi, Citation1998; Khaleghi et al., Citation2016). Other approaches include Zhang (Citation2013) which clusters time series based on the parallelism of their trend functions, and Ando and Bai (Citation2017) which represents the latent clusters in terms of a factor model. So-called “subsequence clustering” occurs frequently in the literature on time series clustering; see Keogh and Lin (Citation2005) and Zolhavarieh, Aghabozorgi, and Teh (Citation2014). It refers to clustering the segments from a single long time series, which is not considered in this article.

The goal of this study is to propose a new factor model based approach to cluster a large number of time series into different and unknown clusters such that the members within each cluster share a similar dynamic structure, while the number of clusters and their sizes are all unknown. We represent the dynamic structures by latent common and cluster-specific factors, which are both unknown and are identified by the difference in factor strength. The strength of a factor is measured by the number of time series which influence and/or are influenced by the factor (Chamberlain, Citation1983). The common factors are strong factors as each of them carries the information on most (if not all) time series concerned. The cluster-specific factors are weak factors as they only affect the time series in a specific cluster.

Though our factor model is similar to that of Ando and Bai (Citation2017), our approach is radically different. First, we estimate strong factors and all the weaker factors in the manner of one-pass, and then the latent clusters are recovered based on the estimated weak factor loadings. Ando and Bai (Citation2017) adopted an iterative least squares algorithm to estimate factors/factor loadings and latent cluster structure recursively. Second, our setting allows the flexibility that some time series do not belong to any clusters, which is often the case in practice. Third, our setting allows the dependence between the common factors and cluster-specific factors while Ando and Bai (Citation2017) imposed an orthogonality condition between the two; see Remark 1(iv) in Section 2.

The methods used for estimating factors and factor loadings are adapted from Lam and Yao (Citation2012). Nevertheless substantial advances have been made even within the context of Lam and Yao (Citation2012): (i) we remove the artifact condition that the factor loading spaces for strong and weak factors are perpendicular with each other, (ii) we allow weak serial correlations in idiosyncratic components in the model, which were assumed to be vector white noise by Lam and Yao (Citation2012), and, more significantly, (iii) we propose a new and consistent ratio-based estimator for the number of factors (see Step 1 and also Remark 3(iii) in Section 3).

The rest of the article is organized as follows. Our factor model and the relevant conditions are presented in Section 2. We elaborate explicitly why it is natural to identify the latent clusters in terms of the factor strength. The new clustering algorithm is presented in Section 3. The clustering is based on the factor loadings on all the weak factors; applying a K-means algorithm using a correlation-type similarity measure defined in terms of the loadings. The asymptotic properties of the estimation for factors and factor loadings are collected in Section 4. Section 5 presents the consistency the proposed factor-based clustering algorithm with error rates. Numerical illustration with both simulated and a real data example is reported in Section 6. We also provide some comments in Section 7. All technical proofs are presented to a supplementary materials.

We always assume vectors in column. Let ||a|| denote the Euclidean norm of vector a. For any matrix G, let M(G) denote the linear space spanned by the columns of G(gi,j),||G|| the square root of the largest eigenvalue of GG,||G||min the square root of the smallest eigenvalue of GG, |G| the matrix with |gi,j| as its (i, j)th element. We write ab if a=O(b) and b=O(a). We use C,C0 to denote generic constants independent of p and n, which may be different at different places.

2 Models

Let {yt}1tn be a weakly stationary p×1 vector time series, that is, Eyt is a constant independent of t, and all elements of cov(yt+k,yt) are finite and dependent on k only. Suppose that yt consists of d + 1 latent segments, that is, (1) yt=(yt,1,,yt,d,yt,d+1),(1) where yt,1,,yt,d+1 are, respectively, p1,,pd+1-vector time series with p1,,pd1,pd+10, and p1++pd=p0,p0+pd+1=p.

Furthermore, we assume the following latent factor model with d clusters: (2) yt=Axt+(B0)zt+εt,B=diag(B1,,Bd),zt=(zt,1,,zt,d),(2) where A is a p×r0 matrix with rank r0, xt is r0-vector time series representing r0 common factors and |var(xt)|0,Bj is pj×rj matrix with rank rj, zt,j is rj-vector time series representing rj factors for yt,j only and |var(zt,j)|0, 0 stands for a pd+1×r matrix with all elements equal to 0, r=r1++rd, and εt is an idiosyncratic component in the sense of Chamberlain (Citation1983) and Chamberlain, and Rothschild (Citation1983) (see below). Note that in the model above, we only observe permuted yt (i.e., the order of components of yt is unknown) while all the terms on the RHS of (2) are unknown.

By (2), the p0 components of yt are grouped into d clusters yt,1,,yt,d, while the pd+1 components of yt,d+1 do not belong to any clusters. The jth cluster yt,j is characterized by the cluster-specific factor zt,j, in addition to the dependence on the common factor xt. The goal is to identify those d latent clusters from observations y1,,yn. Note that all pj, rj and d are also unknown.

We always assume that the number of the common factors and the number of cluster-specific factors for each cluster remain bounded when the number of time series p diverges. This reflects the fact that the factor models are only appealing when the numbers of factors are much smaller than the number of time series concerned. Furthermore, we assume that the number of time series in each cluster pi diverges at a lower order than p and the number of clusters d diverges as well. See Assumption 1.

Assumption 1.

max0id{ri}<C<, rd=O(pδ), and pip1δ for i=1,,d, where C > 0 and δ(0,1) are constants independent of n and p.

The strength of a factor is measured by the number of time series which influence and/or are influenced by the factor. Each component of xt is a common factor. It is related to most, if not all, components of yt in the sense that the most elements of the corresponding column of A (i.e., the factor loadings) are nonzero. Hence, it is reasonable to assume (3) ||aj||2p,j=1,,r0,(3) where aj is the jth column of A. This is in the same spirit of the definition for the common factors by Chamberlain, and Rothschild (Citation1983). Denoted by bij the ith column of the pj×rj matrix Bj. In the same vein, we assume that (4) ||bij||2p1δ,i=1,,rjandj=1,,d,(4) as each cluster-specific factor for the jth cluster is related to most of the pjp1δ (Assumption 1) time series in the cluster. Note that the factor strength can be measured by constant δ[0,1]: δ>0 in (4) indicates that factors zt=(zt,1,,zt,d) are weaker than factors xt which corresponds to δ = 0; see (3).

Conditions (3) and (4) are imposed under the assumption that all the factors remain unchanged as p diverges, all the entries of covariance matrices below are bounded, Σx(k)=cov(xt+k,xt),Σz(k)=cov(zt+k,zt),Σx,z(k)=cov(xt+k,zt),Σz,x(k)=cov(zt+k,xt),and, furthermore, Σx(k) and Σz(k) are full-ranked for k=0,1,,k0, where k01 is an integer. Then conditions (3) and (4) are equivalent to (6) and (7) in Assumption 3 after the orthogonal normalization to be introduced now in order to make model (2) partially identifiable and operationally tractable.

In model (2) A,B,xt and zt are not uniquely defined, as, for example, (A,xt) can be replaced by (AH,H1xt) for any r0×r0 invertible matrix H. We argue that this lack of uniqueness gives us the flexibility to choose appropriate A and B to facilitate our estimation more readily. Assumption 2 specifies both A and B to be half-orthogonal in the sense that the columns of A or B are orthonormal, which can be fulfilled by, for example, replacing the original (A,xt) by (H,Vxt), where A=HV is a QR decomposition of A. Even under Assumption 2, A and B are still not unique. In fact that only the factor loading spaces M(A),M(Bi) are uniquely defined by (2). Hence AA=A(AA)1A, that is, the projection matrix onto M(A), is also unique.

Assumption 2.

AA=Ir0, BjBj=Irj for 1jd, and it holds for a constant q0(0,1) that (5) ||AA(B0)||q0.(5)

Furthermore for j=1,,d, rp(Bj){rp(Bj)} cannot be written as a block diagonal matrix with at least two blocks, where rp(Bj) denotes any row-permutation of Bj.

Condition (5) implies that the columns of (B0) do not fall entirely into the space M(A) as otherwise one cannot distinguish zt from xt. It is automatically fulfilled if A(B0)=0 which is a condition imposed in Lam and Yao (Citation2012). Finally the last condition in Assumption 2 ensures that the number of clusters d is uniquely defined.

Assumption 3.

Let yt,xt, and zt be strictly stationary with the finite fourth moments. As p, it holds for k=0,1,,k0 that (6) ||Σx(k)||p||Σx(k)||min,(6) (7) ||Σz(k)||p1δ||Σz(k)||min,(7) (8) ||Σx(k)1/2Σx,z(k)Σz(k)1/2||q0<1,||Σz(k)1/2Σz,x(k)Σx(k)1/2||q0<1,(8) (9) ||Σx,z(k)||=O(p1δ/2),||Σz,x(k)||=O(p1δ/2).(9)

Furthermore, yt is ψ-mixing with the mixing coefficients satisfying t1tψ(t)1/2<, and cov(xt,εs)=0, cov(zt,εs)=0 for any t and s.

Remark 1.

(i) The factor strength is defined in terms of the orders of the factor loadings in (3) and (4). Due to the orthogonalization specified in Assumption 2, they are transformed into the orders of the covariance matrices in (6) and (7). See also Remark 1 in Lam and Yao (Citation2012). Nevertheless, the factor strength is still measured by the constant δ[0,1]: the smaller δ is, the stronger a factor is. The common factors in xt are the strongest with δ = 0, and the cluster-specific factors in zt are weaker with δ(0,1). In (2) εt represents the idiosyncratic component of yt in the sense that each component of εt only affects the corresponding component and a few other components of yt (i.e., δ = 1), which is implied by Assumptions 4. Hence, the strength of εt is the weakest. The differences in the factor strength make xt,zt, and εt on the RHS of (2) (asymptotically) identifiable. To simplify the presentation, we assume that all the components of zt are of the same strength (i.e., all pi are of the same order). See the real data example in Section 6.2 for how to handle the cluster-specific factors of different strengths.

(ii) Model (2) is similar to that of Ando and Bai (Citation2017). However, we do not require that the common factor xt and the cluster-specific factor zt are orthogonal with each other in the sense that 1n1tnxtzt=0, which is imposed by Ando and Bai (Citation2017). Furthermore, we allow the idiosyncratic term εt to exhibit weak autocorrelations (Assumption 4), instead of complete independence as in Ando and Bai (Citation2017).

We now impose some structure assumptions on the idiosyncratic term εt in model (2).

Assumption 4.

Let εt=Get, where G is a p × p constant matrix with ||G|| bounded from above by a positive constant independent of p. Furthermore, one of the following two conditions holds.

  1. et is MA(), that is, et=s=0ϕsηts, where s=0|ϕs|<, ηt=(ηt,1,,ηt,p), and ηt,i being iid across t and i with mean 0, variance 1 and E(ηt,i4)<.

  2. et=(et,1,,et,p) consists of p independent weakly stationary univariate time series, E(et)=0, and min1ipEet,i2>0. Furthermore, e˜i=(e1,i,,en,i) satisfies (10) maxβ1,1ip,||a||=1β1/2{E|e˜ia|β}1/βC0.(10)

Remark 2.

In Assumption 4, (i) assumes that et is a linear process with the same serial correlation structure across all the components. (ii) allows some nonlinear serial dependence, the dependence structures for different components may differ. But then the sub-Gaussian condition (10) is required.

3 A Clustering Algorithm

With available observations y1,,yn, we propose below an algorithm (in five steps) to identify the latent d clusters. To this end, we introduce some notation first. Let y¯=1nt=1nyt, (11) Σ̂y(k)=1nt=1nk(yt+ky¯)(yty¯),M̂=k=0k0Σ̂y(k)Σ̂y(k),(11) where k00 is a pre-specified integer in Assumption 3.

  • Step 1(Estimation for the number of factors.) For 0kk0, let λ̂k,1λ̂k,p0 be the eigenvalues of matrix Σ̂y(k)Σ̂y(k). For a pre-specified positive integer J0p, put R̂0=1 and (12) R̂j=k=0k0λ̂k,j/k=0k0λ̂k,j+1,1jJ0.(12) We say that R̂s attains a local maximum if R̂s>max{R̂s1,R̂s+1}. Let R̂τ̂1 and R̂τ̂2 be the two largest local maximums among R̂1,,R̂J01. The estimators for the numbers of factors are then defined as (13) r̂0=min{τ̂1,τ̂2},r̂0+r̂=max{τ̂1,τ̂2}.(13)

  • Step 2(Estimation for the loadings for common factors.) Let γ̂1,,γ̂p be the orthonormal eigenvectors of matrix M̂, arranged according to the descending order of the corresponding eigenvalues. The estimated loading matrix for the common factors is (14) Â=(γ̂1,,γ̂r̂0).(14)

  • Step 3(Estimation for the loadings for cluster-specific factors.) Replace yt by (IpÂÂ)yt in (11), and repeat the eigenanalysis as in Step 2 above but now denote the corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors by ζ̂1,,ζ̂p. The estimated loading matrix for the cluster-specific factors is (15) B̂=(ζ̂1,,ζ̂r̂).(15)

  • Step 4(Identification for the components not belonging to any clusters.) Let b̂1,,b̂p denote the row vectors of B̂. Then the identified index set for the components of yt not belonging to any clusters is (16) Ĵd+1={j:1jp,||b̂j||ωp},(16) where ωp>0 is a constant satisfying the conditions ωp=o(pδ/21/2),p1/2ωp1=o(1) and pδn1r+pδp1δωp2=o(1).

  • Step 5 (K-means clustering.) Denote by d̂ the number of eigenvalues of |B̂B̂| greater than 1log1n, which is taken as an upper bound of the number of clusters. Let p̂0=p|Ĵd+1|, and F̂ be the p̂0×r̂ matrix obtained from B̂ by removing the rows with their indices in Ĵd+1. Let f̂1,,f̂p̂0 denote the p̂0 rows of F̂. Let R̂ be the p̂0×p̂0 matrix with the (l,m)th element ρ̂l,m=|f̂lf̂m|/(f̂lf̂l·f̂mf̂m)1/2,1l,mp̂0.

Perform the K-means clustering (with L2-distance) for the p̂0 rows of R̂ to form the d clusters, where dd̂ is chosen such that the within-cluster-sum of L2-distances (to the cluster center points) are stabilized.

Remark 3.

(i) The ratio-based estimation in Step 1 is new. By Theorem 3 in Section 4, it holds r̂0r0 and r̂r in probability. The existing approaches use the ratios of the ordered eigenvalues of matrix M̂ instead (Lam and Yao, Citation2012; Chang, Gao, and Yao, Citation2015; Li, Wang, and Yao, Citation2017); leading to an estimator which may not be consistent. See Example 1. Note that Lam and Yao (Citation2012) shows that their estimator r˜0 fulfills the relation P(r˜0r0)1 only.

(ii) The intuition behind the estimators in (12) is that the eigenvalues λk,1λk,p(0) of matrix Σy(k)Σy(k), where Σy(k)=cov(yt+k,yt), satisfy the conditions λk,i1=o(λk,j1)andλk,j1=o(λk,l1)for 1ir0,r0<jr0+r and l>r0+r.

This is implied by the differences in strength among the common factor xt, the cluster specific factors zt,i, and the idiosyncratic components εt; see Theorem 3. Note that we use the ratios of the cumulative eigenvalues in (12) in order to add together the information from different lags k. In practice, we set k0 to be a small integer such as k05, as the significant autocorrelation occurs typically at small lags. The results do not vary that much with respect to the value of k0 (see the simulation results in Section 6.1). We truncate the sequence {R̂j} at J0 to alleviate the impact of “0/0”. In practice, we may set J0=p/4 or p/3.

(iii) Step 3 removes the common factors first before estimating B, as Lam and Yao (Citation2012) showed that weak factors can be more accurately estimated by removing strong factors from the data first.

(iv) Once the numbers of strong and weak factors are correctly specified, the factor loading spaces are relatively easier to identify. In fact M(Â) is a consistent estimator for M(A). However, M(B̂) is a consistent estimator for M{(IpAA)(B0)} instead of M{(B0)}. See Theorem 2 in Section 4. Furthermore the last pd+1 rows of (IpAA)(B0) are no longer 0. Nevertheless when the elements in AA and BB have different orders, those pd+1 zero-rows can be recovered from B̂ in Step 4. See Theorem 5 in Section 5.

(v) Given the block diagonal structure of B in (2), the d clusters would be identified easily by taking the (i, j)th element of |BB| as the similarity measure between the ith and the jth components, or by simply applying the K-means method to the rows of |BB|. However, applying the K-means method directly to the rows of B will not do. Theorems 2 and 4 indicate that the block diagonal structure, though masked by asymptotically diminishing “noise”, still presents in B̂B̂ via a latent row-permutation of B̂. Accordingly the cluster analysis in Step 5 is based on the absolute values of the correlation-type measures among the rows of F̂F̂ which is an estimator for BB.

(vi) In Step 5, we search for the number of clusters d by the “elbow method” which is the most frequently used method in K-means clustering. Nevertheless d̂ provides an upper bound for d; see Theorem 6. Our empirical experiences indicate that d̂=d holds often especially when rj, 1jd, are small. See Tables 7 and 8 in Section 6.1. Note that BB is a block diagonal matrix with d blocks and all the nonzero eigenvalues equal to 1. Therefore the dominant eigenvalue for each of the latent d blocks in B̂B̂ is greater than or at least very close to 1. Moreover, by Perron-Frobenius’s theorem, the largest eigenvalue of |BjBj|, that is, the so-called Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue, is strictly greater than the other eigenvalues of |BjBj| under the last condition in Assumption 2. This is the intuition behind the definition of d̂.

Example 1.

Consider a simple model of the form (2) in which εt0,r0=1, r=2,A(B0)=0 and xt=p1/2(u1,t+a1u1,t1+u2,t+a2u2,t1),z1,t=p1/2δ/2(u2,t+a2u2,t1),z2,t=p1/2δ/2(u3,t+a3u3,t1),where a1,a2,a3 are constants, and ui,t, for different i, t, are independent and N(0, 1). Let M=0k1Σy(k)Σy(k), and λ1λ2λ3 be the three largest eigenvalues of M. It can be shown that λ1p2,λ3=p22δ{(1+a32)2+a32} and λ2p2δ provided (a1a2)2(1a1a2)0. Hence, λ1/λ2λ2/λ3pδ. This shows that r0(=1) or r(=2) cannot be estimated stably based on the ratios of the eigenvalues of M̂ for this example. In fact, let two p×3 matrices U0 and U1 be the eigenvectors of Σy(0)Σy(0) and Σy(1)Σy(1). When (a1a2)2(1a1a2)0,U0 and U1 are different while U0U0=U1U1.

4 Asymptotic Properties on Estimation for Factors

Theorem 1 and Remark 4 show that in the absence of weak factor zt, the estimation for the strong factor loading space M(A) achieves root-n convergence rate in spite of diverging p. Since only the factor loading space M(A) is uniquely defined by (2) (see the discussion below Assumption 2), we measure the estimation error in terms of its (unique) projection matrix AA.

Theorem 1.

Let Assumptions 1–4 hold. Let p,n,n=O(p) and pδ=o(n). Then it holds that (17) AAAA=Op(n1/2+pδ/2).(17)

Assumption 2 ensures that the rank of matrix B*(IpAA)(B0) is r. Denote by PAB=B*(B*B*)1B* the projection matrix onto M{(IpAA)(B0)} of which M(B̂) is a consistent estimator, see Theorem 2, and also Remark 3(iv).

Theorem 2.

Let Assumptions 1–4 hold. Let p,n,n=O(p),pδr=o(n). Then it holds that (18) ||B̂B̂PAB||=Op(pδ/2n1/2+pδ/2)(18)

and (19) ||B̂B̂PAB||F=Op(pδ/2n1/2r1/2+pδ/2).(19)

Theorem 3 specifies the asymptotic behavior for the ratios of the cumulated eigenvalues used in estimating the numbers of factors in Step 1 in Section 3. It implies that r̂0r0,r̂r in probability provided that J0>r0+r is fixed.

Theorem 3.

Let Assumptions 1–4 hold. Let p,n,n=O(p),pδr=o(n). For R̂j defined in (12), it holds for some constant C > 0 that (20) limn,pP(R̂j<C)=1forj=1,,r01,(20) (21) R̂r01=Op(p2δ),R̂r0+r1=Op(n2p2δ),(21) (22) limn,pP(R̂j<C)=1forj=r0+1,,r0+r1,and(22) (23) R̂j=Op(1)forj=r0+r+1,,r0+r+s,(23) where s is a positive fixed integer.

Remark 4.

It is worth pointing out that the block diagonal structure of B is not required for Theorems 1–3. On the other hand, if A(B0)=0 and {xt} and {zt} are independent, the term pδ/2 on the RHS of (17)–(19) disappears.

5 Asymptotic Properties on Clustering

Assumption 5.

The elements of AA are of the order O(p1), and ||bi||2pδ1 for 1ip0, where bi denotes the ith row of matrix B.

The orthogonalization AA=Ir0 implies that the average of the squared elements of A is O(p1). Since r0 is finite, it is reasonable to assume that the elements of AA are O(p1). As B is a block-diagonal matrix with blocks {Bj} and BjBj=Irj, the squared elements of Bj are of the order pj1p(1δ) in average. As rj is bounded, it is reasonable to assume ||bi||2pδ1. Assumption 5 ensures that (IpAA)(B0) is asymptotically a block diagonal matrix; see Theorem 4. This enables to recover the block diagonal structure of B based on B̂ which provides a consistent estimator for the space M{(IpAA)(B0)} (Theorem 2), and also to separate the components of yt not belonging to any clusters. See Theorems 5–7 .

Theorem 4.

Let Assumptions 1–2 and 5 hold. Divide matrix (B0)(B,0)PAB into (d+1)×(d+1) blocks, and denote its (i, j)th block of the size pi×pj by Vi,j. Then as p, ||Vi,j||F=Op(p1pi1/2pj1/2)=Op(pδ).

Theorem 5.

Let the conditions of Theorem 2 and Assumption 5 hold. For Ĵd+1 defined in (16), it holds that (24) |Jd+1cĴd+1|p1δ=Op(n1rpδ+pδ),and(24) (25) |Jd+1Ĵd+1||Jd+1|=1+Op(pδrn1+pδpd+1ωp2),(25) where ωp is given in (16). Furthermore, pδrn1+pδpd+1ωp2=o(1) provided that p1δ/pd+1=O(1).

Theorem 6.

Let the conditions of Theorem 5 hold, and pδrlog2n=o(n). Then P(d̂d)1, as n,p.

Remark 5.

Theorem 5 shows that most the components belonging to the d clusters will not be classified as not belonging to any clusters (see (24)). Furthermore most the components not belonging to any clusters will be correctly identified (see (25)). Theorem 6 shows that the probability of under-estimating d converges to 0.

To investigate the errors in the K-means clustering, let R=(|rl,m|) be the p0×p0 matrix with rl,m=blbm/(blbl·bmbm)1/2,1l,mp0.

We assume that d is known. Let Od be the set consisting of all p0×p0 matrices with d distinct rows. Put (26) D0=argminDOd||RD||F2.(26)

For any p0-vector g with its elements taking integer values between 1 and d, let Od(g)={DOd:two rows of D are the same if andonly if the corresponding two elements of g are the same}.

Note that the d distinct rows of D0 would be the centers of the d clusters identified by the K-means method based on the rows of R. However R is unknown, we identify the d clusters based on its estimator R̂; see Step 5 of the algorithm in Section 3. The clustering based on R̂ can only be successful if that based on R is successful, that is, D0Od(g0), where g0 is the p0-vector with 1 as its first p1 elements, 2 as its next p2 elements, , and d as its last pd elements. Given the block diagonal structure of B, condition D0Od(g0) is likely to hold.

For any p0-vector g with its elements taking integer values between 1 and d, it partitions {1,,p0} into d subset. Let τ(g) denote the number of misclassified components by partition g.

Assumption 6.

D0Od(g0). For some constant c > 0, minDOd(g)||RD||F2||RD0||F2+cτ(g)p1δ.

Theorem 7.

Let the conditions of Theorem 5 and Assumption 6 hold. The number of clusters d is assumed to be known. Denoted by τ̂ the number of misclassified components of yt by the K-means clustering in Step 5. Then as n,p, (27) τ̂/p=Op(pδ/2).(27)

Remark 6.

Theorem 7 implies that the misclassification rate of the K-means method converges to 0, though the convergence rate is slow (see (27)). However, a faster rate is attained when A(B0)=0, and {xt} and {zt} are independent, as then τ̂/p=Op(n1/2r1/2). See also Remark 4. Assumption 6 requires that ||RD||F2 increases as the number of misplaced members of this partition τ(g) becomes large, which is necessary for the K-means method.

6 Numerical Properties

6.1 Simulation

We illustrate the proposed methodology through a simulation study with model (2). We draw the elements of A and Bj independently from U(1,1). All component series of xt and zt are independent and AR(1) and MA(1), respectively, with Gaussian innovations. All components of εt are independent MA(1) with N(0,0.25) innovations. All the AR and the MA coefficients are drawn randomly from U{(0.95,0.4)(0.4,0.95)}. The standard deviations of the components of xt and zt are drawn randomly from U(1, 2).

We consider following two scenarios with r0=r1==rd=2 and p1==pd:

  • Scenario I: n = 400, d = 5 and pd+1=p1. Hence, r = 10 and p=6p1.

  • Scenario II: n = 800, d = 10 and pd+1=5p1. Hence, r = 20 and p=15p1.

The numbers of factors r0 and r are estimated based on the ratios R̂j in (13) with k0=1,,5 and J0=[p/4] in (12). For the comparison purpose, we also report the estimates based on the ratios of eigenvalues of M̂ in (11) also with k0=0,,5, which is the standard method used in literature and is defined as in (13) but now with R̂j=λ˜j/λ˜j+1 instead, where λ˜1λ˜p0 are the eigenvalues of M̂. See, for example, Lam and Yao (Citation2012). For each setting, we replicate the experiment 1000 times.

The relative frequencies of r̂0=r0 and r̂0+r̂=r0+r are reported in . Overall the method based on the ratios of the cumulative eigenvalues R̂j provides accurate and robust performance and is not sensitive to the choice of k0. The estimation based on the eigenvalues of M̂ with k1 is competitive for r0, but is considerably poorer for r0+r in Scenario II. Using M̂ with k = 0 leads to weaker estimates for r0 in Scenario I.

Table 1 The relative frequencies of r̂0=r0 and r̂0+r̂=r0+r in a simulation for Scenario I with 1000 replications, where r̂0 and r̂ are estimated by the R̂j-based method (13), and the ratios of the eigenvalues of M̂.

Table 2 The relative frequencies of r̂0=r0 and r̂0+r̂=r0+r in a simulation for Scenario II with 1000 replications, where r̂0 and r̂ are estimated by the R̂j-based method (13), and the ratios of the eigenvalues of M̂.

It is noticeable that the performance of the estimation for the number of common factor r0 in Scenario II is better than Scenario I. This is due to the fact the difference in the factor strength between the common factor xt and the cluster-based factor zt in Scenario II is larger than Scenarios I. In contrast, the results hardly change with different values of p1.

Recall PAB is the projection matrix onto the space M{(IpAA)(B0)}; see Theorem 2 and also Remark 3(iv). contain the means and standard deviations of the estimation errors for the factor loading spaces ||ÂÂAA||F and ||B̂B̂PAB||F, where  is estimated by the eigenvectors of the matrix M̂ in (11) with k0=1,,5, see Step 2 of the algorithm stated in Section 3. See also Step 3 there for the similar procedure in estimating B. For the comparison purpose, we also include the estimates obtained with M̂ replaced by Σ̂y(k)Σ̂y(k) with k=0,1,,5. show clearly that the estimation based on M̂ is accurate and robust with respect to the different values of k0. Furthermore using a single-lagged covariance matrix for estimating factor loading spaces is not recommendable. The error ||ÂÂAA||F in Scenario I is larger than the error in Scenarios II. This is due to the larger sample size n in Scenario II. See Theorem 1. In contrast, Theorem 2 shows that the error rate of ||B̂B̂PAB|| contains the term pδ/2n1/2. While n is larger in Scenario II, so is pδ. This explains why the error ||B̂B̂PAB||F in Scenario II is also larger than that in Scenario I.

Table 3 The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of ||ÂÂAA||F and ||B̂B̂PAB||F in a simulation for Scenario I with 1000 replications, where  is estimated by the eigenvectors of M̂ in (11) (with k0=1,,5), or by those of Σ̂y(k)Σ̂y(k) (for k=0,1,,5), and B̂ is estimated in the similar manner.

Table 4 The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of ||ÂÂAA||F and ||B̂B̂PAB||F in a simulation for Scenario II with 1000 replications, where  is estimated by the eigenvectors of M̂ in (11) (with k0=1,,5), or by those of Σ̂y(k)Σ̂y(k) (for k=0,1,,5), and B̂ is estimated in the similar manner.

In the sequel, we only report the results with r̂0 and r̂ estimated by (13), and the factor loading spaces estimated by the eigenvectors of M̂. We always set k0=5. We examine now the effectiveness of Step 4 of the algorithm. Note that the indices of the components not belonging to any clusters are identified as those in Ĵd+1 in (16), which is defined in terms of a threshold ωp=o(pδ/21/2). We experiment with the three choices of this tuning parameter, namely ωp1=(r̂/p)1/2/lnp, ωp2={r̂/(plnp)}1/2 and ωp3={r̂/(plnlnp)}1/2. Recall Jd+1c contains all the indices of the components of yt belonging to one of the d clusters. The means and standard deviations of the two types of misclassification errors E1=|Jd+1cĴd+1|/|Jd+1c| and E2=|Jd+1Ĵd+1c|/|Jd+1| over the 1000 replications are reported in . Among the three choices, ωp2 appears to work best as the two types of errors are both small. The increase in the errors due to the estimation for r0 and r is not significant.

Table 5 The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of the error rates E1=|Jd+1cĴd+1|/|Jd+1c| and E2=|Jd+1Ĵd+1c|/|Jd+1| in a simulation for Scenario I with 1000 replications with the three possible choices of threshold ωp in (16), and the numbers of factors r0 and r either known or to be estimated.

Table 6 The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of the error rates E1=|Jd+1cĴd+1|/|Jd+1c| and E2=|Jd+1Ĵd+1c|/|Jd+1| in a simulation for Scenario II with 1000 replications with the three possible choices of threshold ωp in (16), and the numbers of factors r0 and r either known or to be estimated.

In the sequel, we only report the results with ωp2={r̂/(plnp)}1/2. In Step 5, we estimate d̂ as an upper bound for d. As rj = 2 for j=1,,d,d̂=d occurs almost surely in our simulation. See . Then the d̂ clusters are obtained by performing the K-means clustering for the p̂0 rows of R̂, where p̂0=p|Ĵd+1|. As the error rates in estimating Jd+1c has already been reported in , we concentrate on the components of yt with indices in Ĵd+1cJd+1c now, and count the number of them which were misplaced by the K-means clustering, that is, τ̂. Both the means and the standard deviations of the error rates τ̂/|Ĵd+1cJd+1c| over 1000 replications are reported in . We also report the relative frequencies of d̂=d. show clearly that the K-means clustering identifies the latent clusters very accurately, and the difference in performance due to the estimating (r0,r) is also small.

Table 7 The means and Standard Deviations (STD) of the error rates τ̂/|Ĵd+1cJd+1c| and the relative frequencies of d̂=d in a simulation for Scenario I with 1000 replications with the numbers of factors r0 and r either known or to be estimated.

Table 8 The means and Standard Deviations (STD) of the error rates τ̂/|Ĵd+1cJd+1c| and the relative frequencies of d̂=d in a simulation for Scenario II with 1000 replications with the numbers of factors r0 and r either known or to be estimated.

6.2 Real Data Illustration

We consider the daily returns of the stocks listed in S&P500 in December 31, 2014–December 31, 2019. By removing those which were not traded on every trading day during the period, there are p = 477 stocks which were traded on n = 1259 trading days. Those stocks are from 11 industry sectors:

The conventional wisdom suggests that the companies in the same industry sector share some common features. We apply the proposed 5-step algorithm in Section 3 to the return series to cluster those 477 stocks into different groups.

Step 1 is to estimate the numbers of strong factors and cluster-specific weak factors. To this end, we calculate R̂j as in (12) with k0=5. It turns out R̂1=32.53 is much larger than all the others, while R̂j for j2 are plotted in . By (13), r̂0=1 and r̂0+r̂=4. Note that the estimates for r̂0 and r̂0+r̂ are unchanged with k0=1,,4. While the existence of r̂0=1 strong and common factor is reasonable, it is most unlikely that there are merely r̂=3 cluster-specific weak factors. Note that estimators in (13) are derived under the assumption that all the r cluster-specific (i.e., weak) factors are of the same factor strength; see Remark 1(ii) in Section 2. In practice weak factors may have different degrees of strength; implying that we should also take into account the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th largest local maximum of R̂j. Hence, we take r̂0+r̂=16 (or perhaps also 10 or 13), as suggests that there are 3 factors with factor strength δ1>0, and further 12 factors with strength δ2(δ1,1).

Fig. 1 Plot of R̂j against j for 2j20.

Fig. 1 Plot of R̂j against j for 2≤j≤20.

With r̂0=1 and r̂=15, we proceed to Steps 2 & 3 of Section 3 and obtain the estimator B̂ as in (15). Setting ωp={r̂/(plnp)}1/2, |Ĵd+1|=11, that is, 11 stocks do not appear to belong to any clusters, where Ĵd+1 is defined as in (16) in Step 4. Leaving those 11 stocks out, we perform Step 5, that is, the K-means clustering for the p̂0=47711=466 rows of matrix R̂. From we choose d̂=3. But we also consider d̂=9 and d̂=11 as two more examples.

Fig. 2 The eigenvalues of |B̂B̂| when r̂0=1 and r̂=15. The red line is 1log1n.

Fig. 2 The eigenvalues of |B̂B̂⊤| when r̂0=1 and r̂=15. The red line is 1− log −1n.

To present the identified d clusters, we define 11×d matrix with nij/ni as its (i, j)th element, where ni is the number of the stocks in the ith industry sector, and nij is the number of the stocks in the ith industry sector which are allocated in the jth cluster. Thus, nij/ni[0,1] and jnij/ni=1.

The heat-maps of this 11×d matrix for d=d̂=9 is presented in . The first cluster mainly consists of the companies in Consumer Staples, and Utilities, Clusters 2 and 3 contain the companies in, respectively, Health Care and Financials, Cluster 4 contains mainly some companies in Communication Service and Information Technology, Cluster 5 consists of the companies in Industrials and Materials, Cluster 6 are mainly the companies in Consumer Discretionary, Cluster 7 are mainly the companies in Real Estate. Cluster 8 is mainly the companies from Information Technology, Cluster 9 contains almost all companies in Energy and a small number of companies from each of 5 or 6 different sectors. To examine how stable the clustering is, we also include the results for d = 11 and d = 3 in . When d is increased from 9 to 11, the original Cluster 1 is divided into new Clusters 1 and 11 with the former consisting of Consumer Staples, and the latter being Utilities. Furthermore the original Cluster 4 splits into new Clusters 4 and 10, while the other 7 original clusters are hardly changed. With d = 3, most companies in each of the 11 sectors stay in one cluster. For example, most companies in Financials are always in a separate group.

Fig. 3 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=15.

Fig. 3 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=15.

If we take r̂0=1 and r̂=9,|Ĵd+1|=12 and p̂0=47712=465. The clustering results with d=9,11 and 3 are presented in is presented in . The first cluster mainly consists of the companies in Consumer Staples, Real Estate and Utilities, Clusters 2 and 3 contain the companies in, respectively, Health Care and Financials, Cluster 4 contains mainly some companies in Communication Service and Information Technology, Cluster 5 consists of the companies in Industrials and Materials, Cluster 6 are mainly the companies in Consumer Discretionary, Cluster 7 is a mixture of a small number of companies from each of 5 or 6 different sectors, Cluster 8 is mainly the companies from Information Technology, Cluster 9 contains almost all companies in Energy. To examine how stable the clustering is, we also include the results for d = 11 and d = 3 in . When d is increased from 9 to 11, the original Cluster 1 is divided into new Clusters 1 and 11 with the former consisting of Consumer Staples and Utilities sectors, and the latter being Real Estate sector. Furthermore the original Cluster 7 splits into new Clusters 7 and 10, while the other 7 original clusters are hardly changed. With d = 3, most companies in each of the 11 sectors stay in one cluster.

Fig. 4 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=9.

Fig. 4 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=9.

If we take r̂0=1 and r̂=12, the estimated Ĵd+1 is unchanged. The clustering results with d=9,11, and 3 are presented in . Comparing with , there are some striking similarities: First the clustering with d = 3 are almost identical. For d = 9, the profiles of Clusters 2, …, 6, 8, and 9 are not significantly changed while Clusters 1 and 7 in are somehow mixed together in . With d = 11, the profiles of Clusters 2 – 6, 8 – 10 in the two figures are about the same while Clusters 7 and 11 are mixed up across the two figures.

Fig. 5 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=12.

Fig. 5 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns), with d=9,11, and 3. The estimated numbers of the common and cluster-specific factors are, respectively, r̂0=1 and r̂=12.

The analysis above indicates that the companies in the same industry sector tend to share similar dynamic structure in the sense that they are driven by the same cluster-specific factors. Our analysis is reasonably stable as most the clusters do not change substantially when the number of the weaker factors chooses different values r̂=9,r̂=12, or r̂=15.

We also apply method of Ando and Bai (Citation2017) to this dataset; leading to the same estimate r̂0=1, but smaller estimates r̂=4 and d̂=4. The clustering results for d̂=3 and d̂=4 are presented in which similar to the right parts in , though the method of Ando and Bai (Citation2017) puts energy companies as a separate group. In contrast, our method puts financial companies as a separate group. Note that classical papers in Finance (e.g., Berger and Ofek, Citation1995; Denis, Denis, and Yost, Citation2002; Lemmon, Roberts, and Zender, Citation2008) often eliminate financial companies from other companies.

Fig. 6 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns) based on Ando and Bai (Citation2017).

Fig. 6 Heat-maps of the distributions of the stocks in each of the 11 industry sectors (corresponding to 11 rows) over d clusters (corresponding to d columns) based on Ando and Bai (Citation2017).

7 Miscellaneous Comments


We identify and distinguish common factors and cluster-specific factors by the different factor strengths, that is, common factors are strong with δ = 0, and cluster-specific factors are weak with δ>0. However if, for example, one of the common factors has the same strength as the cluster-specific factors, the number of the strong factor is then r01 and the number of the weak factors is r + 1. In this case, the estimated r0, r and the factor loading spaces will all be wrong. Nevertheless a common factor has nonzero loadings on the most components of yt, hence, those loadings must be extremely small in order to be a weak factor. Therefore, its impact on the estimation of the number of clusters, and the misclassification rates is minor. Simulation results in supplementary materials support this assertion.

Heterogeneous factor strength

We assume two factor strengths: p for common factors and p1δ for cluster-specific factors. If there are s different strengths p1δ1,,p1δs among the cluster-specific factors, we can search for the s largest local maximums among R̂1,,R̂J01 in Step 1. Moreover, Step 2 should be repeated s times to estimate s factor loadings corresponding to different factor strengths. While the asymptotic results can be extended accordingly, small values such as s3 are sufficient for most practical applications.

Estimation for rj and Bj

When we cluster the time series correctly in Steps 4–5, we obtain the estimator for Bj from B̂ directly. We can also run Step 1 on each cluster to estimate rj. Theorem 3 ensures the consistency of those estimates. Although Theorem 7 ensures that most of time series can be clustered correctly, there may be a cluster obtained in Step 5 which is not accuracy enough. It remains an open problem to evaluate how the clustering error is propagated into the estimation for rj and Bj.

Supplementary Materials

All the technical proofs are presented in an online supplementary which also contains additional simulation results. We also provide the dataset and codes in Section 6 in an online supplementary.

Supplemental material

Supplemental Material

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We would like to thank three reviewers, the associate editor and the editor for their comments and suggestions. We would like to thank Professor Tomohiro Ando and Professor Jushan Bai for kindly providing us with the computer code for the simulations in Ando and Bai (Citation2017).

Disclosure Statement

There are no relevant competing interests to declare.

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Bo Zhang is partially supported by National Natural Science Funds of China No.12001517 & 72091212, National Key R&D Program of China-2022YFA1008000, USTC Research Funds of the Double First-Class Initiative YD2040002005 and The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities WK2040000026 & WK2040000027. Guangming Pan is partially supported by MOE Tier 2 grant 2018-T2-2-112 and MOE Tier 1 grant RG76/21 at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Qiwei Yao is partially supported by EPSRC (UK) Research grant EP/V007556/1. Wang Zhou is partially supported by a grant A-8000440-00-00 at the National University of Singapore.


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