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Pages 1972-1976 | Received 01 Apr 2019, Accepted 03 Apr 2019, Published online: 02 Sep 2019
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Quasi-Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point Theorems of Separately l.s.c and u.s.c Mappings

Article title: Quasi-Equilibrium problems and fixed point theorems of separately l.s.c and u.s.c mappings

Author: Nguyen Xuan Tan

Journal: Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim.

Bibliometrics: Volume 39 (2018), Number. 02, pages. 233–255

DOI: 10.1080/01630563.2017.1360346

We formulated and proved the following theorem in the above article:

Theorem 3.1.

We assume that the following conditions hold:

  1. D, K are nonempty convex compact sets;

  2. P:D×K2D is a continuous multivalued mapping with nonempty closed convex values;

  3. Q:D×K2K is a u.s.c multivalued mapping with nonempty closed convex values;

  4. F:D×K2X×Z is a separately l.s.c and u.s.c multivalued mapping;

  5. For any (x,y)P(x,y)×Q(x,y),F(x,y) has nonempty convex closed values and =F(x,y)TP(x,y)×Q(x,y)(x,y).

Then there exists (x¯,y¯)D×K such that

  1. x¯P(x¯,y¯);

  2. y¯Q(x¯,y¯);

  3. 0F(x¯,y¯).

We used in (3.5) infuF(x¯,y¯)maxiI(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(u)=maxiI(x¯,y¯)infuF(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(u).

But, the correct use the Sion’ minimax Theorem must be infuF(x¯,y¯)maxpj(i)Mpj(i)(u)=maxpj(i)MinfuF(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(u).

Here, {pj(i)}iI(x¯,y¯)=M=co¯{pj(1),,pj(s)}. Therefore, the proof of this theorem is not correct.

Now, we give a new proof for this theorem as follow:

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

We set B={(x,y)D×K|xP(x,y), yQ(x,y)}.

Since the multivalued mapping T:D×K2D×K, defined by T(x,y)=P(x,y)×Q(x,y),  (x,y)D×K, is upper semi-continuous with nonempty convex and closed values, by using the Ky Fan fixed point Theorem, we conclude that T has a fixed point in D × K. Therefore, B is a nonempty set. The upper semi-continuity and the closedness of values of T imply that B is a closed and then a compact set.

Assume that for any (x,y)B, )0F(x,y). Since F(x, y) is a nonempty closed convex set, by the Hahn-Banach Theorem, there exists p(X×Z)* such that infwF(x,y)p(w)<0.

Further, we define functions cp1(.,.),cp2(.,.):D×KR{} by cp1(x,y)=infuF(x,y)p(u);cp2(x,y)=supwF(x,y)p(w).

By Proposition 2.2, the functions cp1 and cp2 are u.s.c on D×K, therefore, the sets Up(x)={xD|cp1(x,y)<0},Up(y)={yK|cp2(x,y)<0}, are open. Since (x,y)Up=Up(x)×Up(y), and so Up is a nonempty open neighborhood of (x,y).

Thus, for any (x,y)B there is p(X×Z)* such that Up(x,y)={(x,y)D×K|cp1(x,y)<0,cp2(x,y)<0} is nonempty and open and hence {Up}p(X×Z)* is an open cover of B. Since B is compact, there exist finite p1,,ps(X×Z)* such that Bj=1sUpj.

Further, since B is closed in D×K,Up0=D×KB is open in D × K and hence {Up0,Up1,,Ups} is an open cover of the compact set D×K. By Theorem 2.8 in Section 2 in [1], there exist continuous functions ψi:D×KR,(i=0,1,,s) such that

  1. 0ψi(x,y)1;

  2. i=1sψi(x,y)=1,  for all  (x,y)D×K;

  3. for any  i{0,1,,s}, there exists j(i){0,,s} such that suppψj(i)Upj(i).

We define the function ϕ:D×K×D×KR by ϕ((x,y),(t,z))=i=0sψj(i)(x,y).pj(i)(tx,zy),   for any   t,xD,z,yK.

Then, ϕ is a continuous function on (D×K)×(D×K). Moreover, for any fixed (x,y)D×K,ϕ((x,y),.):D×KR is an affine function and ϕ((x,y),(x,y))=0 for all (x,y)D×K. Further, we define the multivalued mapping N:D×K2D by N(x,y)={(v,w)P(x,y)×Q(x,y)|ϕ((x,y),(v,w))ϕ((x,y),(t,z)),  for all  (t,z)P(x,y)×Q(x,y)}.

Since ϕ is a continuous function and P(x,y)×Q(x,y) is a compact set, ϕ(((x,y),.):D×KR is an affine function,we conclude that N(x, y) is a nonempty convex and closed subset, for any fixed (x,y)D×K. It is also easy to prove that N is a closed mapping and then is a upper semi-continuous multivalued mapping with nonempty convex compact values. Therefore, the multivalued mapping N:D×K2D×K is a u.s.c multivalued mapping with nonempty convex compact values. Applying the Ky Fan fixed point Theorem again, we conclude that there exists (x¯,y¯)D×K such that (x¯,y¯)N(x¯,y¯). This follows ϕ((x¯,y¯),(t,z))0, for all (t,z)P(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯). This gives (1) i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(tx¯,zy¯))0,  for all   (t,z)P(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯).(1)

Setting p*=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i), we get from Equation(1), p*(tx¯,zy¯))  0, for all (t,z)P(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯) and hence p*(u)0, for all uTP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯). By assumption (v),F(x,y)TP(x,y)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)=, we conclude that p*(v)0,   for all    vF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯).

This yields infvF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)p*(v)0 and (2) supvF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)p*(v)0.(2)

Now, we assert that for any convex subset AD×K, the following equality holds (3) p*(A)=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(A).(3)

Indeed, for any vA,p*(v)=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(v). This shows p*(A)i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(A).

We need to verify i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(A)p*(A).

Take wi=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(A), we can write w=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(vi) with viA, for i=0,,s. By the definition of p*, we have p*(ψm(x¯,y¯)vm)=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(ψm(x¯,y¯)vm),m=0,,s.

Taking the sum of the both sides of these equalities, we obtain p*(m=0sψm(x¯,y¯)vm)=m=0sψm(x¯,y¯)w=w.

Setting v=m=0sψm(x¯,y¯)vm and using the convexity of A, we conclude w=p*(v)p*(A). Thus, we have the proof of Equation(3). Inserting A=F(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯) in Equation(3), we deduce p*(F(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))=i=0sψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(F(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)).

This gives infwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))p*(w)=i=0sinfw(F(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))ψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(w)maxi=0,sinfwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))pj(i)(w)} and (4) supwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))p*(w)=i=0ssupw(F(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))ψi(x¯,y¯).pj(i)(w)maxi=0,,ssupwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯))pj(i)(w)}.(4)

Put I(x¯,y¯)={i{0,1,,s}|ψi(x¯,y¯)>0}. Since ψi(x¯,y¯)0 and (Tex translation failed) we deduce I(x¯,y¯)=. So, for any iI(x¯,y¯),(x¯,y¯)suppψj(i)Upj(i). This yields infwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(w)=cpj(i)1(x¯,y¯)<0,supwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(w)=cpj(i)2(x¯,y¯)<0, and then maxiI(x¯,y¯)max{cpj(i)1(x¯,y¯);cpj(i)2(x¯,y¯)}<0.

Therefore, together with Equation(4), we have infwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)p*(w)infiI(x¯,y¯)ψi(x¯,y¯){infwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(w)}maxiI(x¯,y¯)cpj(i)1(x¯,y¯)<0 and (5) supwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)p*(w)maxiI(x¯,y¯)ψi(x¯,y¯){supwF(x¯,y¯)TP(x¯,y¯)×Q(x¯,y¯)(x¯,y¯)pj(i)(w)}maxiI(x¯,y¯)cpj(i)2(x¯,y¯)<0.(5)

A combination of Equation(2) and Equation(5) gives a contradiction. This completes the proof of the theorem.


This work was supported by the Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technologies under the code NVCC01.14/19-19. The author is a member of the project “Joint study in Analysis and Geometr” conducted at the International Centre for Research and Training in Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, VAST, ICRTM01–2019.05.

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