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Estimation and Prediction for the Poisson-Exponential Distribution Based on Type-II Censored Data

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This article addresses the problems of estimation and prediction when the lifetime data following Poisson-Exponential distribution are observed under type-II censoring. We obtain maximum likelihood estimates and associated interval estimates under a classical approach, and Bayes estimates using various loss functions and associated highest posterior density interval estimates. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained using the Newton-Raphson method and Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, and Bayes estimates are computed using importance sampling and Lindley approximation. We also compute shrinkage preliminary test estimates based on maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates. Further, we provide inference on the censored observations by making use of best unbiased and condition median predictors under a classical approach, and predictive estimates under the Bayesian paradigm using importance sampling. The associated predictive interval estimates are also obtained using different methods. Finally, we conduct a simulation study to compare the performance of all the proposed methods of estimation and prediction, and analyze a real data set for illustration purpose.

1. Introduction

The exponential distribution is the simplest and the most widely used lifetime model in life testing and reliability analysis. However, the main drawback of this distribution is that it may not be suitable for modeling the failure phenomena of devices whose failure rate are not constant over time. Recently, Cancho et al. (Citation2011) proposed Poisson exponential (PE) distribution, which can accommodate data with increasing failure rate. The traditional exponential distribution can also be seen as a particular case of this distribution. The main advantage of this distribution is that its genesis is based on complementary risk problems in the presence of latent risks. In complementary risk problems, the maximum lifetime value among all risks is considered as lifetime of a component rather than associated with a particular risk, whereas in latent risks, the information about the true cause of failure may not be available. For an example, a system in an experiment may contain many components and the cause of failure of the system may be due to failure of any component. Such types of problems often arise in the field of life testing and reliability analysis (see Basu & Klein, Citation1982). The PE distribution can be derived in the following way. Suppose that random variables M and Tj, respectively, denote the number of competing risks and time to the occurrence of an event of interest due to the j-th competing risk, j=1,2 . Further, assume that M has a truncated Poisson distribution with probability mass function given by P(M=m)=eθθm/m(1eθ),m=1,2,,θ>0, and given M = m the random variables Tj,j=1,2 ,m are independent and identically distributed by exponential density function with rate parameter λ. Then, the maximum value of all causes, say random variable X=max(T1,T2,,TM), follows Poisson exponential distribution, PE(θ,λ), with probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the following form. (1) f(x;θ,λ)=θλeλxθeλx1eθ,x>0,θ>0,λ>0,(1) (2) F(x;θ,λ)=11eθeλx1eθ,(2) where θ is the shape parameter, and λ is the scale parameter that also denotes the failure rate of the distribution of time-to-event due to individual complementary risks. Further, θ/(1eθ) represents the mean of the number of complementary risks. Notice that this distribution converges to an exponential distribution with parameter λ when θ approaches zero.

One may refer to Cancho et al. (Citation2011) for a formal proof of its PDF, mean, variance, explicit algebraic formulae for its reliability, and failure rate functions, quantiles and moments. In their work, the authors also proposed the EM algorithm to compute maximum likelihood estimates, and further obtained Fisher information matrix to compute the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix. Later, Louzada-Neto et al. (Citation2011) discussed statistical inference for the distribution using non-informative prior under a Bayesian approach. The authors also presented a discussion on model selection followed by the analysis on a real data set using developed methodology. Singh et al. (Citation2014) also considered the problem of inference under a Bayesian approach and computed Bayes estimates using symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, and associated highest posterior density interval estimates. One may further refer to the work of Rodrigues et al. (Citation2016) for different methods of estimation. So far, all the work on the PE distribution have been based on complete samples, and this distribution has not received much attention under type-II censored data which occurs due to time restrictions and cost constraints. This motivates us to write this article with two main objectives. The first objective is to provide the statistical inference about the unknown parameters of the PE distribution when the lifetime data are observed under type-II censoring. The second objective is to provide the statistical inference about the censored observations. We consider both problems of estimation and prediction under classical as well as Bayesian approaches. Further, Bayesian shrinkage estimates and predictive interval estimates are also constructed. The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with maximum likelihood estimation, and Section 3 discusses Bayesian estimation. Section 4 discusses shrinkage preliminary test estimators. In Section 5, the problem of prediction is discussed. Real data set and the simulation study are, respectively, discussed in Sections 6 and 7. Finally, a conclusion is presented in Section 8.

2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

This section deals with obtaining maximum likelihood estimators for the unknown parameters of PE distribution when the lifetime data are observed under type-II censoring. Suppose that n number of units whose lifetimes, say W=(W1,W2,,Wn) follow PE distribution, are put on life test experiment, and the experiment terminates after a prefixed r(n) number of units fail. Now, let us assume that x=(x1,x2,,xr) represent the lifetimes of observed failures. Then, the likelihood function of (θ,λ) given the observed data x can be written as, (3) L(θ,λ)=Ci=1rf(x(i);θ,λ)[1F(x(r);θ,λ)]nr,(3) where C=n!/(nr)!, and PDF and CDF are, respectively, given by Equation(1) and Equation(2). Let l=lnL(θ,λ), be the log-likelihood function, then the maximum likelihood estimates of θ and λ can be obtained on simultaneously solving the partial differential equations of the l with respect to θ and λ and on equating them to zero. We first compute maximum likelihood estimates using the Newton-Raphson (NR) method, and for comparison purposes, we employ the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm proposed by Dempster et al. (Citation1977). This algorithm is very useful for the situations, particularly, when the data are censored in nature. The algorithm is discussed in the next section.

2.1. EM Algorithm

EM algorithm starts with writing likelihood function given the complete sample W. However, we have observed data x=(x1,x2,,xr) under type-II censoring, and therefore, we do not have lifetimes of nr censored observations. Now, let us assume that the lifetimes of the censored observations are z=(z1,z2,,znr). Therefore, the complete sample W can be seen as a combination of observed data X and censored data Z, that is W=(X,Z). Subsequently, on equating the partial derivatives of the complete log-likelihood function with respect to (θ,λ) to zeros, we get, (4) lθ=nθneθ1(i=1reλxi+i=1nreλzi)=0,(4) (5) lλ=nλ(i=1rxi+i=1nrzi)+θ(i=1rxieλxi+i=1nrzieλzi)=0,(5)

Now, the first step in the EM algorithm is the Expectation (E-) step in which the censored observations are replaced with the expected observations, and the second step is the Maximization (M-) step which looks for the estimated values of (θ,λ), called maximum likelihood estimates, that maximizes the E-step. Suppose that (θ(k),λ(k)) are the estimates of (θ,λ) at the k-th stage, then the (k + 1)-th stage estimate of λ can be obtained upon solving EquationEquation (6) (using EquationEquation (4)), and further given the value of λ(k+1) the k + 1-th stage estimator of θ is given by Equation(7) (see EquationEquation (5)). (6) nθ(k)neθ(k)1(i=1reλ(k+1)xi+(nr)E1(θ(k),λ(k))) = 0,(6) (7) θ(k+1) = (i=1rxi+(nr)E2(θ(k),λ(k)))n(λ(k+1))1(i=1rxieλ(k)xi+(nr)E3(θ(k),λ(k))),(7) where, E1(θ,λ)=E(eλZi|Zi>Xr)=θλ(1eθ)11F(xr;θ,λ)xre2λxθeλxdx,E2(θ,λ)=E(Zi|Zi>Xr)=θλ(1eθ)11F(xr;θ,λ)xrxeλxθeλxdx, and E3(θ,λ)=E(ZieλZi|Zi>Xr) = λθ(1eθ)11F(xr;θ,λ)xrxe2λxθeλxdx,

The iterative procedure in EquationEquations (6) and Equation(7) can be terminated on achieving a convergence, that is, |θ(k+1)θ(k)|+|λ(k+1)λ(k)|<ϵ for a small value of ϵ. For uniqueness and existence of maximum likelihood estimates, one may refer to the discussion presented by Cancho et al. (Citation2011). Next, we compute interval estimates for the unknown parameters of the PE distribution.

2.2. Fisher Information Matrix

This section deals with obtaining the Fisher information matrix, which will be further used to compute interval estimates. Notice, that another advantage of employing the EM algorithm is the computation of the Fisher information matrix using the idea of missing information principle suggested by Louis (Citation1982). The idea suggests that Observed information = Complete information − Missing information. Subsequently, it can be expressed in the following way. (8) IX(θ,λ)=IW(θ,λ)IW|X(θ,λ)(8)

Now, the complete information IW(λ,θ) can be obtained using the complete sample, and is given by, IW(λ,θ)=[nλ2+nλθ2(1eθ)10x2e2λxθeλxdxnλθ(1eθ)10xe2λxθeλxdxnλθ(1eθ)10xe2λxθeλxdxnθ2neθ(1eθ)2].

Further, the missing information can be computed as, IW|X(θ,λ) =(nr)IZi|X(θ,λ) = (nr)[a11(xr,θ,λ)a12(xr,θ,λ)a21(xr,θ,λ)a22(xr,θ,λ)] where the expression in the above matrix are obtained using the conditional density fZ|X(Zi|X=xr)=f(zi;θ,λ)/(1F(xr;θ,λ)),zi>xr, and are given by, a11(x,θ,λ)=1λ2θx2eθeλxλx[eθeλx+θeλx1](1eθeλx)2,a12(x,θ,λ)=a21(x,θ,λ)=eθeλxλx[1eθeλxθeλx](1eθeλx)2  θλ(1eθ)10xe2λxθeλxdx,a22(x,θ,λ)=1θ2eθeλx2λx(1eθeλx)2.

Now, the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of (θ̂,λ̂) can be obtained by inverting the Fisher information matrix given by Equation(8) at the maximum likelihood estimated values, that is IX1(θ̂,λ̂). Subsequently, 100(1α)% asymptotic confidence intervals for θ and λ are, respectively, given by θ̂±Zα/2var(θ̂) and λ̂±Zα/2var(λ̂). Here, Zα/2 is the upper (α/2)th percentile of the standard normal distribution.

3. Bayesian Estimation

The objective of this section is to obtain Bayes estimators of (θ,λ) under various loss functions. First, we need to consider a prior for θ and λ to make the desired inference. In the existing literature, Louzada-Neto et al. (Citation2011) considered gamma prior for θ and Jeffery’s prior for λ based on a complete sample observed from PE distribution. The same priors have also been considered by Singh et al. (Citation2014). However in this work, we consider independent gamma priors for both the parameters of the PE distribution, given by, π(θ|a1,b1)  θa11eb1θ, and π(λ|a2,b2)  λa21eb2λ, where π(θ|a1,b1) and π(λ|a2,b2) , respectively, represent the prior distributions for θ and λ. Further, hyper-parameters a1,b1,a2, and b2 are all positive and are responsible for the prior knowledge of (θ,λ). Therefore, the prior distribution of (θ,λ) becomes π(θ,λ)=π(θ|a1,b1)π(λ|a2,b2). We mention that the prior proposed by Louzada-Neto et al. (Citation2011) can also be seen as a particular case of our proposed prior when the hyper parameter values of a1 and b1 are considered zero. Furthermore, non-informative prior π(θ,λ)=1/(θλ) can also be seen as a particular case corresponds to all the hyper-parameter values that are zero. Now, the posterior distribution of (θ,λ) given the observed data x=(x1,x2,,xr) under the proposed prior turn out to have the following form. (9) π(θ,λ|x)Gλ(r+a1,b1+i=1rxi)Gθ|λ(r+a2,b2+i=1reλxi)Q(θ,λ),(9) where G.(.,.) represents the PDF of gamma distribution, and Q(θ,λ) is given by, (10) Q(θ,λ)=(1eθ)n(1eθeλxr)nr.(10)

Next, we consider squared error loss (SEL) given by δSEL(g(ϕ),ĝ(ϕ))=(g(ϕ)ĝ(ϕ))2, Linex loss (LL), given by δLL(g(ϕ),ĝ(ϕ))=exp(h(ĝ(ϕ)g(ϕ)))h(ĝ(ϕ)g(ϕ))1,h0, and general entropy loss (EL) function given by δEL(g(ϕ),ĝ(ϕ))=(ĝ(ϕ)/g(ϕ))qqln(ĝ(ϕ)/g(ϕ))1,q0. Note, that the SEL is a symmetric loss function but it may not be appropriate for the situations in which under/over estimation is more serious than the over/under estimation as it puts equal weight to both under as well as over estimations. However, many practical situations require asymmetric loss function for which LL and EL functions can be used. Notice that magnitude of h in LL reflect the degree of asymmetry, such as h < 0, represents the under estimation more serious than the over estimation, and vice versa for h > 0. In a similar way, q<0(/>0) has a more serious effect than positive (/negative) error in EL function. Now, Bayes estimators of a function, say g(ϕ), using the considered prior π(θ,λ) under LL and EL functions are, respectively, given by, (11) ĝLL(ϕ)=1hln(E(ehg(ϕ)|x)), and ĝEL(ϕ) = (E((g(ϕ))q|x))1/q.(11)

Further, under EL function corresponding to q = −1, it represents the Bayes estimator of g(ϕ) under SEL function. It is seen that the above expressions do not admit closed forms. Therefore, we next use Lindley’s approximation.

3.1. Lindley Approximation

In their work, Lindley (Citation1980) suggested the approximation method to compute Bayes estimates. This method has been used by several authors when the desired Bayes estimators do not admit a closed form. We have briefed the method in the Appendix. Suppose we want to compute Bayes estimates of θ under LL function, then accordingly, we need to compute E(ehθ|x). Now following the appendix, we have g(ϕ)=θ and Bayes estimator turn out to have the following form. θ̂LL=1hln[ehθ̂hehθ̂(ρ̂1σ̂12+ρ̂2σ̂22)+0.5[h2ehθ̂σ̂22hehθ̂(σ̂11σ̂12l30+σ̂222l03+3σ̂21σ̂22l12)]].

In a similar way, Bayes estimator of θ under EL function is given by θ̂EL=[θ̂qqθ(q+1)(ρ̂1σ̂12+ρ̂2σ̂22)+0.5[q(q+1)θ(q+1)σ22qθ(q+1)(σ222l03+3σ12σ22l12+σ11σ21l30)]]1/q.

Notice that all the involved expressions on the right hand side of the above expressions are computed at the maximum likelihood estimates of (θ,λ), and are reported in the appendix. In a similar way, Bayes estimates of λ can also be obtained, details of all the involved expressions are not reported here for the sake of conciseness. Notice that the method of Lindley can only provide the Bayes estimates but not the associated highest posterior density (HPD) interval estimates. Therefore next, we use importance sampling technique which will be helpful to construct HPD interval estimates using the method of Chen and Shao (Citation1999).

3.2. Importance Sampling

Importance sampling is a very useful technique to draw samples from the associated posterior distribution. In our case, the posterior distribution is given by Equation(9). Observe that a value of λ can be generated from the Gλ(r+a2,b2+i=1rxi) distribution, and further given the generated value of λ the value of θ can be generated from Gθ|λ(r+a1,b1+i=1reλxi) distribution. This procedure can be repeated to obtain a sample of {(θ1,λ1),(θ2,λ2),,(θs,λs)}. Subsequently, Bayes estimates of θ under LL and EL functions are, respectively, given by, θ̂LL=1hln(i=1sehθiQ(θi,λi)i=1sQ(θi,λi)), and θ̂EL = (i=1sθiqQ(θi,λi)i=1sQ(θi,λi))1/q.

In a similar way, Bayes estimates of λ can also be obtained under the respective loss functions. Now, the generated samples can further help to construct HPD interval estimates for θ and λ using the idea of Chen and Shao (Citation1999). The procedure is also briefly explained in appendix 2 of Singh et al. (Citation2015).

4. Shrinkage Preliminary Test Estimator

In the previous section, we incorporated the prior information using the Bayesian approach. It is to be noticed that the known prior information on some or all of the parameters usually incorporated in the model as a constraint leads to restricted models. However, the validity of a restricted estimator (estimator resulting from restricted model) may be under suspicion and this further leads to need for a preliminary test on the restrictions (see Saleh, Citation2006; Belaghi et al. Citation2015a,b for more details and relevant literature cited therein). The objective of this section is to obtain shrinkage and preliminary test estimators. Suppose that there exist some non-sample, information with form of θ=θ0, and our interest is to estimate θ based on such information. To check the accuracy of this information, one may consider the hypothesis H0:θ=θ0 and alternate H1:θθ0. However, it is seen that the construction of shrinkage estimators for θ based on fixed alternatives H1:θ=θ0+δ, for a fixed δ, does not offer substantial performance change compared to θ̂. In other words, the asymptotic distribution of shrinkage estimator coincides with that of θ̂ (see Saleh, Citation2006). Therefore to overcome this situation, we consider local alternatives with form A(m):θ(r)=θ0+r1/2δ, where δ is a fixed number, and define the Shrinkage Preliminary Test (SPT) estimator of θ based on maximum likelihood estimates and Bayes estimates, respectively, as, θ̂M.SPT=wθ0+(1w)θ̂MLEI(Wr<χ12(γ)), and θ̂B.SPT=wθ0+(1w)θ̂BayesI(Wr<χ12(γ)). Here, w[0,1]. We mention that under H0,r(θθ0) is asymptotically N(0, Var (θ̂)), and so the test statistics can be defined as Wr=(r(θ̂θ)/Var(θ̂))2. Now, the asymptotic distribution of Wr converges to a non-central chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom and non-centrality parameter Δ2/2, where Δ2=δ2/(δ2(θ̂)). Therefore, we reject H0 when Wr>χ12(γ), where γ is type-I error and χ12(γ) is the γ-upper quantile of Chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom. One may also refer to Belaghi and Asl (Citation2016) for more details. The SPT estimators for λ based on maximum likelihood estimates and Bayes estimates can also be defined in a similar fashion.

5. Prediction

The objective of this section is to predict the lifetimes of the observations zi=xr+i,i=1,2,,(nr) censored at the time of r-th failure. Notice, that the conditional density for the zi=xr+i>xr,i=1,2,,nr can be written as, f1(z|x,θ,λ)=K(F(z)F(xr))kr1(1F(z))nkf(z)(1F(xr))nr, where K=(kr)(nrkr), f(.;θ)=f(.), and F(.;θ)=F(.). Now, using the binomial expansion the conditional density can be written as (see Singh & Tripathi, Citation2016), (12) f1(z|x,θ,λ)=Kj=0kr1(kr1j)(1)kr1j[1eθeλxr1eθ]jn+r[1eθeλz1eθ]nr1jf(z),(12)

Next, we use different predictors to predict the censored observations.

5.1. Best Unbiased Predictor

This section deals with the best unbiased predictor (BUP) to predict z observations. Notice, that a statistic ẑ used to predict z is called a BUP of z, if the predictor error (ẑz) has a mean zero, and its prediction error variance var(ẑz) is less than or equal to that of any other unbiased predictor of z. Therefore, the BUP of z is ẑ=E[z|Xr=xr]. Subsequently, using the conditional density given by Equation(12), the BUP of z is given by, ẑ=xrzf1(z|x,θ,λ)dz,  z=xr+i>xr, i=1,2,,nr.=Kλj=0kr1(kr1j)(1)kr1j[1eθeλxr1eθ]jn+r     ×F(xr)1ln[1θln((1v)(1eθ)1)](1v)nr1jdv.

Notice, that we put u=[1eθeλz]/[1eθeλxr] in the condition density given by Equation(12) to obtain the above expression, and we observe that the probability density of u|xBeta (nrk+1,k) distribution. Finally, the involved θ and λ in the above expression can be replaced by their respective maximum likelihood estimates to obtain BUP of z=xr+i,i=1,2,,nr.

5.2. Conditional Median Predictor

This section deals with obtaining the conditional median predictor (CMP) proposed by Raqab and Nagaraja (Citation1995). A predictor ẑ is called CMP of z if it is the median of the conditional density of z given the xr observation, that is P(zẑ|xr)=P(zẑ|xr). Now, observe that the random variable w=(1u)|xBeta(k,nrk+1) distribution, and subsequently, using the distribution of w, CMP of z(=xr+i,i=1,2,,nr), is given by, ẑ=1λln[1θln(M(1eθ)1)], where M stands for median of the Beta(k,nrk+1) distribution. Further, the associated 100(1α)% prediction interval can be obtained as, (1λln[1θln(Bα/2(1eθ)1)],1λln[1θln(B1α/2(1eθ)1)]), where Bp represents the 100-pth percentile of the Beta(k,nrk+1) distribution. Further, observe that the PDF of random variable w is unimodal function of w for 1<k<(nr). Subsequently, the 100(1α)% highest conditional density (HCD) prediction interval is, (1λln[1θln(w1(1eθ)1)],1λln[1θln(w2(1eθ)1)]).

Here, w1 and w2 are the solution to the following equations. w1w2g(w)dw=1α, and g(w1)=g(w2).

More precisely, the above equations can be rewritten as, Betaw2(nrk+1,k) Betaw1(nrk+1,k)=1α,and(1w11w2)nrk=(w2w1)k1

Notice, that Beta(.,.) represents the CDF of Beta(.,.) distribution.

5.3. Bayesian Prediction

This section deals with predictive estimates and associated predictive interval estimates using Bayesian approach. Notice, that under the considered prior π(θ,λ) the posterior predictive density is given by, f1*(θ,λ|x)=00f1(z|x,θ,λ)π(θ,λ|x)dθdλ,

Now, the Bayesian predictive estimate of z under LL and EL are given by, (13) ẑLL=1hln[xrehzf1*(θ,λ|x)dz] = 1hln[00I1(θ,λ)π(θ,λ|x)dθdλ],(13) (14) ẑEL=[xrzqf1*(θ,λ|x)dz]1/q = [00I2(θ,λ)π(θ,λ|x)dθdλ]1/q,(14) where, I1(θ,λ)=xrehzf1(z|x,θ,λ)dz=Kλj=0kr1(kr1j)(1)kr1j[1eθeλxr1eθ]jn+r  ×F(xr)1exp{h[ln[1θln((1v)(1eθ)1)]]}(1v)nr1jdv, and I2(θ,λ)=xrzqf1(z|x,θ,λ)dz=Kλj=0kr1(kr1j)(1)kr1j[1eθeλxr1eθ]jn+r  ×F(xr)1{ln[1θln((1v)(1eθ)1)]}q(1v)nr1jdv.

Now observe that the expression given by Equation(13) and Equation(14) can be, respectively, seen as 1hln[E(I1(θ,λ)|x)]/h and [E(I2(θ,λ)|x)]1/q. Subsequently, samples drawn from the posterior distribution given by Equation(9) using importance sampling procedure as mentioned in Section 3.2 can be used to compute the expressions. Further, predictive survival function is given by, S*(t|x)=00S1(t|x,θ,λ)π(θ,λ|x), where, S1(t|x,θ,λ)=P(X>t|x,θ,λ)P(X>xr|x,θ,λ) = [1eθeλt1eθeλxr]nr Now, the 100(1α)% equal-tail credible predictive interval estimates can be obtained on solving the following expressions for the lower bound L and upper bound U, S1*(L|x)=1α2, and S1*(U|x) = α2.

One may further refer to the algorithm given by Singh and Tripathi (Citation2016) to solve the above expressions.

6. Data Analysis

In this section, we analyze a real data set taken from Pepi (Citation1994). This data set represents the failure lifetimes of all-glass airplane window design that measure polished window strength. The failure lifetimes are given below.

18.83, 20.80, 21.657, 23.03, 23.23, 24.05, 24.321, 25.5, 25.52, 25.8, 26.69,

26.77, 26.78, 27.05, 27.67, 29.90, 31.11, 33.2, 33.73, 33.76, 33.89, 34.76,

35.75, 35.91, 36.98, 37.08, 37.09, 39.58, 44.045, 45.29, and 45.381.

In their work, Singh et al. (Citation2014) considered this data set, and used a graphical method to test the goodness-of-fit to the PE distribution. We consider the fitting of this data to the PE distribution using “fitdistrplus” package in R-statistical language. We further compare the fitness of this data set with other lifetime distributions, such as Weibull distribution (WD), generalized exponential (GE), and Burr XII distributions based on Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and Kolmogrov-Smirnov (KS) test statistic value. We mention that the better model will correspond to the minimum value of AIC, BIC, and KS test statistics, and suggests that the PE distribution fits this data set better as compared to the other considered distributions. Next, from the given data set we generate two different type-II censored samples correspond to r = 23 and r = 28, and based on these samples we first estimate the unknown parameters of the PE distribution using classical and Bayesian approaches. reports maximum likelihood estimates computed using NR and EM algorithms, and non-informative Bayes estimates obtained using Lindley and importance sampling (Is) against LINEX, SEL, and GEL functions. It is observed that estimates obtained using the NR method are generally larger compared to estimates using the EM algorithm, and Bayes estimated values of θ using importance sampling (Is) are smaller as compared to Lindley method but for λ both are close to each other. Further, reports the associated 95% asymptotic confidence and HPD interval estimates, and it is seen that the HPD interval estimates have smaller intervals as compared to asymptotic confidence interval estimates. In , we report shrinkage preliminary test estimates based on maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates, and in the process, we considered λ0=0.022 and θ0=0.5 as non-sample prior information with type-I error 0.05 and w = 0.5. Further, reports first predictive observations obtained using different proposed methods, and reports predictive interval estimates. Tabulated values suggest that the predictive estimates obtained using classical predictors are closer to the true values than the other predictors. Further, the reported predictive interval estimates contain the true observations, and it can be observed that the interval estimates using the equal-tail method have smaller intervals as compared to the pivotal and HCD methods.

Table 1. Goodness-of-fit tests for given distributions.

Table 2. ML and Bayes estimates for the real data set.

Table 3. 95% asymptotic confidence and HPD interval estimates for the real data set.

Table 4. Shrinkage preliminary test estimates for the real data set.

Table 5. Predictive estimates of xr+1 for the real data set.

Table 6. Predictive interval estimates of xr+1 for the real data set.

7. Simulation Study

In this section, we conduct simulation study for different choices of n such as n = 30, 50, 100 and r such as r=20,23,25,35,40,50,85,90,95 correspond to the true parameter values of (θ,λ) as (2,0.5). We first generate n number of observations from PE distribution, and after sorting the generated lifetimes we consider first r observations to replicate the data under type-II censoring. We mention that R-statistical language has been used for this purpose. In , we report the maximum likelihood estimated values. It can be seen that average estimated values obtained using the NR method are generally higher as compared to the EM algorithm. Further, the associated MSE values obtained using the NR method are larger following the EM algorithm. It is further observed that the higher values of n and r lead to better estimates in the sense close to the true parameter values and having smaller MSE values. presents the average estimates and associated MSE values for the Bayes estimates using both non-informative (NIN) and informative (IN) priors. Notice, that to obtain the hyper-parameter values under IN prior, we first generate 1,000 number of complete samples from PE distribution with λ = 2 and θ=0.5, each sample with 30 observations. Now corresponding to each sample, we first obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of λ and θ, and then compare the mean and variance of these samples with the mean and variance of the considered priors (see Dey et al. (Citation2016); Singh and Tripathi, Citation2018 for more details). Subsequently, we get the hyper-parameter values as a1=16.5443,b1=7.3979,a2=1.2145, and b2=1.3608. The results show that the performance of IN prior is better than the NIN prior both in terms of average estimates and MSE values. The performance of Bayes estimates obtained using importance sampling technique is also good as compared to the estimates obtained using the Lindely method. It is further observed that as expected, the higher value of h and q, respectively, under LINEX and GEL functions lead to smaller estimates as compared to the negative values of the h and q. Further, in we present the 95% asymptotic confidence and highest posterior density interval estimates along with average interval lengths (AILs). From tabulated values, it is observed that the highest posterior density interval estimates obtained under IN prior have smaller AILs as compared to NIN priors.

Table 7. Average and MSE values of maximum likelihood estimates.

Table 8. Average and MSE values of Bayes estimates.

Table 9. 95% asymptotic confidence and HPD interval estimates.

Next, to obtain shrinkage preliminary test estimates, we first calculate the test statistic Wr under the null hypothesis, H0:θ=θ0. In the process, we considered w = 0.5 and the type-I error equal to 0.05, and assume λ0=2.2 and θ0=0.45 for some non-sample prior information. We then make use of maximum likelihood estimates obtained using the EM algorithm for maximum likelihood based shrinkage preliminary test estimates, and Bayes estimates obtained using importance sampling for Bayes estimates based on shrinkage preliminary test estimates. All the estimates are reported in , and to compare these estimates we use relative efficiency (RE). Note, that the relative efficiency (RE) of the suggested estimator, say θ˜ to the estimator θ̂ is defined by RE(θ˜:θ̂)=MSE(θ̂)/MSE(θ˜), and RE larger than one indicates the degree of superiority of the estimator θ˜ over θ̂. It is observed that Bayes shrinkage preliminary test estimates have higher relative efficiencies than the maximum likelihood based estimates. Further, the performance of Bayes shrinkage preliminary test estimates of λ under LINEX loss is found satisfactory than the other Bayes shrinkage preliminary test estimates. reports the first classical and Bayesian predictive estimated values. The Bayesian predictive estimates are computed under both NIN and IN priors. Tabulated values suggest that the predictive observations using CMP are generally smaller than BUP and Bayes predictors. Finally, in we report the predictive interval estimates along with AILs. It is observed that predictive intervals using the HCD method have smaller AILs as compared to the pivotal method, and predictive HPD intervals have smaller AILs under IN prior as compared to NIN prior.

Table 10. Average and relative efficiency values of shrinkage preliminary test estimates.

Table 11. Best unbiased, conditional median, and Bayes predictive estimates of xr+1.

Table 12. Predictive interval estimates of xr+1.

8. Conclusion

In this article, we considered the problem of estimating the unknown parameters of Poisson-exponential distribution under type-II censoring, and for this purpose both the classical and Bayesian estimators have been taken into consideration. We observed that MLEs of the unknown parameters of the distribution do not admit closed form; therefore, we employed the EM algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimates, and further computed approximate confidence intervals using the idea of missing information principle and the asymptotic normality of the MLEs. In the Bayesian approach, we obtained Bayes estimators under SEL, LINEX and GEL loss functions using Lindley and importance sampling as the Bayes estimators were not in the closed form. Further, with the help of importance sampling and the form of posterior density, we also computed highest posterior density interval estimates using the method of Chen and Shao (Citation1999). Performance of EM algorithm over NR and Bayes estimators under informative prior have been found more satisfactory in our simulation study on the basis of average and mean square error values. Furthermore, to provide predictive inference on the censored observation we made use of best unbiased and conditional median predictors under classical approach and importance sampling under Bayesian approach. In real data analysis, we observed that the predictive observation are close to the true observations and further the predictive interval estimates contain the true observations. Finally, we mention that the statistical inference on PE distribution under generalization of type-II, progressive or progressive hybrid censoring schemes can be seen as future direction.


The authors would like to thank the Editor, associate Editor, and anonymous reviewers for the constructive and valuable suggestions which led to the improvement in an earlier version of this article.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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For the two parameter case (Θ1,Θ2), the Lindley’s approximation to E(g(ϕ)|x) is given by, (15) ĝ(ϕ)=g(Θ1̂,Θ2̂)+12[A+l30B12+l03B21+l21C12+l12C21]+ρ1A12+ρ2A21,(15) where, A=i=12j=12wijσij,lij=i+jL(Θ1,Θ2)Θ1iΘ2j,ρi=ρΘi,wi=gΘi,wij=2gΘiΘj,ρ=lnπ(Θ1,Θ2),Aij=wiσii+wjσji,Bij=(wiσii+wjσij)σii,Cij=3wiσiiσij+wj(σiiσjj+2σij2).

Here, L(.,.) denotes the likelihood function, π(Θ1,Θ2) denotes the prior distribution, and σij is the (i,j)th element of the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. Note, that the expressions in Equation(15) are evaluated at the maximum likelihood estimates (Θ̂1,Θ̂2). For the case of our estimation problem with (Θ1,Θ2)=(θ,λ), the approximate Bayes estimates of θ and λ are computed using the expression Equation(15), and the involved expressions are evaluated as, l11=i=1rxieλxi(nr)[xreλxreθeλxr[1θeλxr]1eθeλxrθxre2λxre2θeλxr(1eθeλxr)2],l02=rλ2θi=1rxi2eλxi+(nr)[θxr2eλxrθeλxr(1θ)1eθeλxrθ2xr2e2λxr2θeλxr(1eθeλxr)2],l20=rθ2+reθ1eθ+re2θ(1eθ)2+(nr){(1eθ)1eθeλxr×[e2λxreθeλxr1eθ2eλxrθeθeλxr(1eθ)2+2e2θ(1eθeλxr)(1eθ)3+eθ(1eθeλxr)(1eθ)2]1(1eθeλxr)2[e2λxr2θeλxr(1eθeλxr)eλxrθeθeλxr1eθ]+eθ1eθeλxr[eλxreθeλxr1eθeθ(1eθeλxr)(1eθ)2]},l12=i=1rxi2eλxi+(nr)[xr2eλxreθeλxr[θ2e2λxr3θeλxr+1]1eθeλxr+3θxr2e2λxre2θeλxr(θ1)(1eθeλxr)2+2θ2xr2e3λxre3θeλxr(1eθeλxr)3],l21=(nr)[xre2λxreθeλxr[2θ]1eθeλxr+xre2λxre2θeλxr[23θeλxr](1eθeλxr)22θxre3λxre3θeλxr(1eθeλxr)3], l30=2rθ3reθ1eθ3re2θ(1eθ)22re3θ(1eθ)3+11eθeλxr[(nr){e3λxreθeθeλxr1eθ+3e2λxreθeλxreθ(1eθ)2+6eλxreθeλxre2θ(1eθ)3+3eλxreθeλxreθ(1eθ)26(1eθeλxr)e3θ(1eθ)46(1eθeλxr)e2θ(1eθ)3(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2}(1eθ)]1(1eθeλxr)2[2(nr){e2λxreθeλxr1eθ2eλxreθeλxreθ(1eθ)2+2(1eθeλxr)e2θ(1eθ)3+(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2}(1eθ)eλxreθeλxr]+1(1eθeλxr)[2(nr){e2λxreθeλxr1eθ2eλxreθeλxreθ(1eθ)2+2(1eθeλxr)e2θ(1eθ)3+(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2}eθ]+2(nr){[eλxreθeλxr1eθ(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2]×(1eθ)e2λxre2θeλxr(1eθeλxr)32[eλxreθeλxr1eθ(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2]eθλxreθeλxr(1eθeλxr)2+[eλxreθeλxr1eθ(1eθeλxr)eθ(1eθ)2](1eθ)e2λxreθeλxr1eθeλxr}l03=3rλ3+θi=1rxi3eλxi(nr)[θxr3eλxreθeλxr[3θeλxrθ2e2λxr+1]1eθeλxr+3θ2xr3e2λxreθeλxr[1θeλxr]1eθeλxr2θ3xr3e3λxre3θeλxr(1eθeλxr)3].

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