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A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
Volume 57, 2023 - Issue 1
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Research Article

A permutation approach to goodness-of-fit testing in regression models

, &
Pages 123-149 | Received 14 Mar 2022, Accepted 16 Jan 2023, Published online: 02 Feb 2023


Model checking plays an important role in parametric regression as model misspecification seriously affects the validity and efficiency of regression analysis. Model checks can be performed by constructing an empirical process from the model's fitted values and residuals. Due to a complex covariance function of the process obtaining the exact distribution of the test statistic is, however, intractable. Several solutions to overcome this have been proposed. It was shown that the simulation and bootstrap-based approaches are asymptotically valid, however, we show by using simulations that the rate of convergence can be slow. We, therefore, propose to estimate the null distribution by using a novel permutation-based procedure. We prove, under some mild assumptions, that this yields consistent tests under the null and some alternative hypotheses. Small sample properties of the proposed approach are studied in an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study and real data illustration is also provided.

1. Introduction

Regression is a fundamental statistical tool for analysing the association between a dependent variable, Y, and a set of potentially transformed independent variables, xRm, which is often used in various applications. Let (Yi,xi), i=1,2,,n, denote independent replications of (Y,x), such that Y and x satisfy (1) Y=m(x)+σ(x)ϵ,(1) where m(x)=E(Y|x) and σ(x)=var(Y|x)>0, xRm are some unknown functions and ϵ is a random error independent of x with mean zero and unit variance.

Within a parametric framework, one assumes that the true function m() belongs to a given family of functions G={gθ:θΘ} parameterized by some unknown parameter θ and ΘRd, and the regression model is written as Yi=gθ(xi)+σ(xi)ϵi, where xi=(xi1,,xim)TRm is the ith row of the matrix XRn×m and ϵi, i=1,2,,n are independent replications of ϵ. Important examples are the widely used linear model gθ(xi)=xiTθ and a logistic model gθ(xi)=θ0/(1+θ1exp(xiTθ2)). We are interested in testing (2) H0:mG against H1:mG.(2) Assuming (Equation2) is tantamount to saying that the function m is equal to a function gθ0 for some unknown true parameter θ0.

In parametric regression, model misspecification seriously affects the validity and efficiency of regression analysis, therefore model checking plays an important role. There is a plethora of goodness-of-fit tests for testing (Equation2) (see González-Manteiga and Crujeiras [Citation1] for a review). Out of these, the tests based on empirical regression processes [Citation2], which we consider here, are particularly appealing due to their relative simplicity and informative visual representation which can provide a useful hint on how to correct the misspecification [Citation3]. Namely, as argued by Solari et al. [Citation4], in practice, if we find evidence against the model, we would also like to know why the model does not fit. Inspecting the plots of empirical regression processes can provide hints for answering this question (see, e.g., Lin et al. [Citation3]), whereas this is not as straightforward when using for example the smoothing-based tests [Citation5,Citation6].

The approach that we consider is based on the model's residuals, eˆ=(eˆ1,,eˆn)T, where eˆi=Yigθˆ(xi), and θˆ is, under (Equation2), some consistent estimator of θ0. In particular, our approach is based on standardized residuals ϵˆi=σˆ(xi)1/2eˆi, where σˆ is some consistent estimator of σ.

These standardized residuals are ordered by their respective fitted values, Yˆi=gθˆ(xi), and the empirical process, based on a cumulative sum of (standardized and ordered) residuals, (3) Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵˆi1(Yˆit),tR,(3) where 1() is the indicator function, is constructed.

Test statistic, T, used for testing H0 can then be any function of Wˆn(t) such that large (or small) values correspond to evidence against H0. The proposed approach will have good power against the alternatives which cause a systematic pattern in terms of the successive number of positive versus negative ordered residuals. The process Wˆn(t) can also be displayed graphically, which can provide a useful hint on how to correct the model [Citation3].

Exact distributions of the two most commonly used types of test statistics, Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) type test statistic and Cramér–von Mieses (CvM) type test statistic, for the Brownian motion and Brownian bridge stochastic processes, rely on the assumption of independence [Citation7,Citation8]. Hence, due to the model's residuals not being independent, these results cannot be used in our context. Given the complex correlation structure of the residuals, the exact distribution of KS and CvM test statistics is intractable.

We propose to overcome this issue by using permutations to approximate the null distribution of the test statistic. Let T be a test statistic obtained by using a permutation procedure which will be described later. The proposed permutation procedure can be based on all possible permutations or a large number of random permutations [Citation9–11]. The p-value is then defined in the usual way as the proportion of T which are as or more extreme as T, including the identity permutation (corresponding to the original test statistic) in case of the random permutations [Citation10–13].

Using permutations with linear regression models is common (see DiCiccio and Romano [Citation14] and references therein) and two different permutation procedures are used. One is the raw data permutation procedure proposed by Manly [Citation15] where the outcome variable is permuted. The other procedure is the permutation of residuals proposed by ter Braak [Citation16], which for homoscedastic random errors is equivalent to the permutation procedure proposed by Freedman and Lane [Citation17] (see Lepage and Podgórski [Citation18] for a theoretical justification of this approach in the setting with homoscedastic random errors). Both procedures were shown to provide valid inference in the context of tests for partial regression coefficients in a linear model [Citation14,Citation19,Citation20]. In this paper, we modify the permutation of residuals procedure so that it can be used in goodness-of-fit testing problems in a general setting with potentially heteroscedastic random errors. To achieve this, we rely on some consistent estimator of σ. This is different from the approach used by DiCiccio and Romano [Citation14] which also incorporates heteroscedastic errors by using appropriately studentized test statistics. However, in our context obtaining the heteroscedastic robust standard error needed to appropriately studentize the test statistic would be very challenging. We show, under some mild assumptions, that, under H0 and conditionally on the data, the proposed approach correctly approximates the distribution of the constructed random process and therefore provides valid inference in the context of goodness-of-fit testing. We also show the consistency of our approach under some alternative hypotheses, illustrating situations where our approach can be powerful.

Small sample properties of the proposed approach are studied by an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study. It is shown that our approach performs well also when the errors are heteroscedastic, non-normal and the sample size is small. An example of the non-linear case is also given. The approach is illustrated by data from a cross-sectional study of the dependence in daily activities.

1.1. Existing approaches based on empirical processes

Several approaches based on a similar cumulative sums process as defined in (Equation3) were proposed [Citation3,Citation21–26]. They are mainly defined as (4) W~n(t)=1ni=1neˆi1(xit),(4) where t=(t1,,tm)TRm, 1(xit)=(1(xi1t1),,1(ximtm))T, and the test statistics are then KS or CvM statistics based on W~n(t).

In contrast to our approach, the residuals in (Equation4) are not standardized. Also, in (Equation4) multivariate ordering procedure is used which can be problematic in higher dimensions [Citation27], therefore Lin et al. [Citation3] and Stute and Zhu [Citation23] ordered the residuals in (Equation4) by the fitted values as in (Equation3); we will use W~n(t), tR to denote that the ordering is by the fitted values and W~n(t), tRm to denote the use of the multivariate ordering procedure. Lin et al. [Citation3] also considered to take the sum only within a window specified by some positive constant b, i.e., in (Equation4) they use 1(tb<xijt). This is done as the process W~n(t) tends to be dominated by the residuals with small covariate values. These different ways of ordering the residuals could be used also in our proposed approach, but ordering the residuals by the fitted values is the most convenient option when one wants to test for the possible lack-of-fit of the entire fitted model. We show later how to define different orderings, avoiding the use of multivariate ordering, to investigate the lack-of-fit for the selected parts of the model.

The existing approaches differ in how the null distribution of different test statistics based on (Equation4) is obtained (approximated). The approximation proposed in Stute [Citation2] depended on the asymptotic distribution of W~n(t) but did not yield satisfactory results with small sample size [Citation24]. Stute et al. [Citation25] transformed a similar process as given in (Equation4) to its innovation part to obtain a distribution-free CvM test statistics but this result can only be applied to a situation with a single regressor. This approach has been later extended to a situation with more regressors and can be applied to generalized linear models [Citation23]. For the homoscedastic linear model (see Stute and Zhu [Citation23] for a more general case) the test statistic based on the transformation, Tn, of the process W~n(t), say TnW~n(t), is, for some x0<max(Yˆ1,,Yˆn), defined as KSZ=1nψn(x0)2i=1n1(Yˆix0)σˆ(Yˆi)[TnW~n(Yˆi)]2, where ψn(u)=1ni=1n1(Yˆiu)eˆi2 and σˆ(u) is for example given by the Nadaraya–Watson estimator, (5) σˆ(u)=i=1neˆi2Khn(uYˆi)i=1nKhn(uYˆi),(5) where Kc is some kernel with bandwidth c. The transformed process is obtained from TnW~n(t)=W~n(t)1n3/2i=1n1(Yˆit)rnT(Yˆi)An(Yˆi)1j=1n1(YˆjYˆi)σˆ1(Yˆj)rn(Yˆj)eˆj, where m×m matrix An(u) and m-vector rn(u) are given by An(u)=1ni=1n1(Yˆiu)σˆ1(Yˆi)rn(Yˆi)rnT(Yˆi), and rn(u)=i=1nxiKhn(uYˆi)i=1nKhn(uYˆi), respectively. Critical values and p-values for KSZ can be obtained from W2, where W is the standard Brownian motion [Citation23].

Su and Wei [Citation26] and Lin et al. [Citation3] used a simulation approach to obtain the p-values which relies on approximating W~n(t) with a random process, which for the linear model (see Lin et al. [Citation3] for a more general case) is defined as (6) W~n(t)=1ni=1n[1(Yˆit)(k=1nxkT1(Yˆit))[k=1nxkxkT]1xi]eˆiZi,(6) where (Z1,,Zn) are independent standard normal variables (for process W~n(t), 1(Yˆit) would be replaced by 1(xit), see Su and Wei [Citation26] and Lin et al. [Citation3] for more details). W~n can equivalently be defined as (7) W~n(t)=1ni=1neˆi1(Yˆit),(7) where eˆ1,,eˆn are the residuals obtained when regressing y on X, where y=(Y1,,Yn)T and (8) Yi=Yˆi+eˆiZi,i=1,,n.(8) Stute et al. [Citation24] used the bootstrap [Citation28–30] to obtain eˆ1,,eˆn. They considered classical, smooth, wild and residual bootstrap. In wild bootstrap, Zi in (Equation8) is replaced by Vi, where (V1,,Vn) are independent and identically distributed such that E(Vi)=0, var(Vi)=1 and |Vi|c< for some finite c. In residual bootstrap, eˆiZi in (Equation8) are replaced by an i.i.d. sample from the empirical distribution function of the ( centred) eˆi's. The approaches proposed by Stute et al. [Citation25], Su and Wei [Citation26] and Stute and Zhu [Citation23] were shown to be asymptotically valid [Citation23–25] but, as it is shown later, they do not attain the nominal level with a small sample size.

Hattab and Christensen [Citation31] proposed several tests based on partial sums of residuals where the test statistics are based on sums of a subset of the (ordered and standardized) residuals [Citation27,Citation32]. Defining partial sums over a subset of the residuals, as opposed to cumulative sums over all residuals as in (Equation3) or (Equation4), makes it possible to determine the asymptotic distribution when the (appropriately standardized) test statistic is based on the largest of the absolute values of partial sums [Citation27] or the largest partial sum of absolute values of the (ordered and standardized) residuals [Citation31]. However, the rate of convergence is very slow and using only a subset of the residuals can lead to loss of power when ordering is not appropriately chosen [Citation31]. Determining the number of residuals that are included in the subset for which the test statistic is computed can also be problematic in practice. To solve the issue with a slow rate of convergence, Hattab and Christensen [Citation31] proposed a Monte Carlo simulation scheme. In the case when the partial sums are based on all residuals, this approach is identical to the approach proposed in Su and Wei [Citation26] and Lin et al. [Citation3]. While the tests based on partial sums can, if the residuals are ordered appropriately, under some alternatives be more powerful than the tests based on cumulative sums, they are not considered here in more detail, since they lack a nice visual representation which is one of the main strengths of the approach considered here [Citation3]. The permutation approach proposed here could, however, easily be used instead of the Monte Carlo procedure used by Hattab and Christensen [Citation31] also for tests based on partial model checks.

2. The proposed approach and its asymptotic convergence

Here we first give more details about the proposed approach. This is then followed by an asymptotic study of the convergence of the constructed random processes under the null hypothesis. Finally, the asymptotic convergence of the constructed random processes under a particular alternative hypothesis is studied in the last section.

2.1. The proposed approach for obtaining the null distribution

The null distribution of the proposed empirical process (see Equation (Equation3)) is obtained with (random) permutations as described next. Let ϵˆπ(i) be the ith element of Πϵˆ, where ΠRn×n is some (random) permutation matrix, i.e., a square matrix that has exactly one entry 1 in each row and each column and 0s elsewhere. Define the modified outcome, y=(Y1,,Yn)T, as Yi=Yˆi+σˆ(xi)ϵˆπ(i). The empirical process based on the modified outcome is then defined as (9) Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵˆi1(Yˆit),tR,(9) where ϵˆi and Yˆi are obtained by regressing y on X. Note that Equations (Equation3) and (Equation9) are very similar. The processes Wˆn and Wˆn are defined by the same formula but on different data.

The function σ in (Equation9) is re-estimated for each version of the modified outcome. This re-estimation, denoted by σˆ, is then used to define the residuals eˆi, as will be explained in Section 2.2. When σ is constant, Yi=Yˆi+eˆπ(i), where eˆπ(i) is the ith element of Πeˆ.

The test statistics based on Wˆn considered here were the KS-type statistic TS=suptR|Wˆn(t)|, and the CvM-type statistic, TC=RWˆn(t)2Fn(dt), where Fn() is the empirical distribution function of Yˆ. The test statistics based on Wˆn are obtained similarly and are denoted as TS and TC. The p-values are then estimated as the proportion of TS (TC) which are as large or larger than TS (TC). Since we were mainly considering situations where it was computationally infeasible to calculate the permutation p-value based on the whole permutation group, i.e., all n! possible permutations, the p-value was calculated based on random permutations [Citation9–11] using some large value of random permutations, including the identity permutation [Citation12,Citation13].

We can do this because, as it will be shown in Section 2.3, under some assumptions, the stochastic process Wˆn converges weakly to the same limit as the stochastic processes Wˆn, the later conditionally on the data. Moreover, because we use the supremum norm when assessing the convergence of stochastic processes, the test statistics TS and TS are equal to the norms of the stochastic processes. Since the norm on a metric space is continuous, the KS test statistics converge weakly to the same limit. A similar result can also be established for the CVM-type statistics. More on random permutations and empirical stochastic processes can be found in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33].

To test the lack-of-fit for a single covariate, say covariate j, the process could be modified by ordering the residuals by the respective covariate, i.e., using 1(xijt) instead of 1(Yˆit) and 1(Yˆit) in (Equation3) and (Equation9), respectively. For the linear case, it is also straightforward to test the lack-of-fit for a set of covariates, by using 1(jxijθˆjt) and 1(jxijθˆjt) in (Equation3) and (Equation9), respectively, where the sum is taken only over the defined set of covariates. Considering the set of specified covariates enables efficient detection of the lack-of-fit due to the omission of the interaction effect. For example, if the p-value obtained by defining some subset of two variables is significant at some level α and the two p-values obtained by defining a subset of only one of the two variables are both insignificant at level α, this implies that an important interaction effect between the two variables was omitted. Furthermore, if the p-value obtained by defining the subset which includes a variable that was not present when fitting the model is significant at level α this implies that the variable should be added to the model. It is also important when the model besides the linear component of the covariate includes also its nonlinear transformation and one wants to test for the adequacy of such assumed nonlinear relation with the outcome.

One could be tempted to estimate the null distribution of the test statistic by constructing the random process directly from the permuted residuals, ϵˆπ(i), without refitting the model. Such a test will, however, be conservative as this will overestimate the variance of the constructed random process. When the residuals are sorted based on the fitted values, then neighbouring residuals are negatively correlated (especially for the residuals close to each other in this ordering). When the residuals are randomly permuted, this negative correlation is preserved, however, neighbouring residuals are less negatively correlated which overestimates the variance of the random process. When n is large the negative correlation becomes smaller, but the constructed stochastic process depends on a lot of residuals that are negatively correlated, and all these small negative correlations combined are still important. Therefore, a new model is fitted after the permutation to ensure that this negative correlation of residuals that are close with respect to the ordering corresponding to the fitted values is kept.

As the model is refitted, it is necessary to use standardized residuals in (Equation3) and (Equation9). The residuals are after permutation and refitting the model less variable (especially obvious with more covariates or when the sample size is small), hence the variability of the random processes constructed after permutations is smaller and the tests would reject the true null hypothesis too often.

2.2. Additional notation and definitions

We use spanM,MRm1×m2 to denote the column span or the image of matrix M. Let XRm denote the set of all possible outcomes of the random vector x that generates the rows of the matrix X. The stochastic processes that we will use will be indexed on the set of functions F, defined as F={ft,tR,ft:XR,ft(x)=1(gθ(x)t)}. Rewrite the regression model in the matrix form as y=gθ(X)+e, where y=(Y1,,Yn)TRn and g:RmR is some function dependent on the unknown parameter θΘRd and g indicates that the function g is applied to every row of the matrix X. e=(e1,,en)TRn is an unknown random vector of errors, with independent components, distributed as ei=σ(xi)ϵi. The estimators of the parameters θ and σ, as well as any quantity that uses these estimators in place of the parameters they are estimating, will be denoted by ˆ. For example, θˆ denotes the estimator of θ and σˆ denotes the estimator of σ.

Let vectors ϕ be defined by the equation n(θˆθ)=1ni=1nϕiei+oP(1), and let matrix Φn be defined as Φn=1n(ϕ1ϕn). Let the function hθ denote the derivative of g, stored as a row vector, of the function ηgη at θ. Then define the matrix Hn=(hθ(x1)hθ(xn)). For a permutation matrix Π define the vector of the modified outcomes y as y=yˆ+Σˆn12ΠΣˆn12eˆ, where the diagonal matrix Σˆn has the elements σˆ(x1),,σˆ(xn) on the diagonal. Let Σn be a diagonal matrix that has the elements σ(x1),,σ(xn) on the diagonal. Let θˆ and σˆ denote the estimated parameter vector θ and function σ, respectively, on the outcome vector y. Let Σˆn be diagonal matrix with diagonal elements equal to σˆ(x1),,σˆ(xn). The empirical process obtained using the modified outcomes, re-estimating θ and σ can then be written as Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵˆi1(gθˆ(xi)t), where for i=1,,n, ϵˆi=1σˆ(xi)eˆi, and eˆi=yigθˆ(xi).

2.3. Asymptotic behaviour under H0

The following assumptions are made about the data.


Random vectors xi,i=1,2, are i.i.d., have bounded variances and are independent of i.i.d. random variables ϵi, which have zero mean, variance 1 and there exists some δ>0, such that E(|ϵ1|2+δ)<.


Assume that the function θg(x) is differentiable at some neighbourhood of θ0 for every xRd. Denote its derivative at θ0 by hθ0, so that hθ0(x)R1×m, assume that the function xhθ0(x) is bounded uniformly in x.

Assume also that the function θhθ is differentiable at some neighbourhood of θ0 and assume that its derivatives are bounded uniformly in x.

We assume that the following holds for the estimators θˆ and Σˆn.


The expression n(θˆθ0) is equal to n(θˆθ0)=1ni=1nϕiei+oP(1), where ϕiRd is some vector that is independent of ei. We additionally assume that the vectors ϕi have all absolute values of its elements between ϕmin and ϕmax, where 0<ϕmin<ϕmax<.

Assume also that there exists a constant C<, such that xiϕi<C, for every i almost surely.


We assume that our data and estimator σˆ is such, that there exists some number r>0, such that supxX|σˆ(xi)σ(xi)|=OP(n1r). There exist some σmin>0 and σmax,σmin<σmax<, so that for every i σmin|σ(xi)|σmax and σmin|σˆ(xi)|σmax almost surely.

The following assumptions are made regarding the permutations and estimators θˆ and Σˆn.


Assume that the permutation matrix Π is independent of X and ϵ.


Assume that n(θˆθ0)=1ni=1nϕiei+oP(1), where ei=yigθ0(xi).


Assume that supxiX|σˆ(xi)σ(xi)|=OP(n1r). Assume also that σmin|σˆ(x0)|σmax.


For every nN it holds that (10) limn(IHnΦn)Σn121=oP(1),(10) for every choice of the permutation matrix Π.

The assumptions, apart from assumption (C4), are standard in this context. The assumptions (B1) and (C2) imply that the estimators are both consistent and converge to the fixed and unknown true parameter θ0 fast enough, as in Remark 1 of Stute et al. [Citation25]. The assumption (C4) on the other hand is specific to using permutations and represents an important necessary condition that needs to hold in order for the proposed permutation procedure to work. For example, assume that the function g is equal to gθ(X)=Xθ, and that we use the classic ordinary least squares estimator (OLS) to estimate the parameter θ. The vectors ϕi are therefore equal to ϕi=n(XTX)1xiT. Observe that in this case the function h is equal to h(xi)=xi. Hence it holds that HnΦn=X(XTX)1XT. In the case that Σn is such that (σ(x1)1/2,,σ(xn)1/2)TspanX, as for example in our simulated example in Section 3.1.2, it holds that (IHnΦn)Σn121=(InX(XTX)1XT)Σn121=0. This holds because the matrix (IX(XTX)1XT) is a projection matrix on spanX. The assumption (C4) therefore holds in this case. It clearly follows that the above condition, in the case that Σn=σ2I, implies that it must hold that 1spanX. This then implies that (11) i=1neˆi=0.(11) It can be shown that when using the least squares estimator for estimating the parameter θ and assuming that Σn=σ2I, Equality (Equation11) implies that Assumption (C4) holds.

Because a large part of the theory that follows will be concerned with the asymptotic behaviour of random variables, we will use little o oP() and big O notation OP(). Remember that for a sequence of random variables Xn,n=1,2, the statement Xn=oP(1) equivalent to the statement that the sequence Xn converges to zero in probability. This notation is explained in more detail in Section 14.2 of Bishop et al. [Citation34] and in Section 2.2 of Vaart [Citation35].

Remember also that the statement that the sequence of random variables Xn, n=1,2, is such that Xn=OP(1) is equivalent to the statement that Xn is uniformly tight. That is for every ϵ>0 there exists some M>0, such that supnP(|Xn|>M)<ϵ. In addition recall that for a sequence of random variables Xn,Yn,Rn,n=1,2, it holds that

  1. the sequence of random variables Xn=oP(Rn) if and only if Xn=YnRn, where Yn=oP(1);

  2. the sequence of random variables Xn=OP(Rn) if and only if Xn=YnRn, where Yn=OP(1).

The sequence Rn will be equal to some deterministic function of n in our case.

As in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33], our theory is based on random elements. In our case, the random elements are equal to (x,ϵ). We will use P to denote their law. In the proofs, we will also use Px and Pϵ to denote the law of either random vector x or random variable ϵ that is independent of x.

The following proposition shows the convergence of the process Wn(t)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθ0(xi)t), conditionally on the design matrix X.

Proposition 2.1

If the assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold, the process Wn converges weakly to some tight stochastic process, conditionally on random vectors xi,i=1,2,.


Define the family of functions F as F={ft,tR,ft:XR,ft(x)=1(gθ0(x)t)}. It is not difficult to show that the family F is Donsker. One way of doing this is with the help of VC-classes and entropy numbers. Observe also that in the special case, when m = 1, we are dealing with the simple indicator functions, which are the classic example of a Donsker class of functions.

Since the family of functions F is Donsker, this means that the process tGft converges weakly to a tight, Borel measureable element in l(F). By the multiplier central limit theorem 2.9.6 in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33], it holds that conditionally on xi,i=1,2,, the process t1ni=1nϵi(ft(xi)PXft), converges weakly to a tight stochastic process. This is equivalent to the joint weak convergence of every finite number of marginals ft1,,ftk and there exists a semimetric ρ, so that F is totally bounded and the sequence of processes is asymptotically ρ-equicontinuous.

Now define the new semimetric ρ on F as ρ(ft,fs)=max(ρ(ft,fs),L1(ft,fs)). Here L1 denotes the classic L1 norm. Observe that the space l(F) is totally bounded with respect to the semimetric ρ. For any δ>0, let Fδ be defined as Fδ={fgF,ρ(f,g)<δ}. For any η>0, there exists a δ>0 so that EϵWnFδ=Eϵsupt,sρ(ft,fs)<δ|Wn(t)Wn(s)|Eϵsupt,sρ(ft,fs)<δ|1ni=1nϵi(ft(xi)fs(xi))|+Eϵsupt,sρ(ft,fs)<δ|PxftPxfs|2η. By Lemma 2.3.11 in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33], the process Wn converges to a tight limit.

In order for the proposed approach to be useful in practice, the unknown quantities in Wn need to be replaced by their respective estimators. The following theorem shows the convergence of the resulting process, Wˆn, conditionally on X.

Theorem 2.1

If Assumptions (A1), (A2), (B1) and (B2) hold, the process Wˆn converges weakly to some tight stochastic process, conditionally on random vectors xi,i=1,2,.

The limit is a Gaussian process with mean zero and covariance function equal to K(t,s)=limn1n1(gθ0(X)t)TΣn12(IHnΦn)Σn(IHnΦn)Σn121(gθ0(X)s).


Observe that from (B2) and the fact, that the square root function is concave, it follows that (12) |1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi)|=|σ(xi)σˆ(xi)σˆ(xi)σ(xi)||σ(xi)σˆ(xi)|σmin2|σ(xi)σˆ(xi)|σmin=OP(n1r)σmin=OP(n12r).(12) It holds that (13) Wˆn(t)=1ni=1n1σ(xi)eˆi1(gθˆ(xi)t)+1ni=1n(1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi))eˆi1(gθˆ(xi)t)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθˆ(xi)t)+1ni=1n1σ(xi)(eˆiei)1(gθˆ(xi)t)+1ni=1n(1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi))ei1(gθˆ(xi)t)+1ni=1n(1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi))(eˆiei)1(gθˆ(xi)t).(13) From (Equation12) it follows that the third term in the above sum is equal to (14) 1ni=1n(1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi))ei1(gθˆ(xi)t)=1ni=1nOP(n12r)ei1(gθˆ(xi)t).(14) Let sn denote sn=i=1nσ(xi). Because it holds that, for every δ>0 0limn1sni=1nE(ei21(|ei|δsn))limn1nσmini=1nE(ei21(|ϵi|δnσmaxσmin)),=0, because var(ϵi)=1. Therefore we can use the Lindeberg's central limit theorem to get that (Equation14) is oP(1).

From (Equation12) and (B1) it follows that the fourth term in (Equation13) can be written as 1ni=1n(1σˆ(xi)1σ(xi))(eˆiei)1(gθˆ(xi)t)=1ni=1nOP(n12r)(gθ0(xi)gθˆ(xi))T1(gθˆ(xi)t)=1nOP(n12r)i=1nhθ0(xi)(θ0θˆ)1(gθˆ(xi)t)+oP(1)=1nOP(n12r)i=1nhθ0(xi)(θˆθ0)1(gθˆ(xi)t)+oP(1)=OP(n12r)(1ni=1n1(gθˆ(xi)t)hθ0(xi))(1ni=1nϕiσ(xi)ϵi)+oP(1) We can use the strong law of large numbers on the second and Lindeberg's central limit theorem, as before, on the third factor in the last line. Hence it follows that the fourth term in (Equation13) is also oP(1), and therefore (15) Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθˆ(xi)t)+1ni=1n1σ(xi)(eˆiei)1(gθˆ(xi)t)+oP(1).(15) By assumption (B1), it follows that Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθˆ(xi)t)n(θˆθ0)T(1ni=1n1σ(xi)xiT1(gθˆ(xi)t))+oP(1)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθˆ(xi)t)(1ni=1n1σ(xi)hθ0(xi)1(gθˆ(xi)t))(1ni=1nϕiσ(xi)ϵi)+oP(1). From Proposition 2.1 which implies equicontinuity of the first summand and by (A2), it follows that Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵi1(gθ0(xi)t)(1ni=1n1σ(xi)hθ0(xi)1(gθ0(xi)t))(1ni=1nϕiσ(xi)ϵi)+oP(1)=1nΣn121(gθ0(X)t)Te1nΣn121(gθ0(X))THn(Φne)+oP(1)=1nΣn121(gθ0(X)t)T(IHnΦn)e+oP(1). Now we can, as in the proof of Theorem 19.23 in Vaart [Citation35], with the help of Proposition 2.1 prove that the process Wˆn converges to a tight stochastic process conditionally on the xi,i=1,2,.

Observe that the covariance function of the process Wˆn, conditionally on X is equal to cov(Wˆn(t),Wˆn(s)|X)=1n1(gθ0(X)t)TΣn12(IHnΦn)Σn(IHnΦn)×Σn121(gθ0(X)s)+oP(1).

We could have also proved the last part of the previous proof in a more direct way, as in the proof of Proposition 2.1.

Theorem 2.2 then shows that the processes based on the modified outcomes, Wˆn, conditionally on data, converge weakly and that their limits are equal to the limits of the processes based on the original outcomes. The proof will borrow some steps from the proofs of Theorems 3.7.1 and 3.7.2. from van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33]. Since the permutations are in our case restricted only to the permutation of ϵi,i=1,2, and since the sums in the permuted processes in our method have length n, we could not have used the theorems from van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33] directly.

Theorem 2.2

Assume that (A1), (A2), (B1), (B2) and (C1)–(C4) hold. The processes Wˆn converge conditionally on xi,ϵi,i=1,2, to a tight stochastic process that is equal to the limit of the processes Wˆn conditionally on xi,i=1,2,.


Remember first that, by definition y=yˆ+Σˆn12ΠΣˆn12eˆ. Now we can use Assumptions (C2), and (C3) as in (Equation12), to prove, as in the first steps of the proof of Theorem 2.1, that (16) Wˆn(t)=1ni=1nϵˆi1(gθˆ(xi)t)=1n1(gθˆ(X)t)Tϵˆ=1n1(gθ0(X)t)TΣ12(IHnΦn)Πeˆ+oP(1).(16) Observe that (17) var(Πϵˆ|X,ϵ)=C1I+C211T,(17) where C1=1ni=1nϵˆi2 and C2=1n(n1)ijϵˆiϵˆj. Observe that C1=1+oP(1). From Equations (Equation16), (Equation17) and Assumption (C4) it therefore follows that the covariance function of the process Wˆn is equal to cov(Wˆn(t),Wˆn(s)|X,ϵ)=1n1(gθ0(X)t)TΣn12(IHnΦn)Σn(IHnΦn)×Σn121(gθ0(X)s)+oP(1). The covariance functions of the processes Wˆn and Wˆn are therefore asymptotically equal.

Therefore the Crammér–Wold device and the central limit theorem for non-identically distributed random variables, for example Lindeberg's CLT, imply that the marginals of these processes converge to the same limits.

For the asymptotic ρ-equicontinuity, first observe that |Wˆn(s)Wˆn(t)|=|1ni=1nϵi(1(gθ0(xi)s)1(gθ0(xi)t))|+oP(1). Hence we can prove the asymptotic ρ-equicontinuity of the process Wˆn in almost the same way as it is proven in the second half of Theorems 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33]. First note that, since X is fixed in our setting, we cannot use the theory of empirical stochastic processes on i.i.d. random variables, but since we are dealing with the indicator functions, we are in fact dealing with sampling without replacement. Therefore we can use the Hoeffding's inequality to bound the above expression from above by the same expression where ϵi are sampled with replacement. Then we can bound the resulting expression by a constant times the same expression containing Poissonization. After this, we can use the conditional multiplier theorem in van der Vaart and Wellner [Citation33] which implies the desired result.

2.4. Power

In this section, we will briefly examine the power of our approach. As before, assume that we are using data X and the function gθ to model our data and that θˆ converges to some limit θ. Assume that the data y is generated so that it holds that m(x)=gθ(x)+r(x), where r is some unknown function. As before, we assume that σˆ converges to some limit σ.

Assume that the following assumption holds.


The functions r and g are such that there exists an interval T, such that there exists an infinite number of xi, so that gθ(xi)T and it holds that either r(xi)>0 for every such xi or r(xi)<0 for every such xi.

If we assume further that Assumptions (A1), (A2), (B1), (B2) and (C1)–(C4) hold and in addition that E(ϵˆi)=0, holds for every i, then our method rejects the null hypothesis. The reason for this is that the mean function of the process Wˆn does not converge on T, while the mean function of the processes Wˆn is zero, as before.

For example, let xi1U(0,1) be i.i.d and let xi2U(0,1) be i.i.d, where U(a,b) denotes uniform distribution on [a,b]. Let xi1 and xi2 be independent. Let xi1 and xi2 be independent of ϵi.

If m(x)=1+θx1+x12, gθ(x)=1+θx1, then the function r is equal to r(x)=x12+(θθ)x1, and it can be shown that Assumption (P1) holds.

On the other hand if we assume that m(x)=1+θx1, gθ(x)=1+θ1x1+θ2x2, then the function r is equal to r(x)=(θθ1)x1θ2x2. Because the sequences {xi1}iN and {xi2}iN are independent, Assumption (P1) does not hold.

3. Simulation results

To check the size of our proposed approach and to illustrate its power for several alternatives we conducted a simulation study with two predictor variables and an intercept term. We compare our approach with the approaches proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23], Lin et al. [Citation3], and Stute et al. [Citation24]. The fitted model is always, yˆ=θˆ0+θˆ1x1+θˆ2x2, where θˆj, j = 0, 1, 2 were obtained by OLS if not stated otherwise. The predictor variables were simulated independently from the uniform [0,1] distribution for n = 50, 100, 200 and 500 subjects. In each step of the simulation 1000 random permutations were performed. To estimate the variance function, we used the estimator defined in Equation (Equation5) using Gaussian kernel with bandwidth set to 0.5/n [Citation25] and 108. When calculating the test statistic for the approach proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23] we used, as in Stute et al. [Citation25], Gaussian kernel with bandwidth set to 0.5/n and we set x0 to be the 99th centile of the predicted values [Citation23,Citation25]; the p-values were obtained by simulating W2. We used Rademacher distribution (i.e., sign-flipping) for the approach proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation24] and standard normal distribution for the approach proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] simulating 1000 null realizations (see Equation Equation7) of the respective processes. In all approaches, the residuals were ordered by the fitted values. Each step of the simulation was repeated 10, 000 times (simulation margins of error are ±0.004 and ±0.006 for α=0.05 and 0.1, respectively). All the analyses were performed with R language for statistical computing, version 3.6.0 [Citation36]. All methods were programmed in R by the authors and are available as an R package gofLM (available upon request from the authors). The results when using the CvM or KS test statistic were similar in terms of size. Using the CvM test statistic was, however, more powerful (data not shown), hence we only show the results for the CvM test statistic.

3.1. Size of the test

The size was verified with a simulated example where the outcome variable was simulated from, yi=1+θ1xi1+0.25xi2+ei.

3.1.1. Normal homoscedastic random errors.

Here eiN(0,σ2), where N() denotes a normal distribution. Different values of θ1=0.5, 1 and 2 and σ2=0.5, 1 and 2 were considered.

The results for different θ1 and σ2 were very similar (data not shown), hence we show in Figure  the difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α (choosing α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 to give an overview over a wide range of αs) only for θ1=1 and σ2=1. The performance of our proposed approach was good, regardless of the choice of the bandwidth, with the difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level not exceeding the simulation margins of error regardless of the sample size, n. In contrast, the performance of the other approaches was not good with the difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level exceeding the simulation margins of error unless when the sample size was large. Note that the results presented in Figure imply that the distribution of the p-values when using the approaches proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23], Lin et al. [Citation3] and Stute et al. [Citation24] are not uniform: the first approach is too conservative with the null hypothesis being rejected less often than the nominal level, the latter two approaches are too liberal rejecting the null hypothesis too often.

Figure 1. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with normal homoscedastic random errors using θ1=1 and σ2=1. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 1. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with normal homoscedastic random errors using θ1=1 and σ2=1. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

3.1.2. Normal heteroscedastic random errors.

Here we illustrate how the approaches perform in the presence of heteroscedasticity, with eiN(0,σi2), where σi2=(1+ψxi1)2. Different values of ψ=0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5 were considered, using θ1=1.

The results when using different values of ψ were similar (data not shown), hence we show in Figure  only the results for ψ=0.5 and 0.5. The results were very similar to the example with normal homoscedastic random errors, with our proposed approach with bandwidth set to 0.5/n attaining the nominal level and other approaches achieving this only when the sample size was large being too conservative (approach proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23]) or too liberal (the approaches proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] and Stute et al. [Citation24]) otherwise. As expected, setting the bandwidth to 108 yielded slightly worse results than when using 0.5/n with the former approach being slightly conservative for some values of ψ, however, the differences between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level were not substantial.

Figure 2. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with normal heteroscedastic random errors using different values of ψ=0.5 and 0.5 (rows). Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 2. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with normal heteroscedastic random errors using different values of ψ=−0.5 and 0.5 (rows). Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

3.1.3. Non-normal homoscedastic random errors.

The size with non-normal random errors was checked with the example where ei=ϵias, ϵiγ(a,s) and a and s are the shape and the scale parameter of the gamma distribution (γ()), respectively using θ1=1. The scale parameter was set to s = 1, while different values of the shape parameter were considered, a = 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Larger values of a mean that the distribution of the error term was more symmetric but also more variable.

We show in Figure  only the results for a = 6 (the trends observed for other values of a were similar, data not shown). Our approach, setting the bandwidth to 108, performed well attaining the nominal level; setting the bandwidth to 0.5/n also performed well, but there were a few exceptions (the approach was slightly conservative with n<200). The performance of the other approaches was worse with the tests not attaining the nominal level for all values of α, especially with a smaller sample size (as in the previous examples the approach proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23] was too conservative and the approaches proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] and Stute et al. [Citation24] were too liberal).

Figure 3. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with non-normal homoscedastic random errors using a = 6. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 3. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the example with non-normal homoscedastic random errors using a = 6. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

3.2. Omission of a quadratic effect or an interaction term

Here we illustrate the power to detect the lack-of-fit due to omitting the quadratic effect or the interaction term. The outcome variable was simulated from yi=1+xi1+0.25xi2+θ3xi3+ei, where xi3=xi12 or xi3=xi1xi2, for the example where the quadratic and the interaction effects are omitted, respectively, and eiN(0,0.1). Different values of θ3=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1 were considered. Results for α=0.05 and for different effect and sample sizes are reported in Figure  (power against the omission of the quadratic effect – lower panels, power against the omission of the interaction effect – upper panels; the results for n = 200 are omitted for brevity of the presentation).

Figure 4. Fraction rejected at α=0.05 for different approaches under the null hypothesis (θ3=0) and under different alternatives (omission of a quadratic term, omission of an interaction term; θ3>0) for various different sample sizes (n = 50, 100 and 500 columns). Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 4. Fraction rejected at α=0.05 for different approaches under the null hypothesis (θ3=0) and under different alternatives (omission of a quadratic term, omission of an interaction term; θ3>0) for various different sample sizes (n = 50, 100 and 500 columns). Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Judging from Figure our approach performs well. As expected, the approach was more powerful when the effect size (θ3) and sample size were larger. Setting the bandwidth to 108 was slightly more powerful than using 0.5/n, but the differences were not substantial (results for 0.5/n are not shown). The proposed approach was more powerful than the test proposed by Stute and Zhu [Citation23], had similar power as the test proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] while the approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24] was, with a smaller sample size, slightly more powerful, but the differences were not substantial. However, recall that the approaches proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] and Stute et al. [Citation24] are too liberal rejecting the null hypothesis too often (see the results presented in the previous sections).

3.3. Nonlinear regression

Here we illustrate how our approach performs when applied to nonlinear regression. Here we only compare our approach with the approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24], since it performed better than the other approaches in the previous examples. The outcome variable was simulated from the power model yi=2+15xi11/3+ei, where eiN(0,1). The fitted model was the same as the simulated model. R function nls [Citation37] was used to fit the model, using true values of the parameters as the starting values. The results are presented in Figure .

Figure 5. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the nonlinear regression example where the fitted model was the same as the simulated model. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 5. The difference between the empirical rejection rate and the nominal level, α, for some chosen values of α=0.05, 0.1 and 0.95 (columns) for the nonlinear regression example where the fitted model was the same as the simulated model. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

With a bandwidth set to 0.5/n our approach was too conservative, however, when setting the bandwidth to 108 the empirical rejection rates were within the simulation margins of error. The approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24] was with a smaller sample size again too liberal.

To check the power of the proposed approach and compare it with the approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24], the outcome variable was simulated from Michaelis–Menten model yi=2+15xi1/(0.3+xi1)+ei, where eiN(0,1). The fitted model, however, assumed that the data were generated from the power model. Results are presented in Figure .

Figure 6. Fraction rejected at α=0.05 for different approaches for the nonlinear regression example where the fitted and simulated models were different. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

Figure 6. Fraction rejected at α=0.05 for different approaches for the nonlinear regression example where the fitted and simulated models were different. Shaded areas are simulation margins of error. Different colours represent different approaches.

With bandwidth set to 108 the power of our approach was larger than when using 0.5/n, and similar to the power obtained with the approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24].

4. Application

Our approach was applied to a dataset from a cross-sectional study of the dependence in daily activities among family practice non-attenders in Slovenia. We reanalysed a subset of data for 423 adult patients (aged 18 or over) requiring some level of assistance in their daily activities. We modelled the level of dependence in daily activities determined by a questionnaire through eight items, each on the 4-point Likert scale (dependence), exhibiting positively skewed distribution, and two covariates, patients age in years (age) and the assessment of pain intensity as determined by a questionnaire on a 10-point Likert scale (pain). First, we fitted a simple additive linear model using the OLS estimator and the results are shown in Figure , panels (A), (B) and (C). Our approach based on the CvM type test statistic, using Gaussian kernel with bandwidth set to 0.5/n, returned p-value of 0.027 and we can conclude that the fit of the model is poor (Figure , panel (A)). The tests using CvM type test statistic targeting at age and pain returned p-values equal to 0.041 and 0.042, respectively. From the plots of the constructed random process, we can conclude that the lack-of-fit due to covariate age is due to the omission of the quadratic term (Figure , panel (B), black curve). Based on Figure panel (C), we then also modelled the covariate pain as a restricted cubic spline using the truncated power basis defining 3 knots. When modelling pain as a restricted cubic spline and age as a quadratic term, the p-value for the full model check was 0.185 and the null hypothesis was not rejected at α=0.05 (Figure , panel D). The test using CvM type test statistic targeting at age and its square, returned a p-value of 0.560 and the test targeting at pain and its expanded term returned a p-value of 0.386 (Figure , panels (E) and (F), respectively) with the plots of the constructed process revealing an improved fit of the model.

Figure 7. The constructed random process (black curves) and 1000 randomly selected random processes which are obtained using the proposed permutation procedure (grey curves) for the dependence in daily activities dataset. The p-values are for the CvM type test statistic. Panel (A) refers to the model which includes only the main effects. Panels (B) and (C) are tests targeting at age and pain, respectively for the model which includes only the main effects. Panel (D) refers to the model which includes also the quadratic term of pain and models age as a restricted cubic spline with 3 knots. Panel (E) refers to the test targeting at age and its expanded term and panel (F) is for a test targeting at pain and its square.

Figure 7. The constructed random process (black curves) and 1000 randomly selected random processes which are obtained using the proposed permutation procedure (grey curves) for the dependence in daily activities dataset. The p-values are for the CvM type test statistic. Panel (A) refers to the model which includes only the main effects. Panels (B) and (C) are tests targeting at age and pain, respectively for the model which includes only the main effects. Panel (D) refers to the model which includes also the quadratic term of pain and models age as a restricted cubic spline with 3 knots. Panel (E) refers to the test targeting at age and its expanded term and panel (F) is for a test targeting at pain and its square.

5. Discussion

In practice, graphical procedures are mainly used to evaluate goodness-of-fit of the regression model. While these procedures are useful, they can be to a large extent subjective. They can be formalized by forming an empirical process based on residuals. Several goodness-of-fit tests based on such processes have been proposed. They are, however, very computationally expensive [Citation24], target a certain fixed alternative [Citation3,Citation4], rely on the asymptotic independence of the residuals [Citation22,Citation27] or rely on some asymptotic properties of the constructed random process [Citation3,Citation23,Citation26] and therefore can yield poor results with small sample size. We propose an approach that does not depend on the distribution of the errors and has the correct size also with a small sample size. This is achieved by using a novel permutation procedure to obtain the p-values. We prove that conditionally on the design matrix X, this approach is asymptotically consistent under the null and some alternative hypotheses.

In our approach, a consistent estimator of the function σ is required. In our simulation study, we used the standard Nadaraya–Watson estimator, where a kernel needs to be chosen and the bandwidth needs to be specified. It is well known that the choice of the kernel is not problematic [Citation38]. We compared two options for setting the bandwidth, one used regularly in similar problems and one presenting the extreme case where σ is practically a constant. Both options gave a very similar result for the linear case (even with non-constant variance), showing some robustness of our approach against the choice of bandwidth. However, for the non-linear case using 0.5/n did not yield good results, since our approach was too conservative having small power. In our particular example, this choice of bandwidth led to poor estimation of σ. With a larger bandwidth σ was estimated better and consequently, our approach performed well attaining the correct size while being as powerful as the approach proposed by Stute et al. [Citation24] (which with a smaller sample size was too liberal in all our simulation examples). The question of how to consistently estimate the function σ in a general regression setting is, however, beyond the scope of this paper, see, e.g., Fan and Yao [Citation39].

One potential disadvantage of using (any kind of) permutation (or bootstrap-based) testing could be a large computational burden. In the homoscedastic case, this was not an issue, as it is possible to implement the tests in a very efficient manner. For example, a typical simulated data example with two covariates, 1000 samples, and 10,000 permutations took 2.6 s using our R implementation. In comparison, the tests proposed by Lin et al. [Citation3] using the gof package (no longer available on CRAN) with 10,000 simulations took 28.6 s for the same example. For the heteroscedastic case, the computational burden is increased by the calculation of σˆ and σˆ, the latter of which must be performed many times. For example, when using 1000 permutations, the R implementation of the method takes about 10 s for data with n = 400 on a modern computer. In comparison, the implementation of our method written in Julia takes less than 40 ms on such data and the implementation in R for homoscedastic data takes around 130 milliseconds. With n = 1000 the R implementation for hetereoscedastic data takes about a minute, while the implementation in Julia takes less than 200 milliseconds. With n = 10, 000 the implementation in Julia is still manageable, taking about 20 s, while the R implementation is much slower, taking about 2.5 hours. Neither of these implementations is currently close to being optimal, but we do not expect this to be an important issue in practical research.


The dependence in daily activities data was provided by Zalika Klemenc Ketiš and Antonija Poplas Susič from the Health Centre Ljubljana. The dependence in daily activities data cannot be shared due to violating confidentiality. The constructive comments of two Reviewers are gratefully acknowledged.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


Jakob Peterlin is a young researcher funded by the Slovene Research Agency (ARRS). The authors acknowledge the financial support by ARRS (Methodology for data analysis in medical sciences, P3-0154, and projects J3-1761 and N1-0035).
