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Dramatherapy and gender: shattering norms and unearthing possibilities

Pages 152-162 | Published online: 16 Nov 2018


This critique was initially written as part of my MA Dramatherapy Independent Scholarship at the University of Derby, standing alongside a 30-minute solo performance. Together, they created an overall body of work; an autoethnographic research project into a topic based upon personal experience. Originally titled “Dramatherapy and the Glass Slipper: Utilising the Story of Cinderella to Challenge What It Means to Be a Woman”, this theoretical and embodied investigation navigated my experience of gender within western society through the medium of dramatherapy, with Cinderella as its metaphor. One year on, I am proud to be returning to this investigation as part of the Dramatherapy journal LBGTQ+ special edition, enabling me to reflect upon my continuing journey with, and experience of, gender, society and dramatherapy. Utilising both my original research and recent reflections, this article will present how dramatherapy enabled me to explore, question and challenge the social construct of gender. Ultimately, igniting a personal transformation to a more authentic self, as well as unearthing a professional endeavour to create a therapeutic experience that can acknowledge the spectrum of individual experiences; one based on humanness.


Firstly, to my fellow MA dramatherapy cohort. I cannot thank you enough for your support alongside the many personal developments I experienced as part of this journey, ones that ultimately informed this investigation. You challenged the way I saw the world, facilitated and enabled my personal growth, and helped generate the person that I am today. For that, I will forever be grateful. To the many professionals I had the pleasure of working with whilst studying for my MA: the course lecturers, my placement supervisors and managers, and my therapists. Thank you for your guidance and support, both with this investigation and my overall endeavour to become a dramatherapist. To my dear friend, Charlotte, who proofread this article many times along its various stages. I am so grateful for your time and invaluable advice. Lastly, to my family, for their unconditional love and support in all my personal and professional ventures. I could not do any of this without you.

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