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Research Article

Students’ perceptions of authenticity in an upper secondary technology education innovation project




Authenticity in schools has been highlighted as important for improving students’ engagement and learning, and to prepare them for future job markets, especially in science and technology.


This study investigates students’ perceived authenticity of a developed innovation project when implemented in an upper secondary technology education program.


Three cohorts of students (n = 199) attended a first-year technology course at a Swedish upper secondary school in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. In addition, eleven students from the 2016 cohort were interviewed two years later to obtain their views on how the innovation project in the first-year course influenced their performance in a subsequent advanced technology course taken in 2017–2018.

Design and Methods

Groups of students participated in the first phase of an innovation project in the first-year course, a five-week module, cooperatively designing solutions to real-world problems. A Likert scale questionnaire measured the degree of perceived authenticity in line with Herrington, Reeves and Oliver’s (2010) key elements. Focus group interviews were conducted after the second phase – a 20-week follow-up module in the subsequent advanced course – about how authentic they perceived the first and second phases to be.


A questionnaire measured the degree of perceived authenticity of the students for the first phase, for each of the three years. Coaching and scaffolding received the highest ratings across all three years, whereas Reflection was perceived as having the lowest authenticity. In a qualitative component of the study students found both phases positive, and five new themes of students’ perception of their experiences were revealed.


The similarities in perceived authenticity between the three cohorts suggest consistency in students’ perceptions of authenticity. However, they did not feel that the project gave them the opportunity to reflect on their learning. According to interviews conducted two years later, they perceived their experiences of the innovation project as having induced creativity, commitment, ownership, motivation, and real-world connection, although at times it was also a challenge to think for themselves and to collaborate with others.


From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in the school comes from his inability to utilize the experiences he gets outside the school in any complete and free way within the school itself; while, on the other hand, he is unable to apply in daily life what he is learning at school. That is the isolation of the school—its isolation from life. (Dewey Citation1900, 89)

The quote above is from an observation made by John Dewey in 1900. A century later, Hill and Smith (Citation1998, 32) found the situation to be surprisingly similar: 'Education for the new millennium must provide authentic educational experiences for our youth. Closing the gap between school life and workplace life is an important step in this direction.' These similar observations made one hundred years apart still largely reflect schooling in the current millennium.

Authenticity and authentic learning are described extensively in the literature, but with a major caveat – there is no universal and clear-cut definition for what specific elements constitute authentic learning or authenticity per se. From the introductory quotes we can deduce that applying what has been learnt in school in daily life or bridging the gap between school life and a real-world workplace, represent two definitions of authenticity. Shaffer and Resnick (Citation1999) identify four related ‘kinds’ of authentic learning, namely, i) learning that is personally meaningful, ii) learning that relates to the real world outside school, iii) learning that relates to a particular mode of a discipline, and iv) learning where the assessment reflects the learning process. However, not only are there disagreements around definitions for the term authenticity but also for whom education should be viewed as authentic (Anker-Hansen and Andreé Citation2019). Teachers’ perspectives and the perspective of technological praxis (e.g. engineering) of authenticity are two valid alternatives (Turnbull Citation2002). However, students’ perceived authenticity is perhaps most valid, and for them authenticity is also a motivational variable (Behizadeh Citation2011; Behizadeh and Engelhard Citation2014) because, as Ryan and Deci (Citation2000) assert, ‘intrinsic motivation results in high-quality learning and creativity’ (p. 55).

Nevertheless, previous studies have found for instance, that despite teachers insisting that innovation projects are authentic, they still find it difficult to motivate students because the students themselves do not view the activities as authentic, nor do they connect them to future technology-related everyday activities or professions (e.g. Rees Lewis et al. Citation2019). Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane (Citation2000) also found in their study that introduced a space mission project in the classroom that ‘student learning was anchored around a mock space shuttle mission […] In spite of this complex and weeklong activity, most students viewed the actual simulation more as a theatrical event as opposed to an opportunity for learning’ (p. 90). Thus, even ambitious, well-defined authentic projects may fail if they do not take students’ views of what is authentic into account. This can affect both the genuine feeling of a connection to real-world activities, and how students react to classroom activities in themselves. There are studies such as those by Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane (Citation2000) that have attempted to move from merely assuming that certain learning environments are authentic to empirically investigating students’ perceptions of authentic contexts. However, there are few technology and STEM education studies that systematically investigate authentic learning from the students’ point of view.

In pursuing this gap, the present study takes students’ perceptions of authenticity as its starting point, for although students should not be the arbiters of what is authentic or not, it is still the case that it is the students’ everyday life and future workplace that constitute the targets of authentic learning. A socio-cultural conception of authenticity is defined as students’ participation in practices and activities of professional scientists and technologists, or activities that correspond closely to these practices (see Murphy, Lunn, and Jones Citation2006). Therefore, authentic learning in school, ‘should provide experiences that are more in line with the sorts of activities that scientists and technologists do in the real world of science and that such experiences should include student-directed tasks and more open-ended enquiries’ (Braund and Reiss Citation2006, 1375–1376). Such tasks share many similarities with Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in contexts such as engineering projects (e.g. Barak Citation2020; Chen, Kolmos & Du, 2020; Edström and Kolmos Citation2014).

The above-mentioned socio-cultural conception of authenticity forms the basis of a research program to study authenticity from the point of view of students, in relation to an innovation project in upper secondary school technology education. In a similar vein as in PBL, Herrington and Oliver (Citation2000) unpacked key aspects of authentic learning for students, and in 2010, Herrington, Reeves and Oliver went on to define these aspects as nine elements of authenticity of learning environments. We mapped characteristics of these nine elements onto the design of an innovation project, and in support with associated literature, aimed it at upper secondary technology education students:

  • Authentic context – Preserving the complexity of a real-life setting. Ideas can be explored at length. The learning environment should provide a context that students perceive as authentic by representing how knowledge will be used in the real world (Gulikers, Bastiaens, and Martens Citation2005; Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Authentic task – Real-world relevance. Requires production of knowledge rather than reproduction. Students may perceive a task as more authentic when it is presented as a process of discovery and is personally relevant (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Presence of expert performances – Access to experts or to the way an expert or professional would think and act. Students often learn better from someone better than them. Perceiving learning situations as authentic will require involving role players outside of the formal classroom in representing how real-world problems are tackled (e.g. Rees Lewis et al. Citation2018).

  • Multiple perspectives – Different perspectives on the topic of the innovation project. Information from a multitude of available sources. When students can contrast information and knowledge from different perspectives, they might perceive the task as more authentic (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Collaboration – Task performed in groups. Appropriate incentive structure for pursuing whole-group achievement. Social interaction and debate during problem solving is important in perceiving the learning environment as authentic (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Reflection – Opportunities to reflect and compare the output of the project with other students and experts. Students may perceive learning as authentic when they are able to reflect on their learning (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Articulation – Public presentation of arguments behind a project to enable defence of position and ideas.

  • Coaching and Scaffolding – The teacher’s role is supportive, rather than simply transmitting knowledge. Collaboration where more able partners can assist. Students’ perception of an authentic learning situation is favoured when teachers are guides and scaffolders rather than information transmitters (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

  • Authentic assessment – Seamless integration of assessment and task. Crafted finished products or exhibited skills rather than exercises or tests (Herrington et al. 2010; Svärd, Schönborn and Hallström). Students may be less likely to perceive a learning task as authentic when traditional grades are used to evaluate performance (Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000).

Many of the above elements of authentic learning are being increasingly highlighted as key concepts in relation to how nations and companies can compete effectively (Chris et al. Citation2005; EU (Council of the European Union) Citation2008; Hart Citation2006). It follows that many of these concepts have also taken central stage in school curricula reform in the Western world in recent years (e.g. Cachia et al. Citation2010; Teknikdelegationen Citation2010), and are often manifested in perspectives such as the ‘21st Century Skills’ movement (Battelle For Kids, n.d.; Rotherham and Willingham 2009). Technology is viewed as a subject that not only requires, but also promotes, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation (Gómez Puente, van Eijck and Jochems Citation2011; Skolverket Citation2011; Svärd, Schönborn and Hallström), which are all seen as potential components of authenticity and the basis for the project in focus here.

The aim of this study is to investigate students’ perceived authenticity of a developed innovation project when implemented in an upper secondary technology education program. Specifically, the following research questions are posed:

  • How, and to what extent, did students perceive the innovation project as authentic?

  • What themes around perceived authenticity did students reveal in focus group interviews following the innovation project?

The innovation project and its implementation in a technology education program

An innovation project can take many potential forms. Implementation of the innovation project in the current study was underpinned by a problem/project-based learning (PBL) approach, where students’ solving of authentic, real-world, complex, and open-ended problems are placed at the forefront (Edström and Kolmos Citation2014). The characteristics of the project correspond to Chen et al.’s (2020) synthesis of PBL practices at the curriculum and project level. In this regard, salient characteristics of the project included solving problems collaboratively in small student groups, and solving problems which are student defined, or inspired from real stakeholders (e.g. companies or municipalities). From a learning skills perspective, high importance was placed on promoting collaboration, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, and communication. Additionally, in further correspondence with a PBL perspective, methods of assessing learning outcomes included expert appraisal, group oral presentations, design reports and group discussions.

Before entering the main part of the technology project, it was necessary for the students to first acquire basic generic and technology-specific knowledge and skills. These include problem-solving skills, basic insights in material properties and processing, and fundamental drawing techniques, including the use of Computer-Aided Design, CAD. Students were encouraged to plan their own work, adopt their acquired skills and knowledge, and test their abilities in an authentic real-life project. The nine elements of authenticity (Herrington n.d.; Herrington et al. 2010; Svärd, Schönborn and Hallström Citation2017a) were mapped to the project context.

The study was made up of two different phases: one in grade 10, the first year of upper secondary education, as a part of the mandatory Technology 1 course (Teknik 1, in Swedish), and the second one in grade 12, the third year, as part of an elective advanced technology course, Technology Specialization (Teknik Specialisering, in Swedish).

Phase 1 of the innovation project was implemented at the school that the first author taught at (). The main component consisted of a five-week period when the students spent more than 20 hours of the total allocated teaching time of 40–45 hours, on the project. The students worked collaboratively in small groups, usually comprising of three or four students that were tasked with solving a real-world problem of their choice. Any problem that appeared to lack a trivial solution was encouraged as a starting point. Specific instructions on how to proceed were not given. However, within the scaffolding support offered to the students, advice was offered as one could expect from a senior colleague or mentor regarding the suitability and project potential. But for the main part the students had to plan and carry out their own projects. This included searching for necessary information, appropriating materials and manufacturing techniques, analysing the potential market, and calculating the financial aspects of the project process and output. The project period culminated in an exhibition where the students exhibited their results, mostly as models (physical models or images displaying the design and function) but also sometimes as operational prototypes. At the exhibition, the students were required to explain to invited professional inventors, fellow peers, and interested viewers, how their product or service functioned. The groups received substantial feedback from the inventors. These feedback experiences were also added to the individual written report that was completed the following weeks, enabling further reflection on the task. At the end of the year the groups delivered a presentation to the teacher in which they could add new insights and knowledge regarding their product and/or service in issues such as protection of the environment, design, industrial design rights, trademarks and patents, and possible types of business entities suitable for their project and product.

Table 1. Implementation of phase 1 and phase 2 of the innovation project activities, respective durations (hours), calendar timepoints and descriptions.

Phase 2 of the innovation project constituted a followed-up advanced technology course two years later where the students, in groups of two to three, came up with solutions to a problem presented to them by a municipal company (). The task involved solving sustainable transportation and related problems in a greater city area. Solving such community related problems can foster engagement when learning technology (Hill and Smith Citation2005). Phase 2 was thus centred on increasing citizens’ general quality of life, and included, for example, improving transport systems and efficiency, providing better living conditions for citizens, and decreasing air and noise pollution. The areas of intervention were broad, and the students were able to choose any problem within the areas suggested by the local politicians. The open possibilities made phase 2 of the project much like the first phase, offering a wide range of problems and with multiple routes to potential solutions. Phase 2 started in September after an introduction of the task by the CEO of a municipal company and a subsequent workshop held by a senior manager of the same company. Students worked on different solutions to the task that they had been given for almost five months. At all times they had the possibility to ask representatives of the company for necessary information and feedback on their ideas. After presenting their results at the company’s headquarters, the project closed with a substantial technical report.


Study settings and context

The study was performed at a Swedish upper secondary school in 2016, 2017 and 2018. All participating students were enrolled in the Technology program, in which the course Technology 1 is one of the compulsory prerequisite courses. In each of 2016 and 2018 the module comprised of two classes with the same teacher, and in 2017 three classes and two teachers.

As presented in , the study consisted of two parts: a semi-quantitative component conducted over three years involving 199 students (phase 1) and a qualitative component comprising eleven students (phase 2). In the semi-quantitative component, three cohorts of students reported their perception of authenticity () through Likert-scale questionnaires about phase 1 of the project. The qualitative component involved semi-structured interviews with four groups of students from the 2016 cohort after they took the follow-up advanced technology course (phase 2) in 2017–2018. The grades (from the Technology 1 course taken in 2016) of the eleven interviewed students ranged from the highest to the lowest grade.

Table 2. Distribution of participants in phase 1 of the innovation project in 2016, 2017 and 2018 showing project year, number of project groups and participating students, associated ratio of males (M) and females (F), and number of questionnaires (and response rate).

Ethical principles for research established by the Swedish Research Council (Citation2017) were adhered to throughout the research process. Participants were informed about the purpose of the study, were told that they could terminate their participation at any time, and that the collected data would only be used for research purposes; the participants consented to all the former. Participants’ anonymity was protected and all participant names, company entities and the municipality concerned are anonymized.

Questionnaires were delivered, and the interviews were performed, by the first author in relation to his own students. The potential bias that might arise in student responses was ameliorated by making sure that data collection was performed after grading and, in the case of the interviews, also after the first author switching jobs which included departing the school where the study took place.

Data collection

Written authenticity rating questionnaires (phase 1)

Following phase 1 of the innovation project, an individual questionnaire was employed to obtain students’ perceptions of authenticity after the exhibition (last lesson) of the module (see ). Using students’ own thoughts or perceptions when self-rating a construct has been shown to often mirror the views of otherwise independent evaluators (e.g. Alias, Masek and Md Salleh Citation2015; Cassidy Citation2007; Kaufman Citation2019; Lew, Alwis and Schmidt 2010). A Likert scale was chosen for this purpose as it is a familiar and a common tool used to rate one’s own perceptions (Allen and Seaman Citation2007). Albeit so, Matell and Jacoby (Citation1972) caution that when using Likert scales with few rating options, the selection of the ‘middle alternative’ is much more pronounced than when using a Likert scale with seven or more rating options. Therefore, a four-point Likert scale representing the rating options ‘Unauthentic’, ‘Slightly Authentic’, ‘Moderately Authentic’, and ‘Authentic’ in response to each of the different presented statements (also see Garland Citation1991) was chosen. The questions about the project were designed in such a way as to obtain students’ opinions about the nine elements of authenticity. The 13 questions were not formulated to ask for the students’ perceived authenticity explicitly but were instead designed for us to be able to extract that information indirectly by, for instance, alluding to examples of real-world scenarios and their perceptions of such (see Appendix). The participant number and gender distribution in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 project groups together with the questionnaire response rate are provided in . Student ages ranged from 16 to 18 years old with most students being male in all three cohorts.

Focus group interviews following the advanced technology course (phase 2)

Fifteen male students from the 2016 Technology 1 cohort went on to take the advanced Technology Specialisation course in 2017–2018. The advanced group project component of this course lasted five months with the objective to solve a real-world problem presented to each student group each comprising three students by representatives of a local municipal company in Sweden ().

Four months after the project ended and the course was graded, semi-structured focus group interviews (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison Citation2011; Lederman Citation1990; Wibeck Citation2010) were held with four project groups, representing eleven students in total. The interviewer/first author had by this point ended his tenure at the school and had no direct possibility to influence any actions in respect of the students’ future endeavours. Each interview lasted about 30 minutes and was audio recorded and fully transcribed verbatim. Following analysis, representative interview excerpts of relevance were translated into English.

Data analysis

Analysis of the authenticity rating questionnaires

The questionnaire comprises 13 questions about the project, which are each answered through a four-point Likert scale. Likert scales have been used previously to measure perceived authenticity (i.e. Purcell-Gates, Degener, Jacobsen and Soler 2002; Purcell-Gates, Duke and Martineal 2007). The questionnaire was designed to reflect students’ opinions about the nine elements of authenticity. Three items had adjunctive, open-ended, follow up questions offering the students a possibility to provide more descriptive answers. When calculating the authenticity perception for each of the groups, the four points in the scale (Unauthentic, Slightly Authentic, Moderately Authentic, and Authentic) were assigned scores of zero, one, two and three, respectively. A mean rating score for each element of authenticity was calculated as a percentage (e.g. Bozalek et al. Citation2013). Only groups that comprised two or more answering students were analysed. The mean value of respondent scores in each group was interpreted as the general view of the group (e.g. Field Citation2013, Chap. 1).

Analysis of the focus group interviews

Interviews were transcribed and subsequently analysed in Swedish (Braun and Clarke Citation2006; Gibbs Citation2007). The method of data analysis was qualitative and hermeneutic, using thematic analysis informed by the six phases described by Braun and Clarke (Citation2006). The initial two phases were (1) familiarizing ourselves with the data, which included repeated reading of the entire dataset and noting initial ideas; and (2) generating initial codes, which meant that relevant features of the interview data was coded in a systematic way. Any text section relating to the research questions was thus assigned a descriptive code, and each such section contained between two and ten sentences of transcript. The first two phases were performed in an explorative manner, to find comprehensive patterns in the data. We performed an open-ended reading and coding of the student utterances, not necessarily connected to elements of authenticity. The next phase (3) was to collate codes into potential themes, which were first generated deductively in the light of the nine elements of authenticity (Herrington, Reeves and Oliver 2010; Svärd, Schönborn and Hallström). Secondly, themes that were expressed in phase 2 and not necessarily encompassed by Herrington et al’s. (2010) framework, were generated inductively from the students’ responses. The subsequent phase (4) involved the hermeneutic inspection of whether the themes reflected both the coded extracts and the whole data set, as well as subsequently revising themes to reduce any overlap between them. Phase (5) consisted of finally defining and communicating themes in relation to the nine authenticity elements as well as to the emergent aspects of authenticity gained inductively from the students’ answers. The final phase (6) involved compiling example data and translating quotes into English to exemplify and represent the nature of the themes.


Written authenticity rating questionnaires

As shown in all nine elements of Herrington et al.’s (2010) framework were represented in students’ authenticity ratings for all the three years wherein phase 1 of the innovation project was implemented. Overall, and on average, Coaching and scaffolding received the highest ratings across all three years, whereas Reflection was perceived as having the lowest authenticity relevance.

Figure 1. Authenticity rating (%) per authentic learning element in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 student cohorts.

Figure 1. Authenticity rating (%) per authentic learning element in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 student cohorts.

The overall mean rating values of authenticity per group in the three years are provided in below. Across the three cohorts, the median value was in the range 65% – 68%, corresponding to means in the range 66% – 68%.

Figure 2. Box plots showing the distribution of perceived authenticity rating (%) for each cohort in year 2016, 2017 and 2018 (one outlier in the 2017 cohort).

Figure 2. Box plots showing the distribution of perceived authenticity rating (%) for each cohort in year 2016, 2017 and 2018 (one outlier in the 2017 cohort).

Focus group interviews

The focus-group interview transcripts were analysed thematically in a deductive and an inductive process, as described above. The deductive phase of the data analysis revealed all nine elements of authenticity as described by Herrington et al. (2010). Students from all groups suggested that phase 2, the advanced course, was much in line with phase 1 (two years earlier), and that the previous experiences helped them focus on the task at hand ().

Table 3. Results of the deductive phase of the interview data analysis showing representative student perceptions of authenticity in the learning environment of the innovation project.

The interviews showed that students were positive to the authentic character of the two phases of the innovation project overall. For instance, according to the students, advantages of an authentic context lay in the fact that a genuine municipal company was involved, and that they related to the bigger picture of a real problem in the city in phase 2. According to the students, advantages of an authentic task were found in performing a long-term task that a municipal company required, also in phase 2. Regarding presence of expert performances, the students interacted with different authorities, companies, and professional inventors, which was deemed as a positive experience. Collaboration was mainly carried out online, and consisted of exchanging thoughts and workload within the group, which was also considered as positive, as was Reflection, which was done by the students in discussions, in fact checking, and in getting feedback from the Company during phase 2 of the project. In this sense, Reflection deviates from the results of the questionnaires but in the interviews, it was related to phase 2 of the project.

Negative aspects that were expressed, for example, concerned the multitude of sources that had to be checked for credibility and integrated into the project, can all be viewed as signs of authenticity as real-world problems are often ill-defined and complex.

As presented in below, inductive analysis of the focus-group interview transcripts revealed five new emergent themes, reflecting the students’ perceptions of their own experiences of the innovation project, namely Creativity, Commitment, Ownership of learning, Motivation and Real-world experiences.

Table 4. Results of the inductive phase of the interview data analysis showing five new emergent themes of students’ perceptions of their experiences of the innovation project.

The five new themes also reflect the participating students’ perceptions of their own investment in the innovation project (e.g. Cachia et al. Citation2010; Hill and Smith Citation2005; Lima, Andersson, and Saalman Citation2017; Rotherham and Willingham Citation2010). In this regard, the project was perceived as a creative endeavour, with views that the creativity originated from the group collectively, as one student stated (Hennesy and Amabile, 2010; Kaufman and Beghetto Citation2009; Simonton Citation2017). The students also perceived that the project required commitment and engagement, which also involved difficulties and demands since students had to find out information and knowledge for themselves. Similarly, according to the students, regarding ownership of learning it was considered gratifying but also demanding to own the work but also to do all the thinking themselves (cf. Conley and French Citation2014). Furthermore, the experience was also perceived as motivating and exciting because it had real-world relevance, which motivated the students to perform to the best of their ability. In turn, this induced motivating feelings among the students through the full-hearted involvement by the Company, especially the fact that the CEO was also engaged (e.g. Autio Citation2019; Reeve, Cole, and Olson, Citation1986; Ryan and Deci Citation2000). Finally, the students also expressed that the project had given them real-world experiences, perceiving the assignment as ‘a real workplace task’ that will be relevant for future activities such as entering working life or embarking on tertiary education .


Our findings provide insight into students’ perceived authenticity of an innovation project implemented in an upper secondary school technology program. We structure the discussion of the results by revisiting the two specific research questions of the study.

Presence and extent of students’ perceptions of the innovation project as authentic

With respect to exploring how students perceived authenticity of the project considering Herrington et al.’s framework, our deductive analysis confirmed that all nine elements were present in students’ perceptions (). The result that the element of Coaching and scaffolding received the highest perception ratings (80%), might be due to students being highly stimulated by being supported and guided during their own problem solving during critical moments, rather than instructed directly (Herrington et al., 2010). Our finding that the Reflection element had the lowest perceived authenticity (45%) might imply that there were insufficient opportunities for students to self-reflect on the development of their evolving solutions. Such perception might be enhanced by explicitly integrating moments in the module where students are encouraged to reflect on the process actively and regularly, through activities such as recording and keeping a log or reflective report of their ideas (Herrington et al., 2010; Herrington and Oliver Citation2000; Chen et al., 2000).

An encouraging finding from the study was the extent to which students perceived the innovation project as authentic. Overall, students rated their perceived authenticity as ranging from 66% to 68% on average. This extent of perception of the projects may have also been associated with use of an array of articulation techniques and authentic assessment methods as advocated by a PBL approach (e.g. Chen et al., 2000), such as presentations at an exhibition or at a company, consultations with the teacher (both individual and in group), and a written design report. Interestingly, the extent of these rating values corresponds with previous work by Bozalek et al. (Citation2013) who investigated the authenticity of 21 groups of university projects in various disciplines by also applying Herrington’s nine elements. A comparison reveals some salient similarities between the findings of the respective studies. For example, the mean perceived authenticity in our study resonates with the average level of perceived authenticity across all nine elements presented by Bozalek et al. (Citation2013, 634, ). The revealed similarity serves as a validation of the Herrington framework as a tool for classifying students’ perceptions of authentic learning environments. In addition, both studies identified high perceptions of coaching and scaffolding (80% and 74%, respectively), which highlights students’ favorable perception of teachers being supportive guides rather than knowledge transmitters as is the case in certain PBL-inspired approaches.

Nature and quality of students’ perceptions of the innovation project as authentic

Results from the interviews indicated that the innovation project was largely perceived by the students as meaningful, albeit demanding, in terms of the key facets of an authentic learning environment as postulated by Herrington et al. (2010). The analysis also revealed other newly emerging themes of perceived authenticity, relating to the students’ experiences of the project: Creativity, Commitment, Ownership of learning, Motivation and Real-world experiences. The new themes could be viewed as a complement to those of Herrington et al. (2010), since the latter concern perceptions of the project learning environment but the former concern the students’ own experiences of, and personal investment in, the project. Hill and Smith (Citation2005) suggest that an authentic learning project should comprise of (approximate equivalents to Herrington et al, 2010, in brackets) Mediation (Multiple perspectives), Distribution (Collaboration), Situatedness (Authentic context), Multiple literacies (Multiple perspectives), Motivation, Identity, Career planning, Human relationship (Collaboration), Teacher attributes (Coaching and scaffolding), and Embodiment. Embodiment in this context is described as ‘learning involving the body and, especially, emotion’ (Hill and Smith Citation2005, 26). Hill and Smith’s (2005) Motivation align with our new inductive themes of Motivation, and possibly also Real-world experiences, the latter of which could also be said to partially align with the Career planning theme.

A major difference between the frameworks suggested by Herrington et al. (2010) and Hill and Smith (Citation2005), is that the former describes features of the learning environment of an authentic project, whereas the latter describes both specifics of the learning environment, motivational attitudes of students and outcomes of such a project. A novel result of this study is that we investigated students’ perceptions in a more structured manner, first perceptions of the – possibly – authentic learning environment made available in a PBL-based innovation project and then the students’ perceptions of their own experience of and investment in the project. This is important because it is not enough to only create a potentially authentic innovation project on its own; students must also perceive it as such and, furthermore, they need to perceive their own contribution and investment as relevant and meaningful (cf. Shaffer and Resnick Citation1999). For example, it is crucial that they see various scaffolding and input by experts in the project not as a staged mock-up or theatrical events but as meaningful opportunities to learn (e.g. Nicaise, Gibney, and Crane Citation2000). In contrast with previous findings on students’ perceptions of authenticity (e.g. Rees Lewis et al. Citation2019), our results show that the students conceived of the nine elements of the project learning environment as largely authentic, except for Reflection and possibly also Authentic task in the quantitative analysis. In the qualitative analysis it is apparent that the students perceived the authenticity of the project learning environment as largely meaningful and relevant. The emergent themes from the qualitative analysis also point to other aspects of their experiences of the project, in particular the existence of an increased – compared to ‘traditional’ teaching – perceived motivation, ownership, and real-world relevance of the project. However, at the same time, they felt that this came with more work and frustration in the groups because of them having to think more independently. It is noteworthy that some students also felt that they became more creative when working together, and at the same time, also thought that they invested more work and commitment into the task.

Although the above findings say little about the actual authenticity of the technology project content itself, they nevertheless strengthen the validity of Herrington’s et al. (2010) framework as a viable set of elements for creating a meaningful, motivating, and real-world relevant learning environment in PBL-based innovation projects (cf. Chen, Kolmos, and Xiangyun Citation2020). The emergent themes also imply that these kinds of projects can create a sense of ownership of students’ learning, which, when coupled with an increased motivation, may be a reason the students also felt more committed and wanted to invest in the technology project, although it was at times a time- and work-consuming task that sometimes led to frustration in the groups. It is interesting that perceived creativity came up as a theme in the interviews, and not only because it was an integral part of the innovation project. Creativity is also a component of the so-called 21st century skills (Batelle For Kids, n.d.) and a critical element of the subject Technology in upper secondary school in Sweden (Skolverket Citation2011). Students felt that creativity could thrive in such a project context (Simonton Citation2017).

Conclusions and implications

This study addresses the issue of for whom technology education should be considered authentic, which to date has not been addressed in the literature in earnest. In pursuing this gap, the present study therefore took students’ perceptions of authenticity as its starting point. Although students should not be the arbiters of what is authentic or not, it is still the case that it is the students’ everyday life, motivation and future workplace that constitute the targets of authentic learning. Our study suggests that the implemented technology education project is in line both with content as described by Herrington et al. as well as outcomes as described by Hill and Smith (Herrington et al. 2010; Hill Citation2018; Hill and Smith Citation2005; Svärd, Schönborn and Hallström). The interviews revealed that the students found the task to be true to real life situations as well as motivating, which is related to earlier assertions made by Shaffer and Resnick (Citation1999) and Braund and Reiss (Citation2006) (also see Murphy, Lunn, and Jones Citation2006). However, the students also found the innovation project challenging and demanding, in particular, because of the existence of multiple perspectives on finding solutions to the task and having to rely only on coaching and scaffolding from the teacher and others involved, such as the inventors and the Company. This meant that a significant responsibility was placed on the students themselves to execute the project. They also became anxious when presenting their projects to real technologists and innovators at the close of the experience. Overall, in line with findings also shown in science education contexts (e.g. Tsybulsky Citation2019), the study showed that most students were positive to the innovation project and perceived it as authentic.

As demonstrated by Gulikers, Bastiaens, and Martens (Citation2005), if students themselves do not perceive a learning environment as authentic, there is a lower chance that it will positively influence their performance on the intended real world problem-solving task. The findings of this study provide various insights into upper secondary students’ perceptions of authenticity in an innovation project adopted in technology education. Future research directions include probing whether such projects help students to engage more in their learning processes, and how such modules might help to frame students’ ideas about their own future innovation skills.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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Evaluation of the innovation project questionnaire

Read the questions and answer options carefully. Take your time.

1. Have you made use of the knowledge that you have gained in school to manage the project?

○ Not at all

○ To some extent

○ Mostly

○ Yes, always

2. Has it been possible for you to get the kind of information that you needed to solve the task?

○ No

○ To some extent

○ Mostly

○ Yes

3. Did you perceive the project as real (e.g. that it could have been you developing a product for a real market, as an employee or as a self-employed person)?

○ Not at all

○ To some extent

○ Mostly

○ Yes, very realistic

3b. Please tell us more. What made you feel that way? (Free text answer possibility)

4. How many sources have you got information or inspiration from?

○ Only school material

○ 2–3 different sources

○ 4–5 different sources

○ Many different sources and not only through the internet.

5. Did you have access to the sources you needed?

○ Yes, mostly

○ Yes, sometimes

○ Lacked sometimes

○ Lacked mostly

5b. If you missed something, what could that have been? (Free text answer possibility)

6. Do you think the cooperation within the group worked?

○ Not at all

○ To some extent

○ Mostly

○ Yes, always

7. In what ways have you cooperated in the group?

○ We worked on individual parts and put them together as a finished product.

○ We made some parts together, but most parts individually, and put it together as a finished product.

○ We made most parts together, but some parts individually, and put it together as a finished product.

○ We have done almost everything together.

8. Have you learned anything from other groups’ work?

○ Nothing

○ Yes, a little

○ Yes, quite a lot

○ Yes, a lot

9. Have you changed your mind regarding aspects in the project after talking to people in or out of the group?

○ Not at all

○ Yes, once after discussions within the group

○ Yes, once after discussions with someone outside of the group

○ Yes, multiple times

10. Are you happy with how your group presented during the exhibition?

○ Not at all

○ To some extent

○ Quite happy

○ Yes, definitely

11. Have you felt support from people outside of the group?

○ Not at all

○ Too little

○ Could have been more

○ Enough

12. Do you think that your product or service was as ready as you had wanted?

○ Not at all

○ No, could definitely be better

○ Could be a little better

○ Yes, we are happy as it came out

12b. Could your product/ service have been improved? In what ways? (Free text answer possibility)

12c. What made the product/ service as good as it became? (Free text answer possibility)

13. Could you answer the questions regarding your product/ service during the exhibition?

○ Not at all

○ Could have been better

○ Quite well

○ Very well

Supplementary notes on the design and implementation of the questionnaire in Appendix:

The questionnaire was designed to measure the degree of authenticity of the nine elements defined by Herrington et al. (2010). The provided English items were originally administered in the Swedish language, and correspond to the following elements of authenticity:

  • Authentic context – Q1 and Q2

  • Authentic task – Q3 and Q3b

  • Presence of expert performances – Q4

  • Multiple perspectives – Q5 and Q5b

  • Collaboration – Q6 and Q7

  • Reflection – Q8 and Q9

  • Articulation – Q10

  • Coaching and scaffolding – Q11

  • Authentic assessment – Q12, Q12b, Q12c and Q13