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Bayesian rank-based hypothesis testing for the rank sum test, the signed rank test, and Spearman's ρ

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Pages 2984-3006 | Received 14 May 2019, Accepted 20 Dec 2019, Published online: 11 Jan 2020


Bayesian inference for rank-order problems is frustrated by the absence of an explicit likelihood function. This hurdle can be overcome by assuming a latent normal representation that is consistent with the ordinal information in the data: the observed ranks are conceptualized as an impoverished reflection of an underlying continuous scale, and inference concerns the parameters that govern the latent representation. We apply this generic data-augmentation method to obtain Bayes factors for three popular rank-based tests: the rank sum test, the signed rank test, and Spearman's ρs.

1. Introduction

The debate on alternatives to null hypothesis significance tests based on p-values [Citation63] has led to a renewed interest in the Bayesian alternative known as the Bayes factor. Advantages of such Bayesian tests include the ability to provide evidence in favor of both the null and the alternative hypotheses [Citation12], the ability to straightforwardly synthesize evidence to assess replicability [Citation36], and the ability to monitor the evidence as the data accumulate [Citation51]; see [Citation13,Citation62] for further details on the advantages of Bayesian inference. These advantages are met by the recently proposed Bayes factors for the classical two- and one-sample t-tests [Citation52], as well as for the Bayes factor for Pearson's correlation [Citation37]. These tests have become increasingly popular in the applied sciences. The goal of this paper is to extend these parametric Bayes factors to their rank-based counterparts.

Rank-based statistical procedures offer a range of advantages over their parametric counterparts. First, they are robust to outliers and to violations of distributional assumptions, which occur frequently in many practical applications, such as the analysis of questionnaire data. Second, they are invariant under monotonic transformations, which is desirable when interest concerns a hypothesized concept (e.g. rat intelligence) whose relation to the measurement scale is only weakly specified (e.g. brain volume or log brain volume could be used as a predictor; without a process model that specifies how brain physiology translates to rat intelligence, neither choice is privileged). Third, many data sets are inherently ordinal (e.g. Likert scales, where survey participants are asked to indicate their opinion on, say, a 7-point scale ranging from ‘disagree completely’ to ‘agree completely’). Finally, rank-based procedures perform better than their fully parametric counterparts when assumptions are violated, with little loss of efficiency when the assumptions do hold [Citation24].

Prominent rank-based tests include the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon rank sum test (i.e. the rank-based equivalent of the two-sample t-test), the Wilcoxon signed rank test (i.e. the rank-based equivalent of the paired sample t-test), and Spearman's ρs (i.e. a rank-based equivalent of the Pearson correlation coefficient). These ordinal tests were developed within the frequentist statistical paradigm, and Bayesian analogues through Bayes factor hypothesis testing have, to the best of our knowledge, not yet been proposed. We speculate that the main challenge in the development of Bayesian hypothesis tests for ordinal data is the lack of a straightforward likelihood function. As stated by Harold Jeffreys [Citation27, pp. 178–179] for the case of Spearman's ρs:

‘The rank correlation, while certainly useful in practice, is difficult to interpret. It is an estimate, but what is it an estimate of? That is, it is calculated from the observations, but a function of the observations has no relevance beyond the observations unless it is an estimate of a parameter in some law. Now what can this law be? [··· ] the interpretation is not clear.’

This difficulty can be overcome by postulating a latent, normally distributed level for the observed data (i.e. data augmentation). In other words, the rank data are conceptualized to be an impoverished reflection of richer latent data that are governed by a specific likelihood function. The latent normal distribution was chosen for computational convenience and ease of interpretation. This general procedure is widely known as data augmentation [Citation3,Citation56], and Bayesian inference for the parameters of interest (e.g. a location difference parameter δ or an association parameter ρ) can then be achieved using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling. In other words, we can use the latent normal approach to overcome the lack of a likelihood function, and thus enable a Bayesian approach to rank-based testing.

Below we first outline the general latent normal framework and then develop Bayesian counterparts for three popular frequentist rank-based procedures: the rank sum test, the signed rank test, and Spearman's rank correlation. Each of these developed Bayesian tests is accompanied by a simulation study that assesses the behavior of the test and a data example that highlights the desirable properties of rank-based inference, as well as the applicability of our proposed tests.

2. General methodology

In the Bayesian framework, the posterior distribution of the parameter of interest θ is often used for hypothesis testing and parameter estimation. The posterior distribution is proportional to the likelihood, i.e. f(dataθ), times the prior, i.e. π(θ), that is, (1) π(θdata)f(dataθ)×π(θ).(1) In the parametric case, this is often straightforward. For rank-based procedures, however, f(dataθ) is unavailable and to overcome this complication, we can use a latent normal framework.

2.1. Latent normal models

Latent normal models were first introduced by [Citation48] as a means of modeling data from a 2×2 cross-classification table. The method was later extended by [Citation49] to accommodate r×s tables. Instead of modeling the count data directly for the 2×2 case, Pearson assumed a latent bivariate normal level with certain governing parameters. In the case of cross-classification tables, the governing parameter is the polychoric correlation coefficient (PCC) and refers to Pearson's correlation on the bivariate, latent normal level.

A maximum likelihood estimator for the PCC was developed by [Citation46,Citation47], and a Bayesian framework for the PCC was later introduced by [Citation2]. This idea was extended by [Citation50] to rank likelihood models, where the latent boundaries are not estimated but determined directly by the latent scores (see also [Citation22,Citation23]). For the two-sample location problem, a similar approach has been discussed by [Citation4,Citation5,Citation53], where a continuous distribution is assumed to be underlying the observed data. Further models for ordinal data are given in [Citation15,Citation16,Citation39,Citation41]. However, these methods omit Bayesian hypothesis testing through Bayes factors and/or lack a straightforward interpretation of the model parameters.

In general, the latent normal methodology allows one to transform ordinal problems to parametric problems. The resulting models that are discussed here have a data-generating process, are governed by easily interpretable parameters on the latent level, and enable Bayes factor hypothesis testing. A detailed sampling algorithm of the general methodology is presented in the next section.

2.2. Posterior distribution

We elaborate the main idea of the latent normal approach with data consisting of two groups of samples. Let (rx,ry) be two vectors of ranked data, and zx,zy be the vectors of associated latent normal scores which depend on a model parameter θ. The latent normal posterior is then proportional to (2) π(zx,zy,θx,y)f(rx,ryzx,zy)×f(zx,zyθ)×π(θ)(2) Note how the parametric likelihood in (Equation1) is now replaced by the product f(rx,ryzx,zy)×f(zx,zyθ). As before, the third term on the right-hand side refers to the prior π(θ). The second term refers to the latent normal structure. For instance, in the two-sample case, we replace the generic θ by the population difference δ and take for f(zx,zyθ) the product of two normal densities with unit variances, but a mean depending on δ, see below for further details. On the other hand, for inference on Spearman's ρs, we replace the generic θ by ρ, and take for f(zx,zyθ) the centered bivariate normal density with unit variances, and correlation ρ.

The first term on the right-hand side of (Equation2), i.e. f(rx,ryzx,zy) consists of a set of indicator functions, presented below, that connect the observed ranks to the unobserved latent normal scores, zx,zy such that the ordinal information (i.e. the ranking function) in the observations rx,ry is preserved. This is similar to the approach of [Citation1,Citation3], who sampled latent scores for binary or polytomous response data from a normal distribution that was truncated with respect to the ordinal information of the data.

With (Equation2) in hand, we have the specified the link between the data, the latent normal scores and parameters, and an MCMC sampler can be constructed in order to obtain the joint posterior distribution. This sampler takes as input the ordinal information of the observed data, and iteratively generates random parameter values θ as well as random latent scores zx,zy. The indicator function f(rx,ryzx,zy) ensures that the latent scores zx,zy retain the ordinal information in the data by truncating the latent normal likelihood f(zx,zyθ). For the latent value zix this means that its range is truncated by the lower and upper thresholds that are respectively defined as: (3) aix=maxj:rjx<rixzjx(3) (4) bix=minj:rjx>rixzjx.(4) For example, suppose that on a particular MCMC iteration we wish to augment the observed ordinal value rix to a latent zix; on the latent scale, the lower threshold aix is given by the maximum latent value associated with all rx lower than rix, whereas the upper threshold bix is determined by the minimum latent value associated with all rx higher than rix. This dependence between the scores can make the sampler inefficient. In order to remedy the high degree of autocorrelation that data augmentation can induce [Citation60], we included an additive decorrelating step documented by [Citation35,Citation44].

2.3. Estimation and testing

After obtaining the joint posterior distribution through the MCMC sampling algorithm outlined above, we can either focus on estimation and present the marginal posterior distribution for the parameter of interest θ, or we can conduct a Bayes factor hypothesis test and compare the predictive performance of a point-null hypothesis H0 (in which the parameter of interest is fixed at a predefined value θ0) against that of an alternative hypothesis H1 (in which θ is free to vary; [Citation27,Citation29,Citation38]). The Bayes factor can be interpreted as a predictive updating factor, that is, degree to which the observed data drive a change from prior to posterior odds for the hypothesis of interest: (5) p(H1)p(H0)Prior odds×p(dataH1)p(dataH0)Bayes factor10=p(H1data)p(H0data)Posterior odds(5) For instance, a Bayes factor BF10=7 implies that the data are seven times more likely under H1 then under H0, whereas BF10=1/9 indicates that the data are 9 times more likely under the null than under the alternative.

For nested models, the Bayes factor be easily obtained using the Savage-Dickey density ratio [Citation11,Citation61], that is, the ratio of the posterior and prior ordinate for the parameter of interest θ, under H1, evaluated at the point of testing θ0 specified under H0: (6) BF10=p(θ0H0)p(θ0data,H1).(6)

3. Case 1: Wilcoxon rank sum test

3.1. Background

The ordinal counterpart to the two-sample t-test is known as the Wilcoxon rank sum test (or as the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test). It was introduced by [Citation64] and further developed by [Citation40], who worked out the statistical properties of the test. Let x=(x1,,xn1) and y=(y1,,yn2) be two data vectors that contain measurements of n1 and n2 units, respectively. The aggregated ranks rx,ry (i.e. the ranking of x and y together) are defined as: rix=rank of xi among (x1,,xn1,y1yn2),riy=rank of yi among (x1,,xn1,y1yn2). The test statistic U is then given by summing over either rx or ry, and subtracting nx(nx+1)/2 or ny(ny+1)/2, respectively. In order to test for a difference between the two groups, the observed value of U can be compared to the value of U that corresponds to no difference. This point of testing is defined as n1n2/2.

To illustrate the procedure, consider the following hypothetical example. In the movie review section of a newspaper, three action movies and three comedy movies are each assigned a star rating between 0 and 5. Let X=(4,3,1) be the star ratings for the action movies, and let Y=(2,3,5) be the star ratings for the comedy movies. The corresponding aggregated ranks are Rx=(5,3.5,1) and Ry=(2,3.5,6). The test statistic U is then obtained by summing over either Rx or Ry, and subtracting 3(3+1)2=6, yielding 3.5 or 5.5, respectively. Either of these values can then be compared to the null point which is equal to n1n2/2=4.5.

The range of U depends on the sample sizes and to avoid this dependence, we consider the rank-biserial correlation, which is a standardized effect size of U instead. The rank-biserial correlation, denoted ρrb, is the correlation coefficient used as a measure of association between a nominal dichotomous variable and an ordinal variable. The transformation is as follows: (7) ρrb=12Un1n2.(7) When ρrb=1 we now know that U is at its maximum. The rank-biserial correlation can also be expressed as the difference between the proportion of data pairs where xi>yj versus xi<yj [Citation10,Citation30]: (8) ρrb=i=1n1j=1n2Q(xiyj)n1n2,(8) where Q(di) is the sign indicator function defined as (9) Q(di)=1ifdi<0+1ifdi>0.(9) This provides an intuitive interpretation of the test procedure: each data point in x is compared to each data point in y and scored 1 or 1 if it is lower or higher, respectively. In the movie ratings data example, there are three pairs for which xi>yj, five pairs for which xi<yj, and one pair for which xi=yj, yielding an observed rank-biserial correlation coefficient of 359=0.22, which is an indication that comedy movies receive slightly more positive reviews.

One argument to favor the Wilcoxon rank sum test over its parametric counterpart is provided by Pitman's asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE); that is, the ratio of the number of observations necessary to achieve the same level of power [Citation33].Footnote1 If ARE>1 then we require fewer samples for U than for its parametric counterpart [Citation58].

When the data are normally distributed as assumed under the parametric setting, then the rank sum test performs slightly poorer to the parametric two-sample t-test as ARE of 3/π0.955 [Citation21,Citation32]. Thus, even when the distributional assumption of the t-test holds, the loss of the rank sum test in terms of sample sizes is about 4.5%. The ARE increases as the data distribution grows more heavy-tailed, with a maximum value of infinity. In addition, results for other distributions include the logistic distribution (ARE=π2/91.097), the Laplace distribution (ARE=1.5), and the exponential distribution (ARE=3). Hence, relatively little is lost when using the Wilcoxon rank sum tests as compared to the parametric two-sample t-test when the parametric assumptions are met, but a lot is gained when the assumptions are violated.

3.2. Sampling algorithm

For the Bayesian counterpart of the Wilcoxon rank sum test, we use the latent normal framework as elaborated on above. Specifically, the Bayesian data augmentation algorithm for the rank sum test follows the graphical model outlined in Figure . The ordinal information contained in the aggregated ranking constrains the corresponding values for the latent normal parameters Zx and Zy to lie within certain intervals (i.e. the ordinal information imposes truncation). The parameter of interest here is the effect size δ, the difference in location of the distributions for Zx and Zy. We follow [Citation28] and assign δ a Cauchy prior with scale parameter γ. For computational simplicity, this prior is implemented as a normal distribution with an inverse gamma prior on the variance, where the shape parameter is set to 0.5 and the scale parameter is set to γ2/2 [Citation34,Citation52]. The difference with earlier work is that we set the latent normal variances σ to 1, as the rank data contain no information about the variance and the inclusion of σ in the sampling algorithm becomes redundant.

Figure 1. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian rank sum test. The latent, continuous scores are denoted by Zix and Ziy, and their manifest rank values are denoted by xi and yj. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by the parameter δ. This parameter is assigned a Cauchy prior distribution, which for computational convenience is reparameterized to a normal distribution with variance g (which is then assigned an inverse gamma distribution).

Figure 1. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian rank sum test. The latent, continuous scores are denoted by Zix and Ziy, and their manifest rank values are denoted by xi and yj. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by the parameter δ. This parameter is assigned a Cauchy prior distribution, which for computational convenience is reparameterized to a normal distribution with variance g (which is then assigned an inverse gamma distribution).

In order to sample from the posterior distributions of δ, Zx and Zy, we used Gibbs sampling [Citation17]. Specifically, the sampling algorithm takes the aggregated ranks rx,ry as input and iteratively generates the latent δ, Zx, and Zy as follows, at sampling time point s:

  1. For each i in (1,,nx), sample Zix from a truncated normal distribution, where the lower threshold is aix given in (Equation3) and the upper threshold is bix given in (Equation4): (Zixzix,ziy,δ)Naix,bix12δ,1, where the subscripts of N indicate the interval that is sampled from.

  2. For each i in (1,,ny), the sampling procedure for Ziy is analogous to step 1, with (Ziyziy,zix,δ)Naiy,biy12δ,1.

  3. Sample δ from (δzx,zy,g)N(μδ,σδ), where μδ=2g(nyzy¯nxzx¯)g(nx+ny)+4σδ2=4gg(nx+ny)+4.

  4. Sample g from (Gδ)Inverse Gamma1,δ2+γ22, where γ determines the scale (i.e. width) of the Cauchy prior on δ.

Repeating the algorithm a sufficient number of times yields samples from the posterior distributions of Zx,Zy, and δ. The posterior distribution of δ can then be used to obtain a Bayes factor through the Savage-Dickey density ratio given in (Equation6).

3.3. Simulation study

In order to provide insight into the behavior of the inferential framework, a simulation study was performed. For three values of difference in location parameters, Δ (0, 0.5, 1.5), and three values of n (10, 20, 50), 1000 data sets were generated under various distributions: skew-normal, Cauchy, logistic, and uniform distributions. In one scenario, both groups have the same distributional shape (e.g. both follow a logistic distribution), and in a second scenario, one group follows the normal distribution and one group follows one of the aforementioned distributions.

First, the relationship between the observed rank statistic U and the latent normal Bayes factor was analyzed. Figure  illustrates this relationship, fitted with a cubic smoothing spline [Citation6], for two logistic distributions (α=20). To show results for multiple values of n in one figure, the rank biserial correlation coefficient ρrb is plotted instead of U. The figure shows a clear relationship: when ρrb=0, thus, U corresponds to the test value n1n2/2, then the evidence in favor of H0 is at its maximum as one would expect. Similarly, when |U| is maximal, that is, |ρrb|=1, one has the most evidence against the null, which is apparent from the curves getting closer to 0. This relationship grows more decisive as n increases: both the peak at ρrb=0 and the decay at |ρrb|=1 are more prominent as n grows. The results are highly similar for the other distributions that were considered (see the online supplementary material at https://osf.io/gny35/ for the results of these scenarios). Since both statistics, ρrb and BF01, depend solely on the ordinal information in the data, the observed relationship is not surprising. This result highlights and illustrates the robustness of the latent normal Bayes factor to violations of the assumptions of the parametric test: it illustrates the same robustness as the traditional W test statistic.

Figure 2. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for logistic data. Because U is dependent on n, the rank biserial correlation coefficient is plotted on the x-axis instead of U. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when ρrb=0. The further ρrb deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines depict smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Figure 2. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for logistic data. Because U is dependent on n, the rank biserial correlation coefficient is plotted on the x-axis instead of U. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when ρrb=0. The further ρrb deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines depict smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Second, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor [Citation52] was analyzed. For both the parametric and rank-based Bayes factor, a default Cauchy prior with scale 1/2 is used. Figure  illustrates this relationship for all values of n and Δ that were used, again in the scenario with two logistic distributions. Generally, the two Bayes factors are in agreement. In cases where Δ deviates from 0, the parametric Bayes factor becomes more decisive (i.e. deviates from 1) compared to the latent normal Bayes factor. For distributions of data that violate the assumptions of the parametric test, such as the Cauchy distribution, the relationship between the two Bayes factors is notably less defined. In this case, the results of the rank-based Bayes factor are more reliable, which is expected based on the ARE results as the Cauchy is a heavy-tailed distribution. The parametric test greatly overestimates the variance and is no longer able to detect differences in location parameters (see the supplementary material), whereas the latent normal Bayes factor is unaffected by this. Note that the difference in performance is due to the use of the latent normal framework and not due to the prior, as both the parametric and rank-based Bayes factor use the same Cauchy prior.

Figure 3. For all combinations of difference in location parameters Δ, and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for logistic data. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement, as suggested by the ARE results in [Citation58].

Figure 3. For all combinations of difference in location parameters Δ, and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for logistic data. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement, as suggested by the ARE results in [Citation58].

3.4. Data example

Cortez and Silva [Citation9] gathered data from 395 students concerning their math performance (scored between 1 and 20) and their level of alcohol intake (self-rated on a Likert scale between 1 and 5). Students passed the course if they scored 10, and we will test whether students who failed the course (n1=130) had a higher self-reported alcohol intake than their peers who passed (n2=265).

As alcohol intake was measured on a Likert scale, the data contain many ties and show extreme non-normality. These properties make this data set particularly suitable for the latent-normal rank sum test. The hypotheses are H0:δ=0 which is pitted against H1:δ0. For the rank-based Bayes factor we use the prior Cauchy prior with scale 1/2, that is, δCauchy0,12. The null hypothesis posits that alcohol intake does not differ between the students who passed the course and those who failed. The alternative hypothesis posits the presence of an effect and assigns effect size a Cauchy distribution with scale parameter set to 12, as advocated by [Citation43]. Figure  shows the resulting posterior distribution for δ under H1 and the associated Bayes factor. The posterior median for δ equals 0.121, with a 95% credible interval that ranges from 0.373 to 0.120. The corresponding Bayes factor indicates that the data are about 4.694 times more likely under H0 than under H1, indicating moderate evidence against the hypothesis that self-reported alcohol intake differentiates between students who did and who did not pass the math exam. As a reference, the parametric t-test yields a Bayes factor of 7.138 in favor of H1, which is less conservative. However, due to the violated assumptions of the parametric t-test model, this result is meaningless.

Figure 4. Do students who flunk a math course report drinking more alcohol? Results for the Bayesian rank sum test as applied to the data set from [Citation9]. The dashed line indicates the Cauchy prior with scale 12. The solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case δ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

Figure 4. Do students who flunk a math course report drinking more alcohol? Results for the Bayesian rank sum test as applied to the data set from [Citation9]. The dashed line indicates the Cauchy prior with scale 12. The solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case δ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

4. Case 2: Wilcoxon signed rank test

4.1. Background

The rank-based counterpart to the paired samples t-test was proposed by [Citation64], who termed it the signed rank test. The test procedure involves taking the difference scores between the two samples under consideration and ranking the absolute values. The procedure may also be applied to one-sample scenarios by ranking the differences between the observed sample and the point of testing. These ranks are then multiplied by the sign of the respective difference scores and summed to produce the test statistic W. For the paired samples signed rank test, let x=(x1,,xn) and y=(y1,,yn) be two data vectors each containing measurements of the same n units, and let d=(d1,,dn) denote the difference scores. For the one-sample signed rank test, this process is analogous, except y is replaced by the test value. The test statistic is then defined as: W=1nrank(di)×Q(di), where Q is the sign indicator function given in (Equation9).

To illustrate the procedure, consider the following hypothetical data example. Three students take a math exam, graded between 0 and 10, before and after receiving a tutoring session. Let X=(5,8,4) be their scores on the exam before the session, and let Y=(6,7,7) be their scores on the exam after the session. The difference scores, the ranks of the absolute difference scores, and the sign indicator function are presented in Table . In order to have a positive test statistic indicate an increase in scores, the difference scores are defined here as (yixi). The test statistic W is then calculated by summing over the product of the fourth and fifth column: 1.5−1.5 + 3 = 3. This value indicates a slight increase in math scores after the tutoring session.

Table 1. The scores, difference scores, ranks of the absolute difference scores, and the sign indicator function Q for the hypothetical scenario where X=(5,8,4) are the initial scores on a math exam and Y=(6,7,7) are the scores on the exam after a tutoring session.

An often used standardized effect size for W is the matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation, denoted ρmrb, which is the correlation coefficient used as a within subjects measure of association between a nominal dichotomous variable and an ordinal variable [Citation10,Citation30]. The transformation is as follows: (10) ρmrb=14Wn(n+1).(10) The matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation can also be expressed as the difference between the proportion of data pairs where xi>yi versus xi<yi. For the grades example, there is one pair for which xi>yi, and two pairs for which xi<yi, yielding a matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation coefficient of 213=23, which is an indication that the tutoring session has increased students' math ability.

The signed rank test is similar to the sign test, where the procedure is to sum over the sign indicator function. The difference here is that the output of the sign indicator function is weighted by the ranked magnitude of the absolute differences. The signed rank test has a higher ARE than the sign test: a relative efficiency of 32 for all distributions [Citation8]. For the one-sample scenario, the Pitman ARE of the signed rank test (compared to the fully parametric t-test) is similar to the ARE of the rank sum test for the unpaired two-sample scenario; for example, when the data follow a normal distribution the ARE equals 3/π. For other distributions, especially when these are heavy-tailed, the signed rank test outperforms the t-test [Citation33,Citation58].

4.2. Sampling algorithm

The data augmentation algorithm is similar to that of the rank sum test and is outlined in Figure . Here d denotes the difference scores as ordinal manifestations of latent, normally distributed values Zd. The parameter of interest is again the standardized location parameter δ, which is assigned a Cauchy prior distribution with scale parameter γ. Similar to the rank sum sampling procedure, the variance of Zd is set to 1, as the ranked data contain no information about the variance. The computational complexity of sampling from the posterior distribution of δ is again reduced by introducing the parameter g. The Gibbs algorithm for the data augmentation and sampling δ is as follows, at sampling time point s:

  1. For each value of i in (1,,n), sample Zid from a truncated normal distribution, where the lower threshold is aid given in (Equation3) and the upper threshold is bid given in (Equation4): (Zidzid,δ)Naid,bidδ,1

  2. Sample δ from (δzd,g)Nμδ,σδ2, where μδ=gnzd¯gn+1σδ2=ggn+1

  3. Sample g from (gδ)InverseGamma1,δ2+γ22, where γ determines the scale (i.e. width) of the Cauchy prior on δ.

Figure 5. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian signed rank test. The latent, continuous difference scores are denoted by Zid, and their manifest signed rank values are denoted by di. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by parameter δ. This parameter is assigned a Cauchy prior distribution, which for computational convenience is reparameterized to a normal distribution with variance g (which is then assigned an inverse gamma distribution).

Figure 5. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian signed rank test. The latent, continuous difference scores are denoted by Zid, and their manifest signed rank values are denoted by di. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by parameter δ. This parameter is assigned a Cauchy prior distribution, which for computational convenience is reparameterized to a normal distribution with variance g (which is then assigned an inverse gamma distribution).

Repeating the algorithm a sufficient number of times yields samples from the posterior distributions of Zd and δ. The posterior distribution of δ can then be used to obtain a Bayes factor through the Savage-Dickey density ratio given in (Equation6).

4.3. Simulation study

Similar to the Wilcoxon rank sum test, a simulation study was performed to illustrate the behavior of the Bayesian signed rank test. For three values of difference in location parameters, Δ (0, 0.5, 1.5), and three values of n (10, 20, 50), 1000 data sets were generated under various distributions: skew-normal, Cauchy, logistic, and uniform distributions. In one scenario, both groups have the same distributional shape, and in a second scenario, one group follows the normal distribution and one group follows one of the aforementioned distributions. After the data were generated, the difference scores between the two groups were calculated, and used as input for the Bayesian latent normal test.

The same analyses were performed as for the Wilcoxon rank sum test. First, the relationship between the observed rank statistic W and the latent normal Bayes Factor was analyzed. Figure  illustrates this relationship, fitted with a cubic smoothing spline [Citation6], when the difference scores were taken for two logistic distributions. To show results for multiple values of n in one figure, the matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation coefficient ρmrb is plotted instead of W. The Bayes factor shows a clear relationship with the rank-based test statistic, where the maximum evidence in favor of H0 is obtained when this statistic equals 0. Furthermore, the obtained Bayes factor grows more decisive as n increases. For other distributions of the data, highly similar results were obtained (see the online supplementary material at https://osf.io/gny35/ for the results of these scenarios).

Figure 6. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for logistic data. Because W is dependent on n, the matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation coefficient is plotted on the x-axis instead of W. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when ρmrb=0. The further ρmrb deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines are smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Figure 6. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for logistic data. Because W is dependent on n, the matched-pairs rank-biserial correlation coefficient is plotted on the x-axis instead of W. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when ρmrb=0. The further ρmrb deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines are smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Next to the relationship between W and the latent normal Bayes factor, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor [Citation52] was analyzed. Figure  illustrates the results for all combinations of n and the difference in location parameters, Δ. Note that differences in performance are due to the use of the latent normal framework and not due to the prior specification, as both the parametric and rank-based Bayes factor were based on the same Cauchy prior with scale 1/2. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement, with the parametric Bayes factor accumulating evidence in favor of H1 faster when this is the true model. The latent normal Bayes factor demonstrates more instability, due to only using the ordinal information in the data. For distributions of the data that violate the assumptions of the parametric test, such as the Cauchy distribution, the parametric test greatly overestimates the variance and is no longer able to detect differences in location parameters (see the supplementary material). This misspecification does not affect the latent normal Bayes factor, underscoring its robustness.

Figure 7. For all combinations of difference in location parameters Δ, and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for logistic data. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement, with the latent normal Bayes factor accumulating evidence in favor of the true model faster.

Figure 7. For all combinations of difference in location parameters Δ, and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for logistic data. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement, with the latent normal Bayes factor accumulating evidence in favor of the true model faster.

4.4. Data example

Thall and Vail [Citation57] investigated a data set obtained by D. S. Salsburg concerning the effects of the drug progabide on the occurrence of epileptic seizures. During an initial eight week baseline period, the number of epileptic seizures was recorded in a sample of 31 epileptics. Next, the patients were given progabide, and the number of epileptic seizures was recorded for another eight weeks. In order to accommodate the discreteness and non-normality of the data, Thall and Vail [Citation57] applied a log-transformation on the counts.

This log-transformation has a clear impact on the outcome of a parametric Bayesian t-test [Citation43]: BF100.2 for the raw data, whereas BF102.95 for the log-transformed data. Here we analyze the data with the signed rank test; because this test is invariant under monotonic transformations, the same inference will result regardless of whether or not the data are log-transformed.

The hypothesis specification here is similar to that of the setup of the rank sum example: H0:δ=0 which is pitted against H1:δ 0 and prior 1/2, that is, δCauchy0,12. Figure  shows the resulting posterior distribution for δ under H1 and the associated Bayes factor. The posterior median for δ equals 0.207, with a 95% credible interval that ranges from 0.138 to 0.549. The corresponding Bayes factor indicates that the data are about 2.513 times more likely under H0 than under H1, indicating that, for the purpose of discriminating H0 from H1, the data are almost perfectly uninformative.

Figure 8. Does progabide reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures? Results for the Bayesian signed rank test as applied to the data set presented in [Citation57]. The dashed line indicates the Cauchy prior with scale 12. The solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case δ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

Figure 8. Does progabide reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures? Results for the Bayesian signed rank test as applied to the data set presented in [Citation57]. The dashed line indicates the Cauchy prior with scale 12. The solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case δ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

5. Case 3: Spearman's ρs

5.1. Background

Spearman [Citation55] introduced the rank correlation coefficient ρ in order to overcome the main shortcoming of Pearson's product moment correlation, namely its inability to capture monotonic but non-linear associations between variables. Spearman's method first applies the rank transformation on the data and then computes the product-moment correlation on the ranks. Let x=(x1,,xn) and y=(y1,,yn) be two data vectors each containing measurements of the same n units, and let rx=(r1x,,rnx) and ry=(r1y,,rny) denote their rank-transformed values, where each value is assigned a ranking within its variable. This then leads to the following formula for Spearman's ρs: ρs=Covrxryσrxσry. The Pitman ARE of Spearman's ρ compared to parametric Pearson's ρ displays a similar pattern to the ARE's discussed before. When the data follow a bivariate normal distribution, the ARE equals 9/π2 [Citation25]. Thus, under optimal conditions for the parametric test, it is marginally more efficienct compared to Spearman's ρ. As the data depart from normality, the rank-based test outperforms its parametric counterpart.

5.2. Sampling algorithm

The graphical model in Figure  illustrates the data augmentation setup for inference on the latent correlation parameter ρ. The sampling method is a Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm, where data augmentation is conducted with a Gibbs sampling algorithm as before, but combined with a random walk Metropolis-Hastings sampling algorithm [Citation20,Citation42] to sample from the posterior distribution of ρ (see also [Citation59]).

Figure 9. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian test for Spearman's ρs. The latent, continuous scores are denoted by Zix and Ziy, and their manifest rank values are denoted by rix and rjy. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by parameter ρ (which is assigned a uniform prior distribution).

Figure 9. The graphical model underlying the Bayesian test for Spearman's ρs. The latent, continuous scores are denoted by Zix and Ziy, and their manifest rank values are denoted by rix and rjy. The latent scores are assumed to follow a normal distribution governed by parameter ρ (which is assigned a uniform prior distribution).

The sampling algorithm for the latent correlation is as follows, at sampling time point s:

  1. For each i in (1,,nx), sample Zix from a truncated normal distribution, where the lower threshold is aix given in (Equation3) and the upper threshold is bix given in (Equation4): (Zixzix,ziy,ρzx,zy)Naix,bixziyρzx,zy,1ρzx,zy2

  2. For each i in (1,,ny), the sampling procedure for Ziy is analogous to step 1.

  3. Sample a new proposal for ρzx,zy, denoted ρ, from the asymptotic normal approximation to the sampling distribution of Fisher's z-transform of ρ [Citation14]: tanh1(ρ)Ntanh1(ρs1),1(n3). The acceptance rate α is determined by the likelihood ratio of (zx,zy|ρ) and (zx,zyρs1), where each likelihood is determined by the centered bivariate normal density with unit variances, and correlation ρ: α=min1,P(zx,zyρ)P(zx,zyρs1).

Repeating the algorithm a sufficient number of times yields samples from the posterior distributions of zx, zy, and ρzx,zy.

5.3. Transforming parameters

The transition from Pearson's ρ to Spearman's ρs can be made using a statistical relation described in [Citation31]. This relation, defined as ρs=6πsin1ρ2. enables the transformation of Pearson's ρ to Spearman's ρs when the data follow a bivariate normal distribution. Since the latent data are assumed to be normally distributed, this means that the posterior samples for Pearson's ρ can be easily transformed to posterior samples for Spearman's ρs. The posterior distribution of ρs can then be used to obtain a Bayes factor through the Savage-Dickey density ratio given in (Equation6).

5.4. Simulation study

Similar to the previous tests, the behavior of the latent normal correlation test was assessed with a simulation study. For four values of Spearman's ρs (0, 0.3, 0.8) and three values of n (10, 20, 50), 1000 data sets were generated under four copula models: Clayton, Gumbel, Frank, and Gaussian [Citation7,Citation18,Citation45,Citation54]. Using Sklar's theorem, copula models decompose a joint distribution into univariate marginal distributions and a dependence structure (i.e. the copula). This decomposition enables the generation of data for specific values of Spearman's ρs. Furthermore, the copula is independent of the marginal distributions of the data and can therefore encompass a wide range of distributions.

Similar to the previous tests, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based statistic was analyzed. Figure  illustrates this relationship, fitted with a cubic smoothing spline [Citation6], for various values of n, for data generated with the Clayton copula. The relationship is similar to those shown for the previous tests: maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when the observed Spearman's ρs equals 0. The further the observed test statistic deviates from 0, the more evidence is accumulated in favor of H1. Furthermore, the obtained Bayes factor grows more decisive as n increases. Highly similar results were obtained for the other copulas that were considered (see the online supplementary material at https://osf.io/gny35/ for the results of these scenarios).

Figure 10. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for data generated with the Clayton copula. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when Spearman's ρs=0. The further Spearman's ρs deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines are smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Figure 10. The relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the observed rank-based test statistic is illustrated for data generated with the Clayton copula. The relationship is clearly defined, and maximum evidence in favor of H0 is attained when Spearman's ρs=0. The further Spearman's ρs deviates from 0, the stronger the evidence in favor of H1 becomes. The lines are smoothing splines fitted to the observed Bayes factors.

Secondly, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor [Citation37] for testing correlations was analyzed. For both Bayes factors, a uniform prior between 1 and 1 was used, such that differences in performance are due to the use of the latent normal framework and not due to the prior. Figure  shows the results for all combinations of n and ρ that were used, for the Clayton copula. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement. An important remark here is that the marginal distributions of the data are not taken into account. The data generated with the copula method are located on the unit square, and if so desired, can then be transformed with the inverse cdf to follow any desired distribution. These transformations are monotonic, and therefore do not affect the rank-based Bayes factor, whereas the parametric Bayes factor can be heavily affected by this. This underscores an important property of the rank-based Bayes factor: it solely depends on the copula (i.e. the only component of the data that pertains to the dependence structure), and not on the marginal distribution of the data.

Figure 11. For all combinations of Spearman's ρs and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for data generated with the Clayton copula. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement.

Figure 11. For all combinations of Spearman's ρs and n, the relationship between the latent normal Bayes factor and the parametric Bayes factor is shown for data generated with the Clayton copula. The black lines indicate the point of equivalence. The two Bayes factors are generally in agreement.

5.5. Data example

We return to the data set from [Citation9] and examine the possibility that math grades (ranging from 0 to 20) are associated with the quality of family relations (self-reported on a Likert scale that ranges from 1−5). The hypotheses are H0:ρ=0 which is pitted against H1:ρ0. For the Bayes factor we use the uniform prior, that is, ρUniform[1,1]. Thus, the null hypothesis specifies the lack of an association between the two variables and the alternative hypothesis assigns the degree of association a uniform prior distribution (e.g. [Citation28]). The parametric correlation test [Citation37] yields a Bayes factor of 9.467, but since the data are ordinal measures and not normally distributed, the parametric correlation model is severely misspecified. Thus, conducting the rank-based analysis is more applicable and prudent here.

Figure  shows the resulting posterior distribution for ρs under H1 and the associated Bayes factor. The posterior median for ρs equals 0.059, with a 95% credible interval that ranges from 0.052 to 0.161. The corresponding Bayes factor indicates that the data are about 7.915 times more likely under H0 than under H1, indicating moderate evidence against an association between math performance and the quality of family ties.

Figure 12. Is performance on a math exam associated with the quality of family relations? Results for the Bayesian version of Spearman's ρs as applied to the data set from [Citation9]. The dashed line indicates the uniform prior distribution, and the solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case ρ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

Figure 12. Is performance on a math exam associated with the quality of family relations? Results for the Bayesian version of Spearman's ρs as applied to the data set from [Citation9]. The dashed line indicates the uniform prior distribution, and the solid line indicates the posterior distribution. The two grey dots indicate the prior and posterior ordinate at the point under test, in this case ρ=0. The ratio of the ordinates gives the Bayes factor.

6. Concluding comments

This article outlined a general methodology for applying conventional Bayesian inference procedures to ordinal data problems. Latent normal distributions are assumed to generate impoverished rank-based observations, and inference is done on the model parameters that govern the latent normal level. This idea, first proposed by [Citation48], yields all the advantages of ordinal inference including robustness to outliers and invariance to monotonic transformations. Moreover, the methodology also handles ties in a natural fashion, which is important for coarse data such as provided by popular Likert scales. Furthermore, the robustness of the latent normal method is underscored by the simulation studies performed for each test. These results illustrate that the method provides accurate inference, even if the data are not normally distributed.

By postulating a latent normal level for the observed rank data, the advantages of ordinal inference can be combined with the advantages of Bayesian inference such as the ability to update uncertainty as the data accumulate, the ability to quantify evidence in favor of either hypothesis being tested, and the ability to incorporate prior information. It should be stressed that, even though our examples used default prior distributions, the proposed methodology is entirely general in the sense that it also applies to informed or subjective prior distributions [Citation19].

For computational convenience and ease of interpretation, our framework used latent normal distributions. This is not a principled limitation, however, and the methodology would work for other families of latent distributions as well (e.g. [Citation2]).

In sum, we have presented a general methodology to conduct Bayesian inference for ordinal problems, and illustrated its potential by developing Bayesian counterparts to three popular ordinal tests: the rank sum test, the signed rank test, and Spearman's ρs. Supplementary material, including simulation study results, R-code for each method and the example data used, is available at https:https://osf.io/gny35/. In the near future we intend to make these tests available in the open-source software package JASP (e.g. [Citation26]; jasp-stats.org), which we hope will further increase the possibility that the tests are used to analyze ordinal data sets for which the traditional parametric approach is questionable.


We thank two anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier draft. Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands. Preprint available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.06941

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work was supported in part by a Vici grant from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) (NWO) awarded to EJW (016.Vici.170.083). MM is supported by a Veni grant (451-17-017) from the NWO.


1 More precisely, let θ be a true parameter value and α,β(0,1) fixed, then we denote by NT(α,β,θ) the number of samples necessary for a generic test statistic T at level α to reach the desired power of 1β under θ computed using the asymptotical variance of the test statistic. The ARE of the parametric test over the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test is defined as ARE=Npar(α,β,θ)/NU(α,β,θ).
