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Eugene F. Stoermer (1934–2012)

Pages 255-267 | Published online: 19 Oct 2012

EUGENE F. STOERMER (1934–2012)

After a nearly 2-year battle with esophageal cancer, the world of diatom and phycological research lost one of its leaders, Eugene Filmore Stoermer. Gene left a remarkable impact, in quality and quantity, in the training and placing of students and research productivity, in the fields of freshwater ecology, paleolimnology and diatom taxonomy and systematics. Gene's life and times were chronicled recently in a warm tribute paid by Gene's first student (Andresen Citation2009). Here, we offer several remembrances about the man and his significance, as well as a complete bibliography of his published works and patrionyms dedicated to him.

First and foremost, Gene had high standards for research. While he was an encouraging mentor, research projects from Gene's lab had to pass the high standard he had for himself and his students. This was acknowledged broadly, and Gene's intellect, expertise and high standards were called upon all over the world, as a collaborator, external reviewer and mentor (in Russia, China, Scandanavia, India and across Europe). Many of the collaborators made their way to Ann Arbor, and Gene's students were able to meet and talk with many of the top researchers in the world. Evidence of his high level of research could be found in the number, diversity and dollar value of the many grants he received to pursue his research interests and ambition. And this high standard for his students led to many of them receiving job offers, as Gene placed students in academia, research scientist positions and federal and local agency leaders. At one time, Gene's students curated the two major diatom collections in the USA (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP) and California Academy of Sciences (CAS)).

Gene provided tremendous support for his students. This support and loyalty to his students was expressed in the levels of financial support he generated for them. Gene's appointment at the University of Michigan was initially as a research scientist in the Great Lakes Research Division, and it was difficult if not nearly impossible for him to have students. Subsequently he had appointments in the School of Natural Resources (later to have ‘and the Environment’ added to its title) and University Herbarium, and Gene's ability to chair committees was established. Since few of his students had teaching assistantships, this meant acquiring research assistantship money to support his large lab. In addition to the financial support he provided, his example was a great one for students to emulate, and nearly everyone who graduated with Gene produced grant applications (many of them successful) at some level. Gene was fiercely loyal to his students, which meant supporting them intellectually in the rigorous (and sometimes combative) environment that was the University of Michigan. Legions were some of the debates amongst freshwater biologists at Michigan, in which students sometimes waded. Gene was there to lend his intellectual weight and confidence to support students and colleagues in these interesting discussions. Finally, Gene's support came from promoting his students after they had fledged from the ‘Phyto Lab’ by writing numerous letters, and suggesting students for prestigious positions in societies and meetings. And Gene's impact went far beyond Michigan. He taught ‘Systematics and Ecology of Freshwater Diatoms’ at Iowa Lakeside Lab to many students from around the country, served on many committees of students around the world, and near the end of his career was a mentor to students during an annual sojourn to Shanghai Normal University.

When it came to new tools and approaches, Gene was an early adopter. He had some of the first computers offered to the general public, and supported programming and development with main frames for databasing and analysis. A story is told that a family trip was delayed a couple of years so that he could acquire one of the new Apple computers. He abhorred anecdotal science, and worked with a variety of math and engineering students to seek more quantifiable approaches not only to ecology, but also taxonomy and systematics. He was a pioneer in the use of transmission electron microscopy, with Ryan Drum and Stuart Pankratz, to describe the cytoplasmic features of diatom cells. His work with shape analysis and principal components analysis, across different taxonomic groups and approaches, was the primary or secondary interest of many of his students. He was also a pioneer in paleolimnology (the subject of his PhD research). He embraced email early and was an active correspondent every day, even up to 3 days before his passing. It turns out that his voluminous work on the computer was meticulously backed up and documented.

Gene was a nature lover, although not of the ‘tree hugging’ type. Early pictures of him in rural Iowa show a boy thoroughly enjoying the outdoors. Although prone to seasickness he enjoyed cruises on the Great Lakes, and was at home at biological field stations. He loved fieldwork, and with his family he was known as a ‘tent camper’ that is, when camping the family always used old fashioned tents, and more modern approaches to getting back to nature were scorned. He took his young family on a 3-week camping trip across Canada to attend an important algae meeting in Newfoundland.

Finally, Gene had a sharp memory and was extremely knowledgeable about the history of diatom research as well as the most up-to-date publications. Through his early work and extended relationship with two other famous American diatomists, Ruth Patrick and Charlie Reimer, both of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and the rich library resources of the University of Michigan, Gene had access to some of the most extensive literature (early publications, across many authors, years and topics), and he was able to recall the publications themselves, and some of the most fine points of the publications. He was also called upon to review many manuscripts, and was one of the founding editors of Diatom Research. It was like having specialized Google searches on topics of Great Lakes limnology, algal ecology and diatom taxonomy and systematics, except that Gene's recall of the older literatures always surpassed any current electronic search engine. He was a bibliophile, but did not own a large personal library (except for his reprint collection), since he had access to many volumes through his work environments.

Gene had a very large personal diatom collection (over 10 000 unique collections, which included slides and raw material) and reprint collection, both of which were contributed to the Diatom Collection of the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Some of his permanent slides of Great Lakes phytoplankton (filter paper mounted onto oversized slides with large coverslips, in clove oil, creating a smell that permeated the Phyto Lab, and something many of us can still recall vividly and fondly) are at Michigan State University in the laboratory of R. Jan Stevenson. Gene contributed his types and other slides to ANSP, and a few slides and samples are in the collection of J.P. Kociolek at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Gene was one of the visionary and intellectual leaders in the study of algae and diatoms in North America. He was at the same time pragmatic and plain spoken. He was keenly smart, and was knowledgeable about many subjects. He took about 25 journals and scientific magazines each month, which he read religiously, even near the end of his life. He was a true scientist. Popper's (Citation1959) definition of a scientist seems to fit Gene well. Popper wrote, ‘It is not the possession of knowledge, of irrefutable truths that constitutes the man of science, but the disinterested incessant search for truth.’ He was a true academic, in the most positive usage of that term. He had a disdain for academic authority, and was blunt about his thoughts of most academic administrators. While he suffered no fools, he was genuinely a kind and generous person (nearly every one of his students enjoyed holiday meals with Gene and his family). It was a natural process for many of us to know him first as a teacher and leader in the field, to become a collaborator with him, and to know him as a close friend. In each and every one of those ways, we will miss him.



Stoermeria J.P. Kociolek, L. Escobar & S. Richardon 1996


Amphora stoermerii M. Edlund & Z. Levkov Citation2009 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=69198)

Amphorotia stoermeri D.M. Williams & G. Reid Citation2006 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=67243)

Colliculoamphora stoermeri G. Reid & D.M. Williams 2009 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=69006)

Encyonema stoermeri S.A. Spaulding, J.R. Pool & S.I. Castro Citation2010 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=69802)

Encyonopsis stoermeri H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin Citation2009 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=68993)

Frustulia stoermeri H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin 2009

Gomphonema genestoermeri Y. Liu & J.P. Kociolek 2012 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=68997)

Gomphonema stoermeri J.P. Kociolek & J.C. Kingston Citation1999 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=67679)

Gomphosphenia stoermeri J.P. Kociolek & E.W. Thomas Citation2009 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=69016)

Navicula stoermeri J.P. Kociolek & B. de Reviers Citation1996 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=56190)

Neidium stoermeri E.W. Thomas & J.P. Kociolek Citation2008 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=68804)

Pinnularia stoermeri D. Metzeltin & H. Lange-Bertalot Citation2007 (http://research.calacademy.org/redirect?url=http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/diatoms/names/index.asp&xAction=getrec&close=true&TaxonCode=67993)

Surirella stoermerii R.L. Lowe Citation1973

J.P. Kociolek

R. J. Stevenson

R.G. Kreis, Jr

M.A. Tuchman

E.C. Theriot

J.A. Wolin

N.A. Andresen

M.L. Julius

Stoermer's Publications


Dodd J.D. & Stoermer E.F. 1962. Notes on Iowa diatoms. I. An interesting collection from a moss–lichen habitat. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 69: 83–87.

Stoermer E.F. 1962. Notes on Iowa diatoms. II. Species distribution in a subaerial habitat. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 69: 87–96.


Shobe W.R., Stoermer E.F. & Dodd J.D. 1963. Notes on Iowa diatoms. IV. The diatoms in a northwest Iowa fen. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 70: 71–74.

Stoermer E.F. 1963. New taxa and new United States records of the diatom genus Neidium from West Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Notulae Naturae Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia 358: 1–9.


Stoermer E.F. 1964. Notes on Iowa diatoms. VII. Rare and little known diatoms from Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 71: 55–66.

Stoermer E.F. & Pankratz H.S. 1964. Fine structure of the diatom Amphipleura pellucida. I. Wall structure. American Journal of Botany 51: 986–990.

Stoermer E.F., Pankratz H.S. & Drum R.W. 1964. The fine structure of Mastogloia grevillei Wm. Smith. Protoplasma 59: 1–13.


Stoermer E.F., Pankratz H.S. & Bowen C.C. 1965. Fine structure of the diatom Amphipleura pellucida. II. Cytoplasmic fine structure and frustule formation. American Journal Botany 52: 1067–1078.


Drum R.W., Pankratz J.S. & Stoermer E.F. 1966. Electron microscopy of diatom cells. In: Diatomeenschalen im elektronemikroskopischen Bild (Ed. by J.G. Helmcke & W. Krieger). Band VI. J. Cramer Verlag, Lehre.


Stoermer E.F. 1967. Polymorphism in Mastogloia. Journal of Phycology 3: 73–77.

Stoermer E.F. & Kopczynska E.E. 1967. Phytoplankton populations in the extreme southern basin of Lake Michigan, 1962–1963. In: Proceedings of the 10 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 88–106. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbot.


Hostetter H.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1968. A study of the vertical distribution of periphyton diatoms in Lake West Okoboji, Iowa. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 75: 42–47.

Stoermer E.F. 1968. Nearshore phytoplankton populations in the Grand Haven, Michigan, vicinity during thermal bar conditions. In: Proceedings of the 11 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 137–150. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Stoermer E.F. & Yang J.J. 1968. A preliminary report of the fossil diatom flora from Lake Huron sediments. In: Proceedings of the 11 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 253–267. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.


Stoermer E.F. & Yang J.J. 1970. Distribution and relative abundance of dominant plankton diatoms in Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Publication No. 16. 64 pp.


Hostetter H.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1971. Bibliography on the Bacillariophyceae. In: Selected papers in phycology (Ed. by J.R. Rosowski & B.C. Parker), pp. 784–790. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1971. Eutrophication, silica depletion and predicted changes in algal quality in Lake Michigan. Science 173: 423–424.

Schelske C.L., Stoermer E.F. & Feldt L.E. 1971. Nutrients, phytoplankton productivity and species composition as influenced by upwelling in Lake Michigan. In: Proceedings of the 14 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 102–113. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Stoermer, E.F. 1971. Polymorphism in Mastogloia. Bibliography on the Bacillariophyceae. In: Selected papers in phycology (Ed. by J.R. Rosowski & B.C. Parker ), pp. 265–269. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Stoermer E.F. & Yang J.J. 1971. Contributions to the diatom flora of the Laurentian Great Lakes. I. New and little known species of Amphora (Bacillariophyta, Pennatibacillariophyceae). Phycologia 10: 397–409.

Stoermer E.F., Schelske C.L. & Feldt L.E. 1971. Phytoplankton assemblage differences at inshore versus offshore stations in Lake Michigan, and their effects on nutrient enrichment experiments. In: Proceedings of the 14 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 114–118. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Stoermer E.F., Taylor S.M. & Callender E. 1971. Paleoecological interpretation of the Holocene diatom succession in Devils Lake, North Dakota. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 90: 195–206.


Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1972. Phosphorus, silica and eutrophication of Lake Michigan. In: Nutrients and eutrophication (Ed. by G.E. Likens), Vol. I, pp. 157–171. American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, Special Symposium. Lawrence, Kansas.

Schelske C.L., Feldt L.E., Santiago M.A. & Stoermer E.F. 1972. Nutrient enrichment and its effect on phytoplankton production and species composition in Lake Superior. In: Proceedings of the 15 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 149–165. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Stoermer E.F. 1972. Statement. Conference on pollution of Lake Michigan and its tributary basin, pp. 217–254. Fourth session; Sept. 19–21, 1972, Chicago, Illinois, Vol. 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V, Chicago.

Stoermer, E.F., Schelske C.L., Santiago M.A. & Feldt L.E. 1972. Spring phytoplankton abundance and productivity in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan, 1970. In: Proceedings of the 15 th conference on Great Lakes research, pp. 181–191. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.


Feldt L.E., Stoermer E.F. & Schelske C.L. 1973. Occurrence of morphologically abnormal Synedra populations in Lake Superior. In: Proceedings of the 16 th conference on Great Lakes research pp. 34–39. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Ladewski T.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1973. Water transparency in southern Lake Michigan in 1971 and 1972. In: Proceedings of the 16 th conference on Great Lakes research pp. 791–807. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.


Schelske C.L., Feldt L.E., Simmons M.S. & Stoermer E.F. 1974. Storm induced relationships among chemical conditions and phytoplankton in Saginaw Bay and western Lake Huron. In: Proceedings of 17 th conference on Great Lakes research. pp. 78–91. International Association of Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor.

Schelske C.L., Rothman E.D., Stoermer E.F. & Santiago M.A. 1974. Responses of phosphorus limited Lake Michigan phytoplankton to factorial enrichments with nitrogen and phosphorus. Limnology & Oceanography 19: 409–419.


Stoermer E.F. 1975. Comparison of benthic diatom communities in Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 19: 932–938.

Stoermer E.F. 1975. The effects of energy-related effluents on phytoplankton communities. In: Proceedings of the 2 nd federal conference on the Great Lakes. pp. 409–422. Interagency Committee on Marine Science and Engineering of the Federal Council for Science and Technology. Washington, DC.


Johnston E.M. & Stoermer E.F. 1976. Computer analysis of phytoplankton cell images. The Microscope 248: 181–187.

Stoermer E.F. 1976. Review: S.J. VanLandingham, Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part V. Navicula. Quarterly Review Biology 51: 426.

Stoermer E.F. & Ladewski T.B. 1976. Apparent optimal temperatures for the occurrence of some common phytoplankton species in southern Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Publication No. 18. 49 pp.


Sicko-Goad L., Stoermer E.F & Ladewski B.G. 1977. A morphometric method for correcting phytoplankton cell volume estimates. Protoplasma 93: 147–163.

Stoermer E.F. 1977. Post-Pleistocene diatom succession in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Journal of Phycology 13: 73–80.

Stoermer E.F. & Sicko-Goad L. 1977. A new distribution record for Hymenomonas roseola Stein (Prymnesiophyceae, Coccolithophoraceae) and Spiniferomonas trioralis Takahashi (Chrysophyceae, Synuraceae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Phycologia 16: 355–358.


Andresen N.A. & Stoermer E.F. 1978. The diatoms of Douglas Lake – a preliminary list. Michigan Botanist 17: 49–54.

Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1978. Diatoms from the Great Lakes. II. Some rare or poorly known species of the genus Navicula. Journal of Great Lakes Research 4: 178–185.

Stoermer E.F. 1978. The blue–green algae keep coming. Natural History 59: 59–61.

Stoermer E.F. 1978. Diatoms from the Great Lakes. I. Rare or poorly known species of the genera Diploneis, Oestrupia and Stauroneis. Journal of Great Lakes Research 4: 170–177.

Stoermer E.F. 1978. Phytoplankton as indicators of water quality in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Transaction of the American Microscopic Society 97: 2–16.

Stoermer E.F. & Kreis R.G. Jr. 1978. Preliminary checklist of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 4: 149–169.

Stoermer E.F., Ladewski B.G. & Schelske C.L. 1978. Population responses of Lake Michigan phytoplankton to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment. Hydrobiologia 57: 249–265.

Walker G.K., Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1978. Intercalary band formation and cell growth in the diatom Fragilaria capucina. Microbios Letters 9: 147–154.


Kingston J.C., Lowe R.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1979. Attached winter floral assemblages on sand from Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. Micron 10: 219–220.

Kreis R.G. Jr & Stoermer E.F. 1979. Diatoms of the Laurentian Great Lakes. III. Rare and poorly known species of Achnanthes and Cocconeis (Bacillariophyta). Journal of Great Lakes Research 5: 276–291.

Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1979. A morphometric study of lead and copper effects on Diatoma tenue var. elongatum (Bacillariophyta). Journal of Phycology. 15: 316–321.

Stoermer E.F. 1979. Bloom and crash: Algae in the Lakes. Chapter 2. In: The enduring Great Lakes (Ed. by J. Rousmaniere), pp. 13–20. W. W. Norton, New York.

Stoermer E.F., Kingston J.C. & Sicko-Goad L. 1979. The morphology and taxonomic relationships of Stephanodiscus binderanus var. oestrupi (A. Cl.) A. Cl. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 64: 65–78.

Theriot E., Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1979. Observations on the valve morphology of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehr. (Centrales, Bacillariophyta) Micron 10: 217–218.

Walker G.K., Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1979. An ultrastructural examination of the pennate diatom Caloneis amphisbaena var. amphisbaena. Microbios Letters 12: 141–152.


Frey L.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1980. Dinoflagellate phagotrophy in the upper Great Lakes. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 99: 439–444.

Kingston J.C., Lowe R.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1980. The frustular morphology of Amphora thumensis (A. Mayer) A. Cl. and a consideration of its systematic position. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 99: 276–283.

Kingston J.C., Lowe R.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1980. Morphological observations of Amphora thumensis (Mayer) A. Cl. using light and scanning electron microscopy. Micron 11: 19–20.

Stoermer E.F., Sicko-Goad L. & Lazinsky D. 1980. Synergistic effects of phosphorus and trace metal loadings on Great Lakes phytoplankton. In: Proceedings of the third USA–USSR symposium on the effects of pollutants upon aquatic systems. Theoretical aspects of aquatic toxicology, pp. 171–186. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth.


Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1981. Quantitative differences between benthic algal communities along a depth gradient in Lake Michigan. Journal of Phycology 17: 29–36.

Stoermer E.F. 1981. Diatoms associated with bryophyte communities growing at extreme depths in Lake Michigan. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 88: 91–95.

Stoermer E.F., Kreis R.G. Jr & Sicko-Goad L. 1981. A systematic, quantitative, and ecological comparison of two species of the diatom genus Melosira from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 7: 345–356.

Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1981. Some aspects of morphological variation in Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehr. (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 17: 64–72.


Moll R.A. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. A hypothesis relating trophic status and subsurface chlorophyll maxima of lakes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 94: 425–440.

Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. Luxury consumption of phosphorus by benthic algae. Bioscience 32: 682–683.

Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. Luxury consumption of phosphorus by five Cladophora epiphytes in Lake Huron. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 101: 151–162.

Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. Seasonal abundance patterns of diatoms on Cladophora in Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 8: 169–183.

Stevenson R.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. Abundance patterns of diatoms on Cladophora with respect to a point source of sewage effluent in Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 8: 184–195.

Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1982. Observations on North American populations of Stephanodiscus (Bacillariophyceae) species attributed to Friedrich Hustedt. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 101: 368–374.

Stoermer E.F. & Ladewski T.B. 1982. Quantitative analysis of shape variation in type and modern populations of Gomphoneis herculeana. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 73: 347–386.


Kingston J.C., Lowe R.L., Stoermer E.F. & Ladewski T.B. 1983. Spatial and temporal distribution of benthic diatoms in northern Lake Michigan. Ecology 64: 1566–1580.

Kreis R.G., Ladewski T.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1983. Influence of the St. Mary's River plume on northern Lake Huron phytoplankton assemblages. Journal of Great Lakes Research 9: 40–51.

Schelske C.L., Stoermer E.F., Conley D.J., Robbins J.A. & Glover R.M. 1983. Early eutrophication of the lower Great Lakes: new evidence from biogenic silica in the sediments. Science 222: 320–322.

Stoermer E.F. & Håkansson H. 1983. An investigation of the morphological structure and taxonomic relationships of Stephanodiscus damasii Hust. Bacillaria 6: 245–255.


Håkansson H. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Observations on the type material of Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow in Cleve and Grunow. Nova Hedwigia 39: 477–495.

Håkansson H. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. An investigation of the morphology of Stephanodiscus alpinus Hust. Bacillaria 7: 159–172.

Håkansson H. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. About some type material of Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow. Rapport fra Diatome-Symposium i Bergen, Mai 1983 (Ed. by S. Assheim). Universitet i Bergen, Botanisk Institutt Rapport 33: 3–14.

Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. The need for uniform terminology concerning phytoplankton cell size fractions and examples of picoplankton from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10: 90–93.

Sicko-Goad L., Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Estimation of carbon and silica content of diatoms from natural assemblages using morphometric techniques. Limnology & Oceanography 29: 1170–1178.

Stoermer E. F. 1984. Research on Great Lakes algal communities: problems from the past, lessons for the future. Journal of Great Lakes Research 10: 143–155.

Stoermer E.F. 1984. Qualitative characteristics of algal assemblages. Chapter 3. In: Algae as ecological indicators (Ed. by L.E. Schubert), pp. 49–67. Academic Press, London.

Stoermer E.F. & Håkansson H. 1984. Stephanodiscus parvus: validation of an enigmatic and widely misconstrued taxon. Nova Hedwigia 39: 497–511.

Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Observations on type material of Cyclotella rotula Kütz. with comments on its relationship to Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehr. Systematic Botany 9: 54–60.

Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Principal component analysis of Stephanodiscus: observations on two new species from the Stephanodiscus niagarae complex. Bacillaria 7: 37–58.

Theriot E. C. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Principal components analysis of character variation in Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. Morphological variation related to lake trophic status. In: Proceedings of the seventh international diatom symposium (Ed. by D.G. Mann), pp. 97–111. Otto Koeltz, Science Publishers, Koenigstein.

Tuchman M.L., Stoermer E.F. & Carney H.J. 1984. Effects of increased salinity on the diatom assemblage in Fonda Lake, Michigan. Hydrobiologia 109: 179–188.

Tuchman M.L., Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1984. Effects of low level salinity concentrations on the growth of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz. Archiv für Protistenkunde 128: 319–326.


Stoermer E.F. 1985. Review of: Periphyton of freshwater ecosystems (Ed by R.G. Wetzel). BioScience 35: 53.

Stoermer E.F. 1985. Review of: Introduction to freshwater algae (Ed by C.A. Pentecos). British Phycological Journal 20: 297.

Stoermer E.F. & Sicko-Goad L. 1985. A comparative ultrastructural and morphometric study of six species of the diatom genus Stephanodiscus. Journal of Plankton Research 7: 125–135.

Stoermer E.F. & Theriot E.C. 1985. Phytoplankton distribution in Saginaw Bay. Journal of Great Lakes Research 11: 132–142.

Stoermer E.F., Kociolek J.P., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1985. Siliceous microfossil succession in the recent history of Lake Superior. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia 137: 106–118.

Stoermer E.F., Wolin J.A., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1985. Variations in Melosira islandica valve morphology in Lake Ontario sediments related to eutrophication and silica depletion. Limnology & Oceanography 30: 414–418.

Stoermer E.F., Wolin J.A., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1985. Post settlement diatom succession in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42: 754–767.

Stoermer E.F., Wolin J.A., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1985. An assessment of ecological changes during the recent history of Lake Ontario based on siliceous microfossils preserved in the sediments. Journal of Phycology 21: 257–276.


Fahnenstiel G.L., Sicko-Goad L., Scavia D. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. Importance of picoplankton in Lake Superior. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43: 235–240.

Håkansson H., Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. Stephanodiscus vestibulis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta). Nordic Journal Botany 6: 501–505.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. Observations on North American Gomphoneis (Bacillariophyceae). II. Descriptions and ultrastructure of two new species. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 105: 141–151.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. On the taxonomy and ultrastructure of the fossil diatom Gomphoneis cantalica (Brun & Hérib.) M. Schm. Cryptogamie Algologie 7: 1–8.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of monoraphid diatoms based on phenetic and cladistic methodologies. Phycologia 25: 297–303.

Kociolek J.P., Stoermer E.F. & Bahls L.L. 1986. Observations on North American Gomphoneis. III. Gomphonema septum comb. nov. Mogh. Canadian Journal of Botany 64: 2764–2768.

Schelske C.L., Conley D.J., Stoermer E.F., Newberry T.L. & Campbell C.D. 1986. Biogenic silica and phosphorus accumulation in sediments as indices of eutrophication in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Hydrobiologia 143: 79–86.

Schelske C.L., Stoermer E.F., Fahnenstiel G.L. & Haibach M. 1986. Phosphorus enrichment, silica utilization and silica depletion in the Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43: 407–415.

Sicko-Goad L., Stoermer E.F. & Fahnenstiel G. 1986. Rejuvenation of Melosira granulata resting cells from the anoxic sediments of Douglas Lake, Michigan. I. Light microscopy and 14C uptake. Journal of Phycology. 22: 22–28.

Stoermer E.F. 1986. Some perspectives on diatom ecology. In: Proceedings of the eighth international diatom symposium (Ed. by M. Ricard), pp. 315–322. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Stoermer E.F., Qi Y.-Z. & Ladewski T.B. 1986. A quantitative investigation of shape variation in Didymosphenia (Lyngb.) M. Schmidt. Phycologia 25: 494–502.

Stoermer E.F., Ladewski T.B. & Kociolek J.P. 1986. Further observations on Gomphoneis. In: Proceedings of the eighth international diatom symposium (Ed. by M. Ricard), pp. 205–213. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Theriot E.C. & Stoermer E.F. 1986. Principal components analysis of Stephanodiscus: field evidence for two varieties of S. niagarae. In: Proceedings of the eighth international diatom symposium (Ed. by M. Ricard), pp. 385–394. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.


Håkansson H. & Stoermer E.F. 1987. An investigation of the morphology and taxonomy of Stephanodiscus excentricus Hustedt. Archiv für Protistenkunde 134: 1–15.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1987. Geographic distribution and variability of the diatom (Bacillariophyta) Gomphonema ventricosum Gregory. Nova Hedwigia 45: 223–236.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1987. Ultrastructure of Cymbella sinuata and its allies (Bacillariophyceae), and their transfer to Reimeria gen. nov. Systematic Botany 12: 451–459.

Kociolek J.P., Stoermer E.F. & Wynne M.J. 1987. On the identity of Diplochaete solitaria Collins. Botanica Marina 30: 115–120.

Stoermer E.F. 1987. Assessing acidification. Review of: J. P. Smol et al., Diatoms and lake acidity. BioScience 37: 425.

Stoermer E.F., Håkansson H. & Theriot E.C. 1987. Cyclostephanos species new to North America: C. tholiformis sp. nov. and C. costatilimbus comb. nov. British Phycological Journal 22: 349–358.

Stoermer E.F., Kociolek J.P., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1987. Quantitative analysis of siliceous microfossils in the sediments of Lake Erie's central basin. Diatom Research 2: 113–134.

Theriot E.C., Håkansson H., Kociolek J.P., Round F.E. & Stoermer E.F. 1987. Validation of the centric diatom genus Cyclostephanos. British Phycological Journal 22: 345–347.

Theriot E.C., Stoermer E.F. & Håkansson H. 1987. Taxonomic interpretation of the rimoportula of the freshwater genera in the centric diatom Family Thalassiosiraceae. Diatom Research 2: 251–265.


Keilty T.J., Stoermer E.F. & White D.S. 1988. Transport and deposition of algal remains in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 14: 164–170

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. A preliminary investigation of the phylogenetic relationships among the freshwater, apical pore field-bearing cymbelloid and gomphonemoid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 24: 377–385.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Observations on North American Gomphoneis (Bacillariophyceae). IV. Valve ultrastructure and systematic position of Gomphoneis elegans. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 107: 386–396.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Taxonomy and systematic position of the Gomphoneis quadripunctata species complex. Diatom Research 3: 95–108.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Taxonomy, ultrastructure and distribution of Gomphoneis herculeana, G. eriense, and closely related species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia 140: 24–97.

Kociolek J.P., Yang J.-R. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Taxonomy, ultrastructure and systematic position of the Gomphonema grovei M. Schm. species complex. Nova Hedwigia 47: 145–158.

Schelske C.L., Conley D.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Has silica increased in Lake Superior waters? Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 23: 163–169.

Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Effects of toxicants on phytoplankton with special reference to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Chapter 1, In: Toxic contamination and ecosystem health – a Great Lakes focus (Ed. by M.S. Evans), pp. 1–19. Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 21. Wiley, New York.

Stoermer E.F. 1988. Review of: J. Jeffrey Dodd, The illustrated flora of Illinois – diatoms. The Michigan Botanist 27: 40–41.

Stoermer E.F. 1988. Algae and the environment: the Great Lakes case. In: Algae and human affairs (Ed. by C. Lembi & R. Waaland), pp. 58–83. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Stoermer E.F., Håkansson H. & Theriot E.C. 1988. Morphology and taxonomy of Stephanodiscus conspicueporus sp. nov. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 107: 46–52.

Stoermer E.F., Kociolek J. P., Shoshani J. & Frisch C. 1988. Diatoms from the Shelton Mastodon site. Journal of Paleolimnology 1: 193–199.

Theriot E.C., Håkansson H. & Stoermer E.F. 1988. Morphometric analysis of Stephanodiscus alpinus (Bacillariophyceae) and its morphology as an indicator of lake trophic status. Phycologia 27: 485–493.

Wolin J.A., Stoermer E.F., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1988. Siliceous microfossil succession in recent Lake Huron sediments. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 114: 175–198.


Gayley R.I., Ram M. & Stoermer E.F. 1989. Seasonal variations in diatom abundance and provenance in Greenland ice. Journal of Glaciology 120: 290–292.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1989. Chromosome numbers in diatoms: a review. Diatom Research 4: 47–54.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the diatom genus Gomphoneis. Phycologia 28: 438–454.

Sicko-Goad L., Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1989. Patterns of mucilage production and secretion in pennate diatoms. In: Proceedings of the 47 th annual meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America (Ed. by G. W. Bailey), pp. 1016–1017. San Francisco Press, San Francisco.

Sicko-Goad L., Stoermer E.F. & Kociolek J.P. 1989. Diatom resting cell rejuvenation and formation: time course, species records and distribution. Journal of Plankton Research 11: 375–389.

Stoermer E.F., Emmert G. & Schelske C.L. 1989. Morphological variation of Stephanodiscus niagarae (Bacillariophyta) in a Lake Ontario sediment core. Journal of Paleolimnology 2: 227–236.


Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1990. Diatoms from the upper Miocene Hot Springs Limestone, Snake River Plain, Idaho (U.S.A.). I. Gomphonema and Gomphoneis. Micropaleontology 36: 331–352.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1990. A new, highly variable Gomphonema (Bacillariophyceae) species from the Laurentian Great Lakes. In: Ouvrage dédié à la mémoire du professeur Henry Germain (1903–1989) (Ed. by M. Ricard), pp. 139–144. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E. F. 1990. Navicula diluviana or Cymbella diluviana?: ultrastructure and systematic position of an enigmatic diatom. In: Proceedings of the tenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by H. Simola), pp. 173–181. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Stoermer E.F. & Andresen N.A. 1990. Aulacoseira agassizii in North America. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 100: 217–223.

Stoermer E.F., Kociolek J.P. & Cody W. 1990. Cyclotubicoalitus undatus, genus et species nova. Diatom Research 5: 171–177.

Stoermer E.F., Schelske C.L. & Wolin J.A. 1990. Siliceous microfossil succession in the sediments of McLeod Bay, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47: 1865–1874.

Stoermer E.F., Wolin J.A., Schelske C.L. & Conley D.J. 1990. Siliceous microfossil succession in Lake Michigan. Limnology & Oceanography 35: 959–967.


Carrick H.J., Fahnenstiel G.L., Stoermer E.F. & Wetzel R.G. 1991. The importance of the zooplankton–protozoan trophic couplings in Lake Michigan. Limnology & Oceanography 36: 1335–1345.

Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1991. Sexual reproduction in Stephanodiscus niagarae (Bacillariophyta). Journal of Phycology 27: 780–793.

Edsall T.A., Stoermer E.F. & Kociolek J.P. 1991. Periphyton accumulation at remote reefs and shoals in Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research 17: 412–418

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1991. New and interesting Gomphonema species from East Africa. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science 47: 275–288.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1991. Taxonomy and ultrastructure of some Gomphonema Ehrenberg and Gomphoneis Cleve taxa from the upper Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Botany 69: 1557–1576.

Stoermer E.F., Kociolek J.P., Schelske C.L. & Andresen N.A. 1991. Siliceous microfossil succession in the recent history of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Journal of Paleolimnology 6: 123–140.

Wolin J.A., Stoermer E.F., & Schelske C.L. 1991. Recent changes in Lake Ontario 1981–1987: microfossil evidence of phosphorus reduction. Journal of Great Lakes Research 17: 229–240.


Bourne C.M., Palmer J.D. & Stoermer E.F. 1992. Organization of the chloroplast genome of the freshwater centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 28: 347–355.

Mou D. & Stoermer E.F. 1992. Separating Tabellaria (Bacillariophyceae) shape groups: A large sample approach based on Fourier descriptor analysis. Journal of Phycology 28: 386–395.

Stoermer E.F., Andresen N.A. & Schelske C.L. 1992. Diatom succession in the recent sediments of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA. Diatom Research 7: 367–386.


Conley D.J., Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1993. Modification of the biogeochemical cycle of silica with eutrophication. Marine Ecology Progress Series 101: 179–192.

Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1993. Resting spores of the freshwater diatoms Acanthoceras and Urosolenia. Journal of Paleolimnology 9: 55–61.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1993. The diatom genus Gomphocymbella O. Müller: taxonomy, ultrastructure and phylogenetic relationships. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 106: 71–92.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 1993. Freshwater gomphonemoid diatom phylogeny: preliminary results. Hydrobiologia 269/270: 31–38.

Stoermer, E.F. 1993. Review: H. Pankow, D. Haendel & W. Richer, Die Algenflora der Schirmacheroase (Ostantarktika). (Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 103). Quarterly Review of Biology 68: 126–127.

Stoermer E.F. 1993. Evaluating diatom succession: some peculiarities of the Great Lakes case. Journal of Paleolimnology 8: 71–83.

Stoermer E.F., Wolin J.A. & Schelske C.L. 1993. Paleolimnological comparison of the Laurentian Great Lakes based on diatoms. Limnology & Oceanography 38: 1311–1316.


Kociolek J.P., Sicko-Goad L. & Stoermer E.F. 1994. Cytoplasmic fine structure of two Encyonema species. In: Proceedings 11 th international diatom symposium (Ed. by J.P. Kociolek), pp. 235–240. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1994. Did top-down effects amplify anthropogenic nutrient perturbations in Lake Michigan? Comment on Evans (1992). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51: 2147–2149.

Stoermer E.F. 1994. Forward. In: Algae and water pollution (Ed. by L.C. Rai, J.P. Gaur & C.J. Soeder), pp. v–vii. Ergebnisse der Limnologie Beiheft 42. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele und Obermiller), Stuttgart. 304 pp.

Yang J.-R., Stoermer E.F. & Kociolek J.P. 1994. Aulacoseira dianchiensis sp. nov., a new fossil diatom from China. Diatom Research 9: 225–231.


Edlund M.B., Stoermer E.F. & Pilskaln C.H. 1995. Siliceous microfossil succession of two basins in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology 14: 165–184.

Kociolek J.P., Stoermer E.F. & Edlund M.B. 1995. Two new freshwater diatom species. In: A century of diatom research in North America: a tribute to the distinguished careers of Charles W. Reimer and Ruth Patrick (Ed. by J.P. Kociolek & M.J. Sullivan), pp. 9–19. Koeltz Scientific Books, Champaign.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1995. Effects of elevated nitrate concentrations on Lake Huron phytoplankton communities: an experimental study. Journal of Great Lakes Research 21: 178–191.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1995. Multidimensional analysis of diatom morphologic and morphometric phenotypic variation and relationship to niche. Ecoscience 2: 357–367.

Stoermer E.F., Edlund M.B., Pilskaln C.H. & Schelske C.L. 1995. Siliceous microfossil distribution in the surficial sediments of Lake Baikal. Journal of Paleolimnology 14: 69–82.


Donar C.M., Neely R.K. & Stoermer E.F. 1996. Diatom succession in an urban reservoir system. Journal of Paleolimnology 15: 237–243.

Edlund M.B., Stoermer E.F. & Taylor C.M. 1996. Aulacoseira skvortzowii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a poorly known diatom from Lake Baikal, Russia. Journal of Phycology 32: 165–175.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1996. Formulation of a method to count number of individuals representative of number of species in algal communities. Journal of Phycology 32: 693–696.

Stoermer E.F. 1996. A simple, but useful, application of image analysis. Journal of Paleolimnology 15: 111–113.

Stoermer E.F., Emmert G., Julius M.L. & Schelske C.L. 1996. Paleolimnologic evidence of rapid recent change in Lake Erie's trophic status. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 1451–1458.


Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1997. Ecological, evolutionary, and systematic significance of diatom life histories. Journal of Phycology 33: 897–918.

Hammer B.K. & Stoermer E.F. 1997. Diatom-based interpretation of sediment banding in an urbanized lake. Journal of Paleolimnology 17: 437–449.

Julius M.L., Estabrook G.F., Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1997. Recognition of taxonomically significant clusters near the species level, using computationally intense methods, with examples from the Stephanodiscus niagarae complex. Journal of Phycology 33: 1049–1054.

Julius M.L., Stoermer E.F., Colman S.M. & Moore T.C. 1997. Paleoclimatic implications of siliceous microfossil succession in Late Quaternary sediments in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology 18: 187–204.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 1997. Multidimensional measure of niche overlap using canonical correspondence analysis. Ecoscience 4: 240–245.

Spaulding S. & Stoermer E.F. 1997. Taxonomy and distribution of the diatom genus Muelleria. Diatom Research 12: 95–113.

Spaulding S.A., McKnight D.M., Stoermer E.F. & Doran P.T. 1997. Diatoms in sediments of perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare, and implications for interpreting lake history in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Journal of Paleolimnology 17: 403–420.

Stoermer E.F. 1997. Review: Identification of freshwater diatoms from live material. E.J. Cox. Chapman & Hall, London, Weinheim, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Madras, 1996, 158 pp. Phycologia 36: 330–331.

Stoermer E.F. 1997. Review: Indicators of oligotrophy, 800 taxa representative of three ecologically distinct lake types, carbonate buffered–oligodystrophic–weakly buffered soft water (1996). H. Lange-Bertalot & D. Metzeltin. Iconographia Diatomologica - Annotated Diatom Micrographs, Volume 2, Ecology-Diversity-Taxonomy (H. Lange-Bertalot ed.). Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein. 220 DM. ISBN: 3-87429-386-6. Diatom Research 11: 383–385.


Brandriss M.E., O'Neil J.R., Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1998. Oxygen isotope fractionation between diatomaceous silica and water. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta 62: 1119–1125.

Julius M.L., Stoermer E.F., Taylor C.M. & Schelske C.L. 1998. Local extirpation of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. (Bacillariophyta) in the recent limnological record of Lake Ontario. Journal of Phycology 34: 766–771.

Stoermer E.F. 1998. Thirty years of diatom studies on the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24: 518–530.


Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 1999. Taxonomy and morphology of Amphora calumetica (B.W. Thomas ex Wolle) Perag., an epipsammic diatom from post-Pleistocene large Lakes. In: Proceedings of the fourteenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by S. Mayama, M. Idei & I. Koizumi), pp. 65–73. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Schelske C.L., Donar C.M. & Stoermer E.F. 1999. A test of paleolimnologic proxies for the planktonic/benthic ratio of microfossil diatoms in Lake Apopka. In: Proceedings of the fourteenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by S. Mayama, M. Idei & I. Koizumi), pp. 388–400. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Stoermer E.F. & Edlund M.B. 1999. No paradox in the plankton? Diatom communities in large lakes In: Proceedings of the fourteenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by S. Mayama, M. Idei & I. Koizumi), pp. 51–58. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein.

Stoermer E.F. & Smol J.P. 1999. The diatoms: Applications for the environmental and earth sciences. Cambridge University Press, London. 456 pp.

Stoermer E.F., Kreis R.G. Jr & Andresen N.A. 1999. Checklist of diatoms from the Laurentian Great Lakes II. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25: 515–566.

Williams R.M., Edlund M.E. & Stoermer E.F. 1999. Taxonomy and morphology of Cymbella stuxbergii (Cleve in Cleve et Grunow) Cleve from Lakes in the Baikal rift zone. Diatom Research 14: 381–392.


Andresen N.A. & Stoermer E.F. 2000. New nomenclatural combinations referring to diatom taxa which occur in the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. Diatom Research 15: 413–418.

Crutzen P.J. & Stoermer E.F. 2000. The ‘Anthropocene’. International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme Newsletter 41: 17–18.

Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 2000. A 200,000 year, high-resolution record of diatom productivity and community makeup from Lake Baikal shows high correspondence to the marine oxygen-isotope record of climate change. Limnology & Oceanography 45: 948–962.

Edlund M.B., Soninkhishig N., Williams R.M. & Stoermer E.F. 2000. Morphology and taxonomy of Eunotia clevei. Diatom Research 15: 209–219.

Edlund M.B., Taylor C.M., Schelske C.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2000. Thalassiosira baltica (Bacillariophyta), a new exotic species in the Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 610–615.


Edlund M.B., Soninkhishig N., Williams R.M. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Biodiversity of Mongolia: checklist of diatoms, including new distributional reports of 31 taxa. Nova Hedwigia 72: 59–90.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Taxonomy and ecology: a marriage of necessity. Diatom Research 16: 433–442.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Taxonomic history of Asterionella Hassall (Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae) and the need for revision of the genus. Diatom 17: 47–58.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Fourier shape analysis and fuzzy measure shape group differentiation of Great Lakes Asterionella Hassall (Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae). In: 16 th international diatom symposium, proceedings (Ed. by A. Economou-Amilli), pp. 485–501. Amvrosiou Press, Athens.

Pappas J.L., Fowler G.W. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Calculating shape descriptors from Fourier analysis: shape analysis of Asterionella (Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae). Phycologia 40: 440–456.

Rhode K.M., Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2001. Quantitative analysis of shape variation in type and modern populations of Meridion Ag. Journal of Phycology 37: 175–183.

Stoermer E.F. 2001. Diatom taxonomy for paleolimnologists. Journal of Paleolimnology 25: 393–398.

Stoermer E.F. 2001. Review: Diatoms of low alkalinity lakes in the northeastern United States. K.E. Camburn & D.F. Charles. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Special Publication 18. Journal of Paleolimnology 25: 129–130.

Stoermer E.F. & Poulin M. 2001. Report of workshop on new technology – initiatives and collaboration. In: 16 th international diatom symposium (Ed. by A. Economou-Amilli), pp. 599–601. Amvrosiou Press, Athens.


Stoermer E.F. & Julius M.L. 2002. Centric diatoms. Chapter 11. In: Freshwater algae of North America: classification and ecology. (Ed. by J.D. Wehr & R.G. Sheath), pp. 559–594. Academic Press, San Diego.


Donarummo J. Jr, Ram M. & Stoermer E.F. 2003. Possible deposit of soil dust from the 1930’s U. S. dust bowl identified in Greenland ice. Geophysical Research Letter 30: 1279–1283.

Manoylov K.M., Morales E.A. & Stoermer E.F. 2003. Staurosira stevensonii (Bacillariophyta) a new species from acidic environments in Florida, USA. European Journal of Phycology 38: 65–71.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2003. Morphometric comparison of the neotype of Asterionella formosa Hassall (Heterokontophyta, Bacillariophyceae) with Asterionella edlundii from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. Diatom 19: 55–65.

Pappas J.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2003. Legendre shape descriptors and shape group determination of specimens in the Cymbella cistula complex. Phycologia 42: 90–97.

Tuji A., Kawashima A., Julius M.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2003. Stephanodiscus akanensis,sp. nov., a new species of extant diatom from Lake Akan, Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of National Science Museum of Tokyo, Series B 29: 1–8.


Ekdahl E.J., Teranes J.L., Guilderson T., Turton C.L., McAndrews J.H., Wittkop C. & Stoermer E.F. 2004. Prehistorical record of cultural eutrophication from Crawford Lake, Canada. Geology 32: 745–748.

Kingston J.C., Engstrom D.R., Norton A.R., Peterson M.R., Griese N.A., Stoermer E.F. & Andresen N.A. 2004. Paleolimnological inference of nutrient loading in a eutrophic lake in north–central Minnesota (USA) and periodic occurrence of abnormal Stephanodiscus niagarae. In: Proceedings of the seventeenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by M. Poulin), pp. 187–202. Biopress Limited, Bristol.

Lowe R.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2004. In memoriam: John Clayton Kingston 1949–2004. Diatom Research 19: 363–372.

Stoermer E.F. & Smol J.P. 2004. In memoriam: John Clayton Kingston 1949–2004. Journal of Paleolimnology 32: 313–319.


Bixby R.J., Edlund M.B. & Stoermer E.F. 2005. Hannaea superiorensis sp. nov. an endemic diatom from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Diatom Research 20: 227–240.

Jude D.J., Janssen J. & Stoermer E.F. 2005. Lake Michigan's non-indigenous species: marination and homogenization. In: The Lake Michigan ecosystem: Ecology, health and management (Ed. by T. Edsall & M. Munawar), pp. 311–348. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, Burlington.

Reavie E.D., Robbins J.A., Stoermer E.F., Douglas M.S.V., Emmert G.E., Morehead N.R. & Mudroch A. 2005. Paleolimnology of a fluvial lake downstream of Lake Superior and the industrialized region of Sault Saint Marie. Canadian Journal Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2586–2608.

Stoermer E.F. 2005. Marrying taxonomy and ecology: an attempt. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science 56: 146–155.

Stoermer E.F. 2005. Lake Michigan paleolimnology. In: The Lake Michigan ecosystem: ecology, health and management (Ed. by T. Edsall & M. Munawar), pp. 53–88. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, Burlington.

Wolin J.A. & Stoermer E.F. 2005. Response of a Lake Michigan coastal lake to anthropogenic catchment disturbance. Journal of Paleolimnology 33: 73–94.


Edlund M.B., Soninkhishig N. & Stoermer E.F. 2006. The diatom (Bacillariophyceae) flora of Lake Hovsgol National Park, Mongolia. Chapter 11. In: The geology, biodiversity and ecology of Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia) (Ed. by C.E. Goulden, T. Sitnikova, J. Gelhaus & B. Boldgiv), pp. 145–177. Backhuys, Leiden.

Schelske C.L., Stoermer E.F. & Kenney W.E. 2006. Inferring consequences of low-level phosphorus enrichment in the Great Lakes from biogenic silica accumulation in sediments. Limnology & Oceanography 51: 728–748.

Stoermer E.F. 2006. The importance of physical factors regulating diatom distribution in large lakes. Proceedings of the eighteenth international diatom symposium (Ed. by A. Witkowski), pp. 371–387. Biopress Limited, Bristol.

Stoermer E.F. & Andresen N.A. 2006. Atypical Tabularia in coastal Lake Erie, USA. In: Advances in phycological studies – Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dobrina Temniskova-Topalova (Ed. by N. Ognjanova-Rumenova & K. Manylov), pp. 353–363. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia & St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Moscow.

Stoermer E.F. & Pappas J.L. 2006. A new approach to problems in taxonomy and ecology. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 130: 285–292.


Ekdahl E.J., Terranes J.L., Wittkop C.A., Stoermer E.F., Reavie E.D. & Smol J. 2007. Diatom assemblage response to Iroquoian and Euro-Canadian eutrophication of Crawford Lake, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 37: 233–246.

Singh R.S., Stoermer E.F. & Ratan K. 2007. Freshwater diatoms in rhizopod cysts from the Deccan intertrappean (Maastrichtian) sediments of India. Micropaleontology 52: 545–551.


Stoermer E.F. 2008. Greta Fryxell's contributions to diatom taxonomy. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 133: 14–18.


Donar C., Stoermer E.F. & Brenner M. 2009. The Holocene paleolimnology of Lake Apopka, Florida. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 135: 57–71.

Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 2009. Oligotrophy: the forgotten end of an ecological spectrum. Acta Botanica Croatica 68: 465–472.

Stoermer E.F. & Kociolek J.P. 2009. Charlie – a tribute to Dr. Charles W. Reimer. Diatom Research 24: 521–536.


Kociolek J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 2010. Variation and polymorphism in diatoms: the triple helix of development, genetics and environment and our understanding of diatom systematics. A review of the literature. Vie et Mileau 60: 75–87.

Kociolek J.P., Lowe R.L. & Stoermer E.F. 2010. Algae of northern Michigan and the Douglas Lake region. In: The changing environment of northern Michigan: a century of science and nature at the University of Michigan biological station (Ed.by K.J. Nadelhoffer, A.J. Hogg & B.A. Hazlett), Chapter 8, pp. 85–92. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

Liu Y., Fu C.-X., Wang Q.-X.. & Stoermer E.F. 2010. A new species, Diatoma rupestris (Bacillariophyta), from the Great Xing'an Mountains, China. Diatom Research 25: 337–347.

Smol J.P. & Stoermer E.F. 2010. The diatoms: applications for the environmental and earth sciences, second edition. Cambridge University Press, London. 667 pp.

Major Refereed Reports

Ayers J.C., Stoermer E.F. & McWilliam P. 1967. Recently noticed changes in the biology–chemistry of Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 30. pp. 95–111.

Bierman V.J., Dolan D.M., Stoermer E.F., Gannon J.E. & Smith V.E. 1980. The development and calibration of a spatially-simplified multiclass phytoplankton model for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Great Lakes Environmental Planning Study (GLEPS) Contribution No. 33. Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor. 126 pp.

Ladewski B.G., Kreis R.G. Jr & Stoermer E.F. 1982. A comparative analysis of Lake Huron phytoplankton assemblages after entrainment at selected water intake facilities. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 92. 128 pp.

Schelske C.L., Stoermer E.F., Gannon J.E. & Simmons M.S. 1976. Biological, chemical and physical relationships in the Straits of Mackinac. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 60. 266 pp.

Stoermer E.F. 1967. An historical comparison of offshore phytoplankton populations in Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 30. pp. 47–77.

Stoermer E.F. 1980. Characteristics of benthic algal communities in the upper Great Lakes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ecological Research Series EPA 600/3-80-073. Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth. 72 pp.

Stoermer E.F. 1984. Limnological characteristics of northern Lake Michigan, 1976. Part 2: phytoplankton population studies. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 95. pp. 127–245.

Stoermer E.F. & Andresen N.A. 2002. Taxonomically problematic diatoms in the Great Lakes. USEPA, Region V, Great Lakes National program Office, Chicago, 179 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Andresen N.A. 1995. Diatom studies under EMAP Great Lakes. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Large Lakes Research Station, Grosse Ile, ERL-Duluth, Duluth. 80 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Kopczynska E.E. 1967. Phytoplankton populations in the extreme southern basin of Lake Michigan, 1962–63. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 30. pp.19–46.

Stoermer E.F. & Kreis R.G. Jr. 1980. Phytoplankton composition and abundance in Southern Lake Huron. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Reporting Series EPA-600/3-80-061, Environmental Research Laboratory, Duluth. 382 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Ladewski T.B. 1978. Phytoplankton associations in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 62. 106 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Stevenson R.J. 1980. Green Bay phytoplankton composition, abundance and distribution. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago. 103 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Theriot E.C. 1983. Phytoplankton composition and distribution in Saginaw Bay. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Duluth. 199 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Tuchman M.L. 1980. Phytoplankton assemblages of the nearshore zone of southern Lake Michigan. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office, Chicago. 88 pp.

Stoermer E.F. & Yang J.J. 1969. Plankton diatom assemblages in Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 47. 168 pp.

Stoermer E.F., Bowman M.M., Kingston J.C. & Schaedel A.L. 1974. Phytoplankton composition and abundance in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Special Report No. 53. 373 pp.

Stoermer E.F., Kreis R.G. Jr & Ladewski T.B. 1983. Phytoplankton species composition, abundance and distribution in southern Lake Huron, 1980; including a comparative analysis with conditions in 1974 prior to nutrient loading reductions. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Duluth. EPA 600/53-83-091. 283 pp. + appendix.

Stoermer E.F., Sicko-Goad L. & Frey L.C. 1983. Effects of phosphorus loading on phytoplankton distribution and certain aspects of cytology in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Final Report to Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth. 163 pp.

Tarapchak S.J. & Stoermer E.F. 1976. Environmental Status of the Lake Michigan Region. Vol. 4. Phytoplankton of Lake Michigan. ANL/ES-40 Vol. 4. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne. 204 pp.

Electronic Publications from Laboratory

Great Lakes Diatom Homepage <http://www.umich.edu/∼phytolab/GreatLakesDiatomHomePage/top.html>


  • Andresen , N. A. 2009 . Eugene F. Stoermer: a personal tribute . Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft , 135 : ix – xv .
  • Kociolek , J. P. and Kingston , J. C. 1999 . Taxonomy, ultrastructure and distribution of gomphonemoid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae: Gomphonemataceae) from rivers of the United States . Canadian Journal of Botany , 77 : 686 – 705 .
  • Kociolek , J. P. and de Reviers , B. 1996 . The diatom types of Emile Manguin. II. Validating descriptions and designation of types for the New Caledonia species . Cryptogamie, Algologie , 17 : 193 – 215 .
  • Kociolek , J. P. , Escobar , L. and Richardson , S. 1996 . Taxonomy and ultrastructure of Stoermeria, a new genus of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) . Phycologia , 35 : 70 – 78 . (doi:10.2216/i0031-8884-35-1-70.1)
  • Lange-Bertalot , H and Metzeltin , D . 2009 . A dystrophic mountain lake in Panama – Hot spot of new and rare neotropical diatoms . Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft , 135 : 137 – 166 .
  • Levkov , Z. 2009 . “ Amphora sensu lato ” . In Diatoms of Europe: Diatoms of the European Inland Waters and Comparable Habitats Edited by: Gantner , A. R.G. and Verlag , K. G. Vol. 5 , 5:5 – 916 .
  • Lowe , R. L. Notes on Iowa diatoms X: New and rare diatoms from Iowa . Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Scienc , Vol. 79 , pp. 66 – 69 .
  • Metzeltin , D and Lange-Bertalot , H . 2007 . Tropical diatoms of South America II. Special remarks on biogeography disjunction . Iconographia Diatomologica , 18 : 1 – 877 .
  • Popper , K . 1959 . The logic of scientific discovery , 512 London : Routledge .
  • Spaulding , S. A. , Pool , J. R. , Castro , S. I. and Hinz , F. Species within the genus . Encyonema Kützing, including two new species Encyonema reimeri sp. nov. and E. stoermeri sp. nov. and E. stoermeri nom. nov., stat. nov. , Vol. 160 , pp. 57 – 71 . Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
  • Thomas , E. W. and Kociolek , J. P. 2008 . Taxonomy and ultrastructure of two new Neidium species from lakes in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California (U.S.A.) . Diatom Research , 23 : 471 – 482 . (doi:10.1080/0269249X.2008.9705770)
  • Thomas , E. W. , Kociolek , J. P. , Lowe , R. L. and Johansen , J. R. 2009 . “ Taxonomy, ultrastructure and distribution of Gomphonemoid diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park (U.S.A.) ” . In Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft Vol. 135 , 201 – 237 .
  • Williams , D. M. and Reid , G. 2006 . “ Amphorotia nov. gen., a new genus in the family Eunotiaceae (Bacillariophyceae), based on Eunotia clevei Grunow in Cleve & Grunow ” . In Diatom Monographs Edited by: Witkowski , A. Vol. 6 , 153 A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G.
  • Williams , D. M. and Reid , G. 2009 . New species in the genus Colliculoamphora Williams & Reid (Bacillariophyceae) with commentary on species concept in diatom taxonomy . Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft , 135 : 185 – 199 .

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