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From war to wealth? Land policies and the peace economy in Côte d’Ivoire

De la guerre à la prospérité ? Politiques foncières et économie de la paix en Côte d’Ivoire

Pages 78-94 | Published online: 06 Apr 2020


This article studies the production of economic domination after the end of the Ivorian armed conflict. It investigates the interaction between post-conflict development policies, people's expectations and fears unleashed by the end of war, and the capacity of local actors to establish external alliances. The inquiry focuses on a region located at the margins of the conflict, but at the core of post-war development schemes. In this warless land, policies implemented in the name of peace provide resources for dominant actors seeking to consolidate their position, thus reinforcing the social structures of agrarian capitalism that had been challenged during the war.


Cet article étudie la production de la domination économique après la fin du conflit armé ivoirien. Il analyse l’interaction entre les politiques de développement et sortie de conflit, les attentes et les craintes déclenchées par la fin de la guerre, et la capacité des acteurs locaux à établir des alliances externes. L’enquête se concentre sur une région située en marge du conflit, mais au cœur des programmes de développement post-conflit. Dans cette terre sans guerre, les politiques mises en œuvre au nom de la paix fournissent des ressources aux acteurs dominants qui cherchent à consolider leur position, renforçant ainsi les structures sociales du capitalisme agraire qui avaient été mises en cause pendant la guerre.


I am particularly grateful to Jean-Pierre Chauveau, who read and generously commented on the first version of this article. In Lille, Abidjan, Diby and Ayénouan, I have enjoyed the help and friendship of Marie Saiget, Oscar Toukpo, Gabin Tarrouth, Arsène Gnanin and Kalilou Kamara. A previous version of this paper was presented in the ‘Doing Public Policies in Africa’ seminar at Sciences Po Bordeaux, and benefited from insightful comments from the public and participants. Finally, I wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their very rigorous but considerate evaluation.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Note on contributor

Jacobo Grajales is a professor of political science at the University of Lille, France, and Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France. Having previously conducted research on the relationships between the state and armed groups in Colombia, he is now examining the links between post-conflict politics and land policies, with a comparative perspective. His past and current research projects and publications can be retrieved at www.jacobo-grajales.net.


1 The CFA franc has a fixed exchange rate against the euro of €1 = CFA655.957.

Additional information


Funding for this research was provided by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under contract no. ANR-17-CE41-0001, as well as by the Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, within the Nouvelles conflictualités research programme.

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