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Pages 542-568 | Published online: 16 Sep 2020


South Asia, a poor, densely-populated region with weak public health infrastructure, appears highly vulnerable to COVID-19. But cases and fatalities have so far remained relatively low in the region. The low case-load is unlikely related to climate, malaria exposure or tuberculosis vaccination, as has been suggested. Insufficient testing in South Asian countries has probably disguised the true extent of the outbreak. Younger demographics might also explain the region's low fatality rate. Although the health impact of coronavirus has not been as devastating as some feared, the social, economic and political consequences are already severe. The pandemic is exposing and exacerbating some of the region's major weaknesses, including poverty, gender inequality, persecution of minorities, authoritarian governance, and geopolitical competition. In that sense, coronavirus is both a “mirror”, which reflects South Asia's problems, and a “catalyst”, which intensifies them.


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Notes on contributors

Rupert Stone

Rupert Stone is an independent journalist specialising in South Asia and the Middle East. He has written, amongst others, for Newsweek, Al Jazeera English, and Prospect Magazine.

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