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Research Article

An empirical study of the durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts

Received 12 Dec 2023, Accepted 12 Jun 2024, Published online: 27 Jun 2024


The Durbin and ANOVA F test on the ranks are competing tests for equality of treatment mean ranks. When the levels of the treatments are ordered, both tests have informative decompositions into orthonormal contrasts that detect linear, quadratic, etc. effects. It is known that the ANOVA F test on the ranks better adheres to the nominal significance level than the Durbin test. Here we investigate whether the same is true for their orthonormal contrasts.


1. Introduction

Best and Rayner (Citation2014) gave an empirical study of the Durbin and ANOVA F test on the ranks when treatments are ordered. They gave test sizes and powers and conjectured that power differences were due to size differences. Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023a, Sec. 5.3) showed there is a 1–1 relationship between the two test statistics, so the conjecture is true. The empirical study showed that in general the F test gave test sizes closer to the nominal 0.05 than the Durbin test.

Thas, Best, and Rayner (Citation2012) showed how to construct orthonormal contrasts for Durbin’s test, while Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023b) did likewise for the ANOVA F test on the ranks. Here we investigate how well the test sizes of the orthonormal contrasts of the Durbin and ANOVA F test on the ranks adhere to their nominal test size. Does the superiority of the ANOVA F test on the ranks extend to the contrasts?

In the next section contrasts and the tests are defined. In section three the empirical study is reported. An example of the application of the tests is given in Sec. 5. A brief conclusion follows.

2. The tests and their contrasts

We begin by defining orthonormal contrasts. Suppose Y = (Y1, …, Yt)T is a vector of random variables and c = (c1, …, ct)T is a vector of constants. For i = 1, …, t suppose Yi is the sum of ni observations, that n = ini, and that pi = ni/n. Then cTY is a contrast in Y if and only if p1c1 + …+ ptct = 0.

In general a weight function is a set {pi} in which pi > 0 for i = 1, …, t and ipi = 1. Suppose {hu} is orthonormal with weight function {pi}. Here hu = (hu1, …, hut)T for u = 1, …, t. Orthonormality means that E [huThv]=δuv, the Kronecker delta in which the expectation is with respect to the distribution with probability function {pi}. It is customary to take the orthonormal function of degree zero to be identically 1 and here we designate ht to be this function.

The orthonormality and choice of ht means that for u = 1, …, t − 1, E[htThu]=δut=ihuipi=0. It follows that with pi = ni/n, i = 1, …, t, the huTY = ihuipiYi  are contrasts. Coupled with their orthonormality, we say the huTY are orthonormal contrasts with weight function {pi}.

In the balanced incomplete block design each of the b blocks contains k experimental units, each of the t treatments appears in r blocks, and every treatment appears with every other treatment precisely λ times. Necessarily k<t,r<b,bk=rt, and λ(t1)=r(k1).

Treatments are ranked within each block. Such a design will be designated BIBD (t, b, k, r).

If ties occur and ranks are assigned so that the rank sums are not affected, then an adjusted Durbin test statistic is given by DA=(t1){iRi2rbk(k+1)24}i,jrij2bk(k+1)24 in which rij is the rank of treatment i on block j, and Ri = jrij is the sum of the ranks given to treatment i, i = 1, …, t and j = 1, …, b. If there are no ties then on block j the ranks are 1, 2, …, k so that i,jrij2 = bk(k + 1)(2k + 1)/6 and the denominator in DA is b(k − 1)k(k + 1)/12.

Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023a, Sec. 5.3) show that when there are ties that preserve the rank sum, the ANOVA F test statistic on the ranks, F say, is related to the adjusted Durbin statistic DA by F=edf DA(t1){b(k1)DA} in which edf = bkbt + 1, the error degrees of freedom.

Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023a) show that if Zi=(RiE[Ri])/jSj in which Sj=irij2/bj(irij)2/bj2,

the variance of the ranks on the jth block, then huTZr(t1)/k=huTZb(t1)/t, for u = 1, …, t − 1 are orthonormal contrasts whose sum of squares is DA. Here {hu} is orthonormal with respect to the weight function pj = 1/t, j = 1, …, t. These are the Legendre polynomials and for programming purposes can be conveniently programmed using the recurrence given in Rayner, Thas, and De Boeck (Citation2008).

Now consider a fixed effects ANOVA design with multiple factors. The observations are mutually independent and normally distributed with constant variance σ2. Suppose Yij is the jth of ni observations of the ith of r levels of factor A. There are n = ini observations in all and ultimately but not immediately we assume the levels of A are ordered. Write Yi. for the sum of the observations for level i, and Y¯i. for the mean of same.

Under the null hypothesis of no factor A effect, the factor sum of squares, SSF = ini(Y¯i.Y¯.)2 = iYi.2/niY.2/n, has the σ2χr12 distribution. Write Z = ((Y¯1.Y¯.)n1, …, (Y¯r.Y¯.)nr)T.

Suppose that m1, …, mr–1 are any orthonormal vectors and write SSE for the error sum of squares, and edf for the corresponding error degrees of freedom. Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023b) show that the (muTZ)2/{SSE/edf} = Fu say, are mutually independent and F1,edf distributed.

We now show how to choose the {mu}. Suppose h1, …, hr are orthonormal with weight function {pi}, so that ihuihvipi=δuv. Take pi = ni/n and put mui = huipi. Then (mui) is an orthogonal matrix and the muTZ are orthonormal contrasts. For ordered treatments the {hu} may be chosen to be the orthonormal polynomials on the weight function {ni/n} with the degree zero polynomial identically one. The resulting contrasts can reasonably be called ordered F contrasts. When the treatment levels are not ordered the scenario will suggest which comparisons are of interest. However a fall-back is to use a Helmert matrix, for which see Lancaster (Citation1965). Examples are given in Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023c).

3. The empirical study

Here we will consider the same BIBDs (b, k, r, t) as did Best and Rayner (Citation2014), mainly so we can compare our results with theirs. Because we analyze additional distributions to generate our data than they do, we will consider two randomly chosen designs more deeply than the rest. In Best and Rayner (Citation2014), the data sets are generated from a discrete uniform distribution, DU(1, k), with probability mass function pl=1/k for l=1,,k. That was so that as the designs tended to get larger, the number of possible values the response variable could take was increased. The proportions of exceedances using the appropriate χ2 and F critical points and 100,000 simulations on each design were calculated.

Here, we generate data from several distributions across the different designs: the continuous uniform; DU (1, 3); DU (1, 5); DU (1, 7); and beta distributions with parameters (0.2, 0.8); (0.5, 0.5); and, (1, 5). The discrete uniform distributions are to reflect categorization of varying degrees and hence the prevalence of ties. The beta distribution parameters are selected to ensure a variety of shapes. For all designs and data generating distributions, the test sizes based on the χ2 and F distributions are from 1,000,000 simulations. For the permutation test sizes, these are based on 100,000 simulations each with 100,000 permutations and are presented in parentheses in the tables. Test sizes outside of (0.02, 0.09) have been set in boldface. For each of the tables in this section, D and F refer to tests of overall effects, where as Di and Fi refer to testing for ith degree polynomial effects.

Best and Rayner (Citation2014), state that infrequently, the error sum of squares is zero, and the simulated data was discarded when this was the case. Here we do not discard the data, but instead naively apply the F tests using an error sum of squares of zero. For overall effects this results in a p-value of zero. For the contrasts, there are occasionally zero divided zero calculations for the test statistic of the contrast, when this is the case we take the p-value to be 1. These situations rarely occur and do so only for the discrete uniform distributions. We provide counts of the number of times this happens for each of the designs. A second difference between our work and that of Best and Rayner (Citation2014) is in the treatment of ties. Also, it appears that the description of in Best and Rayner (Citation2014) might not reflect what is actually shown in the table. The text states that the table shows test sizes calculated using permutation tests. We suggest that if that were the case, the test sizes for the Durbin and F tests should be the same due the one-to-one relationship between the test statistics. It appears to us that these test sizes are from tests comparing the test statistics to χ2 or F distributions.

Table 1. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (3, 7) when sampling from various distributions.

For the BIBD (7, 33) in and BIBD (3, 4) in , the results vary little across the distributions sampled indicating that the tests are truly nonparametric. For the other designs considered in we only give results for data generated from the continuous uniform and discreet uniform distributions.

Table 2. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (3, 4) when sampling from various distributions.

Table 3. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (2–4, 6) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 4. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (2, 4, 5, 10) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 5. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (4, 5) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 6. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (3, 5, 6, 10) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 7. Simulated test sizes for the durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (2, 5, 6, 15) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 8. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (3, 5, 6, 10) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 9. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (3, 6, 10, 20) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 10. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (4, 6, 10, 15) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 11. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (2, 6, 7, 21) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Table 12. Simulated test sizes for the Durbin and ANOVA F tests and their contrasts for the BIBD (4, 7) when sampling from the U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) distributions.

Regarding the results in for the BIBD (7, 33), without ties Best and Rayner (Citation2014) give sizes of 0.000 and 0.087 for the Durbin and ANOVA F test sizes respectively, and 0.001 and 0.054 when ties occur. Results for the BIBD (4, 33) are in . Without ties Best and Rayner (Citation2014) give sizes of 0.000 and 0.073 for the Durbin and ANOVA F test sizes respectively, and 0.005 and 0.051 when ties occur. From the results in and we note

  • Our results are consistent with those of Best and Rayner (Citation2014). However, they use a different approach for dealing with ties.

  • Of the 1,000,000 simulations, for DU(1, 3) and DU(1, 5) in , there were 24 and 2 data sets respectively that had error mean square equal to zero. For DU(1, 3), DU(1, 5), and DU(1, 7) in , there were 2,121, 391, and 166 data sets respectively that resulted in error mean squares equal to zero.

  • There is consistency across the distributions used.

  • For the overall effect, the ANOVA F sizes are closer to 0.05 in terms of root mean square error. However, for the contrast sizes, the Durbin sizes tend to be marginally closer to 0.05 than the ANOVA F sizes.

  • Much like the overall effects, the Durbin contrast test sizes tend to be below 0.05 whereas the ANOVA F contrast sizes are above 0.05.

  • The permutation test sizes for contrasts do not have the aberrant simulation outcomes bolded in the tables and are otherwise slightly better than those based on simulation.

  • The test sizes for appear to be significantly better than those in , which is to be expected given the bigger design used.

We now give results for the other BIBDs considered by Best and Rayner (Citation2014). Sizes for tests using the χ2 and F distributions were calculated for all of the above distributions, however we only present those for U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3) in the following tables. Permutation test sizes were only calculated for U(0, 1) and DU(1, 3). Whilst the tables present results for these distributions, presents scatter plots of all test sizes calculated for designs with t = 5, 6, 7.

Figure 1. Scatter plots of all test sizes calculated for each design for t = 5, 6, 7. These are ordered from left to right based on observed adherence to the nominal significance level of 0.05.

Figure 1. Scatter plots of all test sizes calculated for each design for t = 5, 6, 7. These are ordered from left to right based on observed adherence to the nominal significance level of 0.05.

Despite some differences in methodology, the test sizes calculated for the overall effects are roughly consistent with Best and Rayner (Citation2014) for the following tables. In addition the test sizes for the overall effects are also consistent with those presented in Livingston Jr and Rayner (Citation2022). With that in mind, we focus our commentary on the test sizes related to the contrast effects.

The design shown in is a small design with a sample size of 12. The number of times data sets simulated resulted in an error mean square of zero was 19,792, 10,382, and 6,029 for DU(1, 3), DU(1, 5), and DU(1, 7) respectively out of 1,000,000 simulations. These proportions are not insignificant and might have inflated the contrast test sizes. The permutation test p-values do not appear to have appropriate test size, especially for DU(1, 3). The degree two test sizes for U(0, 1) using the χ2 and F distributions are too large.

For the design presented in , the contrasts appear to have test sizes reasonably close to 0.05. Here there were 504, 158, and 38 data sets created that resulted in error mean square equal to zero.

For the designs presented in and , the sample sizes are the same as the design in ; however the contrasts all appear to have test sizes closer to 0.05. In both of these tables the F contrast sizes tend to be above 0.05 whereas the Durbin sizes tend to be below 0.05. The permutation sizes are all quite close to 0.05. The number of data sets with zero error mean square was 4 for the DU(0, 3) from the design in . There were no others.

all show test sizes for designs with t = 6. A similar observation can be made as for the earlier tables in that the test sizes are quite close to 0.05 and seem to improve as we move from . Also the Durbin and ANOVA F sizes appear to be less than and greater than 0.05 respectively most of the time.

The results in are all for designs with t = 7. The same observation can be made for the designs with t = 7 as was made for the t = 6 designs. The test sizes are quite close to 0.05 and as we move from , to 11, to 12 the test sies appear to improve very slightly.

To visualize the observed changes in test sizes within designs with the same number of treatments, scatter plots of all test sizes calculated are presented in . The first row of plots is for t = 5, followed by rows for t = 6 and t = 7. Each scatter plot shows Durbin test sizes in black and ANOVA test sizes in grey. The solid dots are for permutation tests and the hollow dots are for tests using the χ2 or F distributions. The scatter plots are ordered left to right in the same order as the tables are presented above and it appears that within a row of the plots, as kr increases, the test size appears to improve toward the nominal significance level of 0.05.

We now apply and compare the results with real world data.

4. Example

Breakfast Cereal Data. The data presented in are from Kutner et al. (Citation2005, Sec. 28.1) and are also analyzed in Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023a, sections 5.3 and 10.8). The design is a BIBD (3, 5, 6, 10) and the ANOVA F test on the ranks has p-value 0.0001.

Table 13. Rankings for breakfast cereals.

Rayner and Livingston Jr (Citation2023a, 10.8) find a strong generalized correlation of degree (1, 2) (p-value less than 0.0001). Their analysis assumes treatments are ordered A < B < C < D < E, and suggests that as we pass from A to E the responses increase and then decrease. The mean ranks are 1.25, 2.42, 2.75, 2.25 and 1.33 respectively and a parabolic shape is evident in . If the ordering is based on sugar content, then tasters preferred mid-range sugar content.

Figure 2. Mean ranks versus breakfast cereals.

Figure 2. Mean ranks versus breakfast cereals.

Using the chi-squared sampling distributions the Durbin contrasts p-values are: 0.0050, 1.0000, 0.0001, 0.7055, and 0.8864 for the overall effect, then contrast 1 to 4 respectively. Using the F sampling distributions, the corresponding ANOVA F p-values are: 0.0000, 1.000, 0.0000, 0.5145, and 0.8043, respectively. The simulation study for this design suggested that the test sizes using the χ2 or F distributions had good adherence to the nominal significance level of 0.05. The permutation tests were significantly better though in terms of root mean square error.

Using 100,000 permutations the Durbin p-values are: 0.0006, 0.9827, 0.0000, 0.7103, and 0.9455, and the ANOVA F p-values are: 0.0006, 0.9815, 0.0001, 0.5100, and 0.8372, for the overall effect, followed by contrasts 1 to 4. These calculations were performed using the CMHNPA package (Livingston Jr and Rayner Citation2023) in R (R Core Team Citation2023).

The overall Durbin and ANOVA F tests are significant at the 0.01 level: there is strong evidence of a difference in the treatment mean ranks. The contrast p-values indicate that there is strong quadratic at the 0.001 level. This is the only contrast effect that is present.

5. Conclusion

The ability to formally analyze higher order effects in ordered treatments in the BIBD is an insightful instrument for data analysts’ tool kits. To do so effectively, designs with small sample sizes (bk) should be avoided and within a particular number of treatments, a larger kr appears to improve test sizes.

For testing overall effects, we confirm the superiority of the ANOVA F test on the ranks over the Durbin test. For testing the contrasts, the Durbin contrasts have a very slight advantage over the ANOVA F, however this was not constant across all the designs. If one is using the ANOVA F for the overall effects, it would be acceptable to therefore use the corresponding contrasts.

Ultimately however, the permutation tests using either the Durbin or ANOVA F tests are preferred. For the overall effects they are the same test due to the one-to-one relationship between the test statistics. For the contrasts, both resulted in similar root mean square errors with neither superior to the other across the different designs. Therefore either is acceptable.

Given that the ANOVA F test outperforms the Durbin test for the overall effect, it was expected that this would carry over into the contrast tests. It was surprising to find that this was not the case. Another surprising result was that the contrast test sizes are reasonably close to the nominal 0.05 in some of the smaller designs, even when the overall effect has unsatisfactory sizes.

It is appropriate to conclude with a brief reference to the place of contrasts in inference. It is tempting for data analysts to apply a test such as the Durbin, and if it proves to be significant, and only then, to investigate the failure of the null hypothesis by calculating contrasts. Two problems with this approach are.

  • First, frequently the more omnibus Durbin test may not be significant when at least one of the more directional contrasts is. Thus not investigating the contrasts may mean an important effect is missed.

  • The second issue is that formal inference is clouded by using the Durbin as a pretest. Rejection of the null hypothesis is conditional on first, the rejection of the pretest, and then on the rejection based on at least one of the contrasts. Thus allowance must be made for both pretesting and applying multiple (contrast) tests. Additionally there is the issue of exactly what the null hypothesis is.

Our approach is that we would normally use the Durbin test formally and then investigate the contrasts in much the same way as providing an informal plot of treatment mean ranks against treatments: as exploratory data analysis. An alternative is to immediately formally test for significance using the first three or four contrasts and adjust for performing multiple tests.

In the breakfast cereals example p-values are given for both the Durbin and ANOVA F tests on the ranks to show the application of both. In practice we would use just one, usually the latter, and calculate the contrasts in an exploratory data analytic manner.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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