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The mean, variance, and bias of the OLS based estimator of the extremum of a quadratic regression model for small samples

Pages 2870-2886 | Received 23 Sep 2019, Accepted 10 Jun 2020, Published online: 25 Jun 2020


Many economic theories suggest that the relation between two variables y and x follow a function forming a convex or concave curve. In the classical linear model (CLM) framework, this function is usually modeled using a quadratic regression model, with the interest being to find the extremum value or turning point of this function. In the CLM framework, this point is estimated from the ratio of ordinary least squares (OLS) estimators of coefficients in the quadratic regression model. We derive an analytical formula for the expected value of this estimator, from which formulas for its variance and bias follow easily. It is shown that the estimator is biased without the assumption of normality of the error term, and if the normality assumption is strictly applied, the bias does not exist. A simulation study of the performance of this estimator for small samples show that the bias decreases as the sample size increases.


1. Introduction

Many economic theories suggest that the relation between two variables y and x follow a function forming a convex ( shaped) or concave ( shaped) curve, often called U-shaped and inverted U-shaped relations, respectively. The most famous example is probably the Kuznets hypothesis that the relation between a country’s income equality and economic development is concave, with income equality first increasing and then decreasing as the country’s economy is developing (Kuznets Citation1955). Extensions of this “Kuznets curve” include e.g., the “environmental Kuznets curve”, suggesting a concave relation between a country’s environmental degradation and economic development (Dinda Citation2004). Other examples of concave relations are those between union membership and age (Blanchflower Citation2007) as well as between innovation and competition (Aghion et al. Citation2005). A convex relation has been postulated between e.g., a country’s female labor force participation and economic development (Goldin Citation1995) as well as between life satisfaction and age (Blanchflower and Oswald Citation2016). For a more detailed discussion, see Hirschberg and Lye (Citation2005).

For these situations, the relation between the dependent variable y and the independent variable x may in the classical linear model (CLM) framework be described by the quadratic regression model (1) y=β1+β2x+β3x2+ε(1) also known as the second-order polynomial regression model (in one variable), where βk, k = 1, 2, 3, are regression coefficients and ε is an unobserved random error term with expected value E(ε)=0 and variance Var(ε)=σ2. Usually, it is also assumed that ε is normally distributed, i.e., εN(0,σ2). A problem with this model is that the regression coefficients β2 and β3 in general do not have any simple interpretations. The common interpretation of β2 in the CLM framework as giving the change in the expected value of y when x increases with one unit while all other independent variables are held constant (i.e., ΔE(y)=β2Δx, ceteris paribus) is not possible, since x2 will always change when x changes. The same problem of course also affects the interpretation of β3. However, an easily comprehensible interpretation of this model is to look at the extremum value or turning point θ of the model, assuming that this value lies within the range of the independent variable x. It is well-known that this value is obtained by setting the partial derivative of y with respect to x to zero and solving for x, (2) yx=β2+2β3x=0(2) which, with θ denoting the value of x for which this function is zero, gives (3) θ=β22β3(3) where it is assumed that β30. The extremum value θ is a minimum value if β3>0 and a maximum value if β3<0.

In the CLM framework, the values of β2 and β3 are estimated by the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimators β̂2 and β̂3, and a natural estimate of θ is thus the estimated extremum value θ̂ given by (4) θ̂=β̂22β̂3(4)

However, while β̂2 and β̂3 are unbiased estimators of β2 and β3, even without the normality assumption εN(0,σ2), it is well known that the ratio of two unbiased estimators is not, in general, itself an unbiased estimator. As we will show in this paper, θ̂ is not only a biased estimator of the true extremum value θ, i.e., E(θ̂)θ, in the CLM framework without the normality assumption, when the normality assumption is strictly applied E(θ̂) does not even exist.

Despite these theoretical shortcomings, in most practical applications, where the CLM normality assumption only could be expected to hold approximately, θ̂ may still be a useful estimator of θ, with a limited bias. However, the extension of this bias and how it is affected by how close θ is to the edge of the range of the observed values of the independent variable x, the sample size n, and the size of the variance of the error term ε, has not previously been studied. Moreover, analytical formulas for the mean, variance, and bias of θ̂ have not previously been derived. This study aims to rectify these shortcomings by studying these aspects of θ̂. Since many econometric applications of the quadratic regression model (1) only has a small sample of observations available for analysis, the focus of this paper will be on the biasedness of θ̂ for small samples, and especially how this bias changes as n increases. The purpose is to provide some insight regarding when the bias of θ̂ may be considered small or negligible, thus making it possible for the applied econometrician or statistician to identify situations where θ̂ may be used as a reliable estimator of θ.

Section 2 discusses the theoretical properties of θ̂ and derives an analytical formula for the expected value of θ̂, from which formulas for the variance and bias of θ̂ follow easily. The setup of a simulation study of the small-sample biasedness of θ̂ under varying conditions is described in Section 3, with the results of the simulation study given in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper with a discussion of the results as well as a suggestion of topics for future research.

2. Properties of θ̂

This section will introduce the notation and assumptions that will be used in the remaining parts of the paper, review what is known about the expected value of a ratio of random variables, and show how this carries over to insights about the expected value, variance, and bias of θ̂.

2.1. Notation and assumptions

For a random sample of n independent observations, let {xi,yi} denote the pair of observed values of the independent variable x and the dependent variable y for observation i=1,2,n, while εi denotes the value of the unobserved random error term ε for observation i. The quadratic regression model (1) may then be written as (5) yi=β1+β2xi+β3xi2+εi,i=1,2,,n(5)

For an n×1 column vector y with row elements yi, an n × K matrix X with row elements 1,xi,xi2, an n×1 column vector ε with row elements εi, and a K×1 column vector β with row elements βk, (5) may be written as (6) y=Xβ+ε(6) where β is estimated using the standard OLS estimator (7) β̂=(XX)1Xy(7) with β̂ being a K×1 column vector with row elements β̂k. Without loss of generality, for the current study, we have K = 3. Moreover, let 0 denote an n×1 column vector with 0’s and I denote an n × n identity matrix.


We make the following standard assumptions for (Equation6):

  1. The error terms εi are independent and identically (but not necessarily normally) distributed random variables with E(ε)=0 and Var(ε)=σ2I.

  2. The matrix X is fixed in repeated samples.

  3. There is no perfect collinearity, i.e., rank(X)=K.

  4. The number of observations n is larger than the number of columns in X, i.e., n > K.

Alternatively, assumption 2 may be replaced with the assumption that X is a random matrix that is independent of ε, in which case assumption 1 is to be interpreted as being conditional on X. These are thus the standard assumptions in the CLM framework without the normality assumption.

2.2. The expected value of a ratio of random variables

For any two random variables X and Y, the covariance is known to be given by (8) Cov(X,Y)=E(XY)E(X)×E(Y)E(XY)=E(X)×E(Y)+Cov(X,Y)(8)

A ratio of two random variables is itself a random variable. Thus, as noted by Frishman (Citation1975), it follows from (Equation8) that the expected value of the ratio between X and Y, provided that all moments exist, is given by (9) E(XY)=E(X×1Y)=E(X)×E(1Y)+Cov(X,1Y)(9)

Moreover, it follows from (Equation8) that (10) Cov(Y,XY)=E(Y×XY)E(Y)×E(XY)=E(X)E(Y)×E(XY)(10)

By rearranging these terms, provided that E(Y)0, we obtain (11) E(XY)=E(X)E(Y)1E(Y)×Cov(Y,XY)(11) which corresponds to formula (8) in Frishman (Citation1975).

2.3. The expected value and variance of θ̂

The estimator θ̂ of the extremum value or turning point θ is a ratio between the two random variables β̂2 and β̂3. Thus, we can derive a formula for the expected value of θ̂ using the results in Section 2.2, from which the variance of θ̂ follows easily.

Theorem 1.

Under assumptions 1–4, provided that β30 and β̂30, the expected value of θ̂ is given by

(12) E(θ̂)=θ+12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)(12)


Using (Equation11), the expected value of θ̂ is given by (13) E(θ̂)=E(β̂22β̂3)=12E(β̂2β̂3)=12[E(β̂2)E(β̂3)1E(β̂3)×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)](13) provided that E(β̂3)0 and β̂30. Under assumptions 1–4, the OLS estimators β̂2 and β̂3 are unbiased, i.e., E(β̂2)=β2 and E(β̂3)=β3. Thus, with β30, it follows that (14) E(θ̂)=12[β2β31β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)]=β22β3+12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)=θ+12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)(14)

Corollary 2.

Under assumptions 1–4, provided that β30 and β̂30, the variance of θ̂ is given by

(15) Var(θ̂)=14[β32+Var(β̂3)]×[β22+Var(β̂2)Cov(β̂32,β̂22β̂32)][θ+12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)]2(15)


Using the standard variance formula (16) Var(θ̂)=E(θ̂2)[E(θ̂)]2(16) and utilizing that E(β̂2)=β2 and E(β̂3)=β3 under assumptions 1–4, it follows from (Equation11) that (17) E(θ̂2)=E[(β̂22β̂3)2]=14E(β̂22β̂32)==14E(β̂32)×[E(β̂22)Cov(β̂32,β̂22β̂32)]=14{[E(β̂3)]2+Var(β̂3)}×{[E(β̂2)]2+Var(β̂2)Cov(β̂32,β̂22β̂32)}=14[β32+Var(β̂3)]×[β22+Var(β̂2)Cov(β̂32,β̂22β̂32)](17) provided that β30 and β̂30. Inserting (Equation12) and (Equation17) in (Equation16) gives (Equation15). □

2.4. The bias of θ̂

With the expected value of θ̂ known from (Equation12), a formula for the bias of θ̂ follows easily.

Corollary 3.

Under assumptions 1–4, provided that β30 and β̂30, the bias of θ̂ is given by

(18) bias(θ̂)=12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)(18)


It follows from (Equation12) and the definition of bias that (19) bias(θ̂)=E(θ̂)θ=θ+12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)θ=12β3×Cov(β̂3,β̂2β̂3)(19)

The estimator θ̂ is thus in general a biased estimator of the true extremum value θ even if its components β̂2 and β̂3 are themselves unbiased, with the size of the bias of θ̂ depending on both β3 and the covariance between β̂3 and the ratio β̂2/β̂3. Since the values of β̂2 and β̂3 depend on the particular sample values of y and X, the size of the bias of θ̂ will also be dependent on the particular sample that is used. With β̂2 and β̂3 being dependent, the size of this bias is even harder to derive analytically, especially for small samples.

2.5. The normal distribution assumption and the possible nonexistence of E(θ̂) and Var (θ̂)

A crucial assumption of (9) is that the moment E(Y1) exists. If it does not exist, then E(X/Y) does not exist either. For the case of E(θ̂), and thus also Var(θ̂), this translates into the assumption that E(β̂31) exists. However, as noted by e.g., Craig (Citation1942) and Frishman (Citation1975), E(Y1) does not exist if Y is normally distributed. In the CLM framework with the normality assumption, where it is assumed that εN(0,σ2I),β̂2 and β̂3 are known to be normally distributed. Thus, E(β̂31) does not exist for this case, and neither does E(θ̂), Var(θ̂), or bias(θ̂). However, in most practical applications, the CLM normality assumption is only expected to hold approximately. Moreover, since the normal distribution is a continuous distribution, and the probability P of observing a single value a is zero for a continuous distribution, we have that P(β̂3=0)=0 even if the CLM normality assumption holds exactly. Thus, one could usually expect that β̂30 and that (Equation18) holds at least approximately for β30, meaning that θ̂ may still be a useful estimator of θ, with a limited bias.

The nonexistence of E(Y1) when Y is normally distributed may not come as a surprise, since zero is included in the range of Y. As noted by Craig (Citation1942), this is also true for the case when Y is uniformly distributed with zero included in its range. However, there are cases when E(Y1) does exist, although the distribution of Y includes zero in its range. An example of this is given by Craig (Citation1942). Conditions for the existence of E(Y1), and thus also for the existence of E(β̂31),E(θ̂), and Var(θ̂), are discussed by Frishman (Citation1971).

3. Setup of the simulation study

Since results on the biasedness of θ̂ for small samples are hard to derive analytically, we have to resort to the use of simulation techniques. This section describes the setup of the simulation study for model 5, focusing on how the bias of θ̂ changes as n increases, varying the values of the true extremum value θ, the true regression coefficients β2 and β3, and the variance of the error terms εi, under assumptions 1–4.

3.1. Parameter values and distributions

In practical applications of quadratic regression models, the observed values xi of the independent variable x are often centered to have mean zero, in order to decrease the influence of possible multicollinearity on the OLS estimation procedure. Moreover, in order to not extrapolate outside of the observed values of x, it is necessary to ensure that θ lies within the range of xi. Against this background, the values of xi used in this simulation study were constructed by first drawing a random sample of n – 2 observations from a standard normal distribution. Secondly, this sample of n – 2 simulated x values was centered to have a mean of zero. Finally, by setting xn1=1.65 and xn = 1.65 it was ensured that the true value of θ was always within the range of xi. We thus have that the variance of xi is Var(xi)1.

Values of θ closer to the edge of the range of xi should be harder to estimate precisely than those being closer to the center. It is thus of interest to study the biasedness of θ̂ as θ approaches the edge of the range of xi. Against this background, with xi being approximately standard normally distributed, we used values of θ corresponding to the 50th, 75th, and 95th percentile of the standard normal distribution, i.e., θ was set to 0, 0.6744898, and 1.644854, respectively. Thus, the chosen values of θ were at approximately 50%, 25%, and 5%, respectively, of the distance from the upper edge of the range of xi.

Regarding the regression coefficients βk, the intercept term β1 seems to have no influence on the biasedness of θ̂. Thus, for the sake of simplicity, we use β1=1. Obviously, the biasedness of θ̂ is mainly influenced by the value of β3. Without loss of generality, we will focus on the case of a convex ( shaped) curve, and thus require that β3>0. The main interest is to study the biasedness of θ̂ as β3 approaches zero, since bias(θ̂) breaks down for β3=0. To this end, β3 was set to 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9. From (3), the values of β2 are, for fixed values of β3 and θ, given by β2=2β3θ. While the values of β1 and β3 are constant over varying values of θ, the values of β2 will thus differ depending on the value of θ. The values of β1, β2, and β3 used in the present simulation study are given in .

Table 1. Values of β1, β2, and β3 used in the simulation study for values of θ corresponding to the 50th, 75th, and 95th percentile.

To get a detailed picture of the development of the biasedness of θ̂ as n increases, we used the n values 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, and 1000. Although, as noted in Section 2.5, bias(θ̂) does not exist if the assumption εN(0,σ2I) is strictly applied, studying the biasedness of θ̂ as n increases using this assumption is still of major interest, since this is the standard assumption used for inference in the CLM framework. Moreover, we have that P(β̂3=0)=0 if the error terms εi are normally distributed. Against this background, the error terms εi were simulated such that εN(0,σ2I), with the variance of εi set to σ2=1 and σ2=4, respectively (i.e., σ=1,2). Thus, since Var(yi)=Var(εi) under assumptions 1–4, we have that the variance of y is also 1 and 4, respectively.

3.2. Implementation

The simulation study was performed in Microsoft R Open 3.5.1 using the package ‘SimDesign’ version 1.11 (Sigal and Chalmers Citation2016). Let R denote the number of replications in a simulation. Then, for each combination of parameter values, a simulation of model 5 was performed using R = 10,000 replications with random samples of the n – 2 values of xi and the n values of εi, thus resulting in 10,000 simulated values of θ̂. At the start of each simulation cycle, the random number generator was set to a common seed. The estimated regression coefficients β̂k were calculated using the lm() command in the package ‘stats’ version 3.5.1. With θ̂r,r=1,2,,R, denoting the value of θ̂ for a single replication, the bias of θ̂ given by (Equation18) was then estimated by (20) biaŝ(θ̂)=1Rr=1R(θ̂rθ)(20) i.e., biaŝ(θ̂) gives the average deviation of θ̂ from the true value θ.

4. Results of the simulation study

This section presents the results of the simulation study, with the aim being to give an overview of the development of the biasedness of θ̂ over the range n = 10 to n = 1000 for the varying values of β3, θ, and σ2. This will provide some insight regarding when the biasedness of θ̂ may be considered small or negligible, making the use of θ̂ as an estimate of θ reliable for practical applications. With approximately 95% of the xi values being within the range –2 to 2, we will consider the biasedness of θ̂ to be small if the average absolute deviation of θ̂ from the true value θ is <1% of this range and negligible if it is <0.1% of this range. Thus, it will be required that |biaŝ(θ̂)|<0.04 for the biasedness to be considered small and |biaŝ(θ̂)|<0.004 for the biasedness to be considered negligible.

4.1. Varying β3 and θ for σ2=1

and give values of biaŝ(θ̂) for the basic case σ2=1, i.e., εi follows a standard normal distribution, with values of θ corresponding to the 50th, 75th, and 95th percentile of x and β3 ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. In the ideal case, to be able to estimate θ accurately, we would like to have equally many observations xi below and above θ. For the present study, this is equivalent to setting θ to the 50th percentile, i.e., the median of x. However, even for this ideal case, β3=0.1 results in very volatile values for biaŝ(θ̂), mirroring that biaŝ(θ̂) has an increasing risk of breaking down as β̂30 (). However, biaŝ(θ̂) has stabilized at n = 500, with the average absolute deviations of θ̂ from the true value θ being <1% (i.e., |biaŝ(θ̂)|<0.04), and for n = 750 the deviation is negligible at <0.1% (i.e., |biaŝ(θ̂)|<0.004).

Figure 1. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.1 and σ2=1.

Figure 1. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.1 and σ2=1.

Figure 2. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.5 and σ2=1.

Figure 2. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.5 and σ2=1.

Figure 3. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.9 and σ2=1.

Figure 3. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.9 and σ2=1.

Table 2. Results of biaŝ(θ̂) for the 50th (θ = 0), 75th (θ=0.6744898), and 95th (θ=1.644854) percentile with σ2=1 and σ2=4.

Having few observations above θ should reduce the ability of θ̂ to estimate θ accurately. In the present study, this is equivalent to setting θ to the 75th and 95th percentile, thus approaching the maximum value of the range of xi. This reduced ability of θ̂ to estimate θ accurately is obvious in the behavior of biaŝ(θ̂) for β3=0.1, with overall larger values of |biaŝ(θ̂)| the closer θ gets to the maximum value of the range of xi, and with even mote pronounced volatility than for the 50th percentile (). Thus, |biaŝ(θ̂)| has for the 75th percentile stabilized at a deviation of <1% only for n = 1000, while it for the 95th percentile never reaches this level.

When β3 is increasing to 0.5 and 0.9, the values of |biaŝ(θ̂)| are decreasing for all values of θ. Thus, for β3=0.5, |biaŝ(θ̂)| has for the 50th percentile stabilized at <1% already for n = 25 and has stabilized at <0.1% for n = 50, for the 75th percentile it has stabilized at <1% for n = 75 and at <0.1% for n = 500, while it for the 95th percentile has stabilized at <1% for n = 100 and at <0.1% for n = 750 (). For β3=0.9,|biaŝ(θ̂)| has for the 50th percentile stabilized at <0.1% already for n = 25, while it for the 75th percentile has stabilized at <1% for n = 25 and at <0.1% for n = 150, and for the 95th percentile has stabilized at <1% for n = 50 and at <0.1% for n = 500 ().

4.2. Varying β3 and θ for σ2=4

and give values of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case σ2=4 with values of θ corresponding to the 50th, 75th, and 95th percentile of x and β3 ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. Overall, most of the patterns observed for σ2=2 are mirrored here, but with an amplified magnitude, and thus larger deviations of θ̂ from the true value θ. Thus, for β3=0.1,|biaŝ(θ̂)| has even for n = 1000 not stabilized at a deviation of <1% for any of the studied percentiles.

Figure 4. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.1 and σ2=4.

Figure 4. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.1 and σ2=4.

Figure 5. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.5 and σ2=4.

Figure 5. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.5 and σ2=4.

Figure 6. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.9 and σ2=4.

Figure 6. Graph of biaŝ(θ̂) for the case β3=0.9 and σ2=4.

For β3=0.5,|biaŝ(θ̂)| has for the 50th percentile stabilized at a deviation of <1% for n = 100 and at <0.1% for n = 150, while it for the 75th percentile has stabilized at <1% for n = 200, but has not reached <0.1% even for n = 1000. For the 95th percentile, |biaŝ(θ̂)| has stabilized at a deviation of <1% for n = 500, but has not reached <0.1% for n = 1000 (). For β3=0.9,|biaŝ(θ̂)| has for the 50th percentile stabilized at both <1% and <0.1% for n = 50, while it for the 75th percentile has stabilized at <1% for n = 75 and at <0.1% for n = 500. For the 95th percentile, finally, has |biaŝ(θ̂)| stabilized at a deviation of <1% for n = 150 and at a deviation of <0.1% for n = 1000 ().

5. Discussion

In this paper, we have derived an analytical formula for the expected value of the OLS based estimator θ̂ of the extremum value or turning point θ in the quadratic regression model, from which formulas for the variance and bias of θ̂ followed easily. Notably, the distributional assumptions for the error term ε were quite weak, not assuming that ε follows any specified distribution, such as e.g., the normal distribution. It was shown that θ̂ is in general biased under these weak distributional assumptions for the error term ε, and if the normality assumption is strictly applied, neither E(θ̂) nor Var(θ̂) or bias(θ̂) exist.

A simulation study of the performance of θ̂ for small samples showed that, overall, the bias of θ̂ decreases as the sample size increases. It seems safe to conclude that bias(θ̂)0 as n. The bias is mainly affected by how close β3 is to zero. However, if β3 is reasonably far away from zero, preferably β30.5, the bias of θ̂ should be small or negligible for n500. Moreover, the closer β3 is to the median of the observed sample of the independent variable, the lower is the bias of θ̂ and the faster is the bias approaching zero. In these situations, θ̂ may thus be used as a reliable estimator of θ.

5.1. Topics for future research

In applied econometric and statistical analyses, the point estimate θ̂ should be accompanied with a confidence interval for the extremum value θ. Moreover, there may also be interest in performing hypothesis tests regarding the value of θ. There has been some previous research on constructing approximate confidence intervals for θ using the OLS based estimator θ̂, applying e.g., the delta method, the Fieller method, bootstrap methods, and the likelihood ratio interval method, see Hirschberg and Lye (Citation2005) and Wood (Citation2012). However, none of these methods have taken account of the bias of θ̂ in estimating θ, which should be a prerequisite for constructing a reliable confidence interval for θ.

A crucial part in estimating the bias of θ̂, in order to obtain unbiased estimates of θ, is to estimate the covariance term Cov(β̂3,β̂2/β̂3) in (Equation18). A possible approach to handle this would be to apply bootstrap methods. After obtaining unbiased estimates of θ, these may be combined with bootstrapping of (Equation15) for constructing confidence intervals for θ. It should be of interest to examine in which cases the unbiased estimates of θ obtained in this way would be outside the usual 95% confidence intervals constructed using e.g., the delta or Fieller method, i.e., how large the bias would have to be to shift the confidence intervals away from the true value of θ. Another approach would be to apply the delta method to (Equation18) and (Equation15) to obtain better approximate confidence intervals. These questions will be the topics of forthcoming papers. Further topics for future research, which may be examined in simulation studies, are e.g., the bias of θ̂ for other distributions of the independent variable x and the error term ε than the normal distribution, especially non-symmetric distributions such as the log-normal distribution, and the bias of θ̂ when estimating the quadratic regression model (Equation1) using least absolute deviation (LAD) or quantile regression methods.

Finally, it should be noted that there are several econometric and statistical application areas where other functional forms for the independent variables in the linear regression model than the quadratic function in (Equation1) are used, and where statistical inference regarding ratios of regression coefficients are of interest. An overview of econometric applications, such as e.g., the willingness to pay value, i.e., the maximum price someone is willing to pay for a product or service, is given by Lye and Hirschberg (Citation2018). The method for deriving analytical formulas for the expected values of estimators of ratios of regression coefficients outlined in this paper may be useful even for these cases.


The author is thankful to the anonymous reviewer for useful comments that have improved the manuscript considerably.


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