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New distributional data, new species and three new genera of Aleocharinae from Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

Pages 33-63 | Received 15 Dec 2011, Accepted 09 Feb 2013, Published online: 22 May 2013


Nine tribes (Pronomaeini, Placusini, Homalotini, Bolitocharini, Falagriini, Athetini, Lomechusini, Oxypodini, Aleocharini), 21 genera (Pronomaea, Speiraphallusa, Coenonica, Neomalota, Neoleptusa, Falagria, Cordalia, Ischnopoda, Atheta, Pelioptera, Berca, Orphnebius, Tetrabothrus, Episkiodrusilla, Rabdotodrusilla, Drusilla, Zyras, Apimela, Pseudoplandria, Tetrasticta, Aleochara) and 37 species are recognized. Three genera, Speiraphallusa n. gen. of the Placusini, Episkiodrusilla n. gen. and Rabdotodrusilla n. gen. of the Lomechusini, and 21 species are described as new to science: Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp., Coenonica florentinorum n. sp., Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp., Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp., Coenonica malaysiana n. sp., Coenonica tasekensis n. sp., Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp., Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp., Atheta phuthoensis n. sp., Atheta tamdaoensis n. sp., Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp., Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp., Episkiodrusilla veluticollis n. sp., Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp., Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp., Drusilla perakensis n. sp., Zyras malaybipunctatus n. sp., Zyras malaycompressicornis n. sp., Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp., Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp. and Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp. All new species and the new genera are illustrated and compared with similar species or genera. The following new combinations are proposed: Ischnopoda asperata (Cameron, 1928) for Tachyusa asperata Cameron, 1928; Episkiodrusilla rubricollis (Cameron, 1939) for Astilbus rubricollis Cameron, 1939; Episkiodrusilla franzi (Pace, 1992) for Drusilla franzi Pace, 1992; and Episkiodrusilla neocoenonicacollis (Pace, 2008) for Drusilla neocoenonicacollis Pace, 2008.



The Oriental fauna of the subfamily Aleocharinae is still little known, despite numerous papers that have been published on the fauna of the area (Bernhauer Citation1914, Citation1915a, Citation1915b, Citation1916; Cameron Citation1918, Citation1920, Citation1930, Citation1950; Pace Citation1984, Citation1986, Citation1992a, Citation1992b, Citation1992c, Citation1993, Citation2000a, Citation2000b, Citation2008a, Citation2008b, Citation2008c, Citation2010a, Citation2010b, Pace et al. Citation2010). Recent field work has revealed further new taxa which are described and illustrated in this paper. The discovery of three new genera which are described below, together with 21 new species, shows that more research on the Aleocharinae of the Oriental region is needed to increase our knowledge of the biodiversity of this geographical area. The great diversity of the Aleocharinae fauna results in part from changes in the natural environment that began some million years ago and trophic specialization of species for microhabitats/prey adaptations which is manifested by differentiation of the mouth structures and tarsal formula.

Materials and methods

The majority of specimens examined were submitted to me by Dr Luca Bartolozzi, an entomologist and researcher at the Natural History Museum, Zoological Section “La Specola” of the University, Florence.

The taxonomic study of the species from the Oriental region, compared with those of other zoogeographic regions, presents serious problems that are best resolved through examination of the characters of the aedeagus, the spermatheca and the shape of the ligula and of the maxillae. Both male and female specimens were dissected and the genital and mouth parts mounted in Canada balsam on small transparent plastic slides placed beneath the pinned specimen. The genital and mouth part structures were studied using a compound microscope and drawn by means of an eyepiece reticule. The habitus of the new species were photographed using a digital Canon PowerShot A610, 5.0 megapixel camera. All figures were elaborated and arranged in plates using Adobe Photoshop software.

The species described here are clearly recognizable, mainly through the illustrations of habitus, aedeagus and spermatheca. For this reason the descriptions are brief, and limited; only other traits, such as the reticulation and the granulation, which are difficult to illustrate are described. However, in the case of the subfamily Aleocharinae, a very detailed and long description does not always enable accurate identification of the various species. Illustrations of the aedeagus and/or spermatheca, together with the habitus, are needed in addition to the description in order to positively identify species in this group. Details such as those of the proportions of the pronotum are omitted from the description because these are available from the photograph of the habitus.


Acronyms for museums are used as follows:

DEI, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany; FMNHC, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA; IRSNB, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles; MCSNV, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Italy; MZUF, Museo di Storia Naturale “La Specola”dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze; NHML, Natural History Museum, London, UK; VNMH, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Hanoi, Vietnam.

List of the species grouped in tribes

Pronomaeini Mulsant and Rey, Citation 1873

Pronomaea thaxteri Bernhauer, 1915

Pronomaea thaxteri Bernhauer, Citation1915a: 148; Cameron, Citation1939a: 31; Pace, Citation1986: 141.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, n. mag. 15326, MZUF.


India, Sumatra, Malaysia, Bali, Thailand, Borneo, Sabah, Philippines, China, Celebes, Singapore.


I have examined the type series (FMNHC).

Placusini Mulsant and Rey, Citation 1871

Speiraphallusa n. gen.

(Figures )

Figures 1–11 Habitus of 1: Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp.; 2: Coenonica florentinorum n. sp.; 3: Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp.; 4: Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp.; 5: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp.; 6: Coenonica tasekensis n. sp.; 7: Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp.; 8: Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp.; 9: Atheta (Acrotona) phuthoensis n. sp.; 10: Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp.; 11: Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp.;. Scale bars: 1: 2.4 mm; 2: 3.3 mm; 3: 2.1 mm; 4: 2.2 mm; 5: 3 mm; 6: 3.1 mm; 7: 2.4 mm; 8: 2.2 mm; 9: 1.6 mm; 10: 3 mm; 11: 4 mm.

Figures 1–11 Habitus of 1: Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp.; 2: Coenonica florentinorum n. sp.; 3: Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp.; 4: Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp.; 5: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp.; 6: Coenonica tasekensis n. sp.; 7: Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp.; 8: Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp.; 9: Atheta (Acrotona) phuthoensis n. sp.; 10: Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp.; 11: Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp.;. Scale bars: 1: 2.4 mm; 2: 3.3 mm; 3: 2.1 mm; 4: 2.2 mm; 5: 3 mm; 6: 3.1 mm; 7: 2.4 mm; 8: 2.2 mm; 9: 1.6 mm; 10: 3 mm; 11: 4 mm.

Type species: Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp.


Habitus similar to that of Decusa Casey, 1900 from the USA, but with 11 antennomeres and not 10 as in Decusa and the tarsal formula 4-4-5 not 5-5-5 as in Decusa. The habitus of the new genus is also similar to that of Homoiobrachida Pace, Citation1990 from Philippines which has the same tarsal formula and similar contiguous mesocoxae, but the mouthparts are completely different: the first segment of the labial palpi is shorter than the terminal in the new genus, whereas in Homoiobrachida the first segment is longer than the last. The last segment of the maxillary palpi of the new genus is as long as the preceding one (the third), whereas in Homoiobrachida is much shorter than the third segment. The male of Homoiobrachida is unknown. The form of the body and that of the aedeagus also show some affinities with some species of the genus Placusa Erichson, Citation1837. The narrow aedeagus with coiled flagellum in the bulb also occurs in Placusa cingulata (Cameron, Citation1920) from Singapore, of which I have examined the male holotype (NHML). The great length of the terminal article of the labial and maxillary palpi, the very convex body and the first very long meso and metatarsomere and the secondary sexual characters on the elytra of the male, composed of sutural granules and a lateral fold, are not present in Placusa.


In facies resembling Decusa; body fusiform (Figure ). Head narrower than the thorax, transversely sub-orbicular, neck moderate; eyes as long as the postocular region of head. Antennae moderate in length, the penultimate antennomere transverse. Labrum transverse, slightly arcuately emarginate in front, and with rounded angles. Mandibles moderate in size, acutely pointed, the right with a small sharp tooth at the middle of the inner edge. Outer lobe of maxilla as broad and long as the inner, membranous at apex and covered with long hairs; inner lobe broad, acute, near the apex with eight slender spines, and behind these not ciliate, as in Figure . Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint very small, 2nd slightly thickened towards the apex, 3rd as long but much thicker than the 2nd, 4th subulate as long as the 3rd (Figure ). Mentum transverse, trapezoidal, the anterior margin straight (Figure ). Labial palpi rather short, the 2nd joint longer than the 1st. Ligula broad and short, the apex simple, truncate at apex (Figure ). Paraglossae moderately developed (Figure ). Pronotum very transverse (Figure ), very convex, the pronotal epipleura not visible in lateral view. Mesosternum not keeled throughout, its process acute and extending nearly to the middle of the contiguous mesocoxae. Elytra moderately emarginate posteroexternally. Abdomen strongly narrowed from base to apex, only the first visible tergite transversely impressed. Legs moderate, tibiae not spiny. Tarsal formula 4-4-5; mesotarsi with the first joint as long as the two following joints together, metatarsi with the first joint as long as the four following joints together. Claws slightly curved. Aedeagus: Figure .

Figures 12–17 Aedeagus in lateral view, prementum, maxilla, mesotarsus, mentum and sixth visible tergite of male Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 12–17 Aedeagus in lateral view, prementum, maxilla, mesotarsus, mentum and sixth visible tergite of male Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.


The name of the new genus means “Aedeagus with spiral”, from the Greek “σπϵρα” = “spiral”, and “ϕαλλóς” = aedeagus, alluding to the long and coiled flagellum of the aedeagus.

Speiraphallusa orientis n. sp.

(Figures )

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15300, MZUF.


Length 2.4 mm. Body shiny, brown, pronotum reddish-brown, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres yellow and the third reddish, legs brown and tarsi reddish. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd shorter than the 2nd, 4th longer than wide, 5th and 6th as long as wide and 7th to 10th transverse. Reticulation of the head distinct, that of pronotum and elytrae weak, abdomen without reticulation. Granulation of head and pronotum dense and protruding, that of the elytrae dense and evanescent, that of the abdomen fine and dense. Pronotum with a long basal transverse sulcus. Elytra of the male with a long line of protruding granules along the suture and a lateral fold from the humeral angle to the external posterior angle, progressively protruding posteriorly. Male abdominal free tergite five with a sharp and protruding median carina. Aedeagus: Figure .

Homalotini Heer, Citation 1839

Coenonica ahalensis Pace, Citation 1989

Coenonica ahalensis Pace, Citation1989: 525.

1 ♂ and 2 ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15311, MZUF.



Coenonica florentinorum n. sp.

(Figures )

Figures 18–30 Aedeagus in lateral and ventral views, spermatheca and sixth visible tergite of male. 18–21: Coenonica florentinorum n. sp.; 22, 23: Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp.; 24–27: Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp.; 28–30: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 18–30 Aedeagus in lateral and ventral views, spermatheca and sixth visible tergite of male. 18–21: Coenonica florentinorum n. sp.; 22, 23: Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp.; 24–27: Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp.; 28–30: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15303, MZUF.

Paratypes: 12 specimens, same origin, num. coll. 15304, MZUF.


Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, brown, pygidium reddish, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and apex of the 11th yellowish-red, legs reddish-brown. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th to 8th longer than wide, 9th as long as wide and 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head umbilicate, strong and dense. Granulation of the pronotum dense and protruding, but weak on a posterior marginal transverse band. Free abdominal tergites glabrous, except for some granules on the posterior border of each tergite. Head with feeble, longitudinal discal sulcus. Pronotum with deep median sulcus and with a distinct lateral impression. Base of the three basal transverse sulci of the abdomen strongly punctate. The fifth free tergite of the male bears a protruding median granule. Aedeagus: Figure ; spermatheca: Figure ; sixth free tergite of the male: Figure .

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of the new species is similar to that of C. rougemonti Pace, Citation1984 from Thailand. It is distinguished by the apex of the aedeagus being incised, while in C. rougemonti it is rounded. The internal genital structures of the aedeagus of the new species are strong, whereas they are weak in C. rougemonti. Among the two marginal lateral dents of the male sixth free tergite of the new species there are four lobes, whereas in C. rougemonti there is only a single very broad median lobe laterally accompanied by short dents. The distal bulb of the spermatheca of the new species is spherical, but kidney shaped in C. rougemonti.


The new species is dedicated to its Florentine collectors: L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni, and F. Fabiano.

Coenonica malaycolorata n. sp.

(Figures , and 23)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15301, MZUF.


Length 2.1 mm. Body shiny, reddish, head brown, elytra reddish-brown, antennae blackish-brown with the two basal antennomeres yellow, legs yellowish-red. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th as long as wide and 5th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head strong, deep and dense, that of the pronotum strong and dense. Granulation of the elytra close, protruding and coarse, that of the abdomen fine and very sparse. Pronotum with median sulcus V-shaped with a distinct fossa on either side. Aedeagus: Figure ; sixth free abdominal tergite of the male: Figure .

Comparative notes

It differs from C. baliensis Pace, Citation1986 from Bali by colour of the body and differently shaped ventral preapical edge of the median lobe of the aedeagus.


The name of the new species means “Coloured of Malaysia”.

Coenonica bartolozzii n. sp.

(Figures )

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15308, MZUF.

Paratypes: 4 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀, same origin, num. coll. 15309, MZUF.


Length 2.27 mm. Body shiny, brown, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and base of third yellowish-red, legs brown with tarsi yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region of head in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th as long as wide and 5th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head strong, deep, dense and sparse only on the discal part and in front. Granulation of the pronotum moderately dense and protruding, absent on a wide posterior marginal band. Granulation of the elytra protruding and moderately sparse. Abdomen glabrous except for a few median and marginal posterior granules. Pronotum with a V-shaped median sulcus. Fifth free abdominal tergite of the male with two posterior parallel median carinae. Aedeagus: Figures and 25; spermatheca: Figure ; sixth free tergite of the male: Figure .

Comparative notes

In the form of the aedeagus the new species is similar to C. pallipes Pace, 2003 from Borneo (Pace Citation2003a). It is distinguished by the shorter aedeagus (ca. 0.27 mm), whereas that of C. pallipes measures ca. 0.4 mm. The posterior border of the sixth free tergite of the male has three lobes between the two lateral dents, Figure , that of C. pallipes has a single median lobe and without lateral dents.


The new species is dedicated to its collector, the Dr Luca Bartolozzi of the Natural History Museum, Zoological Section “La Specola”, Florence University, a distinguished specialist of Lucanidae.

Coenonica malaysiana n. sp.

(Figures )

Figures 31–43 Sixth visible tergite of male, aedeagus in lateral and ventral views and spermatheca. 31: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp.; 32, 33: Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp.; 34: Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp.; 35, 36: Atheta (Acrotona) phuthoensis n. sp.; 37: Atheta (Dimetrota) tamdaoensis n. sp.; 38: Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp.; 39, 40: Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp.; 41, 42: Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp.; 43: Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 31–43 Sixth visible tergite of male, aedeagus in lateral and ventral views and spermatheca. 31: Coenonica malaysiana n. sp.; 32, 33: Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp.; 34: Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp.; 35, 36: Atheta (Acrotona) phuthoensis n. sp.; 37: Atheta (Dimetrota) tamdaoensis n. sp.; 38: Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp.; 39, 40: Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp.; 41, 42: Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp.; 43: Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15306, MZUF.

Paratype: 1 ♀, same origin, num. coll. 15307, MZUF.


Length 3 mm. Body shiny, brown, pygidium reddish, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and base of third reddish, legs reddish. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd and 4th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of head and pronotum weak, absent on a wide longitudinal median band. Puncturation of the elytra dense and distinct, that of the abdomen fine and sparse. Head with wide longitudinal median depression. Pronotum with two deep posterior median fossae, with an umbilicate puncture on each side and flattened medially. Aedeagus: Figures and 29; spermatheca: Figure ; sixth free tergite of the male: Figure .

Comparative notes

In the form of the aedeagus and in the presence of two median posterior fossae on the pronotum, the new species is similar to C. malayana Cameron, Citation1936, also from Malaysia, of which I have examined the male holotype (NHML). The new species is distinguished from C. malayana by the puncturation of head and pronotum being very weak, whereas it is strong in C. malayana. The aedeagus of the new species is ca. 0.31 mm long, and that of C. malayana measures 0.46 mm. The lateral dents of the sixth free tergite of the male are short in the new species, in C. malayana are long, extending to the level of the posterior median border of the tergite.

Coenonica tasekensis n. sp.

(Figures and )

Figures 44–55 Spermatheca and aedeagus in lateral and ventral views. 44: Drusilla perakensis n. sp.; 45: Zyras (Glossacantha) malaybipunctatus n. sp.; 46, 47: Zyras (Diaulaconia) malaycompressicornis n. sp.; 48–50: Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp.; 51, 52: Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp.; 53, 54: Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp.; 55: Coenonica tasekensis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 44–55 Spermatheca and aedeagus in lateral and ventral views. 44: Drusilla perakensis n. sp.; 45: Zyras (Glossacantha) malaybipunctatus n. sp.; 46, 47: Zyras (Diaulaconia) malaycompressicornis n. sp.; 48–50: Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp.; 51, 52: Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp.; 53, 54: Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp.; 55: Coenonica tasekensis n. sp. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15305, MZUF.


Length 3.1 mm. Body shiny, brownish black, elytra brown, antennae brown with the three basal segments reddish-brown, legs reddish with brown femora. Eyes shorter than postocular area in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, the 4th and 5th elongate, the 6th and 7th as broad as long and the 8th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head strong, sparse on disc, fine and weak in postocular area. Puncturation of the pronotum fine and very weak. Granulation of the elytra protruding. Abdomen glabrous apart from a few granules on the posterior margins of each tergite. Pronotum with a median sulcus V-shaped and a fossa on each side. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The form of the spermatheca and pronotum of the new species make it comparable to C. drescheri Cameron, 1939 from Java (Cameron Citation1939b) of which I have examined the type series of two males and a female (NHML). The new species is distinguished by its much larger spermatheca, with the very broad internal left furrow (Figure ), this being narrow in C. drescheri. The puncturation of the pronotum of the new species is very weak, that of C. drescheri is distinct. The abdomen of the new species is glabrous, but covered with sparse granules in C. drescheri.


The name of the new species derives from the toponym Tasek.

Neomalota cingulata Cameron, Citation 1920

Neomalota cingulata Cameron, Citation1920: 245.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15312, MZUF.


Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Borneo.


I have examined the type series (NHML).

Bolitocharini Mannerheim, Citation 1830

Neoleptusa tasekensis n. sp.

(Figures , and 33)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, n. mag. 2814, num. coll. 15310, MZUF.


Length 2.4 mm. Body shiny, brown, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres yellowish-brown and legs yellowish-red. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd as long as the 2nd and 4th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head fine, dense and weak. Granulation of pronotum and elytrae dense, fine and distinct, that of the abdomen dense and clearly visible, but sparse on the fifth free tergite of the male. Aedeagus: Figures and 33.

Comparative notes

The habitus of the new species are similar to that of N. brunnea Cameron, 1939 from India (Cameron Citation1939a), of which I have examined a male and a female of the type series (NHML). The new species is distinguished by the eyes being less reduced of those of N. brunnea, and by the basal free tergites without of scale-like sculpture. The aedeagus of N. brunnea has a protruding ventral appendix, which is absent in the aedeagus of the new species.


The name of the new species derives from the toponym Tasek.

Falagriini Mulsant and Rey, Citation 1873

Falagria (Myrmecocephalus) javanica Cameron, 1939

Falagria (Stenagria) javanica Cameron, Citation1939b: 4.

22 specimens, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Rabdotomille, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll.15314, MZUF.


Java, Bali, Thailand, Celebes, Sumatra.


I have examined the type series (NHML).

Falagria (Myrmecocephalus) pseudosoror Pace, Citation 1984

Falagria (Myrmecocephalus) pseudosoror Pace, Citation1984: 433.

1 ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. mag. 2847, num. coll. 15313, MZUF.



Cordalia pseudovestita n. sp.

(Figures and )

Holotype ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15302, MZUF.


Length 2.2 mm. Body shiny, brown, base of the abdomen and pygidium reddish, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and apex of the 11th reddish, legs yellow. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd as long as the 2nd and 4th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the forebody dense and weak. Granulation of the abdomen dense and protruding. Pronotum with deep median sulcus, posteriorly widened and ending in a deep fossa. Pubescence of the body dense, erect and protruding from the sides of the body. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The habitus of the new species are similar to that of C. vestita (Boheman, Citation1858) from China and India. The new species differs from C. vestita in the oval distal bulb of the spermatheca, unlike elliptic and transverse distal bulb of C. vestita. Likewise the internal umbilicus of the distal bulb of the spermatheca is long and narrow at the base in the new species, but short and with a broad base in C. vestita. The proximal bulb of the spermatheca of the new species is wide and distinct from the intermediary portion of the spermatheca, while that of C. vestita is indistinctly differentiated. Published records of C. vestita for the Malayan Peninsula and Sumatra probably refer to this new species.


The name of the new species means “false vestita”.

Athetini Casey, Citation 1910

Ischnopoda asperata (Cameron, Citation 1928 ), n. comb.

Tachyusa (Thinonoma) asperata Cameron, Citation1928: 418; Cameron, Citation1939a: 264.

7 specimens, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. mag. 2814, num. coll. 15325, MZUF.


Assam, Borneo.


I have examined the type series (NHML).

Atheta (Acrotona) phuthoensis n. sp.

(Figures , and 36)

Holotype ♂, N-Vietnam, Phu Tho Prov., 13-17.VI.2010, leg. L. Bartolozzi and S. Bambi, VNMH.


Length 1.6 mm. Body shiny, brown, pronotum and pygidium yellowish-brown, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres yellowish-brown, legs yellow. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd shorter than the 2nd and 4th to 10th transverse. Forebody without reticulation, abdomen with transverse and very weak reticulation. Granulation of head and pronotum dense and protruding, that of the elytra very dense, fine and distinct, that of the abdomen dense on the three basal free abdominal tergites, sparse on remaining free tergites. Pronotum with feeble median sulcus. Aedeagus: Figures and 36.

Comparative notes

The very short aedeagus of the new species is comparable to that, also very short, of A. simplicitatis Pace, Citation1991 from Nepal. It differs in the presence of an internal tubule of the aedeagus, absent in the aedeagus of A. simplicitatis. The fourth antennomere is transverse in the new species, elongate in A. simplicitatis.


The name of the new species derives from that of the province of Phu Tho, Vietnam.

Atheta (Dimetrota) tamdaoensis n. sp.

(Figure )

Holotype ♀, Vietnam, Vinh Phuc Province, Tam Dao National Park, 950 m, 5-12.VI.2010, leg. L. Bartolozzi and S. Bambi VNMH.


Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, blackish-brown, elytra brown, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and apex of the 11th yellowish-red, legs yellow. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd as long as the 2nd, 4th and 5th longer than wide, 6th and 7th as long as wide and 8th to 10th transverse. Reticulation of the head weak, that of pronotum and elytra distinct, abdomen without reticulation. Granulation of the head protruding on the occipital base, absent in front, replaced by fine puncturation. Granulation of the pronotum dense and elytra dense and clearly visible. The abdomen bears fine and sparse puncturation. Pronotum with a feeble median sulcus. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

In the form of the spermatheca the new species is similar to A. reitteriana Bernhauer, Citation1939 from China, but the apical umbilicus of the distal bulb of the spermatheca of the new species is moderately protruding, being very deep in A. reitteriana.


The name of the new species derives from Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam.

Pelioptera testaceipennis (Motschulsky, Citation 1858 )

Homalota testaceipennis Motschulsky, Citation1858: 251.

Aheta (Dimetrota) testaceipennis Cameron, Citation1939a: 377.

Homalota pelioptera Kraatz, Citation1859: 30.

Pelioptera pelioptera Cameron, Citation1939a: 414.

Pelioptera testaceipennis Sawada, Citation1980: 51.

1 ♂ and 1 ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15316, MZUF.


Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Taiwan, India, Burma, Thailand, Japan, Sabah.


I have examined the type series (DEI).

Pelioptera micans Kraatz, Citation 1858

Pelioptera micans Kraatz, Citation1858: 56; Cameron, Citation1939a: 415; Pace, Citation1998: 152; Pace, Citation2000b:117.

1 ♀, N-Vietnam, Phu Tho Province, Xuan Son National Park, 500 m, 13-17.VI.2010, leg. L. Bartolozzi and S. Bambi, num. coll. 15318, MZUF.


Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Papua-New Guinea.


I have examined the type series (DEI).

Pelioptera pulchella Pace, Citation 1991

Pelioptera pulchella Pace, Citation1991: 843.

1 ♀, N-Vietnam, Phu Tho Province, Xuan Son National Park, 500 m, 13-17.VI.2010, leg. L. Bartolozzi & S. Bambi, num. coll. 15317, MZUF.



Pelioptera sagadensis Pace, Citation 1990

Pelioptera sagadensis Pace, Citation1990: 94.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15315, MZUF.


Indonesia, Irian Jaya, New Guinea, Philippines.

Berca borneana Pace, 2004

Berca borneana Pace, Citation2004a: 826.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15319, MZUF.



Lomechusini Fleming, Citation 1821

Orphnebius bartolozzii n. sp.

(Figures and )

Holotype ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15289, MZUF.


Length 3 mm, measured from anterior margin of pronotum to pygidium (head lost). Body shiny, yellowish-red, including legs. Body without reticulation. Granulation of the pronotum indistinct, that of the elytra distinct, but weak and sparse. Abdomen glabrous, with free abdominal tergites concave, but the fifth strongly punctate towards posterior margin with longitudinal sulci and with six short carinae. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

In the colour of the body and the form of the spermatheca, the new species is similar to O. bakerianus Bernhauer, Citation1929 from Borneo, of which I have examined two males and a female of the type series (NHML). The proximal portion of the spermatheca of the new species is strongly arched, that of O. bakerianus slightly arched. The posterior border of the sixth free female tergite is straight, while that of O. bakerianus trilobate.


The new species is dedicated to its collector, the Dr Luca Bartolozzi of the Natural History Museum, Zoological Section “La Specola”, Florence University, a renowned specialist of Lucanidae.

Tetrabothrus malaysianus n. sp.

(Figures , and 40)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15292, MZUF.


Length 4 mm. Body shiny, brown, abdomen reddish, antennae brown with the three basal antennomeres reddish, legs reddish with femura brown and yellow posteriorly. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd as long as the 2nd and 4th to 10th very transverse. Body without reticulation and puncturation, but with a few strong punctures at the base of the fifth free tergite of males. The male bears two marginal median fossae on the sixth free tergite. Elytra with long grey pubescence. Aedeagus: Figures and 40.

Comparative notes

The new species is similar to T. indicus Cameron, 1939 from India (Cameron Citation1939a), of which I have examined the male holotype (NHML). The aedeagus of the new species is 0.34 mm long, that of T. indicus 0.68 mm. The apex of the aedeagus of the new species is flexed in lateral view and broad in ventral view, whereas that of T. indicus is not flexed apically and in ventral view is very narrow. In the presence of strong basal puncturation on the fifth free tergite of the male, the new species differs from all other known species of Tetrabothrus Bernhauer, 1915 (Bernhauer Citation1915a, Citation1915b).

Episkiodrusilla n. gen.

(Figures , and 56)

Type species: Astilbus rubricollis Cameron, 1939.


Cameron (Citation1939a) described A. rubricollis from India, currently named Drusilla rubricollis (Cameron). I have examined the holotype of this species labelled “Haldwani Distr., Kumaon, India H.G.C., A. rubricollis Cam., Type, A. rubricollis n. sp. Bernh., Type” (NHML). The pronotum of this species does not bear the median sulcus typical of Drusilla Leach, Citation1819, but is opaque, giving it a velvety appearance. On the basis of these characters, the new genus is proposed.


The new genus differs from Drusilla Leach, Citation1819 by the characters in the following key:

1 Pronotum with a long median sulcus, the surface shiny and punctate or granulose ................................................................................................ Drusilla Leach, Citation1819

 – Pronotum without a median sulcus, the surface opaque and velvety .............................................................................................. Episkiodrusilla n. gen.


The name of the new genus means “Opaque Drusilla” from the ancient Greek “πσκιoς” = opaque.

The following species belong to this new genus:

Episkiodrusilla rubricollis (Cameron, 1939), n. comb.

Astilbus rubricollis Cameron, Citation1939a: 468.

Drusilla rubricollis Pace, Citation2001: 33; Smetana, Citation2004: 459.

Episkiodrusilla franzi (Pace, 1992), n. comb.

Drusilla franzi Pace, Citation1992c: 132; Smetana, Citation2004: 458.

Episkiodrusilla neocoenonicacollis (Pace, 2008), n. comb.

Drusilla neocoenonicacollis Pace, Citation2008b: 137.

Episkiodrusilla veluticollis n. sp.

(Figures –67)

Figures 64–67 Habitus, aedeagus in lateral and ventral views and spermatheca. 64–67: Episkiodrusilla veluticollis n. sp. Scale bar habitus: 64: 2.8 mm. Other scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Figures 64–67 Habitus, aedeagus in lateral and ventral views and spermatheca. 64–67: Episkiodrusilla veluticollis n. sp. Scale bar habitus: 64: 2.8 mm. Other scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Holotype ♂, Taiwan, Taitung Hsien, Hsinkangshan, above Chengkang, 750 m, 21.IV.1998, leg. A. Smetana, MCSNV.

Paratype: 1 ♀, Taiwan, Taitung Hsien, Hsinkangshan, above Chengkang, 500 m, 22.IV.1998, leg. A. Smetana, MCSNV.


Length 2.8 mm. Body shiny, pronotum very opaque, head and elytra brown, pronotum reddish-brown, abdomen and antennae yellowish-red, legs yellow. Eyes shorter than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd and 4th to 10th longer than wide. Reticulation of the head distinct, that of the pronotum strong and regular, that of the elytra very weak, absent on the abdomen except on the sixth free tergite of the male where it is strong. Head and pronotum without granulation, that of the elytra fine. Distal half of the fifth free tergite of the male with strong puncturation. Aedeagus: Figures and 66; spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The habitus of the new species (Figure ) are similar to that of E. rubricollis from India (Cameron, Citation1939a). The new species differs from this species in the apical portion of the aedeagus, in lateral view, being curved, whereas in E. rubricollis is bisinuate. The disc of the head of new species has a median sulcus to Y-shaped, which is absent on the head of E. rubricollis. I have examined the holotype male of E. rubricollis (NHML).


The name of the new species means “Velvety pronotum”.

Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp.

(Figures , and 56)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15290, MZUF.


Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, pronotum very opaque, head and elytra brown, pronotum reddish-brown, abdomen yellowish-red, antennae reddish-brown with basal antennomere brown and legs yellowish-brown. Eyes as long as the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd and 4th to 10th longer than wide. Reticulation of the head distinct, that of the pronotum strong and regular, that of the elytra very weak, absent on the abdomen except on the sixth free tergite of the male where it is strong. Granulation of the head fine and weak, absent on pronotum, that of the elytra fine. Distal half of the fifth free tergite of the male with strong puncturation. Aedeagus: Figures and 42.

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of the new species (Figures and 42), is similar to that of E. veluticollis n. sp. Figures and 66, from Taiwan. It differs from that of E. veluticollis in the apical portion of the aedeagus, in ventral view, being less protruding than in E. veluticollis, in the narrow pre-apical region of the aedeagus (Figure ) in ventral view, whereas in veluticollis it is very broad (Figure ), and in the notably different structure of the internal genital pieces of the internal sac. The disc of the head of E. veluticollis has a median sulcus to Y-shaped, which is absent on the head of the new species. The pronotum of the new species is reddish-brown (Figure ), and that of E. veluticollis yellowish-red (Figure ).


The name of the new species means “Malay red neck”.

Rabdotodrusilla n. gen.

(Figures and )

Type species: Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp.


The new genus is similar to Drusilla Leach, Citation1819. It is distinguished by the strong longitudinal sulci on the pronotum and by the absence of pronotal median sulcus.


The new proposed genus may be distinguished from the genus Drusilla Leach by the characters in the following key:

1 Pronotum punctate, with a median sulcus of varying length Drusilla Leach

– Pronotum with long strong sulci, without a deep median sulcus Rabdotodrusilla n. gen.


The name of the new genus means “Striped Drusilla” from the ancient Greek “ραβδωτóς” = striped.

Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp.

(Figures and )

Holotype ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15291, MZUF.


Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, brown, bases of the basal free abdominal tergites yellowish-red, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres, the 3rd and base of the 11th yellowish-red, legs brown with bases of the femura yellow and tarsi yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th to 9th longer than wide and 10th as long as wide. Head and pronotum without reticulation, that of the elytra strong, that of the abdomen transverse and weak, but strong on the sixth free tergite. Puncturation of the head indistinct. Longitudinal sulci of the pronotum strong near the anterior border, posteriorly turning into brief longitudinal carinae that do not reach the posterior border with a deep strong median fossa. Elytra with a long, slightly oblique raised area that does not reach the posterior border. Granulation of the abdomen very sparse, fine and very weak. Spermatheca: Figure .

Drusilla khamengi Pace, Citation 1984

Drusilla khamengi Pace, Citation1984: 455.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. mag. 2814, num. coll. 15321, MZUF.



Drusilla obliquoides Pace, 2003

Drusilla obliquoides Pace, Citation2003b: 64.

4 ♂♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15322, MZUF.


Malaysia, Thailand.

Drusilla perakensis n. sp.

(Figures and )

Holotype ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. mag. 2814, num. coll. 15294, MZUF.


Length 3.9 mm. Body shiny, brown, elytra yellowish-brown, abdomen yellowish-red, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and base of the third yellow, legs yellow. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th longer than wide, 5th as long as wide and 6th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head weak, absent on the longitudinal median band, that of the pronotum strong, dense and distinct, that of the abdomen sparse and weak. Median sulcus of the pronotum deep. Posterior border of the sixth free abdominal tergite of the female trilobate. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The spermatheca of the new species is long and sinuate like the spermatheca of D. assamensis Cameron, 1939 from India, of which I have examined four males and two females of the type series (NHML). The new species is distinguished by the 0.28-mm long spermatheca, (0.46 mm in D. assamensis), with the proximal portion abruptly widened and distal bulb cylindrical, unlike that of D. assamensis which has a straight proximal portion and spherical distal bulb. The abdomen of the new species is yellowish-red, that of D. assamensis black with posterior margins of the tergites reddish.


The name of the new species derives from the toponym Hulu Perak.

Zyras (Glossacantha) malaybipunctatus n. sp.

(Figures and )

Holotype ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 101°26′16″E 05°30′18″N, 230 m, 29.VI-4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15296, MZUF.


Length 7 mm. Body shiny, yellowish-red, head reddish-brown, antennae and legs yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd and 4th to 10th longer than wide. Forebody without reticulation, elytra with transverse, oblique and very strong reticulation, that of the abdomen transverse, undulating and clear. Puncturation of head and pronotum indistinct, that of the elytra dense and weak. Fifth free tergite of a female with a few granules on the posterior half. Pronotum with two discal fossae and two punctures behind them. Spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The spermatheca of the new species is of a shape not hitherto seen in other species of the subgenus. The pronotum of the new species has two discal impressions as in Z. spissatheca Pace, 2004 from Thailand (Pace 2004b), but the spermatheca of this species is of a different shape.


The name of the new species means “Malaysian bi-punctate”.

Zyras (Diaulaconia) malaycompressicornis n. sp.

(Figures , and 60)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15293, MZUF.


Length 7 mm. Body shiny, yellowish-red, head reddish, antennae reddish with the three basal antennomeres and legs yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd, 4th to 10th transverse. Antennae laterally compressed. Body without reticulation and puncturation. Aedeagus: Figures and 47.

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of the new species is similar to that of Z. compressicornis Fauvel, Citation1905 from Java, of which I have examined a male and a female of the type series (IRSNB). The aedeagus of the new species does not have that species' very acute apex and does not reach the space between the arched and protruding inner structures. The aedeagus of the new species is 2.8 mm long, that of Z. compressicornis 3.6 mm.


The name of the new species means “Malay compressed antennae”.

Oxpodini Thomson, Citation 1859

Apimela kinabaluicola Pace, 2008

Apimela kinabaluicola Pace, Citation2008a: 171.

1 ♀, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15323, MZUF.



Aleocharini Fleming, Citation1821

Pseudoplandria ruficollis Cameron, Citation 1928

Pseudoplandria ruficollis Cameron, Citation1928: 422.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Kelantan, Pergau Dam, 101°43′50″E 05°35′54″N, 750 m, 4.VII.2008, leg. L. Bartolozzi, G. Mazza, F. Cianferoni and F. Fabiano, num. coll. 15324, MZUF.




I have examined the type series (NHML).

Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp.

(Figures )

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Kelantan, Pergau Dam, 101°43′50″E 05°35′54″N, 750 m, 1.V.2009, leg. J. Ng, num. coll. 15297, MZUF.

Paratype: 1 ♀, same origin, num. coll. 15298, MZUF.


Length 2.7 mm. Body shiny, brown, abdomen reddish, antennae brown with the two basal antennomeres and base of the third yellowish-red, and legs brown with tarsi yellow. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd shorter than the 2nd, 4th and 5th longer than wide and 6th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head very weak, that of the pronotum indistinct, evanescent in front, that of the elytrae strong, that of the abdomen distinct and sparse. Pronotum with four discal punctures forming inverted trapezoidal pattern. Aedeagus: Figures , 49; spermatheca: Figure .

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of the new species is ventrally broadly curved like the aedeagus of P. iliganensis Cameron, Citation1941 from Philippines, of which I have examined the type series of one male and a female labelled “Mindanao, Pseudoplandria iliganensis Cam., Typus” (NHML). The new species is distinguished by the ventral pre-apical profile of the aedeagus not being sinuous, as it is in P. iliganensis, by the internal plates of the aedeagus being curved in ventral view, whereas those of P. iliganensis are straight, and by the presence of scales on the internal genital pieces of the internal sac of the aedeagus, which are lacking in P. iliganensis.


The name of the new species derives from the presence of scales of the internal genital pieces of the aedeagus.

Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp.

(Figures , and 62)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Bangunan, camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15295, MZUF.


Length 3 mm. Body shiny, brown, pronotum and abdomen reddish-brown, antennae yellowish-brown with the two basal antennomeres and apex of the 11th yellow, and legs yellowish-red. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd shorter than the 2nd, 4th as long as wide and 5th to 10th transverse. Body without reticulation. Puncturation of the head weak, that of the pronotum distinct, that of the two basal free abdominal tergites absent, that of the third to fifth free tergites strong, but confined to the base of tergites. Granulation of the elytrae fine and protruding. Pronotum with four discal punctures arranged in a square and with a transverse posterior median impression. Elytra of the male with a discal arched carina. Second to fourth free tergites with longitudinal carinae. Fifth free tergite of the male with protruding posterior median carina. Aedeagus: Figures and 52.

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of the new species is similar to that of P. vietnamensis Pace, 1992 from Vietnam (Pace Citation1992b). It is distinguished by the ventral profile of the aedeagus being arched and not sinuous as in P. vietnamensis. The apex of the aedeagus of the new species in ventral view is narrow, and that of P. vietnamensis is broad.


The name of the new species means “of the beam” from the Latin trabs = beam. The long beam is one of the internal genital pieces of the internal sac of the aedeagus.

Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp.

(Figures , and 63)

Holotype ♂, Malaysia, Pahang, Genting Highlands, XII.1985, leg. S. Taiti, num. mag. 1732, num. coll. 15299, MZUF.


Length 3.4 mm. Body shiny, blackish-brown, antennae black with the two basal antennomeres yellowish-red and legs reddish. Eyes longer than the postocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the 1st, 3rd longer than the 2nd and 4th to 10th transverse. Head without reticulation. Reticulation of the pronotum distinct, that of elytra and abdomen very transverse and weak. Puncturation of the head distinct and fairly dense, that of the pronotum slightly weak, that of the elytra fine, dense and weak, that of the abdomen fine and distinct. Pronotum with four strong discal punctures arranged in a pattern square. Aedeagus: Figures and 54.

Comparative notes

The aedeagus of other known species of Tetrasticta Kraatz, Citation1857, are furnished with an internal coiled flagellum in the bulbus. The aedeagus of the new species is unique in the absence of this coiled flagellum.


The name of the new species means “swan's head” and is derived from the shape of the head and neck of swan of the internal genital structure of the aedeagus.

Aleochara (Aleochara) nigra Kraatz, Citation 1859

Aleochara nigra Kraatz, Citation1859: 13.

Aleochara (s. str.) nigra; Cameron, Citation1939a: 626.

1 ♂, Malaysia, Hulu Perak, Bangunan, Camp c/o Kampung Semelor, E shore Lake Tasek-Temengor, 230 m, 10-19.VII.2007, leg. L. Bartolozzi, num. coll. 15320, MZUF.


Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Malayan Peninsula, Sumatra, China.


I have examined the type series of this species (DEI).

Figures 56–63 Habitus of 56: Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp.; 57: Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp.; 58: Drusilla perakensis n. sp.; 59: Zyras (Glossacantha) malaybipunctatus n. sp.; 60: Zyras (Diaulaconia) malaycompressicornis n. sp.; 61: Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp.; 62: Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp.; 63: Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp.; Scale bars: 56: 2.7 mm; 57: 3 mm; 58: 3.9 mm; 59: 7 mm; 60: 7 mm; 61: 2.7 mm; 62: 3 mm; 63: 3.4 mm.

Figures 56–63 Habitus of 56: Episkiodrusilla malayrubricollis n. sp.; 57: Rabdotodrusilla malaysiensis n. sp.; 58: Drusilla perakensis n. sp.; 59: Zyras (Glossacantha) malaybipunctatus n. sp.; 60: Zyras (Diaulaconia) malaycompressicornis n. sp.; 61: Pseudoplandria squamarum n. sp.; 62: Pseudoplandria trabis n. sp.; 63: Tetrasticta caputcyrneum n. sp.; Scale bars: 56: 2.7 mm; 57: 3 mm; 58: 3.9 mm; 59: 7 mm; 60: 7 mm; 61: 2.7 mm; 62: 3 mm; 63: 3.4 mm.


I thank Dr Luca Bartolozzi of the Natural History Museum, Zoological Section “La Specola”, Florence, and Dr Aleš Smetana, Ottawa, who provided the material studied in this paper, and the following curators for the loan of types: Dr L. Zerche of the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Münchenberg, Dr P.M. Hammond and Dr M. Brendell of the Natural History Museum, London, Dr Manfred Uhlig of the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität Berlin and Dr A.F. Newton of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. I also thank my colleague Guillaume de Rougemont, London, a professional translator as well as entomologist, for correcting my translation into English.


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