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Races of Puccinia graminis on barley, oat, and wheat in Canada in 2013 and 2014

, , &
Pages 101-107 | Accepted 11 Mar 2020, Published online: 21 May 2020


Stem rust, caused by Puccinia graminis, is a catastrophic disease that has and continues to cause yield losses in barley, oat, and wheat crops worldwide. Use of host resistance genes is the most economic, efficient, and environmentally best method to control the disease. Resistance genes have been incorporated into most commercial cultivars and have been effective, for races in the North American populations of P. graminis. However, new races of stem rust are constantly emerging and therefore it is imperative to monitor the virulence structure in the populations to detect new races with increased virulence. Stem rust samples were collected in 2013 and 2014 in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan to determine the incidence and severity of stem rust in barley (Hordeum vulgare), oat (Avena sativa), and wheat (Triticum aestivum) fields and to characterize the virulence dynamics in the pathogen populations. No stem rust was found in cultivated wheat, and incidence was at trace (<1%) levels in barley fields and very low (0–5%) levels in oat fields in 2013 and 2014. In wheat trap plots and collections from barley, race QFCSC of P. graminis f. sp. tritici was dominant in 2013 (85.9%) and was the only race found in 2014. Races MCCFC, QTHJF, RFCSC, RKQSC, and TMRTF were at low (<5%) levels in 2013. From collections in oat fields and stands of wild barley, nine races of P. graminis f. sp. avenae were found in 2013, with TJS (56.9%) and TJJ (23.5%) the most frequent. In 2014, we found only six races and TJS (74.5%) and TJJ (19.1%) were the most frequent. No new races of stem rust were detected in Canada in 2013 or 2014.


La rouille noire, causée par Puccinia graminis, est une maladie dévastatrice qui a causé, et qui continue de causer, des pertes de rendement chez l’orge, l’avoine et le blé partout dans le monde. L’utilization des gènes de résistance de l’hôte se révèle la méthode de lutte la plus économique, efficace et écologique contre cette maladie. Les gènes de résistance ont été incorporés dans la majorité des cultivars commerciaux et ont été efficaces contre les races des populations nord-américaines de P. graminis. Toutefois, de nouvelles races de rouille noire émergent constamment et il est en conséquence impératif de surveiller la structure de virulence des populations afin de détecter de nouvelles races à la virulence accrue. Des échantillons de rouille noire ont été collectés en 2013 et 2014 au Manitoba, en Ontario, au Québec et en Saskatchewan pour déterminer l’incidence et la gravité de la rouille noire dans des champs d’orge (Hordeum vulgare), d’avoine (Avena sativa) et de blé (Triticum aestivum) ainsi que pour caractériser la dynamique de virulence dans les populations d’agents pathogènes. En 2013 et 2014, le blé ne portait aucun signe de rouille noire et l’incidence de la maladie était à l’état de trace (<1%) chez l’orge ainsi que très faible (0 à 5%) chez l’avoine. Dans des parcelles de culture piège de blé et des collections d’orge, la race QFCSC de P. graminis f. sp. tritici dominait en 2013 (85.9%) et était la seule trouvée en 2014. En 2013, les races MCCFC, QTHJF, RFCSC, RKQSC et TMRTF affichaient de faibles taux (<5%). Dans des collections provenant de champs d’avoine et de parcelles d’orge agréable, neuf races de P. graminis f. sp. avenae ont été trouvées en 2013, dont TJS (56.9%) et TJJ (23.5%) étaient les plus courantes. En 2014, nous n’avons trouvé que six races, et TJS (74.5%) ainsi que TJJ (19.1%) étaient les plus courantes. Aucune nouvelle race de rouille noire n’a été détectée au Canada en 2013 et 2014.


Epidemics of stem rust have caused substantial yield losses in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum turgidum L.) in Canada since the early 20th century. Stem rust disease is caused by the fungal pathogens Puccinia graminis Pers.:Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. & E. Henn. (Pgt) on barley and wheat, and Puccinia graminis Pers.:Pers. f. sp. avenae Eriks. & E. Henn. (Pga) on oat. No significant losses have occurred since 1955, which mainly has been attributed to the development and release of rust resistant varieties. Recently, new highly virulent races have been detected in Canada on oat (Fetch et al. Citation2018) and in Kenya (Newcomb et al. Citation2016), Ethiopia (Olivera et al. Citation2015), and Sicily (Bhattacharya Citation2017) on wheat. Studies have been conducted since 1919 on the virulence dynamics of Pgt and Pga in Canadian populations (Johnson and Green Citation1957) to provide a historic record and to warn of new virulent races that may arise. The objective of this paper is to determine the virulence spectrum in Pgt and Pga populations in Canada during 2013 and 2014.

Materials and methods

Collection and processing of isolates

Infected stems were collected in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan by car in August and September in 2013 and 2014. Commercial fields of barley, oat, or wheat, patches of wild barley (Hordeum jubatum L.), or stands of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) were sampled at about 20 km intervals. Stem rust incidence and severity was recorded. Several (3–5) stems infected with Pgt or Pga were collected at each location. Samples were labelled with a unique identifier and put in paper envelopes. Subsequently, samples were removed from envelopes and air-dried at room temperature for 2–3 days and then put into a refrigerator at 3–5°C until ready for processing. To ensure spore viability, samples were processed within 30 days of collection. Additionally, packets of seed of susceptible spring wheat (‘Klein Titan’, ‘Little Club’, ‘Morocco’), barley (‘Wolfe’), and oat (‘Triple Crown’, ‘Makuru’) lines were mailed to cooperators in Ontario and Quebec in April of each year to establish trap-plot nurseries and provide stem rust samples for race analyses.

Processing of each sample was as reported previously (Fetch et al. Citation2018). For each sample, urediniospores were transferred to pots containing 8–10 seedling leaves of ‘Little Club’ wheat (for Pgt) or ‘Pc94' oat (for Pga) using a sterile spatula sprayed with distilled water. Inoculated plants were incubated overnight for 16 h at 20°C and near 100% relative humidity using a dew box misted with an ultrasonic humidifier. The dew box was constructed using stainless steel sides and bottom, with a clear Plexiglas top and door. In the morning, the dew box door was opened 1 cm to slowly dry the plants, and T5 fluorescent lights (200 μmol·m−2·s−1) above the dew box were turned on for 2–3 h to finish the infection process. Pots were transported to a greenhouse at 20 ± 4°C with a 14 h light: 10 h dark photoperiod supplemented with high-pressure sodium lights. A plastic lamp cover was placed on each pot, and light positive air pressure was injected through a hole in the base of the cover to prevent cross-contamination of isolates. Two isolates (A and B) of 2–3 large random pustules were made from each collection at 14 days post-inoculation using a mini-cyclone spore collector (G-R Manufacturing, Manhattan, KS) fitted with a size 00 gelatin capsule, which was connected to a Gast vacuum pump (Fisher Scientific catalogue 01-093-5) using a DeVilbiss model 630–605 bleeder-type cut-off valve (http://www.drivemedical.com). Isolate A was used for race phenotyping and isolate B was for repeat tests or increases. Several bulk collections each consisting of 20 survey samples of Pgt were also made using a cyclone spore collector.

Determination of physiological races

Methods to identify the physiological race of each isolate were as previously described (Fetch et al. Citation2018). Briefly, five sets of wheat single-gene differential lines (Sr5, Sr21, Sr9e, Sr7b; Sr11, Sr6, Sr8a, Sr9g; Sr36, Sr9b, Sr30, Sr17; Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr10, SrTmp; Sr24, Sr31, Sr38, Sr54 [= SrMcN]) were used for Pgt pathotyping (Jin et al. Citation2008), and three sets of oat single-gene differential lines (Pg1, Pg2, Pg3, Pg4; Pg6, Pg8, Pg9, Pg10; Pg12, Pg13, Pg15, Pg16) were used for pathotyping of Pga (Fetch and Jin Citation2007). Oat line ‘Pg-a’ was also planted, as this gene has been deployed in some oat cultivars. Conetainers (RL98) were filled with moist #4 Sunshine Mix, packed to a uniform depth of 4 cm and five seeds of the line was put into the cone. Additional moist mix was added to fill the cone, then packed to a uniform depth of 2 cm to provide even emergence of seedlings. Plastic racks with planted cones were moved to a rust-free greenhouse with environmental conditions described above. Individual cones were labelled with their respective resistance gene and carefully watered until saturated.

Inoculation and disease rating were done as previously reported (Fetch et al. Citation2018). At 8–9 days after planting, seedling leaves of differential lines were inoculated with 3–4 mg of a rust isolate in a 00 gelatin capsule containing 0.7 mL Bayol oil. Stem rust was immersed into the oil by gently shaking the capsule, then the capsule top was removed and the bottom attached to an inoculator. Inoculum was atomized onto seedlings using an air pump pressurized to 20 kPa, and plants were placed in front of a fan at gentle speed to volatilize the oil. Inoculated plants were incubated in dew cabinets as described above, and moved into a different greenhouse for infection. Seedling infection type (IT) was scored 12–14 days post-inoculation using a 0–4 scale (Stakman et al. Citation1962). A letter-code nomenclature (Fetch and Jin Citation2007; Jin et al. Citation2008) was used to identify each isolate, with ITs <3 considered as a low (resistant) response and those ≥3 as a high response (susceptible). If a line had mixed infection (both resistant and susceptible ITs), single-pustule isolates of each IT were generated to determine the identity of each race.

Additionally, isolates were combined into bulked collections (12–15 per capsule) to quickly detect novel Pgt virulence on highly effective Sr genes and on resistant wheat cultivars. Bulked collections were inoculated on: (i) single-gene differential lines with resistance genes Sr7a, Sr8b, Sr12, Sr13, Sr14, Sr15, Sr16, Sr18, Sr20, Sr22, Sr25, Sr26, Sr27, Sr28, Sr29, Sr32, Sr33, Sr34, Sr35, Sr37, Sr39 or Sr40; (ii) lines RL6076 and Tr129; (iii) the T. aestivum cultivars ‘AC Barrie’, ‘AC Domain’, AC ‘Karma’, ‘AC Michael’, ‘AC Splendor’, ‘AC Vista’, ‘Burnside’, ‘Canthatch’, ‘Columbus’, ‘Harvest’, ‘Kanata’, ‘Lillian’, ‘Little Club’, ‘McKenzie’ ‘Peace’, ‘Selkirk’, ‘Snowbird’, ‘Somerset’, ‘Superb’, and ‘5701PR’; and (iv) the T. turgidum cultivars ‘AC Navigator’, ‘Sceptre’, and ‘Strongfield’. Bulk collections were inoculated, incubated and assessed as described above. This enables the rapid identification of new Pgt races that could threaten wheat production in Canada.

Results and discussion

Environmental conditions

Weather conditions were generally unfavourable for stem rust infection in the Prairie region of Canada in 2013 and 2014 (Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Citation2019). Mean temperatures in 2013 and 2014 were mostly normal (−1 to +1°C of average) in the ‘Rust area’ of the Prairies in June, July, and August. Rainfall was inconsistent in both years. In 2013, it was wet (115–150% of normal) to very wet (>150% of normal) in Saskatchewan and western Manitoba but very dry (40–60% of normal) in eastern Manitoba in June, followed by normal (85–115%) rainfall in July. However, it was extremely dry (<40% of normal) in August 2013. In 2014, it was extremely wet (>200% of normal) in most of Saskatchewan and western Manitoba in June and August, but very dry (40–60% of normal) in July. While temperature was normal in both years, very dry conditions in both years would limit adequate dew formation for stem rust infection.

Incidence and severity

Stem rust incidence and severity was at very low (<5%) levels in barley and oat fields, and in stands of wild barley (H. jubatum) and wild oat (A. fatua) in both years. This was attributed to widespread application of fungicides to Canadian crops (for Fusarium head blight), dry environmental conditions, and low inoculum pressure from the USA. No stem rust infection was found in cultivated wheat. Stem rust infection was at low levels in the USA in 2013, except in south-eastern South Dakota and a field in North Dakota where severities up to 80% were found in winter wheat (Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2013). In 2014 stem rust was mostly at trace levels in the USA (Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2014). No yield losses were found in 2013 or 2014 in Canada due to stem rust infection.

Physiological specialization

Puccinia graminis f. sp

tritici. Race QFCSC was dominant in 2013 (86% of total isolates, ) and was the only race detected in 2014 in Canada. Race QFCSC also was the only one found in the USA in both 2013 and 2014 (Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2013; Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2014). Additional races found in Canada at low frequency in 2013 were MCCFC (5%), QTHJF and RFCSC (3%), and RKQSC and TMRTF (2%). It was unclear as to why these races were not detected in the USA in 2013, since the Pgt population in Canada is often composed of races in the Midwest region that migrate north along the ‘Puccinia pathway’. As was found in 2012, historic races MCCFC, QTHJF, RKQSC, and TMRTF are likely surviving on wild grass hosts in Canada.

Table 1. Frequencies of races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici obtained from wheat trap plots, cultivated barley and wild barley in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan, Canada in 2013

Virulence frequencies on single-gene differential lines of Pgt isolates collected in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan in 2013 are presented in . Genes Sr5, Sr9g, Sr10, and Sr54 were ineffective and genes Sr8a, Sr9a, Sr9d, Sr17, and Sr21 were mostly ineffective (85.7–100% susceptible). Genes Sr9e, Sr24, Sr30, and Sr31 were effective to all isolates, and genes Sr6, Sr7b, Sr9b, Sr11, Sr36, Sr38, and SrTmp were mostly effective. Gene Sr9e is common in durum wheat, and genes Sr6, Sr7b, Sr9b, and Sr11 have commonly been incorporated into many resistant Canadian spring or durum wheat cultivars. Additionally, virulence to genes Sr7a, Sr8b, Sr12, Sr14, Sr15, Sr16, Sr18, Sr20, Sr28, Sr34, and Sr35 was detected in each year from bulked samples from Manitoba and Saskatchewan (data not presented). There were no susceptible pustules found on currently grown Canadian varieties tested, thus no new races were detected that threaten wheat or barley production in Canada in 2013 or 2014.

Table 2. Frequency of virulence of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici isolates collected from wheat trap plots, cultivated barley and wild barley in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan, Canada in 2013 to single-gene stem rust differential lines

Puccinia graminis f. sp

avenae. Race TJS was dominant in both 2013 (57%) and 2014 (74%), and was found in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in both years (). This race is virulent on all genes deployed in commercial oat, and frequency of this race continues to rise in the population of Pga. Race TJJ (NA67) was the next most common race in both years, followed by race TGN. In the USA there were few reports of oat stem rust, with race TJS detected in 2013 (Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2013) and races TJS and TGN detected in 2014 (Cereal Disease Laboratory, Citation2014). We detected more variability in Canada than was found in the USA, with 8 races detected from 204 samples in 2013 and 6 races from 94 samples in 2014. No new races were detected in Canada in either 2013 or 2014 in Canada.

Table 3. Frequencies of races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae obtained from cultivated and wild oat in Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, Canada in 2013

Table 4. Frequencies of races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae obtained from cultivated and wild oat in Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, Canada in 2014

Virulence frequencies on single-gene differential lines of Pga isolates collected on cultivated and wild oat in Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan and the Pg-a complex are presented in . All isolates were virulent to Pg1 and Pg3, and avirulent to Pg6, Pg10, and Pg16 in both 2013 and 2014. The frequency of virulence was very high to Pg2, Pg4, Pg8, and Pg15 (97–100%) in both years. Virulence to Pg12 (66–76%) and Pg-a (52–57%) has steadily continued to increase, concurrent with the increased prevalence of race TJS. Virulence to Pg9, Pg12, Pg13, and Pg-a rose substantially from 2011 (30%, 66%, 28%, and 57%, respectively) to 2014 (95%, 78%, 95%, and 78%, respectively) due to race TJS. Genes Pg6, Pg10, and Pg16 are effective to race TJS, but have not been useful in oat breeding programmes. Until new stem rust genes in oat are discovered that provide resistance to highly virulent races such as TJS and TJJ, fungicide use will increase in oat crops.

Table 5. Frequencies of virulence of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae isolates collected from cultivated and wild oat in Manitoba, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, Canada in 2013 to single-gene stem rust differential lines and the Pg-a gene complex

Table 6. Frequencies of virulence of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae isolates collected from cultivated and wild oat in Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Manitoba, Canada in 2014 to single-gene stem rust differential lines and the Pg-a gene complex


Dr Andre Comeau from St. Foy, Quebec, is thanked for providing samples from infected wheat.


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