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Editorial Collaborators

Editorial Collaborators

The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics acknowledges the following people who served as referees for volume 38. An asterisk indicates that a collaborator served more than once during that time.

Knut Are Aastveit, Norges Bank

Rodrigo Adão, U. of Chicago Booth Schl Bus

*Jeffrey Albert, Case Western Reserve U.

Roy Allen, Western U.

Dante Amengual, CEMFI

Pooyan Amir Ahmadi, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Christine Amsler, Michigan State U.

Yonghong An, Texas A&M U. College Station

Stanislav Anatolyev, New Economic School

Beth Andrews, Northwestern U.

*Juan Antolin-Diaz, London Business School

*Mengmeng Ao

A Aradillas-Lopez, Pennsylvania State U.

*Jonas Arias, Federal Reserve Board

*Dmitry Arkhangelsky, CEMFI

*Alexandru Asimit, Cass Business School

Jennie Bai

Yuehao Bai, U. of Michigan

*Marta Banbura, ECB

Elias Bareinboim

*Matteo Barigozzi, LSE

Regis Barnichon

Robert Barsky

Francesco Bartolucci, U. degli Studi di Perugia

Jozef Barunik, Inst of EconStudies, Charles U.

Emre Barut, George Washington U.

*Sumanta Basu, Cornell U.

*Brendan Beare, U. of California San Diego

D Benatia, ENSAE

Sylvain Benoit, U. Paris Dauphine

Arie Beresteanu, U. of Pittsburgh

Xuan Bi, U. of Minnesota

Daniele Bianchi, Queen Mary U. of London

Markus Bibinger

Joris Bierkens

German Blanco, Illinois State U.

*Otilia Boldea, Tilburg U.

Chris Bollinger, U. of Kentucky

Kirill Borusyak, U. College London

Irene Botosaru, Simon Fraser U.

Salem Boubakri, Sorbonne U. Abu Dhabi

Kris Boudt, Katholieke U. Leuven

Taoufik Bouezmarni, U. de Sherbrooke

Daniela Bragoli, U. Cattolica Sacro Cuore

Francesco Bravo, U. of York

Christoph Breunig, Emory U.

*Christian Brownlees, U. Pompeu Fabra

Ralf Brueggemann, U. of Konstanz

Ruijun Bu

Lane Burgette, RAND Corporation

Carolina Caetano, U. of Georgia

Brantly Callaway, Temple U.

*Sebastian Calonico, Columbia U.

Lorenzo Camponovo, U. of St. Gallen

Luis Candelaria, U. of Warwick

Massimiliano Caporin, U. degli Studi di Padova

Marcel Carcea, Western New England U.

Andrea Carriero, Queen Mary U. of London

Danilio Cascaldi-Garcia, Federal Reserve Board

Efrem Castelnuovo, U. of Melbourne

*Giuseppe Cavaliere, U. of Bologna

Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Bank of England

*Joshua Chan, Purdue U.

Stephen Chan, American U. of Sharjah

*Bin Chen, U. of Rochester

Jau-er Chen

Jia Chen, U. of York

*Kun Chen, U. of Connecticut

*Liang Chen, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

*Likai Chen, Washington U. in Saint Louis

Qihui Chen, The Chinese U. of Hong Kong - Shenzhen

Tao Chen, U. of Waterloo

Xiaohui Chen, U. of Illinois - Urbana Champaign

Xuan Chen, U. of Miami

Xuerong Chen, Southwestern U. of Finance and Economics

Yining Chen, London School of Economics and Political Science

Yu Chen, U. of Science and Technology of China

Ming-Yen Cheng, Hong Kong Baptist U.

Xu Cheng, U. of Pennsylvania

*Denis Chetverikov, UCLA

Ying Lun Cheung

*Harold Chiang, U. of Wisconsin-Madison

*Siddhartha Chib, Washington U. in St. Louis

Jens Henrik Eggert Christensen, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

*Kim Christensen, Aarhus U.

*Tim Christensen, New York U.

Eunyi Chung, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Pedro CL Souza, U. of Warwick

*Gerda Claeskens, U. of Leuven

Todd E. Clark, Fed Reserve Bank Cleveland

Michael Clements, U. of Reading

*Valentina Corradi, U. of Surrey

Gregory Cox, Natl U. of Singapore

*Drew Creal, U. of Notre Dame

Liyuan Cui, City U. of Hong Kong

*Rui Da

Molly Dahl

Damian S. Damianov, Univ Durham

Christina Dan

Maurizio Daniele, U. of Konstanz

Cinzia Daraio

Clement de Chaisemartin, The U. of Warwick

Giuseppe De Luca, U. of Palermo

*Gianluca De Nard, U. of Zurich

Roberto De Santis, European Central Bank

Davide Delle, Monache Bank of Italy

Emre Demirkaya, U. of Tennessee Knoxville

Timo Dimitriadis, Heidelberg Instfor Theoretical Studies

Yi Ding

*Francis DiTraglia, U. of Oxford

Firmin Doko Tchatoka, The U. of Adelaide Sch of Econ

Stephen Donald, U. of Texas at Austin

*Yingying Dong, U. of California Irvine

Chaohua Dong, Zhongnan U. of Economics and Law

Jeff Dotson, BYU

Prosper Dovonon, Concordia U.

Catherine Doz, Paris School of Economics

Thorsten Drautzburg

Lilun Du, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology

Zaichao Du, Southwestern U. of Finance and Economics

Peter Egger

Andy Eggers

Yusuk Enarita, Yale U.

*Elena Erosheva, U. of Washington

Ying Fang

*Leland Farmer, U. of Virginia

Max Farrell, U. of Chicago

Guanhao Feng, U. of Chicago Booth School of Business

Qu Feng

*Bruno Ferman, Sao Paulo Sch of Econ, FGV

Marcelo Fernandes, Fundacao Getulio Vargas Escola de Econ de Sao Paulo

Ana Ferreira

*Holmes Finch

Sergio Firpo, Insper

Carlos Flores, California Poly State U.

*Alfonso Flores-Lagunes, Syracuse U.

Giovanni Forchini, U. of Surrey

*Claudia Foroni

Jeremy Fox

Christian Francq, CREST-ENSAE

Brigham Frandsen, Harvard U.

*Simon Freyaldenhoven, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Joachim Freyberger, U. of Wisconsin Madison

Zhonghao Fu, Fudan U.

*Bulat Gafarov

Pengjie Gao, U. of Notre Dame

Javier Gardeazabal

Anthony Garratt, U. of Warwick

Matt Gentry, London School of Econ and PoliSci

*Richard Gerlach, The U. of Sydney

Pulak Ghosh, Indian Inst of Management

Sucharita Ghosh, Swiss Fed Res Inst, WSL

Domenico Giannone, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Liudas Giraitis, Queen Mary U. of London

Chuan Goh, U. of Guelph

Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera, UC Riverside

Paolo Gorgi Vrije, U. Amsterdam

*Nikolay Gospodinov, Federal Res Bank of Atlanta

Eleonora Granziera, Suomen Pankki

Marco Grazzi, U. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Jim Griffin, U. College London

William Griffiths, U. of Melbourne

*Jiaying Gu

Emmanuel Guerre, U. of Kent

Massimo Guidolin, U. Bocconi Dipart. di Finanza

*Shaojun Guo, Renmin U. of China

Abhimanyu Gupta, U. of Essex

Andreas Hagemann, U. of Michigan

*Fang Han, U. of Washington

*Xu Han, City Univ. of Hong Kong

Xu Han, Temple U.

*Peter Hansen, U. of North Carolina

Ning Hao, The U. of Arizona

Don Harding, Latrobe U.

Uwe Hassler, Goether U.

Kazuhiko Hayakawa

Jingyu He, U. of Chicago

Yi He, U. of Amsterdam

Rachel Heath, U. of Washington

Arne Henningsen

*Edward Herbst, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Helmut Herwartz, Georg-August-U. at Goettingen

Masayuki Hirukawa, Ryukoku U.

Yannick Hoga, U. Duisburg-Essen

Hyokyoung Hon, g Michigan State U.

*Yanxi Hou

*Chih-Sheng Hsieh, National Taiwan U.

Paul Hsu

*Yu-Chin Hsu, Academia Sinica

Yingyao Hu, Johns Hopkins U.

Javier Hualde, U. Publica de Navarra

Su-Yun, Huang Academia Sinica

*Tao Huang, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

Wenxin Huang

Zhuo Huang, Peking U.

Florian Huber, U. of Salzburg

Martin Huber, U. de Fribourg

Matteo Iacopini, Scuola Normale Superiore

Rustam Ibragimov, Imperial Col London

Atsushi Inoue, North Carolina State U.

David Jacho-Chavez, Emory U.

Hugo Jales, Syracuse U.

Michael Jansson, U. of California Berkeley

*Joann Jasiak, York U.

X. Jessie Jeng, North Carolina State U.

*Mark Jensen, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Carsten Jentsch

Hanbat Jeong

Bai Jiang

*Binyan Jiang, Hong Kong Polytechnic U.

Bing-Yi Jing, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology

Koen Jochmans, U. of Cambridge

Andrew Johnson, Texas A and M

Beatrix Jones

Gaosheng Ju, Fudan U.

Chinhui Juhn, U. of Houston

*Hyunseok Jung, U. of Arkansas

Kyle Jurado, Duke U.

Tetsuya Kaji, U. of Chicago

Maria Kalli, Canterbury Christ Church U.

Ilze Kalnina, North Carolina State U.

Vishal Kamat, Toulouse School of Economics

*George Kapetanios, Queen Mary, U. of London

*David Kaplan, U. of Missouri

Sune Karlsson, Örebro U.

Gregor Kastner, WU Vienna U. of Economics and Business

Abhishek Kaul, Washington State U. College of Arts and Sciences

Ekaterina Kazak

*Yuan Ke, U. of Georgia

Michaela Kesina, ETH, Zurich

*Lutz Kilian, U. of Michigan

*Lutz Kilian, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas El Paso

*Donggyu Kim, Korea Advanced Inst of Sci and Tech

Seonjin Kim, Miami U.

Tae-Hwan Kim, Yonsei U.

N. Kundan Kishor, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Mathias Klein, Sveriges Riksbank

Brendan Kline, U. of Texas at Austin

Malte Knüppel, Deutsche Bundesbank

*Anders Kock, Oxford U.

Robert Kohn, U. of New South Wales

Denis Kojevnikov

Marcin Kolasa, National Bank of Poland

*Michal Kolesar, Princeton

Tatiana Komarova, London School of Econ and Poli Sci

Xinbing Kong, Fudan U.

*Xinbing Kong, Nanjing Audit U. Pukou Campus

Milos Kopa, Charles U. Prague

D Korobilis, U. of Glasgow

Lidia Kosenkova, U. of Virginia

Tetyana Kosyakova

Andros Kourtellos, U. of Cyprus

Daniel Kowal, Rice U.

Brian Krauth, Simon Fraser U.

Guido Kuersteiner, U. of Maryland College Park

Soonwoo Kwon, Yale U.

Louise Laage

*Kajal Lahiri, U. of Albany

Hung-pin Lai, National Chung Cheng U.

Clifford Lam, London Sch of Econand PoliSci

Carlos Lamarche, U. of Kentucky

Markku Lanne, U. of Helsinki

Sebastien Laurent, Aix-Marseille-U.

Pascal Lavergne, Toulouse School of Economics

Eben Lazarus, MIT

Ji Hyung Lee, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

*Suzanne Lee, Georgia Inst of Tech

Tae-Hwy Lee, U. of California Riverside

*Ying-Ying Lee, U. of California Irvine School of Social Sciences

*Yoon-Jin Lee, Kansas State U.

Yoonseok Lee, Syracuse U.

Steven Lehrer, Queen’s U. Faculty of Arts and Science

Lihua Lei, Stanford U.

Chenlei Leng, U. of Warwick

*Michele Lenza, European Central Bank

*Roberto Leon-Gonzalez, GRIPS

*Michael Leung, U. of Southern California

*Daniel Lewis, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Stephane Lhuissier, Banque de France

Chenxu Li, Peking U.

Chen-Xu Li, Renmin U. of China Sch of Bus

Daoji Li, California State U., Fullerton

*Degui Li, U. of York

*Deyuan Li, Fudan U.

*Guodong Li, U. of Hong Kong

*Hongjun Li, Capital U. of Econ and Bus

Jessie Li, U. of California Santa Cruz

*Jia Li, Duke U.

*Jialiang Li, National U. of Singapore

Junye Li, ESSEC Business School

*Kunpeng Li, Capital U. of Economics and Business

Qi Li, Texas A&M U.

Shengyu Li, U. New South Wales

Tianxi Li, U. of Virginia

Yifan Li, The U. of Manchester Alliance Manchester Bus Sch

*Heng Lian, City U. of Hong Kong

*Hua Liang, George Washington U.

*Yuan Liao, Rutgers U.

Kenneth Lichtendahl, Darden School of Bus

Robert Lieli, Central European U., Budapest

Audrey Light, The Ohio State U.

*Fabrizio Lillo, U. di Bologna

*Luiz Lima, The U. of Tennessee

Huidi Lin, Northwestern U.

Ming Lin, Xiamen U.

Qian Lin, Harvard U.

Tesary Lin, U. of Chicago Booth Sch of Bus

Wei Lin, Capital U. of Econ and Bus

*Zhenhua Lin, National U. of Singapore

*Chengxiu Ling, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool U.

Shiqing Ling, HKUST

Oliver Linton, U. of Cambridge

Rutger Lit, VU U. Amsterdam

Cheng Liu, Wuhan U.

Chu-An Liu, Academia Sinica

Laura Liu, Federal Reserve Board

Rong Liu, U. of Toledo

*Xialu Liu, San Diego State U.

*Xiaodong Liu, U. of Colorado Boulder

Xu Liu, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

*Xu Liu Shanghai, U. of Finance and Econ

*Zhi Liu, U. of Macau

Giulia Livieri, Scuola Normale Superiore

Ignacio Lobato, Centro de Invest Econ, ITAM

*Nicholas Longford, SNTL and UPF

Olivier Lopez

Junwei Lu, Harvard U.

*Lina Lu, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

*Xun Lu, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology

Ye Lu, The U. of Sydney

Zudi Lu, Southampton U.

Andre Lucas, VU U. Amsterdam

Matteo Luciani

Yao Luo, U. of Toronto

Ye Luo, U. of Florida

*Xinwei Ma, U. of California San Diego

Tassos Magdalinos

Lorenzo Magnolfi, U. of Wisconsin-Madison

*Martin Magris, Tampere U.

John Maheu, McMaster U.

Florian Maire, U. de Montreal

*Simone Manganelli, European Central Bank

Guangyu Mao, Beijing Jiaotong U.

Minghai Mao

Juri Marcucci

Daniele Marinazzo, U. Ghent

Vadim Marmer, U. of British Columbia

Giampiero Marra, U. College London

Federico Martellosio

Andrew Martinez, US Dept of the Treasury

Carlos Martins-Filho, U. of Colorado at Boulder

Ricardo Masini

Matthew Masten, Duke U.

Alex Maynard, U. of Guelph

B Mazumder

*Kenichiro McAlinn, Temple U.

*Adam McCloskey, U. of Colorado

Michael McCracken, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Tucker McElroy, U.S. Census Bureau

David McMillan, U. of Stirling

Brendan McVeigh, Carnegie Mellon U.

*Marcelo Medeiros, Pontificia U. Catolica do Rio de Janeiro

Nirav Mehta

Mika Meitz, U. of Helsinki

Angelo Mele, Johns Hopkins U.

Giovanni Mellace, U. of Southern Denmark

Blaise Melly, Bern U.

*Konrad Menzel, New York U.

Renate Meyer, U. of Auckland

*Ke Miao, Singapore Management U.

George Michailidis, U. of Florida

Marco Migueis, Federal Reserve Board

*Michele Modugno, Fed Reserve Board

Debashis Mondal, Oregon State U.

Jose Montiel-Olea, Columbia U. Department of Economics

*Ismael Mourifie, U. of Toronto

*Haroon Mumtaz, Queen Mary U. of London

Jared Murray, U. of Texas at Austin

Kenichi Nagasawa, U. of Warwick

Jouchi Nakajima

Lam Nguyen, U. of California San Diego

Xinkun Nie, Stanford U.

*Morten Nielsen, Queens U.

Yang Ning, Cornell U.

*Dong Hwan Oh, Federal Reserve Board

*Tatsushi Oka, Monash U.

Ostap Okhrin, Technische Universitat Dresden

*Ryo Okui, Seoul National U.

*Jose Olmo, U. of Southampton

Yasuhiro Omori, U. of Tokyo

Alexei Onatski, Cambridge U.

Scott Orr

Cavit Pakel, Bilkent U.

Guangming Pan, Nanyang Technological U.

Xiaoou Pan

Snigdha Panigrahi, U. of Michigan

Marc Paolella, U. of Zurich

Efstathios Paparoditis, U. Cyprus

Yang-Ho Park, Federal Reserve Board

*Christopher Parmeter

Andrew Patton, Duke U.

Debashis Paul, U. of California, Davis

Subhadeep Paul, The Ohio State U.

Rasmus S. Pedersen, U. of Copenhagen

*Markus Pelger, Stanford U.

*Bin Peng, Deakin U.

*Bin Peng, Monash U.

*Heng Peng, Hong Kong Baptist U.

Liang Peng, Georgia State U.

Xianhua Peng

Fulvia Pennoni, U. of Milano-Bicocca

Alexander Petersen, U. of California Santa Barbara

Ivan Petrella, U. of Warwick

*Katerina Petrova, U. of St Andrews

Davide Pettenuzzo, Brandeis U.

Ilaria Piatti, Queen Mary U. of London

Andreas Pick, Erasmus U. Rotterdam

Jeremy Piger, U. of Oregon

Joris Pinkse

Philipp Piribauer, Austrian Inst. of Econ Res

*Davide Pirino, U. degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Michael Pitt, Kings College London

*Mikkel Plagborg-Møller, Princeton U.

*Alexandre Poirier, Georgetown U.

Aubrey Poon, U. of Strathclyde

*Andre Portela, U. Federal de Santa Catarina

Valerio Poti, UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

Yoann Potiron, Keio U.

David Powell, RAND

Luke Prendergast, La Trobe U., Australia

Artem Prokhorov, U Sydney

Zacharias Psaradakis, Birkbeck, U. of London

*David Puelz, U. of Chicago Booth School of Business

Seppo Pynnonen, U. of Vaasa

*Xinghao Qiao, London Sch of Econ and Poli Sci

Yichen Qin, U. of Cincinnati

*Xi Qu Shanghai, Jiao Tong U.

*Rogier Quaedvlieg, Erasmus U. Rotterdam

Jean-Francois Quessy, U. du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres

Matias Quiroz, U. of Technology Sydney

Adrian Raftery, U. of Washington

Giuseppe Ragusa, LUISS

*Francesco Ravazzolo

Matthew Reimherr, Pennsylvania State U.

Jean-Paul Renne, U. of Lausanne

*Giovanni Ricco, U. of Warwick

Michael Rockinger, U. of Lausanne

Ori Rosen, U. of Texas at El Paso

Michael Rosholm

Luca Rossini, Vrije U. Amsterdam

Jonathan Roth, Harvard U.

Guillaume Roussellet, McGill U.

Esther Ruiz, Carlos III U. of Madrid

Doojin Ryu, Sungkyunkwan Univ SKKU

Olli Saarela, U. of Toronto

John Sabelhaus

Raffaele Saggio

*Shosei Sakaguchi, U. College London

Neslihan Sakarya, U. of Essex

Plutarchos Sakellaris, Athens U. of Econ and Bus

Nazarii Salish, U. Carlos III of Madrid

Hailin Sang

*Pedro Sant’Anna, Vanderbilt U.

*Yuya Sasaki, Vanderbilt U.

*Yves Schueler, Deutsche Bundesbank

Bernd Schwaab, ECB

Jacob Schwartz, U. of Haifa

Chiara Scotti, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Tatevik Sekhposyan

*Vira Semenova, Harvard U.

Anastasia Semykina, Florida State U.

Srijan Sengupta, Virginia Polytech Inst and State U.

Juwon Seo, National U. of Singapore

*Myung Hwan Seo, Seoul National U.

Oleksandr Shcherbakov, U. of Mannheim

Rui She, Southwestern U. of Fin and Econ

Shu Shen, U. of California, Davis

Shuyang Sheng

Xuguang Sheng, American U.

*Kevin Sheppard, Univeristy of Oxford

Ben Sherwood, U. of Kansas

*Ruoyao Shi, U. of California Riverside

*Wei Shi, Jinan Univ

Zhan Shi

Zhentao Shi, Chinese U. of Hong Kong

Donggyun Shin, Kyung Hee U.

*Hai Shu, New York U.

Maria Eduarda Silva

Anna Simoni, French Natl Ctr of Sci Res (CNRS)

Anna Simoni, Ecole Poly

*Stephan Smeekes, Maastricht U.

Adam Smith, U. College London

Michael Smith, U. of Melbourne

Robert Sollis, Newcastle U.

Gary Solon

Mikkel Sølvsten, U. of Wisconsin System

*Kyungchul Song, U. of British Columbia

*Rui Song, North Carolina State U.

Suyong Song, U. of Iowa

*Xiaojun Song, Peking U.

*Xinyu Song, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

Jesper Sørensen

Isaac Sorkin, Stanford U.

*Pedro Souza

Mark Steel, U. of Warwick

*Anthony Strittmatter, U. of St. Gallen

Gilles Stupfler, ENSAI

*Liangjun Su, Singapore Management U.

*Yan Sun

*Yiguo Sun, U. of Guelph

Yucheng Sun, Capital U. of Econ and Bus

Yuying Sun, Academy of Math and Systems Sci, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Botond Szabo, Leiden U.

*Abderrahim Taamouti, Durham U. Business School

Cheng Yong Tang, Temple U.

Niansheng Tang, Yunnan

Xueying Tang, U. of Arizona

Daniel Tannenbaum, U. of Nebraska

Minjing Tao, Florida State U.

James Taylor, U. of Oxford

*Denis Tkachenko

Surya Tokdar, Duke U.

Aida Toma, Bucharest U. of Economic Studies

*Tiejun Tong, Hong Kong Baptist U.

*Alexander Torgovitsky, U. of Chicago

*Carsten Trenkler, U. of Mannheim

Thomas Trimbur, Census Bureau

*Carlo Trivisano, U. di Bologna

Henghsiu Tsai, Academia Sinica

Ruey Tsay, U of Chicago

*Mike Tsionas, Lancaster U.

*Yundong Tu, Peking U.

Kozo Ueda

*Yoshimasa Uematsu, Tohoku U.

Yuta Umezu, Nagasaki U.

*Takuya Ura, U. of California, Davis

Michel Van der wel Erasmus, U. Rotterdam Erasmus Sch of Econ

Maarten van Oordt

*Gabriel Vasconcelos

*Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare, U. of California Santa Barbara

Thomas Verdebout, U. Libre de Bruxelles

David Veredas, Vlerick Business School

Martin Wagner, TU Dortmund

Antai Wang, New Jersey Inst of Tech

Chao Wang, The U. of Sydney

Chen Wang, U. of Hong Kong

Dan Wang

*Fa Wang, Cass Business School

Fangfang Wang

Hung-Jen Wang, Natl Taiwan Univ

Kaizheng Wang, Columbia U.

Lan Wang, U. of Minnesota

Rachel Wang, U. of Sydney

Shouyang Wang, Acad of Mathand Systems Sci, CAS

Wanjie Wang, National U. of Singapore

*Weining Wang, U. of York

Wendun Wang, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus U. Rotterdam

Wuyi Wang

*Xiaolu Wang

*Yulong Wang, Syracuse U. Maxwell Sch of Citizenship and Public Affairs

Christian Weiß, Helmut Schmidt U.

Kenneth West, U. of Wisconsin

Yoon-Jae Whang, Seoul National U.

*Dominik Wied, U. zu Koln

Daniel Wilhelm, U. College London

Christian Wolf

Michael Wolf, U. of Zurich

Tiemen Wouterse, n U of Arizona

Tomasz Woźniak, U. of Melbourne

Ian Wright, U. of Miami

Huihang Wu, PBCSF Tsinghua U.

Jilin Wu, Shandong U.

Weichi Wu

Conny Wunsch

*Kaspar Wuthrich, UC San Diego

*Lucy Xia, Hong Kong U. of Sci and Tech

Yin Xia, Fudan U. School of Management

Yiqing Xing

Jinfeng Xu, U. of Hong Kong

*Ke-Li Xu, Indiana U. Bloomington

*Mengyu Xu, U. of Central Florida

Min Xu, Rutgers U. New Brunswick

*Wen Xu, Capital U. of Econ and Bus

Xingbai Xu, Xiamen U.

Zheng Xu

Daniel Yaffe, U. of California San Diego

*Yohei Yamamoto, Hitotsubashi U.

*Ting Yan, Central China Normal U.

Takahide Yanagi, Kyoto U. - Yoshida Campus

*Bingduo Yang, Jiangxi U. of Finance and Econ

Fan Yang, U. of Pennsylvania

Jisheng Yang

Kai Yang, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

*Xiye Yang, Rutgers U.

*Yanrong Yang, Australian National U.

Tang Yanlin

Feng Yao, West Virginia U.

Yanping Yi, Zhejiang U.

*Kamil Yilmaz, Koc U.

Jun Yu, SMU

Keming Yu, Brunel U.

*Zhengfei Yu, U. of Tsukuba

Huiling Yuan, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

Paolo Zaffaroni, Imperial Coll, London

*Jean-Michel Zakoian, CREST and U. Lille 3

Daniel Zantedeschi

Chen Zhang

*Congshan Zhang

Danna Zhang, U. of California, San Diego

Jin-Ting Zhang, National U. of Singapore

Jun Zhang, Shenzhen U.

Ruizhi Zhang, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln

Ting Zhang, Boston U.

Xianyang Zhang, Texas A&M U.

*Xibin Zhang, Monash U.

Xu Zhang

Yonghui Zhang, Renmin U. of China School of Economics

*Zhiyuan Zhang, Shanghai U. of Fin and Econ

Xiaolu Zhao, Dongbei U. of Finance and Economics

Yunpeng Zhao, George Mason U.

Zifeng Zhao, U. of Notre Dame

Chao Zheng, Lancaster U.

*Wei Zhong, Xiamen U.

Chen Zhou, Erasmus U. Rotterdam Erasmus Sch of Econ

Jing Zhou, Renmin U. of China

Yahong Zhou, The Shanghai U. of Fin and Econ

Zhou Zhou, U. of Toronto

Qianqian Zhu, Shanghai U. of Finance and Economics

*Xuening Zhu, Fudan U.

*Yinchu Zhu, U. of California, San Diego

Ying Zhu

Yunzhang Zhu, The Ohio State U.

Eduardo Zilberman, Pontifical Catholic U. of Rio de Janeiro

Guohua Zou, Capital Normal U.

Jian Zou, Indiana U.-Purdue U. Indianapolis

*Tao Zou, Australian National U.

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