
Cyberdeviance, intentional use of information technology (IT) in the workplace that is contrary to the explicit and implicit norms of the organization and that threatens the well-being of the organization and/or its members, is an important research stream that has gained attention in academia and industry. Prior studies have treated different forms of cyberdeviance as different phenomena, resulting in a lack of a collective underlying conceptualization of cyberdeviance. This work inductively and empirically derives a typology of cyberdeviance with 439 respondents across three phases. Our results suggest that cyberdeviance varies along 3 dimensions: cyberdeviant behaviors that are minor versus serious; cyberdeviant behaviors that target individuals versus organizations; and cyberdeviant behaviors that require low versus high technical skill. We thus provide a comprehensive framework that fosters a logical linkage of various research programs related to cyberdeviance to guide future research investigation. The typology will help managers to distinguish different cyberdeviant behaviors and implement suitable interventions depending on the behavior.


Although information technology (IT) innovations continue to enhance individuals’ lives at work and home, they increase vulnerability to harmful deviant activities [Citation1, Citation11, Citation22, Citation30, Citation75]. A diverse array of such behaviors has begun to draw the attention of practitioners because of the huge costs incurred by such harmful activities. For instance, the nonwork use of IT in the workplace costs U.S. businesses over $60 billion in lost productivity annually [Citation53]. In addition to these direct costs, there are indirect costs stemming from lawsuits and diminished brand image, consumer loyalty, and trust. Many of these deviant behaviors often go unreported, making the actual costs even higher [Citation38, Citation58].

Cyberdeviance is defined as the intentional use of IT in the workplace that is contrary to the explicit and implicit norms of the organization, and that threatens the well-being of the organization and/or its members. Despite a growing body of work on cyberdeviance, divergent conceptualizations of deviant use of IT remain a significant challenge for scholars to theoretically advance this important stream of research [Citation11, Citation22]. Prior research has not focused on the nature of deviant IT use behaviors themselves. There is thus a lack of understanding of the underlying dimensions of cyberdeviance. In addition, prior research has almost solely focused on a particular deviant IT use behavior and is fragmented across the technical, psychological, and organizational behavior literature [Citation89]. For instance, Posey et al. [Citation59] suggested that prior studies examined information protective behaviors in isolation and there is a lack of understanding of the complex psychological processes surrounding the overall superset of behaviors. Similarly, in the context of cyberdeviance, previous works treated different forms of deviant IT use as different phenomena leading to a separate body of literature for each form of deviant behavior at work [e.g., Citation22, Citation32, Citation54, Citation67]. To date, there is a lack of an integrative conceptualization of cyberdeviance that logically describes and differentiates an overall set of deviant IT use behaviors.

The growing connectivity, ubiquity, portability, and boundary spanning nature of IT exacerbate the potential costs and risks of cyberdeviance [Citation91]. Only recently have organizations begun to monitor and regulate employees’ IT use in the workplace, but the effectiveness and unintended consequences of such countermeasures are uncertain. One possible explanation is that many organizations do not have a complete understanding of cyberdeviant behaviors and the threats they pose [Citation89]. As many cyberdeviant activities are not yet recognized, there are few laws and regulations governing them or interventions to prevent them. Likewise, research on cyberdeviance has seriously lagged practice [Citation66]. In order to provide guidance for practitioners to develop effective mitigation and intervention strategies to curb cyberdeviance, there is a need to identify the characteristics of different forms of deviant IT use in the workplace.

The systematics-based approach [Citation44] has been widely used in the natural sciences (e.g., biology, ecology, zoology) to discover the diversity among behaviors and their classifications. This approach has also been used among IS researchers [e.g., Citation34, Citation46, Citation59, Citation68] with the focus on classifying the similarities—and dissimilarities—among objects of interest from which functional studies and subsequent theoretical advancements can emerge [Citation80]. For instance, Posey et al. [Citation59] used a systematics-based approach to develop a formal taxonomy and classification schema for protective information security behaviors. Such an approach enhances our understanding of the behaviors of interest by describing and differentiating an overall set of behaviors [Citation43, Citation45]. It also provides researchers with insight into why findings from research that focus on one or only a subset of behaviors may not apply to others [Citation24, Citation25]. Given the wide range of deviant IT use behaviors in the workplace, the area of cyberdeviance can benefit from a systematic investigation by developing an empirically based typology of cyberdeviance. Specifically, the typology will help identify the nature of cyberdeviance and place cyberdeviance in the broader theoretical context of IT use in the workplace. The typology can assist in the identification of theoretical paradigms to study negative use of IT at work. Because little to no empirical research to date has examined how cyberdeviant behaviors are related to one another or what dimensions might underlie such deviant IT use, the present work breaks new ground for researchers related to IT use. We followed both Robinson and Bennett’s [Citation63] approach and a systematics-based approach [Citation59] to inductively and empirically derive a typology of cyberdeviance in 3 phases. In the first phase, we elicit a range of cyberdeviant behaviors that are prevalent in the workplace. In the second phase, we use multidimensional scaling (MDS) to determine the dimensional structure underlying the range of cyberdeviant behaviors. In the third phase, we identify, interpret, and label the resulting types of cyberdeviance.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: first, we present a background on why typologies are valuable followed by the conceptualization of cyberdeviance; then, we discuss the method followed by results; and, we conclude with a discussion of theoretical and managerial contributions.

Importance of Typologies

A key problem of cyberdeviance research is the lack of an integrative conceptualization of cyberdeviance that logically describes and differentiates various employees’ deviant IT use behaviors. Accordingly, we embraced a systematics-based approach [Citation59] to develop a typology of cyberdeviance. A typology provides a comprehensive map of a domain of a phenomenon and the ability to understand it with varying degrees of orientation and organization [Citation40]. Typologies function as theory and are the most basic type of theory [e.g., Citation17, Citation21, Citation47]. The construction of typologies is a fundamental aspect of the process of inquiry by means of which the range and depth of knowledge with respect to social phenomena can be expanded [Citation47]. To study an area that is underdeveloped and that has many unsolved problems, the disciplined construction and utilization of typologies are often useful first steps [Citation47, Citation63]. As research on cyberdeviance is in its infancy, a typological classification is vital to comprehend its myriad aspects. Gregor [Citation21] notes that there is a need for the development of typologies as a meaningful way to assess new constructs and relationships and uncover new patterns in existing relationships in IS research. Researchers in the fields of organizational behavior [e.g., Citation23, Citation63], strategic management [e.g., Citation19, Citation40], operations management [e.g., Citation27, Citation48], and information systems [e.g., Citation18, Citation20, Citation60] have developed typologies to understand specific individual or organizational phenomena. Such typologies have typically had significant influence on subsequent research in the respective domains.

In the organizational behavior literature, Robinson and Bennett [Citation63] inductively and empirically derived a typology of workplace deviance behaviors using MDS. MDS allows researchers to produce a typology using the perceptions of a diverse set of individuals who are blind to the purpose of a given study. In other words, this approach is less prone to researchers’ biases than typologies developed through other methods [Citation63]. Their typology triggered the development of common theories of workplace deviance that examine antecedents and consequences of various deviance behaviors, resulting in a richer understanding of the underlying dynamics of workplace deviance behaviors [e.g., Citation2, Citation42, Citation56, Citation94]. Likewise, a systematic and inductively derived typology of cyberdeviance could be a starting point to understand the complex phenomenon of cyberdeviance.

Based on our understanding, there is no systematically and empirically derived typology of cyberdeviance in the literature. Few attempts have been made to classify highly related phenomena, such as work deviance [Citation63] or computer abuse [Citation91]. Willison and Warkentin [Citation91], based on previous literature, proposed an IS security threat vector taxonomy. The main purpose of their work was to discuss potential research areas for empirical investigation. Robinson and Bennett [Citation63] derived a typology of employee deviance with the primary focus on traditional deviant behaviors at workplace, such as theft, workplace violence, and loafing. They systematically and empirically derived a typology of workplace deviance that varies along two dimensions: minor versus serious and interpersonal versus organizational. We believe that their typology provides a useful starting point for us to develop a typology of cyberdeviance. Specifically, our investigation and development of a typology of cyberdeviant behaviors will provide greater depth while also identifying underlying dimensions. We expect to advance the literature by identifying one or more IT-related dimensions in the typology of cyberdeviance.

Developing a typology of cyberdeviance through a systematics-based approach is important for several reasons. First, it will provide a theoretical framework to study a wide range of cyberdeviant behaviors under the broad research stream of cyberdeviance. This will help understand various aspects of cyberdeviance and integrate other related research programs by illuminating the similarities and differences across various cyberdeviant behaviors. Second, it will help identify potential causal relationships and contingency factors associated with the relationships. Finally, it will help managers devise effective interventions to mitigate the occurrence of cyberdeviant behaviors by evaluating each cyberdeviant behavior independent of the others, so that those behaviors with the most frequent occurrence and those that pose the greatest threat to organizations and their members can be dealt with first.

Conceptualization of Cyberdeviance

Workplace deviance is defined as “voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and in so doing threatens the well-being of an organization, its members, or both” [Citation63]. Organizational behavior researchers have long investigated deviant behaviors in the workplace [e.g., Citation6, Citation7, Citation15, Citation63, Citation64]. We build on Robinson and Bennett’s [Citation63] inductive approach and conceptualize cyberdeviance as IT use behaviors that violate organizational norms, that are intentional, that are performed by the employees, and that are potentially harmful to the organization and/or co-workers.

Determining what are good, right, or moral behaviors is based on the normative perceptions that exist in an organization [Citation5, Citation61]. Norms specify what behaviors are appropriate based on whether they conform to the expectations within a particular organization [Citation31, Citation81], which are defined and communicated by the dominant organizational coalition—i.e., leaders and executives [Citation10, Citation64]. Non-conforming behaviors can cause harm to the organization and/or the employees in the organization [Citation63]. Hence, cyberdeviance, here, is conceptualized as deviations that violate implicit and explicit organizational norms. Implicit norms include supervisors or colleagues’ attitude or behavior related to cyberdeviance as well as norms that generally come from the organization’s culture, whereas explicit norms include organizational control and policies for cyberdeviance.

Although there could be unintentional and unconscious acts of negative IT use that are not under one’s volitional control, our conceptualization of cyberdeviance specifically deals with intentional and purposeful actions performed by employees. The characteristics of actions are also important features of our conceptualization of cyberdeviance. Our conceptualization of cyberdeviance focuses on at the intent to perform the behavior rather than the intent to cause harm. Hence, the focus is on IT use itself regardless of whether it results in harmful consequences for individuals and/or organizations. Although cyberdeviant behaviors can be performed by outsiders to the organization, our conceptualization focuses on employees within the organization. Similarly, although cyberdeviance can be targeted toward individuals and institutions outside the organization, our conceptualization of cyberdeviance is aimed at objects within the organization.

Prior Studies on Cyberdeviance

The scope of cyberdeviance in organizations is quite broad. The deviant use of IT ranges from relatively benign behaviors, such as Internet browsing, listening to music, and nonwork emailing, to more damaging or illegal behaviors, such as illegal downloading, IT sabotage, hacking and unauthorized entry into co-workers’ or supervisors’ computers. Appendix A summarizes key studies from 1997 to 2018Footnote1 published in leading IS journals—that is, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIS Quarterly—related to the deviant use of IT in the workplace. This summary provides an overview of the prior IS research on the topic. Specifically, these journals have published papers investigating the risks from intentional activities, such as software piracy [e.g., Citation50, Citation54], cyberloafing [e.g., Citation32], malicious insider attacks [e.g., Citation35], data or identity theft [e.g., Citation3], and unethical IT use [e.g., Citation11, Citation67]. However, prior IS works have not been logically integrated in an overarching framework [Citation89]. Similarly, there is no systematically and empirically derived typology of cyberdeviance in the organizational behavior literature. Prior studies have almost solely focused on one particular type of cyberdeviance. For example, Lim [Citation36] used the social exchange and organizational justice perspectives to explain employees’ engagement in cyberloafing (or cyberslacking). Weatherbee and Kelloway [Citation88] studied cyberaggression, with a focus on interpersonal aggression at work.


The main purpose of this work is to develop a typology of cyberdeviance. We followed Robinson and Bennett’s approach [Citation63] to inductively develop a typology of cyberdeviance in 3 phases. This approach is inductive and grounded in nature. By casting the net wide (wider than may have been done in the previous research), we allow the dimensions that emerge to be grounded in actual experience. depicts the 3-phase typology development process. The natural starting point for a systematics-based approach is to derive the major behaviors that comprise the typology. Thus, the objective of phase 1 was to derive the range of cyberdeviant behaviors that are prevalent in the workplace. To accomplish this, focus group interviews were conducted to elicit different cyberdeviant behaviors. Then, a systematics-based approach guided us to understand how behaviors were related to each other. The objective of phase 2 was to position the behaviors elicited in phase 1 within an n-dimensional space using MDS. Specifically, a different group of participants rated how similar or different each elicited cyberdeviant behavior was from the others. MDS was then used to derive the spatial configuration of the cyberdeviant behaviors based on the similarity/dissimilarity ratings to produce the n-dimensional taxonomy. The objective of phase 3 was to create meaningful labels for the different dimensions identified in phase 2. Specifically, a different group of participants provided labels for the dimensions and rated how each cyberdeviant behavior fits with the label descriptors. MDS-based regression analysis was then performed to derive the final labels that describe each dimension. The use of different participants in each of the phases of the study minimized participant bias and carryover effects. The procedures and ensuing results for each phase of the study are discussed next.

Figure 1. The 3-phase typology development process

Figure 1. The 3-phase typology development process

Phase 1: Focus Group Interviews to Elicit Cyberdeviant Behavior Incidents


We sent an invitation to 525 employees of a Fortune 100 company to participate in this phase of the research. The supervisor forwarded our email invitation to his/her subordinates. The email stated that we sought volunteers to participate in an interactive group discussion forum about different ways they use IT. Of these 525 employees, 134 employees agreed to participate, thus resulting in a response rate of 26%. Of the 134 participants, 59% of the participants were men and the average age was 39. All participants were working full-time, the average tenure with the company was 7 years, and 106 participants had at least an undergraduate degree. Various job functions and business units were represented, thus helping us to obtain diverse viewpoints.


Focus group sessions were conducted over a 3-day period on-site at two different locations of the company in a large metropolitan area in the United States. We followed the guidelines and suggestions provided by Morgan [Citation51] to conduct the focus group sessions. Participants were divided into 9 groups and each session was restricted to no more than 20 people, the number of participants in each group ranged between 12 and 18. Three focus group sessions were conducted each day between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and each session lasted between 40 minutes and 1 hour. At the beginning of each focus group session, the specific activities of the session were explained to the participants. Participants did not have prior knowledge about the research or the activities of the session. The moderator (one of the authors) followed a script to moderate the basic dialog of all sessions. The script was created to include no value judgments and aimed to be unbiased. A co-moderator, who was not involved in the research, kept track of time, facilitated the discussions, and took notes as needed. The facilitation of the discussion by the co-moderator who did not know the research or its objectives allowed the discussion to be free-flowing and yet not be steered in any particular direction that could be construed as biased. Participants were first given a sheet of paper and were asked to list at least 2 incidents of someone using IT inappropriately at work in the organization and briefly describe why they thought it was inappropriate. Each participant was then asked to describe the incidents followed by an open discussion of the complete list of incidents and why they were inappropriate behaviors. Participants were asked to share their views and not required to reach agreement. Every participant listed at least 2 incidents and the number of incidents listed by participants ranged from 2 to 12 across the 9 sessions. At the end of each session, a summary of the discussion was provided to the participants and they were asked to confirm that the summary was an accurate representation of the discussion. They were then given an opportunity to add any other ideas or provide comments prior to the end of the session. Based on the focus group sessions, a total of 132 statements describing cyberdeviant behaviors were compiled for further evaluation. As we asked our participants to state the cyberdeviant behaviors that others have performed in this phase, we believe that this approach encourages participants to honestly voice their opinions and eliminate the fear of being stigmatized or being subject to social desirability bias.

Next, a group of 15 judges comprising doctoral students and faculty members in a U.S. business school, who did not have any prior knowledge about the current study, were asked to independently evaluate the 132 cyberdeviant statements. Specifically, the judges were asked to check for redundancy and verbosity, to paraphrase or remove statements as needed, and to make sure the statements were inclusive enough to be generalized across different populations and organizations. The judges were also given the definition of cyberdeviance and asked to rate each of the behaviors on the extent to which they fit the definition of cyberdeviance. Specifically, the judges separately rated whether these behaviors were voluntary, violated general organizational norms, and were potentially harmful to organizations and/or employees. Here are some examples of discarded items: collecting other employees’ discarded printouts from the trash; contributing content to hate websites; indulging in activities that violate consumer privacy; printing big files (hundreds of pages) from work printers that are not work related; scanning personal pictures using a scanner at work; stealing other employees’ printouts. The authors checked the consistency of the results from the 15 judges and finalized a list of 54 cyberdeviant behaviors (see ).

Table 1. List of Cyberdeviant Behaviors

Phase 2: MDS of Cyberdeviant Behavior Incidents


Two hundred and forty employees across 5 different organizationsFootnote2 in the southeastern United States participated in phase 2. E-mails were sent to 750 employees across all 5 organizations, each from 1 of 5 different industries, i.e., retailing, telecommunication, logistics, marketing, and transportation, using a list maintained by a research center at a U.S. university. A total of 240 participants, with an average age of 36 and working full-time, volunteered and participated in this study. Of the participants, 107 were women. All participants completed all the tasks, thus resulting in a response rate of 32%.


The first step in deriving the typology using MDS was to create the psychological distances between behaviors. This was accomplished by specifying how similar or different each behavior was from the other behaviors. Each respondent was asked to rate a different set of 100 randomly generated pairs of statements from the 54 statements generated in the previous phase. Specifically, participants rated the degree of similarity or difference among each pair of statements using a 9-point Likert-type scale (1 = very similar, 9 = very different) in an online environment. For example, a participant might rate the degree of similarity/difference between “engaging in identity theft” and “sending personal emails”. As there are n(n-1)/2 total pairs across all 54 statements (where n = 54), the resulting 1,431 possible comparisons was deemed to be too cognitively demanding and complex for the respondents to process. Respondents could be asked to rate all possible comparisons in an MDS study, but prior research has typically used a subset of all possible comparisons to reduce the complexity of the task [e.g., Citation55, Citation63]. Using a subset of statement pairs has been shown to reduce respondent burnout, errors, and attrition, but not have any adverse effect on the findings [Citation63, Citation76]. Hence, we asked participants to rate 100 pairs of statements. The participants were then asked to specify the criteria that they used for their ratings.

The next step was to interpret the number of underlying dimensions that provide an optimal fit for the data. This was accomplished by deriving the spatial configuration of the various cyberdeviant behaviors on the basis of the perceived difference from the other behaviors as rated by the respondents. The greater the differences (i.e., higher the ratings on the pairs) between the cyberdeviant behaviors, the greater was the distance between them in the spatial configuration. First, a matrix of dissimilarities (54 x 54) among the cyberdeviant behaviors was constructed based on the ratings provided by the respondents. Next, a metric MDS analysis was conducted to create dimensional configurations related to 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions [Citation33]. The metric MDS is a method for constructing the geometric configuration of the different dimensions based on the Euclidian distances [see 13, 33] among the cyberdeviant behaviors in a spatial spectrum.


The metric MDS analysis was performed using the ALSCAL program in SPSS. Two fit indexes—stress index and distance correlation—were used to analyze the underlying dimensions created by the metric MDS analysis. The fit indexes are objective functions that represent the extent to which the derived configuration fit with the data. Specifically, the indexes show whether a particular n-dimensional configuration fits the cyberdeviant behaviors better than other n-dimensional configurations. Stress index is the square root of the normalized residual sum of squares for the dimensional solution and may have values from 0 to 1 and determines which dimensional configuration explains the most variance [Citation33]. Given the various cyberdeviant behaviors, the smallest possible value of the stress index without an appreciable decline in stress from 1 n-dimensional configuration to an n+1-dimensional configuration is determined. A scree plot of the stress indexes for all the dimensional solutions was created to assess the decline in stress indexes across the n-dimensional space. A scree plot is particularly useful when dealing with comparisons larger than 30 [Citation33]. The second fit index, the distance correlation (R2), provides the correlation between the transformed data and the distances provided by MDS, that is, the higher the value of R2, the better the fit.

Based on the dimension heuristic suggested by Kruskal and Wish [Citation33], the stress indexes for 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions were assessed. The 1-dimensional configuration had a stress index of .43 and R2 of .49; the 2-dimensional configuration had a stress index of .39 and R2 of .56; the 3-dimensional configuration had a stress index of .26 and R2 of .70; and the 4-dimensional configuration had a stress index of .22 and R2 of .71. The stress index had a moderate drop from the 1-dimensional to the 2-dimensional configuration, a noticeable drop from the 2-dimensional to the 3-dimensional configuration, and leveled off from the 3-dimensional to the 4-dimensional configuration. The R2 for the configurations also leveled off from the 3-dimensional to the 4-dimensional configuration. The scree plot also suggested that the stress indexes leveled off after the 3-dimensional configuration. The results indicated that the 3-dimensional typology provided the most parsimonious and definitive solution.

Phase 3: Interpreting and Labeling Typology Categories


Participants in this phase comprised 4 doctoral students and 46 full-time MBA students, with an average of 5 years of prior work experience. The average age was 32. The participants were informed about the activities a week prior to the session.


As mentioned in the phase 2 discussion earlier, the respondents in phase 2, when rating the similarities or differences among the behaviors, also indicated the criteria (why they think the behaviors are similar or different) they used to provide the similarity/difference ratings. First, the 4 doctoral students, blind to the study, acted as judges and were asked to evaluate the criteria, and paraphrase and simplify them. For example, one of the respondents (from phase 2) specified that “I looked at them to see if they were similar in the degree of harm, risk potential in terms of how they can hurt different stakeholders in the company” and one of the judges had paraphrased the statement as harming different stakeholders and another judge had paraphrased the statement as seriously hurting the co-workers. The judges were then asked to provide potential labels or attributes that best describe the criteria by creating bi-polar indicators. The judges created 7 bi-polar descriptors based on the top 7 criteria: serious - not serious, harmful to individuals - not harmful to individuals, harmful to organization - not harmful to organization, moral - immoral, visible to others - not visible to others, low technical skill required - high technical skill required, useful to the individual - not useful to the individual. Then, the 46 MBA students rated each of the 54 cyberdeviant behaviors on each of the bi-polar descriptors using a 9-point Likert-type scale. For example, one of the bi-polar descriptors ranged from “this behavior is not harmful to organizations” (1) to “this behavior is harmful to organizations” (9).


The first step toward the interpretation of the dimensions was to specify the average of the MBA respondents’ ratings of the 54 behaviors on each of the 7 bi-polar descriptors. Regression analysis was then performed to determine the relationship between the mean ratings of each cyberdeviant behavior along each bi-polar descriptor—that is, the ratings of the MBA students—and the 3-dimensional configuration—that is, stimulus coordinates for every behavior on the 3 dimensions. The mean ratings were the dependent variables and the coordinates of the configuration were the independent variables in the regression model. The coordinatesFootnote3 were the actual position—that is, distance from the origin—of the cyberdeviant behaviors in the 3-dimensional configuration. The regression specifically tests to see if the bi-polar indicators have a relationship to the position of the cyberdeviant behaviors in the 3-dimensional space such that the bi-polar indicators can be linked to the 3 dimensions. The final bi-polar labels will be chosen based on the squared multiple correlations and the beta weights from the regression analysis. A bi-polar descriptor having a high squared multiple correlation in relation to the stimulus coordinates and a high beta weight on a specific dimension can be considered as a descriptor for that dimension. The regression line corresponding to each of the bi-polar descriptors is in the form:

a+b1x1+ b2x2+ b3x3

where b1, b2, and b3 are the beta coefficients or cosine values of the angle between the regression line and each of the dimensional axes; and x1, x2, and x3 are the coordinates of the cyberdeviant behavior in the three-dimensional space.

In interpreting the dimensions and their respective bi-polar indicators, the multiple correlations must be high—that is, variance explaining the bi-polar descriptor by the coordinates—and the regression weights should be high—that is, the angle between the dimensional axis and the regression line representing the bi-polar indicator is small [Citation33]. shows the results.

Table 2. Results of Regression for the Dimensions for Bi-polar Descriptors

Dimension 1

The largest regression weight on the first dimension was .77 (a regression weight of .77 corresponds to an angle of 40 degrees as cosine (40°) = .77) associated with the minor - serious bi-polar indicator and the corresponding squared multiple correlation was .76. This dimension was hence related to the minor - serious bi-polar indicator. Specifically, it suggested that one of the underlying dimensions for classifying cyberdeviant behaviors is whether the particular cyberdeviant behavior was minor or serious. Consequently, we labeled the first dimension “minor versus serious cyberdeviance.”

Dimension 2

The most significant regression weight on the second dimension was −.71 on the harmful to individual - not harmful to individual bi-polar indicator and the corresponding value of squared multiple correlation was .72. The bi-polar indicator harmful to organization - not harmful to organization also had a high coefficient for this dimension (.67) with a multiple correlation coefficient of .64. As the bi-polar indicators harmful - not harmful to individual and harmful - not harmful to organization had relationships with dimension 2 in opposite directions (one was positive and the other was negative) and given both had high beta weight and multiple correlation on the same dimension, dimension 2 was a combined bi-polar indicator of harmful to organizations or individuals. Specifically, it suggested that one of the underlying dimensions for classifying cyberdeviant behaviors was whether the particular cyberdeviant behavior was harmful to individuals or the organization. Collectively, we labeled this dimension “individual versus organizational cyberdeviance.”

Dimension 3

The most significant regression weight on the third dimension was -.80 on the low technical skill - high technical skill required bi-polar indicator and the corresponding squared multiple correlation was .84. This suggested that one of the underlying dimensions for classifying cyberdeviant behaviors was whether or not one needed strong technical skill to engage in cyberdeviance. We, therefore, labeled the third dimension “low technical skill versus high technical skill cyberdeviance.” shows typical behaviors in each dimensional configuration in the typology.

Table 3. Typical Behaviors in Each Dimensional Configuration in the Typology*


This work builds on an emerging stream of research on deviant use of IT in the workplace and develops a typology of cyberdeviance in a 3-phase research study. Following Robinson and Bennett [Citation63] and a systematics-based approach [Citation59], we inductively developed a typology of cyberdeviance with 3 dimensions, namely “minor versus serious,” “individual versus organizational,” and “low technical versus high technical skill,” suggesting that cyberdeviant behaviors can be categorized based on whether they are minor or serious in nature, whether they affect the individuals or organizations, and whether low or high technical skill is required to engage in cyberdeviance. The results share some similarities with the typology of workplace deviance, but is unique in terms of the IT-specific dimension (i.e., low technical versus high technical skill required). Based on the different combinations of the 3 dimensions, there are 8 categories of cyberdeviant behaviors. The categories can be connected to 4 existing streams of research in prior literature, namely cyberslacking, computer abuse, unauthorized access and use of IT, and cyberaggression.

Cyberslacking (or cyberloafing) refers to nonwork personal use of IT [Citation90]. The categories of “A minor form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with low technical skill” and “A serious form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with low technical skill” are connected to cyberslacking. Some researchers considered cyberslacking as a form of “production deviance” [Citation36] that can be accomplished relatively easily. This form of counterproductive workplace behavior [Citation28, Citation52] can distract employees, thus affecting their productivity. All deviant IT use behaviors (e.g., “sending/receiving personal emails and instant messages,” “browsing websites for personal purposes,” “listening to the music on the computer,” “playing computer games”) identified in the category of “A minor form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with low technical skill” are nonwork personal use of IT that affect productivity. Further, the results show that this form of cyberdeviance requires low technical skill, supporting the assumption of cyberslacking that is easy to perform. Some researchers, however, considered cyberslacking as a form of “property deviance” [Citation9] that suggests that deviant IT use behaviors have the potential for consuming organizational resources (e.g., network or software). The deviant IT use behaviors (e.g., “accessing pornography content,” “accessing violent and hatred content,” “playing online games”) identified in the category of “A serious form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with low technical skill” are nonwork personal use of IT that can be easily performed but seriously drain organizational computing networks and bandwidth [Citation87].

To conclude, cyberslacking is generally regarded as organizationally oriented deviant IT use with low technical skill required. The “production deviance” type of cyberslacking usually has minor impacts to the organization, whereas the “property deviance” type of cyberslacking has more serious impacts on the organization. These two types of cyberslacking behaviors have been well-studied in the organizational behavior literature [e.g., Citation36, Citation52, Citation95] but not in the mainstream IS literature (except [Citation32]).

Computer abuse is a distinct stream of IS research that primarily focused on issues related to computer security, privacy, and fraud [Citation39, Citation49, Citation70, Citation71, Citation91]. According to our review of papers published in leading IS journals (see Appendix A), most prior IS studies focused on this form of cyberdeviance [e.g., Citation3, Citation11, Citation35], probably because of its serious impact on organizations. All deviant IT use behaviors (e.g., “hacking and intrusions into computer resources,” “accessing illegal content,” “stealing customer information and deceiving customers,” “spreading virus in work computers”) identified in the category of “A serious form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with high technical skill” is connected with the computer abuse literature. This stream of research has paid attention to serious IT-related criminal behaviors [e.g., Citation16] that target organizations. Furthermore, most studies in this area have investigated control mechanisms intended to deter computer crimes [e.g., 4, 26, 49, 71, 72, 91]. This literature argues that computer crimes committed by employees can be prevented by sanctions and countermeasures [Citation72], such as monitoring technology use [Citation70], providing security awareness education and training [Citation4], and strictly enforcing IT use policies and code of ethics [Citation26]. Studies in this area are well-established and systematically organized in the IS literature [e.g., Citation37, Citation91].

Unauthorized access and use of IT refers to the violation of the right to access and use IT resources in organizations. All deviant IT use behaviors (e.g., “making unauthorized Internet phone calls,” “unauthorized installation of hardware and software in company computers,” “using external ISPs/proxy servers to connect to the Internet from work”) identified in the category of “A minor form of organizationally oriented deviant use of IT with high technical skill” is connected with the IS literature on unauthorized access and use. Similar to the computer abuse literature, existing works in IS mainly focused on interventions to reduce the violations of IT access and use in a nonintrusive manner [e.g., Citation82].

Cyberaggression represents a constellation of offensive behaviors and attitudes intending to intimidate, harass, or threaten a co-worker [Citation57]. Cyberaggression has been extensively researched in prior research [e.g., Citation12, Citation14, Citation41, Citation69, Citation73]. However, most of these studies only focused on how cyberaggression negatively affected job performance and other task-related outcomes in the workplace [Citation88]. Researchers seldom look at this form of cyberdeviance from the degree of impact (i.e., minor versus serious) and the technical skill required (i.e., low technical skill versus high technical skill). Compared with other forms of cyberdeviance, cyberaggression has been less systematically investigated in the IS literature.

Theoretical Implications

This work contributes to the IS literature in several ways. First, whereas a significantly large portion of the IS literature has been directed toward examining positive IT use, both in the workplace and society [Citation65, Citation86], this work provided a parsimonious typology of cyberdeviance that can guide future research on negative use of IT at work. Recently, scholars in IS have argued for a rich conceptualization of system use by including the different patterns of IT use [e.g., Citation62, Citation74, Citation86, Citation96]. Our typology will enable researchers to understand the relationships among the different types and subsequently, among the different behaviors. For example, all cyberdeviance behaviors that are potentially harmful to the organizations can be examined together to understand the commonalities across them. This will in turn help develop a general theory of cyberdeviance by examining behaviors within and across the dimensions.

Second, we note that this work benefitted from using a systematics-based approach [Citation59]. Specifically, we followed both Robinson and Bennett’s [Citation63] approach and a systematics-based approach [Citation59] to inductively develop a typology of cyberdeviance in 3 phases. We identified that cyberdeviance varied along 3 dimensions and integrated numerous deviant IT use behaviors into a framework. The typology derived here makes a contribution to the literature by empirically validating the existing literature on workplace deviance and adding a new dimension that is IT-specific. In addition, our typology identified the underlying dimensions of cyberdeviance and thus clarified not only the different categories of deviant IT use behaviors, but also how these categories were related to one another. For example, our typology indicated that computer abuse behaviors, such as IT security and privacy violations, can be theoretically placed under the type of cyberdeviance that were serious, required high technical skill, and were harmful to organizations. Similarly, the typology illustrated that cyberslacking can be theoretically placed under the subset of behaviors that are minor and require low technical skill. To determine whether a cyberslacking behavior was a production-deviant or property-deviant activity, the degree of harm to organizations (minor versus serious) was an important indicator.

Third, this typology is useful in the development of general theories of cyberdeviance. Particularly, it created meaningful patterns out of the wide range of cyberdeviant behaviors by allowing us to describe and differentiate deviant IT use behaviors. It also facilitated integrating and positioning prior streams of research in the framework. Furthermore, the typology allowed us to connect to the existing literature and understand the research status of various forms of cyberdeviance. For instance, the results clearly suggested that several deviant IT use behaviors (e.g., cyberslacking, cyberaggression) have not been systematically investigated in the IS literature.

Limitations and Future Research

There are some limitations of this work that should be noted. The list of cyberdeviant behaviors generated was based on a single organization and the behaviors may differ in other organizations or organizations in other industries. However, employees from a wide range of job functions from software developers to administrative assistants and from various business units participated in the study that suggest that the results could potentially generalize across different populations. Furthermore, as one of the authors was directly involved in the data collection, the biases of the researcher might have influenced the findings. However, the author followed a strict and unbiased script with no value statements, thus minimizing this concern; further, we believe that the use of multiple participants and multiple judges in each phase of the study minimized bias. Another limitation was that respondents in phase 2 of the study evaluated only 100 pairs of behaviors. This made it difficult to render each individual’s overall dimensional configuration, which requires all respondents to rate all possible pairs of behavior. As each individual’s dimensional configuration might have been different, it could have been useful to understand the individual assessment of the different dimensions. However, as noted earlier, in addition to the prohibitive number of statement pairs as a constraint, prior research has consistently demonstrated that such use of subsets of pairs had no effect on the dimensional configuration.

Future research can build on our typology to investigate the motivations and consequences of the various categories of cyberdeviance. For instance, what are the motivations (or consequences) that are unique to specific cells in the typology? Existing theories or prior research could be most useful for this future research direction, which went as far as establishing the typology, leaving an unanswered question: what are the motivational factors (or the diverse negative consequences) of these cyberdeviance behaviors and what is their generality and/or specificity relative to the typology categories? Although we expect that the nature of the cyberdeviant behavior remains similar, the technologies involved may change over time because of the emergence of new technologies. For example, we identified that “sending/receiving personal emails” as one form of cyberslacking/cyberloafing behavior. The use of personal emails may become less often as people are changing the way they communicate with each other. Most people are now relying on instant messaging or social networking sites for instant communication rather than using emails. Future research should continue to explore how cyberdeviant behaviors change over time—these changes can be triggered in a variety of ways that include the evolution of platforms that may even create new paradigms of applications [see 93]. More broadly, given that technologies are used for productive purposes even outside the workplace [see 77] suggests the need to understand nonwork behaviors in a holistic way. As such investigations get underway, key contingencies, ranging from individual demographics to situational, cultural, or psychological variables, will be important to incorporate [e.g., Citation83, Citation84, Citation85, Citation92].

Managerial and Public Policy Implications

This work has important implications for managers. The typology developed here provided a comprehensive categorization of various cyberdeviant behaviors that were prevalent in the workplace. Our typology can potentially help managers to distinguish between various cyberdeviant behaviors and focus on the behaviors that have potentially serious outcomes first. The typology can help managers implement interventions based on the different subtypes of cyberdeviance. As each cyberdeviant behavior is largely different from other cyberdeviant behaviors, different interventions can be designed to curb different behaviors. For example, monitoring can be implemented to curb serious behaviors, such as breaching the security or hacking, whereas some sort of incentive-based interventions can be implemented for more benign behaviors, such as cyberslacking.

Given the increase in cyberdeviance and the potential for more serious violations using IT, organizations are being asked to produce electronic artifacts, such as email and instant messages logs, in courts for legal proceedings and liabilities are becoming a cause for concern. In fact, damage from cyberdeviance and the potential liability for deviant IT use behaviors has become such a common occurrence that third-party insurance, popularly known as cyberinsurance, is flourishing [Citation88, Citation97]. An implication for practice is that the typology can help disseminate the seriousness of the behaviors and potential for damage, which can be used in writing cyberinsurance policies. The typology can also help system designers to build better systems that prevent users from engaging in cyberdeviance. The dimensional attribute of low versus high technical skill supports the notion that different systems can be used for different cyberdeviant behaviors and hence, features of a specific system can be designed based on the type of cyberdeviant behaviors that users are more likely to engage in using that particular system.

The current work also has important implications for public policy. Judicial and legislative systems in the United States are now increasingly dealing with cases involving a wide range of IT-enabled deviant behaviors, including sexual harassment, theft, discrimination, financial frauds, spamming, hacking, illegal pornography, espionage, and sabotage [Citation29, Citation78]. Laws for IT-based offenses have also been strengthened in the last decade or so. Many terms, such as cyberstalking, cyberextortion, and cyberharrasment, have been coined and are used as official judicial parlance for prosecution [Citation79]. However, the technological advances and the sophistication in computer crimes have limited the ability to carefully identify the victims, assess the damages, prosecute the perpetrators and most importantly, prevent the crimes. Legislation and enactment of statutes have typically occurred only after the computer crimes have been committed [Citation79]. This typology can serve as a starting point and guide a discourse to prevent such crimes.

Cyberdeviance has also permeated into social, economic, educational, and political landscapes. Senators have resigned and political parties have been maligned getting caught up in cyberdeviant activities; innocent victims of IT-based sexual harassment have committed suicide; racially charged emails have been sent to minority students; and students have bullied other students via emails. This typology can guide public policy development by helping government and judicial systems in devising laws that govern the misuse of IT.


Despite the increased prevalence of cyberdeviance, researchers and practitioners have yet to gain a comprehensive understanding of this problem, which is vital in today’s workplace. This work examined deviant IT use behaviors in the workplace and developed a typology of cyberdeviance in a 3-phase study. We used both Robinson and Bennett’s [Citation63] approach and a systematics-based approach [Citation59] to inductively develop a typology that allowed us to connect the previously fragmented streams of research on various forms of cyberdeviant behaviors. As previously developed typologies across different fields of study have had a profound impact [e.g., Citation8, Citation18, Citation20, Citation60, Citation63] on advancing knowledge in the respective areas, we believe our typology can pave the way for a new line of inquiry in IS research regarding cyberdeviant behaviors and help in advancing our limited understanding of cyberdeviance. Our typology will also help managers to distinguish different types of cyberdeviant behaviors and focus organizational resources on curbing those that have potentially serious negative consequences. It will also help managers to devise and implement interventions based on the attributes of the subtypes of cyberdeviance.


The authors wish to thank the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Zwass, and the reviewers for their support and guidance throughout the review process. We also acknowledge Dmitriy Nesterkin’s assistance with the data collection. Finally, the authors are grateful to the first author’s dissertation committee members, Professors John Aloysius, Daniel Ganster, and Anne O’Leary-Kelly, who provided valuable advice during the entire research project.

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Srinivasan Venkatraman

Srinivasan Venkatraman ([email protected]) is a Chief Data Scientist and AI/Machine Learning leader for The Boeing Company. He leads teams of data scientists in designing, developing, and deploying machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms ranging from regression and classification to computer vision/deep learning models across engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, robotics, in-flight mechanics, and a multitude of other functions in the aerospace domain. Prior to joining Boeing, Dr. Venkatraman was on the Information Systems faculty at Washington State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems.

Christy M. K. Cheung

Christy M. K. Cheung ([email protected]; corresponding author) is an Associate Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. She earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include technology use as related to well-being, IT adoption and use, societal implications of IT use, and social media. She has published over one hundred refereed articles in scholarly journals and conference proceedings, including Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and MIS Quarterly, among others. Dr. Cheung is President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS-Hong Kong Chapter). She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Internet Research.

Zach W. Y. Lee

Zach W. Y. Lee ([email protected]) is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at Durham University Business School, United Kingdom. He holds a Ph.D. degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests include online consumer behaviors, organizational and societal implications of IT use, social media, and e-commerce. He has published in such journals as Information & Management, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Marketing Analytics, and others. Dr. Lee serves as an Associate Editor of Internet Research.

Fred D. Davis

Fred D. Davis ([email protected]) is Professor and Stevenson Chair in Information Technology at Texas Tech University. He earned his Ph.D. from MIT’s Sloan School of Management, and he served on the Business School faculties of University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Maryland, and University of Arkansas. Dr. Davis’s research interests include user acceptance of information technology, technology-supported decision making, system development practices, and NeuroIS. His research has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Management Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and other leading journals.

Viswanath Venkatesh

Viswanath Venkatesh ([email protected]), who completed his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, is Distinguished Professor and Billingsley Chair at the University of Arkansas. His extensively cited body of work has appeared in the leading journals in human-computer interaction, information systems, organizational behavior, psychology, marketing, medical informatics, and operations management. Dr. Venkatesh developed and maintains an IS research rankings website that has received the Technology Legacy Award from the Association of Information Systems (AIS). He has served in editorial roles at various leading journals. He is a Fellow of the AIS and of the Information Systems Society (INFORMS).


1. Articles published or available as forthcoming in 2018 at the time of submission of this version of the paper are included.

2. All 5 organizations had at least 1,000 employees and 3 of the 5 belonged to the Fortune 500.

3. Each behavior on the 3-dimensional space will have 3 coordinates corresponding to their position in the space. For example, say the 3 coordinates are x, y and z. Then, each of the 54 statements will correspond to a point in the 3-dimensional space (xi, yi, zi), where i ranges from 1 to 54.


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Appendix A:

Prior studies of negative IT use in the workplace from ISR, JAIS, JMIS, and MISQ (1997 to 2018)


  1. Addas, S., and Pinsonneault, A. E-mail interruptions and individual performance: Is there a silver lining? MIS Quarterly, 42, 2 (2018), 381-405.

  2. Anandarajan, M. Profiling web usage in the workplace: A behavior-based artificial intelligence approach. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19, 1 (2002), 243-266.

  3. Angst, C.M.; Block, E.S.; D’Arcy, J.; and Kelley, K. Data security breach, institutional theory, firm characteristics, IT security, health IT, panel data, growth mixture model, longitudinal. MIS Quarterly, 41, 3 (2017), 893-916.

  4. Ayyagari, R.; Grover, V.; and Purvis, R. Technostress: Technological antecedents and implications. MIS Quarterly, 35, 4 (2011), 831-858.

  5. Banerjee, D.; Cronan, T.P.; and Jones, T.W. Modeling IT ethics: A study in situational ethics. MIS Quarterly, 22, 1 (1998), 31-60.

  6. Barlow, J.; Warkentin, M.; Ormond, D.; and Dennis, A.R. Don’t even think about it! The effects of anti-neutralization, informational, and normative communication on information security compliance. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (forthcoming).

  7. Bulgurcu, B.; Cavusoglu, H.; and Benbasat, I. Information security policy compliance: An empirical study of rationality-based beliefs and information security awareness. MIS Quarterly, 34, 3 (2010), 523-548.

  8. Chidambaram, L., and Tung, L.L. Is out of sight, out of mind? An empirical study of social loafing in technology-supported groups. Information Systems Research, 16, 2 (2005), 149-168.

  9. Culnan, M.J., and Williams, C.C. How ethics can enhance organizational privacy: Lessons from the choicepoint and TJX data breaches. MIS Quarterly, 33, 4 (2009), 673-687.

  10. D’Arcy, J.; Hovav, A.; and Galletta, D. User awareness of security countermeasures and its impact on information systems misuse: A deterrence approach. Information Systems Research, 20, 1 (2009), 79-98.

  11. George, J.F.; Marett, K.; and Giordano, G. Deception: Toward an individualistic view of group support systems. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9, 10/11 (2008), 653-676.

  12. Guo, K.H.; Yuan, Y.; Archer, N.P.; and Connelly, C.E. Understanding nonmalicious security violations in the workplace: A composite behavior model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 28, 2 (2011), 203-236.

  13. Gwebu, K.L.; Wang, J.; and Wang, L. The role of corporate reputation and crisis response strategies in data breach management. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35, 2 (2018), 683-714.

  14. Hu, Q.; West, R.; and Smarandescu, L. The role of self-control in information security violations: Insights from a cognitive neuroscience perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31, 4 (2015), 6-48.

  15. Jensen, M.L.; Dinger, M.; Wright, R.T.; and Thatcher, J.B. Training to mitigate phishing attacks using mindfulness techniques. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34, 2 (2017), 597-626.

  16. Johnston, A.C., and Warkentin, M. Fear appeals and information security behaviors: An empirical study. MIS Quarterly, 34, 3 (2010), 549-566.

  17. Khansa, L.; Kuem, J.; Siponen, M.; and Kim, S.S. To cyberloaf or not to cyberloaf: The impact of the announcement of formal organizational controls. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34, 1 (2017), 141-176.

  18. Liang, H.; Xue, Y.; and Wu, L. Ensuring employees’ IT compliance: Carrot or stick? Information Systems Research, 24, 2 (2013), 279-294.

  19. Lowry, P.B.; Willison, R.; and Paternoster, R. A tale of two deterrents: Considering the role of absolute and restrictive deterrence to inspire new directions in behavioral and organizational security research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (forthcoming).

  20. Menard, P.; Bott, G.J.; and Crossler, R.E. User motivations in protecting information security: Protection motivation theory versus self-determination theory. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34, 4 (2017), 1203-1230.

  21. Moody, G.D.; Siponen, M.; and Pahnila, S. Toward a unified model of information security policy compliance. MIS Quarterly, 42, 1 (2018), 285-311.

  22. Moores, T.T., and Chang, J.C.-J. Ethical decision making in software piracy: Initial development and test of a four-component model. MIS Quarterly, 30, 1 (2006), 167-180.

  23. Peace, A.G.; Galletta, D.F.; and James, Y.L.T. Software piracy in the workplace: A model and empirical test. Journal of Management Information Systems, 20, 1 (2003), 153-177.

  24. Posey, C.; Roberts, T.L.; and Lowry, P.B. The impact of organizational commitment on insiders’ motivation to protect organizational information assets. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32, 4 (2015), 179-214.

  25. Puhakainen, P., and Siponen, M. Improving employees’ compliance through information systems security training: An action research study. MIS Quarterly, 34, 4 (2010), 757-778.

  26. Ragu-Nathan, T.; Tarafdar, M.; Ragu-Nathan, B.S.; and Tu, Q. The consequences of technostress for end users in organizations: Conceptual development and empirical validation. Information Systems Research, 19, 4 (2008), 417-433.

  27. Sarker, S.; Ahuja, M.; and Sarker, S. Work–life conflict of globally distributed software development personnel: An empirical investigation using border theory. Information Systems Research, 29, 1 (2018), 103-126.

  28. Siponen, M., and Vance, A. Neutralization: New insights into the problem of employee information systems security policy violations. MIS Quarterly, 34, 3 (2010), 487-502.

  29. Smith, S.; Winchester, D.; Bunker, D.; and Jamieson, R. Circuits of power: A study of mandated compliance to an information systems security de jure standard in a government organization. MIS Quarterly, 34, 3 (2010), 463-486.

  30. Sojer, M.; Alexy, O.; Kleinknecht, S.; and Henkel, J. Understanding the drivers of unethical programming behavior: The inappropriate reuse of internet-accessible code. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31, 3 (2014), 287-325.

  31. Spears, J.L., and Barki, H. User participation in information systems security risk management. MIS Quarterly, 34, 3 (2010), 503-522.

  32. Stein, M.-K.; Newell, S.; Wagner, E.L.; and Galliers, R.D. Coping with information technology: Mixed emotions, vacillation, and nonconforming use patterns. MIS Quarterly, 39, 2 (2015), 367-392.

  33. Tams, S.; Thatcher, J.B.; and Grover, V. Concentration, competence, confidence, and capture: An experimental study of age, interruption-based technostress, and task performance. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (forthcoming).

  34. Vance, A.; Anderson, B.B.; Kirwan, C.B.; and Eargle, D. Using measures of risk perception to predict information security behavior: Insights from electroencephalography (EEG). Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15, 10 (2014), 679-722.

  35. Vance, A.; Lowry, P.B.; and Eggett, D. Increasing accountability through user-interface design artifacts: A new approach to addressing the problem of access-policy violations. MIS Quarterly, 39, 2 (2015), 345-366.

  36. Wang, J.; Gupta, M.; and Rao, H.R. Insider threats in a financial institution: Analysis of attack-proneness of information systems applications. MIS Quarterly, 39, 1 (2015), 91-112.

  37. Warkentin, M.; Johnston, A.C.; Walden, E.; and Straub, D.W. Neural correlates of protection motivation for secure IT behaviors: An FMRI examination. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17, 3 (2016), 194-215.

  38. Willison, R., and Warkentin, M. Beyond deterrence: An expanded view of employee computer abuse. MIS Quarterly, 37, 1 (2013), 1-20.

  39. Wright, R.T.; Jensen, M.L.; Thatcher, J.B.; Dinger, M.; and Marett, K. Influence techniques in phishing attacks: An examination of vulnerability and resistance. Information Systems Research, 25, 2 (2014), 385-400.