
Cyberbullying on social networking sites (SNS bullying) is an emerging societal challenge related to the deviant use of technologies. To address the research gaps identified in the literature, we draw on crime opportunity theory and the affordance perspective to propose a meta-framework that guides our investigation into SNS bullying. The meta-framework explains how SNS affordances give rise to the evaluation of favorable SNS environmental conditions for SNS bullying, which, in turn, promote SNS bullying. The research model was empirically tested using a longitudinal online survey of 223 SNS users. The results suggest that the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions predict SNS bullying, and SNS affordances influence the evaluation of these environmental conditions. This work offers a new theoretical perspective to study SNS bullying, highlighting the critical impacts of environmental conditions in shaping such behavior. It also provides actionable insights into measures that combat SNS bullying.


Social networking sites (SNSs) have become increasingly popular vehicles for individuals to communicate with their friends and family, anytime and anywhere. Despite their promising potential for online social interactions, SNSs are also ripe for abuse because they provide perpetrators with an ideal venue for cyberbullying—in other words, for harassing, threatening, and exploiting potential targets. Cyberbullying on social networking sites (SNS bullying) refers to any form of aggressive behavior on SNSs conducted by a group or an individual, repeatedly and over time, against targets who cannot easily defend themselves [88].

SNS bullying is a relatively recent phenomenon; however, researchers have already devoted much attention to reporting and documenting its prevalence and the adverse consequences associated with it. The Pew Research Center [74] found that 40 percent of Internet users had experienced cyberbullying. Facebook has been found to be the most common venue for SNS bullying: 54 percent of Facebook users reported that they have experienced cyberbullying on Facebook [37]. Previous research has demonstrated that SNS bullying incidents have adverse consequences for victims (e.g., Sticca et al. [91]), such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, substance abuse, and in extreme cases, self-harming behaviors and suicide attempts. Frequent news headlines reporting suicide cases linked to SNS bullying document the severity of this problem, including, for example, the recent case of an eighteen-year-old girl who shot herself dead in front of her family after being relentlessly bullied for her weight on Facebook [40].

Given its adverse consequences on individuals and society, SNS bullying has not surprisingly become an important and emerging research topic across disciplines. With roots in psychology, education, and public health research, most studies have focused on individual traits and characteristics that lead to SNS bullying (or to cyberbullying in general) [see 39, 47, for a review]. However, the research into SNS bullying is still emerging in the information systems (IS) discipline. Only recently Lowry et al. [56] drew on social learning theory to examine how social media anonymity affects adults’ engagement in SNS bullying. In general, there have been few investigations into the phenomenon within the IS discipline. How SNS, as a form of new information technology, shapes and fosters cyberbullying remains relatively unexplored from a technological perspective.

Understanding SNS bullying from a technological perspective is vital in order to shed light onto new measures that may effectively combat this emerging societal challenge, given that existing research has mostly focused on identifying individual characteristics associated with SNS bullying. Indeed, numerous social science theories, such as social cognitive theory and crime opportunity theory, have stressed the importance of the environment in shaping human behaviors. Neglecting the environmental component in SNS bullying research could be potentially dangerous because this produces a lopsided view into the causes of the phenomenon.

Accordingly, our study aims to advance the scientific understanding of cyberbullying by developing a meta-framework that explains how SNS affordances and the evaluation of favorable SNS environmental conditions influence SNS bullying. We use crime opportunity theory [30] to explain SNS bullying, considering both the perpetrator characteristic and SNS environmental conditions that offer the criminogenic opportunities. We further adopt the affordance perspective [63] to delineate how SNS affordances give rise to such a favorable evaluation of the environmental conditions for SNS bullying. We endeavor to answer two primary research questions:

Research Question 1: What are the key factors driving SNS bullying?

Research Question 2: How do SNS affordances influence the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions for SNS bullying?

This work responds to calls for research on the societal impacts of technology use (e.g., Majchrzak et al. [61] and Tarafdar et al. [94]) and contributes to theory and practice in three distinct ways. First, this work advances the scientific knowledge of cyberbullying by investigating how the SNS environment drives SNS bullying from the crime opportunity perspective. We test how presence of suitable targets and absence of capable guardianships affected SNS bullying and explore how the favorable evaluation of such environmental conditions intensified the relationship between inclination to bully and SNS bullying.

Second, this work enriches the IS literature by examining how users interpret SNSs and the resultant deviant behaviors from the affordance perspective. We test four SNS affordances (i.e., accessibility, information retrieval, editability, and association) that influence perpetrators’ evaluation of SNS environmental conditions for SNS bullying. Although prior research has focused on the positive connotation of SNS affordances, our work breaks new ground for the study of unintended and negative acts afforded by the SNSs.

Finally, for practitioners, the findings of this work could provide insights into how to effectively combat SNS bullying. Based on the empirical results, SNS developers could prioritize resources to rectify the criminogenic environmental conditions that exacerbate SNS bullying. Meanwhile, government agencies could launch campaigns to educate users on the appropriate use of SNSs. Together, the findings of this work offer a more proactive approach to tackle cyberbullying and maintain a healthy social networking environment.

Theoretical Background

Definition of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a new form of bullying that involves the use of information technology. Different terminologies have been used to describe the phenomenon, such as electronic bullying [79], Internet bullying [106], and cyberbullying [98], with the last term being the most popular and widely adopted. Most cyberbullying studies have derived definitions from traditional bullying literature. For instance, cyberbullying was defined as willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text [72]. Later, a more refined definition, proposing that cyberbullying is an aggressive online behavior that encompasses three characteristics: (1) it is performed by individuals or groups using electronic or digital media; (2) hostile or aggressive messages are repeatedly communicated; and (3) the behavior is conducted with the intent to cause discomfort or inflict harm on the target, was advocated [95]. Research also suggested that there are different types of cyberbullying behavior, such as flaming, harassment, cyberstalking, denigration, masquerade, outing and trickery, exclusion, and impersonation [48, 105]. At present, there is no exhaustive list of the types of bullying behavior perpetrated on SNSs.

Nature of SNS Bullying

SNS bullying is a form of aggressive behavior on SNSs conducted by individuals or groups, repeatedly and over time, against targets who cannot easily defend themselves. It shares three definitional criteria with the related concepts of bullying and cyberbullying: intentionality, repetition, and power imbalance [24]. SNS bullying is distinguished from other forms of online deviant behavior, such as Internet trolling and flaming, because it is deliberate, repeated, and involves exploitation of a power imbalance to intentionally harm a target by leveraging the functionalities and capabilities of social networking platforms.

SNS bullying is often viewed as a form of deviant behavior fostered by the emergence of information technologies [29, 47]. Specifically, the widespread deployment of personal communication devices (such as smartphone, tablet, and laptop) and the ease of connectivity to online platforms have led to individuals spending more time with technologies. This shift in social activities, moving from offline venues to social networking platforms, creates criminogenic opportunities for SNS bullying. In particular, the rapid growth in SNS users has created a wealth of online profiles that make it easy for perpetrators to identify vulnerable individuals. Guardianships of SNS bullying behaviors (e.g., SNS self-reporting functions, laws, and regulations prohibiting bullying) become ineffective because there are thousands to millions of social interactions happen on SNSs every day. It is virtually impossible to monitor, moderate, and control all the uses that have violated the community standards. Such a view is consistent with crime opportunity theory [30], which asserts that social and technological changes produce new opportunities for crime and deviance.

In some countries, individuals face criminal charges and prison time if found guilty of SNS bullying. For instance, in the United Kingdom, Section 127 of the Communications Act of 2003 makes SNS bullying a criminal offense for anyone sending something grossly offensive, indecent, obscene, or menacing character via a public electronic communications network. The law states that a perpetrator can face up to six months in jail, a fine, or both if found guilty [52]. Similarly, nearly half of the states in America include cyberbullying as part of their broader bullying laws. The nationwide trend is toward greater accountability for cyberbullying, in general, including criminal statutes [44]. For example, a bill recently passed in West Virginia, making cyberbullying a misdemeanor offense with a maximum punishment of one year in prison, a $500 fine, or both [14].

Toward a Meta-Framework of SNS Bullying

We use crime opportunity theory [30] and the affordance perspective [63] to develop a meta-framework that guides our investigation into SNS bullying. Specifically, crime opportunity theory posits two primary components contribute to a crime being committed: (1) a likely perpetrator, and (2) environmental conditions that offer criminogenic opportunities. These are the building blocks of our meta-framework explaining SNS bullying. We further incorporate the affordance perspective into crime opportunity theory to explain how an SNS allows a perpetrator to evaluate whether environmental conditions would facilitate an SNS bullying act. By integrating the affordance perspective into well-established theoretical frameworks, prior research has demonstrated the viability to obtain contextualized insights into a wide spectrum phenomenon related to information technology uses (e.g., Chatterjee et al. [15], Seidel et al. [85], and Suh et al. [93]). For instance, the affordance perspective has been integrated into the notion of virtue ethics to explain the effects of organizational IT affordances on organizational virtues and innovation improvement [15]. Hence, we expect that integrating crime opportunity theory and the affordance perspective would provide a useful theoretical foundation for developing a contextualized understanding of SNS bullying. depicts the meta-framework of SNS bullying.

Figure 1. Meta-Framework of SNS Bullying

Figure 1. Meta-Framework of SNS Bullying

Crime Opportunity Theory

Crime opportunity theory [30] asserts that social and technological changes produce new opportunities for crime and deviance. Opportunities play a central role in every category of offense, regardless of its nature and severity. Subscribing to this perspective, we stipulate that the shifts in social activities from offline venues to SNS platforms provide opportunities for likely perpetrators to engage in SNS bullying. We argue that the rapid growth of user populations creates ample opportunities for SNS bullying. Specifically, perpetrators can easily identify vulnerable individuals through browsing their online profiles on SNSs. The massive amount of information flow and social interactions also makes it difficult to monitor and identify acts of SNS bullying, which, in turns, weaken the capabilities of authorities and detection mechanisms in regulating such acts.

Crime opportunity theory further emphasizes that the occurrence of crime and deviance is influenced not just by the perpetrators’ characteristics but also by the environmental conditions that offer criminogenic opportunities. Our review of past studies suggest that SNS bullying research has mainly investigated the “likely perpetrator” component, and have included aspects such as the perpetrators’ demographic characteristics (e.g., Cao and Lin [10] and Sengupta and Chaudhuri [87]), their intensity of SNS usage (e.g., Kwan and Skoric [49]), their cyberbullying victimization experience (e.g., Marcum et al. [62]), and their personality traits (e.g., Kokkinos et al. [46]) (see Appendix A for a review). The potential impacts of the “environment” have only recently attracted attention in the literature. For instance, the anonymous SNS environment has been found to be exploited by heavy SNS users to perpetrate others on the platform [56]. As Lowry et al. [56] noted, most cyberbullying studies “have glossed over the central issue: the role of information technology or social media artifacts themselves in promoting cyberbullying” (p. 3).

Over the last two decades, researchers have been increasingly using opportunity theories to investigate technology-related crime and deviance, such as data breaches [86] and computer crimes [107]. Empirical studies have also illustrated the applicability of crime opportunity theory for understanding bullying behaviors (e.g., Cho et al. [17]). Hence, considering both the theoretical assumptions and empirical applications, together with the criminogenic nature of SNS bullying discussed in the previous section, we believe that crime opportunity theory is a viable theoretical perspective for explaining SNS bullying. Specifically, our study continues to advance the literature by focusing on the “environment” component and by examining how the SNS environment fosters the development of SNS bullying. Building on prior criminology literature [30, 100], we propose two SNS environmental conditions that offer the criminogenic opportunities for a likely offender to engage in SNS bullying: (1) presence of suitable targets and (2) absence of capable guardianships.

Affordance Perspective

An affordance refers to “the potential for behaviors associated with achieving an immediate concrete outcome and arising from the relationship between an artifact and a goal-oriented actor or actors” [92, p. 69]. Technological affordance refers to “the mutuality of actor intentions and technology capabilities that provide the potential for a particular action” [60, p. 39]. It arises when one interprets a technology through his or her goals for action. The relational view of affordance is advantageous for understanding technology use because it allows researchers to consider the symbiotic relationship between the capabilities of the technology and the actor’s goal and action [36], treating the entanglement between them as a unit of analysis [60]. Research has further shown that one technology can support different goal-oriented actions for members of different social groups [20, 53]. In other words, it is individuals’ goals that shape what they come to believe the technology can afford them [96], which in turn leads to a wide spectrum of desirable or undesirable—or intended or unintended—behaviors [60]. For instance, Majchrzak et al. [60] identified four affordances of social media that affect employees’ engagement in group online workplace conversations. They suggest that some workers believed metavoicing affordance (i.e., the action possibility enabled by social media for users to engage in the ongoing online knowledge conversation by reacting online to others’ presence, profiles, content, and activities) fostered productive knowledge conversations, whereas some thought it inhibited productivity by promoting potentially biased and inaccurate information.

Acting on this perspective, we argue that one could interpret an SNS differently depending on his or her goal [53]. The actualization of affordances occurs when an actor takes advantage of one or more affordances of the SNS to achieve immediate concrete outcomes that support their goals. In this study, the artifact is an SNS, and the goal-oriented actor is a user who purposefully uses an SNS to bully a target (i.e., a perpetrator). For general users, the actualization of SNS affordances occurs when they make use of the SNS to, perhaps, engage in self-disclosure and read their friends’ newsfeed in support of their relationship maintenance and socialization [16]. However, for a likely offender whose goal is to leverage the SNS to bully someone, the actualization of affordances could be completely different. For instance, they might see the SNS as affording them the ability to access information about the background and activities of other users, which would help them to identify suitable targets, giving rise to a favorable evaluation of SNS environmental conditions for SNS bullying.

Based on the review of the literature on technological affordances [60, 96] and social network research [45], we propose four types of SNS affordances and suggest that they have the potential to influence how one evaluates the SNS environmental condition for SNS bullying. These affordances include accessibility, information retrieval, editability, and association. summarizes the definitions and illustrations of these affordances.

Table 1. SNS Bullying Affordances

Research Model and Hypotheses

Our meta-framework provides a theoretical basis to construct a research model explaining SNS bullying. First, drawing on crime opportunity theory [30], we propose that SNS bullying is driven by two primary components: (1) a likely offender, which is conceptualized as one’s inclination to bully and (2) the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions that offer the criminogenic opportunity, which include presence of suitable targets and absence of capable guardianships. Second, subscribing to the affordance perspective [63], we examine how SNS affordances (i.e., accessibility, information retrieval, editability, and association) influence the evaluation of environmental conditions for SNS bullying. depicts the research model.

Figure 2. Proposed Research Model

Figure 2. Proposed Research Model

Likely Offender and SNS Bullying

According to crime opportunity theory, a likely offender refers to a person who might commit a crime or engage in deviant behavior for any reason [30]. Crime opportunity theory presumes that crimes would not happen without an offender, therefore the presence of a likely offender is a prerequisite for any crime or deviance [30].

In this study, we conceptualize a likely offender as someone who has an inclination to bully on an SNS, which refers to one’s tendency to engage in SNS bullying for any reason [42]. Past studies have shown that positive inclinations toward bullying (e.g., probullying beliefs and favorable attitudes toward cyberbullying) predicted perpetrators’ engagement in cyberbullying behaviors (e.g., Lazuras et al. [50] and Wiklund et al. [104]). For instance, adolescents’ inclination to cyberbully was found to positively predict self-reported cyberbullying behaviors among teenagers [42] and secondary students [71]. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 1:

Inclination to bully positively influences SNS bullying.

Evaluation of SNS Environmental Conditions and SNS Bullying

Crime opportunity theory presumes that favorable environmental conditions play a critical role in the occurrence of any crime or deviance [30]. In this study, we propose two SNS environmental conditions that offer the criminogenic opportunities for a likely offender to engage in SNS bullying: (1) presence of suitable targets and (2) absence of capable guardianships [30, 100].

Presence of Suitable Targets

Crime opportunity theory [30] states that “targets of crime can be a person or an object, whose position in space or time puts it at more or less risk of criminal attack” (p. 5). The theory asserts that certain characteristics of a target will be of greater interest to a likely offender, such as being visible (e.g., a valuable good is placed near windows) and accessible (e.g., a house with doors left unlocked).

In this work, we define presence of suitable targets as the extent to which a perpetrator believes there are suitable targets in the SNS environment available for SNS bullying. As discussed earlier, the prevalence and popularity of SNSs create new opportunities for SNS bullying [47]. In recent years, not only have the number of SNS users dramatically increased but also the amount of personal information that users posted and shared online. In 2017, 71 percent of Internet users had an SNS profile on one of the major SNS platforms [90]. Of these, 92 percent used their real names on their profiles, 91 percent had a picture of themselves on their profiles, and 82 percent had posted other personal information on their profiles—such as birth date, gender, education background, occupation, or country of residence [59]. A large number of users and an ample amount of sensitive personal information available provide a wealth of opportunity to identify suitable targets for SNS bullying. Hence, the perception that the SNS environment is a source of suitable targets is likely to attract more SNS bullying behaviors. This prediction is also evident in the bullying research, which supports a link between suitable targets and bullying behaviors. For instance, students who were perceived to be suitable targets among the perpetrators were more likely to be victimized [76]. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 2:

Presence of suitable targets positively influences SNS bullying.

Absence of Capable Guardianships

Crime opportunity theory suggests that in the absence of capable guardianships, crime and deviance are more likely to occur [30]. According to the theory, guardianships are not confined to government officials alone, but rather include “anybody whose presence or proximity would discourage a crime from happening” [30, p. 4].

In this work, we define absence of capable guardianships as the extent to which a perpetrator evaluates that guardianships are incapable of fortifying SNS environments against SNS bullying. Guardianships here represent both offline authorities (e.g., laws and regulations) and online mechanisms (e.g., reporting systems and detection algorithms) that aim to protect users from being victimized on SNSs. For instance, Facebook has implemented a built-in reporting system that permits users to report any content that is not commensurate with its community standards (such as nudity, hate speech, or violence). The Facebook team regularly reviews the reported materials and removes them if they are deemed inappropriate. These functions serve as a guardianship, protecting general users against SNS bullying. However, with the growing number of posts uploaded and shared on SNSs daily, it has become increasingly challenging for these protective measures to effectively tackle bullying activities on SNSs [5]. Though there have been initiatives to use more advanced techniques—such as machine learning and natural language processing to detect SNS bullying—their effectiveness is restricted by computers’ ability to interpret meanings, variations, and metaphors in human language [11]. It remains difficult for guardianships to fortify SNS environments against SNS bullying effectively. Past studies have found support for the link between a lack of guardianships and bullying behaviors. For instance, social guardianships was found to decrease victimization among young people [57]. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 3:

Absence of capable guardianships positively influences SNS bullying.

SNS Affordances and the Evaluation of SNS Environmental Conditions

Drawing on the affordance perspective [63], we further examine how the SNS affordances outlined above (accessibility, information retrieval, editability, and association) affect the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions (i.e., presence of suitable targets and absence of capable guardianships), in which criminogenic opportunities for SNS bullying are perceived.

Accessibility Affordance

Accessibility affordance refers to the extent to which a user believes that an SNS offers the opportunity to connect with a user on the platform. In SNS bullying, accessibility affordance allows a perpetrator to transcend time and spatial constraints to reach potential targets. Kane et al. [45] suggested that network transparency is one of the essential features of a social network; it allows users to view their connections within a network and offers the opportunity to connect each other. In SNSs, users are given various opportunities to contact and connect with an unlimited number of users, including friends, family members, acquaintances, and even strangers. For perpetrators, however, accessibility affordance facilitates overcoming barriers of time and space to connect with potentially suitable targets. In a recent SNS bullying case, for example, a perpetrator used the hashtag (i.e., #hashtag) and handle (i.e., @username) on Instagram to repeatedly bully a group of young people [66]. The unconstrained and boundless accessibility afforded by SNSs may lead a perpetrator to evaluate that the SNS provides an environment where suitable targets can be easily identified and accessed. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 4:

Accessibility affordance positively influences presence of suitable targets.

Information Retrieval Affordance

Information retrieval affordance refers to the extent to which a user believes that an SNS offers the opportunity to obtain information about a user on the platform. In SNS bullying, information retrieval affordance allows a perpetrator to access material created by a potential target, which provides information about the background, preferences, and daily activities of the potential target. SNS updates often include new features that aim to entice users to continuously create and share information on the platforms. For instance, Facebook’s “On This Day” feature shows old photos and newsfeeds to a user and encourages the user to forward these posts and stories with their friends. Instagram, Twitter, and other SNSs often ask users to provide precise information when uploading a photo. Such updates are part of an oversharing phenomenon, with a recent survey estimating that about 40 percent of users overshare sensitive information on SNSs [64]. Such abundance of unrestricted information puts users at risk for SNS bullying victimization. For instance, the Facebook timeline provides an easy interface for quickly reading others’ activity logs. It is like a scrapbook, providing snapshots of information that can be used to understand a particular user. It allows a perpetrator to trawl back through a target’s history, gleaning information from shared photos and statuses and eventually using them to create harassing materials or even to impersonate the person identified as a suitable target [13]. Past studies have also shown that individuals who did not restrict access to their online profiles or who disclosed too much sensitive personal information online were considered more attractive and vulnerable by perpetrators [65, 73]. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 5:

Information retrieval affordance positively influences presence of suitable targets.

Editability Affordance

Editability affordance refers to the extent to which a user believes that an SNS offers the opportunity to manipulate a content that he or she posted, commented on, and/or shared on the platform. In SNS bullying, editability affordance allows a perpetrator to deny his SNS bullying acts by erasing, editing, or otherwise hiding bullying related contents and identification cues. In offline bullying, it is difficult for a perpetrator to conceal his or her identity because the victim can at least recognize the physical appearance of the perpetrator. Physical damages inflicted on the target are also difficult to hide. In contrast, in SNSs, it is fairly easy for a perpetrator to modify, erase, or hide identification cues in relation to the bullying and his or her identity. For instance, Facebook allows users to edit descriptions of their posts or even delete contents published on their walls. One can also register a new email domain and create an alternative SNS account to engage in SNS bullying. As a result, this affordance weakens the effect of guardianships on SNS because it is difficult for authorities to track and punish SNS bullying behaviors. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 6:

Editability affordance positively influences absence of capable guardianships.

Association Affordance

Association affordance refers to the extent to which a user believes that an SNS offers the opportunity to share responsibility for his or her post with other users who interact with the post on the platform. In SNS bullying, association affordance allows a perpetrator to avoid accountability for the bullying act by inviting other SNS members; that is, the perpetrator can deny sole responsibility for carrying out the action. User engagement and cocreation are core values on most social networking platforms. SNS providers not only entice users to share more information but also encourage others to interact with these posts. For instance, Facebook now offers more nuanced reactions to posts beyond the “like” reaction (i.e., “love,” “ha-ha,” “wow,” “sad,” and “angry”) to encourage users to express themselves after reading a post. The long-standing tag feature (@user name) allows users to invite others to respond to a post and jointly develop the conversation. Recent statistics show that 44 percent of Facebook users “Liked” content posted by their friends at least once a day, and 31 percent made comments on posts daily [89]. On the one hand, association affordance fosters meaningful exchange among ordinary users. On the other hand, it allows perpetrators to invite other users to view and participate in bullying posts, making it difficult to designate responsibility for the hurtful contents [82], mitigating the effect of guardianships. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

Hypothesis 7:

Association affordance positively influences absence of capable guardianships.

Control Variables

Past studies have demonstrated that demographic characteristics, computer usage, and cyberbullying self-efficacy can influence cyberbullying [47]. Accordingly, we include age, gender, education, SNS usage, SNS experience, SNS real name registration, and self-efficacy in SNS bullying, as the control variables.

Research Method

Research Design

We used an anonymous, self-reported, longitudinal online survey design with Facebook users to test the proposed research model. The survey method has been used to examine a broad range of deviant behaviors related to technology use, such as online software piracy [43], information system misuse [19], and cyberbullying [56]. The self-report questionnaire technique has been used to test crime opportunity theory and the affordance perspective in both offline and online contexts, such as bullying victimization [17], workplace sexual harassment [22], online hate on SNSs [78], and gamification [93]. Using a longitudinal setting can also reduce the threat of common method bias and enhance causal inference [75, 81]. We selected Facebook as the research context because it is the leading SNS worldwide [28]. A recent survey also revealed that cyberbullying is most likely to take place on this platform [23]. Therefore, we believed that Facebook represents a suitable context for testing our proposed research model. To participate in the study, individuals had to: (1) be users of Facebook; (2) live in the United States (this requirement ensured a standardized perception of laws and norms regarding SNS bullying on Facebook [56]).


The measurement items were adapted from the literature where possible (e.g., SNS bullying). Minor modifications were made to measurement items to fit the current research context. When measurement items were unavailable (e.g., SNS affordances and crime opportunity components), we followed the guidelines set out in the instrument development literature [68] to develop new instruments to measure the constructs. The instrument development process and the complete list of measurement items for the focal constructs are shown in the online supplement – section A. As the research context examines a socially undesirable behavior, the social desirability scale was also included to detect for potential response bias [80].

Data Collection and Procedures

Respondents for the online survey were recruited from the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). MTurk is an online crowdsourcing platform that allows people to participate in Human Intelligence Task (HIT) for remuneration. The use of MTurk is appropriate for the current research purpose, as suggested in recent cyberbullying research [e.g., 83] and advocated in senior IS literature [e.g., 56]. Specifically, cyberbullying is a sensitive issue and is socially unacceptable in most cultures. Hence, using MTurk as a portal to reach the target sample helped ensure respondents’ anonymity, thereby eliciting responses that are more honest and reducing social desirability bias. Furthermore, since cyberbullying is a general topic that requires minimal expertise, using MTurk to collect data is a good fit. It allows researchers to reach a huge pool of potential respondents with SNS bullying experiences, which is virtually impossible using other data collection methods. To ensure data quality, we followed guidelines as described in the latest methodological literature on MTurk in designing and distributing the survey study [34, 54]. For instance, we checked the workers’ location based on their IP address to ensure they reside in the United States. We detected “super workers,” who generally put less time and effort into a task, using their completion time and number of tasks completed. We also included randomly appearing attention-check questions and reverse-coded questions to affirm the accuracy of the responses.

The data collection consisted of two waves. At time t (Wave 1), HIT requests were posted on MTurk. At this stage, responses related to independent variables (i.e., SNS affordances and crime opportunity components) were collected. The respondents in Wave 1 were then invited to answer another online questionnaire at time t+1 (Wave 2), in which responses related to the dependent variables (i.e., SNS bullying behaviors) were collected. A unique code was used to match respondents’ responses across the two waves of data collection.

At the beginning of the survey, respondents were asked to answer screening questions to determine their eligibility to participate. In particular, they were asked to indicate the three social networking platforms they had visited most frequently during the past three months and asked to report their country of residence. We filtered out respondents who did not pass these screening questions. Following the screening questions, respondents were asked to complete a questionnaire that included measures of the variables of interest in each wave. Finally, they were asked to answer the social desirability items. We collected their demographic information at the end of the survey. We provided a monetary incentive upon successful completion of the questionnaire. Ten randomly presented attention-check questions were included to detect any careless, random, or haphazard responses that may have occurred as a result of the online survey method. Responses from individuals who attempted to participate multiple times (as identified through respondents’ MTurk ID and IP address), failed to pass the attention-check questions, and from those who completed the survey in an exceptionally short time (i.e., less than 15 minutes) were filtered out of the sample to ensure data quality.

Respondent Profile

We launched the online surveys in June 2018 (time t, Wave 1) and September 2018 (time t + 1, Wave 2). 1,023 respondents attempted the survey in Wave 1, with 530 indicating Facebook as their most visited SNS and the United States as their country of residence. 32 respondents failed to pass the attention-check questions or provided haphazard responses, leaving 498 complete and valid responses. For Wave 2, we sent an invitation to respondents who participated in Wave 1. 262 attempted the survey, and 39 respondents did not pass the attention-check questions or provided haphazard responses, leaving 223 complete and valid responses for subsequent analyses. Of the remaining respondents, 98 (43.9 percent) were male, and 125 (56.1 percent) were female. Most were young adults, between the ages of 25 and 34 (45.3 percent). The majority visited Facebook at least once a day (91.0 percent) and had more than five years of experience using Facebook (85.2 percent). presents the respondent profile.

Table 2. Respondent Profile

Data Analysis and Results

Survey methodologies may be plagued by common method bias (CMB) and social desirability bias (SDB), we applied several procedural and statistical remedies to minimize these threats. The results suggest that both CMB and SDB were negligible in this study [75, 84]. Detailed procedures are reported in the online supplement – section B.

We assessed the reliability of the measurement items using Cronbach’s alpha and examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs using factor analysis and pairwise chi-square tests. Specifically, all of the constructs demonstrate internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha values exceeding the threshold [38]. Factor analysis showed that items load strongly on their corresponding constructs with low cross-loadings with other constructs. Furthermore, the chi-square tests showed that all chi-square differences for each pair of constructs in the research model are statistically significant. An examination into the variance inflation factors also suggested that the model does not suffer from multicollinearity issue. Taken together, the measurement model demonstrates sufficient convergent validity and discriminant validity [38, 99]. Details of the assessment of the reliability, validity, and multicollinearity can be found in the online supplement – section C and D.

We performed hierarchical regression analyses to test the hypotheses. To test the direct effects of the crime opportunity components on SNS bullying, we ran a control effect model and then a main effect model. shows the results of these analyses. We first tested the control variables. The control-only model explains 29.5 percent of the variance for SNS bullying. After that, we tested the effects of inclination to bully, presence of suitable targets, and absence of capable guardianships on SNS bullying. The main effect model explains 54.7 percent of the variance for SNS bullying. Specifically, inclination to bully (β = .443, p < .001), presence of suitable targets (β = .173, p < .001), and absence of capable guardianships (β = .118, p < .01), predict SNS bullying, supporting Hypothesis 1, Hypothesis 2, and Hypothesis 3.

Table 3. Results of Regression Analysis on Crime Opportunity Components

To test the effects of SNS affordances on the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions, we ran a control effect model and then a main effect model. shows the results of the analyses. The results indicate that information retrieval affordance (β = .265, p < .001) predicts presence of suitable targets, supporting Hypothesis 5. The model explains 13.3 percent of the variance for presence of suitable targets. Furthermore, the analysis shows that editability affordance (β = .233, p < .01) and association affordance (β = .182, p < .05) predict absence of capable guardianships, supporting Hypothesis 6 and Hypothesis 7. The model explains 13.4 percent of the variance for absence of capable guardianships. However, accessibility affordance has no influence on presence of suitable targets (β = -.098, p > .05), failing to support Hypothesis 4. summarizes the hypotheses test results.

Table 4. Results of Regression Analysis on SNS Affordances

Table 5. Summary of Hypotheses Test Results

Post Hoc Analyses

Comparison of Alternative Models

We performed a pseudo-F test to assess the effects of excluding the components inclination to bully or evaluation of SNS environmental conditions from the model, along with the resulting change in variance explained for SNS bullying. As shown in , the exclusion of either of these components leads to a significant drop in variance for SNS bullying. This result indicates that SNS bullying is better explained by examining the likely offender and the environmental condition components together, providing further support to crime opportunity theory.

Table 6. Results of the Pseudo-F Test

Assessment of the Mediation Effects

We conducted bootstrapping analyses to examine the mediating effects using PROCESS [41, 58]. We bootstrapped the effects of SNS affordances (i.e., accessibility, information retrieval, editability, and association) on the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions (i.e., presence of suitable targets, and absence of capable guardianships) (a1-4), the effects of the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions on SNS bullying (b1-2), and the effects of SNS affordances on SNS bullying (c’1-4). summarizes the mediation tests.

Table 7. Results of the Mediation Tests

Full mediation is observed when the confidence intervals (CIs) of the indirect effect (i.e., ab) does not involve zero but the direct effect (i.e., c’) does. In our model, presence of suitable targets fully mediates the relationship between information retrieval affordance and SNS bullying; and absence of capable guardianships fully mediates the relationships between editability affordance and SNS bullying. Furthermore, absence of capable guardianships partially mediates the relationships between association affordance and SNS bullying. However, there is no mediation effect found between accessibility affordance and SNS bullying. The results indicate that whereas the effects of information retrieval affordance and editability affordance are explained wholly by presence of suitable targets and absence of capable guardianships, respectively, association affordance has a direct positive effect on SNS bullying beyond the effect that is mediated by absence of capable guardianships. In other words, being able to associate one’s act with other SNS users may have psychological effects, such as diffusion of responsibility, beyond simply perceiving an absence of capable guardianships [97].

Assessment of the Interaction Effects

Crime opportunity theory holds that offenders behave rationally and engage in crime and deviance when the environment is favorable [30]. Accordingly, we expect that the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions will not only have a direct effect on SNS bullying but also exacerbate perpetrators’ inclination to actually engage in SNS bullying behaviors.

Inclination to Bully × The Evaluation of SNS Environmental Conditions

We expect two two-way interaction effects between the inclination to bully and the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions (i.e., presence of suitable targets, and absence of capable guardianships). In traditional bullying, most bullying takes place among primary and secondary students. In these populations, there is always a large pool of peers from which a perpetrator can easily select a suitable target. Also, bullying often takes places after school, when a vulnerable target is away from teachers’ supervision [24]. Based on this logic, it is plausible that in SNS bullying, when one with an inclination to bully evaluates the SNS environment as favorable, he or she would believe that the effort involved in finding suitable targets or the chances of being caught would be low. As a rational perpetrator, he or she would be more likely to translate the inclination into action. Therefore, the relationship between inclination to bully and SNS bullying will be stronger when the evaluation of the SNS environmental conditions is favorable (i.e., high in terms of presence of suitable targets or absence of capable guardianships).

Presence of Suitable Targets × Absence of Capable Guardianships

We expect a two-way interaction effect between these two environmental conditions. Prior research report that bullying incidents are less likely when teachers are attentive to students at school [17] and that high levels of parental support reduce the risk of cyberbullying victimization among adolescents [101]. These findings suggested that the attractiveness of a target (i.e., the perception of suitability) could be greatly reduced by the presence of capable guardianships. Based on this logic, it is plausible that when the perpetrator perceives a high absence of capable guardianships, he or she would likely estimate a higher number of suitable targets present in the SNS environment. For instance, if a perpetrator perceives the detection mechanism of SNS bullying to be ineffective, he or she would tend to believe that users are more vulnerable because there is no one to protect them from being bullied. Conversely, if a perpetrator perceives that guardianships are effectively filtering and removing bullying content quickly and therefore safeguarding the potential targets, they may evaluate users on the SNS platform as less suitable for bullying. Therefore, the relationship between presence of suitable targets and SNS bullying is stronger when the perpetrator perceives a higher degree of absence of capable guardianships.

Inclination to Bully × Presence of Suitable Targets × Absence of Capable Guardianships

We expect a three-way interaction effect on SNS bullying between the inclination to bully, presence of suitable targets, and absence of capable guardianships. Crime opportunity theory assumes that crime components (i.e., offender, target, and guardians) are interrelated [35]. Crime and deviance are most likely to occur when an offender is situated in favorable environmental conditions [30]. Therefore, when one with an inclination to bully perceives two favorable SNS environmental conditions existing in time and space (i.e., a high degree of presence of suitable targets and a high degree of absence of capable guardianships), he or she expects minimal effort and risk when engaging in SNS bullying. As a result, the perpetrator is more likely to act opportunistically and translate the inclination into actual behavior.

We conducted bootstrapping analyses to examine the interaction effects using PROCESS [41]. summarizes the moderation tests. The results show two significant two-way interactions among the crime opportunity components. Specifically, presence of suitable targets (β = .185, p < .05) positively moderates the relationship between inclination to bully and SNS bullying, whereas absence of capable guardianships (β =.197, p <.001) positively moderates the relationship between presence of suitable targets and SNS bullying. SNS bullying is more likely to occur when a likely offender who is inclined to bully perceives a higher number of suitable targets. Targets are also more prone to being perceived as vulnerable and suitable for an attack when there is a higher degree of absence of capable guardianships. The significant moderating effects provide additional support for the salience of environmental conditions in exacerbating SNS bullying behaviors, supporting crime opportunity theory.

Table 8. Results of the Interaction Effects of the Crime Opportunity Components

We conducted simple slope analyses to further understand the conditional effects of the interaction among inclination to bully, presence of suitable targets, absence of capable guardianships, and SNS bullying. We plotted the significant interactions at one standard deviation above and below the mean of the variables [1]. and show the interaction plots. For the two-way interaction of inclination to bully × presence of suitable targets, we observe a stronger and significant positive relationship between inclination to bully and SNS bullying when presence of suitable targets is high. Furthermore, we observe a stronger and significant positive relationship between presence of suitable targets and SNS bullying when there is a high degree of absence of capable guardianships. Details of the conditional effects at values of the moderators can be found in the online supplement – section E. These results imply that SNS bullying is more likely to occur when there are favorable environmental conditions on SNSs. The results, therefore, support crime opportunity theory, which posits that easy and tempting environmental conditions attract more crime and deviance.

Figure 3. a) Two-way Interaction between Inclination to Bully and Presence of Suitable Targets;. b) Two-way Interaction between Presence of Suitable Targets and Absence of Capable Guardianships

Figure 3. a) Two-way Interaction between Inclination to Bully and Presence of Suitable Targets;. b) Two-way Interaction between Presence of Suitable Targets and Absence of Capable Guardianships


The objectives of this work are to (1) understand the key factors driving SNS bullying, and (2) examine how SNS affordances influence the evaluation of SNS environmental conditions. We build on crime opportunity theory and the affordance perspective to develop a meta-framework that explains the occurrence of SNS bullying and delineates the role of technology affordance. The research model was tested using a longitudinal survey with 223 Facebook users. Empirical results provide strong evidence in support of the research model, and the overall model explains a substantial amount of variance for SNS bullying. In the following sections, we discuss implications for research and practice, limitations, and avenues for future research.

Implications for Research

This work has significant implications for research. First, we offer a comprehensive theoretical explanation and empirical investigation into SNS bullying that considers factors associated with both individual characteristic and SNS environmental conditions. We further identify and test the effects of SNS affordances that influence perpetrators’ evaluation of SNS environmental conditions for SNS bullying. The empirical results demonstrate strong support of the integration of the two theoretical perspectives, which offer rich insights into the occurrence of SNS bullying. The meta-framework also serves as a solid basis for future studies aiming to examine the effects of technology affordance on technology-related crime and deviance.

Second, our empirical results enrich our scientific understanding of SNS bullying and add to the knowledge accumulation of the cyberbullying literature. Crime opportunity theory and its predictive power have been validated previously in offline and organizational contexts. This work extends the generalizability of the theory to the SNS bullying context, contributing to the cumulative tradition of scientific research and the ongoing assessment of the theory. Specifically, our results show that crime opportunity theory is a plausible theoretical lens for investigating technology-related crime and deviance at an individual level. We further explore the interaction effects between the components of crime opportunity theory and identify the combinations that exacerbate SNS bullying.

Third, we enrich the IS literature by introducing the affordance perspective into the study of SNS bullying research. Based on past research on technological affordances and social network research, we identify four SNS affordances and examine their effects on the environmental conditions conducive to SNS bullying. Our empirical results demonstrate the salience of affordance in giving rise to the favorable evaluation of criminogenic opportunities. Technological affordances have long been recognized as a useful concept to explain the action possibilities perceived by users interacting with technologies. However, previous work has tended to associate affordances with positive behaviors, such as maintaining friendships and sharing useful content on social networks, with little understanding of how technological affordances can enable deviant behaviors. Our results offer a novel perspective on the far-reaching and unintended effects of technological affordances as a potential enabler of technology-related crime and deviance.

Implications for Practice

A large body of research on SNS bullying has shown that online users with certain characteristics are more vulnerable to both SNS bullying perpetration and victimization (e.g., Peluchette et al. [73]). Although these insights are valuable, we contend that actionable and proactive measures can be better developed by focusing on the recertification of the SNS features and environmental conditions.

First, our work observes that SNS bullying could be enabled by SNS affordances. We found that the information retrieval affordance significantly drives the perception of suitable targets on SNSs. Educating SNS users to limit the amount of private and sensitive information that they share on online platforms could help reduce their attractiveness to potential perpetrators. For instance, educational videos that alert users about the potential risks of “friending” strangers and disclosing sensitive personal information could be developed and auto-played on social networking sites themselves. To mitigate unintended uses of personal information, SNS developers should also introduce more sophisticated options for users to control their preferences for information disclosure. Such measures could help to reduce the attractiveness of users on social networking platforms and keep them safe from SNS bullying.

Another potential means of reducing SNS bullying would be introducing and reforming legislation that regulates deviant online behaviors. Recently, national governments have started to engage in legislative action and other measures to protect users from SNS bullying. For instance, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has urged social networking giants Facebook and Twitter to tighten their rules to prevent cyberbullying [21]. Such actions might align SNS bullying with higher potential costs, intensifying the perception of capable guardianships presents on the platform. As editability affordance and association affordance are important drivers for evaluating the absence of capable guardianships in SNS environment, new legislation imposing heavier legal consequences of SNS bullying could be useful in discouraging such deviant behavior. To complement these legislative initiatives, SNS developers should establish zero-tolerance policies toward SNS bullying behaviors and indicate clearly the punishment of deviant behavior to site users. For instance, platforms should give warnings to users if any inappropriate site use is detected, and temporary account suspension should be imposed if a user is found guilty of violating the terms of use. It is also essential for SNS developers to be cautious about their core design principles, which obviously favor maximizing social interaction. Such design principles have constantly been abused by perpetrators who seek to involve more accomplices in the incident, thereby allowing them to deny sole culpability. Finally, SNS platforms should inform users that any information uploaded onto the site will be stored and subject to investigation upon request by the proper authorities.

Limitations and Future Research Directions

Our work does have some limitations that should be acknowledged—which, however, also gesture toward several avenues for future research. First, care must be taken when extrapolating the findings of this study to bullying on other SNSs and in other countries. Specifically, we tested the research model using a single SNS platform with American adult users. The homogeneity of the respondent profile may have affected the generalizability of our conclusions. However, the sample did consist of respondents with heterogeneous demographic characteristics—such as SNS usage experience, educational background, and age—which may have helped to overcome sampling limitations. Future research should replicate our research model and test whether users’ evaluation of SNS environmental conditions can be generalized to different user groups (e.g., children), other cultural contexts (e.g., Asia), or social networking platforms (e.g., Twitter).

Second, since we used an online survey to collect the data, our findings may be influenced by response bias. To address these concerns, we used a third-party platform and an anonymous survey setting to minimize the threat of response bias and used the social desirability scale to detect biased responses. We also applied both procedural remedies and statistical remedies to detect and mitigate concerns related to common method bias. Nevertheless, our study may have been influenced by self-selection bias, which is difficult to estimate when using an online survey design. It is also possible that some respondents with SNS bullying experience left the survey after being exposed to sensitive questions.

Third, we consolidated four general SNS affordances from the literature and tested their effects in our research model explaining SNS bullying. Although our study breaks new ground by investigating the unintended effects of SNS affordances on giving rise to favorable environmental conditions for SNS bullying, future research should explore other SNS affordances associated with specific social networking platforms. For instance, Snapchat allows photos to be viewable for a maximum of only 10 seconds. Such design can be further examined by introducing an “erasability” affordance, which may affect the evaluation of capable guardianships on Snapchat and alter SNS bullying behaviors and dynamics. Future research should also examine the technical objects that giving rise to an affordance. In this study, we broadly considered the technical object to be the “SNS” (i.e., Facebook). An experimental setup would, therefore, be beneficial for future studies to better understand and test the exact technical features and characteristics that give rise to these affordances.

Finally, because we used a typical variance model based on longitudinal online survey design, we were only able to infer causation from the theoretical foundation and research design. Despite this limitation, we prefer the survey method over other alternatives. It allows us to maximize the predicted frequency of SNS bullying by providing a snapshot of the relative effects and interaction effects among the various crime opportunity components. Future research should use experiments, interviews, and case studies to validate the research findings. However, the use of these alternative research designs may inevitably induce undesirable cyberbullying experiences to the participants, and conflict with participants’ ability to remain anonymous due to the requirement for identification. This may lead to new challenges in eliciting honest responses while maintaining confidentiality.


Drawing on crime opportunity theory and the affordance perspective, we develop and empirically test a research model to explain SNS bullying. The research model explains a substantial amount of the variance for SNS bullying and highlights the imperative role of technology affordance and SNS environment in shaping SNS bullying. We believe that the results have significant implications for research on IT deviant use and provide practical guidance for formulating preventive measures and educational programs to combat SNS bullying.

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The authors wish to thank the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Zwass, and the reviewers for their support and guidance throughout the review process.


Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.

Additional information


The work described in this article was partially supported by a grant from the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. HKBU 12511016).

Notes on contributors

Tommy K. H. Chan

Tommy K. H. Chan ([email protected]; corresponding author) is a Lecturer in Business Information Management at Northumbria University, United Kingdom. He earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems and e-Business Management from Hong Kong Baptist University. Dr. Chan’s research interests include societal implications of information technology use, such as cyberbullying and game addiction, and online consumer behaviors, such as customer engagement and social media firestorm. His work has been published in such journals as Information & Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Internet Research, and others.

Christy M. K. Cheung

Christy M. K. Cheung ([email protected]) is an Associate Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. She earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include technology use and well-being, IT adoption and use, societal implications of IT use, and social media. She has published over one hundred refereed articles in scholarly journals and conference proceedings, including, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, and MIS Quarterly, among others. Dr. Cheung is President of the Association for Information Systems - Hong Kong Chapter. She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of Internet Research.

Randy Y. M. Wong

Randy Y. M. Wong ([email protected]) is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Finance and Decision Sciences at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interests include social media and social networking, and societal implications of technology use. Her work has appeared in Computers in Human Behavior as well as in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, European Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, and Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.


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Table A. Summary of Prior Studies on SNS Bullying