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, , &
Pages 6-57 | Published online: 06 Feb 2012


Complex Event Processing (CEP) deals with the analysis of streams of continuously arriving events, with the goal of identifying instances of predefined meaningful patterns (complex events). Complex events are detected in order to trigger time-critical actions in many areas, including sensors networks, financial services, transaction management, business intelligence, etc. In existing approaches to CEP, a complex event is represented as a composition of more simple events satisfying certain temporal relationships. In this article, we advocate a knowledge-rich CEP, which, apart from events, also processes additional (contextual) knowledge (e.g., in order to prove semantic relations among matched events or to define more complex situations). In particular, we present a novel approach for realizing knowledge-rich CEP, including detection of semantic relations among events and reasoning. We present a rule-based language for pattern matching over event streams, with a precise syntax and the declarative semantics. We devise an execution model for the proposed formalism, and provide a prototype implementation. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.


Recently, there has been a significant paradigm shift toward real-time information processing in research as well as in industry. Most businesses today collect large volumes of data continuously, and it is absolutely essential for them to processthis data in real time so that they can take time-critical actions (Luckham Citation2002). Real-time computing has raised significant interest because of its wide applicability in areas such as sensor networks (for on-the-fly interpretation of sensor data), financial services (for dynamic tracking of stock fluctuations as well as surveillance for frauds and money laundering), adhoc business process management (to detect situations that demand process changes in a timely fashion), network traffic monitoring (to detect and predict potential traffic problems), location-based services (for real-time tracking and service operation), web click analysis (for real-time analysis of users' interactions with a website and adaptive content delivery), and so forth.

Classical database systems and data warehouses are concerned with what happened in the past. In contrast thereto, complex event processing (CEP) is about processing events on their occurrence, with the goal of detecting what has just happened or what is about to happen. An event represents something that occurs, happens, or changes the current state of affairs. For example, an event may represent a sensor reading, a stock price change, a complied transaction, a new piece of information, a content update made available by a web service, and so forth. In all these situations, it is reasonable to compose simple (atomic) events into complex events, in order to structure the course of affairs and describe more complex dynamic situations. CEP deals with real-time recognition of such complex events, i.e., it processes continuously arriving events with the aim of identifying occurrences of meaningful event patterns (complex events).

High throughput and timeliness represent two main requirements of today's CEP systems (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei and Madden Citation2009; Barga et al. Citation2007; Arasu, Babu, and Widom 2006; Krämer and Seeger Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003). Facing high-frequency event occurrences and the necessity of real-time responses, the matching of event patterns against unbound event streams indeed constitutes a challenge in its own right. Yet, the question remains whether sole pattern-matching functionality is enough to ensure appropriate responses and to meet the sophisticated requirements of event-driven applications. In many applications, real-time actions need to be triggered not only by events, but also on evaluation of additional background knowledge. This knowledge captures the domain of interest, or context related to critical actions and decisions. Its purpose is to be evaluated during detection of complex events in order to be able to enrich events on the fly with relevant background information; to detect more complex situations; to propose certain intelligent recommendations in real time; or to accomplish complex event classification, clustering, filtering, and so forth.

There exists already much knowledge available online that can be used in conjunction with event processing. For example, the Linked Open Data (LOD) initiativeFootnote 1 has made available on the web hundreds of datasets and ontologies such as live-linked open sensor data,Footnote 2 UK governmental data,Footnote 3 the New York Times dataset,Footnote 4 financial ontologies,Footnote 5 encyclopedic data (e.g., DBpedia), and linked geo-data.Footnote 6 This knowledge is commonly represented as structured data (using RDF Schema; Brickley, Guha, and McBride, Citation2004). Structured data allows us to define meanings, structures, and semantics of information that is understandable for humans and intelligently processable by machines. Moreover, structured data enables reasoning over explicit knowledge in order to infer new (implicit) information. Current CEP systems (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei and Madden Citation2009; Barga et al. Citation2007; Arasu Babu and Widom 2006; Krämer and Seeger Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003), however, cannot utilize this structured knowledge and cannot reason about it. In this work, we address this issue and provide a framework for event recognition and reasoning over event streams and domain knowledge.

Our approach is based on declarative (logic) rules. It has been shown (Artikis et al. Citation2010; Kowalski and Sergot Citation1986; Miller and Shanahan Citation1999; Lausen, Ludäscher, and May, Citation1998; Alferes, Banti, and Brogi 2006; Bry and Eckert Citation2007; Haley Citation1987; Paschke, Kozenkov, and Boley Citation2010) that logic-based approaches for event processing have various advantages. First, they are expressive enough and convenient to represent diverse complex event patterns and come with a clear formal declarative semantics; as such, they are free of operational side-effects. Second, integration of query processing with event processing is easy and natural (including, e.g., the processing of recursive queries). Third, our experience with the deployment of logic rules is very positive and encouraging in terms of implementation effort for the main constructs in CEP as well as in providing extensibility of a CEP system (e.g., the number of code lines is significantly fewer than in procedural programming). Ultimately, a logic-based event model allows for reasoning over events, their relationships, entire states, and possible contextual knowledge available for a particular domain. Simultaneously reasoning about temporal knowledge (concerning events) and static or evolving knowledge (such as facts, rules and ontologies) is a capability beyond the state of the art in CEP (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei and Madden Citation2009; Barga et al. Citation2007; Arasu, Babu, and Widom, Citation2006; Krämer and Seeger Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003). In this paper we present a framework capable of CEP and reasoning over temporal and static knowledge.


The main contributions of this paper are as follows:

Formalism for real-time event recognition and reasoning. We define an expressive complex event description language, called ETALIS Language for Events, with a rule-based syntax and a clear declarative formal semantics. We extend the language, as defined in our previous work (Anicic et al. Citation2010), to accommodate static rules. Whereas event rules are used to capture patterns of complex events, the static rules account for (static) background knowledge about the considered domain. In comparison to Anicic et al. (Citation2010), we further extend the language to express complex iterative patterns over unbound event streams and apply certain aggregation functions over sliding windows. The language is founded on a new execution model that compiles complex event patterns into logic rules and enables timely, event-driven detection of complex events. The proposed formalism is expressive enough to capture the set of all possible thirteen temporal relations on time intervals, defined in Allen's interval algebra (Citation1983). Because the language with its extensions is based on declarative semantics, it is suitable for deductive reasoning over event streams and the domain knowledge. The language is also general enough to support extensions with respect to other operators and features required in event processing (e.g., event consumption policies).

Efficient execution model. We develop an efficient, event-driven, execution model for patterns written in ETALIS Language for Events. We extend the operational semantics from Anicic et al. (Citation2009, Citation2010) to accommodatestatic rules, as well as iterative and aggregative patterns. The model has inferencing capabilities and yet good run-time characteristics. It provides a flexible transformation of CEPs into intermediate patterns, so-called goals. The status of achieved goals (at the current state) shows the progress toward matching event patterns. Goals are automatically asserted (satisfied) as relevant events occur. They can persist over a period of time, “waiting” in order to support detection of a more complex goal or a complete pattern. Important characteristics of these goals are that they are asserted only if they might be needed later on (to support a more complex goal or an event pattern); goals are all unique, and goals persist as long as they remain relevant (after the relevant period they are deleted). Goals are asserted by Prolog-style rules, which are executed in the backward chaining mode. Finally, expired goals are also deleted by such rules in order to free up the memory.

Implementation and evaluation. We have implemented the proposed ETALIS Language for Events in a Prolog-based prototype. The implementation is open source.Footnote 7 We have developed a set of experiments to evaluate the overall approach. Our experiments are related to a sensor network, dedicated to measurements of environmental phenomena (e.g., weather observations such as wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation,visibility etc.). The evaluation has been conducted on real sensor data, and results are presented here.

The paper is organized as follows. In the Expressive Logic Rule-based Formalism for Complex Event Processing section, we introduce ETALIS Language for Events. We define the syntax, and the declarative semantics of the language. Further on, iterative and aggregative complex event patterns are discussed; and theoretical properties of the presented formalism are given. The Operational Semantics section describes in detail an execution model of our language. It also explains how complex event patterns are incrementally computed in (near) real time. Event consumption policies and memory management techniques are also presented. In the Deductive Reasoning in Complex Event Processing section, we discuss how deductive reasoning can be used to extend CEP with a few examples, we demonstrate use of logic rules for event classification, filtering, and reasoning over events and background knowledge. We discuss implementation details of our formalism, and give evaluation results of conducted experiments in the evaluation results section. The related work section reviews existing work in this area, and compares it to ours. Finally, the Conclusion summarizes the paper, and gives an outline of future work.


We now define syntax and semantics of the ETALIS formalism, featuring (1) static rules accounting for static background information about the considered domain and (2) event rules that are used to capture the dynamic information by defining patterns of complex events. Both parts may be intertwined through the use of common variables. Based on a combined (static and dynamic) specification, we will define the notion of entailment of complex events by a given event stream.


We start by defining the notational primitives of the ETALIS formalism. An ETALIS rule base is based on:

a set V of variables (denoted by capitals X, Y, …)

a set C of constant symbols including true and false

for n ∈ ℕ, sets F n of function symbols of arity n

for n ∈ ℕ, sets of static predicates of arity n

for n ∈ ℕ, sets of event predicates of arity n, disjoint from

Based on those, we define terms by:

We define the set of (static/event) atoms as the set of all expressions where p is a (static/event) predicate and t 1, … t n are terms.

An ETALIS rule base is composed of a static s and an event part e . Thereby, s is a set of Horn clauses using the static predicates . Formally, a static rule is defined as a:−a 1, …, a n with a, a 1, …, a n static atoms. Thereby, every term that a contains must be either a variable or a constant. Moreover, all variables occurring in any of the atoms have to occur at least once in the rule body outside any function application.

The event part R e allows for the definition of patterns based on time and events. Time instants and durations are represented as nonnegative rational numbers q ∈ ℚ+. Events can be atomic or complex. An atomic event refers to an instantaneous occurrence of interest. Atomic events are expressed as ground event atoms (i.e., event predicates, the arguments of which do not contain any variables). Intuitively, the arguments of a ground atom representing an atomic event denote information items (i.e., event data) that provide additional information about that event.

Atomic events are combined to complex events by event patterns describing temporal arrangements of events and absolute time points. The language P of event patterns is defined by

Thereby, is an n-ary event predicate, t i denotes terms, t is a term of type boolean, q is a nonnegative rational number, and BIN is one of the binary operators SEQ, AND, PAR, OR, EQUALS, MEETS, EQUALS, STARTS, or FINISHES.Footnote 8 As a side condition, in every expression p WHERE t, all variables occurring in t must also occur in the pattern p.

Finally, an event rule is defined as a formula of the shape

where p is an event pattern containing all variables occurring in .

Figure demonstrates the various ways of constructing complex event descriptions from simpler ones in ETALIS Language for Events. Moreover, the figure informally introduces the semantics of the language, which will further be defined in the Declarative Semantics section.

FIGURE 1 Language for event processing-composition operators.

FIGURE 1 Language for event processing-composition operators.

Let us assume that instances of three complex events, P 1, P 2, P 3, are occurring in time intervals as shown in Figure . Vertical dashed lines depict different time units, whereas the horizontal bars represent detected complex events for the given patterns. In the following, we give the intuitive meaning for all patterns from the figure:

(P 1).3 detects an occurrence of P 1 if it happens within an interval of length 3, i.e., 3 represents the (maximum) time window.

P 1 SEQ P 3 represents a sequence of two events, i.e., an occurrence of P 1 is followed by an occurrence of P 3; here P 1 must end before P 3 starts.

P 2 AND P 3 is a pattern that is detected when instances of both P 2 and P 3 occur, no matter in which order.

P 1 PAR P 3 occurs when instances of both P 1 and P 2 happen, provided that their intervals have a nonzero overlap.

P 2 or P 3 is triggered for every instance of P 2 or P 3.

P 1 DURING (0 SEQ 6) happens when an instance of P 1 occurs during an interval; in this case, the interval is built using a sequence of two atomic time-point events (one with q = 0 and another with q = 6, see the syntax above).

P 3 STARTS P 1 is detected when an instance of P 3 starts at the same time as an instance of P 1 but ends earlier.

P 1 EQUALS P 3 is triggered when the two events occur exactly at the same time interval.

NOT (P 3). [P 1, P 1] represents a negated pattern. It is defined by a sequence of events (delimiting events) in the square brackets where there is no occurrence of P 3 in the interval. In order to invalidate an occurrence of the pattern, an instance of P 3 must happen in the interval formed by the end time of the first delimiting event and the start time of the second delimiting event. In this example, delimiting events are just two instances of the same event, i.e., P 1. Different treatments of negation are also possible, however we use one from Adaikkalavan & Chakravarthy (Citation2006) that is well adopted in CEP.

P 3 FINISHES P 2 is detected when an instance of P 3 ends at the same time as an instance of P 1 but starts later.

P 2 MEETS P 3 happens when the interval of an occurrence of P 2 ends exactly when the interval of an occurrence of P 3 starts.

It is worth noting that the defined pattern language captures the set of all possible 13 relations on two temporal intervals as defined in Allen (Citation1983). The set can also be used for rich temporal reasoning.

In this example, event patterns are considered under the unrestricted policy. In event processing, consumption policies deal with an issue of selecting particular events occurrences when there are more than oneevent instance applicable and consuming events after they have been used in patterns. We will discuss different consumption policies and their implementation in ETALIS Language for Events in a later section.

It is worthwhile to briefly consider the modeling capabilities of the presented pattern language. To do so, let us show a few examples related to real-time observations and measurements of environmental phenomena (e.g., weather observations of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, etc.). For instance, one might be interested in defining an event that detects increase in wind speed at a certain location Loc. Even more elaborate constraints can be put on the applicability of a pattern by endowing it with a boolean-type term as a filter.Footnote 9 Thus, we can detect a wind speed increase of at least 10%:

Let us now define an event denoting duration of a fire at a certain location:

We can also combine the WindSpeedIncrease event from (1) to form a new complex event, FireAlarm:

Similarly, we might be interested in detecting the heat index, i.e., an index that combines air temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to determine the human-perceived equivalent temperature (how hot it feels):Footnote 10

Note that we have also defined a time frame of 30 minutes in which temperature and humidity readings are expected from respective sensors. This event rule also shows, how event information (about an index or other data) can be “passed” on to the defined complex events by using variables. In general, variables may be employed to conditionally group events or their attributes into complex ones if they refer to the same entity.

We will gradually introduce more complex patterns later on in this section and later sections, as we introduce other aspects of the language.

Declarative Semantics

We define the declarative formal semantics of our formalism in a model-theoretic way. Note that we assume a fixed interpretation of the occurring function symbols, i.e., for every function symbol f of arity n, we presume a predefined function . That is, in our setting, functions are treated as built-in utilities.

As usual, a variable assignment is a mapping μ: Var → Con assigning a value to every variable. We let μ* denote the canonical extension of μ to terms:

Thereby, is defined by the standard least Herbrand model semantics.

In addition to R, we fix an event stream, which is a mapping from event ground predicates into sets of nonnegative rational numbers. It indicates what elementary events occur at which time instants.

Moreover, we define an interpretation as a mapping from the event ground atoms to sets of pairs of nonnegative rationals, such that for every  ∈ (g) for all g ∈ Ground e . Given an event stream ε, an interpretation is called a model for a rule set – written as – if the following conditions are satisfied:


for every and g ∈ Ground e with q ∈ ε(g)


for every rule atom ← pattern and every variable assignment μ we have where is inductively defined as displayed in Figure .

FIGURE 2 Definition of extensional interpretation of event patterns. We use P(x) for patterns, q (x) for rational numbers, t (x) for terms and for event predicates.

FIGURE 2 Definition of extensional interpretation of event patterns. We use P(x) for patterns, q (x) for rational numbers, t (x) for terms and for event predicates.

For an interpretation and some , we let denote the interpretation defined by . Given interpretations and , we say that is preferred to if for some . A model is called minimal if there is no other model preferred to .

Theorem 2.1

For every event stream ε and rule base there is a unique minimal model .


For every rational number q with , we define an interpretation by bottom-up saturation of ε q where under the rules of where the NOT subexpressions are evaluated against . The minimal model can then be defined by . Minimality is a straightforward consequence of the fact that derived intervals always contain the intervals associated to the premise atoms due to the definition of the semantics of patterns (cf. Figure ).

Finally, given an atom a and two rational numbers q 1, q 2, we say that the event is a consequence of the event stream ε and the rule base (written ), if for some variable assignment μ.

It can be easily verified that the behavior of the event stream ε beyond the time point q 2 is irrelevant for determining whether is the case.Footnote 11 This justifies taking the perspective of ε being only partially known (and continuously unveiled along a time line) while the task is to detect event consequences as soon as possible.

Complexity Properties

The theoretical properties of the presented formalism heavily depend on the conditions put on the formalism's signature. On the negative side, without further restrictions, the formalism turns out to be ExpTime-complete as a straightforward consequence from according results in Dantsin et al. (Citation2001).

On the other side, the formalism turns not only decidable but even tractable if both C and the arity of functions and predicates is bounded:

Theorem 2.2

Given natural numbers k, m, the problem of detecting complex events in an event stream ε with an ETALIS rule base which satisfies and where the number of variables per rule is bounded by m is PTIME-complete w.r.t. .


PTIME-hardness directly follows from the fact that the formalism subsumes function-free Horn logic, which is known to be hard for PTIME, see e.g., Dantsin et al. (Citation2001).

For containment in PTIME, recall that in our formalism, function symbols have a fixed interpretation. Hence, given an ETALIS rule base with finite C, we can transform it into an equivalent function-free rule base : we eliminate every n-ary function symbol f by introducing an auxiliary n + 1-ary predicate p f and “materializing” the function by adding ground atoms . This can be done in polynomial time, given the above mentioned variable bound. Naturally, the size of is also polynomial compared to the size of .

Next, observe that under the above circumstances, the least Herbrand model of (which is then arity-bounded and function-free) can be computed in polynomial time (as there are only polynomially many ground atoms). Finally, note that the number of time points occurring in an event stream ε is linearly bounded by |ε|, whence there are only polynomially many relevant “interval-endowed ground predicates” possibly entailed by ε and . Finally these entailments can be checked in polynomial time in a forward-chaining manner against the respective (polynomial) grounding of . This concludes the proof.

Iterations and Aggregate Functions

In this section, we show how unbound iterations of events, possibly in combination with aggregate functions can be expressed within our defined formalism.

Many of the formalisms concerned with CEP feature operators indicating that an event may be iterated arbitrarily often. Mostly, the notation of these operators is borrowed from regular expressions in automata theory: the Kleene star () matches zero or more occurrences whereas the Kleene plus () indicates one or more occurrences.

For example, the pattern expression a SEQ b + SEQ c would match any of the event sequences abc, abbc, abbbc, etc. It is easy to see that—given our semantics – this pattern expression is equivalent to the pattern a SEQ b SEQ c (as essentially, it allows for “skipping” occurring events).Footnote 12 Likewise, all patterns in which this kind of Kleene iteration occurs can be transformed into noniterative ones.

However, frequently iterative patterns are used in combination with aggregate functions, i.e., a value is accumulated over a sequence of events. Mostly, CEP formalisms define new language primitives to accommodate this feature. Within the ETALIS formalism, this situation can be handled via recursive event rules.

As an example, assume a TempIncrease event should be triggered whenever the temperature rises over a previous maximum, and a further TempAlarm event is triggered if the maximum gets over 100°F. For this, we have to iterate whenever there is a new maximum temperature indicated by the atomic Temp events. This can be realized by the below set of rules:

In the same vein, every aggregative pattern can be expressed by sets of recursive rules, wherein we introduce auxiliary events that carry the intermediate results of the aggregation as arguments.

As a further remark, note that for a given natural number N, the N-fold sequential execution of an event A (a pattern usually written as A N ) can be recognized by Iteration(A,N) defined as follows:

This allows us to express patterns in which events are repeated many times in a compact way.

A common scenario in event processing is to detect patterns on moving length-based windows. Such a pattern is detected when certain events are repeated as many times as the window length is. A sliding window moves on each new event to detect a new complex event (defined by the length of a window). The following rules implement such a pattern in ETALIS for the length equal to N (N is typically predefined):

For instance, for N = 5, E will be triggered every time the system encounters five occurrences of A.


In an earlier section, we defined complex event patterns formally. This section describes how complex events, described in ETALIS Language for Events, can be detected at runtime (following the semantics of the language). Our approach is established on goal-directed, event-driven rules and decomposition of complex event patterns into two-input intermediate events (i.e., goals). Goals are automatically asserted by rules as relevant events occur. They can persist over a period of time, “waiting” to support detection of a more complex goal. This process of asserting increasingly complex goals shows the progress toward detection of a complex event. In the following subsections, we give more details about a goal-directed, event-driven mechanism with respect to event pattern operators (formally defined in the Declarative Semantics section).

Sequence of Events

Let us consider a sequence of events represented by rule (6), i.e., E is detected when an event A.Footnote 13 is followed by B, and followed by C. We can always represent the above pattern as E ← ((A SEQ B) SEQ C). In general, rules (7) represent two equivalent rules.Footnote 14

We refer to this kind of “events coupling” as binarization of events. Effectively, in binarization we introduce two-input intermediate events (IE). For example, now we can rewrite rule (6) as IE ← A SEQ B, and the E ← IE SEQ C. Every monitored event (either atomic or complex), including intermediate events, will be assigned with one or more logic rules, fired whenever that event occurs. Using the binarization, it is more convenient to construct event-driven rules for three reasons. First, it is easier to implement an event operator when events are considered on a “two-by-two” basis. Second, the binarization increases the possibility for sharing among events and intermediate events, when the granularity of intermediate patterns is reduced. Third, the binarization eases the management of rules. As we will see later in this section, each new use of an event (in a pattern) amounts to appending one or more rules to the existing rule set. However it is important that for the management of rules, we do not need to modify existing rules when adding new ones.Footnote 15

In the following, we give more details about assigning rules to each monitored event. We also provide an algorithm (using Prolog syntax) for detecting a sequence of events.

Algorithm 3.1

Algorithm 3.1. accepts as input a rule referring to a binary sequence IE ← A SEQ B, and produces event-driven backward chaining rules (EDBCR), i.e., executable rules for the sequence pattern. The binarization step must precede the rule transformation. Rules, produced by Algorithm 3.1, belong to one of two different classes of rules. We refer to the first class as goal inserting rules. The second class corresponds to checking rules. For example, rule (8) belongs to the first class as it inserts goal(B(_, _), A(T 1, T 2),IE(_, _)). The rule will fire when A occurs, and the meaning of the goal it inserts is as follows: “an event A has occurred at [T 1, T 2],Footnote 16 and we are waiting for B to happen in order to detect IE.” The goal does not carry information about times for B and IE, as we do not know when they will occur. In general, the second event in a goal always denotes the event that has just occurred. The role of the first event is to specify what we are waiting for to detect an event that is on the third position.

Algorithm 3.1


Input: event binary goal IE ← A SEQ B.

Output: event-driven backward chaining rules for SEQ operator.

Each event binary goal IE ← A SEQ B is converted into:{


Rule (9) belongs to the second class, being a checking rule. It checks whether certain prerequisite goals already exist in the database, in which case it triggers the more complex event. For example, rule (9) will fire whenever B occurs. The rule checks whether goal(B(T 3, T 4), A(T 1, T 2),IE) already exists (i.e., A has previously happened), in which case the rule triggers IE by calling IE(T 1, T 4). The time occurrence of IE (i.e., T 1, T 4) is defined based on the occurrence of constituting events (i.e., A(T 1, T 2), and B(T 3, T 4), see the Declarative Semantics section). Calling IE(T 1, T 4), this event is effectively propagated either upward (if it is an intermediate event) or triggered as a finished complex event.

We see that our backward chaining rules compute goals in a forward chaining manner. The goals are crucial for computation of complex events. They show the current state of progress toward matching an event pattern. Moreover, they allow for determining the “completion state” of any complex event, at any time. For instance, we can query the current state and get information regarding how much of a certain pattern is currently fulfilled (e.g., what is the current status of a certain pattern, or notify me if the pattern is 90% completed). Further, goals can enable reasoning over events (e.g., answering which event occurred before some other event, although we do not know a priori what are explicit relationships between these two; correlating complex events to each other; establishing more complex constraints between them and so forth, see the Deductive Reasoning in Complex Event Processing section). Goals can persist over a period of time. It is worth noting that checking rules can also delete goals. Once a goal is “consumed,” it is removed from the database.Footnote 17 In this way, goals are kept persistent as long as (but not longer than) needed. In the Event Consumption Policies section, we will return to different policies for removing goals from the database.

Finally, in Algorithm 3.1 there exist more rules than the two mentioned types (i.e., rules inserting goals and checking rules). We see that for each different event type (i.e., A and B in our case) we have one rule with a for_each predicate. It is defined by rule (10). Effectively, it implements a loop, which for any occurrence of an event goes through each rule specified for that event (predicate) and fires it. For example, when A occurs, the first rule in the set of rules from Algorithm 3.1 will fire. This first rule will then loop, invoking all other rules specified for A (those having A in the rule head). In our case, there is only one such rule, namely rule (8). However, in general, there may be as many of these rules as usages of a particular event in an event program. Let us observe a situation in which we want to extend our event pattern set with an additional pattern that contains the event A (i.e., additional usage of A). In this case, the rule set representing a set of event patterns needs to be updated with new rules. This can be done even at runtime. Let us assume that the additional pattern to be monitored is IE j  ← K SEQ A. Then the only change we need to make is to add one rule to insert a goal and one checking rule (in the existing rule set). The change is sketched as an update of Algorithm 3.1 belowFootnote 18 .

Updating rules from Algorithm 3.1 to accommodate an additional usage of the event A.

So far, we have described in detail a mechanism for event processing with data or EDBCR. We have also described the transformation of event pattern rules into rules for real-time events detection using the textitsequence operator. In general, for a given set of rules (defining complex patterns) there will be as many transformed rules as there are usages of distinct atomic events. Some rules, however, may be shared among different patterns. As said,the binarization divides patterns into binary subpatterns (intermediate events). If two or more patterns share the same subpatterns, they will also share the same set of EDBCR. That is, during the transformation, only one set of EDBCR will be produced for a distinct event binary goal (no matter how many times the goal is used in the whole event program). In large programs (e.g., where event patterns are built incrementally, i.e., one pattern upon another one) such a sharing may improve the overall system performance as the execution of redundant rules is avoided.

The set of transformed rules is further accompanied by rules to implement loops (as many as there are distinct atomic events). The same procedure is repeated for intermediate events (for example, IE 1, IE 2). The complete transformation is proportional to the number and length of user-defined event pattern rules, hence, such a transformation is linear, and moreover is performed at design time.

Conceptually, our backward chaining rules for the sequence operator look very similar to rules for other operators. In the remaining part of this section we show the algorithms for other event operators, and briefly describe them.

Conjunction of Events

Conjunction is another typical operator in event processing. An event pattern based on conjunction occurs when all events that compose that conjunction occur. Unlike the sequence operator, here the constitutive events can happen at times with no particular order between them. For example, IE ← A AND B defines IE event as a conjunction of events A and B.

Algorithm 3.2

Algorithm 3.2. shows the output of a transformation of conjunction event patterns into EDBCR (for conjunction). The procedure for dividing complex event rules into binary event goals is the same as in Algorithm 3.1. However, rules for inserting and checking goals are different. Both classes of rules are specific to conjunction. We have a pair of these rules created for both an event A as well as for B. Whenever A occurs (denoted as some interval (T 1, T 2)), the algorithm checks whether an instance of B has already happened (see rule (11) from Algorithm 3.2). An instance of B has already happened if the current database state contains goal(A(_, _), B(T 1, T 2), IE(_, _)). In this case, the event IE(T 5, T 6) is triggered (i.e., a call for IE(T 5, T 6) is issued). Otherwise, a goal that states that an instance of A has occurred is inserted (i.e., assert(goal (B(_, _), A(T 1, T 2),IE(_, _))) and is executed by rule (12)). Now if an instance of B happens later (at some (T 3, T 4)), rule (13) will succeed (if A has previously happened). Otherwise rule (14) will insert goal (A(_, _), B(T 1, T 2), IE (_, _)).

Algorithm 3.2


Input: event binary goal IE ← A AND B.

Output: event-driven backward chaining rules for AND operator.

Each event binary goal IE ← A AND B is converted into: {

In a previous section, we presented a declarative semantics of ETALIS Language for Events. We provide an implementation of the language in Prolog, and because Prolog is not purely declarative, we need to take care when using nondeclarative features of Prolog.Footnote 19 Hence, in the following, we discuss whether the operational semantics—as presented so far in this section—correspond to the declarative semantics of the language.

Consider an example program defined by rules (15) and its corresponding graphical representation shown in Figure . Note that event B is used twice in rules (15), hence we have two edges in Figure . For each edge of B we will have one EDBC rule (e.g., if o p i is SEQ where i can be either 1 or 2) or two EDBC rules (e.g., if o p i is AND); see Algorithm 3.1 and Algorithm 3.2, respectively. To ensure the declarative property of the language, the order in which rules of these two edges are executed needs to be irrelevant. That is, if the ETALIS system evaluates rule(s) from the first edge followed by evaluation of rule(s) from the second edge, we need to obtain the same results as if the order were the opposite. If this holds for every binary pair of events connected by any event operator in a program, then we can be sure that the operational semantics preserve the declarative property of the language.

FIGURE 3 Example program.

FIGURE 3 Example program.

Let us assume that both o p 1 and o p 2 in rules (15) is replaced by SEQ operator, and that event A happened followed by event B. In this situation we expect to derive event C only. Event D will not be triggered because event C did not strictly happened after event B. That is, T 2 of event B is not strictly smaller than T 1 of event C (essentially they are equal); see Algorithm 3.1. Consequenly, event D will not be detected regardless of the order in which rules for two B edges are evaluated.

Let us assume that o p 2 in rules (15) is replaced by AND operator, and again, event A happened, followed by event B. In this situation, we expect to derive both event C and event D. When event B occurs, the system can first evaluate the rule for the SEQ edge (o p 1), and then rules for the AND edge (o p 2), or vice versa. For both cases, we expect event D to be triggered.

Suppose the SEQ edge of event B is evaluated first. The system will detect event C. This event will be used to start detection of the conjunction (defined by the second rule in rules (15)). Effectively, event B will trigger rule (13) and rule (14) in Algorithm 3.2.Footnote 20 Rule (13) will fail, and rule (14) will succeed by inserting goal (B (_, _), C (T 3, T 4), D (_, _)). Next, when rules of the AND edge of event B are evaluated, rule (11) and rule (12) will fireFootnote 21 . Finally, rule (11) will succeed by triggering event D. We see that successful evaluation of rule (14), followed by successful evaluation of rule (11), leads to detection of event D.

Now suppose that the ANDedge of event B is evaluated first. In this situation, rule (12) will be successfully evaluated followed by evaluation of rule (13). As a result, the detection will take place in the reverse order, but it will be still possible to detect event D.

Whereas Algorithm 3.1 enables detection of events in one direction, Algorithm 3.2 enables the detection in both directions. Therefore we use a modification of Algorithm 3.2 to handle other operators, too (e.g., PAR, MEETS, FINISHES etc.), i.e., whenever binary events may come in both orders.


A concurrent or parallel composition of two events (IE ← A PAR B) is detected when events A and B both occur and their intervals overlap (i.e., we also say they happen synchronously).

Algorithm 3.3

Algorithm 3.3. shows what is an output of automated transformation of a concurrent event pattern into rules that serve a data-driven backward chaining event computation. The procedure for dividing complex event rules into binary event goals is the same (as already described), and takes place prior to the transformation. Rules for inserting and checking goals are similar to those in Algorithm 3.2. The only change in Algorithm 3.2 is a sufficient condition, ensuring the interval overlap (i.e., T 3 < T 2).

Algorithm 3.3


Input: event binary goal IE ← A PAR B.

Output: event-driven backward chaining rules for PAR operator.

Each event binary goal IE ← A PAR B is converted into: {



An algorithm for detecting disjunction (i.e., OR) of events is trivial. The disjunction operator divides rules into separate disjuncts, wherein each disjunct triggers the parent (complex) event. Therefore, we omit presentation of the algorithm here.


Negation in event processing is typically understood as absence of an event that is negated. In order to create a time interval in which we are interested to detect absence of an event, we define a negated event in the scope of other complex events. Algorithm 3.4 describes how to handle negation in the scope of a sequence. It is also possible to detect negation in an arbitrarily defined time interval.

Algorithm 3.4


Input: event binary goal IE ← NOT(C). [A,B].

Output: event-driven backward chaining rules for negation.

Each event binary goal IE ← NOT(C). [A,B] is converted into: {


Rules for detection of negation are similar to rules from Algorithm 3.1. We need to detect a sequence (i.e., A SEQ B), and additionally to check whether an occurrence of C happened in between the event A and B. That is why a rule B(1, T 5, T 6) needs to check whether (with certain time condition) is true. If yes, this means that an event C has not happened during a detected sequence (i.e., A(T 1, T 2) SEQ B(T 5, T 6)), and IE(T 1, T 6) will be triggered. It is worth noting that a nonoccurrence of C is monitored from when A has been detected until the beginning of an interval in which the event B is detected.

Interval-Based Operations

In the following part of this section we provide brief descriptions for the remaining relations between two intervals. Each relation is easily checked with one rule.


An event happens during (i.e., DURING) another event if the interval of the first is contained in the interval of the second. Rule (16) takes two intervals as parameters.Footnote 22 First, it checks whether all parameters are actually defined as intervals (see rule (17)). Then it compares whether the start of the second interval (T I 2_S) is less than the start of the first interval (T I 1_S). Additionally it checks whether the end of the first interval (T I 1_E) is less than the end of the second interval (T I 2_E).

Note that to implement the operator DURING, we still need EDBC rules, similar to those, e.g., for SEQ operator (see Algorithm 3.1), PAR operator (see Algorithm 3.3), etc. EDBC rules for DURING operator are similar to those of PAR operator with the following difference. Instead of the condition T 3 < T 2, which ensures that two time intervals overlap, we now have a condition that one interval needs to be contained in another one. Hence, T 3 < T 2 in Algorithm 3.3 is simply replaced by duration predicate defined as rule (16). The same remark applies to other interval-based operations presented below. Therefore, because of space limitations, we omit presentation of complete sets of EDBC rules for each interval-based operator. Instead, we give only a rule that implements the condition for a corresponding time interval operation.

Start Relation

We say that an event starts another if an instance of the first event starts at the same time as an instance of the second event, but ends earlier. Therefore rule (18) checks whether the start of both intervals are equal and whether the end of the first event is smaller than the end of the second.

Equal Relation

Two events are equal if they happen right at the same time. Rule (19) implements this relation.

Finish Relation

One event finishes another one if an occurrence of the first ends at the same time as an occurrence of the second event, but starts later. Rule (20) checks this condition.

Meet Relation

Two events meet each other when the interval of the first ends exactly when the interval of the second event starts. Hence, the condition T I 1_E = T I 2_S in rule (21) is sufficient to detect this relation.

Iterative and Aggregation Patterns

In ETALIS Language for Events, aggregate functions are handled by utilizing iterative rules. The language offers a common set of aggregates:Footnote 23 sum (Var) (sums the values of Var for all selected events), count (counts the number of solutions for all selected events from an unbound stream), avg (computes average and is implemented as combination of sum and count), max (Var) (computes the maximum value of Var for all selected events from an unbound stream), and min (Var) (computes the minimum value of Var for all selected events).

The aggregate functions are computed incrementally by starting with an initial value for the increment and iterating the aggregate function over events. For any aggregate function we implement the following iterative pattern.

The first rule starts the iteration process (when start_event) occurs with its initial value and possible condition on that value (see the first rule in (22)). The second rule defines the iteration itself, i.e., whenever an event participating in the iteration occurs (event A), it will trigger the rule and generate a new Iteration event.

In each iteration it is possible to calculate a certain operation (an aggregate function). To achieve this, the iterative rule contains the static part (WHERE clause) for two reasons: to save data from the seen events as history relevant with respect to the aggregation function (see assert(AggArg) in Pattern (22)), and to compute the sliding window incrementally (i.e., to delete events that expired from the sliding window and calculate the aggregate function on the rest).

The functionality of assert predicate is simply to add data on which aggregation is applied (i.e., an aggregation argument AggArg) to database. Sliding window functionality is also simple, and it is defined by the following rule (written in Prolog syntax).

We check whether the current counter value exceeds the window size (i.e., the incremented old counter, OldCntr + 1 > = WindowSize) in which case we retract the last item from the window (i.e., retract(LastItem)) and compute a specific aggregate function (spec_aggregate). If the current counter value does not exceed the window size, spec_aggregate function is computed without retraction. Recall that new data element (AggArg) was previously added by the second iterative rule (22).

Based on these iterative pattern and sliding window rules, we can implement other various aggregation functions. For example, to give the reader a feeling of how the sum aggregate function can be implemented over a stream of events data, see pattern (24).

As already explained, the iteration begins when Start_event occurs and sets the StartVal. The iteration is further continued whenever event A happens. Note that events Start_event and A can be of the same type or two different events. We can additionally have WHERE clause to set filter conditions for both StartVal and AggArg (which we omit here to keep the pattern readable). However, it is clear that neither every Start_event must start the iteration, nor that every A must be accepted in an ongoing iteration. Finally, the assert predicate adds new data (AggArg) to the current window, and the window rule deducts the expired (last) value from the window (in order to produce NewSum).

Note that the same rules can be used to compute the moving average (avg). To do that, we can simply add AvgVal = NewSum/(OldCntr + 1) in the WHERE clause of the second rule (as we have the current sum and the counter value).

In general, the iterative rules give us the possibility of realizing essentially any aggregate functions on event streams, no matter whether events are atomic or complex (note that there is no assumption whether event A is an atomic event). We can also have multiple aggregations, computed on a single iterative pattern (and calculated over the same event stream). For instance, the same iterative rules can be used to compute the average and the standard deviation. This feature can potentially save computation resources and increase the overall performance. Finally, it is worth noting that we are not constrained to compute the Kleene plus closure only over sequences of events, as it is common in other approaches (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei and Maddem Citation2009; Gehani, Jagadish, and Shmueli Citation1992). With no restrictions, we can also use any other event operator, e.g., AND or PAR, instead of SEQ (in pattern (24)).

Memory Management

We have developed two ways to deal with outdated events (i.e., expired events with respect to a user specified time window). The first technique modifies the binarization step by pushing the time constraints (set by pattern's time-window information). The technique ensures that time-window constraints are checked at each step during the incremental event detection. Therefore, unnecessary intermediary subcomplex events will not be generated if the time constraints are violated.

Our second solution for garbage collection is to prune expired events (goals), by using periodic events generated by the system (EGS). Essentially, it enables events to be purged, depending on the time-window constraints and the system clock. Similarly tothe first technique, rules are defined with time-window constraints and the binarization pushes the constraints to subcomponents. This technique, however, does not check the constraints at each step during the incremental event detection, but periodically as EGS are scheduled to happen.Footnote 24

Our prototype implementation (see the Evaluation Results section) also permits a general garbage collector, removing events after absolute time (if one writes patterns without the time-window constraints), as well as dynamic time-window constraints to be inserted/deleted on the fly.


When detecting a complex event, there might be several event occurrences (of the same type), that could be used to form that complex event. Consumption policies (or event contexts) deal with the issue of selecting particular occurrence(s), which will be used in the detection of a complex event. For example, let us consider rule (6) from the Sequence of Events section, and a sequence of atomic events that happened in the following order: A(1), A(2), A(3), B(4), B(5), C(6) (where an event attribute denotes a time point when an event instance has occurred). We expect that, when an event of type B occurs, an intermediate event IE must be triggered. However, the question is, which occurrence of A will be selected to build that event, A(1), A(2) or A(3)? The same question applies for B. Different consumption policies define different strategies. Here,we illustrate three widely used consumption policies: recent, chronological, and unrestricted (Chakravarthy and Mishra Citation1994; Yoneki and Bacon Citation2005), and show how they can be naturally implemented by rules in our framework.

Note, however, that consumption policies in CEP is a subject that is not inline with declarative principles. A consumption policy typically selects one out of several events occurrences and defines how multiple occurrences of the same event are consumed. This, however, has a direct impact on event pattern rules. For instance, if an event occurrence is consumed by rule r 1, it may not be available to rule r 2, and vice versa. As a consequence, the order in which rules r 1 and r 2 are evaluated matters (what is against the principle of declarative programming).

On the other hand, consumption policies are widely used in CEP. Therefore, in the remaining part of this section, we show how different consumption policies can be implemented in our formalism. However, it should be noted that the declarative property of the formalism does not hold any longer, when a certain consumption policy (apart from the unrestricted policy) is used. This remark holds, in general, for the other declarative formalisms that enable the use of consumption policies.

Consumption Policies Defined on Time Points

In the above example, we assumed that the stream of events A(1), A(2), A(3), B(4), B(5), C(6) contains only atomic events.

Recent Policy

With this policy, the most recent event of its type is considered to construct complex events. In our example, when B(4) occurs, A(3) will be selected to compose IE(3,4). After a more recent occurrence B(5) occurs, older (which are less recent) occurrences of B are deleted (i.e., they are no longer eligible for further compositions). The next pair, A(3), B(5), is selected to form IE(3,5). It replaces the less recent occurrence IE. Finally, when C(6) occurs, it will trigger E(3,6) (using IE(3,5) as the more recent occurrence of IE in comparison to IE(3,4)).

The recent policy can be easily implemented in our framework. Let us consider Algorithm 3.1, particularly the rule that inserts a goal (in our example, goal(B,A,IE)). Whenever an instance of A occurs, there will be a new goal inserted with a corresponding timestamp. For instance, for A(1), the goal(B(_),A(1),IE(_,_)) is added; for A(2), the goal(B(_),A(2),IE(_,_)) will be asserted, and so forth). If we insert these goals into the database using LIFO (Last In First Out) structure, we obtain the recent policy. In our prototype implementation, this is done with a rule of the following form:

assert A is a standard Prolog built-in that adds a term to the beginning of the database. Whenever a goal is inserted to the database, it is put on the top of a relation. Hence, whenever we read a goal, the one inserted last will be returned.

Chronological Policy

This policy “consumes” the events in chronological order. In our example, this means that A(1) and B(4) will form IE(1,4), and further A(2) followed by B(5) will trigger IE(2,5). When C(6) happens, it will trigger E(1,6).

It is straightforward to implement the chronological policy too. Now, the goals in Algorithm 3.1 are inserted in a FIFO (First In First Out) mode. Equivalently, we use the following rule to realize the chronological policy:

assertz is a standard Prolog built-in that adds a term to the end of the database. Whenever a goal is inserted to the database, it is put at the end of a relation. Consequently, whenever we read a goal, the first inserted goal will be returned first.

Unrestricted Policy

In this policy, all occurrences are valid. Consequently, no event is consumed (and no event is deleted), which makes this policy not suitable for practical use. Going back to our example, this implies that we detect the following instances of IE: IE(1,4), IE(2,4), IE(3,4), IE(1,5), IE(2,5), IE(3,5). The event E will be triggered just as many times, that is: E(1,6), E(2,6), E(3,6) …

We obtain the unrestricted policy simply by not using the construct for deleting goals (i.e., retract) from the database. If we replace the rule for B(1) in Algorithm 3.1 with rule (27), even consumed goals will not be deleted from the database.Footnote 25 Hence, they will be available for future compositions.

Consumption policies are an important part of an event processing framework. We notice that different policies change the semantics of event operators. For example, with the same operator we have detected different complex events (the recent policy detects E(2,6), while the chronological policy detects E(1,6)).

Consumption Policies Defined on Time Intervals

We have so far discussed consumption policies, assuming that we consider atomic events (in an input stream). As atomic events happen at time points, it is possible to establish a total order of their occurrences. Consequently, it is easy to answer which event instance, out of two, happened more recently. When we deal with complex events (T 1 ≠ T 2), a total order is not always possible. This subsection provides possible options in defining consumption policies in such a case.

Recent Policy

Let us consider the following sequence of input events: A(1,30), A(15,30), B(35,50). In our example rule (6), the question now is which instance of A is more recent, A(1,30) or A(15,30)? In our opinion, this question depends on a particular application domain. There are three possible options. First, an event detected on a longer event duration is selected to be the recent one (i.e., A(1,30)). This option is suitable when aggregation functions (for example, sum, average, and so forth) are applied along time windows. Hence, events detected on longer durations possibly reflect more accurate results. The second option is to choose an event with a shorter duration (i.e., A(15,30)). This preference is suitable when indeed more recent events are desired. For example, we are interested in data (carried by events) that are as up to date as possible. Finally, the third possibility is to pick up an event instance based on data value selection i.e., nontemporal properties. For instance, events ending at the same time, A(1, 30, X, Vol = 1000) and A(15, 30, X, Vol = 10000), are selected based on an attribute value (e.g., greater volume Vol).

We implement these three cases with rules (28)–(30). When an A occurs, there is a policy check performed. In rule (28), for two events with the same ending (i.e., A(T 1, T 3) and A(T 2, T 3)), we make sure that one with a longer path (T 1 > T 2) is selected. In rule (29), we replace goals if the time condition is opposite (T 1 < T 2). Finally, in data value (or attribute value) selection, we distinguish based on a chosen attribute (e.g., Vol 1 > Vol 2).

Policy rules (28)–(30) are fired before inserting a new goal. It is worth noting that such an update of a goal is performed incrementally. We pay an additional price for forcing a particular consumption policy. However, the policy rules (28)–(30) are rather simple rules. In return, they ensure that no more than one goal with the same timestamp (with respect to a certain policy) is kept in memory during the processing. Therefore, the policy rules enable a better memory management in our framework.

Chronological Policy

The main principle in the implementation of this policy is the same as in the recent policy. The only difference is that now we consider the same start and the different ending in multiple event occurrences (A(T 1, T 2),A(T 1, T 3)). To implement this policy, rule (28) will now contain the time condition from rule (29), and vice versa. Rule (30) remains unchanged, as well as the unrestricted policy (which is the same as for the case with atomic events; see the Consumption Policies Defined on Time Points section).


So far, we have described a general framework for event recognition with rules. In this section, we explore an additional feature, namely reasoning capability. This feature is enabled by the logic nature of our approach.

Current CEP systems (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei and Madden Citation2009; Barga et al. Citation2007; Arasu, Babu, and Widom Citation2006; Krämer and Seeger Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003 provide on-the-fly analysis of data streams, but cannot combine streams with evolving knowledge, and they cannot perform reasoning tasks. On-the-fly stream analysis enables real-time decisions and actions. Often, however, data streams are not sufficient to provide such an analysis. How likely is it that critical real-time decisions are made merely on the basis of the fact that few events happened with certain temporal constellation, if we know nothing about the semantic relations and the context of these events? Background knowledge is necessary to provide the context in which streaming data are to be interpreted. For example, two events that happened within the last ten seconds may constitute a complex event only if there exist certain semantic relations between them. The quality of an analytical service that processes online data and events greatly depends on a local knowledge base—usually containing the facts of a particular domain, expert knowledge, etc.—which can be employed for a more intelligent processing of information than if it is merely based on the temporal relationship between occurring events.

Our framework addresses this issue and offers the possibility to express domain knowledge as a set of facts and rules. Further on, the fretwork is capable to perform deductive reasoning over that knowledge combined with the streaming data, i.e., to perform stream reasoning.

Complex Events and Transitive Closure Rules

To give the reader a feeling of how deductive rules can be used in combination with the rest of the ETALIS framework, we present a set of illustrative examples.

Let us observe a common situation in aviation, related to detection of clear air turbulence (CAT) on jet streams. Jet streams are important for aviation, as flight time can be dramatically affected by either flying with the flow or against the flow of a jet stream. Clear air turbulence, a potential hazard to aircraft passenger safety, often is found in a jet stream's vicinity. In the following example, we define JetStreamWarning event as a dangerous situation whenever a clear air turbulence (denoted as CAT event) is followed by the Airplane position event.

To make sure that the CAT affects the observed jet stream, we deploy transitive closure rules (32). The rules span over a set of facts (33), defining the jet stream as a set of connected points. Because both the CAT and the Airplane change their positions, the rules check whether they belong to the same jet stream. Note that the check is successful if the position of the CAT is in front of the current position of the Airplane.

Transitive closure rules (32) are deductive rules,Footnote 26 and together with the linked relation (33), they enable us to perform on-the-fly reasoning (i.e., to examine whether a new clear air turbulence is dangerous with respect to an observed jet stream or not).

According to the U.S. National Business Aviation AssociationFootnote 27 (NBAA) air routes are dynamic. This means that they can be modified as needed in order to take advantage of favorable winds, which change on a daily basis. Hence, a solution based only on querying of jet stream static points would not be optimal. Concluding this example, we note that since facts (33) are dynamic, an occurrence of a new CAT is not known in advance, and the airplane position is changing, too, our approach to combine CEP with deductive reasoning is an appropriate approach for on-the-fly jet stream monitoring.

Rule-Based Event Classification and Filtering

As a next example, we will demonstrate the use of background rules for event classification and filtering. Let us extend the HeatIndex event pattern (see pattern (4) from the Syntax section) to automatically generate shade values of the HeatIndex. Whenever there is a new sensor reading HeatIndex, we want the system to generate a human-readable note (e.g., caution, danger, etc.). Additionally, the system needs to generate an area for whichthe note applies.

The following rules (written in Prolog syntax) serve to filter out the heat Index values smaller than 80, and classify those remaining into four categories: Caution (between 80 and 90); ExtremeCaution (between 90 and 105); Danger (between 105 and 130); and ExtremeDanger for values greater than or equal to 130.

Further on, background knowledge specified by rules (36) can be used to focus on certain monitoring areas, and to transform GPS coordinates into those areas.

Deductive Reasoning and Complex Event Processing

In the following, we show how deductive reasoning can be combined with event processing. Assume we need to detect a complex event EnhancedFire, which arises when, in the area of an active fire, there is an additional WeatherObservation. Some weather observations have significant influence on actions taken with respect to an ongoing wildfire. For example, strong wind may be particularly dangerous for an active fire area. The following pattern specifies such a situation.

Let us now define background knowledge about weather observations. We use the Resource Description Framework (RDF) (Klyne and Carroll Citation2004) as a common format for expressing graph-structured data. RDF Schema (RDFS) (Brickley, Guha, and McBride Citation2004) adds additional expressivity in order to support the design of simple vocabularies also encoded in RDF. The following namespace definitions are used for brevity.

We can define WindObservation as a subclass of WeatherObservation,Footnote 28 and further to define Diablo and Sundowner as two kinds of WindObservation.

wt:WindObservation rdfs:subClassOf wt:WeatherObservation.

wt:Diablo rdfs:subClassOf wt:WindObservation.

wt:Sundowner rdfs:subClassOf wt:WindObservation.

We assume that there exist various types of weather observations defined in the background knowledge base. For example, Observ_1 is a specific type of wt:Diablo, and, in general, there exist more than one instance for each type.


rdf:type wt:Diablo;





rdf:type wt:Sundowner;




Finally, let us use a subclass relation rule, stating that A is an instance of Y if X is subclass of Y and A is an instance of X (see rule (38)).

Now, if events ActiveFire and WeatherObservation both occur within 3 hours, the system needs to check the type of WeatherObservation. EnhancedFire pattern will be matched if WeatherObservation is of type wind. Let us assume that WeatherObservation carries Observ_1 as a type. Retrieving the RDF description for Observ_1, the system has information that Observ_1 is of type wt:Diablo. Then by using rule (38), the system will deduce that wt:Diablo is a WindObservation and it will finally trigger EnhancedFire pattern.

Moreover, the pattern will be also detected if WeatherObservation was detected having Observ_2 as a type (since Observ_2 is of type wt:Sundowner, and the latest is a WindObservation).

In this example we have arguably demonstrated the power of our formalism, which combines event processing and deductive reasoning. In order to detect complex situations, events need to satisfy temporal constellations (e.g., both events need to happen within three hours), as well as, semantic relations (e.g., data carried by events need to satisfy, for example, class/subclass or other domain specific relations).


As a proof of concept, we have provided an open-source implementation of the ETALIS Language for Events. The system, called ETALIS,Footnote 29 is based on the execution model of the language described in the Operational Semantics section, i.e., it is established on goal-directed EDBCR and decomposition of complex event patterns into intermediate events, i.e., goals). ETALIS automatically compiles the user-defined complex event descriptions into EDBC (Prolog) rules. A user may additionally specify deductive rules as a background knowledge (see the Deductive Reasoning in Complex Event Processing section). These rules can be directly written in Prolog, or, alternatively, a user may specify background knowledge in the form of RDFS ontologies.

In this section, we present experimental results, obtained with the ETALIS system. All tests were carried out on a workstation with Intel Core Quad CPU Q9400 2,66 GHz, 8GB of RAM, running Windows Vista x64. ETALIS was run on SWI PrologFootnote 30 engine.

To demonstrate the usefulness of our framework in practice, we have developed an application using real sensor data. The application is connected to a sensor network called MesoWest,Footnote 31 which provides measurements of environmental phenomena (e.g., weather observations such as wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, visibility and so forth). The goal of our application is to demonstrate how simple sensor readings can be analyzed on the fly, and hence used to detect more complex weather observations (e.g., blizzards, hurricanes, etc.). Further on, we demonstrate how sensor data can be integrated over time and geographical space. For instance, observations of a blizzard, detected by a few nearby sensors within a certain time frame identify an affected blizzard area. A blizzard warning may be issued as soon as the application detects such a situation. Moreover, the application utilizes GeoNames semantic informationFootnote 32 to identify all important geographic locations (e.g., schools, hospitals, motorways, airports, tunnels, railroads, etc.) affected by that weather observation, so that further (security) actions can be taken in case of an emergency.

MesoWest is a cooperative project among researchers at the University of Utah, forecasters at the Salt Lake City National Weather Service Office, the NWS Western Region Headquarters, and many other participating agencies, universities, and commercial firms. The network includes around 20,000 weather stations in the United States. For this experiment we have selected 15 sensors from California (as density of available sensors in California is high). Locations of the selected sensors are indicated by red markers in Figure (enumerated with hexadecimal numbers: 1,2,3, …, F). Experiments are conducted on sensor data starting from 2007-12-31 until 2010-20-11. In our running example, the goal was to detect a blizzard from MesoWest streaming data. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationFootnote 33 (NOAA), a blizzard occurs when the following conditions prevail over a period of 3 hours or longer: high wind speed (35 miles an hour or greater); considerable falling snow; and low visibility (less than 1/4 mile). The following event pattern (39) is used to detect a blizzard settling situation.

FIGURE 4 Sensor location map. (Figure is provided in color online.)

FIGURE 4 Sensor location map. (Figure is provided in color online.)

The first rule operates on sensor reading events that carry a timestamp T Footnote 34 , as well as a number of other parameters: a weather station ID, the current temperature Temp, wind speed Wind, weather condition WtherCond, and visibility measure Visib. The rule detects a sensor reading, which satisfies the blizzard condition and triggers a BlizzardSettling event. This event will start the second, iterative rule in (39). Every new sensor reading (matching the same ID, and passing the filter condition) will trigger a new BlizzardSettling event and increase a counter C. The counter is used to implement a situation in which the blizzard conditions prevail over a period of time. This means that, in order to detect a blizzard, not every sensor reading needs to satisfy the conditions. Instead, it is enough to detect sufficiently many of the satisfying readings. Since in average MesoWest sensor updates its readings every 30 min, 4 events would be sufficient to satisfy this condition (because 6 events in total happen within 3 hours). Note that with each next iteration BlizzardSettling event will have a longer time interval (T 1, T 3) on which the event is defined. Finally, if the interval becomes at least three hours long (with at least 4 iterations passed), rule (40) will detect a BlizzardWarning event. To ensure the upper interval limit (e.g., between 3 and 6 hours) in settling a BlizzardWarning, we can set a garbage collection (see the Memory Management section).

Table presents evaluation results that we have obtained from MesWest sensor data. The first two columns show the sensor ID and the number of events produced by the corresponding sensor (in the period from 2007-12-31 until 2010-20-11). The third and fourth columns show the number of complex events, produced by evaluating pattern (40) and pattern (42), respectively. To increase the number of complex detections, we have weakened the blizzard definition. In particular, we have removed the requirement for the considerable falling snow, and have decreased the wind speed condition to 15 mph or greater (instead of 35 mph).

TABLE 1 Namespace Abbreviations

TABLE 2 Complex Events from Live Sensor Data

A BlizzardWarning event is detected from data provided by a single sensor. Very often, to monitor development of a blizzard (or other phenomena) in an area, it is necessary to integrate different observations from multiple sensors in thatarea. To analyze the observations over a certain geographical space, the system will require awareness of sensor locations in that space. Real-time integration of sensor observations from different geographic locations is not the only challenge. The heterogeneity of data provided by various sensors poses a significant challenge, too. For example, not all sensors provide the same measurements (e.g., some weather stations measure the wind speed, and other do not); measurements from various sensors are not provided in the same format, metric unit, or precision.

To overcome these and similar challenges, we utilize a domain specific ontology as a single view over the whole sensors network. Such an ontology for the MesoWest sensor network is available from Patni et al. (Citation2010). This sensor ontology, forexample, defines concepts such as Observation (specified as an act of observing a property or phenomenon, with the goal of producing an estimate of the value of the property), and Feature (defined as an abstraction of real world phenomenon). Further on, it defines major properties of an observation such as a feature of interest (featureOfInterest), observed property (observedProperty), sampling time (samplingTime) and so forth.

The work in Patni et al. (Citation2010) also provides an RDF dataset containing expressive descriptions of about 20,000 weather stations across the United States. On average, there are five sensors per weather station, measuring phenomena such as temperature, visibility, precipitation, pressure, wind speed, humidity, see the Linked Sensor Data for Weather Stations section in the Appendix for a description of one such weather station. The description also contains the sensor location (altitude, latitude, and longitude). In our application, we utilize this information in order to eventually detect a blizzard area (once a station detects a blizzard).

The first rule in the complex event pattern (41) is triggered whenever a BlizzardWarning event occurs. To evaluate the WHERE clause of the rule, ETALIS will access the background knowledge (i.e., the weather station RDF descriptions) and retrieve the sensor location. The first rule will also start an iteration, which is then continued by the second rule. This rule will fire an AreaSettling event every time there is a new BlizzardWarning in an area close to theinitial BlizzardWarning. The distance is calculated by the getDistance predicated, and its implementation is provided as a background rule (see the Distance Calculation section in Appendix). In our example pattern we want to make sure that the distance is less than 300 km or 186 miles.

Finally, BlizzardArea event is detected when AreaSettling event occurs within the next 9 hours.

Table shows results for the complex event pattern (42). ETALIS has detected different areas (with weather conditions as defined above) eleven times. The table presents those weather stations that contributed to a particular area; a starting and ending date/time of an observation; and how many iterations were involved in creating that observation.

TABLE 3 Computation for Pattern (42) from Live Sensor Data

Figure shows marked wind areas as calculated from patterns (39)–(42). Weather stations that have detected one or more blizzards (during the observed period) are marked in yellow, and those that havenot are small and blue. Finally, the wind areas are marked red.

FIGURE 5 Sensor location map with marked wind areas. (Figure is provided in color online.)

FIGURE 5 Sensor location map with marked wind areas. (Figure is provided in color online.)

In addition to location attributes (latitude, longitude, and elevation), the RDF dataset also contains links to locations in GeoNamesFootnote 35 near a weather station, see the Linked Sensor Data for Weather Stations. The distance from a GeoNames location to a weather station is also provided. We use GeoNames as a worldwide geographical knowledge base. If a sensor detects a blizzard, GeoNames can provide all important geographic locations (e.g., schools, hospitals, motorways, airports, etc.) within a certain radius from the sensor location, so that our application can issue early warnings. Table , for example, shows GeoNames locationsFootnote 36 for the KSFO weather station (i.e., the San Francisco International Airport).

TABLE 4 GeoNames Locations Nearby KSFO Weather Station (SFO Airport)

Performance results for patterns (39)–(42) are presented in Figure . The throughput is obtained so that time between sensor readings is ignored. Different sensors produce data with different frequencies. The goal of our performance test was to take into account ETALIS processing time, and to show the throughput accordingly. When only event processing time is considered (e.g., network latencies are ignored, etc.), the throughput for patterns (39)–(42) are 24,696, 37,437, and 3900 events per second, respectively (see Figure (a)).

FIGURE 6 (a) Complex event throughout. (b) Memory consumption.

FIGURE 6 (a) Complex event throughout. (b) Memory consumption.

We see also that the throughput for patterns (39) and (40) is significantly higher than for pattern (42). This pattern is, however, the most complex one, because for every BlizzardWarning event the system needs on the fly: to find the location from the RDF dataset; to compute the distance; and, further, to learn whether two sensors are close to each other. Taking into account that on average, MesoWest sensors update information every half-hour, the throughput of 3900 events per second (or 7,020,000 events per 30 minutes) arguably demonstrates the use of our framework for real-time event recognition and reasoning, as this means that the same number of sensors can be handled by a single instance of our running system. Note that the complexity of the overall processing is high, i.e., additional knowledge bases are accessed and evaluated in real time during the detection of complex events, hence, the achieved throughput is indeed promising.

Figure (b) shows the memory consumption for patterns (39)–(42). We have calculated the overall memory consumption (i.e., not only memory picks). Pattern (42) has the lowest consumption (despite its complexity) and pattern (39) has the highest. This comes as a consequence of the number of produced complex events. For example, from the KAVAX sensor stream, pattern (39) has been detected 2995 times and pattern (40) only 161 times, see Table . This stream has contributed to pattern (42) only four times. Hence, although ETALIS needed to keep certain ontology data in memory (i.e., not only events), it still had a low memory consumption.

We have set up an online demo for the presented applicationFootnote 37 in order to continuously monitor live data provided by the MesoWest sensor network and to detect weather observations in real time.


The work related to ours mainly fits into three areas: Streaming Database systems (Agrawal et al. Citation2008); Mei and Madden Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003; Cherniack et al. Citation2003), temporal RDF models Gutierrez, Hurtado, and Vaisman Citation2007; Perry, Sheth, and Jain Citation2011; Tappolet and Bernstein Citation2009, and Stream Reasoning approaches (Barbieri, Braga, and Ceri 2010a,b; Walavalkar Citation2008; Bolles, Grawunder, and Jacobi Citation2008).

Streaming Databases

Database approaches (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Mei & Madden Citation2009; Barga et al. Citation2007; Arasu Babu, and Widom 2006; Krämer & Seeger Citation2009; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003; Cherniack et al. Citation2003 are based on languages with SQL-like syntaxes, and database execution models adapted to process streaming data. These approaches aredominant today because of their capability to handle large volumes of streaming data with low latency. As such, database approaches are widely used in automated stock trading, logistic services, transaction management, business intelligence, etc. However, theyare not well suited for applications including structured data, ontologies, and other forms of knowledge bases where support for semantic-based event processing and reasoning is required.

Rule-Based CEP

Much work (Motakis & Xaniolo Citation1995; Artikis et al. Citation2010; Lausen Ludäscher, and May 1998; Paschke, Kozlenkov, and Boley (Citation2010); Bry & Eckert (Citation2007) in the area of rule-based CEP has been carried out, proposing various kinds of logic rule-based approaches to process complex events. As pointed out in Bry & Eckert (Citation2007), rules can be effectively used for describing so-called “virtual” event patterns. There exist a number of other reasons to use rules: Rules serve as an abstraction mechanism and offer a higher-level event description. Also, rules allow for an easy extraction of different views of the same reactive system. Rules are suitable to mediate between the same events differently represented in various interacting reactive systems. Finally, rules can be used for reasoning about causal relationships between events.

One significance of rule-based CEP systems (Motakis & Zaniolo Citation1995); Lausen, Ludäscher, and May Citation1998; Paschke, Kolenkov, and Boley Citation2010) is the type of interaction they use. Namely, these systems interact based on a request-response paradigm. That is, given (and triggered by) a request, an inference engine will search for and respond with an answer. This means that, for a given event pattern, an event inference engine needs to check if this pattern has been satisfied or not. The check is performed at the time when such a request is posed. If satisfied by the time the request is processed, a complex event will be reported. If not, the pattern is not detected until the next time the same request is processed (though it can become satisfied in between the two checks, being undetected for the time being).

To overcome this issue, an expressive language XChangeEQ was proposed in Bry and Eckert (Citation2007) and Eckert (Citation2008). The language features deductive and reactive rules for events, as well as event queries, event composition capabilities, event accumulation, possibilities to express temporal (and other) relationships between events, and so forth. The language is accompanied by an incremental evaluation that avoids recomputing certain intermediate results every time a new event arrives. The authors use techniques from relational algebra based on incremental maintenance of materialized views (Gupta and Mumick Citation1999) and finite differencing (Eckert Citation2008).

The evaluation of XChangeEQ patterns is performed in set at time mode, i.e., events are processed in sets (relations). In contrast to that, our approach adheres to event at time processing mode, i.e., events are processed individually (similarly as in nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) approaches (Gehani Jagadish, and Shmueli 1992); Agrawal et al. Citation2008) or tree-based approaches (Mei and Madden Citation2009)).

In summary, our approach is also based on deductive rules, and hence it benefits from the aforementioned arguments. However, our approach also differs from related work of Motakis and Zaniolo (Citation1995); Artikis et al. (Citation2010); Lausen, Ludäsher, and May (Citation1998); Paschke, Kozlenkov, and Boley (Citation2010); and Bry and Eckert (Citation2007). The main difference lies in the execution model (based on EDBCR). We have proposed an execution model, which is efficient with respect to real-time computation; event-driven computation; and also it is capable to handle different classes of expressive event patterns (e.g., supports temporal reasoning in complete Allen's Interval Algebra, iterative event patterns, various consumption policies, etc.).

Streaming over RDF Data

The RDF (Klyne and Carroll February Citation2004) has been widely used for expressing graph-structured data. The work in Gutierrez, Hurtado, and Vaisman (Citation2007) introduced time as a new dimension in RDF graphs. The authors provided a semantics for temporal RDF graphs and a temporal query language for RDF, following concepts of temporal databases. Following this, various approaches have emerged, providing query languages for streaming RDF data. Some of them are surveyed in the following.

SPARQL-ST, Perry, Sheth, and Jain (Citation2011) is an extension of SPARQL languageFootnote 38 for complex spatial and temporal queries. The language and a corresponding implementation deal with temporal data (and possible reasoning about that data). However, SPARQL-ST queries need to be triggered rather than being continuously active (they are not event-driven). The same argument also applies to other SPARQL approaches like Temporal SPARQL (Tappolet and Bernstein Citation2009), stSPARQL (Koubarakis and Kyzirakos Citation2010), and T-SPARQL (Grandi Citation2010).

Continuous SPARQL (C-SPARQL) (Barbieri, Braga, and Ceri 2010a) is a language for continuous query processing with reasoning capabilities. It extends the SPARQL language by adding support for window and aggregation operations. C-SPARQL, however, does not provide event processing capabilities: after determining the set of currently valid RDF statements, classical reasoning on that RDF set is performed as if it were static. In particular, C-SPARQL offers no way of detecting occurrences of RDF triples in a specific temporal order. We strongly believe that additional temporal relatedness between events (e.g., an event happened before another event) as defined in streaming database systems (Agrawal et al. Citation2008; Chandrasekaran et al. Citation2003; Cherniack et al. Citation2003) is required to capture more complex patterns over RDF streaming data. Additionally, in C-SPARQL, queries are divided into static and dynamic parts. The static part is evaluated by a RDF triple storage, while a stream processing engine evaluates the dynamic part of the query. In such settings, these two parts act as “black boxes” and C-SPARQL cannot take advantage of a query preprocessing and optimizations over the unified (static and dynamic) data space. We propose an approach based on logic rules wherein the both parts are handled in a uniform framework.

Finally, the work in Bolles, Grawunder, and Jacobi (Citation2008) introduces Streaming SPARQL. The approach is built on temporal relational algebra, and the authors provide an algorithm to transform SPARQL queries to that algebra. Similarly as in Barbieri Braga, and Ceri (2010a), the approach is lacking event processing capabilities, i.e., detecting RDF triple sequences occurring in a specific order.


Wheras in existing CEP approaches, complex events consist merely of simple (temporally situated) events, we argued that in knowledge-rich applications such complex events are not expressive enough to assess complex situations in real time. We proposed a logic-based event processing, advocating a richer formalism for CEP. The formalism is capable not only to match patterns based on temporal relations among events, but also to evaluate contextual knowledge, and reason about their nontemporal semantic relations. Further, our contribution includes an execution model that detects complex events in a data-driven fashion (based on goal-directed event-driven rules). We have also provided an open-source implementation of our formalism, which allows for specification of complex events and their detection at occurrence time. The approach goes beyond existing event-driven systems by providing declarative semantics and an efficient logic-programming-basedexecution model that enables event-driven deductive reasoning, enabling a new generation of event-driven applications in Artificial Intelligence. We have developed a sensor network application in the weather observation domain and conducted a set of experiments to demonstrate efficiency and usefulness of our approach in a real-life scenario.

As the next steps, we will continue to investigate and exploit the advantages of our framework over nonlogic-based CEP. In particular, we plan to investigate how a rule representation of complex events (in large pattern bases) may help in verification of event patterns (e.g., discovering patterns that can never be detected according to inconsistency problems). We also plan to utilize machine-learning techniques to automatically generate both event patterns and the domain knowledge required for knowledge-based CEP (see Artikis et al. (Citation2010), and XHAIL system (Ray Citation2009)). Further, event revision is another area where logic reasoning will help in managing consequences when certain events are retracted. Likewise, out-of-order events can also be handled in a logic CEP framework. Event retraction and out-of-order events can be seen as facts being retracted or added late to an event processing knowledge base, respectively. Hence, an inference system can be deployed to reason about logical consequences of retracted events or events added late on the whole pattern detection process. Dynamic event pattern management (i.e., patterns are created or discarded on the fly when certain situations are detected) is another interesting topic where the logic approach may help to control event-driven computation.


This work was partially supported by the European Commission funded projects ALERT (FP7-258098) and PLAY (FP7-20495), as well as by the ExpresST project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). We thank Vesko Georgiev, Ahmed Khalil Hafsi, Jia Ding for their help in implementation and testing ETALIS.


Live linked open sensor data: http://sensormasher.deri.org/

OpenPSI project: http://www.openpsi.org/

Linked Open Data from the New York Times: http://data.nytimes.com/

Financial ontology: http://www.fadyart.com/

Linked Geo Data: http://linkedgeodata.org

ETALIS source code: http://code.google.com/p/etalis/

The defined pattern language captures all possible 13 relations on two temporal intervals as defined in Allen (Citation1983).

Note that comparison operators like =, <and> can be seen as boolean-typed binary functions and, hence, fit well into the framework.

More formally, for any two event streams ε1 and ε2 with we have that exactly if .

Note that because of the chosen semantics, this encoding would also match sequences such as acbbc or abbacbc. However, if wanted, these can be excluded by using the slightly more complex pattern (a SEQ b SEQ c) EQUALS NOT (a or c).[a, c].

More precisely, by “an event A” is meant an instance of the event A.

If no parentheses are given, we assume all operators to be left-associative. While in some cases, like SEQ sequences, this is irrelevant, other operators such as PAR are not associative, whence the precedence matters.

This holds even if patterns with negated events are added.

Apart from the timestamp, an event may carry other data parameters. They are omitted here for the sake of readability.

Removal of “consumed” goals is typically needed for space reasons but might be omitted if events are required in a log for further processing or analyzing.

Note that an id of rules is incremented for each next rule being added (i.e., 2,3...).

This applies, in general, when a declarative formalism is to be implemented with other nondeclarative languages (e.g., procedural languages such as Java, C, C++, etc.).

Note that in the rule heads we now have event C.

Note that in the rule heads we now have event B.

Symbol @ is used in Prolog built-in predicates (' etc.) to compare terms alphabetically or numerically. When this symbol is omitted, terms are compared arithmetically.

Custom aggregate functions, using different built-in operators, can also be implemented with no further restrictions.

The more memory is available in a running system, the rarer EGS are triggered.

Note that goals can still be deleted if their time window expires.

The example could be extended to deal with CAT areas (instead of points). Also, by introducing an ID to a jet stream, we could monitor more than one jet stream at the sametime.

According to Weather Ontology from Patni et al. (2010), WeatherObservation is a subclass of Observation, and there exist various types of WeatherObservation such as PressureObservation, TemperatureObservation, RadiationObservation, and WindObservation.

Since sensor is an atomic event, it is defined on the time point (not an interval [T 1, T 2]).

Because of space reasons we have listed only 7 locations. The complete list for this weather station contains 51 items.

Available at: http:etalis.fzi.de


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Distance Calculation

Distance between two points, defined by their latitude and longitude (Lat 1, Long 1, Lat 2, Long 2, respectively) is calculated with Formula (43). The Earth Radius (ER) is constant, equals to 6378,137.

The following rule (written in Prolog syntax) implements Formula (43). The rule was evaluated in the WHEREclause of the second rule in complex pattern (41), every time when BlizzardWarning event occurred (see experiments from the Evaluation Results section).

getDistance(Lat1,Long1,Lat2,Long2,Distance) :-

 ER is 6378.137,





 A is RadLat1 - RadLat2,

 B is RadLong1 - RadLong2,

 TempA1 is A / 2,

 TempB1 is B / 2,

 SinA is sin(TempA1),

 SinB is sin(TempB1),

 TempA2 is SinA ** 2,

 TempB2 is SinB ** 2,

 CosA is cos(RadLat1),

 CosB is cos(RadLat2),

 Temp1 is CosA * CosB,

 Temp2 is Temp1 * TempB2,

 Temp3 is TempA2 + Temp2,

 Sqrt is sqrt(Temp3),

 Asin is asin(Sqrt),

 S is Asin * 2,

 Distance is S * ER.

getRad(Deg,Rad) :-

 Temp1 is Deg * pi,

 Rad is Temp1 / 180.

Linked Sensor Data for Weather Stations

An RDF dataset that describes sensors of KFSO weather station is shown below (see Patni et al. Citation2010). In particular, the station measures phenomena such as temperature, dew point, humidity, visibility, wind direction, wind gust, and wind speed. The description also contains geo-location of the station, as well as, a GeoNames link with all known nearby locations.

<rdf:RDF xmlns=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/sensor-observation.owl#










 <LocatedNearRel rdf:about=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/LocatedNearRelKSFO”>

 <distance rdf:datatype=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float>0.9813</distance>

<hasLocation rdf:resource=http://sws.geonames.org/5391989/”/>

 <uom rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#miles”/>


 <System rdf:about=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/System_KSFO”>


 <hasLocatedNearRel rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/LocatedNearRelKSFO”/>

 <hasSourceURI rdf:resource=http://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base.cgi?stn=KSFO”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_AirTemperature”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_DewPoint”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_RelativeHumidity”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_Visibility”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_WindDirection”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_WindGust”/>

 <parameter rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#_WindSpeed”/>

 <processLocation rdf:resource=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/point_KSFO”/>


 <wgs84:Point rdf:about=http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/point_KSFO”>

 <wgs84:alt rdf:datatype=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float>10</wgs84:alt>

 <wgs84:lat rdf:datatype=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float>37.61972</wgs84:lat>

 <wgs84:long rdf:datatype=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float>−122.36472</wgs84:long>



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