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A Solution to the Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Using Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm


This article presents a new hybrid algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) for solving the combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED) problem in power systems. Performance of this approach for the CEED problem is studied and evaluated on three test systems with 3, 6, and 40 generating units, with various cost curve nature and different constraints. The results obtained are compared to those reported in the recent literature. Those results show that the proposed algorithm provides an effective and robust high-quality solution of the CEED problem.


The economic dispatch (ED) problem has a significant importance in the power system’s operation, planning, economic scheduling, and security. The ED problem solution aims to minimize the cost generating electric power through optimal adjustment of the committed generating unit outputs, while satisfying all unit and system constraints. It is a large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization problem. With increased public awareness of environmental pollution, the traditional ED, which ignores the pollutant emissions of fossil fuels used by thermal plants, no longer satisfies the environmental need (Aydin et al. Citation2014). When the environmental concerns are combined with the ED, then the problem becomes a combined economic and emission dispatch (CEED) problem. This problem considers two objectives: minimization of the fuel cost, and emission from the thermal power plants with both equality and inequality constraints. So, the CEED problem is a multiobjective mathematical problem in which conflicting objectives are optimized simultaneously (Aydin et al. Citation2014; Güvenç et al. Citation2012).

The environmental aspect adds complexity to the solution of the economic dispatch problem due to the nonlinear characteristics of the mathematical models used to represent emissions. In addition, the CEED problem can be complicated even further if nonsmooth and nonconvex fuel cost functions are used to model generators, such as valve point loading effects. All these considerations make the CEED problem a highly nonlinear and a multimodal optimization problem (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014).

Generally, three approaches to handle the CEED problem have been reported in the literature (Abido Citation2009). In the first approach, the emission is treated as a constraint with a permissible limit. However, this formulation has severe difficulty in getting the trade-off relations between cost and emission. The second approach treats the emission as another objective in addition to the cost objective. In this case, the CEED problem is converted into a single objective optimization problem either by linear combination of both objectives or by considering one objective at a time for optimization. In the third approach, simultaneously conflicting objectives are evaluated together in the solution of the CEED problem. Both the fuel cost and the emission are minimized together.

In practice, the economic dispatch problem has been solved by using deterministic (classical) and population-based optimization methods. In the past few decades, many classical optimization methods such as gradient method, Newton’s method, linear programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, goal programming technique, and Lagrangian relaxation algorithm have been applied to various ED problems. However, most of them have difficulties in solving ED problems due to nonlinearity and nonconvexity fuel cost and emission characteristics. The conventional optimization methods are highly sensitive to the starting point and frequently converge to local optimum solution. Moreover, these methods are not able to find a solution with a significant computational time for a medium or large-scale CEED problem (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014; Niu et al. Citation2014). It becomes essential to develop optimization methods able to overcome these drawbacks and handle such difficulties.

Recently, many population-based methods have been used to solve complex constrained optimization problems. Generally, achieving an optimal or near-optimal solution for a specific problem will require multiple trials as well as appropriate tuning of associated parameters (Ghasemi et al. Citation2014). A wide variety of population-based techniques such as the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) (Aydin et al. Citation2014), gravitational search algorithm (GSA) (Güvenç et al. Citation2012), spiral optimization algorithm (SOA) (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014), genetic algorithm (GA) (Gjorgiev and Cepin Citation2012), nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA), niched Pareto genetic algorithm (NPGA) (Abido Citation2006), nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) (Ah King and Rughooputh Citation2003; Ah King, Rughooputh, and Deb Citation2005; Alawode, Jubril, and Komolafe Citation2010), tabu search (Roa-Sepulveda et al. Citation1996), multiobjective evolutionary programming (MOEP) (Jeyakumar, Venkatesh, and Kwang Citation2007), DE (Abou El Ela, Abido, and Spea Citation2010; Perez-Guerrero and Cedeno-Maldonado Citation2005), multiobjective differential evolution (MODE) (Basu Citation2011; Sharma et al. Citation2011; Wu et al. Citation2010), particle swarm optimization (PSO) (Hazra and Sinha Citation2011), multiobjective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) (Abido Citation2009), and modified bacterial foraging algorithm (MBFA) (Hota, Barisal and Chakrabarti Citation2010) have been applied in solving the nonlinear CEED problems with different objective functions.

Today, some hybrid algorithms have been proposed to solve the CEED problem. A combination of several population-based algorithms in a hybrid algorithm allows them to exploit the strength of each algorithm. In Niu et al. (Citation2014), the authors proposed a hybrid harmony search (HS) with arithmetic crossover operation, ACHS, for solving five different types of ED problems. Bhattacharya and Chattopadhyay proposed a hybrid DE and biogeography-based optimization (BBO) algorithm, DE/BBO, for solving the economic emission load dispatch problem (Bhattacharya and Chattopadhyay Citation2011). To solve the highly constrained environmental/economic dispatch problem involving conflicting objectives, the authors in Gong, Zhang, and Qi (Citation2010) proposed a hybrid multiobjective optimization algorithm based on PSO and DE (MODE/PSO). In Sayah, Hamouda, and Bekrar (Citation2014), a hybrid differential evolution algorithm with harmony search (DE-HS) has been proposed to solve the multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch problems that feature nonsmooth cost curves.

This study proposes a hybrid PSO and GSA (hybrid PSOGSA) algorithm to solve the CEED problem. This algorithm profits from the abilities of both PSO and GSA algorithms. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on three standard test systems, with different constraints and various cost curve natures. Numerical results obtained by the proposed approach were compared with other optimization results reported in the literature recently.

The rest of the article is organized as follows. In “Problem Formulation,”

the bi-objective CEED problem has been formulated and converted into a single objective optimization problem by the weighted sum method (the second approach was used to handle the CEED problem). In “Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm,”

the proposed algorithm is presented. “Simulation Results” presents the results of simulation. The conclusion is given in the final section.

Problem Formulation

The solution of the combined economic and emission dispatch problem is achieved by minimizing the objective function (OF) combined with the weighted sum method under the system constraints (Aydin et al. Citation2014).


In Equation (1), the fuel cost rate ($/h) is shown with and emission rate (ton/h) with . Scaling factor, weight factor, and the set of all the thermal generation units are denoted as , , and NG, respectively; corresponds to the minimization of total fuel cost only, likewise, corresponds to the minimization of total emission only.

Fuel Cost Function

Fuel cost function of each generator in the system may be represented as a quadratic function of real power generation:


where an, bn, and cn are the cost coefficients.

Large steam turbine generators will have a number of steam admission valves that are opened in sequence to control the power output of the unit. As the unit loading increases, the input to the unit increases, and the incremental heat rate decreases between the opening points for any two valves. However, when a valve is first opened, the throttling losses increase rapidly and the incremental heat rate rises suddenly. This is called valve point effect that leads to nonsmooth, nonconvex input–output characteristics (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014). Usually, valve point effect is modeled by adding a recurring rectified sinusoid to the basic quadratic cost function:


where dn and en are fuel cost coefficients for valve point effects.

Emission Function

Fossil-fueled thermal units cause atmospheric waste emission composed of gases and particles such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx). Different mathematical models were proposed to represent the emission function of thermal generating units (Bhattacharya and Chattopadhyay Citation2011). In this work, the emission function of each thermal unit is defined as the sum of a quadratic function and an exponential function (Aydin et al. Citation2014; Güvenç et al. Citation2012):


where , , , , and are coefficients of the nth generator emission characteristics. In Equations (2)–(4), the is in MW.


During the minimization process, some equality and inequality constraints must be satisfied. In this process, an equality constraint is called a power balance and an inequality constraint is called a generation capacity constraint.

Power Balance Constraint

The total power generation must cover the total load demand Pload and the real power loss in transmission lines Ploss. Accordingly, the power balance constraint can be represented as follows:


The transmission losses of the system are represented by loss coefficients (Bnj), normally referred to as B-loss matrices. The B-loss matrices approximate the system losses as a quadratic function of the generator real powers:


where Bnj, B0n, and B00 are the coefficients of the B-loss matrices.

Generation Capacity Constraint

For stable operation, real power output of each generator is restricted by minimum and maximum power limits as follows:


Slack Generator Calculation

To enforce the active power balance constraint given in Equation (5), a dependent generator (slack generator) should be selected. As the slack generator, the generator indexed with NG is adopted. The value of generation power, , is calculated by using Equation (8) where the initial value of power loss is set to zero (Aydin et al. Citation2014; Gjorgiev and Cepin Citation2012).


After obtaining , new power loss, , is determined from Equation (6). According to this, is calculated using the following equation:


The result of this equation is controlled in Equation (10) and if the error value (ε) is below error tolerance value, TOLε (e.g., TOLε = 10–6), the equation satisfies the power balance constraint.


The obtained is checked to learn whether it satisfies the constraint defined in Equation (7). Consequently, the variable is defined as:


Inequality constraint of the dependent variable, that is is added to the objective function as a quadratic penalty term. The new expanded objective function to be minimized becomes:


where λp is the penalty factor.

Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm

Overview of PSO Algorithm

PSO is basically developed through simulation of bird flocking in two-dimensional space. It uses a number of particles (candidate solutions), which fly around in the search space to find the best solution. Meanwhile, the particles all look at the best particle (best solution) in their paths. In other words, particles consider their own best solutions as well as the best solution found thus far. Each particle tries to modify its position using the following information: the current position, the current velocity, the distance between the current position and Pbest, and the distance between the current position and Gbest (Mirjalili and Hashim Citation2010; Mirjalli, Hashim, and Sardroudi Citation2012).

The basic elements of the PSO technique are briefly stated and defined as follows (Abido Citation2002):

Particle, X(t): a candidate solution represented by an n-dimensional vector, where n is the number of control variables. At time (iteration) t, the ith particle Xi(t) can be described as , where xs are the optimized parameters and is the position of the ith particle with respect to the kth dimension, i.e., the value of the kth control variable in the ith candidate solution.

Population, pop(t): a set of N particles at time (iteration) t, i.e.,

Swarm: an apparently disorganized population of moving particles that tend to cluster together although each particle seems to be moving in a random direction.

Particle velocity, V(t): the velocity of the moving particles represented by an n-dimensional vector. At time (iteration) t, the ith particle velocity Vi(t) can be described as , where is the velocity component of the ith particle with respect to the kth dimension.

Individual best, Pbest(t): As a particle moves through the search space, it compares its fitness value at the current position to the best fitness value it has ever attained at any time up to the current time. The best position that is associated with the best fitness encountered so far is called the individual best, Pbest(t). For the ith particle, individual best can be expressed as .

Global best, Gbest(t): the best position among all individual best positions achieved thus far. Hence, global best can be expressed as .

Stopping criteria: the conditions under which the search process will terminate. In this study, the search will terminate if the number of iterations (t) reaches the maximum allowable number.

The PSO can be mathematically expressed as follows:


Where w(t) is a weighting factor, C1 and C2 are positive constants, r1 and r2 are uniformly distributed random numbers in [0, 1].

The first term of Equation (13) provides exploration ability for PSO. For initial stages of the search process, large w to enhance the global exploration is recommended whereas, for the last stages, the weight factor is reduced for better local exploration. The second term of Equation (13) represents the cognitive part of PSO where the particle changes its velocity based on its own thinking and memory. The third term represents the social part of PSO where the particle changes its velocity based on the social-psychological adaptation of knowledge.

The PSO starts by randomly placing the particles in a problem space. In each iteration, the velocities of particles are calculated using Equation (13). After defining the velocities, the positions of particles can be calculated as Equation (14). The process of changing particles’ positions will continue until an end criterion is met.

Overview of GSA Algorithm

The GSA is a newly stochastic search algorithm developed by Rashedi, Nezamabadi-pour, and Saryazdi (Citation2009). In GSA, the search agents are a collection of masses that interact with each other based on the Newtonian gravity and the laws of motion. In this algorithm, agents are considered as objects and their performances are measured by their masses. All these objects attract each other by the gravity force, and this force causes a global movement of all objects toward the objects with heavier masses. The position of the mass corresponds to the solution of the problem, and its gravitational and inertial masses are determined using a fitness function. In other words, each mass presents a solution. The algorithm is navigated by properly adjusting the gravitational and inertial masses. By lapse of time, the masses will be attracted by the heaviest mass, which it represents as an optimum solution in the search space.

The GSA could be considered as an isolated system of masses. It is like a small artificial world of masses obeying the Newtonian laws of gravitation and motion. In a system with N agents (masses), the position of the ith agent is defined by:


where n is the search space dimension of the problem, i.e., the number of control variables, and defines the position of the ith agent in the kth dimension.

After evaluating the current population fitness, the mass of each agent is calculated as follows (Rashedi, Nezamabadi-pour, Saryazdi, Citation2009):




where fiti(t) represents the fitness value of the agent i at time (iteration) t; best(t) and worst(t) is the best and worst fitness of all agents, respectively, and defined as follows (for a minimization problem):


According to Newton’s gravitation theory, the total force that acts on the ith agent in the kth dimension at t time is specified as follows:


where rj is a random number in the interval [0, 1], G(t) is gravitational constant at time t, Mi(t) and Mj(t) are masses of agents i and j, ɛ is a small constant, and Rij(t) is the Euclidian distance between the two agents i and j, given by the following equation:


Kbest is the set of first K agents with the best fitness value and biggest mass, which is a function of time, initialized to K0 at the beginning and decreased with time. In such a way, at the beginning, all agents apply the force, and as time passes, Kbest is decreased linearly and at the end there will be just one agent applying force to the others. By the laws of motion, the acceleration of the ith agent, at t time in the kth dimension is given by following equation:


The searching strategy on this notion can be defined to find the next velocity and next position of an agent. Next velocity of an agent is defined as a function of its current velocity added to its current acceleration. Hence, the next position and next velocity of an agent can be computed as follows:


where ri is a uniform random variable in the interval [0, 1]. This random number is utilized to give a randomized characteristic to the search. The position of agent i in dimension k is represented by , is the velocity, and is the acceleration.

It must be pointed out that the gravitational constant G(t) is important in determining the performance of GSA. It is initialized at the beginning and will be reduced with time to control the search accuracy. In other words, the gravitational constant is a function of the initial value G0 and time t:


where α is a user-specified constant, t the current iteration, and T is the maximum iteration number. The parameters of maximum iteration T, population size N, initial gravitational constant G0 and constant α control the performance of GSA.

Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm

The basic idea of PSOGSA is to combine the ability for social thinking (gbest) in PSO with the local search capability of GSA (Mirjalili and Hashim Citation2010; Mirjalli, Hashim, and Sardroudi Citation2012). In order to combine these algorithms, Equation (26) is proposed as follows (Radosavljević, Arsić, and Jevtić Citation2014):


where is the velocity component of the ith agent with respect to the kth dimension at iteration t, C1 and C2 are positive constants, r1, r2, and r3 are uniformly distributed random numbers in [0, 1], is the acceleration component of the ith agent with respect to the kth dimension at iteration t, and is the kth dimension of the best solution thus far at iteration t, N is the size of the population (the number of agents), n is the search space dimension of the problem, i.e., the number of control variables.

In each iteration, the positions of agents are updated as follows:


In PSOGSA, at first, all agents are randomly initialized. Each agent is considered as a candidate solution. After initialization, the gravitational constant and resultant forces among agents are calculated using Equation (25) and Equation (20), respectively. After that, the accelerations of agents are defined as Equation (22). In each iteration, the best solution thus far should be updated. After calculating the accelerations and updating the best solution thus far, the velocities of all agents can be calculated using Equation (26). Finally, the positions of agents are updated by Equation (27). The process of updating velocities and positions will be stopped by meeting an end criterion.

PSOGSA Implementation

The proposed hybrid PSOGSA approach has been applied to solve the CEED problem. The control variables of the CEED problem constitute the individual position of several agents that represent a complete solution set. In a system with N agents, the position of the ith agent is defined by


The elements of agent Xi are real power outputs of all generation units, except the slack generator. Different steps to solve the CEED problem using PSOGSA are listed in .

Table 1. Steps of PSOGSA-based approach to solve CEED problem.

Simulation Results

The proposed hybrid PSOGSA algorithm is tested on three test systems with 3, 6, and 40 generating units. These test systems are widely used as benchmarks in the power system field for solving the CEED problem (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014).

The algorithms have been implemented in MATLAB 2011b computing environment and run on a 2.20 GHz PC with 3.0 GB RAM. Twenty consecutive test runs have been performed for each case examined. The results shown are the best values obtained over these 20 runs. The different algorithms’ parameters used for the simulation are summarized in . These values of algorithms’ parameters have been adopted after a number of careful experimentations.

Table 2. Simulation parameters used for different algorithms for different test systems.

Test System 1

A system with three units considering NOx and SOx emission is used to examine the applicability of the proposed algorithm with a total demand of 850 MW. The operating limits, fuel cost coefficients, and emission coefficients for this system are taken from Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli (Citation2014) and illustrated in . The error tolerance value in Equation (10) is taken as MW. The expression for transmission line losses is given by


Table 3. Generation limits, fuel cost, and emission coefficients of test system 1 (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014).

For this system, the fuel cost and the NOx and SOx emission are individually optimized and these individual results are reported in , respectively. It can be seen that the fuel cost and emission are conflicting objectives. Emission has maximum value when cost is minimized. shows the best compromise solution between fuel cost, NOx emission, and SOx emission for the test system 1 obtained from proposed approach. In this case, the scaling factor for NOx emission is taken as 147582.78814 ($/ton) and the scaling factor for SOx emission is taken as ($/ton). These values are taken from Bhattacharya and Chattopadhyay (Citation2011). The results obtained by the proposed hybrid PSOGSA algorithm were compared to those obtained using other algorithms reported in the literature as shown in .

Table 4. Minimum fuel cost for test system 1 (Pload</i> = 850 MW).

Table 5. Minimum NOx emission for test system 1 (Pload</i> = 850 MW).

Table 6. Minimum SOx emission for test system 1 (Pload</i> = 850 MW).

Table 7. Best compromise solution of fuel cost and NOx, SOx emission for test system 1 (Pload</i> = 850 MW).

show that the results obtained using hybrid PSOGSA are either better or comparable to those obtained using other techniques. It is quite obvious that the minimum fuel cost, minimum NOx emission, and minimum SOx emission obtained from the proposed approach more than the SOA algorithm did(Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014). However, after the real power losses computation by Equation (29) with control variables reported in Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli (Citation2014), the obtained results are different from the corresponding values reported in Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli (Citation2014). So, power generation is not matching load plus losses, and this approach did not meet the power balance constraint. Consequently, the results obtained from the SOA algorithm (Benasla, Belmadani, and Rahli Citation2014) must be declared as infeasible solutions. In this regard, in order to assess the relevance of the results presented in , power balance indicator was introduced as follows:


The comparison min, max, and standard deviation of the results obtained by PSO, GSA, and hybrid PSOGSA, over 20 runs, are presented in . It is obvious that the proposed hybrid PSOGSA approach provides better solutions compared to the original PSO and GSA. illustrate convergence characteristics of the algorithms for the fuel cost, SOx emission and combined fuel cost, and NOx and SOx emission minimization, respectively. As can been seen, the proposed hybrid PSOGSA algorithm can converge to its global optimal solution in fewer iterations compared with the original PSO and GSA algorithms.

Table 8. Min, max, and standard dev. of the results obtained over 20 runs with PSO, GSA, and hybrid PSOGSA for test system 1.

Figure 1. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of fuel cost minimization.

Figure 1. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of fuel cost minimization.

Figure 2. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of SOx emission minimization.

Figure 2. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of SOx emission minimization.

Figure 3. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of combined fuel cost, NOx, and SOx emission minimization.

Figure 3. Convergence of algorithms for test system 1 in the case of combined fuel cost, NOx, and SOx emission minimization.

Test System 2

The standard IEEE 30-bus six-generator system for Pload = 283.4 MW is considered as test system 2. The fuel cost coefficients and the NOx emission coefficients, including the limits of generation for the generators are listed in . In this study, the scaling factor in Equation (1) is taken as ($/ton) and the error tolerance value in Equation (10) is MW. The B-loss matrix values are shown as follows:

Table 9. Generation limits, fuel cost, and emission coefficients of test system 2 (Aydin et al. Citation2014).

For the purpose of comparison with the reported results, the test system 2 is considered for two cases as follows, Case A: considering Ploss and Case B: neglecting Ploss.

shows the optimum solution values of PSOGSA for the weight factor: w = 1 (fuel cost minimization), w = 0 (NOx emission minimization), and w = 0.5 (combined fuel cost and NOx emission minimization—CEED minimization).

Table 10. The best solution for fuel cost and NOx emission for test system 2.

Under the same system data, control variable limits and constraints, the results for Cases A and B obtained using the hybrid PSOGSA approach are compared to some other algorithms reported in the literature as shown in and , respectively. From these tables, it can be seen that the proposed approach outperforms many techniques used to solve CEED problems because the results obtained using hybrid PSOGSA are either better or comparable to those obtained using other techniques. This highlights its ability to find a better-quality solution.

Table 11. Comparison of best solution of test system 2 for Case A.

Table 12. Comparison of best solution of test system 2 for Case B.

illustrates the convergence characteristics of PSO, GSA, and proposed hybrid PSOGSA for the fuel cost minimization (= 1) in Case A for the test system 2.

Figure 4. Convergence of algorithms for the fuel cost minimization in Case A for test system 2.

Figure 4. Convergence of algorithms for the fuel cost minimization in Case A for test system 2.

Test System 3

This test system consists of 40 generating units with valve point loading effects and NOx emission. The total load demand is set to 10,500 MW and no transmission losses are considered. The input data for this test system are taken from (Aydin et al. Citation2014) and presented in .

Table 13. Generation limits, fuel cost, and emission coefficients of test system 3 (Aydin et al. Citation2014).

shows the optimum results obtained from the PSOGSA for test system 3. For the purpose of comparison with the reported results, four different cases have been considered, as follows.

  • Fuel cost minimization (w = 1).

  • NOx emission minimization (w = 0).

  • CEED minimization, with the weight factor and the scaling factor in Equation (1) taken as w = 0.92 and ($/ton).

  • CEED minimization, with the weight factor and the scaling factor in Equation (1) taken as w = 0.5 and ($/ton).

Table 14. Best dispatch results of the proposed PSOGSA algorithm for test system 3.

In , the optimization results are compared to other optimization algorithms in the literature. Except in the case of the fuel cost minimization, the minimum values of fuel cost and NOx emission obtained from the proposed PSOGSA are lesser in comparison to reported best results in the literature. The best fuel cost in the case of the fuel cost minimization obtained by PSOGSA is very close to that found with ABC (Aydin et al. Citation2014), MBFA (Hota, Barisal, and Chakrabarti Citation2010) and modified adaptive θ-particle swarm optimization (MA θ-PSO) (Niknam and Doagou-Mojarrad Citation2012) (0.04% difference).

Table 15. Comparison of the results for test system 3.

The convergence characteristics of the PSO, GSA, and hybrid PSOGSA for the fuel cost minimization of the 40-generator system are shown in . It is clear that the proposed hybrid PSOGSA algorithm can converge to its global best in fewer iterations compared with PSO and GSA algorithms.

Figure 5. Convergence of algorithms for test system 3 in the case of fuel cost minimization.

Figure 5. Convergence of algorithms for test system 3 in the case of fuel cost minimization.


In this article, a novel hybrid PSOGSA optimization algorithm has been proposed and successfully applied to solve the CEED problem. The proposed approach has been tested and investigated with three different test systems. Simulation results show that the hybrid PSOGSA algorithm provides an effective and robust high-quality solution. Moreover, the results obtained using hybrid PSOGSA are either better or comparable to those obtained using other techniques reported in the literature.

The proposed hybrid PSOGSA algorithm is suitable for solving the complex CEED problem because it benefits from the advantages of both PSO and GSA algorithms.


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under research grant TR 33046.

Additional information


This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia under research grant TR 33046.


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