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Editorial Board

Editorial Board


William F. Finn

Department of Medicine

University of North Carolina

CB # 7155, 345 MacNider Building

Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA

Managing Editor

Patricia Scott-Finn

International Editorial Board

Dr. F. A. Alano - Metro Manila, Philippines

Dr. M.E.M. Allison - Glasgow, Scotland

Dr. P. H. Bach - London, England

Dr. T. J. Burke - Denver, CO, USA

Dr. R. L. Chevalier - Charlottesville, VA, USA

Dr. K.S. Chugh - Chandigarh, India

Dr. Marc E. De Broe - Edegem/Antwerpen

Dr. Xue-Hai Du - Bejing, China

Dr. G.G. Duggin - Caperdown, Austrailia

Dr. H. E. Eliahou - Holon, Israel

Dr. E. Fernandez-Repollet - San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

Dr. J. Firmat - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. B. Fowler - Atlanta, GA, USA

Dr. L. J. Hak - Memphis, TN, USA

Dr. N. Honda - Hamamatsu, Japan

Dr. H. D. Humes - Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Dr. A. Iaina - Ashkelton, Israel

Dr. G. J. Kaloyanides - Stony Brook, NY, USA

Dr. C. Kjellstrand - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Dr. J. Kopple - Los Angeles, CA, USA

Dr. H. Nakahama - Hyogo, Japan

Dr. Yu. V. Natachin - St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr. S. Olsen - Aarhus, Denmark

Dr. M. Papadimitriou - Thessaloniki, Greece

Dr. G. A. Porter - Portland, OR, USA

Dr. L. Racusen - Baltimore, MD, USA

Dr. S. Rosen - Boston, MD, USA

Dr. K. Solez - Edmonton, ALberta, Canada

Dr. G. Thiel - Basel Switzerland

Dr. J. J. Walshe - Dublin, Ireland

Dr. H. Y. Wang - Bejing, China

Dr. Valentine Yatsenkow - Kiev, Ukraine

Dr. R. Zager - Seattle, WA, USA