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Review Article

A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis of effective interventions for family and caregivers of people who use methamphetamine

, PhD, , PhDORCID Icon, , BSW, HonsORCID Icon, , PhD, , PhD, ACORCID Icon, , B Psych, Hons, , BNurse, , BNurse, , PhD & , PhDORCID Icon show all
Pages 1190-1196 | Published online: 26 May 2022


Background: Methamphetamine is a highly addictive central nervous stimulant associated with numerous adverse health, psychological, and social impacts. Family and friends of people who use methamphetamine often take on a crucial caregiving role in supporting their loved one. Consequently, they can experience a range of psychosocial challenges themselves. This review aimed to identify and assess the effectiveness of interventions designed to support caregivers of people who use methamphetamine. Methods: A systematic search of relevant literature published in the English language was conducted. Of 2257 records identified, only 2 evaluation studies examined interventions specifically designed for caregivers of people who use methamphetamine. Additionally, four qualitative accounts described experiences of caring for people who use methamphetamine. These accounts were summarized narratively to provide a more complete picture of family and caregiver experiences and coping strategies. Results: Effective treatment components included tending to caregiver concerns and providing training to enhance informational support and problem-solving skills. Qualitative accounts uncovered a range of challenges experienced by caregivers, such as emotional distress, concern for the person using methamphetamine, disrupted family structures, and financial difficulties. Coping strategies included attempts at managing and supporting the person using methamphetamine while protecting the overall cohesion and wellbeing of the family unit. Conclusions: This review highlighted a lack of evidence-based interventions for caregivers of people who use methamphetamine. More research is needed to clarify concerns that may be particularly relevant for those in a caregiving role.

Additional information


This review was supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.

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