Publication Cover
Experimental Heat Transfer
A Journal of Thermal Energy Generation, Transport, Storage, and Conversion
Volume 24, 2011 - Issue 4
CrossRef citations to date
Original Articles

Spectroscopic Goniometry System for Determining Thermal Radiative Properties of Participating Media

, &
Pages 300-312 | Received 02 Sep 2010, Accepted 22 Nov 2010, Published online: 22 Sep 2011


A spectroscopy system developed to measure directional and spectral characteristics of semi-transparent media encountered in solar thermal and thermochemical applications is presented. The system incorporates a double monochromator coupled to a double radiation source and a rotary multi-element sandwich detector to enable measurements in the spectral range between 0.3–4 μm. Direct iterative and inverse radiative transfer techniques are employed to extract radiative properties of interest from bi-directional reflectance and transmittance measurements. Two examples demonstrating the feasibility of the method are given: (1) the determination of the extinction coefficient of reticulate porous ceramics and (2) the extraction of a complete set of radiative properties for a packed bed of particles.


This work has been partially funded by the BFE–Swiss Federal Office of Energy and by the Swiss National Science Foundation (contract 206021-117372).

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