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Support-vector-based emergent self-organising approach for emotional understanding

Pages 355-371 | Received 10 Aug 2009, Accepted 01 Aug 2010, Published online: 19 Nov 2010


This study discusses the computational analysis of general emotion understanding from questionnaires methodology. The questionnaires method approaches the subject by investigating the real experience that accompanied the emotions, whereas the other laboratory approaches are generally associated with exaggerated elements. We adopted a connectionist model called support-vector-based emergent self-organising map (SVESOM) to analyse the emotion profiling from the questionnaires method. The SVESOM first identifies the important variables by giving discriminative features with high ranking. The classifier then performs the classification based on the selected features. Experimental results show that the top rank features are in line with the work of Scherer and Wallbott [(1994), ‘Evidence for Universality and Cultural Variation of Differential Emotion Response Patterning’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 310–328], which approached the emotions physiologically. While the performance measures show that using the full features for classifications can degrade the performance, the selected features provide superior results in terms of accuracy and generalisation.

1. Introduction

Emotion is a complicated aspect of the human inner state. The ability to understand, interpret and react to emotions is vital in maintaining relationships with friends, colleagues and family (Ekman Citation2004; Levine Citation2007; Perlovsky Citation2007). The brain, which is the most fundamental source of emotion, exhibits an alpha rhythm that can be detected by Electro-Encephalogram (EEG) (Sears and Jacko Citation2008). The electrical activity, produced by firing of neurons within the brain, is recorded along the scalp. EEG studies (Davidson, Schwartz, Saron, Bennett, and Goleman Citation1979) have shown that positive emotions lead to greater activation on the left anterior region of the brain, while negative emotions lead to more significant activation on the right anterior region. Recent advances in functional Magneto Resonance Imaging (fMRI) provide more sophisticated monitoring of emotion (Phan, Wager, and Taylor 2002; Desseilles et al. Citation2006; Westen, Blagov, Harenski, Kilts, and Hamann Citation2006; Redcay et al. Citation2010).

Apart from brain measurements for monitoring human emotion, another area of emotion research is emotion recognition. The research of emotion recognition has been found in many published works, which are mainly focusing on facial expressions recognition since facial expressions represent a straightforward means of expressions. The first known facial expression analysis was presented by Darwin in 1872 (Darwin Citation1872). The article presented the universality of human face expressions and the continuity in man and animals. It was also pointed out that there are specific inborn emotions, which originated in serviceable associated habits. After almost a century, Ekman and Friesen Citation(1971) postulated six primary emotions that possess a distinctive content together with a unique facial expression. These prototypical emotional displays are referred to as basic emotions in many of the later literature. The six universally recognised emotions are joy, sad, fear, disgust, surprise and anger. They further developed the facial action coding system (FACS) for describing facial expressions. FACS uses 44 action units (Aus) for the description of facial actions with regard to their locations as well as their intensity.

Another means of emotion recognition is through voice (Ververidis and Kotropoulos Citation2006). Voice can provide indications of valence and specific emotions through acoustic properties such as pitch range, rhythm, amplitude or duration changes (Ball and Breese Citation2000). A bored or sad user would typically exhibit slower, lower-pitched speech, with little high-frequency energy. A person experiencing fear, anger or joy would speak faster and louder, with strong high-frequency energy (Picard Citation1997). The database of speech recognition generally consists of recorded speech synthesis, prosodic modelling, speech conversion that are voiced out by actors like the work in Lutfi, Montero, Barra-Chicote, Lucas-Cuesta, and Ascensión Citation(2009).

Both face and speech emotion recognition are laboratory approaches that mandates the use of databases with directed facial expressions or acted tones to provide training for the recognition systems. The emotions are, however, typically exaggerated and rarely appear in the real world. It is difficult to study emotional experiences by using laboratory techniques of emotion induction or field observation. Emotion induction in the laboratory is often inefficient as it results in weak emotional experience due to the fact that strong emotions are difficult to undertake in real-life situations outside the laboratory. This leads to the third category of emotion recognition and profiling, called the questionnaire approach. In the questionnaire approach, the subjects are given a set of questions to help them recall occasions which they have experienced with different emotions. This is a self-reported measurement to measure the affective states. Although it can be argued that questionnaires are only capable of measuring conscious experience of emotion, and most of the affective processes are non-conscious processes (Wallbott and Scherer Citation1985), this approach represents the most direct way to measure sentiment. The reason for adopting the questionnaires approach is that the questionnaire is not artificially generated because it is naturally based on the recalling of personal encounters. The questionnaire approach to studying emotional processes by asking subjects to describe emotional situations and the reactions experienced is a suitable way to study not only emotion-eliciting situations but also emotional reactions. Scherer and Wallbott Citation(1994) argued that the questionnaire approach to emotion study is preferable because it has access to real, intimate emotions through verbal report of recalled emotion experiences. Moreover, the two important components of the total emotion process, i.e. cognitive appraisal of emotion-antecedent situations and subjective feeling state are only accessible through self-reporting.

In this paper, we present a computational analysis for human emotions profiling based on the questionnaires approach. We make use of studies carried out by a group of psychologists directed by Scherer and Wallbott (see their studies in detail in Wallbott and Scherer Citation1988; Scherer and Wallbott Citation1994; Scherer Citation1997) in which they collected cross-cultural differences in the reaction patterns for seven emotions over 10 years. Such studies were presented in the International Survey on Emotion Antecedents and Reactions (ISEAR). The studies initially collected data from subjects living in eight European countries, Japan and the USA. They subsequently evolved to include close to 3000 respondents from 38 countries that cover the five continents. Student respondents, psychologists and non-psychologists were asked to report situations in which they had experienced all of seven major emotions (joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, and guilt). As the database is too huge to be analysed, we need to design a robust classification method which is able to visualise and classify the characteristics of the questionnaires data simultaneously. Therefore, a new connectionist model is developed to visualise and classify data collected using the questionnaires approach. A benefit of this model over other techniques is its capacity to handle imbalanced data sets (IDS). The model adopts a derivation of support-vector machines (SVM) in selecting variables so that the problem of imbalanced data distribution can be relaxed (Nguwi and Cho Citation2009). Then, we used an emergent self-organising map (ESOM) to cluster the ranked features so as to provide clusters for unsupervised classification. The details of this model as well as its performance in analysing this questionnaires approach will be described in the rest of this paper.

The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 discusses the methodology of using support-vector-based emergent self-organising map (SVESOM) model to profile the emotions from the questionnaire approach. We first study the structure of questionnaire approach and then discuss the algorithm of the SVESOM in the same section. Section 3 presents the experimental results and discussion for the proposed method. Several validations have been conducted to present the performance of the proposed method. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is drawn in Section 4.

2. Emotional profiling through SVESOM

In our study, we refer to the research of Scherer and Wallbott Citation(1994) which extrapolated from reported predictions on the basis of individual expressive behaviour variables. Basically, the questionnaires consist of four parts: (a) situation description; (b) subjective feeling state; (c) physiological symptoms, expressive behaviour and other reactions; and (d) appraisal. illustrates the predictions of emotions in accordance to different subjective feelings, physiological symptoms and expressive behaviours together with the related variables and interpretations from ISEAR questionnaire. For the subjective feeling domain, predictions were made for the dimensions of intensity and duration of the affective state, which attempts at controlling the state, and how long ago the event took place. The physiological symptoms report individual reactions or symptoms that they recall. Cardiovascular, muscle symptoms and perspiration predictions were translated into ergotropic arousal predictions. Stomach symptoms, lump in throat and crying predictions were interpreted in terms of trophotropic arousal. Similarly, the expressive behaviour variables were grouped into movement, nonverbal-nonvocal, paralinguistic and speech behaviour (Scherer and Wallbott Citation1994).

Table 1. Predictions of emotions in accordance to different subjective feelings, physiological symptoms and expressive behaviours together with the corresponding variables and interpretation.

Forty variables are extracted from the questionnaires using different questions as shown in . With the huge database (i.e. over 10,000 records), it is difficult to classify, as the classifiers may not be able to handle the overwhelming amount of data. The difficulty in classification arises from the fact that the distributions of data set are imbalanced. Based on the principle of Occam's razor (Thorburn Citation1915), classifiers generally do not perform well on IDS because they are designed to generalise from the limited numbers of sampling data and provide the simplest hypothesis that best fits to the data. IDS is a phenomenon that occurs where the number of instances in one class significantly outnumbered the instances from other classes. Therefore, the training data are dominated by the instances belonging to one class. We thereby introduce an approach which is derived from SVM that can actively select the appropriate variables according to the different emotions.

Table 2. Variables and interpretation from ISEAR questionnaire.

Our proposed methodology to realise the questionnaire approach for emotion profiling is an algorithmic approach which comprises the SVM-based criterion-ranking feature selection and ESOM for unsupervised classification. shows the flow diagram that illustrates the ESOM with support-vector ranking (SVESOM). The SVM is trained using the full set of input data and the ranking criterion is evaluated for feature ranking. The data are then clustered by the ESOM algorithm and such clusters are assigned for classification. The input space consists of the full attributes data. R c is the ranking criteria and Var provides the vector that ranks the best features in ascending order. The algorithms will be described later in this section.

Figure 1. The flow structure of the emergent self-organising learning with support-vector feature ranking. The SVM is trained using the full set of input data and the ranking criterion is evaluated for feature ranking. The data are then clustered by the ESOM algorithm and such clusters are assigned for classification.

Figure 1. The flow structure of the emergent self-organising learning with support-vector feature ranking. The SVM is trained using the full set of input data and the ranking criterion is evaluated for feature ranking. The data are then clustered by the ESOM algorithm and such clusters are assigned for classification.

2.1. Support vector ranking

Features are described by the vector that consists of all features used in representing the instance of data. Feature selection is a relatively important step in highly imbalanced situations. Instead of balancing the training data, the first part of this work actively selects the most useful features that alleviate the imbalance effect. The imbalance effect makes the data highly skewed prior to processing (Chawla, Japkowicz, and Kolcz Citation2003; Chawla, Japkowicz, and Zhou Citation2009). The support vector ranking is able to find the least skewed feature and hence gives this feature with a high ranking. On the other hand, a feature that made the data distribution skewed is given a low ranking. In this manner, the selected features reduce the imbalance effect in the data. The purpose of selecting the most useful features is to eliminate irrelevant features to enhance the generalisation performance of a given learning algorithm. The selection of relevant features is useful to provide an alternative to handle the imbalanced data problem. Other advantages may include cost reduction of data gathering and storage particularly in this questionnaire data set.

This work employs the use of a derivation of support vector for variable selection. It was initially proposed by Guyon, Weston, Barnhill, and Vapnik Citation(2000) for selecting genes that are relevant for a cancer classification problem. The goal is to find a subset of size r among d features where r<d which maximises the performance of classifiers (Rakotomamonjy Citation2003). The method is based on backward sequential selection. The features are removed one at a time until r features. The criteria for selection are derived from SVMs and are based on weight vector sensitivity with respect to the feature (Guyon et al. Citation2000). This is an extension to bounds on L error, margin bound and other bounds of the generalisation error (Rakotomamonjy Citation2003). The criteria being investigated is C t which is either weight vector , the radius/margin bound or the span estimate. It gives either an estimation of the generalisation performance or an estimation of the data set separability. The removed variable is the one whose removal minimises the variation of . Hence, the ranking criterion R c for a given variable i is

where K (i) is the Gram matrix of the training data when variable i is removed, such that ( and is the solution of quadratic optimisation problem. From the above equation, the removed variable is the one which has the least influence on the weight vector norm.

This approach of criteria-ranking derived from SVM is different from the popularly used soft margin SVM. In traditional SVM where given a set of labelled instances and a kernel function k, SVM finds the optimal αt for each x i to maximise the margin γ between the hyperplane and the closest instances to it. The prediction for a new sample x is made through

where b is the threshold, \!\!. One norm soft-margin SVM minimises the primal Lagranian:
where and r i ≥0. The penalty constant C represents the trade-off between the empirical error ξ and the margin. Two approaches (Rakotomamonjy Citation2003) are proposed for each criterion:

Zero-order method: The criterion C t is directly used for variable ranking, and it identifies the variable that produces the smallest value of C t when removed. The ranking criterion becomes , with C t (i) being the criterion value when variable i has been removed.

First-order method: This uses the derivatives of the criterion C t with regard to a variable. This approach differs from the zero-order method because a variable is ranked according to its influence on the criterion which is measured with the absolute value of the derivative.

The algorithms are listed as below:


SVM-based ranking for variable selection

Repeat the following until Var is not empty:

Train an SVM classifier with all the training data and variable Var.


For all Var, evaluate ranking criterion R c (i) of variable i



Rank the variable that minimises R c:


Remove the variable that minimises R c from the selected variables set

2.2. Emergent self-organising map

After finding the top-ranked features, we then use the features for ESOM. The ESOM is a nonlinear projection technique using neurons arranged on a map. It is an extension of self-organising map (SOM) where the neurons go through competitive learning. There are several reasons for using ESOM. Firstly, ESOM allows the discovery of knowledge using its emergent property. This makes it particularly useful for dealing with the problem in this work which consists of several thousands of data. Secondly, the self-adaptive structures are fast and incrementally discover the underlying structure. This allows fast computation even when the data set is large.

The goal of SOM is to transform an incoming signal pattern of arbitrary dimension into a one- or two-dimensional discrete map, and to perform this transformation adaptively in a topologically ordered fashion. Kohonen Citation(1990) describes SOM as a nonlinear, ordered, smooth mapping of high-dimensional input data manifolds onto the elements of a regular, low-dimensional array. Assume the set of input variables {ξ j } is definable as a real vector . With each element in the SOM array, we associate a parametric real vector that we call a model. Assuming a general distance measure between x and m i denoted d(x, m i ), the input vector x on the SOM array is defined as the array element m c that matches best with x, i.e. that has the index

The task is to define m i in such a manner that the mapping is ordered and descriptive of the distribution of x. The data points that are projected to close-by locations on the map are also close-by in the input space. The ability of self-organising according to neuron's neighbourhood Euclidean distance is the key feature of SOM. However, the power of self-organising that allows the emergence of structure in data is often neglected (Ultsch and Mörchen Citation2005). The concept of boundless maps (e.g. Toroids map) to avoid border effect is rarely used. These motivate this particular choice of scaling parameters in the ESOM (Ultsch and Mörchen Citation2005).

The ESOM is a nonlinear projection technique using neurons arranged on a map. The ESOM forms a low-dimensional grid of high-dimensional prototype vectors. The density of data in the vicinity of the models associated with the map neurons, and the distances between the models, are taken into account for better visualisation. An ESOM map consists of a U-Map (from U-Matrix), a P-Map (from P-Matrix) and a U*-Map (which combines the U and P map). The three maps show the layout for a landscape like visualisation for distance and density structure of the high-dimensional data space. Structures emerge on top of the map by the cooperation of many neurons. These emerging structures are the main concept of ESOM. It can be used to achieve visualisation, clustering and classification. The different maps for visualisation and the clustering algorithm are introduced in the following sections.

2.2.1. Map visualisation

Let m:DM be a mapping from a high-dimensional data space onto a finite set of positions arranged on a grid. Each position has its two-dimensional coordinates and a weight vector which is the image of a Voronoi region in D: the data set with x i D is mapped to a position in M such that a data point x i is mapped to its best-match with , where d is the distance on the data set. The set of immediate neighbours of a position n i on the grid is denoted by N(i).

2.2.2. U-Map (distance-based visualisation)

The U-height for each neuron n i is the average distance of n i ’s weight vectors to the weight vectors of its immediate neighbours N(i). The U-height, denoted uh(i), is calculated as follows:

A display of all U-heights on top of the map is called a U-Matrix (Ultsch and Siemon Citation1990). The height value will be large in area where no or few data points reside, creating mountain ranges for cluster boundaries. The sum will be small in area of high densities. A U-Map is a height-field like visualisation of the U-Matrix. The local distance structure is displayed at each neuron as a height value creating a three-dimensional landscape of the high-dimensional data space.

2.2.3. P-Map (density-based visualisation)

The P-height ph(i)for a neuron n i is a measure of the density of data points in the vicinity of w i :

A display of all P-heights on top of the grid G is called a P-Matrix. The radius r should be chosen such that ph(i) approximates the probability density function of the data points. Distance-based methods usually work well for clearly separated clusters; problems can occur with slowly changing densities and overlapping clusters. Density-based methods directly measure the density in the data space sampled at the prototype vectors. The P-Matrix displays the local density measures with Pareto density estimation (Ultsch Citation2003).

2.2.4. U*-map (distance and density based visualisation)

For the identification of clusters in data sets, it is sometimes not enough to consider distances between the data points. The local distance depicted in an U-Matrix is presumably the distance measured inside a cluster for the dense region, such distance is often disregarded for clustering purposes. However, in the less-dense region, such a distance is important where the U-Matrix heights correspond to cluster boundaries. This leads to the definition of an U*-Matrix described in Ultsch Citation(2005). The U*-matrix combines the distance-based U-Matrix and the density-based P-Matrix. The U*-matrix shows significant improvement over U-Matrix in data set with clusters that are not clearly separated in the high-dimensional space.

uh(i) is denoted by the U-height of a neuron i, denotes the mean of all P-heights and is the maximum of all P-heights. The U*-height, denoted as u* h(i), of an U-Matrix for neuron i is calculated as

where λ (i) is denoted as a scaling factor which is calculated as
With this equation, the scaling factor basically is a linear function of the P-heights. Using this scaling factor, the U*-height is equalled to U-height if of neuron i. We expect the probability density function of P-height is bimodal and its density distribution is a combination of the within cluster density distribution and the densities of weight vectors in between clusters.

2.2.5. ESOM clustering and classification

After finding the top-ranked variables, we then employ the features for clustering at the ESOM. The ESOM is a nonlinear projection technique which forms a low-dimensional grid of high-dimensional prototype vectors. The density of data in the vicinity of the models associated with the map neurons and the distances between the models are taken into account for better visualisation. Unlike standard Kohonen map (Kohonen Citation1990) and the other mapping methods like manifold embedding (Roweis and Saul Citation2000; Rao, Hero, States, and Engel Citation2006; Nie, Xu, Tsang, and Zhang Citation2010) which are only a single mapping approach, the ESOM is a multiple mapping approach which consists of three maps, i.e. a U-Map (from U-Matrix), a P-Map (from P-Matrix) and a U*-Map (which combines the U and P map), in which these three maps would show a landscape to visualise the distance and density structure of the high-dimensional data space. Such structures emerge on top of the map by incorporating many neurons. These emerging structures are the main concept of ESOM which can be used to achieve visualisation, clustering and classification. The clustering algorithm is described by the following.

Let m:DM be a mapping from a high-dimensional data space onto a finite set of positions arranged on a grid. Each position has its two-dimensional coordinates and a weight vector which is the image of a Voronoi region in D: the data set with x i D is mapped to a position in M such that a data point x i is mapped to its best match with , where d is the distance on the data set. The set of immediate neighbours of a position n i on the grid is denoted by N(i).

The clustering of ESOM is based on the U*C clustering algorithm described by (Ultsch Citation2005). Consider a normalised data point x at the surface of a cluster C, with a best match of n i =bm(x). The neighbourhood size starts from 25 units and gradually reduced to 1. The weight vectors of its neighbours N(i) are either within the cluster, in a different cluster or interpolate between clusters. Assume that the inter cluster distances are locally larger than the local within-cluster distances, then the U-heights in N(i) will be large in such directions which point away from the cluster C. Thus, a so-called immersive movement will perform to lead away from cluster borders. It is a movement from one position n i to another position n j with the result that w i is more within a cluster C than w j . This immersive movement is performed which starts from a grid position, keeps decreasing the U-Matrix value by moving to the neighbour with the smallest value, then keeps increasing the P-Matrix value by moving to the neighbour with the largest value.

Finally, the classification phase is performed to determine an emotion category C j which the test image belongs to, . The clustering process assign input image x to a cluster C j according to its feature vector. After that, the clusters are pre-labelled with the respective emotion category. The class is determined by taking the cluster whose Euclidean distance is nearest to the test vector.

The details of this clustering algorithm can be referred to Ultsch Citation(2005) and the algorithm is summarised as follows:


ESOM clustering



Determine the topology and size of network


Initialise the weights of the neurons and initial learning rates


The input vectors are normalised to the range of 0–1.


For each input x, we find the best matched n neuron and construct the matrix as follows:


From position n follow a descending movement on the U-matrix until the lowest distance value is reached in position u.


From position u follow an ascending movement on the P-Matrix until the highest density value is reached in position p.



Cluster assignment:

Calculate the watersheds for the U*-matrix using the algorithm in (Luc and Soille Citation1991).


Partition I using these watersheds into clusters .


Assign a data point x to a cluster C j if Immersion (bm,(x))∈C j .


For each test vector; calculate the Euclidean distance from each cluster.


The class of the test vector belongs to the label of the cluster with nearest Euclidean distance to test vector.

3. Experimental results and discussion

The experiments were carried out using three stratified cross-validation training and test sets. Two-third of the data set constitute testing and the remaining one-third is for training. The questionnaire data are arranged into two class problem, for instance, joy classification consists of joy emotion versus non-joy emotion and similarly for the other emotions. The ratios of the emotions are maintained in the cross-validation experiments. The ISEAR data set was constructed by a group of psychologists in 1990 (Geneva Emotion Research Group Citation1990). Student respondents, both psychologists and non-psychologists, were asked to report situation in which they had experienced the seven major emotions (joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame, and guilt). In each case, the questions covered the way they had appraised the situation and how they reacted. The ISEAR contains 37 variables as illustrated in . This section starts with analysing the important features selected and how these features link to psychological states and behaviour. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and performance measurements are discussed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. Lastly, the data visualisations are shown to demonstrate the distribution of data after clustering.

3.1. Feature ranking analysis

The priority of the variables represented by feature ranking corresponding to different emotions is tabulated in . The corresponding interpretations of variables are shown in . The ten selected features are meant to describe an emotion collectively. Joy is a happy emotion and it is usual that it lasts long (LONG). When a subject experiences joy, he/she is less likely to control (CON) or hide the emotion as it is felt intensely (INTS). Laughter is the result of expressing (EXP1) joyfulness. Fear is an emotion that is difficult to cope with (COPING) or control as it is an emotion with great obstacles to work with. It takes some time (LONG) for this feeling to subside. Anger is another emotion which is difficult to control (CON) (Wilkowski and Robinson Citation2008). The subject expresses anger through facial expression directly (EXPRES) or speaking (VERBAL) about the anger felt. The expression of anger differs between individuals. (third picture from left) shows an anger face with lowered eyebrows, straightened lower eyelids and tensed lips. Sadness is a difficult feeling to cope with (COPING) and it persists for a long period of time (LONG). If the sadness continues to linger for a longer period of time, it could lead to depression, which affects subject's relationship with others (RELA). Disgust, shame and guilt are emotions that people find difficult to cope with (COPING) as they belong to the negative emotions which are unpleasant. Disgust typically comes with facial expressions (EXPRES) like wrinkled nose with eyebrows pulled down, upper lip drawn up, lower eyelid is tensed and eye opening narrowed as shown in (second picture from right). Guilt is an intense (INTS) emotion which can be difficult to control (CON) and cope with (COPING). Some people deal with guilt by turning to self-destructive behaviour such as excessive drinking. The ten features selected for each emotion as tabulated in collectively explain the emotion and the distinguishing attributes to differentiate the different emotions.

Figure 2. Six basic emotions and neutral expression from JAFEE database (Lyons, Budynek, and Akamatsu Citation1999).

Figure 2. Six basic emotions and neutral expression from JAFEE database (Lyons, Budynek, and Akamatsu Citation1999).

Table 3. Feature ranking by SVESOM for seven different emotions.

3.2. Sensitivity and specificity

Sensitivity and specificity measures are adopted in our experiments. Basically, sensitivity and specificity are statistical performance measures of a binary classification test. The sensitivity measures the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified. The specificity measures the proportion of negatives which are correctly identified. The sensitivity and specificity are calculated between the values of true positive (TP), false negative (FN), false positive (FP) and true negative (TN). The formulas of sensitivity and specificity are given by the followings:

Recall or sensitivity is the percentage of the positive labelled instances which are predicted as positive. Specificity is the percentage of negative labelled instances that are predicted as negative. The sensitivity and specificity are used for plotting the ROC curve to illustrate their performances. The ROC curves of the training and test sets are shown in and , respectively. In this ROC analysis, the curve is plotted by the function of sensitivity against specificity for different cut-off points. This demonstrates a trade off between the rates of TP and FP provided with different classification criteria. The perfect classification, i.e. no overlapping in both distributions of sensitivity and specificity, means that the ROC curve would pass through the upper left corner. As shown in and , by using both four highest ranking features and full features respectively, good ROC performances can be achieved for all the emotions considered. For consistency, we took four most discriminative features in this ROC analysis for all the seven types of emotions. The four features vary with different profiling of emotions. By taking the joy emotion for example, the four selected features correspond to pleasant, duration, control, and ergotropic. The analysis for the feature ranking will be discussed in the next sub-section.

Figure 3. The ROC analysis with using top four most discriminative features versus full features in training set of questionnaires emotion data.

Figure 3. The ROC analysis with using top four most discriminative features versus full features in training set of questionnaires emotion data.

Figure 4. The ROC analysis of using top four most discriminative features versus full features in test set of questionnaires emotion data.

Figure 4. The ROC analysis of using top four most discriminative features versus full features in test set of questionnaires emotion data.

3.3. Performance evaluations

Accuracy may not be an appropriate measure to evaluate the performance of classifiers for this emotion data set. A classifier may be able to obtain a very high accuracy by classifying all instances to majority class but classifying wrongly the minority class. Therefore, the use of accuracy and mean square error rate are inappropriate for IDS like this emotion data set. So we adopted the use of other kinds of evaluation metrics to measure the classifiers’ capability to differentiate the two-class problem under the case of imbalanced data distribution. They are namely, F-measure and geometric means measure (GMM), in which the performance measures are independent of prior probabilities. F-measure is a metric derived from recall and precision. Some variants would make the weighting equal as it is considered that the occurrences of FP and FN are likely equal. According to the evaluations by Barandela, Sánchez, García, and Rangel Citation(2003), GMM is a more appropriate metric to evaluate the classifier performance on the data sets which are imbalanced distribution. Both F-measure and GMM are good indicators as they maximise the accuracy on each of the two classes while keeping these accuracies balanced. The GMM is defined as the square root of the product of accuracy on positive samples and negative samples (i.e. and . Their formulas are shown below:

The experimental results are shown in . Three sets of results are displayed to show the best, moderate and the worst performances among the seven emotions of joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, and guilt. In these tables, each row represents different numbers of selected features as the input to perform the classifiers. The corresponding results in terms of generalisation, sensitivity, F-measure, geometric means’ measure for both training and test data sets are shown in each column of the tables. Joy is the most easily distinguished emotion, with F-measure constantly above 90%. The first three features are insufficient to allow the competitive learning of ESOM to converge. However, with the use of four features onwards, the convergence ensures. It demonstrates that the use of more features or full features does not guarantee a higher performance in terms of F-measure, generalisation and geometric means. The result is consistent with the other emotions like anger, shame and etc. Most of the experiments in different emotional profiling are converged if more than three features were used. The fear emotion in shows the median results among the emotions; the average results of the common emotions are around 72%. It is also noted that there is no significant improvement by increasing the number of features more than four. It can be concluded that using four features are sufficient to profile the emotion by this questionnaire data set in most cases. Moreover, the results of F-measure, which is the main performance metrics for imbalance data sets, often maintain at a relative high level of 0.7 or above. Note that disgust is a difficult emotion to be classified because the data collected from questionnaires do not have significant variations between the variables (Scherer Citation1997).

Table 4. Performance result of joy emotion by SVESOM.

Table 5. Performance result of fear emotion by SVESOM.

Table 6. Performance result of disgust emotion by SVESOM.

In addition, the result obtained by our approach was benchmarked with the work of Danisman and Alpkocak Citation(2008) in which the so-called vector space model (VSM) was adopted to classify the ISEAR data set and achieve an overall F-measure of 0.68 for five types of emotions (see the results detail in Danisman and Alpkocak Citation(2008)). The overall benchmarking results are tabulated in . The results show that our SVESOM model outperforms the VSM model since all the seven types of emotions were analysed in this ISEAR data set and an overall F-measure of 0.82 was achieved by our proposed model. Moreover, our analysis gave individual results of the different emotions as opposed to the Danisman and Alpkocak approach, which only showed the overall classification result for this ISEAR data set.

Table 7. ISEAR benchmarking results between Danisman and Alpkocak Citation(2008) versus our approach.

3.4. Data visualisation

This section presents the data visualisation results generated by the ESOM with selected features as shown in . ESOM maps the original data features onto two-dimensional axis. The locations of the datapoints represent the trained neurons after the competitive learning. The U-Matrix realises the distances of the emergence of structural features within the data space. Two-dimensional toroid structure with Euclidean distance was adopted for the ESOM mapping. The adjacent U-matrix can be combined together to form a ‘boundless’ picture for such data distribution, for example the majority of the samples in red ( and ) are distributed around the edges of the map. The structure of high-dimensional data would be extracted from major blocks of the visualised results in the centre of U-Map. The questionnaire data set can be visualised in the map space. The cluster of the minority class (i.e. the green points) is formed amidst the majority class (i.e. the red points). The maps show the visualisation of the shame emotion denoted as green points, whereas red points denote non-shame emotion. The darker colour of the background in U-Map implies larger separation between the neighbouring data points. Similarly, darker background colour in the P-Map implies that the area is denser. As shown in the maps of and , with the use of four features selected, the clusters of minority class started appear as circled in the figures, The map is a tiled display of multiple maps and hence the cluster is repeated in the other regions. This is in contrast with and which used only two features; the maps are not able to converge with defined clusters. The ESOM provides a low-dimensional projection preserving the topology of the input space, thus the high-dimensional distances can be visualised with the canonical U-Matrix, P-Matrix and U*-Matrix together so that the cluster boundaries can be distinguished more sharpely. In addition, the visualisation by the ESOM feature map can be interpreted as height values on top of the usually two-dimensional grid of the SOM, leading to an intuitive paradigm of a landscape. In summary, the visualisation results obtained by the ESOM can help in recognising and classifying consistent emotions in IDS.

Figure 5. Visualisation of questionnaire emotion data (shame) generated by SVESOM under different numbers of features selected. (a) U-map with two features selected; (b) P-Map with two features selected; (c) U-Map with four features selected; (d) P-Map with four features selected; red points denote data points from majority class, whereas green points represent samples from minority class.

Figure 5. Visualisation of questionnaire emotion data (shame) generated by SVESOM under different numbers of features selected. (a) U-map with two features selected; (b) P-Map with two features selected; (c) U-Map with four features selected; (d) P-Map with four features selected; red points denote data points from majority class, whereas green points represent samples from minority class.

4. Conclusion

This study discusses the use of a computational analysis of the questionnaires to understand emotions. The questionnaires method approaches the subject by investigating the real experience accompanying the emotions, whereas the other laboratory approaches are generally embedded with exaggerated elements by asking the subjects to make artificial and exaggerated facial expressions. A connectionist model called the SVESOM was proposed to analyse this questionnaires method. The SVESOM first identifies the significant variables with high ranking and selects them as the dominant features. Those dominant features are in line with the work by Scherer's group, which approaches the emotions physiologically. Then, a self-organising mapping was used to cluster the selected features for classification. The performance measurements showed that it is not necessary to use the full features for classifications, but using the selected features is sufficient to provide superior results in terms of accuracy and generalisation. The further study is gearing towards the profiling of deeper emotion understanding that maps the emotion to infer how humans think, desire or believe to be the driving factors behind human expressions. This work will provide the capability to infer mental states of people from their facial expressions. This study acts as the foundation which establishes an expert variables’ interpreter that ultimately leads to better classification decisions.


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