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Research Article

UAV mission scheduling with completion time, flight distance, and resource consumption constraints

Article: 2281250 | Received 12 Oct 2023, Accepted 01 Nov 2023, Published online: 10 Nov 2023


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are widely used in various military and civilian applications. UAV mission scheduling is a key issue in UAV applications and a central topic in UAV research. UAV task scheduling should include several constraints into consideration, such as completion time constraint, flight distance constraint, and resource consumption constraint. Furthermore, UAV task scheduling should be studied within the traditional framework of combinatorial optimisation. In this paper, we consider optimal mission scheduling for heterogeneous UAVs with completion time, flight distance, and resource consumption constraints. The contributions of the paper are summarised as follows. We define two combinatorial optimisation problems, namely, the NFTM (number of finished tasks maximisation) problem and the RFTM (reward of finished tasks maximisation) problem. We construct an algorithmic framework for both NFTM and RFTM problems, so that our heuristic algorithms (four for NFTM and two for RFTM) can be presented in a unified way. We derive upper bounds for optimal solutions, so that our heuristic solutions can be compared with optimal solutions. We experimentally evaluate the performance of our heuristic algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper studying UAV mission scheduling with time, distance, and resource constraints as combinatorial optimisation problems.

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also called drones, are widely used in various military and civilian applications, such as construction inspection, disaster management, forest restoration, precision agriculture, remote sensing, search and rescue, security and surveillance, traffic monitoring (CitationSCE). UAVs have created a new type of distributed systems and dynamic environments (Machovec et al., Citation2023).

UAV mission scheduling is a key issue in UAV applications and a central topic in UAV research. A typical scenario involves multiple heterogeneous UAVs (with different initial locations, flight speeds, maximum flight distances, maximum flight times, and maximum resource consumptions) and multiple heterogeneous tasks (with different positions, processing times, deadlines, resource requests, and rewards). UAVs are actually mobile and location-sensitive (Tan et al., Citation2021) servers with limited energy capacity (C.-I. Li et al., Citation2021), which move around to process tasks. UAV mission scheduling is essentially to dispatch UAVs to fly, process, and complete tasks with various optimisation objectives under various conditions and constraints.

UAV task scheduling (especially for rescue missions (Alhaqbani et al., Citation2021) and other similar tasks) should include several constraints into consideration, such as completion time constraint, flight distance constraint, and resource consumption constraint. (1) Completion time constraint – For a time-critical task, there is a deadline to complete the task. For instance, in disaster rescue, the survival time of a victim is very limited. (2) Flight distance constraint – A UAV has certain flight distance limitation due to limited energy supply (fuel or electricity). (3) Resource consumption constraint – A UAV can only carry a certain amount of resources required and requested by tasks due to limited capacity and space. Furthermore, UAV task scheduling should be studied within the traditional framework of combinatorial optimisation (K. Li, Citation2023).

1.2. Related work

It has been pointed out that there are two main considerations in UAV mission scheduling, i.e. task assignment and flight planning (Bellingham et al., Citation2003; Peng et al., Citation2021; Sebbane, Citation2021). Extensive research has been conducted in task assignment [including such methods as fish-inspired algorithm (Alhaqbani et al., Citation2021), autonomous task allocation (Aljalaud & Kurdi, Citation2021), leader-follower coalition (J. Chen & Sun, Citation2011), dynamic grouping allocation (X. Chen et al. Citation2019), distributed task allocation (Cui et al., Citation2022), decentralised auction algorithm (Hu & Yang, Citation2018), double-layer deep reinforcement learning (Mao et al., Citation2022), human-agent collaboration (Ramchurn et al., Citation2015), mixed integer linear program (Schumacher et al., Citation2003), negotiation (Sujit et al., Citation2006), simulation-based system (Sung et al., Citation2019), team-based approach (Venugopalan et al., Citation2015), quantum genetic algorithm (Z. Wang & Yan, Citation2021), digital twin (Yi et al., Citation2023), and clone selection (Zhang & Chen, Citation2021)] and flight planning [including such methods as decentralised algorithm (Bertuccelli et al., Citation2009), neural network (Filho et al., Citation2022), auction algorithm (Fu et al., Citation2019), cooperative planning (L. Geng et al. Citation2014), particle swarm optimisation (N. Geng et al., Citation2021), simulated annealing and local search (Ozkan, Citation2021), auction bidding and resolution (Sullivan et al. Citation2019), distributed particle swarm optimisation (Y. Wang et al., Citation2019), online algorithm (Yao & Ansari, Citation2020), deep migration reinforcement learning (Yin et al., Citation2022), and bat algorithm (Zhou et al., Citation2021)]. It is also noticed that the two problems of task allocation and route planning should be considered together (Yan et al., Citation2021).

A combinatorial optimisation approach has been adopted in K. Li (Citation2023), where task scheduling on heterogeneous UAVs was treated as NP-hard optimisation problems and heuristic algorithms were designed and analysed. However, task completion time constraint, UAV flight distance constraint, and UAV resource consumption constraint were not taken into account.

1.3. Contributions

In this paper, we consider optimal (rescue) mission scheduling for heterogeneous UAVs with completion time (e.g. survival time), flight distance, and resource consumption constraints. The contributions of the paper are summarised as follows.

  • We define two combinatorial optimisation problems, namely, the NFTM (number of finished tasks maximisation) problem and the RFTM (reward of finished tasks maximisation) problem.

  • We construct an algorithmic framework for both NFTM and RFTM problems, so that our heuristic algorithms (four for NFTM and two for RFTM) can be presented in a unified way.

  • We derive upper bounds for optimal solutions, so that our heuristic solutions can be compared with optimal solutions.

  • We experimentally evaluate the performance of our heuristic algorithms.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper studying UAV mission scheduling with time, distance, and resource constraints as combinatorial optimisation problems.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we present preliminary information, including a UAV mission scheduling model and our problem definitions. In Section 3, we develop our heuristic algorithms. In Section 4, we derive upper bounds for optimal solutions. In Section 5, we conduct an experimental performance evaluation for our heuristic algorithms. In Section 6, we summarise the paper.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we present preliminary information, including a UAV mission scheduling model and our problem definitions. Table  lists all the notations and definitions used in the paper.

2.1. Scheduling model

In this section, we describe our UAV mission scheduling model.

Our model includes m UAVs: u1,u2,,um, and n missions (tasks) in a three-dimensional space.

A UAV is specified as ui=(position(ui),speed(ui),maxdistance(ui),maxresource(ui)), where position(ui) is the initial location of ui, speed(ui) is the flight speed of ui, maxdistance(ui) is the maximum flight distance of ui, and maxresource(ui) is the maximum resource consumption of ui. For convenience, we also define maxtime(ui) to be the maximum flight time of ui, which is maxdistance(ui)/speed(ui).

Let L=(t1,t2,,tn) be a list of tasks. A task is specified as tj=(position(tj),ptime(tj),deadline(tj),request(tj),reward(tj)), where position(tj) is the position of tj, ptime(tj) is the processing time of tj, deadline(tj) is time deadline to complete tj, request(tj) is the amount of resource request of tj, and reward(tj) is the reward of completing tj.

Our scheduling problems essentially find route(ui), i.e. the flight route of ui, for all i. A flight route is actually (ti,1,ti,2,,ti,ni), i.e. a sequence of tasks.

Let dist(p,q) be the distance between locations p and q.

For a route(ui)=(ti,1,ti,2,,ti,ni) of ui, the total flight distance of ui is distance(ui)=dist(position(ui),position(ti,1))+k=1ni1dist(position(ti,k),position(ti,k+1)).The total flight time of ui is ftime(ui)=distance(ui)/speed(ui).The total processing time of ui is ptime(ui)=k=1niptime(ti,k).The total time of ui is the total flight time + the total processing time: time(ui)=ftime(ui)+ptime(ui).The total resource consumption of ui is resource(ui)=k=1nirequest(ti,k).Initially, the current location of ui is location(ui)=position(ui),and when ui moves to ti,k, location(ui)=position(ti,k).The completion time of ti,k is ctime(ti,k)=1speed(ui)(dist(position(ui),position(ti,1))k=1k1+k=1k1dist(position(ti,k),position(ti,k+1)))+k=1kptime(ti,k).Let F be the set of finished tasks, i.e. F={tj|ctime(tj)deadline(tj)}.Let N be the number of finished tasks, i.e. N=|F|.Let R the total reward of finished tasks, i.e. R=tjFreward(tj).

2.2. Optimization problems

In this section, we define our combinatorial optimisation problems.

We define two UAV mission scheduling problems.

The first problem is called number of finished tasks maximisation (NFTM). Given m heterogeneous UAVs and a list of tasks, the NFTM problem is to maximise the number of finished tasks, such that the completion of each task does not exceed its time deadline, the total flight distance of a UAV does not exceed its maximum flight distance, and the total resource consumption of a UAV does not exceed its maximum resource consumption.

Problem 2.1

Number of Finished Tasks Maximization (NFTM)

  • Input: m UAVs: u1,u2,,um, where ui=(position(ui),speed(ui),maxdistance(ui),maxresource(ui)), and a list of tasks L=(t1,t2,,tn), where tj=(position(tj),ptime(tj),deadline(tj),request(tj)).

  • Output: route(ui) for all i, such that N is maximised and ctime(tj)deadline(tj) for all j, distance(ui)maxdistance(ui) for all i, and resource(ui)maxdistance(ui) for all i.

We would like to mention that the NFTM problem is NP-hard even if there is no distance and resource consideration, i.e. maxdistance(ui)= and maxresource(ui)= for all i, and request(tj)=0 for all j, and all tasks have a common time deadline, i.e. deadline(tj)=D for all j (K. Li Citation2023).

The second problem is called reward of finished tasks maximisation (RFTM). Given m heterogeneous UAVs and a list of tasks, the RFTM problem is to maximise the total reward of finished tasks, such that the completion of each task does not exceed its time deadline, the total flight distance of a UAV does not exceed its maximum flight distance, and the total resource consumption of a UAV does not exceed its maximum resource consumption.

Problem 2.2

Reward of Finished Tasks Maximization (RFTM)

  • Input: m UAVs: u1,u2,,um, where ui=(position(ui),speed(ui),maxdistance(ui),maxresource(ui)), and a list of tasks L=(t1,t2,,tn), where tj=(position(tj),ptime(tj),deadline(tj),request(tj),reward(tj)).

  • Output: route(ui) for all i, such that R is maximised and ctime(tj)deadline(tj) for all j, distance(ui)maxdistance(ui) for all i, and resource(ui)maxdistance(ui) for all i.

It is clear that NFTM is a special case of RFTM (when all rewards are identical). Therefore, the RFTM problem is also NP-hard.

3. Heuristic algorithms

In this section, we develop our heuristic algorithms.

3.1. An algorithmic framework

In this section, we present an algorithmic framework for both NFTM and RFTM, such that our heuristic algorithms (four for NFTM and two for RFTM) can be presented in a unified way.

Algorithmic Framework



for (each ui) do (1)

route(ui) an empty list; (2)

time(ui)0; (3)

distance(ui)0; (4)

resource(ui)0; (5)

location(ui)position(ui); (6)

end do; (7)

for (each tj) do (8)

calculate best(tj); (9)

end do; (10)

N0; (11)

R0; (12)

while (there is still task in L) do (13)

if (best(tj) is undefined for all tj in L) (14)

break; (15)

find tj such that gain(best(tj),tj) is the (minimum for NFTM)/(maximum for

RFTM); (16)

uibest(tj); (17)

append tj to route(ui); (18)

remove tj from L; (19)

NN+1; (20)

RR+reward(tj); (21)

time(ui)time(ui)+ftime(ui,tj)+ptime(tj); (22)

distance(ui)distance(ui)+dist(location(ui),position(tj)); (23)

resource(ui)resource(ui)+request(tj); (24)

location(ui)position(tj); (25)

update gain(ui,tj) and best(tj) for all tj in L; (26)

end do; (27)

return N for NFTM or R for RFTM. (28)


We define a condition: feasible(ui,tj)=(time(ui)+ftime(ui,tj)+ptime(tj)deadline(tj))and (distance(ui)+dist(location(ui),position(tj))maxdistance(ui))and (resource(ui)+request(tj)maxresource(ui)),which means that based on its current situation, ui can flight to tj and process tj, without violating any time deadline, flight distance, or resource consumption constraint.

Let gain(ui,tj) be an evaluation function of ui and tj, only if feasible(ui,tj) is true. The exact definition of gain(ui,tj) depends on a specific algorithm.

We define best(tj) to be the ui with the minimum/maximum gain(ui,tj): ui=argmin/argmax{gain(ui,tj)},forall ui such that feasible(ui,tj)=true,where, for NFTM, we choose the minimum, and for RFTM, we choose the maximum. Note that best(tj) is undefined, if there is no ui such that feasible(ui,tj) is true.

All our heuristic algorithms follow the same algorithmic framework. Lines (1)–(12) initialise the UAVs and the tasks. The main body of the algorithm is in lines (13)–(27). In each repetition of the while-loop, the tj which has the minimum gain(best(tj),tj) for NFTM or the maximum gain(best(tj),tj) for RFTM is identified (line (16)), i.e. a greedy method is adopted. Task tj is then assigned to ui=best(tj) (lines (17)–(21)), and the status of ui is updated (lines (22)–(25)). All remaining tasks also update their status (line (26)). The while-loop is repeated until there is no more task to schedule (line (13)) or no task can be scheduled anymore due to time deadline, flight distance, and resource consumption constraints (lines (14)–(15)).

It is clear that the most time-consuming step is line (26), which takes O(mn) time. Since the while-loop can be repeated n times, the overall time complexity of the algorithm is O(mn2).

3.2. Algorithms for NFTM

In this section, we present four heuristic algorithms for the NFTM problem. Each algorithm has its own gain(ui,tj).

  • Algorithm 1: Earliest Deadline First (EDF) gain(ui,tj)=(deadline(tj),dist(location(ui),position(tj))×request(tj)).

  • Algorithm 2: Shortest Distance First (SDF) gain(ui,tj)=(dist(location(ui),position(tj)),deadline(tj)×request(tj)).

  • Algorithm 3: Least Request First (LQF) gain(ui,tj)=(request(tj),deadline(tj)×dist(location(ui),position(tj))).

  • Algorithm 4: EDF-SDF-LQF gain(ui,tj)=(deadline(tj)×dist(location(ui),position(tj))×request(tj),j).

Note that the result of gain(ui,tj) is a pair of values to break ties. To compare a pair, we define (u1,u2)<(v1,v2) if and only if (u1<v1), or, (u1=v1) and (u2<v2).

3.3. Algorithms for RFTM

In this section, we present two heuristic algorithms for the RFTM problem. Each algorithm has its own gain(ui,tj).

  • Algorithm 5: Highest Reward First (HRF) gain(ui,tj)=(reward(tj),1/(deadline(tj)×dist(location(ui),position(tj))×request(tj))).

  • Algorithm 6: EDF-SDF-LQF-HRF gain(ui,tj)=(reward(tj)/(deadline(tj)×dist(location(ui),position(tj))×request(tj)),1/j).

Note that Algorithms 5 and 6 become Algorithm 4 if all rewards are identical.

Similarly, to compare a pair, we define (u1,u2)>(v1,v2) if and only if (u1>v1), or, (u1=v1) and (u2>v2).

4. Upper bounds

In this section, we derive upper bounds for optimal solutions.

4.1. An upper bound for NFTM

In this section, we derive an upper bound for the optimal solution N of the NFTM problem. We give three possible upper bounds and then take the minimum of them.

We define Nt to be the number of tj's such that min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)}+ptime(tj)deadline(tj),where the left-hand side is the minimum possible completion time of tj. It is clear that NNt.

We define Distance=i=1mmaxdistance(ui).Let dist(tj) be the minimum distance to reach tj, i.e. dist(tj)=min{min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))},minjj{dist(position(tj),position(tj))}},where only those ui's with dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)+ptime(tj)deadline(tj)are considered. Assume that dist(t1)<dist(t2)<<dist(tn).Let Nd=k, where k is the largest integer satisfying: dist(t1)+dist(t2)++dist(tk)Distance.It is clear that NNd.

We define Resource=i=1mmaxresource(ui).Assume that request(t1)<request(t2)<<request(tn),where each tj satisfies min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)}+ptime(tj)deadline(tj).Let Nr=k, where k is the largest integer satisfying: request(t1)+request(t2)++request(tk)Resource.It is clear that NNr.

To summarise, we get an upper bound for the NFTM problem: NNub=min{Nt,Nd,Nr}.

4.2. An upper bound for RFTM

In this section, we derive an upper bound for the optimal solution R of the RFTM problem. We give three possible upper bounds and then take the minimum of them.

Let time(tj) be the minimum time to reach tj + the processing time of tj: time(tj)=dist(tj)/max1im{speed(ui)}+ptime(tj).We define Time=i=1mmaxtime(ui).Assume that reward(t1)/time(t1)>reward(t2)/time(t2)>>reward(tn)/time(tn),where each tj satisfies min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)}+ptime(tj)deadline(tj).k is the largest integer satisfying: time(t1)+time(t2)++time(tk)Time.Let Rt=reward(t1)+reward(t2)++reward(tk)+(reward(tk+1)/time(tk+1))(Time(time(t1)+time(t2)++time(tk)).It is clear that RRt.

Assume that reward(t1)/dist(t1)>reward(t2)/dist(t2)>>reward(tn)/dist(tn),where each tj satisfies min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)}+ptime(tj)deadline(tj).k is the largest integer satisfying: dist(t1)+dist(t2)++dist(tk)Distance.Let Rd=reward(t1)+reward(t2)++reward(tk)+(reward(tk+1)/dist(tk+1))(Distance(dist(t1)+dist(t2)++dist(tk)).It is clear that RRd.

Assume that reward(t1)/request(t1)>reward(t2)/request(t2)>>reward(tn)/request(tn),where each tj satisfies min1im{dist(position(ui),position(tj))/speed(ui)}+ptime(tj)deadline(tj).k is the largest integer satisfying: request(t1)+request(t2)++request(tk)Resource.Let Rr=reward(t1)+reward(t2)++reward(tk)+(reward(tk+1)/request(tk+1))(Resource(request(t1)+request(t2)++request(tk)).It is clear that RRr.

To summarise, we get an upper bound for the RFTM problem: RRub=min{Rt,Rd,Rr}.

5. Experimental performance evaluation

In this section, we conduct an experimental performance evaluation for our heuristic algorithms.

5.1. Parameter setting

Assume that a three-dimensional space [3000,3000]×[3000,3000]×[0,300] has coordinates measured in meters (m). A position is specified as (x,y,z). The distance between two positions p1=(x1,y1,z1) and p2=(x2,y2,z2) is dist(p1,p2)=(x1x2)2+(y1y2)2+(z1z2)2.We consider m = 4 UAVs with the following parameters. The position(ui)'s are (d,0,100), (0,d,100), (d,0,100), (0,d,100), where d = 2000 m. The speed(ui)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [20,30] m/s. The maxtime(ui)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [1,2] hours, i.e. [3600,7200] seconds. The maxdistance(ui)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [72,216] km, i.e. [72000,216000] m. The maxresource(ui)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [0.8,1.2]×10.5×(n/m), where 10.5=(1+20)/2.

The number of tasks is n=20,40,,200. The position(tj)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the space [3000,3000]×[3000,3000]×[0,300]. The ptime(tj)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [τ,2τ], where τ=30, 50, 70, 90 s. The deadline(tj)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the range [600,6000] s, i.e. [10,100] min. The request(tj)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the set {1,2,,20}. The reward(tj)'s are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed in the set {1,2,,10}.

5.2. Simulation results

In this section, we show our simulation results.

In Tables , we demonstrate our experimental data for the six algorithms respectively. In each table, for each combination of n and τ, we generate M = 500 random samples of input (i.e. m random UAVs and n random tasks), execute the corresponding algorithm, calculate the upper bound Nub or Rub, and record the ratio N/Nub or R/Rub. The average of the M ratios is shown in the table, together with the maximum 99% confidence interval of all the data in the table.

Table 1. Simulation results of algorithm EDF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.46928%).

Table 2. Simulation results of algorithm SDF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.56354%).

Table 3. Simulation results of algorithm LQF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.65958%).

Table 4. Simulation results of algorithm EDF-SDF-LQF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.51538%).

Table 5. Simulation results of algorithm HRF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.61934%).

Table 6. Simulation results of algorithm EDF-SDF-LQF-HRF (99% Confidence Interval =±0.66539%).

We have the following observations.

  • For the NFTM problem, when n and τ are small, Algorithm EDF has the best performance in the sense that it has the highest N/Nub ratio. As n and τ increase, Algorithm EDF-SDF-LQF performs the best.

  • For the RFTM problem, Algorithm EDF-SDF-LQF-HRF consistently has the best performance in the sense that it has the highest R/Rub ratio.

  • For all algorithms, as n and τ increase, the ratios N/Nub and R/Rub decrease, because the number of completed tasks decreases due to more tasks missing their time deadlines and insufficient flight distance and resource supplies.

  • Since N and R are compared with Nub and Rub respectively, the actual performance ratios N/N or R/R should be higher than those in the tables.

6. Summary

For the first time in the literature, we have investigated optimal task scheduling for heterogeneous UAVs with completion time, flight distance, and resource consumption constraints within the framework of combinatorial optimisation. Our study has three unique features. First, we consider multiple resource and requirement constraints simultaneously. Second, we develop an algorithmic framework for all our heuristic algorithms. Third, we compare our heuristic solutions with optimal solutions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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Table A1. Notations and definitions.