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America and the Russo-Georgian War

Pages 425-451 | Published online: 24 Jul 2009


The Russo-Georgian War of 2008 had profoundly negative consequences for European security, which were exacerbated by the inability of the US and Europe, either individually or collectively, to offer any resistance to this aggression. Thus this war and its aftermath showed the effects of incoherent policy-making, enfeebled political will and disunity in the Western alliance. For Washington it also represented a harvest of a misconceived policy towards Georgia that lost control over Georgian policy and may have contributed to Tbilisi's recklessness.


The views expressed here do not represent those of the US Army, Defense Department or the US Government.

  1. , ‘Interview With Sylvie Lanteaume, Lachlan Carmichael, and Jordi Zamora Barceló of Agence France-Presse’, 22 December 2008 (henceforth Rice Interview); ‘Interview with Russian Television Channels’, 24 December 2008.

  2. CitationHenry Meyer and Paul Abelsky, ‘Russia Warns Georgia of “Wide-Scale” Fight in Ossetia’; ‘Russia Counts On US Help In Georgia-S. Ossetia Standoff,’ RIA Novosti, 4 August 2008.

  3. CitationBrian Whitmore, ‘2008 In Review: War, Peace, and Football Diplomacy in the South Caucasus’.

  4. CitationVladimir Socor, ‘Moscow Wants the OSCE To Negotiate Directly With South Ossetia’.

  5. CitationKai-Olaf Lang, ‘The Old Fears Of the New Europeans’.

  6. CitationRainer Lindner, ‘Ukraine and Russia: A New Flashpoint in Crimea’; CitationJakob Hedenskog, Crimea After the Georgian Crisis; CitationStephen Blank, ‘Web War I: Is Europe's First Information War a New Kind of War?’

  7. CitationSergei Markedonov, ‘Geneva Talks: From Ideological Confrontation to Diplomatic Routine’.

  8. Whitmore, ‘2008 In Review’.

  9. ‘Can the EU Ensure Europe's Security?’ Bergedorf Round Table, No. 138, Warsaw, Hamburg: Koerber-Stiftung, 2008, 55; CitationLolita C. Baldor, ‘Gates' Visit Shows US Support for Ukraine, Baltics’.

 10. CitationM.K. Bhadrakumar, ‘China Seeks Caucasian Crisis Windfall’.

 11. CitationAhto Lobjaskas, ‘NATO Attempts Balancing Act Over Georgia-Russia Conflict’; CitationJanusz Bugajski and Ilona Teleki, Atlantic Bridges, 10–13, 54–6.

 12. Sue Pleming, ‘Rice Warns NATO Members of Russia Military Contacts,’ Reuters, 1 December 2008; ‘US Wary of Chances For normal NATO-Russia Ties,’ Reuters and Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 21 November 2008; Paris, AFP, North European Service, in English, 27 November 2008, Open Source Committee, Foreign Broadcast Information Service Central Eurasia (Henceforth FBIS SOV), 27 November 2008.

 13. CitationRobert Legvold, ‘Introduction: Outlining the Challenge’, 29.

 14. CitationMichael Binyon, ‘Drop Your Silly Atlantic Solidarity and Support Us, Putin Tells West’.

 15. CitationAndrea Schmitz, ‘The Caucasus Conflict and the Future of the CIS’.

 16. CitationAndrea Schmitz, ‘The Caucasus conflict and the Future of the CIS’, 24.

 17. CitationAndrea Schmitz, ‘The Caucasus conflict and the Future of the CIS’, 25.

 18. CitationAndrea Schmitz, ‘The Caucasus conflict and the Future of the CIS’

 19. CitationVladimir Socor, ‘Russia To OSCE: Recognize South Ossetia Or Get Out’; CitationJean-Christophe Peuch, ‘Georgia: Russia Says “Nyet” to Extending OSCE Field Mission Mandate’; ‘Russia Demands Changed Mandate for OSCE in Georgia’, Reuters and Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 23 December 2008; CitationDaisy Sindelar, ‘OSCE To Dissolve Georgia Mission After Russia Blocks Extension’; CitationDavid Kabakadze, ‘Nothing Surprising in Russia's Unexpected Moves’.

 20. CitationDmitry Medvedev, ‘Speech at a Meeting With German Political, Parliamentary, and Civic Leaders, Berlin, June 5, 2008’.

 21. CitationCharles Clover, ‘Medvedev Throws Down a Gauntlet to Obama’.

 22. Tuomo Lappalainen, ‘NATO Compatibility With Help From Russia,’ Helsinki, Suomen Kuvalehti, in Finnish, 12 December 2008; FBIS SOV, 22 December 2008; Helsinki, STT, in English, 12 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 12 December 2008.

 23. CitationJames Traub, ‘Taunting the Bear’.

 24. CitationIsabel Gorst, ‘Blow To Hopes of Oil Pipeline Security’.

 25. ‘Interview given by Dmitry Medvedev to Television Channels Channel One, Russia, NTV’, 31 August 2008. http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2008/08/31/1850_type82916_206003.shtml.

 26. ‘Opening Address At the Joint Meeting of the State Council and the Security Council’. 25 December 2008. http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2008/12/25/1356_type82913_211061.shtml.

 27. CitationStephen Blank, ‘Azerbaijan: Moscow Brings Pressure to bear on Baku’.

 28. CitationCatherine Belton, ‘Medvedev Wants Ukraine To Pay Gas Debts’.

 29. CitationCatherine Belton, ‘Medvedev Wants Ukraine To Pay Gas Debts’

 30. CitationAndrew E. Kramer, ‘Gazprom Cuts Off Gas Deliveries To Ukraine,’ New York Times, 1 January 2009, www.nytimes.com

 31. Hedenskog, Crimea After the Georgian Crisis.

 32. CitationVladimir Socor, ‘Putin Offers Ukraine “Protection” for Extending Russian Black Sea Fleet's Presence’.

 33. CitationVladimir Socor, ‘Putin Offers Ukraine “Protection” for Extending Russian Black Sea Fleet's Presence’

 34. CitationVladimir Socor, ‘Putin Offers Ukraine “Protection” for Extending Russian Black Sea Fleet's Presence’

 35. CitationSteven Erlanger, ‘NATO Acts To Renew Its Relations With Russia’.

 36. CitationBrian Whitmore, ‘Is NATO Expansion Into The Former Soviet Space Dead?’

 37. CitationJudy Dempsey, ‘US Presses NATO on Georgia and Ukraine’; ‘“Georgia, Ukraine Years Away From NATO Seats,” US Says’, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 26 November 2008; ‘The West Begins to Doubt Georgia Leader’, Der Spiegel, 15 September 2008. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0.1518.druck-578273, 00.html.

 38. Erlanger, ‘NATO Acts To Renew Its Relations With Russia’.

 39. Moscow, Interfax, in English, 13 December 2008.

 40. ‘No More Business as Usual With NATO-Russian Official’, RIA Novosti, 19 December 2008.

 41. Moscow, Interfax, in English, 29 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 29 December 2008.

 42. Moscow, Interfax, in English, 29 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 29 December 2008

 43. ‘Problems and Recommendations’, CitationHans-Henning Schroeder ed., The Caucasus Crisis, 5.

 44. Speech by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO, Mary Beth Warlick to the Conference, Russian Military Modernization: Implications for US Force Structure and Strategy Center for Technology and Security Policy, National Defense University, Washington, DC, 18 November 2008.

 45. Cited in CitationCathy Young, ‘From Russia With Loathing’.

 46. Rice, Interview.

 47. Rice Interview

 48. CitationAlexander Cooley and Lincoln A. Mitchell, ‘No Way To Treat Our Friends’, 27–8.

 49. CitationAlexander Cooley and Lincoln A. Mitchell, ‘No Way To Treat Our Friends’, 27–41.

 50. CitationJan Cienski, ‘Tbilisi Admits Misjudging Russia’; ‘Georgia's Saakashvili Defends Ossetia Assault’, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 28 November 2008.

 51. Author's Conversations with Georgian officials, May 2008, and with US Experts, November 2008.

 52. CitationOlesya Vartanyan and Ellen Barry, ‘Ex-Diplomat Says Georgia Started War With Russia’.

 53. CitationOlesya Vartanyan and Ellen Barry, ‘Ex-Diplomat Says Georgia Started War With Russia’

 54. CitationFried, Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 9 September 2008, http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/110/fri090908.pdf.

 55. Cooley and Mitchell, ‘No Way To Treat Our Friends’, 35.

 56. Cooley and Mitchell, ‘No Way To Treat Our Friends’, 36.

 57. Cooley and Mitchell, ‘No Way To Treat Our Friends’

 58. CitationStephen Blank, ‘The End of the Six-Party Talks?’; CitationStephen Blank, Towards a New Russia Policy; CitationStephen Blank, US Interests in Central Asia and the Challenges to Them.

 59. Conversations with US officials, Washington, DC, December 2008.

 60. Though the literature on intelligence failures is immense and there was one here, it is clear that the failure was not only in failing to deploy sufficient intelligence assets in this area, but also in failing to grasp what was happening and its importance.

 61. CitationJim Hoagland, ‘Rice's Not-Quite-Shining Moment’.

 62. CitationJim Hoagland, ‘Rice's Not-Quite-Shining Moment’

 63. Rice, Interview.

 64. Author's conversations with US officials, October 2006.

 65. For a discussion of strategic shocks and surprises and the distinction between them see CitationNathan Freier, Known Unknowns.

 66. Secretary of State Rice's interview with National Public Radio, 9 December 2008. http://www.npr.org.

 67. CitationSergei Lavrov, ‘America Must Choose Between Georgia and Russia’.

 68. CitationMichael Evans, ‘NATO Torn Between Threats and Caution Over Russia and Georgia’; CitationHelene Cooper and C.J. Chivers, ‘Georgia Provides a Lesson on the United States' need For Russia’.

 69. Paris, AFP Domestic Service, in French, 13 November 2008; FBIS SOV, 13 November 2008; ‘Sarkozy Scorns Bush Over Georgia’, BBC, 13 November 2008; Medvedev's Speech at US Council on Foreign Relations, 15 November 2008, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 0ss_LzlxjUA.

 70. ‘Sarkozy: Russia “Largely Implemented” Ceasefire Terms’, Tbilisi, Civil Georgia, 14 November 2008, http://www.civilgeorgia.ge.

 71. CitationJohn R. Bolton, ‘After Russia's Invasion of Georgia, What Now For the West?’

 72. CitationMarkus Kaim, ‘“We Are All Georgians” – Perceptions of the Russian-Georgian War in the United States’.

 73. Fedor Lukyanov, ‘We Said: Don't Do Anything Foolish,’ gazeta.ru, 14 August 2008, cited in Johnson's Russia List, 14 August 2008.

 74. CitationEric Edelman, Testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, 9 September 2008; Hoagland, ‘Rice's Not-Quite-Shining Moment’; CitationJohn T. Bennett, ‘DIA Official Defends Russia-Georgia Reporting’; CitationNichol, ‘Russia-Georgia Conflict in South Ossetia’, 10.

 75. Hoagland, ‘Rice's Not-Quite-Shining Moment’

 76. Nichol, ‘Russia-Georgia Conflict in South Ossetia’, 10.

 77. ‘Bush Thrown off Balance By Crisis In Georgia’, Brussels, De Standaard website, 14 August 2008, Retrieved from BBC Monitoring by Lexis-Nexis; CitationAndrew E. Kramer, Anne Barnard and C.J. Chivers, ‘Russian Push past Separatist Area To Assault Central Georgia’.

 78. CitationTom Baldwin, ‘Bush Squares up To Putin’.

 79. CitationEllen Barry and Graham Bolwley, ‘Rice Presses For Pullout as Georgia Sings Cease-Fire’.

 80. CitationSteven Lee Myers and Thom Shanker, ‘Aides To Bush Say Offensive Jeopardizes Ties’.

 81. CitationJosh Meyer, ‘Risks Seen for US as it Freezes out Russia’; CitationSteven Lee Myers and Brian Knowlton, ‘US Backs off Civilian Nuclear Pact With Russia’.

 82. CitationBryza, ‘Russia Georgia, and the Return to Power Politics’, 44. Bryza was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasia and the point man of the Bush Administration for Georgia. This is a published version of his testimony to the US Congressional Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission) in September 2008; Fried, Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 9 September 2008; William J. Burns, Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 17 September 2008.

 83. Burns, Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

 84. ‘US Demands Russia Leave Georgia “Now”’, Reuters and the New York Times, 21 August 2008.

 85. CitationHelene Cooper, ‘NATO Ministers Warn Russia, No “Business As Usual”’.

 86. CitationBurns, Testimony; Field, Testimony; Bryza, ‘Russia Georgia, and the Return to Power Politics’, 45; CitationDavid Brunnstrom, ‘US Expects To Rebuild Georgian Army’.

 87. CitationAndrew Higgins, ‘In Rebuff to Russia, IMF Is Set To Lend Georgia $750 Million’; ‘USA Signs Agreement With Georgia On $250 Million Economic Aid’, ITAR-TASS, 23 October 2008, from Johnson's Russia List, 23 October 2008.

 88. Moscow, Interfax, in English, 8 September 2008; FBIS SOV, 8 September 2008.

 89. CitationJim Lobe, ‘US Shrinks From Arming Georgia’; ‘Cheney Begins Regional Tour In Azerbaijan’, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 3 September 2008; CitationIsabel Gorst, ‘Cheney in Caucasus Energy Pledge’; CitationSteven Lee Myers and Alan Cowell, ‘Cheney Backs NATO Membership For Georgia’; CitationAlan Cowell, ‘Cheney Pledges Support For Ukraine’.

 90. CitationWalter Pincus, ‘Gates Suggests New Arms Deal With Russia’.

 91. Speech at a Meeting with German Political, Parliamentary, and Civic Leaders, Berlin, 5 June 2008, http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2008/06/05/2203_type82912type82914type84779_202153.shtml.

 92. ‘Interview With Ambassador John Beyerle’, Moscow, Interfax, in English, 22 October 2008, FBIS SOV, 22 October 2008; Kiril Zubkov, ‘No Stamina For Another Cold War’, RBK Daily, Johnson's Russia List, 24 October 2008.

 93. CitationWalter Pincus, ‘Pentagon Chief Sees Opportunity in Russia and the War on Terrorism’.

 94. CitationDesmond Butler, ‘US Advises EU To Tread Carefully With Russia’; Judy Dempsey, ‘US Presses NATO On Georgia and Ukraine’; CitationAndrei Mohammed and Susan Cromwell, ‘US Studies Another Path For Georgia To Join NATO’; ‘Russia, US Agree To Continue Cooperation Despite Disagreements’, RIA Novosti, 24 November 2008. http://en.rian.ru.

 95. CitationSteven Erlanger, ‘US Softens Stance on Russia at NATO Summit’.

 96. CitationDavid L. Phillips, Post-Conflict Georgia, 9–10.

 97. On continuing Russo-Georgian tensions see, Moscow, ITAR-TASS, in English, 9 January 2009, FBIS SOV, 9 January 2009.

 98. ‘US Confirms Negotiations With Georgia on Bilateral Charter’, Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty, 24 December 2008; CitationAndrew F. Tully, ‘Georgian Foreign Minister Hopeful About Accord With US’; Moscow, Interfax, in English, 20 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 20 December 2008; Moscow, Interfax, in English, 29 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 29 December 2008; CitationBrian Whitmore, ‘US-Georgian Security Pact Said To Be In The Works’; Moscow, ITAR-TASS, in English, 23 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 23 December 2008, Moscow, ITAR-TAS, in English, 16 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 16 December 2008; Moscow, Interfax, in English, 22 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 22 December 2008; CitationVladimir Socor, ‘US-Georgia Security and Military Agreement In The Works’; CitationVladimir Socor, ‘US-Georgia Strategic Partnership To Address Georgia's Vulnerability’.

 99. Tully, ‘Georgian Foreign Minister Hopeful About Accord With US’; The charter text is available at http://www.civil.ge, 9 January 2009 in English, FBIS SOV, 9 January 2009.

100. Whitmore, ‘US-Georgian Security Pact Said To Be In The Works’; Tbilisi Imedi TV, in Georgian, 28 December 2008, FBIS SOV, 28 December 2008.

101. Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, US Department of State, ‘United States-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership’, 19 December 2008, http://www.state.gov; FBIS SOV, 9 January 2009.

102. CitationHeather Maher, ‘US and Ukraine Strengthen Ties With New Security Agreement’.

103. Tully, ‘Georgian Foreign Minister Hopeful About Accord With US’.

104. Tully, ‘Georgian Foreign Minister Hopeful About Accord With US’; CitationMolly Corso, ‘Georgia: Washington And Tbilisi Sign Strategic Pact Sure To Irk the Kremlin’.

105. Tully, ‘Georgian Foreign Minister Hopeful About Accord With US’.

106. CitationWendell Stevenson, ‘Marching Through Georgia’.

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