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German Foreign Policy and the Libya Crisis

Pages 392-410 | Published online: 19 Nov 2012


German foreign policy has come under scrutiny due to its decision to abstain in the vote on UN Security Council Resolution 1973 in March 2011 on the Libyan no fly zone. Germany's decision not to support France, the UK and the USA ensured that no common EU position emerged and NATO's response to the crisis proved difficult. German foreign policy was caught between enlarging its influence and role in crisis management and reserving the right to reject involvement in operations that do not fit with its national interest. Drawing on the work of Robert Gilpin, the article argues that Germany's decision to abstain on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 can be explained by understanding the cost/benefit calculations of the German government, pressured by the protracted Eurozone crisis.


The author would like to thank the journal editors, Prof Ben O'Loughlin, Dr Luis Simón and the anonymous reviewers of this article for their helpful comments in improving this article.


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Interviews in the Federal Chancellery, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Defence Ministry, July 2011.


Der Spiegel, ‘Merkel Cabinet Agrees AWACS for Afghanistan’.


Deutsche Welle, ‘Germany Defends Cautious Approach to Libya, Denies Isolation’.


For a good summation of the debate in the USA on whether to support UN1973 see A.-M. Slaughter, ‘Op Ed: Fiddling While Libya Burns’, New York Times, 14 March 2011, available from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/opinion/14slaughter.html?_r=2 (accessed 29 August 2011); see also A. Applebaum, ‘The New Alliance: For the First Time since Suez, America Is Taking a Back Seat to Britain and France in a Military Operation’, Spectator 315 (26 March 2011), p.12.

Interviews, British Embassy, Berlin, July 2011.

Interviews in Berlin, July 2011.

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Der Spiegel, ‘Merkel Cabinet Agrees AWACS for Afghanistan’.

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Interviews with policy advisers of German political parties, July 2011.


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Deutsche Welle, ‘Germany Defends Cautious Approach to Libya, Denies Isolation’.

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Deutsche Welle, ‘Germany Defends Cautious Approach to Libya, Denies Isolation’.

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Deutsche Welle, ‘Germany Defends Cautious Approach to Libya, Denies Isolation’.

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Interviews, Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin, July 2011.

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Interviews, Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin, July 2011.

Interviews in Foreign Ministry, Defence Ministry and Chancellery, Berlin, July 2011. Such a division of labour would call in to question commitments to greater burden sharing in military crisis management, both within NATO and the EU and is likely to be resisted by France and the UK.

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Crawford, ‘Explaining Defection from International Cooperation’.

A. Menon, ‘European Defence Policy from Lisbon to Libya’, Survival 53/3 (2011), pp.75–90, p.76.

G. Hellmann, R. Baumann, M. Bösche and B. Herborth, ‘De-Europeanization by Default? Germany's EU Policy in Defence and Asylum’, Foreign Policy Analysis 1/1 (2005), pp.143–64.

B. Gomis, ‘Franco-British Defence and Security Treaties: Entente While it Lasts?’, Royal Institute for International Affairs/Chatham House, Programme Paper: ISP PP 2001/01 (March 2011); B. Jones, ‘Franco-British Defence Co-operation: A New Engine for European Defence?’, Occasional Paper No. 88, European Union Institute for Security Studies (2011), available from http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/op88-Franco-British_military_cooperation-a_new_engine_for_European_defence.pdf (accessed 1 September 2011); C. Taylor ‘Franco-British Defence Co-operation’, House of Commons Standard Note, SN/IA/5750 (8 November 2010), available from http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/SN05750.pdf (accessed 10 November 2010).

G. T. Allison and P. Zelikow, Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, 2nd edn (New York: Longman, 1999).

Interviews in Chancellery, Foreign Ministry and Defence Ministry, July 2011.


J. Duffield, ‘Political Culture and State Behaviour: Why Germany Confounds Neorealism’, International Organization 54/4 (1999), pp.765–803.

J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: W.W. Norton, 2001); K. Waltz, Theory of International Politics (London: McGraw-Hill, 1979).

Handelsblatt, ‘Deutschland hat sich selbst isoliert’, 20 March 2011, available from http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/deutschland-hat-sich-international-selbst-isoliert/3969114.html (accessed 21 August 2011).

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Thank you to the anonymous review for this important point.

H. Kundnani, ‘Germany as a Geo-Economic Power’, Washington Quarterly 34/3 (2011), pp.31–45.

R. Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981); see also S.G. Brooks, ‘Deuling Realisms’, International Organization 51/3 (1997), pp.445–77.

Thank you to the anonymous reviewers for this point.

Bundeswehr Transformation Centre, ‘Armed Forces, Capabilities and Technologies in the 21st Century Environmental Dimensions of Security – Sub-Study 1: Peak Oil: Security Policy Implications of Scarce Resources’, Strausberg (2010), available from www.zentrum-transformation.bundeswehr.de (accessed 1 June 2012).

P.J. Katzenstein, ‘Same War – Different Views: Germany, Japan and Counterterrorism’, International Organization 57/4 (2003), pp.731–60; M. Zehfuss, Constructivism in International Relations: The Politics of Reality (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).

Studies by Longhurst and Dalgaard Nielsen have highlighted the durability of a distinctive German strategic culture which is resistant to change. See Kerry Longhurst, Germany and the Use of Force: The Evolution of German Security Policy 1989–2003 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003); Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen, Germany, Pacificism and Peace Enforcement (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006).

C. Wagnsson, ‘Divided Power Europe: Normative Divergences among the EU “Big Three”’, Journal of European Public Policy 17/8 (2010), pp.1089–105.

C. Stelzenmüller, ‘Libyen, eine Deutschstunde’, Sueddeutsche Zeitung (15 April 2011), p.2.

Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 17/97.

Interviews, Foreign Ministry, Defence Ministry and Chancellery, Berlin, July 2011.

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P. Cornish and G. Edwards, ‘Beyond the EU/NATO Dichotomy: The Beginnings of a European Strategic Culture’, International Affairs 77/3 (2001), pp.587–603; P. Cornish and G. Edwards, ‘The Strategic Culture of the European Union: A Progress Report’, International Affairs 81/4 (2005), pp.801–20.

The Libya operation is also significant as the USA appeared happy to let France and the UK lead politically. See Applebaum, ‘The New Alliance’, p.12.

T. Garton Ash, ‘France Plays Hawk, Germany Demurs: Libya Has Exposed Europe's Fault Lines’, Guardian, 24 March 2011, available from http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/24/france-hawk-germany-demurs-libya-europe (accessed 21 August 2011).

S. Bulmer and W.E. Paterson, ‘Germany and the EU: From “Tamed Power” to Normalized Power?’, International Affairs 86/5 (2010), pp.1051–73; Paterson, ‘The Reluctant Hegemon’; M. Wolf, ‘The Riddle of German Self-Interest’, Financial Times, 30 May 2012, p.13.

B. Simms, ‘Review Article: From the Kohl to the Fischer Doctrine: Germany and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession, 1991–1999’, German History 21/3 (2003), pp.394–414.

Westerwelle, ‘Speech to the German Council on Foreign Relations’.

Interviews, Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin, July 2011.

Menon, ‘European Defence Policy from Lisbon to Libya’.

H. Maull (2012) ‘Aussenpolitischen Entscheidungsprozesse in Krisenzeiten’, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 10 (2012), pp.34–40.

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