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No Country for the Market: The Regulation of Finance in Germany after the Crisis

Pages 484-501 | Published online: 20 Nov 2012


The severity with which the financial crisis struck Germany in 2008 came as a shock to German elites. The relatively traditional shape of its bank-based financial system was supposed to isolate the country from the vagaries of Anglo-Saxon capitalism. Instead, the government was forced to unprecedented steps, such as the de facto nationalisation of banks and an unlimited guarantee on savings deposits. A comprehensive reform of financial regulation in the country seemed imperative. This article evaluates change in the institutional structure of financial sector regulation and supervision in Germany. The inconclusive debate about the reorganisation of financial supervision, the emergence of new regulation in the field of bank restructuring, and the attempted reform of the deposit insurance system are used as empirical cases. It is argued that the constraints of the German political system impeded the comprehensive reform that might have been expected after a major shock. Instead, a pattern of institutional layering was perpetuated which contains the germs of future dysfunctions.


I would like to thank the reviewers of German Politics for very helpful comments.


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Allen and Gale, Comparing Financial Systems.

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Hackethal et al., ‘The Transformation of the German Financial System’, p.7.

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R. Deeg, ‘Change from Within: German and Italian Finance in the 1990s’, in Streeck and Thelen (eds), Beyond Continuity, pp.169–202.

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S. Burgess, ‘Measuring Financial Sector Output and its Contribution to UK GDP’, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 3 (2011), p.234.

Deeg, ‘Change from Within’.

S. Lütz, ‘Von der Infrastruktur zum Markt? Der deutsche Finanzsektor zwischen Deregulierung und Reregulierung’, in P. Windolf (ed.), Finanzmarkt Kapitalismus, Special issue of Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 45 (2005), pp.294–315.

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Lütz, ‘Von der Infrastruktur zum Markt?’.

L. Frach, Finanzmarktregulierung in Deutschland (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2010), p.59.

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Frach, Finanzmarktregulierung, p.59.

DB Research, ‘Regulierung und Bankenaufsicht zwischen Nationalstaat und globalem Finanzmarkt’, EWU Monitor No. 8629/6 (2000).

Westrup argues that the formalisation of financial regulation in Germany was due to the increasing political salience of financial markets, given the privatisation of risk which makes financial stability an increasingly important electoral issue. Westrup, ‘The Politics of Financial Regulation Reform’, p.7.

Frach, Finanzmarktregulierung, p.72.

K. Dyson, ‘In the Shifting Shadows of Crisis: Pivot Points, Crisis Attribution, and Macro-Economic Policies under Grand Coalition’, German Politics 19/3 (2010), p.404.

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Dyson, ‘In the Shifting Shadows of Crisis’.

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Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stärkung der deutschen Finanzaufsicht, 2 May 2012, available from http://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/nn_82/DE/BMF__Startseite/Aktuelles/Aktuelle__Gesetze/Gesetzentwuerfe__Arbeitsfassungen/2012-05-02-Ref-Finanzaufsicht.html?__nnn=true (accessed 9 May 2012).

The following two sections draw heavily on my parts of a paper co-authored with Stefan Handke for the Cologne Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung research network ‘Institutional Change in the Regulation of Financial Markets’, organised by Renate Mayntz.

R. Zohlnhöfer, ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Grand Coalition's Response to the Economic Crisis’, German Politics 20/2 (2011), pp.227–42.

P. Steinbrück, Unterm Strich (Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe, 2010).

Ibid., p.211.

In November 2010, the following banks requested capital from SoFFin: Aareal Bank €0.38bn; Commerzbank €18.2bn; Hypo Real Estate Holding €7.7bn; WestLB €3.0bn. Overall, SoFFin provided: €29.28bn. See SoFFin website.

HRE, IKB and HSH Nordbank are the biggest beneficiaries to date.

I thank an anonymous reviewer of German Politics for this point.

Zohlnhöfer, ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’, p.232.

Bertinchamp Axel, ‘Restructuring Act: Background and Content’, BaFin Quarterly 4/10 (2010), p.6.

Bundesministerium für Finanzen, Key Issues Paper: Preventing Crises with Banks Paying their Due, 31 March 2010, available from http://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/nn_103342/EN/Topics/Financial-markets/Articles/20100816-Key-issues-paper-Preventing-crises-with-banks.html?__nnn=true (accessed 7 Nov. 2010).

Financial Times 2010.

J. Wilson, ‘German Bankers in Attack on Regulations’, Financial Times, 26 Oct. 2010, p.10.

T. Öchsner and G. Bohsem, ‘Wirtschaft läuft gegen Bankenabgabe Sturm’, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28 Mar. 2010, http://www.sueddeutsche.de/geld/bankenabgabe-wirtschaft-laeuft-sturm-1.23795 (accessed 7 Nov. 2010).

Deutscher Bundestag, ‘Finanzausschuss billigt Banken-Restrukturierungsgesetz’, 27 Oct. 2010, available from http://www.bundestag.de/presse/hib/2010_10/2010_341/01.html (accessed 7 Nov. 2012).

Handelsblatt, ‘Ackermann wettert gegen Bankenabgabe’, 1 June 2011, available from http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/banken/deutsche-bank-chef-ackermann-wettert-gegen-deutsche-bankenabgabe/4245202.html (accessed 7 Nov. 2012).

Handelsblatt, ‘Roundup’, 8 July 2011, available from http://www.handelsblatt.com/economy-business-und-finance-roundup-bund-laender-kompromiss-zur-bankenabgabe/4380940.html (accessed 7 Nov. 2012).

G. Wiesmann and J. Wilson, ‘Commerzbank faces Bail-out’, Financial Times, 15 Dec. 2011, p.15; G. Bohsem, ‘Und bist du nicht willig’, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15 Dec. 2011, p.23.

Deutsche Bundesbank, Monthly Report (June 2011), pp.61–2.

Handelsblatt, ‘Einlagensicherung: Privatbanken senken Garantien’, 17 Oct. 2011.

Brackmann et al., ‘Einlagensicherung: Das große Versprechen’.

In 1998, in compliance with EU directives, deposit insurance was made compulsory for all private and public deposit institutions.

N. Böhmcke, ‘Experteninterview’, 1 Dec. 2009, available from http://www.wiwo.de/finanzen/reform-des-einlagensicherungsfonds-dringend-noetig-415675/ (accessed 5 Feb. 2011).

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F.M. Drost, ‘Systemwechsel gefordert – Streit über Reform der Einlagensicherung’, Handelsblatt, 17 Jan. 2010, available from http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/streit-ueber-reform-der-einlagensicherung/3347538.html (accessed 17 Jan. 2011).

European Commission, Proposal for a Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes, 12 July 2010.

German Bundesrat, Resolution 437/10, Draft Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Deposit Guarantee Schemes, 24 Sept. 2010.

Frankfurte Allgemeine Zeitung, ‘EU reformiert Sparerschutz’, 20 June 2011, available from http://www.faz.net/frankfurter-allgemeine-zeitung/wirtschaft/einlagensicherung-eu-reformiert-sparerschutz-1654459.html (accessed 7 Nov. 2012).

‘Einlagensicherung: “Verschleppungstaktik”’, Zeit Online, 1 March 2012, available from http://www.zeit.de/2012/10/Einlagensicherung (accessed 15 May 2012).

S. Suárez and R. Kolodny, ‘Paving the Road to “Too Big to Fail”: Business Interests and the Politics of Financial Deregulation in the US’, Politics & Society 39/1 (2011), pp.74–102.

A. Benz, ‘Intergovernmental Relations in German Federalism – Joint Decision-making and the Dynamics of Horizontal Cooperation’, Paper presented at a conference on the federalization of Spain (Zaragoza, 23 March 2009), available from http://www.forumfed.org (accessed 5 Sept. 2011).

Silvia Bolgherini and Florian Grotz (eds), Germany after the Grand Coalition. Governance and Politics in a Turbulent Environment (New York: Palgrave, 2010).

This argument departs from Zohlnhöfer, ‘Between a Rock and Hard Place’, pp.237–8, who claims that partisan veto players account for the shape of policies after the crisis. This is probably true for short-term emergency measures, but not for longer-term solutions devised by political actors.

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