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On the eigenvalues of zero-divisor graph associated to finite commutative ring

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Pages 1-6 | Received 15 Dec 2020, Accepted 02 Jan 2021, Published online: 01 Feb 2021


Let Z(R) be the set of zero-divisors of a commutative ring R with non-zero identity and Z*(R)=Z(R){0} be the set of non-zero zero-divisors of R. The zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by Γ(R), is a simple graph whose vertex set is Z*(R) and two vertices u,vZ*(R) are adjacent if and only if uv=vu=0. In this paper, we investigate the adjacency matrix and the spectrum of the zero-divisor graphs Γ(Zn) for n=pMqN, where p<q are primes and M, N are positive integers. Moreover, we obtain the clique number, stability number and girth of Γ(ZpMqN).


1. Introduction

Let G be a finite simple connected graph with vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,,vn} and edge set E(G). For 1ijn, we write vivj if vi is adjacent to vj in G. The cardinality of V(G) and E(G) are called the order and size of G, respectively. If uV(G), then N(u) is the set of neighbors of u in G, that is, N(u)={vV(G):uvE(G)}. The cardinality of N(u) is said to be the degree of u and is denoted by dv. A graph G is called p-regular when every vertex has the same degree equal to p. For any two distinct vertices u and v of G, d(u, v) denotes the length of a shortest (u, v)-path. Clearly, d(u,u)=0 and d(u,v)=, if there is no path connecting u and v. The diameter of G is defined as diam(G)=max{d(u,v):u and v are vertices of G. A graph G is said to be complete if any two distinct vertices are adjacent. A complete graph on n vertices is denoted by Kn. The complement of Kn is a null graph and is denoted by K¯n. A clique is a maximal induced complete subgraph. The maximum size of a clique of a graph G is called the clique number of G and is denoted by ω(G). For a graph G, a stable set is a set of vertices, no two of which are adjacent. A stable (or independent) set in a graph is maximum if the graph contains no larger stable set. The cardinality of a maximum stable set in a graph G is called the stability number and is denoted by α(G). The girth of G, denoted by gr(G), is the length of a shortest cycle in G. (If G contains no cycles, gr(G)=). Other notations and terminology can be seen in [Citation10].

The adjacency matrix A(G)=(aij) of G is a square matrix of order n, where aij=1 or 0 according as vivj or not. The eigenvalues λ1,λ2,,λn of A(G) are the eigenvalues of G. We denote the spectra (multiset of eigenvalues) of a square matrix A(G) by σ(G)={λ1s1,,λmsm}, where sj is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue of λj, for 1jm.

Let R be a commutative ring with multiplicative identity 10. A non-zero element xR is called a zero-divisor of R if there exists a non-zero element yR such that xy=0. The zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings were first introduced by Beck [Citation3], in the definition he included the additive identity and was interested mainly in coloring the zero divisor graph of a commutative ring. Later Anderson and Livingston [Citation2] modified the definition of zero-divisor graphs and excluded the additive identity of the ring in the zero-divisor set. For a commutative ring R with identity, let the set Z(R) denote the set of zero-divisors and let Z*(R)=Z(R){0}. The zero-divisor graph of R, denoted by Γ(R), is a simple graph whose vertex set is Z*(R) and two vertices u,vZ*(R) are adjacent if and only if uv=vu=0. We denote the ring of integers modulo n by Zn. The order of the zero-divisor graph Γ(Zn) is nϕ(n)1, where ϕ is Euler’s totient function. The adjacency spectral analysis was done in [Citation5, Citation12]. More literature about zero-divisor graphs can be found in [Citation1, Citation2, Citation11] and the references therein. Recently, Magi et al. [Citation8, Citation9] investigated the adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) for n=pk and n=p2q2, where p and q are distinct primes.

In Section 2, we obtain the adjacency spectrum of Γ(ZpMqN), where p and q are distinct primes and M and N are positive integers. In Section 3, we obtain the clique number, stability number and the girth of Γ(ZpMqN).

2. Adjacency matrix and the spectrum of Γ(ZpMqN)

To facilitate our discussion, we begin with the following known definitions and results, which will be used frequently in the proof of our main results.

For any two graphs G1 and G2 with disjoint vertex sets, the join G1G2 of G1 and G2 is the graph obtained from the union of G1 and G2 by adding new edges from each vertex of G1 to every vertex of G2. The following is a generalization of the definition of join graph (see, [Citation4] and [Citation6]).

Definition 2.1.

Let G be a graph on k vertices with V(G)={1,2,,n} and Gi, 1in be n pairwise disjoint graphs of order ni, respectively. The G-generalized join graph G[G1,G2,,Gn] is a graph formed by replacing each vertex i of G by the graph Gi and joining each vertex of Gi to every vertex of Gj whenever i and j are adjacent in G.

The following theorem was proved by Cardoso et al. [Citation4, Theorem 5], in which the adjacency spectrum of a generalized join graph G[G1,G2,,Gn] is expressed in terms of the adjacency spectrum of the graphs Gi and the spectrum of n × n matrix CA(G).

Theorem 2.2.

[Citation4] Let G be a graph with V(G)={1,2,,n} and let Gi, 1in, be n pairwise disjoint ri-regular graphs of order ni, respectively. Then the adjacency spectrum of G=G[G1,G2,,Gn] is given by


where (2.1) CA(G)=(cij)n×n={rii=j,ninjijE(G),0otherwise.(2.1)

For a positive integer n with canonical decomposition n=p1n1p2n2prnr, where p1,p2,,pr are distinct primes and τ(n) is the number of positive factors of n, it is easy to see that τ(n)=(n1+1)(n2+1)(nr+1)

The Euler’s totient function ϕ(n) denotes the number of positive integers less than or equal to n and relatively prime to n. The following result gives some properties of Euler’s totient function.

Theorem 2.3.

[Citation7] Let ϕ be the Euler’s totient function. Then the following hold.

  • ϕ is multiplicative, i.e.,ϕ(st)=ϕ(s)ϕ(t), whenever s and t are relatively prime.

  • If n is a positive integer, thend|nϕ(d)=n, whered|n denotes d is divisor ofn.

  • If p is a prime. Theni=1lϕ(pl)=pl1.

An integer d is called a proper divisor of n if 1<d<n and d|n. Let ϒn be the simple graph with vertex set {d1,d2,,dk} as proper divisors of n, in which two distinct vertices are adjacent if and only if n divides didj. It is easy to see that ϒn is a connected graph [Citation5]. If p1n1p2n2prnr is the canonical decomposition of n, then the order of ϒn is given by |V(ϒn)|=(n1+1)(n2+1)(nr+1)2. For 1ik, let Adi={xZn:(x,n)=di}, where (x,n) denotes the greatest common divisor of x and n. We observe that the sets Ad1,Ad2,,Adk are pairwise disjoint and partitions the vertex set of Γ(Zn) as V(Γ(Zn))=Ad1Ad2Adk. From the definition of Adi, a vertex of Adi is adjacent to the vertex of Adj in Γ(Zn) if and only if n|didj, for i,j{1,2,,t} (see; [Citation5]). The following result can be found in [Citation12], which gives the cardinality of Adi.

Lemma 2.4.

Let di be a divisor of n. Then |Adi|=ϕ(ndi), for 1ik.

The next lemma [Citation5] shows that the induced subgraphs Γ(Adi) of Γ(Zn) are either cliques or null graphs.

Lemma 2.5.

Let n be a positive integer and di be its proper divisor. Then the following hold.

  1. For i{1,2,,k}, the induced subgraph Γ(Adi) of Γ(Zn) on the vertex set Adi is either the complete graph Kϕ(ndi) or its complement K¯ϕ(ndi). Also, Γ(Adi) is Kϕ(ndi) if and only n|di2.

  2. For i,j{1,2,,k} with ij, a vertex of Adi is adjacent to either all or none of the vertices in Adj of Γ(Zn).

The following lemma says that Γ(Zn) is a G-join of certain complete graphs and null graphs.

Lemma 2.6.

[Citation5] Let Γ(Adi) be the induced subgraph of Γ(Zn) on the vertex set Adi for 1ik. Then Γ(Zn)=Υn[Γ(Ad1),Γ(Ad2),,Γ(Adk)].

Now, we find the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn), for n=pMqN, where p and q, p<q are primes. This generalizes the results obtained in [Citation8, Citation9]. We will prove the case when M and N are positive even integers with MN, the other cases can be obtained similarly.

Theorem 2.7.

Let Γ(Zn) be the zero-divisor graph of order n, where n=pMqN and M=2m12n1=N. The adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) consists of the eigenvalues {0,1} with multiplicities pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(3m1n1+m1+n11) and pm1qn1(m1+n1+m1n1+1) respectively. The remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the eigenvalues of the matrix given inEquation(2.1).


Let n=pMqN, with 2<p<q as primes and 2M=2m12n1=N be positive even integers. Then the proper divisors of n are


and the size of ϒn is (M+1)(N+1)2=MN+M+N1. By the definition of ϒn, we see that ppM1qN,p2pM2qN,pM1qN,p3pM3qN,pM2qN,pM1qN,pm1pm1qN,pm1+1qN,,pM1qN,pMqN,pqN,p2qN,,pm1qN,,pM1qN. That is, pipjqN, i+jM, for i=1,2,,M. Now, following the similar procedure, we have qipMqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N,pqiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N and t2m11,pm1qiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N and tm1,pMqiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N1 and t0. By Lemma 2.4, for i=1,2,,M and j=1,2,,N, we see that |Api|=ϕ(pMiqN), |Aqj|=ϕ(pMqNj), |Apqj|=ϕ(pM1qNj),, |Apm1qj|=ϕ(pm1qNj),,|ApM1qj|=ϕ(pqNj) and |ApMqt|=ϕ(qNt), for t=1,2,,N1.

Also, by Lemma 2.5, we have (2.2) Gi={Γ(Api)=K¯ϕ(pMiqN),1iM,Γ(Aqj)=K¯ϕ(pMqNj),1jN,Γ(Apiqj)=K¯ϕ(pMiqNj),1im11 and 1jNor m1iM and 1jn11,Γ(Apiqj)=Kϕ(pMiqNj),m1iM and n1jN(2.2) By using Lemma 2.6, the joined union of the zero-divisor graph Γ(Zn) is given by Γ(Zn)=ϒn[K¯ϕ(pM1qN),,K¯ϕ(pm1qN),,K¯ϕ(qN),K¯ϕ(pMqN1),,K¯ϕ(pMqn1),,K¯ϕ(pM),K¯ϕ(pM1qN1),,K¯ϕ(pM1qn1),,K¯ϕ(pM1),,K¯ϕ(pm1qN1),,K¯ϕ(pm1qn1+1),Kϕ(pm1qn1),,Kϕ(pm1),,K¯ϕ(qN1),,K¯ϕ(qn11),Kϕ(qn1),,Kϕ(q)]. It is well known that the zero-divisor graphs are of diameter at most three, so that piqi if and only if i = j = n, otherwise pipkqn, i+kn and qjpnqh, j+hn and finally pkqnpnqh, k1,h1. This implies that d(pi,qj)=3,if 1i,jn1 in ϒn. Similarly the distance between other vertices is at-most 2. Moreover, it is to be noted that the eigenvalues of Kn are {(n1)1,(1)n1} and K¯n has 0 as eigenvalue with multiplicity n. Using Theorem 2.2, to the above joined graph, we observe that the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) is 0 with multiplicity i=1M(ϕ(pMiqN)1)+j=1N(ϕ(pMqNj)1)+i=1m11j=1N(ϕ(pMiqNj)1)+i=m1Mj=1n11(ϕ(pMiqNj)1)=pM1ϕ(qN)M+ϕ(pM)qN1N+i=1m11ϕ(pMi)j=1Nϕ(qNj)(m11)N+i=m1Mϕ(pMi)j=1n11ϕ(qNj)(m1+1)(n11)=pM1qN1(q1)M+pM1qN1(p1)N+(pM1pm1)qN1(m11)N+pm1(qN1qn1)(m1+1)(n11)=pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(M+N+(m11)N+(m1+1)(n11))=pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(3m1n1+m1+n11) and –1 with multiplicity j=n1Nϕ(pm1qNj)+j=n1Nϕ(pm11qNj)++j=n1Nϕ(pqNj)+j=n1N1ϕ(qNj)(m1+n1+m1n1)=ϕ(pm1)qn1+ϕ(pm11)qn1++ϕ(p)qn1+qn11(m1+n1+m1n1)=(pm11)qn1+qn11(m1+n1+m1n1)=pm1qn1(m1+n1+m1n1+1) By using the adjacency relations Equation(2.5) and value of ri’s, the remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the eigenvalues of the matrix given in Equation(2.1). □

In particular, if q = 1 in Theorem 2.7, we get the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zp2m).

Corollary 2.8.

If n=p2m for some positive integer m2, then the adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) consists of the eigenvalue 0 with multiplicity p2m1pm(m1), the eigenvalue –1 with multiplicity pm(m+1) and the remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the zeros of the characteristic polynomial of the matrixEquation(2.3).


We know that the proper divisors of n=2m are {p,p2,,p2m1} and so by definition of ϒp2m, the vertex pi is adjacent to the vertex pj if and only if j2mi with 1i2m1 and ij. Using Lemma 2.5 and noting the fact that n does not divide (pi)2, for i=1,2,,m1 and n divides (pi)2, for i=m,m+1,,2m2,2m1, we have Gi={K¯ϕ(p2mi)1im1,Kϕ(p2mi)mi2m1. By using Lemma 2.6, the joined union of the zero-divisor graph Γ(Zn) is given by Γ(Zn)=ϒn[K¯ϕ(p2m1),,K¯ϕ(pm+1),Kϕ(pm),,Kϕ(p)]. Using Theorem 2.2, the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are 0 and –1 with multiplicities as i=1m1(ϕ(p2mi)1)=p2m1pm(m1) and i=m2m1(ϕ(p2mi)1)=pm1m respectively. Therefore, we have σA(G)={0pm(pm11),(1pm(m+1))}σ(CA(G)), and the eigenvalues of matrix Equation(2.3). (2.3) (000000y1,2m100000y2,2m2y2,2m10000ym1,m+1ym1,2m2ym1,2m1000rmym,m+1ym,2m2ym,2m100ym+1,m1ym+1,mrm+1ym+1,2m2ym+1,2m10y2m2,2y2m2,m1y2m2,my2m2,m+1r2m2y2m2,2m1y2m1,1y2m1,2y2m1,m1y2m1,my2m1,m+1y2m1,2m2r2m1),(2.3) where yi,j=yj,i=ninj=ϕ(p2mi)ϕ(p2mj), for 1i,j2m1 and ri=ϕ(p2mi)1, for i=m,m+1,,2m1.

If m1=2 and q = 1 in Theorem 2.7, we have Γ(Zp2)=Kϕ(p) and its adjacency spectrum is given by the following observation.

Corollary 2.9.

If n=p4, then the adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) is {0p3p21,(1)p23}.

The other eigenvalues are the roots of the characteristic polynomial λ3+(p3p2)λ2+(p4p3+p2p1)λ(p63p5+2p4+p3p2).

If m1=m2=0, then n=pq. So, by Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6, we have (2.4) Γ(Zpq)=ϒpq[Γ(Ap),Γ(Aq)]=K2[K¯ϕ(p),K¯ϕ(q)]=K¯ϕ(p)K¯ϕ(q)=Kϕ(p),ϕ(q).(2.4) The next consequence of Theorem 2.7 gives the adjacency spectrum of the complete bipartite graph Γ(Zpq).

Corollary 2.10.

The adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zpq) is


The following result can be obtained by arguments similar to those used in the proof of Theorem 2.7, and therefore the proof is omitted.

Theorem 2.11.

Let Γ(Zn) be the zero-divisor graph of order n, where n=pMqN and M=2m1+12n1+1=N. The adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) consists of the eigenvalues 0,-1 with multiplicities pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(3m1n1+3m1+3n1+2) and pm1qn1(m1+n1+m1n1+1) respectively. The remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the eigenvalues of the matrix given inEquation(2.1).

Now, consider the case when M is even and N is odd or M is odd and N is even. In the following result, we discuss the first case and the second case can be treated similarly.

Theorem 2.12.

Let Γ(Zn) be the zero-divisor graph of order n, where n=pMqN and M=2m12n1+1=N. The adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) consists of the eigenvalues 0,-1 with multiplicities pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(3m1n1+3m1+n1) and pm1qn1(m1+n1+m1n1+1) respectively. The remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the eigenvalues of the matrix given in Equation(2.1).


Let n=pMqN, with 2<p<q as primes and 2M=2m12n1+1=N be positive even integers. Then the proper divisors of n are {p,p2,,pm1,,pM,q,q2,,qn1+1,,qN,pq,pq2,,pqn1+1,,pqN,,pm1q,pm1q2,,pm1qn1,pm1qn1+1,pm1qN,,pMq,pMq2,,pMqn1,pMqn1+1,,pMqN1} and the size of ϒn is (M+1)(N+1)2=MN+M+N1. By the definition of ϒn, we see that the adjacency relations are pipjqN, i+jM, for i=1,2,,M,qipMqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N,pqiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N and t2m11,pm1qiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N and tm1pMqiptqj, i+jN, for i=1,2,,N1 and t0. By Lemma 2.4, for i=1,2,,M and j=1,2,,N, and t=1,2,,M21, we see that |Api|=ϕ(pMiqN), |Aqj|=ϕ(pMqNj), |Apqj|=ϕ(pM1qNj),, |Apm1qj|=ϕ(pm1qNj),,|ApM1qj|=ϕ(pqNj),|ApMqt|=ϕ(qNt). Also, by Lemma 2.5, we have (2.5) Gi={Γ(Api)=K¯ϕ(pMiqN),1iM,Γ(Aqj)=K¯ϕ(pMqNj),1jN,Γ(Apiqj)=K¯ϕ(pMiqNj),1im11 and 1jNor m1iM and 1jn1,Γ(Apiqj)=Kϕ(pMiqNj),m1iM and n1+1jN(2.5) Thus, by Lemma 2.6, the joined union of Γ(Zn) is Γ(Zn)=ϒn[K¯ϕ(pM1qN),,K¯ϕ(pm1qN),,K¯ϕ(qN),K¯ϕ(pMqN1),,K¯ϕ(pMqn1),,K¯ϕ(pM),K¯ϕ(pM1qN1),,K¯ϕ(pM1qn1),,K¯ϕ(pM1),,K¯ϕ(pm1qN1),,K¯ϕ(pm1qn1),Kϕ(pm1qn11),,Kϕ(pm1),,K(ϕqN1),,Kϕ(qn1),,Kϕ(q)]. Using Theorem 2.2, to the above joined graph, we find that the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) is 0 with multiplicity i=1M(ϕ(pMiqN)1)+j=1N(ϕ(pMqNj)1)+i=1m11j=1N(ϕ(pMiqNj)1)+i=m1Mj=1n1(ϕ(pMiqNj)1) =pM1ϕ(qN)M+ϕ(pM)qN1N+i=1m11ϕ(pMi)j=1Nϕ(qNj)(m11)N+i=m1Mϕ(pMi)j=1n1ϕ(qNj)(m1+1)n1=pM1qN1(q1)M+pM1qN1(p1)N+(pM1pm1)qN1(m11)N+pm1(qN1qn1)(m1+1)n1=pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(M+N+(m11)N+(m1+1)n1)=pM1qN1(p+q1)pm1qn1(3m1n1+3m1+n1) and –1 with multiplicity j=n1+1Nϕ(pm1qNj)+j=n1+1Nϕ(pm11qNj)++j=n1+1Nϕ(pqNj)+j=n1+1N1ϕ(qNj)(m1+n1+m1n1)=ϕ(pm1)qn1+ϕ(pm11)qn1++ϕ(p)qn1+qn11(m1+n1+m1n1)=(pm11)qn1+qn11(m1+n1+m1n1)=pm1qn1(m1+n1+m1n1+1) By using the adjacency relations Equation(2.5) and value of ri’s, the remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the eigenvalues of the matrix given in Equation(2.1).□

In particular, if q = 1 in Theorem 2.11, we have the following observation.

Corollary 2.13.

If n=p2m+1 for some positive integer m2, then the adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) consists of the eigenvalue {0,1} with multiplicities p2mpmm and pm(m+1), the remaining adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are the zeros of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix given inEquation(2.6).


The proper divisors of n=2m+1 are {p,p2,,p2m1,p2m} and so by definition of ϒp2m+1, the vertex pi is adjacent to the vertex pj if and only if j2m+1i with 1i2m and ij. Using Lemma 2.5 and noting the fact that n does not divide (pi)2, for i=1,2,,m1,m and n divides (pi)2, for i=m+1,,2m1,2m, we have


By using Lemma 2.6, the joined union of the zero-divisor graph Γ(Zn) is given by Γ(Zn)=ϒn[K¯ϕ(p2m),,K¯ϕ(pm+1),Kϕ(pm),,Kϕ(p)]. Using Theorem 2.2, the adjacency eigenvalues of Γ(Zn) are 0 and –1 with respective multiplicity as i=1m(ϕ(p2m+1i)1)=p2mpmm and i=m+12m(ϕ(p2m+1i)1)=pm1m

Therefore, we have σA(G)={0p2mpmm,1pm(m+1)}σ(CA(G)), and the eigen values of Equation(2.6), (2.6) (000000b1,2m00000b2,2m1b2,2m0000bm,m+1bm,2m1bm,2m000am+1bm+1,m+1bm+1,2m1bm,2m00bm+2,mbm+2,m+1am+2bm+2,2m1bm+2,2m0b2m1,2b2m1,mb2m1,m+1b2m1,m+2a2m1b2m1,2mb2m,1b2m,2b2m,mb2m,m+1b2m,m+2b2m,2m1a2m),(2.6) where, bi,j=bj,i=ninj, for 1i,j2m and ri=ϕ(p2m+1i)1, for i=m+1,m+2,2m.

For n=p3, zero-divisor graph is Γ(Zp3)=ϒp3[Γ(Ap),Γ(Ap2)]=K2[K¯ϕ(p2),K¯ϕ(p)]=K¯p(p1)Kp1, which is the complete split graph with independence number p2p and clique number p – 1. The next observation of Theorem 2.12 gives the adjacency spectra of Γ(Zp3).

Corollary 2.14.

If n=p3, then the adjacency spectrum of Γ(Zn) is {0p(p1),(1)p2}σ((0(p1)(q1)(p1)(q1)0))

Additional information


The research of S. Pirzada is supported by the SERB-DST research project number MTR/2017/000084. Also the research of Bilal Ahmad Wani is supported by Dr. D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship Scheme Award Letter No. F.4-2/2006 (BSR)/MA/18-19/0037.


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