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m-Bonacci graceful labeling

Pages 7-15 | Received 18 Aug 2020, Accepted 23 Dec 2020, Published online: 03 Feb 2021


We introduce new labeling called m-bonacci graceful labeling. A graph G on n edges is m-bonacci graceful if the vertices can be labeled with distinct integers from the set {0,1,2,,Zn,m} such that the derived edge labels are the first n m-bonacci numbers. We show that complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, gear graphs, triangular grid graphs, and wheel graphs are not m-bonacci graceful. Almost all trees are m-bonacci graceful. We give m-bonacci graceful labeling to cycles, friendship graphs, polygonal snake graphs, and double polygonal snake graphs.

1. Introduction

In 1964, Ringel conjectured that given a tree T with n vertices, the complete graph K2n+1 can be decomposed into 2n+1 edge-disjoint copies of T [Citation12]. To address this problem, in 1966, Rosa introduced the concept of graceful labeling of graphs as β-valuations [Citation13]. Rosa showed that Ringel’s conjecture holds if all the trees are graceful. From this, the famous Ringel-Kotzig conjecture was formed. The conjecture states that all trees are graceful, which is still open. Several researchers ([Citation1, Citation5], to name a few) have worked on this conjecture and have some partial results.

Golumb in [Citation7], introduced the term graceful. A graceful labeling of a graph G=(V,E) on n edges is defined as follows: G is said to be graceful if there exists a function f:{0,1,2,,n}V such that the function g:E{1,2,,n} defined by g(e=uv)=|f(u)f(v)| is a bijection. In 1985, Lo defined edge graceful labeling by assigning labels to the edges of the graph G on p vertices and n edges, from the set {1,2,3,,n} such that the derived vertex labeling is a bijection from V(G) to {0,1,2,,p1} [Citation10]. Several researchers ([Citation4, Citation14] to name a few) are working on in this edge graceful labeling.

In [Citation9], Koh et al. defined a tree on n + 1 vertices to be a Fibonacci tree if the vertices can be labeled with the first n + 1 Fibonacci numbers so that the induced edge labeling should be the first n Fibonacci numbers, which were later called as Super-Fibonacci labeling (See [Citation6] for more information). In [Citation2], Bange et al. modified the definition of Koh et al. by relaxing the vertex labels to the set of distinct integers from {0,1,2,, Fn}, where Fn is the n-th Fibonacci number. A new group of graphs called Fibonacci graceful graphs was obtained from this definition. A graph on n edges is said to be Fibonacci graceful if there exists a vertex labeling with distinct elements from the set {0,1,2,,Fn} such that the induced edge labels form a bijection on to the first n Fibonacci numbers. For all other types of graceful labeling, we refer the reader to [Citation6].

In this paper, we extend the concept of Fibonacci graceful to m-bonacci graceful graphs by replacing the Fibonacci numbers with m-bonacci numbers.

The paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, notations, definition of m-bonacci number and definition and example of m-bonacci graceful labeling are given. Some basic properties of m-bonacci graceful labeling is discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, we find some special graphs which are not m-bonacci graceful. In Section 5, m-bonacci graceful labeling of some special classes of graphs are given. We end the paper with a few concluding remarks.

2. Preliminaries

We refer the reader to [Citation3] for basic concepts and definitions of graphs. By G(p, n), we denote a simple graph on p vertices and n edges. In this paper, we use the following definition for an m-bonacci number. The m-bonacci sequence {Zn,m}n(m2) is defined by Zi,m=0, (m2)i0, Z1,m=1 and for n2, Zn,m=i=nmn1Zi,m Each Zi,m is called an m-bonacci number. For example, when m = 5, the sequence is {Zn,5}n=3={0,0,0,0,1,1,2,4,8,16,31} In [Citation2], Bange et al. defined a new labeling called Fibonacci graceful labeling. We generalize the definition to any m. We define a new labeling called m-bonacci graceful labeling as follows:

Definition 1.

Let G(p.n) be a graph on p vertices and n edges. G(p, n) is called m-bonacci graceful if there exists a labeling l of its vertices with distinct integers from the set {0,1,2,,Zn,m} which induces an edge labeling l defined by l(uv)=|l(u)l(v)|, is a bijection onto the set {Z1,m,Z2,m,,Zn,m}.

When m = 2, the above labeling is the Fibonacci graceful labeling. For m = 3, shows a 3-bonacci graceful labeling of C6.

Figure 1. C6 with tribonacci graceful labeling.

Figure 1. C6 with tribonacci graceful labeling.

Note that, not all graphs are m-bonacci graceful. Also, if a graph G is m-bonacci graceful for some m, then it does not necessarily imply that G is m-bonacci graceful for all m. For example, consider the graph C6. It was shown in [Citation2], that C6 is Fibonacci graceful and one can see from that C6 is also 3-bonacci graceful. However, C6 is not 4-bonacci graceful. Infact we show that (see Theorem 3) C6 is m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2 and m4. We also give a labeling of the Butterfly graph (see ) such that it is Fibonacci graceful. But one can verify (see Proposition 1) that Butterfly graph is not m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 3. We also give an example of a tree () which is m-bonacci graceful for any m ≥ 3, whereas it is not Fibonacci graceful. The famous” Ringel-Kotzig conjecture” states that all trees are graceful. But, the conjecture does not hold for m-bonacci graceful labeling. Some trees are m-bonacci graceful for some m, whereas some trees are not m-bonacci graceful for any m. In , one can see that T1 is 3-bonacci graceful, whereas T2 is not m-bonacci graceful for any m. In fact, we show that (Proposition 2) K1,n,n3, is not m-bonacci graceful for any m. If a graph G is not graceful, it is not necessarily true that G is not m-bonacci graceful for any m. For example, shows that the butterfly graph is Fibonacci graceful. But in [Citation13], Rosa showed that any Eulerian graph with edge count congruent to 1 or 2(mod4) is not graceful. Thus, both the butterfly graph as well as C6, are not graceful. We see that the butterfly graph is Fibonacci graceful (see ) but not m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 3 (see Proposition 1) and C6 is m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2 and m4 (see Proposition 1). Hence, we conclude the following.

Figure 2. m-bonacci graceful labeling for m ≥ 3.

Figure 2. m-bonacci graceful labeling for m ≥ 3.

Figure 3. (a) T1,(b) T2.

Figure 3. (a) T1,(b) T2.

Figure 4. Fibonacci graceful labeling of Butterfly graph.

Figure 4. Fibonacci graceful labeling of Butterfly graph.

Observation 1.

The following are true.

  • There exists a graph that is Fibonacci graceful but not m-bonacci graceful for allm ≥ 3

  • There exists a graph that is m-bonacci graceful for allm ≥ 3 but not Fibonacci graceful

  • There exists a graph that is graceful but not m-bonacci graceful for anym ≥ 2

  • There exists a graph that is m-bonacci graceful for allm5 but not graceful.

3. Properties of m-bonacci graceful graphs

In this section, we study some basic properties of m-bonacci graceful graphs. From the definition, it is clear that, for a graph to be m-bonacci graceful, one of its edges must have the label Zn,m, which is only possible when 0 and Zn,m are the labels for its incident vertices. Moreover, any vertex adjacent to the vertex labeled with 0 must have an m-bonacci number as its label. We first recall some well known properties of m-bonacci numbers [Citation8, Citation11].

Lemma 1.

For m2, we have the following.

  1. 2Zk,mZk+1,m for all k1.

  2. If the sum of m m-bonacci numbers equals another m-bonacci number, then those m + 1 numbers must be consecutive.

  3. The first 2m+1 terms of the m-bonacci sequence are Zi,m=0, (m2)i0, Z1,m=Z2,m=1, Zj,m=2j2,3jm+1, Zm+2,m=2m1.

Based on the observations in Lemma 1, we deduce the following.

Corollary 1.

For m2, such that 0<n<m+1 and t > 0, the following is true. i=t+1t+nδiZi,m0,δi=±1


Let 0<n<m+1 and t > 0. Then, we have Zt+n,m=i=t+nmt+n1Zi,m>i=t+1t+n1Zi,m (since t>0,n<m+1) Hence, the result. □

We first observe that similar to Fibonacci graceful graphs [Citation2] the labeling of an m-bonacci graceful graph need not be unique, i.e., the graph can have several distinct labeling.

Observation 2.

LetG(p, n) be an m-bonacci graceful graph for somem2, with vertex labels from the set{a1,a2,,an}. Then, replacing each vertex labelsai withZn,mai also gives an m-bonacci graceful labeling.

It was also observed in [Citation2] that the cycle structure of Fibonacci graceful graphs is dependent on Fibonacci identities. We observe here that the result is also true for any m ≥ 3.

Lemma 2.

Let G(p, n) be an m-bonacci graceful graph and let C be a cycle of length k in G(p, n). Then there exists a sequence {δi}i=1k with δi=±1 for all i=1,2,,k such that i=1kδiZji,m=0where {Zji,m}i=1k are the derived m-bonacci numbers for the edges of C.

The following corollary is a direct observation from the above Lemma and the fact (See Lemma 1) that if the sum of any m m-bonacci numbers is another m-bonacci number, then these numbers must be consecutive. The corollary gives an edge labeling for cycles of a particular length.

Corollary 2.

Let G be an m-bonacci graceful graph such that G has a cycle C of length km(k2),1k3. Then, the edges of C must be labeled with m-bonacci numbers Zj,m for iji+km, and ji+tm for 1tk1 for some i1.

Thus, from Lemma 2 and Corollary 2, we observe the following, which provides a condition for the edge labels for any cycle in an m-bonacci graceful graph.

Corollary 3.

Let G(p, n) be an m-bonacci graceful graph and C be a cycle in G(p, n). If Zk,m is the largest m-bonacci number appearing as an edge label of C, then Zk1,m, Zk2,m, , Zk(m1),m should also appear as edge labels on C.

The following result gives conditions on the number of edges in any Eulerian m-bonacci graceful graph.

Theorem 1.

Let G(p, n) be an Eulerian m-bonacci graceful graph. Then, n0,2,3,, m1 or m (mod(m+1))


Let G be an Eulerian m-bonacci graceful graph. Then, G can be decomposed into edge-disjoint cycles. From Lemma 2, it is clear that the sum of all the edge labels around any cycle is even and hence, Z1,m+Z2,m++Zn,m is even. But by Lemma 1, Z1,m+Z2,m++Zn,m is odd only when n1(modm+1) for m ≥ 2. Hence, the result. □

The following result gives a partial information about the cycles of any m-bonacci graceful graph.

Proposition 1.

Any m-bonacci graceful graph can have at most one cycle of length less than or equal to m. From this, we get that, for m ≥ 3, the only maximal outerplanar m-bonacci graceful graph is C3.


Let G be an m-bonacci graceful graph and let C be a cycle of G of length n such that nm. Let the vertices of C be m-bonacci gracefully labeled with labels from the set {0}{Zi,m : 2in} (since nm, by Lemma 1, Zi+1,mZi,m=Zi1,m,1in). Suppose there exists another cycle C of length tm in G whose vertices are labeled such that Zk,m with k > n is the largest edge label of C. Now, by Corollary 3, Zk1,m, Zk2,m,,Zk(m1),m are also edge labels of C. Since tm,Zk,m, Zk1,m, Zk2,m,,Zk(m1),m are the only edge labels and the length of C is m. By Lemma 2, there exists a sequence {δi} with δi=±1 such that, (1) i=1mδiZk(i1),m=0(1) Note that, the labels are m consecutive m-bonacci numbers. By Corollary 1, EquationEquation (1) does not hold true. Thus, an m-bonacci graceful graceful graph can have a maximum of only one cycle of length less than or equal to m. Hence, the result. □

4. Forbidden graphs

In this section, we discuss some special graphs that are not m-bonacci graceful. We start this section with the tree graph. Except K1 and K2, any tree with the number of edges at most three cannot be m-bonacci gracefully labeled, as there does not exist enough integers between 0 and Zn,m to label n + 1 vertices.

In [Citation2], Bange et al. proved that any graph which has a 3-edge connected subgraph is not Fibonacci graceful. One can observe that the result also holds when m ≥ 3. We omit the proof as it is similar to the proof given by Bange et al.

Theorem 2.

If G has a 3-edge connected subgraph, then G is not m-bonacci graceful for m ≥ 2.

The above result cannot be improved further as cycles are 2-edge connected, and most of them are m-bonacci graceful. The following corollary is a direct observation from Theorem 2.

Corollary 4.

The following graphs are not m-bonacci graceful for m ≥ 2.

  • Complete graph Kn,n4

  • The wheel graph Wn,n3

  • The Generalized Petersen graph

  • The Fence graph

  • The Circular ladder graph

We now discuss the case for complete bipartite graphs. One can easily verify that both K1,1 and K2,2 are m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 3. K1,1 is Fibonacci graceful but K2,2 is not Fibonacci graceful. In the following result we show that complete bipartite graphs Kt,n except for K1,1 and K2,2 are not m-bonacci graceful for m ≥ 2.

Proposition 2.

Complete bipartite graphs, except for K1,1 and K2,2, are not m-bonacci graceful for m ≥ 2.


Let t,n3. Then, Kt,n is 3-edge connected. By Theorem 2, Kt,n is not m-bonacci graceful for m ≥ 2.

K1,n, n2 is not m-bonacci graceful. At most either Z1,m or Z2,m will appear as one of the edge labels (Note that, Z1,m=Z2,m=1).

Now, the only case left is K2,n, n3. Let u, v be the two vertices that are adjacent to other n vertices. Let l(u) = 0. Then, all the n vertices should be labeled with m-bonacci numbers. Since n3, it is impossible to give a label to v distinct from other n + 1 vertices such that the graph is m-bonacci graceful. The proof is similar if a vertex from the other partite set with n vertices gets 0 as vertex label. □

The following result shows that gear graphs are not m-bonacci graceful. Gear graph is obtained by replacing each edge in the perimeter of the wheel graph Wn by a path of length 2. We denote gear graphs by Gn. Gn has 2n+1 vertices. G4 is shown in . G3 is Fibonacci graceful but not m-bonacci graceful m3.

Figure 5. Gear graph G4.

Figure 5. Gear graph G4.

Proposition 3.

Gear graphs Gt,t4 are not m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2.


Let Gt be a gear graph. Suppose Gt is m-bonacci graceful for some m2 and t4. Recall that, a gear graph is a subdivision of wheel graph. Let v be the single universal vertex of Gt. Let u1 and u2 be the end vertices of the edge with Zn,m as edge label. Note that at least one of the vertices u1 and u2 is of degree greater than 2. Now, we have two different cases.

  • Case 1: If either u1 or u2 is v, then we get three edge disjoint paths from u1 to u2. So we get a cycle which does not contain the edge with edge label Zn1,m. This is a contradiction to Corollary 3.

  • Case 2: If both u1,u2v, then l(v)0. We have the following two subcases:

    m ≥ 3: Let u1 be the vertex of degree 3. Let u3 be the vertex of degree 3 such that u2 is adjacent to u3 and u3 is adjacent to v. Now we have two cycles: vu1u2u3v and the outer perimeter cycle from u2 to u2. Note that, these two cycles have only two edges in common i.e., u1u2 and u2u3. Also, the edge label of u1u2 is Zn,m and we get a cycle which does not contain either the edge with Zn1,m as edge label or the edge with Zn2,m as edge label. Thus for m3, in either case, it is a contradiction to Corollary 3.

  • m = 2: Without loss of generality, let v and u1 are adjacent. Let u3 be the vertex adjacent to u2 and v. Let fk denote the k-th Fibonacci number. Consider the cycle C: vu3u2u1v. Since fn is an edge label of C, by Corollary 3, fn1 must be an edge label of one of the edges of C. Now, by Lemma 2, we get that fn3 and fn4 are the remaining edge labels (otherwise it will give contradiction to Lemma 2). If the edge label of vu3 is fn1, then by Corollary 3 and Lemma 2, the cycle of length four different from the cycle C, which has vu3 as one of its edge, must have fn2,fn4,fn5 as edge labels. This is not possible (since fn4 is one of the edge labels of the cycle C: vu3u2u1v). The same contradiction arises for fn1 to be the edge label of vu1. So, fn1 is the edge label of u2u3. Without loss of generality, let l(vu1)=fn3 and l(vu3)=fn4, where l is the derived edge labeling. Now consider the cycles C1 and C2 which have vu1 and vu3 as one of its edges, respectively. Clearly, C1 and C2 does not share any edge (since we consider only Gt,t4). To satisfy Lemma 2 and Corollary 3, the only possible remaining edge labels of C1 are fn2,fn5,fn6. This implies that, the largest edge label in C2 is fn4. By Corollary 3, fn5 should be an edge label of one of the edges of C2, which is not possible.

Thus, Gt,t4, is not m-bonacci graceful for all m2.

4.1. Triangular grid graph

Triangular grid graph is a graph with vertex set V={(i,j,k):i+j+k=n, i,j,k0} and two vertices (i1,j1,k1) and (i2,j2,k2) are adjacent if and only if |i1i2|+|j1j2|+|k1k2|=n. We denote such graphs by TGn. The graph TGn has (n+1)(n+2)2 vertices and 3n(n+1)2 edges. Note that, when n = 0, TGn is K1 and when n = 1, TGn is K3. The graph TG3 is given in . In the following result, we show that TGn,n2, is not m-bonacci graceful m2.

Figure 6. Triangular grid graph TG3.

Figure 6. Triangular grid graph TG3.

Proposition 4.

The triangular grid graph TGn is not m-bonacci graceful for all m2,n2.


Let m ≥ 3. Then, by Proposition 1, TGn, n2, is not m-bonacci graceful. Let m = 2 and N=3n(n+1)2 denote the number of edges in TGn. Let fk denote the k-th Fibonacci number. To the contrary, assume that there exists an n such that TGn is Fibonacci graceful. Then, fN is an edge label of some edge uv in TGn. At most one vertex of u and v can have degree 2. Now, we have two cases.

  • Case 1: If deg(u),deg(v)2, then the edge uv lies in two different cycles. But, at most one of the two cycles can have fN1 as one of its edge labels. This is a contradiction to Corollary 3.

  • Case 2: If deg(u) = 2, then let w be another vertex which is adjacent to both u and v in TGn. By Lemma 2 and Corollary 3, fN1 and fN2 are the other two edge labels of the cycle uvwu. If fN1 is the edge label of vw, then another triangle which has vw as one of its edge labels can not have fN2 as one of its edge labels, which is a contradiction to Corollary 3. Hence, the edge label of uw and vw is fN1 and fN2 respectively. Now, consider the triangle vwtv, t is another vertex of TGn adjacent to v and w. Now, by Lemma 2 and Corollary 3, the edge labels are fN3 and fN4. Without loss of generality, let fN3 be the edge label of the edge vt. Now, the triangle different from vtwv and uvwu which has vt as one of its edge can not have fN4 as one of its edge labels, which is a contradiction to Corollary 3.

Hence, the result. □

5. m-Bonacci graceful graphs

In this section, we discuss some special graphs which are m-bonacci graceful. We start the section with cycles. We begin by answering for what values of n and m, Cn is m-bonacci graceful. The following theorem gives a characterization for all cycles Cn that are m-bonacci graceful. In [Citation2], Bange et al found the values of n for which Cn is Fibonacci graceful. The following theorem is the generalization of the result to any m.

Theorem 3.

Let m ≥ 2. The cycle Cn with n vertices is m-bonacci graceful if and only if n0,2,3, , m1or m (mod(m+1)).


Consider a cycle Cn of length n. Let n0,2,3, , m1 or m (mod(m+1)). Then, n=k(m+1)+t for some t{0,2,3,,m}. Let v1,v2,,vn be the vertices of Cn. We give a labeling for Cn as follows: (2) l(vj)={0j=1Zn,mj=2l(vj1)Zn(j2),m3jm+1(2) For 1ik, (3) l(vi(m+1)+j)={l(vi(m+1))+Zni(m+1),mj=1l(vi(m+1)+1)Zn(i(m+1)1),mj=2l(vi(m+1)+(j1))Zn(i(m+1)+(j2)),m3jm+1(3) Here l(v2)=Zn,m>l(v3)>>l(vm+1)=l(vm)Zn(m1),m=Zn(m2),m>0. Again l(vm+2)=Zn(m2),m+Zn(m+1),m>l(vm+3)>>l(v2(m+2))>0. Here l(vm+1)<l(vm+2) and l(vm+3)=Zn(m2),m+Zn(m+1),mZnm,m<Zn(m2),m=l(vm+1). Hence, all the labels are distinct and positive integers. Proceeding in the same way, we get that all the labels are distinct. The difference of each adjacent vertex label is distinct m-bonacci numbers (clear from the construction of labels). Hence, Cn is m-bonacci graceful.

Conversely, suppose Cn is m-bonacci graceful for some m. One can easily observe that by Theorem 1, Cn is not m-bonacci graceful if n1(mod(m+1)). From EquationEquations (2) and Equation(3), Cn is graceful for n0,2,3, , m1 orm (mod(m+1)). Hence, the result. □

The following corollary gives the vertex label of particular vertices of Cn.

Corollary 5.

Let Cn: v1v2v3vnv1 be an m-bonacci graceful cycle for some m ≥ 2, and labeled as given in Theorem 3. Then, l(vi(m+1)) is an m-bonacci number for all i1.


We prove this result by induction on i. By Theorem 3, we have the following: l(vm+1)=Zn,mZn(m1),mZn(m2),mZn1,m=Znm,m Therefore, the result is true for i = 1. Assume that l(vi(m+1)) is an m-bonacci number. Let l(vi(m+1))=Zs,m for some s. By construction, it is easy to verify that s=n(i(m+1)1). By Theorem 3, we have, (4) l(v(i+1)(m+1))=l(vi(m+1))+Zni(m+1),mZn(i(m+1)1),mZn(i(m+1)+1),mZn(i(m+1)+2),mZn(i(m+1)+m1)),m=l(vi(m+1))+Zn(i(m+1)+m),mZn(i(m+1)1),m=Zn(i(m+1)+m),m(4) From EquationEquation (4), l(v(i+1)(m+1)) is an m-bonacci number. By induction, the result is true for all i. □

The next simple special class of graph is the tree. For any m, we can give graceful labeling to K1 and K2. For n = 4 and m3, the only tree which cannot be m-bonacci gracefully labeled is K1,4. K1,n is not m-bonacci graceful for any m2 (refer Proposition 2). For m ≥ 3, except K1,4 all trees with five edges are m-bonacci graceful.

The following theorem provides m-bonacci graceful labeling for any tree with edges more than 5. We omit the proof as it is similar to the proof given by Bange et al. Few examples are shown in the .

Figure 7. 4-bonacci graceful labelling of a caterpillar.

Figure 7. 4-bonacci graceful labelling of a caterpillar.

Figure 8. m-bonacci graceful labelling of trees with 4 edges, m3.

Figure 8. m-bonacci graceful labelling of trees with 4 edges, m≥3.

Figure 9. 5-bonacci graceful labeling of a non-caterpillar.

Figure 9. 5-bonacci graceful labeling of a non-caterpillar.

Figure 10. Tribonacci graceful labeling of Fr84.

Figure 10. Tribonacci graceful labeling of Fr84.

Theorem 4.

All trees Tn with n6, where n denotes the number of edges, except for K1,n, are m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2.

5.1. Friendship graph

The Friendship graph Frnt is obtained by joining n copies of Ct with a common vertex. An example of Fr84 is given in . By Proposition 1, Frnt, n>1, tm, is not m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2. In the following result, we find values of t such that the Friendship graph Frnt is m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2.

Theorem 5.

Let m ≥ 2. The friendship graph Frnk(m+1) is m-bonacci graceful for all k ≥ 1


Let v be the common vertex with vertex label 0. We denote by A1,A2,,An the distinct cycles in Frnk(m+1). Let the vertices of each Ai, 1in, be v,v2i,v3i,,vk(m+1)i in that order. We label the vertices of cycle Ai in a similar way as given in Theorem 3 with the starting label l(v2i)=Z(n(i1))k(m+1),m. By Corollary 5, l(vk(m+1)i) is an m-bonacci number. The derived edge labels of Ai are: Z(n(i1))k(m+1),m,Z(n(i1))k(m+1)1,m,,Z(n(i1))k(m+1)m,m. Thus, the vertex labels and edge labels are distinct and hence the result. □

3-bonacci graceful labeling of Fr84 is shown in the .

Another variant of Friendship graph denoted by F¯rnk is obtained by joining n copies of Fk with a common vertex, where Fk is a fan on k + 1 vertices. When k = 2, F¯rnk is nothing but Frn3 which is Fibonacci graceful. Thus, we take k > 2. Note that, by Proposition 1, the fan graph Fk for k > 2 and F¯rnk are not m-bonacci graceful for all m3. The following result gives a Fibonacci graceful labeling of F¯rnk for k2.

Theorem 6.

The friendship graph F¯rnk is Fibonacci graceful for all n1 and k2.


Let v be the common vertex and let A1,A2,,An denote the n copies of the fan graph Fk respectively. Let the vertices of Ai be ui1,ui2,,uik such that uij is adjacent with vertex v for all 1jk and uij is adjacent with vertex ui(j+1) for all 1jk1. Label the vertex v as 0.

For 1jk, we label the vertices of Ai as follows: l(uij)={f2(i1)ki+2j : i oddf2(i1)ki+2(j1) : i even Clearly, the vertex labels and edge labels are distinct. Thus, F¯rnk is Fibonacci graceful. □

A Fibonacci graceful labeling of F¯r45 is given in .

Figure 11. Fibonacci graceful labeling of F¯r45.

Figure 11. Fibonacci graceful labeling of F¯r45.

5.2. Polygonal snake graph

A polygonal snake graph is obtained from a path Pt by replacing each edge of Pt by Cn i.e., for each edge in the path Pt a cycle of length n is adjoined. It is denoted by PSt,n where t denotes the number of vertices of the path and n denotes the number of edges of the cycle Cn. Hence, PSt,n has t(n1)(n2) vertices and n(t1) edges. An example is shown in .

Figure 12. 4-bonacci graceful labeling of PS4,5.

Figure 12. 4-bonacci graceful labeling of PS4,5.

Theorem 7.

The Polygonal snake graph PSt,m+1 is m-bonacci graceful for all t1 and m ≥ 2.


Let PSt,m+1 denote the polygonal snake graph with tm(m1) vertices and N=(m+1)(t1) edges and let A1,A2,,At1 be the cycles of PSt,m+1 in that order. Denote the vertices of Ai by ui1,ui2,,ui(m+1) for all 1it1. Note that, ui(m+1)=u(i+1)1 for all 1it2. We label the vertices of A1 as follows: l(u11)=0, l(u12)=ZN,m,l(u1j)=l(u1(j1))ZN(j2),m,3jm+1. Here, l(u12)>l(u13)>>l(u1(m+1)). Thus, the vertex labels of A1 are all distinct. Now, we have the following: (5) l(u1(m+1))=l(u1m)ZN(m1),m=ZN,mi=N(m1)N1Zi,m=ZNm,m(5) Thus, the derived edge labels are ZN,m,ZN1,m,,ZNm,m. We have ui1=u(i1)(m+1),2it1. We now label the vertices of Ai,2it1 inductively as follows: l(ui2)=l(ui1)ZN(i1)m1,ml(uij)=l(ui(j1))+ZN(i1)m(j1),m, 3jm+1 Clearly, for a given Ai, 2it1, (6) l(ui(m+1))>l(uim)>l(ui(m1))>>l(ui2)(6) and for 2jm+1, we have the following: (7) l(uij)=l(ui(j1))+ZN(i1)m(j1),m=l(ui1)ZN(i1)m1,m+M1(7) where, M1=a=N(i1)m(j1)N(i1)m2Za,m

Since M1 adds at most m – 1 consecutive m-bonacci numbers, from EquationEquation (7), we have l(uij)<l(ui1),2jm+1 Thus, all vertices of the polygon Ai for 2it1, have distinct labels. We now show that for any two Ap and Aq, 2p,qt1, such that pq the vertex labels of Ap and Aq are all distinct. We first prove the following claim.

Claim: For i2, we have l(ui(m+1))>l(u(i+1)(m+1)) and l(u(i+1)2)>l(uim)

From EquationEquation (7), we get that l(ui1)>l(ui(m+1)) i2. Since ui(m+1)=u(i+1)1, we have l(ui(m+1))>l(u(i+1)(m+1)). The only thing left to prove is l(u(i+1)2)>l(uim). We have that, (8) l(u(i+1)2)=l(u(i+1)1)ZNim1,m (vertex labeling of Ai+1)=l(ui(m+1))ZNim1,m (since ui(m+1)=u(i+1)2)=l(ui1)ZN(i1)m1,m+a=NimN(i1)m2Za,mZNim1,m (From Eq.7)(8) Also we have, (9) l(uim)=l(ui1)ZN(i1)m1,m+a=N(i1)m(m1)N(i1)m2Za,m(9) From EquationEquations (8) and Equation(9), we get l(u(i+1)2)l(uim)=ZNim,mZNim1,m>0 since Nim>2. Hence, l(u(i+1)2)>l(uim) and the claim holds.

By claim and EquationEquation (6), it is clear that the vertex labels of A2,A3,,At1 are all distinct. We now show that the vertex labels of A1 and Ai for 2it1 are distinct. In A1 we have, (10) l(u12)>l(u13)>>l(u1(m+1))=l(u21)(10) We have from EquationEquation (6), l(u21)>l(u2j),2jm+1. Hence, by the above claim and EquationEquation (10), the vertex labels of PSt,m+1 are all distinct from each other. By calculation, we get that l(ui(m+1))l(ui1)=ZNi(m+1),m. By construction, other edge labels are distinct m-bonacci numbers. Hence, PSt,m+1 is m-bonacci graceful. □

A 4-bonacci labeling of PS4,5 is given in .

5.3. Double polygonal snake graph

The double polygonal snake graph denoted by D(PSt,n) is obtained from the path with edges e1,e2,et1 by adjoining two different cycles of length n to each ei as the common edge for all 1it1.

Note that, D(PSt,n) has (t1)(2n3)+1 vertices and (t1)(2n1) edges. An example of such a graph is given in .

Figure 13. D(PS4,3).

Figure 13. D(PS4,3).

Theorem 8.

The double polygonal snake graph D(PSt,m+1) is m-bonacci graceful for all m ≥ 2.


The graph D(PSt,m+1) has (t1)(2m1)+1 vertices and N=(t1)(2m+1) edges. Let Ai and Bi denote the two different cycles associated with edge ei of the path Pt, 1it1. Let uij and wij denote the vertices of cycles Ai and Bi respectively, 1jm+1. For each i such that 1it1, we have ui1=wi1,ui(m+1)=wi(m+1). We label the vertices of A1 as follows: (11) l(u11)=0, l(u12)=ZN,m,l(u1j)=l(u1(j1))ZN(j2),m, 3jm+1(11) Clearly the vertex labels are distinct as l(u12)>l(u13)>>l(u1m)>l(u1(m+1)). Also, we have the following: (12) l(u1(m+1))=l(u1m))ZN(m1),m=ZN,mi=N(m1)N1Zi,m=ZNm,m(12) From EquationEquations (11) and Equation(12), the derived edge labels of the edges of A1 are ZN,m,ZN1,m,,ZNm,m. We now label the vertices of B1 as follows: (13) l(w1m)=l(u1(m+1))ZNm1,ml(w1j)=l(w1(j+1))ZN2m+(j1),m, 2jm1(13) We have, l(u1(m+1))>l(w1m)>l(w1(m1))>>l(w12)>l(w11)=l(u11). Hence, the label of vertices of A1 and B1 are distinct. By the definition of l(w12), we have the following: (14) l(w12)=l(w13)ZN2m+1,m=ZNm,mi=N2m+1Nm1Zi,m=ZN2m,m(14) From EquationEquations (13) and Equation(14), the derived edge labels of B2 are ZNm,m,ZNm1,m,,ZN2m,m, where ZNm,m is the edge label of the edge e1=u11u1(m+1).

We now label the vertices of Ai and Bi, i2 as follows: (15) l(ui2)=l(ui1)ZN(i1)(2m+1),ml(uij)=l(ui(j2))+ZN(i1)(2m+1)(j2),m,3jm+1l(wim)=l(ui(m+1))+ZN(i1)(2m+1)(m+(m2)),ml(wij)=l(ui(j+1))+ZN(i1)(2m+1)(m+(j1)),m,3jm(15) From EquationEquation (15), we have, l(ui2)<l(ui3)<<l(uim)<l(ui(m+1))<l(wim)<l(wi(m1))<<l(wi2). The edge label of ui1ui(m+1) is (16) l(ui1)l(ui(m+1))=l(u(i1)m)+ZN(i2)(2m+1)(m1),m[l(uim)+ZN(i1)(2m+1)(m1),m]=ZNm(i1)(2m+1),m(16) Similarly, we get that l(ui1)l(wi2)=ZN2m(i1)(2m+1),m. Thus, the derived edge labels are distinct m-bonacci numbers. The proof that the vertex labels are distinct is as same as that of Theorem 7. Hence, the result. □

A 3-bonacci graceful labeling of D(PS4,4) is given in .

Figure 14. 3-bonacci labeling of D(PS4,4).

Figure 14. 3-bonacci labeling of D(PS4,4).

6. Conclusion

We defined new graceful labeling called m-bonacci graceful labeling and gave labeling for some special class of graphs. We also found some particular classes of graphs that are not m-bonacci graceful. It will be interesting to look into the m-bonacci graceful labeling of GH, where G and H may or may not be m-bonacci graceful and * is a graph operation.

Additional information


The second author wishes to acknowledge the fellowship received from Department of Science and Technology under INSPIRE fellowship (IF170077).


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