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The cubic power graph of finite abelian groups

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Pages 16-24 | Received 11 Aug 2020, Accepted 13 Jan 2021, Published online: 15 Feb 2021


Let G be a finite abelian group with identity 0. For an integer n2, the additive power graph Γapq(G) of G is the simple undirected graph with vertex set G in which two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x + y = nt for some tG with nt0. When n=2, the additive power graph has been studied in the name of square graph of finite abelian groups. In this paper, we study the additive power graph of G with n = 3 and name the graph as the cubic power graph. The cubic power graph of G is denoted by Γcpg(G). More specifically, we obtain the diameter and the girth of the graph Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G). Using these, we obtain a condition for Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) to be self-centered. Also, we obtain the independence number, the clique number and the chromatic number of Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) and hence we prove that Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) are weakly perfect. Also, we discuss about the perfectness of Γcpg(G). At last, we obtain a condition for Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) to be vertex pancyclic.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

The definition of Cayley graph was introduced by Arthur Cayley in 1878 to explain the concept of abstract groups which are described by a set of generators. Cayley graphs from finite groups are well studied in several aspects. Especially, Cayley graphs are used as communication grid in the routing problem due to its varied properties like regular and vertex transitive [Citation6]. Several aspects of Cayley graphs are studied in [Citation4, Citation7, Citation8, Citation13–17]. There are several other graph constructions from finite groups and rings [Citation1, Citation5]. For a finite commutative ring R, the set of squares of R (elements of the form x2 for some xR) is a very interesting subset from algebraic point of view. Sen Gupta and Sen [Citation2, Citation10] introduced and studied about the square element graph Sq(R) of R. In fact, the square element graph Sq(R) of R is the simple undirected graph with vertex set R*=R{0} and two vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if a+b=x2 for some xR*. Subsequently Sen Gupta and Sen [Citation10, Citation11] studied about the square element graph of arbitrary rings (not necessarily commutative) and they also studied about the square element graph of semigroups in [Citation3]. Snowden [Citation12] studied about square roots in finite full transformation semigroups. For a finite abelian group G with identity 0, Raveendra Prathap and Tamizh Chelvam [Citation9] introduced and studied about the square graph of G. The square graph Γsq(G) of G is the simple undirected graph with vertex set G and two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x+y=2t for some tG and 2t0. Having introduced the square graph Γsq(G), Raveendra Prathap and Tamizh Chelvam [Citation9] studied several properties of its complement. Now, the concept of the square graph is generalized as the additive power graph Γapq(G) of G as the simple undirected graph with vertex set G in which two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if x + y = nt for some tG, positive integer n and nt0. Note that when n=2, the additive power graph Γapq(G) becomes the square graph of Γsq(G). Actually the square graph and cubic power graph of a finite abelian group G are generalizations of the Cayley graph on G [Citation6].

In this paper, we study about the additive power graph Γapq(G) of a finite abelian group G where n=3. That is we study about the cubic power Γcpg(G) graph of finite abelian groups. More specifically, we obtain the diameter and the girth of Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G). Further we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) to be self-centered. Also, we obtain the independence number, the clique number and the chromatic number of Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) and hence we prove that Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) are weakly perfect. Also, we discuss about the perfectness of Γcpg(G). At last, we obtain a condition for Γcpg(G) and its complement Γ¯cpg(G) to be vertex pancyclic.

2. Preliminaries

First let us recollect some basic definitions of graph theory which are essential for this paper. By a graph Γ=(V,E), we mean Γ is a finite graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A graph Γ is said to be complete if each pair of distinct vertices is joined by an edge. We use Kn to denote the complete graph with n vertices. A graph Γ is said to be connected if there exists a path between every pair of distinct vertices in Γ. The distance d(u, v) between the vertices u and v in Γ is the length of the shortest path between u and v. If no path exists between u and v in Γ, then d(a, b) = . For a vertex vV(Γ), the eccentricity of v is the maximum distance from v to any vertex in Γ. That is, e(v)=max{d(v,w):wV(Γ)}. The radius of Γ is the minimum eccentricity among the vertices of Γ. i.e., radius(Γ)=min{e(v):vV(G)}. The diameter of Γ is the maximum eccentricity among the vertices of Γ. i.e., diam(Γ)=max{e(v) : vV(G)}. The girth of Γ is the length of a shortest cycle in Γ and is denoted by gr(Γ). A graph Γ is said to be self-centered if the eccentricity of every vertex of Γ is the same. In other words, a graph is a self-centered graph if radius and diameter of the graph are equal. A graph Γ with n vertices is called a refinement of the star graph if K1,n1 is a subgraph of Γ and Γ is not complete. For a vertex vV(G), N(x) is the set of all vertices in G which are adjacent to v and N[x]=N(x){x}.

The degree of a vertex v is the number of the edges in Γ which are incident with v. A clique of Γ is a maximal complete subgraph of Γ and the number of vertices in the largest clique of Γ is called the clique number of Γ and is denoted by ω(Γ). A graph Γ with n vertices is called pancyclic if it contains a cycle of length k for every 3kn, and it is called vertex pancyclic if every vertex is contained in a cycle of length k for every 3kn. An independent set is a set of vertices in a graph, in which no two vertices are adjacent and cardinality of a maximal independent set is called the independent number. A vertex coloring of Γ is a mapping c:V(Γ)S. The elements of S are called colors. If |S|=k, we say that c is a k-coloring. A coloring is said to be proper if adjacent vertices have different colors. A graph is k-colorable if it has a proper k-coloring. The chromatic number is the least k such that Γ is k-colorable [Citation18, Citation19].

Let G be a finite abelian group and |G|=3α×p1α1××prαr where 3 and pis are distinct primes and α,αiZ+{0} for 1ir. Then G is the direct product of finite cyclic groups. i.e., GZ3α×i=1rZpiαi. A partition P(α) of a positive integer α, also called an integer partition, is a way of writing α1 as the sum of positive integers. We write a partition of α as P(α)=m1+m2++mk with mi1. If |G| is divisible by 3, then we have Gi=1kZ3mi×H where {0}k×H is a subgroup of G of order i=1rpiαi and Hi=1rZpiαi.

Remark 2.1.

For a finite abelian group G, let G1={3t| tG}G and G2=GG1. Suppose GZ3α×H. Then G1(G)=G1(Z3α)×H and G2(G)=G2(Z3α)×H. Note that two distinct vertices x and y are adjacent in Γcpg(G) if and only if x+yG1{0}.

Remark 2.2.

  1. If |G| is not divisible by 3, then G = G1 and G2=ϕ.

  2. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3 and so α1. Consider a partition P(α)=m1++mk of α. Here k1. Now, with respect to a partition of α, one can associate 2k, k-tuples of 0’s and 1’s. For a k-tuple, =(a1,a2,,ak), let X=i=1kHi×H where Hi={G1(Z3mi) if ai=0;G2(Z3mi) if ai=1.

  3. One can check that in either case, G1=X(0,0,,0)=X1, G2=i=22kXi.

  4. One can verify that |X(0,0,,0)|=|G|3k,|X(1,0,,0)|=2|G|3k,|X(1,1,,0)|=22|G|3k,,|X(1,1,,1)|=2k|G|3k.

3. Properties of Γcpg(G)

In this section, we list out some basic properties of the cubic power graph Γcpg(G) of a finite abelian group G. In particular, we prove that Γcpg(G) is connected and obtain the diameter, the girth, the independence number, the chromatic number and the clique number of Γcpg(G). Using these parameters, we conclude that Γcpg(G) is weakly perfect. At the end of the section, we prove that Γcpg(G) is vertex pancyclic and not Eulerian.

Lemma 3.1.

Let G be a finite abelian group, |G|=3α.t, α1, α=m1++mk, and t be relatively prime to 3. If xXi and yXj for ij, then x is not adjacent to y in Γcpg(G).


Let xXi and yXj for ij and 1i,j2k.

Then i=(a1,,aξ,,ak) and j=(b1,,bξ,,bk) with aξbξ for some ξ,1ξk. Let x=(x1,,xξ,,xr) and y=(y1,,yξ,,yr).

If aξ=0, then bξ=1. As per the definition of Xi, we get that xξG1(Z3mξ) and yξG2(Z3mξ) and so xξ+yξG1(Z3mξ) which implies that x+yG1. Hence x is not adjacent to y in Γcpg(G).

In this following, we obtain the diameter and the girth of Γcpg(G) where |G| is not divisible by 3.

Theorem 3.2.

Let G be a finite abelian group and |G| is not divisible by 3. Then

  1. degΓcpg(G)(x)={|G|1 if x=x for xG;|G|2 otherwise.

  2. Γcpg(G) is connected.

  3. diam(Γcpg(G))={1 if GZ2k for some integer k1;2 otherwise.

  4. gr(Γcpg(G))={ if GZ2;3 otherwise.

  5. Γcpg(G) is a refinement of the star graphK1,|G|1.


Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3. As observed in Remark 2.2(1), we have G = G1.

  1. Assume that x=x for xG. For every yG, we have x+yG1{0} and so x is adjacent to all y in Γcpg(G). Thus degΓcpg(G)(x)=|G|1. Let xG be such that xx. Then x+yG1{0} for all yG. Thus x is adjacent to all yG{x} in Γcpg(G). From this, we have degΓcpg(G)(x)=|G|2. This is also true for xG.

  2. By (1), Γcpg(G) is connected.

  3. Let GZ2k. Then x=x for every xG. Thus Γcpg(G)K|G| and so diam(Γapq(G))=1. Now, assume that GZ2k and 0xG is an element in G. Then there exists an element yG such that xy and x+y=0. Thus x is not adjacent to y but there exists a path x0y of length two in G. Thus diam(Γcpg(G))=2.

  4. If GZ2, then Γcpg(G)K2 and so gr(Γcpg(G))=. If GZ2, then |G|4 as |G| is not divisible by 3. Let 0,x,yG with x+y0. Then 0xy0 is a cycle of length 3 in G and so gr(Γapq(G))=3.

  5. Follow from the proof (1) and (3), if GZ2k, then Γcpg(G) is complete and if GZ2k, then Γcpg(G) is a refinement of the star graph K1,|G|1 with center either 0 or x in G of order is 2. □

In the following theorem, we obtain the diameter and girth of Γcpg(G) where |G| is divisible by 3.

Theorem 3.3.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, α1, t is relatively prime to 3 and i=1kmi=α. Then

  1. degΓcpg(G)(x)={|G|3k1 if x=x and xG1={3t: tG};|G|3k2 if xx and xG1;|G|3k1 if xG2=GG1.

  2. If GZ3k×Z2m, then G1K|G1|. Otherwise G1 is a refinement of the star graph K1,|G|3k1.

  3. G2 is a regular graph of degree |G|3k1.

  4. Γcpg(G) is isomorphic to disjoint union of G1 and G2.


Note that |G1|=|G|3k.

  1. Let x=x for xG1. Then, for every yG1, we have x+yG1{0} and so x is adjacent to all y in Γcpg(G). Thus deg(x)=|G1|1=|G|3k1. Let xx for xG1. In this case xG1 is adjacent to all yG1{x}. Thus deg(x)=|G1|2=|G|3k2.

    Let zG2. Then z+y=3t for all yG1. This implies that, when zG2 and z+y=3tG1{0}, then one must have yG2. From this, for zG2, we have N(z)={x2z,x3z,,x|G|3kz} where G1={0,x2,,x|G|3k}. Hence deg(z)=|N(z)|=|G|3k1.

  2. As observed in the proof of (1), G1 is either K|G1| or a refinement of the star graph with center 0 or x in G of order 2.

  3. Follows from the Case (iii) of (1).

  4. Note that G1G2=ϕ and G1G2=G. By Lemma 3.1, Γcpg(G) is isomorphic to disjoint union of G1 and G2.

From Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 3.3 we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.4.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, α1, t is relatively prime to 3 and i=1kmi=α. Then

  1. deg(x)={|G|3k1 if x=x and xG1={3t : tG};|G|3k2 if xx and xG1;|G|3k1 if xG2=GG1.

  2. If GZ3k×Z2m, then G1K|G1|. Otherwise G1 is a refinement of the star graph K1,|G|3k1 with center0.

  3. The induced subgraph <X>(22k) is a regular graph of degree |G|3k1. Further G2 is a regular graph of degree |G|3k1.

  4. Γcpg(G) is the disjoint union of X for 12k.

By substituting t = 1 in the statement of Corollary 3.4, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.5.

Let G be a finite abelian group of order 3α with α1 and i=1kmi=α. Then

  1. deg(x)={|G|3k1 if x=x and xG1={3t: tG};|G|3k2 if xx and xG1;|G|3k1 if xG2=GG1.

  2. If GZ3k, then G1K|G1|. Otherwise G1 is a refinement of the star graph K1,|G|3k1 with center 0.

  3. The induced subgraph <X>(22k) is a regular graph of degree |G|3k1. Further G2 is a regular graph of degree |G|3k1.

  4. Γcpg(G) is the disjoint union of 2k induced subgraphs X.

Recall that a graph Γ is self-centered if the eccentricity of every vertex in Γ is same. In the following theorem, we obtain a condition for Γcpg(G) to be self-centered.

Theorem 3.6.

Let G be a finite abelian group with |G|=3α.t and t is relatively prime to 3. Then Γcpg(G) is self-centered if and and only if α=0 and GZ2n for some n1.


If GZ2n then α=0, G = G1 and x=x for every xG. Thus Γcpg(G)K|G| and Γcpg(G) is self-centered.

Conversely assume that Γcpg(G) is self-centered. If |G| is divisible by 3, then by Theorem 3.3(4), Γcpg(G) is disconnected, a contradiction to Γcpg(G) is self-centered. Hence |G| is not divisible by 3 and so α=0. Assume that GZ2n. Then G contains elements x, y such that x=x and yy. Now we have, eΓcpg(G)(x)=1 and eΓcpg(G)(y)=2, which is contradiction to Γcpg(G) is self-centered. Hence GZ2n.

In the following theorem, we obtain the independence number of Γcpg(G).

Theorem 3.7.

Let G be a finite abelian group with |G|=3α.t and t is relatively prime to 3. Then the independence number β(Γcpg(G))={1 or 2 if α=0;1+|G|3 or 2+|G|3 if α1.


Case 1. Assume that α=0. i.e., |G| is not divisible by 3 and hence G=G1.

If GZ2n, then Γcpg(G)K|G| and so β(Γcpg(G))=1. If GZ2n, then xG is adjacent to all vertices except xG. Hence S={x,x} is a maximal independent set and so β(Γcpg(G))=2.

Case 2. Assume that α0. i.e., |G| is divisible by 3 and so by Theorem 3.3(4), G1 and G2 are disjoint induced subgraphs of Γcpg(G). Hence β(Γcpg(G))=β(G1)+β(G2).

Assume that p(α)=m1+m2++mk.

Case 2.1. Assume that t = 1 and k=1. This implies that |G|=3α and GZ3α.

Case 2.1.1. If α=1, then G1={0} and so Γcpg(G)=|G|K1. This gives that β(G)=|G|.

Case 2.1.2. If α>1, then there exists xG1 such that xx. Hence {x, x} is a maximal independent set of G1 and so β(G1)=2. Further in this case S(G2(Z3α))={1+3j | 0j3α11} and {2 + 3j | 0j3α11} is a maximal independent set of G2(Z3α) and so β(G2(Z3α))=312.|G|3. Thus Γcpg(G)=|G|3+2.

Case 2.2. Assume that t > 1 or k>1.

Case 2.2.1. Suppose GZ3k. In this case α=k=1+1++1. Also Γcpg(G)|G|K1 and so β(Γcpg(G))=|G|.

Case 2.2.2. In the remaining cases Gi=1kZ3mi×H where |H|=t and t is relatively prime to 3. In this case also G1 is a proper refinement of a star graph and there exists xG1 such that xx. Hence {x, x} is a maximal independent set of G1 and so β(G1)=2.

If GZ3mi×H, then {1+3j | 0j3mi11}×H is a maximal independent set in G2(Z3mi×H) and so β(G2(Z3mi×H))=|Z3mi|3.|H|

In general, if Gi=1kZ3mi×H and S(G2(Z3mi)) is a maximal independent set in G2(Z3mi), then S(G2)=Z3m1×Z3m2××S(G2(Z3mi))××Z3mk×H is a maximal independent set of G2 in Γcpg(G). Thus β(G2)=|Z3m1|×|Z3m2|××|S(G2(Z3mi))|××|Z3mk|×|H|=|G|3 in either of the cases.

Hence according to Cases 2.1 and 2.2, we have β(Γcpg(G))=1+|G|3 or 2+|G|3.

In the following theorem, we obtain the clique number of Γcpg(G).

Theorem 3.8.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and T={xG:x=x}. Then the clique number ω(Γcpg(G))={|T|+G||T|2 if α=0;|T|+|G|3k|T|2 if α1 and α=i=1kmi.


Case 1. Let α=0. Then |G| is not divisible by 3. By Theorem 3.2, any xG with x=x, is adjacent to other all vertices in Γcpg(G). On the other hand, x with xx, is adjacent with all but x. Then the subgraph induced by S={x:x=x,xG}{x or x:xx,xG} is a maximal complete subgraph of Γcpg(G) and |S|=|T|+|G||T|2. Hence ω(Γcpg(G))=|T|+|G||T|2.

Case 2. Assume that α0. Then |G| is divisible by 3. By Theorem 3.3, G1 and G2 are disjoint induced subgraphs of Γcpg(G). From this, we get that ω(Γcpg(G))= max{ω(G1),ω(G2)}.

If GZ3mi×H, then |G1|=|G|3. Applying Case 1 for G1, we get that ω(G1(Z3mi×H))=|T|+|G1||T|2.=|T|+|G|3|T|2.

In general, if Gi=1kZ3mi×H, then applying successively the above fact, we get that the clique number ω(G1)=|T|+|G1||T|2=|T|+|G|3k|T|2.

Let GZ3mi. For xG2(Z3mi), by Theorem 3.3, we have deg(x)>1. We claim that K3 is not an induced subgraph of G2(Z3mi). Suppose not, let K3=S={a,b,c}G2. From this, we have that a+b=3t1,b+c=3t2 and c+a=3t3 and a+a, b + b and c + c are not 3 multiplies. At the same time, we have b=3t1a,c=3t2b=3(t2t1)+a and so 2a=3(t3t2+t1) which is a contradiction to a + a is not a 3 multiple. Thus ω(G2(Z3mi))=2 and so ω(G2(Z3mi×H))=2. In general, if Gi=1kZ3mi×H, then ω(G2)=2.

Hence ω(Γcpg(G))=max{|T|+|G|3k|T|2,2}=|T|+|G|3k|T|2.

In the following theorem, we obtain the chromatic number of Γcpg(G).

Theorem 3.9.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and T={xG:x=x}. Then the chromatic number χ(Γcpg(G))={|T|+G||T|2 if α=0;|T|+|G|3k|T|2 if α1 and α=i=1kmi.


In general we have χ(Γcpg(G))ω(Γcpg(G)).

Case 1. Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3 and T={xG:x=x}. In this case α=0. By Theorem 3.2, any xG with x=x, is adjacent to other all vertices in Γcpg(G). Assigning different colors to all vertices in T and assign a color to each x and – x for those with xx. This assignment gives a proper coloring for Γcpg(G) and so |T|+|G||T|2χ(Γcpg(G))ω(Γcpg(G)). Thus, by Theorem 3.8, we get that χ(Γcpg(G))=ω(Γcpg(G))=|T|+|G||T|2.

Case 2. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3. By Theorem 3.3, G1 and G2 are disjoint induced subgraphs of Γcpg(G) and so χ(Γcpg(G))=max{χ(G1),χ(G2)}.

If GZ3mi, as observed in the proof of Case 1 of Theorem 3.3, 0 is adjacent to other all vertices in G1(Z3mi) and so one has to assign separate colors to 0 and all vertices. Any xG1(Z3mi){0} is not adjacent to x. Hence the color of x can be assigned to –x. This assignment shall give a proper coloring for G1(Z3mi). Hence |T|+|G|3|T|2=ω(G1(Z3mi))χ(G1(Z3mi))|T|+|G|3|T|2.

In general if Gi=1kZ3mi×H, then |T|+|G|3k|T|2=ω(G1)χ(G1)|T|+|G|3k|T|2. Thus ω(G1)=χ(G1)=|T|+|G|3k|T|2.

If GZ3mi, as observed in the proof of Case 2.2.2 of Theorem 3.7, {1+3j|0j3mi11} and {2+3j|0j3mi11} are independent sets in G2(Z3mi) and hence same color can be assigned to each of these vertices. Further, the remaining vertices can be colored by another color and so χ(G2(Z3mi))=2.

In general if Gi=1kZ3mi×H, then 2=ω(G2)χ(G2)2 and so ω(G2)=χ(G2)=2.

Hence χ(Γcpg(G))=max{|T|+|G|3k|T|2,2}=|T|+|G|3k|T|2.

Note that, a graph Γ is said to be weakly perfect if clique and chromatic numbers of Γ are same. From Theorems 3.8 and 3.9, one can conclude that Γcpg(G) is weakly perfect and the same is stated below.

Theorem 3.10.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Then the cubic power graph Γcpg(G) is weakly perfect.

A graph Γ with n vertices is called pancyclic if it contains a cycle of length k for every i(3in). Further Γ is said to be vertex pancyclic if every vertex of Γ is contained in a cycle of length k for every i(3in). In the following theorem, we prove that Γcpg(G) is vertex pancyclic where G is a finite abelian group and |G| is not divisible by 3.

Theorem 3.11.

Let G be a finite abelian group. If |G| is not divisible by 3, then the cubic power graph Γcpg(G) is vertex pancyclic.


By Theorem 3.2, G=G1. Let T={xG:x=x}={x1,x2,,xn} and GT={y1,y1,y2,y2,,ym,ym}. Note that T is a complete subgraph of Γcpg(G) and every yiGT is adjacent to all vertices in GT except yi. Hence the cycle C:x1x2xny1y2ym(y1)(y2)(ym)x1 contains a cycle a length i for 3i|V(Γcpg(G))|. Hence Γcpg(G) is vertex pancyclic. □

A famous characterization for Eulerian graph is as follows: Any connected graph Γ is an Eulerian graph if and only if all its vertices are of even degree. Now, we observe that Γcpg(G) is not Eulerian.

Theorem 3.12.

For any finite abelian group G, Γcpg(G) is not Eulerian.


If |G| is divisible by 3, by Theorem 3.3, Γcpg(G) is disconnected and hence Γcpg(G) is not Eulerian. Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3. Then G=G1. By Theorem 3.2, there exists vertices of odd degree and so Γcpg(G) is not Eulerian. □

4. Properties of the complement Γ¯cpg(G)

In this section, we study about the complement Γ¯cpg(G) of the cubic power graph Γcpg(G) of finite abelian groups.

Theorem 4.1.

Let G be a finite abelian group and |G| is not divisible by 3 and T={xG:x=x}. Then Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2.


If |G| is not divisible by 3, then G=G1. For every x,yG, there exists tG such that x+y=3t. Hence x and y are adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G) if and only if x+y=0 if and only if y=x.

When x=y, we get K1 and when xy, we get K2. Hence Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2, where T={xG:x=x}.

Theorem 4.2.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Then Γ¯cpg(G) is connected if and only if |G| is divisible by 3.


If Γ¯cpg(G) is connected, by Theorem 4.1, |G| is divisible by 3.

Conversely, assume that |G| is divisible by 3. By Theorem 3.3, Γcpg(G) is disconnected and so Γ¯cpg(G) is connected. □

Now, let us observe some properties of the induced subgraphs of Γ¯cpg(G) induced by the subsets X of G.

Theorem 4.3.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and i=1kmi=α. Then the following hold.

  1. The induced subgraph G1 of Γ¯cpg(G) is either K1 or K1 or (K1)(K2);

  2. For 1i,j2k and ij, let xXi and yXj. Then x and y are adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G);

  3. For 22k, the induced subgraph X is a regular subgraph of Γ¯cpg(G) degree |X||G1|. Further G2 is a regular subgraph of Γ¯cpg(G) of degree |G2||G1|.

  4. diam (Γ¯cpg(G))=1 or 2;

  5. gr(Γ¯cpg(G))=3;

  6. Γ¯cpg(G) is self-centered.


  1. First let us consider the case that |G| is divisible by 3. Note that G1=X(0,,0)=X1. Let x,yX1. Then x adjacent to y in X1Γ¯cpg(G) if and only if x+y=0.

    By Theorem 3.3(1.1), if GZ3k, then X1={0}. Hence X1K1 in Γ¯cpg(G).

    By Theorem 3.3(1.1), if GZ3k×Z2r and xX1, then x=x. Hence X1K1 in Γ¯cpg(G).

    In the remaining possibilities, by Theorem 3.3(1.1), for xX1 with x=x, we have xK1 and y,yK2 for all yX1{x} with yy. Hence X1(K1)(K2) in Γ¯cpg(G).

  2. By Lemma 3.1, xXi and yXj are not adjacent in Γcpg(G) and so they are adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G).

  3. Note that G2=i=22kXi. For every xG2, there exists a such that xX. By Theorem 3.3((1.3) and (1.4)), degΓcpg(G)(x)=|G|3k1=|G1|1 of the induced subgraph XΓcpg(G). This gives that degΓ¯cpg(G)(x)=|X|(|G1|1)1=|X||G1| of the induced subgraph XΓ¯cpg(G). Further with regard to G2 in Γ¯cpg(G), we have deg(x)=|Xi||G1|+j=1,ji2k|Xj|=|G2||G1|.

  4. Assume that GZ3k. Then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G| and so diam (Γ¯cpg(G))=1.

    In the remaining possibilities, |X|2 for 12k. From (2), xXi and yXj are adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G) and so diam (Γ¯cpg(G))=2.

  5. Consider 0G1 and xG2. Then {0,x,x}K3Γ¯cpg(G). Hence grΓ¯cpg(G)=3.

  6. Assume that GZ3k. Then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G| and so eΓ¯cpg(G)(x)=1 for all xG.

In the remaining possibilities, xG1 is not adjacent to 0 in Γ¯cpg(G). From (2), eΓ¯cpg(G)(x)=2 for all xG1. For xG2, from (3), there exists at least one yG2 which is not adjacent to x. Hence eΓ¯cpg(G)(x)=2 for all xG2.

Thus Γ¯cpg(G) is self-centered in both the cases. □

In the following theorem, we obtain the independence number of Γ¯cpg(G).

Theorem 4.4.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and T={xG:x=x}. Then the independence number β(Γ¯cpg(G))={|G|+|T|2 if α=0;|T| or |G|3k+|T|2 if α1 and α=i= 1kmi.


Case 1. Let α=0. Then |G| is not divisible by 3. By Theorem 4.1, Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2. Hence β(Γ¯cpg(G))=|G|+|T|2.

Case 2. Let α1 and α=i=1kmi. Then |G| is divisible by 3.

If GZ3k, then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G| and so β(Γ¯cpg(G))=1=|T|.

In the remaining possibilities, |X|2 for 12k. By Theorem 4.3(2), any independent set S is contained in one X for some , 12k.

  1. Suppose S is an independent set in Γ¯cpg(G), SX for some , 22k and |S|3. Let {x1,x2,x3}S Then x1+x2,x1+x3G1{0} and so x1+x2=3t1 and x1+x3=3t2 for some t1,t2G which implies x2+x3=3(t1+t2)2x1G2. Thus x2 is adjacent to x3 in Γ¯cpg(G), which is contradiction to our assumption that S is independent. Hence SX1 or |S|2.

  2. Assume that SX1 is an independent set. By Theorem 4.3(1), X1K1 or (K1)(K2). Thus |S|2.

Combining the possibilities of (a) and (b), we get that the maximal independent set S of Γ¯cpg(G) is a subset of X1. From this |S|2 in Γ¯cpg(G). Hence β(Γ¯cpg(G))=|T| or |G1|+|T|2.

In the following theorem, we obtain the clique number of the Γ¯cpg(G).

Theorem 4.5.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and α=i=1kmi Then the clique number ω(Γ¯cpg(G))={1 or 2 if α=0;|G| or 1+|G2|2 or 2+|G2|2 if α1.


Case 1. Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3.

Case 1.1. If GZ2n, then Γ¯cpg(G)K1 and so ω(Γ¯cpg(G))=1.

Case 1.2. If GZ2n, by Theorem 4.1, Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2 and so ω(Γ¯cpg(G))=2.

Case 2. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3.

Case 2.1. If GZ3k, then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G| and so ω(Γ¯cpg(G))=|G|.

Case 2.2. In the remaining possibilities Gi=1kZ3mi×H.

Case 2.2.1. By Theorem 4.3(1), we get G1K1 (or) (K1)(K2). Thus ω(G1)=1 or 2.

Case 2.2.2. As observed the proof of Case 2.2.2 in Theorem 3.7, if GZ3mi×H, then S(G2(Z3mi×H))={1+3j | 0j3mi11}×H is a maximal clique of G2(Z3mi×H) and so ω(G2(Z3mi×H))=|G2(Z3mi×H)|2.

Let =(a1,a2,,ak). Let β{1,2,,k} be the first index such that aβ=1 and ai=0 foralli{1,,β1}. Then S(X)=H1×H2××Hk×H where Hi={S(G2(Z3mβ)) if i=β;G2(Z3mi) if iβ and ai=1;G1(Z3mi) if iβ and ai=0. is a maximal clique of X and so |S(X)|=|X|2.

By Remark 2.2 (4), |S(G2)|==22k|S(X)|==22k|X|2=|G2|2.

Hence from the Cases 2.1, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, we have ω(Γcpg(G))=|G| or 1+|G2|2 or 2+|G2|2.

In the following theorem, we obtain the chromatic number of Γ¯cpg(G).

Theorem 4.6.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Assume that |G|=3α.t, t is relatively prime to 3 and α=i=1kmi Then the chromatic number χ(Γ¯cpg(G))={1 or 2 if α=0;|G| or 1+|G2|2 or 2+|G2|2 if α1.


Case 1. Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3.

Case 1.1. If GZ2n, then Γ¯cpg(G)K1 and so χ(Γ¯cpg(G))=1.

Case 1.2. If GZ2n, then Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2 and so χ(Γ¯cpg(G))=2.

Case 2. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3.

Case 2.1. If GZ3k, then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G| and so χ(Γ¯cpg(G))=|G|.

Case 2.2. In the remaining possibilities, Gi=1kZ3mi×H.

By Theorem 4.3 (2), Γcpg(G) is a complete bipartite graph with vertex partitions G1 and G2. Then χ(Γcpg(G))=χ(G1)+χ(G2).

Case 2.2.1. By Theorem 4.3(1), we get G1K1or (K1)(K2). Thus χ(G1)=1 or 2.

Case 2.2.2. Assume that GZ3mi. If xG2(Z3mi) and x=1+3j, then there exists y=2+3jG2(Z3mi) such that x and y are not adjacent in G2(Z3mi). Thus the same color can be assigned to both x and y in G2(Z3mi). Hence number of colors needed to color G2(Z3mi) is |G2(Z3mi)|2. Thus we get that |G2(Z3mi)|2=ω(G2(Z3mi))χ(G2(Z3mi))|G2(Z3mi)|2 and so χ(G2(Z3mi))=|G2(Z3mi)|2.

In general, let Gi=1kZ3mi×H and x=(x1,,xi,,xk,h). Applying selection of yi as above, for each xi for each i(1ik), we get that yG2 such that x and y are not adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G). Hence the same color can be assigned to both x and y and so number of colors needed to color G2 is |c(G2)|. Thus |G2|2=ω(G2)χ(G2)|G2|2 and so ω(G2)=χ(G2)=|G2|2. From the Cases 2.1, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, we have χ(Γcpg(G))=|G| or 1+|G2|2 or 2+|G2|2.

From Theorems 4.5 and 4.6, one can conclude that Γ¯cpg(G) is weakly perfect and the same is stated below.

Theorem 4.7.

For any finite abelian group G, the graph Γ¯cpg(G) is weakly perfect.

In the following theorem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for Γ¯cpg(G) to be Eulerian.

Theorem 4.8.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Then Γ¯cpg(G) is Eulerian if and only if GZ3n or Z3n×Z2r.


Assume that GZ3n or Z3n×Z2r. By Theorem 4.2, Γ¯cpg(G) is connected. To prove that Γ¯cpg(G) is Eulerian, it is enough to show that each of the vertex in Γ¯cpg(G) is of even degree.

If GZ3n, then |G| is odd and Γ¯cpg(G)K|G|. Hence each vertex of Γ¯cpg(G) is of even degree.

If GZ3n×Z2r, then both |G1| and |G2| are even. By Theorem 4.3(1), G1K1. By Theorem 4.3(3), the induced subgraph G2 of Γ¯cpg(G) is a regular graph of degree |G2||G1|. Then each vertex of the induced subgraph G2 is of even degree. By Theorem 4.3(2), each vertex in G1 is adjacent to all the vertices in G2. Thus each vertex of Γ¯cpg(G) is of even degree.

Conversely, assume that Γ¯cpg(G) is Eulerian. Then each vertex of Γ¯cpg(G) is of even degree. Suppose GZ3n and GZ3n×Z2r. Then deg(0)=|G2| and their exists an element xG1 such that deg(x)=|G2|+1, an odd number. Hence it is a contradiction. From this GZ3n or Z3n×Z2r.

In the following theorem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for Γ¯cpg(G) to be vertex pancyclic.

Theorem 4.9.

Let G be a finite abelian group whose order is divisible by 3. Then Γ¯cpg(G) is vertex pancyclic.


Assume that |G| is divisible by 3. By Theorem 4.2, Γ¯cpg(G) is connected.

For 12k, let X={x,1,,x,|X|}. One can arrange the sets X such that |X1|<|X2||X3||X2k2||X2k1|<|X2k|.

By Theorem 4.5, S(X) is a maximal clique of X for 12k and X==22kS(X) is a maximal clique of G2 and so XK|G2|2. Further, by Theorem 4.3(2), for 1i,j2k and ij, xXi and yXj are adjacent in Γ¯cpg(G).

Let X1*=X1, Xi*=XiS(Xi) for 2i2k. By Remark 2.2(4), |X2k1|=2k1.|G|3k and by Theorem 4.13, |S(X)|=|X|2. These together imply that |X2k1*|=2k2.|G|3k, |X2k*|=2k1.|G|3k and so |X2k*||X2k1*|=2k2|G|3k.

Let s==22k1|X|2. Note that s>2k1.|G|3k and the elements of the set X can be arranged such that X={a1,a2,,as} S(X2k*) and S(X2k*)={bs+1,bs+2,, bs+(2k1)|G|3k=|G2|2}. Let X*={x,1,,x,|X*|} for 12k.

Now we have the spanning cycle C:x1,1x2,1x2k,1x1,2x2,2x2k,2x1,3x1,|X1*|x2,|X1*|x2k,|X1*|x2,|X1*|+1x3,|X1*|+1x2k,|X1*|+1x2,|X1*|+2x3,|X1*|+2x2k,|X1*|+2x2,|X1*|+3x2,|X2*|x3,|X2*|x2k,|X2*|x3,|X2*|+1x4,|X2*|+1x2k,|X2*|+1x3,|X2*|+2x4,|X2*|+2x2k,|X2*|+2x3,|X2*|+3x3,|X3*|x4,|X3*|x2k,|X3*|x4,|X3*|+1x2k1,|X2k2*|+1x2k,|X2k2*|+1x2k1,|X2k1*|x2k,|X2k1*|a1x2k,|X2k1*|+1a2x2k,|X2k1*|+2x2k,|X2k*|a(2k1).|G|3kasbs+1b|G2|2x1,1.

Let m be an integer such that 3m|G|. Select m vertices starting from x1,1 in C. If the mth vertex xi,jX1, then choose a different xi,jG(X1X2k). The first vertex is in X1 and the mth vertex xi,j is in a different X and so the first and last vertices are adjacent. Suppose xi,jX1, obviously the first vertex x1,1 and the last vertex xi,j are in two different X and so they are adjacent. This gives a cycle of length m in Γ¯cpg(G). Hence Γ¯cpg(G) is pancyclic. □

We shall conclude this section by proving that Γcpg(G) is perfect. Note that a graph Γ is perfect if neither Γ nor Γ¯ contain an induced odd cycle of degree at least five. So to conclude Γcpg(G) is perfect, one has to prove that neither Γcpg(G) nor Γ¯cpg(G) contains an induced cycle C5. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3. By Theorem 4.3(1), G1=X1 contains no cycle. Hence we consider the induced subgraphs X for 22k in the following theorem.

Lemma 4.10.

Let G be a finite abelian group such that |G| is divisible by 3. For ,22k, the induced subgraphs X of Γ¯cpg(G) contain no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3.


Let G be a finite abelian group and |G| be divisible by 3. Assume that X contains an induced cycle of odd length greater than 3, for some (22k).

Case 1. Assume that GZ3k. Then Γ¯cpg(G)K|G|, which implies that K3 is a subgraph of any cycle C in X of length grader than 3, which is a contradiction. Hence X contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3 for any ,22k.

Case 2. In the remaining possibilities, Gi=1kZ3mi×H.

(a). Let GZ3mi. As observed in the proof of Case 2.2.2 in Theorem 4.5, A={1+3j | 0j3mi11} and B={2+3j | 0j3mi11} are maximal cliques of G2(Z3mi). Let C:abcdea be a cycle of length 5 in G2(Z3mi). Then either |{a,b,c,d,e}A|3 or |{a,b,c,d,e}B|3 and so K3 is a subgraph of C in G2(Z3mi), which is a contradiction. Hence G2(Z3mi) of Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3.

One can conclude the proof of general case as in the proof of later part of Case 2.2.2 in Theorem 4.5. Hence X of Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3 for 22k.

In the following theorem, we prove that Γ¯cpg(G) is perfect.

Theorem 4.11.

Let G be a finite abelian group. Then the cubic power graph Γcpg(G) is perfect.


Case 1. Assume that |G| is divisible by 3.

Claim 1. Γcpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3. Suppose Γcpg(G) contains an induced cycle C of odd length greater than 3. By Corollary 3.4(4), Γcpg(G) is the disjoint union of X for 12k. Thus CX for some (12k).

Suppose CX1. By Theorem 3.3(2) and Corollary 3.5(2), G1 is either complete or refinement of a star graph with center 0 in Γcpg(G) and so K3C in G1, which is a contradiction.

Suppose CX, for some (22k). Let C:abcdea and so V(C)={a,b,c,d,e}. Then a+b=3t1,b+c=3t2,c+d=3t3,d+e=3t4 for some 3t1,3t2,3t3,3t4G1{0}. From this, we get that b=3t1a, c=[3(t2t1)+a], d=[3(t3t2+t1)a] and e=[3(t4t3+t2t1)+a]. This in turn implies that a is adjacent to d and b is adjacent to e. Thus K3C in X in Γcpg(G) for all (22k), which is a contradiction. Hence Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of length odd order greater than 3.

Claim 2. Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3.

By Theorem 4.3(1), G1=X1 contains no cycle. By Lemma 4.10, X contains no induced cycle of length odd order greater than 3 for 22k. Hence Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of length odd order greater than 3.

Case 2. Assume that |G| is not divisible by 3.

By Theorem 3.2(5), Γcpg(G) is either complete or a refinement of a star graph with center 0 and so Γcpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3.

By Theorem 4.1, Γ¯cpg(G)|T|K1|G||T|2K2. Hence Γ¯cpg(G) contains no induced cycle of odd length greater than 3.

Hence Γcpg(G) is a perfect graph. □

Additional information


This research work is supported by CSIR Emeritus Scientist Scheme (No. 21 (1123)/20/EMR-II) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India through the second author.


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