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Asymptotic energy of connected cubic circulant graphs

Pages 25-28 | Received 16 Dec 2020, Accepted 18 Feb 2021, Published online: 11 Mar 2021


In this article, we compute the oblique asymptote of the energy function for all connected cubic circulant graphs. Moreover, we show that this oblique asymptote is an upper bound for the energies of two of the subclasses of Möbius ladder graphs and lower bound for the remaining four subclasses.

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1. Introduction

The energy of a graph is the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of adjacency matrix of the graph. The concept first appeared in 1978 in [Citation7]. The term energy refers to molecular energy in quantum chemistry. The notation E(G) stands for the energy of the graph G. In this paper we mainly focus on the mathematical perspective of the energy functions of Möbius ladder graph and Prism graph rather than focusing their roles in quantum chemistry and molecular biology. The authors [Citation3] derived the energy functions of all connected cubic circulant graphs that are represented by only two family of classes namely Möbius ladder and Prism graphs. The lower and upper boundaries for the energy of Möbius ladder and Prism graphs can be improved by knowing the oblique asymptote of the energy functions for connected cubic circulant graphs and this is the main motivation for the authors. In this section, we introduce briefly the structure of the connected cubic circulant graphs and their energy functions.

1.1. Energies of connected cubic circulant graphs

Let A be a matrix of order n. Then we say that A is a circulant matrix if ai,j=a1,ji+1 for all i,j{1,2,,n}, where the subscripts are computed in modulo n, see [Citation5]. We call G as a circulant graph, if G is isomorphic to a graph whose adjacency matrix is circulant.

The Möbius ladder graph Ln for n4 even is formed by an n-cyle graph such that each vertex is connected by an edge to the opposite vertex, see [Citation6, Citation8]. Let n3 be odd integer. The prism graph Pn consists of 2n vertices such that p1,,pn and q1,,qn form two n-cyles and there exist an edge (pi,qi) for i=1,,n, see [Citation8, Citation9].

The adjacency matrices of Möbius ladder and Prism graphs are both circulant. The first rows of their adjacency matrices [Citation12] are circn(0,1,0,,0n/22,1,0,,0n/22,1)andcirc2n(0,,0n1,1,1,1,0,,0n2) respectively.

A graph for which E(G)2(n1) is called non-hyperenergetic. Another interesting invariant, known as the asymptotic energy, is the limnE(G) [Citation2, Citation10, Citation13].

Let A=[a0,a1,,an1] be a circulant matrix. The eigenvalues of A are given by λk=j=0n1ajwj, where w=e2πikn is the nth rooth of unity and k=0,1,,n1 [Citation5, Citation8]. The eigenvalues of the Möbius ladder graph are λk=2cos(2πkn)+(1)k, see [Citation8]. The closed formula for the energy of the Möbius ladder graph is given in [Citation3].

The family of all cubic, connected, and circulant graphs correspond to only two classes, namely the Prism graphs Pn where n is odd and n3 and the Möbius ladder graph Ln where n is even and n4 [Citation1, Citation4]. In [Citation12] (see p. 25) it was shown that for odd n, the adjacency matrix of L2n is column equivalent to the adjacency matrix of Pn. It turns out that finding the algebraic expressions for Ln is equivalent to finding algebraic expressions for all cubic, connected, and circulant graphs.

Let n4 be an even integer. Then the energy of Ln can be computed by one of the algebraic expressions that is stated in the following theorem. Note that the lower script” o” and” e” in qo and qe denote the odd and even integers respectively.

Theorem 1.1

([Citation3]). If n4 is an integer, then E(Ln) is given by E(Ln)={n3+43cot(2πn)n=6qon3+23cot(πn)n=6qen23+4csc(πn)sin(π3+π3n)n=6qo+2n+163+4sin((n2)π6n)(2sin((n2)π3n)csc(πn)sec(πn))n=6qe+2n43+8csc(2πn)sin(π3+2π3n)n=6qo+4n+23+4csc(πn)cos(π6+π3n)n=6qe+4

In [Citation12] (see p. 25) it was shown that for odd n, the adjacency matrix of L2n is column equivalent to the adjacency matrix of Pn. Therefore, by replacing n with 2n in the energy of Ln the following theorem was stated.

Theorem 1.2

([Citation3]). If n3 is an integer, then E(Pn) is given by E(Pn)={2n3+23cot(π2n)n=3qo2n23+4csc(π2n)sin(π3+π6n)n=3qe+12n+23+4csc(π2n)cos(π6+π6n)n=3qo+2

2. Main result

The following theorem gives us the asymptotic energy of Möbius ladder.

Theorem 2.1.

Let Ln be a Möbius ladder graph for an even integer n4, the linear function Ψn=n(23π+13) is the oblique asymptote of E(Ln).


Note that E(Ln)=k=0n1|2cos(2πkn)+(1)k|, see [Citation8]. This sum can be split as follows. E(Ln)=k=1n2|2cos(2π(2k2)n)+1|+k=1n2|2cos(2π(2k1)n)1| Let h1=f1°g1, where f1(x)=2cos(x)+1 and g1(k)=2π(2k2)n. Notice that as k goes from 1 to n2 the values of g1 become {0,4πn,8πn,,2π4πn} and the Riemann sum for h1 is k=1n2h1(k)4πn, where 4πn is the width of each subinterval. Moreover, as n goes to infinity the domain of h1 becomes [0,2π) and the limit of the Riemann sum is limn4πnk=1n2|2cos(2π(2k2)n)+1|=02π|2cos(x)+1|dx Let h2=f2°g2, where f2(x)=2cos(x)1 and g2(k)=2π(2k1)n. Notice that as k goes from 1 to n2 the values of g2 become {2πn,6πn,,2π2πn} and the Riemann sum for h2 is k=1n2h2(k)4πn, where 4πn is the width of each subinterval. Moreover, as n goes to infinity the domain of h2 becomes (0,2π) and the limit of the Riemann sum is limn4πnk=1n2|2cos(2π(2k1)n)1|=02π|2cos(x)1|dx Therefore, if we denote the energy of E(Ln) at infinity by E(L), then E(L)=n4π(02π|2cos(x)+1|dx+02π|2cos(x)1|dx)=n4π(23(63+π)+23(63+π))=n(23π+13)=Ψn1.43599n which completes the proof. □

Remark 2.2.

Note that the constant, 1.43599, in Ψn is one less than the constant of E(Ci¯(n,1)) computed in [Citation10].

Remark 2.3.

Note that Ψn2(n1) for all n4 which shows that Möbius ladders are non-hyperenergetic. This was also shown in [Citation11], see Corollary 1.

Let I1={E(Ln6qo),E(Ln6qe)} and I2={E(Ln6qo+2),E(Ln6qo+4),E(Ln6qe+2),E(Ln6qe+4)} where the superscript denotes the class of each functions. The lower and the upper bounds of the energy functions of the Möbius ladder graph is given in the following theorem. Note that Ψn divides the energy functions of E(Ln) into two classes and it turns out that Ψn is an upper bound for I1 and a lower bound for I2.

Theorem 2.4.

If n > 4, then the ordering of the energy functions of Ln is as follows. (1) E(Ln6qo)<E(Ln6qe)<Ψn<E(Ln6qe+4)<E(Ln6qo+2)<E(Ln6qe+2)<E(Ln6qo+4).(1)


We will prove that each consecutive pair of inequalities in the ordering is true.

Case 1.

We first show that E(Ln6qo)<E(Ln6qe). Note that 0<tan(πn)<1 for n>4, so 0<1tan2(πn)<1, hence 2(1tan2(πn)2tan(πn))<1tan(πn) which is equivalent to 2cot(2πn)<cot(πn). Therefore, E(Ln6qo)=n3+43cot(2πn)<n3+23cot(πn)=E(Ln6qe).

Case 2.

We will prove that E(Ln6qe)<Ψn. Notice that for x(0,π), we have cot(x)<1x. So if n > 4, then cot(πn)<nπ, and this implies the following inequality which is what we want to establish. E(Ln6qe)=n3+23cot(πn)<n(23π+13)=Ψn

Case 3.

We show that Ψn<E(Ln6qe+4) is valid for n > 4. We know from Theorem 1 that if n=6qe+4, then (2) E(Ln)=n+23+4csc(πn)cos(π6+π3n)(2) For the simplicity of the estimation, let p=π3n, then the algebraic expression csc(πn)cos(π6+π3n) reduces to sin(π3p)sin(3(π3p)), and for all p(0,π3), we have the following estimation: 0<sin(3(π3p))sin(π3p)=(34sin2(π3p))=(1+2cos(2π32p))=(1cos2p+3sin2p)=(2sin2p+23sinpcosp)=2sinp(sinp+3cosp)<2p(p+3)=2p3p23p<2p33p Therefore, sin(π3p)sin(3(π3p))>12(33p13)=12(n3π13), and this implies that E(Ln6qe+4)>n+23+2(n3π13)=n(13+23π)=Ψn.

Case 4.

We show that E(Ln6qo+2)>E(Ln6qe+4) holds for n > 4. Notice that if n > 4, then πn<π2 and sin(3πn)sin(πn)=4cos2(πn)1<3 that is sin(πn)sin(3πn)>13. Using the Theorem 1, we have the following estimation. E(Ln6qo+2)E(Ln6qe+4)=43+4sin(πn)(sin(π3+π3n)sin(π3π3n))=43+4sin(π3n)sin(πn)>0

Case 5.

We show that E(Ln6qe+2)>E(Ln6qo+2) holds for n > 4. For simplicity, we let p=π6π3n. If n > 4, then cos2(p)>34 and 14(4cos2(p)1)<18, so cos2(p)2cos(2p)+1=14+14(4cos2(p)1)<14+18=38 Notice that cos2(p)2cos(2p)+1=cos2(p)(2cos(2p)1)4cos2(2p)1=cos(2p)sin(p)sin(3p)4cos2(2p)1<38 Substituting 4cos2(2p)1=sin(6p)sin(2p) and multiplying both sides by 16 in above inequality yields that 16(sin(2p)cos(2p)sin(p)sin(2p)sin(3p))sin(6p)=8sin(4p)sin(6p)8sin(p)sin(2p)cos(3p)<66+8sin(p)sin(2p)cos(3p)>8sin(4p)sin(6p)=4(sin(p)sin(3p)+cos(p)cos(3p))6+8sin(p)sin(2p)cos(3p)4sin(p)sin(3p)>4cos(p)cos(3p) This inequality is equivalent to E(Ln6qe+2)>E(Ln6qo+2) since cos(p)=sin(π3+π3n),cos(3p)=sin(πn),sin(3p)=cos(πn), and 6=n+163n23.

Case 6.

Proving E(Lx6qo+4)>E(Lx6qe+2) is similar to previous case, hence it is omitted. □

Remark 2.5.

The proof of Theorem 2.4 can also be done by Taylor expansion for the difference of each consecutive energy functions.

The graph of each energy functions in Theorem 1.1 along with the graph of Ψx, when xR and x > 4 can be seen in . The dash line is the graph of Ψx. The ordering of the graphs from top to down are 6qo+4,6qe+2,6qo+2,6qe+4,6qe, and 6qo respectively. Since we are just interested in the discrete cases we immediately state the following corollary.

Figure 1. The asympthotic behaviour of the Möbius ladder graph.

Figure 1. The asympthotic behaviour of the Möbius ladder graph.

Corollary 2.6.

If n4 is an even integer, then n3+43cot(2πn)E(Ln)n43+8csc(2πn)sin(π3+2π3n). The ordering of the energy functions of prism graph is derived from Theorem 2.4, Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 as follows E(Pn3qo)<Ψ2n=2Ψn<E(Pn3qo+2)<E(Pn3qe+1). Therefore, someone can easily determine the boundaries of the energy of the prism graphs as given in the below corollary.

Corollary 2.7.

If n3 is an odd integer, then 2n3+23cot(π2n)E(Pn)2n23+4csc(π2n)sin(π3+π6n) One of the interesting results that is derived directly from Theorem 2.4 is the comparison of the energies of Möbius ladder graphs and prism graphs as given in the next corollary.

Corollary 2.8.

If n3 is integer, then the following holds

  1. If n=3qo, then E(L2n)<E(Pn)

  2. If n=3qo+2 or n=3qe+1, then E(L2n)>E(Pn).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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